#takes place during s3ep1
that-fandom-writer · 11 months
@my-shields-are-down asked about The Rookie timeline I was creating this is what I got lol
The Rookie Rewatch
@MANDY_rieger on twitter has been helping me with a few things I forgot to add in originally
so I am doing a rewatch of The Rookie while we are in a hiatus and I am tweeting about it while I am at it lol. I am also trying to make sense of the Timeline lol so this post is gonna be me tracking the time line the best i can lol
s1ep1 - Two days
s1ep2 - based on the beginning of the episode I think it is still the first week of training
is s1ep5 is a month
s1ep7 is 2 months in
S1ep11 is 4 months in. Nolan said “4 months together” to Bishop
S1ep12 is Valentines day so Feb 14th.
Would that mean that they started in october?
s1ep14 is 100 days in because that is plain clothes day
S1ep16 is march 19-march 20th, Capt Anderson died MArch 20th 2019
S1ep19 is about 6 months because they have their 6 month exam.
Also in s1ep19 during Talia’s meeting the IA officer said “this past october you failed to secure your vehicle”. Which means that the episode where the one dude takes selfies in the shop is in October, (s1ep3)
So season 1 is officially 6 months.
I CAN'T with this shit lol.
Ok so the opening scene of s2ep1 starts with everyone getting to the hospital, and it picks up right where it left off, but like legit the next scene is at Nolans new place with Jess and they were talking about the shooting the night of the quarantine and she says something about 2 weeks, then the next scene is TIm’s return to work. So like I’m assuming we’re at about 6 and half months now? Lol
S2ep2 - still at about 6 months. Grace and Nolan ran into each other again for the first time in years, and Grace asked Nolan how long he’s been a cop and he says 6 months.
S2ep3-s2ep4 Is 2 weeks. Rachel tells Lucy him and Rachel have been dating 2 weeks.
S2ep6- Wopez have been together for 5 months
S2ep6 They graduated the Academy sometime in September
s2ep6 - the dui they are discussing was March 16th.
S2ep7 Jackson is 26
S2ep8 as of this episode Tim has been a cop for 12 years
S2ep10- this episode is Dec 7th 2019, as well as dec 8th 2019
S2ep11 is dec 9th and 10th
Which means we are already at 14 months which is the most broken thing in this time line lol.
S2ep18 one year into being a Rookie. And they have 1 month. So they are at 12 months, but they hit 14 months already soooo this timeline is too broken lol hahahahahaha
S3ep1 picks up where s2 left off. Also we find out Angela is pregnant
S3ep2 Tim says Lucy has 25 days left of training
S3ep4 Nolan has said a dozen times this episode that he is 46
S3ep5 Tim says Jackson is 24. But when Tim and Jackson went to the football thing Jackson said he was 26 🤔😆
S3ep7 the missile threat was June 3rd 2019
S3ep9 is suppose to be 13 months but I mean come on now 😂 Angela says she's 14 weeks pregnant
S3ep10 is the first day of Lucy and Jackson as P2-which means it’s *suppose* to be 13 total
S3ep14 when Lopez is in guatemala the nurse says she is 29 weeks pregnant.
S4ep1 is suppose to 14 months because Nolan is at the end of is rookie period
By the end of the of the episode there is a 3 month time jump
S4ep5 is Halloween- pretty sure it suppose to be of 2020 technically as it is AFTER dod which was dec of 2019
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broadwaylover17 · 4 years
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Sherlock (TV) Rating: General Audiences Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Sherlock Holmes/Molly Hooper Characters: Sherlock Holmes, Molly Hooper Additional Tags: Episode: s03e01 The Empty Hearse, Canon Compliant, Fluff, Romance, One Shot Summary:
Inspired by the locker room setlock pictures posted by Arwel today on Instagram. The scene in which Molly discovers that Sherlock has returned.
Yup! I wrote something! And it’s all Arwel’s fault! lol
Big thank you to @stlgeekgirl for beta reading!
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antique-ring · 2 years
Macaque x Reader Part 2
Macaque x gender neutral reader
Warnings? Non
Takes place during s3ep1.
I also only had access to the fan sub of season three so sorry if some of the dialogue is different.
Part 1
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This was bad, very bad. Lady Bone demon got what she wanted and now the whole city was under her control. You and your friends had to flee to find something that would help defeat her.
But now, everyone always in a circle as the great sage explained his plan. We were to retrieve these fire rings, also known as the “Rings of Samadhi” You knew it was impressive by Tang’s fangirling alone.
It was a very powerful fire that would not go out, so powerful it stumped great beings such as the Monkey King. But it was too dangerous, so they split it up in three rings to keep it sealed away. Only now, we had to go through the trouble of finding them all.
But alas, the group didn’t have long to process this new information.
“WHY ARE WE GETTING SHOT AT?” You practically screamed. Well not practically, you did in fact scream.
“Is it Lady Bone demon?” Pigsy questioned, “How did she catch up to us so quickly?”
The great sage’s mouth turned into a flat line, “no…”
You look over when trying to help Pigsy up and MK seems to be going through an existential crisis. You try to walk over to him to help him calm down, but you heard a familiar voice.
“Sun Wukong!” You looked up and saw him… Macaque.
He started laughing as he shot some more, stopping when the bullets got too close to you. What the heck? You look over and see poor Pigsy practically dancing to avoid getting shot.
The bullet evading did last long when Macaque shot a laser that blew up behind MK and the Monkey King. “Macaque!” MK shouted in disbelief. The blast knocked everyone back and you rolled across the deck of the ship.
“And here I thought it was someone great.” You heard the great sage taunt him. Apparently it didn’t work, because all Macaque said was “you’re about to die.”
You’re trying to get back up but your ankle is sprained. “Shit.” You whisper.
“Hey kid, want a new teacher?”
“SCREW YOU!” MK responded.
I-I who taught him that? You thought you censored yourself around the young boy but apparently not! You felt like a failure.
But no time to think on that. “LETS GET OUT OF HERE” MK said the most obvious things, but we needed to hear that sometimes to get our heads back in the game.
Everyone ran to the cockpit, except you because you ankle was sprained. Shit
You start scooting to the left side of the ship, hoping to get some support to walk inside. It was a good thing you made it to the side of the ship because Macaque started shooting again.
“Monkey King, is there anything you can do?” MK asked. “Sorry kid, I’d love to help… But I wasted the last of my power getting the map.” The great sage replied.
But after a few more shots were fired, Macaque disappeared in the fog. It would be nice if you stopped shooting at your friends, but that probably wasn’t going to happen.
Laughing echoed through the valley, his laughing. “Sun Wukong, you look so pitiful.” “So so do you, kid.” “Seems like our friend Lady Bone Demon has it out for you two!”
The three of you tried to figure out which direction the voice was coming from.
“So you’re willing to be her lackey?” The great sage asked. “It fits you well, you’ll be killing people for the rest of your life.” He said with a shrug, trying to get the other monkey to reveal himself.
It worked and Macaque came soaring through the sky and straight on top of the great sage.
They tumbled across the deck, with Macaque on top of him. “Heh, you know me. When I have to choose, I’ll definitely choose the winning side.”
MK tried attacking him from behind with a stick, which lead to Macaque kicking the great sage out of the way. He caught MK by the throat and was suspending him in the air.
“MK!” You shouted. The three of them finally became aware of your presence. “I thought you ran inside with the rest of them to be honest. But it’s lovely to see you again!” He flashed you a smile, not once letting up on his grip with MK.
The great Sage yelled at Macaque to let the boy go, but Macaque summoned these shadow monkeys to hold him down. Without his powers they held him down with ease.
“You two are embarrassing. I really don’t know why Lady Bone Demon wants you back.”
“Look at you, you’re no better than trash.”
Wtf did he say? “MACAQUE!” You screamed with all your might. He looks over at you and smirks, you felt something pulling at your ankle only to see one of his shadow monkeys!
“Shit!” It started dragging you closer to him as you tried getting your leg to kick it off of you. You were right at his feet when he tried throwing MK to the side when a green laser caused him to drop MK and dodge. You looked all around you to not only see that the Great Sage is free, but to also see that Mei shot the last from her sword.
“MEI!” You screamed in delight. You turn your head to see Macaque sweating as he’s basically standing over you.
“Interesting…” was it interesting, or are you scared Mr.Monkey man?
She shoots the laser again, but he grabs you and seemingly teleports out of the way. He has you over his shoulder like you’re some sack of potatoes! You tried hit his back but he seems unaffected by it.
Mei shoots again and again, he still dodged every one of them.
“If you want to get to them, you’ll have to go through me!” Mei said proudly. And you would normally appreciate that sentiment, but you were currently in the clutches of the guy that keeps trying to kill everyone.
Macaque laughed, seeing that he had one of the group members in his hands. He started pacing closer, acting as if he doesn’t have someone bent over his shoulder.
“So you’re that little known dragon girl? Use all the tricks you want, maybe you’ll last a second or two.” Everything got quiet and tense for a moment, but Macaque quickly put an end to that.
He smacked your butt which made let out an “eep” “KEEP YOUR HANDS TO YOURSELF PAL.” You started hitting him yet again.
“As long as I have your friend in my arms, there’s too much of a chance you’ll hit them.” He seemed so sure of himself, you saw his tail wagging. It was practically the only thing you could see.
“You know what Macaque? No matter how strong you are, in order to win, we are willing to sacrifice ourselves.” MK said with such boldness. But hey, you didn’t agree to this. So you start thrashing again, hoping he would drop you.
Macaque didn’t seem bothered… again. But he just looked at MK with confusion. “What?”
MK started freaking out, “I-I thought it would sound cool, but- whatever.” You heard something metal soar through the sky and whipped straight pass you. A METAL PIPE? He could have hit you with that!
“What a terrifying weapon!” Macaque said mockingly.
Macaque saw it quickly after you did but it was too late, it blew up. It knocked him, and YOU WITH HIM! Off the ship!
You heard distant screaming for your name as Macaque flipped you over to practically spoon you as the both of you fell.
You were awaiting death as the both of you fell but were swept up by his flying motorcycle. His grip of you loosen slightly and you pushed yourself off of him. The seat wasn’t very big but you scooted as far as you could.
“Lady Bone Demon will be less than pleased with me.” He said nonchalantly. He leaned back on the seat, resting his head on his arms. 
“Why are you even working for her! If she destroys the world, you’re in the world- you’ll die too!” You started yelling at him.
He just frowned at you. “Listen, I just saved your life.” He said defensively.
“You’re the one that put it in danger!” You shot back.
His frown only grew and he furrowed his eyebrows. You suddenly remembered how dangerous this guy is. He reaches his hands out which causes for you shut your eyes and tense up.
You felt him grab your ankle and you peeped open one of your eyes.
“I can’t believe they forgot their injured teammate on the deck.” He grumbled as he removed his scarf and wrapped your ankle nice and tight.
“Thank you.” You muttered, hoping he wouldn’t hear it. But his tail got to swinging. It was actually really cute.
He leaned towards you and smirked. “The pleasure is all mine Darling.”
Now you sit here, with a monkey man that fancies you. Not even sure if your friends are ok or if you’ll see them any time soon.
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fenrhi · 6 years
What she says: I’m fine
What she means: it’s not properly explained how one year passed between s1 and s6 but vld got away with it because most people don’t care about getting a solid timeline. If we’re counting the offscreen training scenes (because the paladins can’t get good at fighting or forming voltron without training) then s1 took place during two weeks. For s2, I’ll say two weeks as well, because Shiro was implied to be unconscious for a while and you don’t build a giant teludav in five minutes. So we have one month. Then Shiro died and his consciousness was stuck in the black lion. But Keith didn’t know that and kept looking for him for months. For it to be meaningful, let’s say five months. During that lapse of time, the paladins had to convince alien leaders to join the coalition despite the fact the BOM were working with them. From s3ep1 to s3ep6, it seems one week passed. So we have six months and one week. Then, Keith joined the BOM. S4ep1 isn’t his first mission, and it looks like Kolivan always tells keith the same things and Keith doesn’t listen. So let’s say three weeks passed since Keith began his training. That’s enough time for Jiro’s ‘I’ve come to terms with that now you need to’ and his urgency to have Keith be a strong leader of voltron to be meaningful, and it gives more emotional depth to the scene where Jiro begs the black lion to help. That wouldn’t have worked if only a few days passed. Then Keith goes on this long BOM mission while the paladins strengthen the coalition and prepare to attack naxzela. That takes six weeks. At the end of s4, we have eight months and two weeks. Then Lotor surrenders and is put in jail. Given how frustrated he is the paladins aren’t getting him out of here even though he helped them a lot, I’m gonna say one month passed. And I’ll add another month because of Zarkon’s death by stick, the Kral zera, Keith finding Krolia, allura slowly beginning to get close to Lotor and the White Lion episode. So we have ten months and two weeks. Given Omega Shield doesn’t immediately continue where the White Lion left off, I’ll say two weeks passed. Then allura had to learn how her powers work, build sincline and fall in love with Lotor, so I’ll add one month. The rest of the season happens in one week. So in total, 12 months and one week
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kolivance · 7 years
Kolivance is obviously canon I mean it's hitting you in the face the first episode. The blade could choose any lion to ride in and they chose blue? Not red, the fastest which is piloted by one of their own members? It's obvious Koli wanted to ride with his boo and wouldn't take no for an answer
Hi there nonnie! Mod Blob here taking over this reply!
First of all, you should know that all of us mods screamed over this ask in our chat and we all agreed we love you.
Like. This ask is us.  This is us in a nutshell.  Amazing.
Moving on! I’ve been waiting for an excuse to talk about S3EP1 for a while now and I finally have it!!!!! I’ve got the screencaps ready! I hope you guys are in for a long post because goose do I have stuff to say…
I introduce you to a guide on how to read too much into less than 5 minutes of an episode, written by me
In EP1 we are shown that each member of Team Voltron is basically doing their own thing.  Keith (with Coran’s aid) is looking for Shiro among the remains of their previous battle with Zarkon, Allura is getting ready for diplomatic meetings, Pidge is on her own looking for her family.  Out of all of them, only Hunk and Lance are the ones fighting to liberate yet another alien civilization that fell under the claws of the galran domination.
Both Yellow and Blue are big lions, bigger than Red and Green, and out of the two options we are shown that Kolivan and more BoM members are riding on the back of Blue.
(I’ll put the rest of my reply under a read more so it won’t be tiring to scroll past this post on mobile)
Now this could’ve been entirely a casual thing, but I don’t think it’s something we should look over and ignore.  We know that Kolivan doesn’t trust others easily unless proven they are capable warriors.  For him to accept being in Blue along with the ones he’s in charge of, it means that at least to some degree he trusts in Lance’s skills.
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Not only that, but he trusts that Lance will take them to the place they need to be.
I would also like to put emphasis on the fact that Lance calls him by his name.  We know that Lance is a generally friendly person, but I believe that him specifically saying “Kolivan” also supports my idea that there’s an undercurrent of trust between them.
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Now, Kolivan doesn’t have doubts at any moment of Lance’s actions or skills.  I believe that this also goes to show that he recognizes Lance’s potential as a good leader, considering Lance is technically taking the leading position during this mission and that Kolivan (a more than well experienced leader) treats him as an equal.
Immediately after this scene, we are told (by Hunk) that they are past the drop zone, and Lance replies that they cannot stop.  They are under heavy fire by the enemy ships and doing so would leave not only the lions exposed, but also it would turn Kolivan and the BoM members (side note: kolivan and the bom, good name for a rock band) into easy targets.
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In this situation, now it’s Lance the one showing clear respect and trust in Kolivan’s judgement.  He could’ve easily done anything else without consulting the other passengers within Blue, but instead he diverts the final decision towards Kolivan, trusting that he’ll know the right thing to do.  This shows that Lance is willing to give others key leading decisions and that he is aware that Kolivan has more experience, therefore his opinion/decision would more than likely be better for their current situation.
I mean, we know Lance is full of self imposed bravado, yet we are shown that he has no trouble fitting into co-leadership roles with noticeable ease.  His interactions with Kolivan here go smoothly, and later on in the next episodes of S3 he proves to be an excellent right-hand man.
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Kolivan never once says anything remotely judgemental of Lance asking him for guidance.  And I know I’ve been saying this so much but Lance!! Trusts!!! Kolivan!!!!!!! And!!! The!! BoM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (I’m mainly including this screencap because it’s a super cool shot and I love Kolivan. No, I’m not biased. Also, I think his braid necklace is super cute and adorable and ohmygod guys Kolivan has long hair, I know this is obvious yes, but whenever I think of it I always feel so weak for this gorgeous alien.)
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The fight continues on for a few moments longer until Kolivan requires for help because how can they, a bunch of tall purple furry generally handsome aliens with cool blades and awesome fighting moves, fight against a canon lodged in a place waaay above their heads that’s targeting them specifically? 
Clearly, the best course of action is asking for help.  Which is what Kolivan does. I’m inclined to believe he’s actually directing himself to Lance, who is the one that replies (while keeping his eyes on his buddy Hunk and only looking away once Hunk emerges from that cloud of smoke).
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(Look at Lance’s cute face here. I love him. So cute. Another screencap I’m adding mainly because Lance is cute and I’m the one replying this so I can do what I want and get away with it :D besides, who’s gonna complain about cute Lance, huh? Who? Not you, that’s for sure)
(Sidenote: the microphones/whatever you wanna call their communication devices that are inside the helmets are on the left side, proven by how Lance turns his attention towards that side.  Also, you could also say that by doing that he’s technically placing a good part of his focus on Kolivan.  Shippy goofy smile, get off my face.)
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Ehem ehem.  Going back to what I was trying to say.  The BoM dealed with the situation as best as they could (which means: they are the best of the best even though they do the Naruto run. They even have saNdALS-LIKE FOOTWEAR), until this canon thing blew that up (heh) and turned them into easy targets.  They do need help.  They cannot fight blasts with blades, guys.
Here’s Lance immediate reply:
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And then we are immediately shown that he cannot take it out.  Because he rushes in without really assessing how that weapon works and tries to shoot it from the front.  Which in turn almost ends in Lance getting shot.  Then Hunk, who stayed behind as Lance rushed in, does notice that the weakest spot of the canon thing is the back, and he is the one to effectively destroy it.
So far in this scene we’ve seen a Lance that was generally smooth in his actions, and this is the only moment in which he fails to effectively eliminate a target.  He notices that he needs to get rid of that thing as soon as possible, but in his hurrying up to help Kolivan fails to see the best way to counter-attack.
Fast forward to when the battle is won and the galran ships are flying the hell outta there.  We have the whole alien people come out of their hiding spots to celebrate their liberation and gape in clear admiration at the Lions.  Yet in that same scene we are shown something that, in my opinion, is a gem:
Some of the aliens, which are then declared as the leaders or most influential ones of that community, clearly glance at Kolivan and the BoM with obvious distrust (and prejudice) in their eyes.  Kolivan notices, and the change in his expression is painfully obvious:
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His face falls.  He lowers his gaze and bows his head.  This is the moment I went like “I want to hug him and tell him he’s doing great and that he’s amazing and that I love him”.  I’m not biased guys, I don’t know what you’re talking about. 
What’s clear here is that he’s hurt.
This gives a whole new level of importance and relevance to what Lance does a few moments later:
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He literally stands up for the BoM and Kolivan.
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Upon rejection from the aliens towards them based solely on their race/appearance, what Lance does is openly and proudly stand up for them and defend them.  He extends the reason of the victory to them while also showing his gratitude for their assitance.  
He could’ve said nothing and accept the worship the aliens were giving them and the Lions, but no, he also redirects that attention and acknowledgement (rightfully so) to Kolivan and his team.
It would’ve been enough for Lance to say: “We couldn’t have done it without them”, referring to the Blade of Marmora in general.  Yet he put special emphasis on Kolivan, stressing his value as leader and showing how much Lance appreciates him.
It’s also important to notice that Lance is doing this while standing right besides Kolivan, who, in turn, has his body turned towards Lance and redirects his gaze towards him.
This scene is really beautiful and the first time I saw it I screamed. Also: LOOK AT THEIR SIZE DIFFERENCE!!!
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Kolivan’s reply is the reply of a leader.  He doesn’t say it was his honor, he consciously includes his whole team.
Also, look at Lance’s fond expression.  He’s so proud and grateful.  I love him.
Anyway, I’m forcefully stopping myself here because I could go on and on and it would get repetitive.
Is Kolivance canon?
It is in my heart and nobody will be able to tell me otherwise not even after I die.
— xoxo, Mod Blob 👽
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