#takes place BEFORE StarChild met SpaceMan
Shandi’s KISSteria drabbles 12!
So this friggin idea just sprang out of nowhere and I dunno where it came from! I’m flying by the seat of my pants with this so if anything doesn’t make sense I apologize. I’m afraid I don’t have a vast knowledge of Mötley Crüe. :/
KISSteria gets turned upside down with the arrival of the loud and crude Terror Twins. At first StarChild is repulsed…but eventually he finds himself enraptured~
The silence of the KISSterian Court’s main hall was broken by the loud revving of engines. StarChild grimaced, watching the Elder dig her fingers into the cushions on the arms of her throne. It still amazed him how expertly she disguised her emotions in the name of diplomacy. The crowd quickly parted as their ‘guests’ came barreling in on their motorbikes, hollering and laughing like the vagrants they were. StarChild’s face twisted is distaste. It was hard to believe that men like them were part of any realm’s ruling body. Then again considering where they were from.. The Elder stood, waiting until after their guests turned off their engines to speak. “The Court of KISSteria is honored to welcome Tommy and Nikki Terror from the realm of Anarkia!” StarChild audibly snorted. Terrors, were they? He could believe that. 
Tommy and Nikki were well known throughout their realm as the Terror Twins. They weren’t related in any way but they had been so close their entire lives they were basically joined at the hip. They had a bit of an air of attractiveness about them, StarChild supposed. Both sported wild black hair, Nikki’s decorated with red streaks, were dressed in studded, ripped black, white and red leather that fit like a second skin, spiked gloves with their Realm’s symbol, platform heeled boots and tattoos covering nearly every inch of their bodies. They dismounted their bikes and approached the thrones. The way they walked..the looks on their faces..they just screamed arrogance. It was already getting on StarChild’s nerves. 
“It’s an honor to meetcha and blah blah blah..” Tommy said, making a talking motion with his hand. Nikki smacked his shoulder and laughed. So rude. StarChild got up from his throne and fixed them with a stern look. “Excuse me. I was unaware that you weren’t taught proper respect when you’re guests in someone else’s home. Perhaps you should come back after you’ve learned some.” The Twins turned to him and stared. “Oooh..what a feisty little Princess we got here~” Nikki teased with a lecherous smirk. “Why don’t you and I ‘negotiate’ in private? I’m good with my mouth~” He made a point of wagging his tongue for emphasis. Making a noise of complete disgust, StarChild stormed out. He’d already had quite enough of Nikki Terror. 
It wasn’t until StarChild attended the Twins’ Alliance Ceremony, which was unfortunately a royal obligation, that he was forced to deal with Nikki again. As hard as he tried to avoid him, the clever Anarkian would always find him in the crowd and make lewd gestures and comments. Eventually Nikki managed to corner him on a balcony. “Nowhere to run to now, Princess~” he purred, backing StarChild against the wall. “Why..can’t you just leave me alone..?” He shuddered, finding himself trapped between Nikki’s arms. “Cause it’s fun teasin’ you..and I like it when they play hard-to-get~” ‘They’. Meaning he’d done this many times before. Not surprising. He could fight back. There was nothing stopping him from laying this idiot out. So why wasn’t he? It wasn’t just because it wouldn’t be beneficial to the alliance.. Nikki’s lips brushing against his ear made his skin tingle pleasantly. “N-no..” His arms shot out, grabbing at Nikki’s shoulders to hold him back. “I can’t..I..”
“Why? Am I not good enough for you, Your Highness?”
“I didn’t say that!” 
“You don’t have to say it. I saw that haughty look you gave us when we came. We’re from Anarkia so we must be trash.”
“Well..your ‘introduction’ didn’t help matters.”
“Heh. That’s just me, Princess. I’m not gonna apologize for bein’ who I am.” 
“You’re rude and vulgar.” 
“Yep. And you know what? You were blushin’. If a small part of you wants it..it’s nothin’ to be ashamed of~” 
StarChild turned away. His face was so hot it felt as if it was going to catch fire at any moment. He felt warm breath on his neck, his collar being unfastened, then hungry lips pressing greedy kisses to his sensitive flesh. His arousal was building fast even though he’d never been with anyone else before. He was scared but it just..felt so good. He started to tremble, grabbing onto Nikki’s arms. “Please..Nikki..” 
“Tell me what you want~” 
“I don’t..want to do this here. Someone could see. Let’s..go to my room..” 
“How ‘bout we meet up after this whole thing’s over? Don’t wanna be a horrible guest and all that..” 
Nikki Terror actually concerned about being rude? That made StarChild laugh. “Since when did you start caring?” Nikki shrugged. “Maybe you rubbed off on me a little, Princess~” 
After StarChild placed his collar back around his neck they went back inside, with Nikki giving StarChild a not so subtle pat to his bottom before they parted ways. StarChild huffed. What in the Gods’ name was he thinking wanting to share his bed with someone like Nikki Terror? He was truly crazy..and he kinda loved it. 
To be Continued!!
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xwaywardhuntress · 5 years
Rock & Roll Mystery (Final Part)
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Summary: Round 2 of Scooby-doo featuring Y/N.
Pairings: Dean x reader
Warnings: Based on the Scooby-Doo & KISS movie. Curse words.
Word Count: 4000+
Disclaimer: I do not own Supernatural or Scooby-Doo or KISS. This is fanfiction only. Please do not redistribute my writings on other sites, horrible or not. Thanks!
Catch up before reading: Part One, Two, Three
Fred spoke up, “KISS got their memories of KISSteria back and are going to take us to defeat the witch before she has a chance to take the Black Diamond.”
“Hold your horses. We’re going to KISSteria?” Dean questioned almost too excitedly.
“How?” You asked the question that seemed to have been avoided.
Fred turned to KISS, “That’s a good question, Y/N. How are we going to get there?”
“Easy. We have a ship and a portal.” The Demon stated with a grin.
After a rollercoaster of information, everyone was told to wait by the Ferris Wheel in the park. Starchild accompanied everyone as his band left to prepare for what was supposed to be a quick journey back to KISSteria.
Y/N found herself talking to the band lead Starchild, exchanging comments and admiration of the songs sung by KISS. You were quite enjoying the talk with the lead guitarists.
Not too far away, Daphne had been glaring at you intently.
Dean, on the other hand, had been adoring your interaction with the KISS member as he watched you smiling and laughing. It wasn’t until Fred appeared out of the blue and joined in your conversation with Starchild that Dean’s mood turned sour. The scene before him took another turn as the older Winchester watched you place a hand on Fred’s upper arm after laughing at something Starchild had said. As Dean’s feet were about to move on their own to interrupt whatever was going on between you, Starchild, and Fred, Daphne had beat him to the punch.
The redhead immediately walked up to Starchild as she requested for a photo. At first, she had asked you to take the photo, smirking. As you were about to accept, not thinking much of it, Fred intercepted by offering to take the photo instead. The ascot wearing blonde almost seemed a bit annoyed at Daphne’s request.
Stepping aside, you watched as Fred began messing with Daphne’s phone as he took selfies of himself rather than the redhead with the lead guitarist. The obvious jealousy emitting from Fred’s action caused you to chuckle and smile as you were unaware of another joining beside you. Dean.
“Why don’t you join in the selfies if you’re enjoying it so much?” Dean asked with a slight irritation poking out through his voice.
You continued to watch Fred as he finally decided to take actual photos of Daphne and Starchild. Granted, he took them at horrible angles, cutting off heads and whatnot, which only caused you to chuckle more. “No, I’m good. It’s much more fun watching it all.”
“Are you into guys who wear ascots?” Dean asked without thinking.
“I mean, they can be hot…” You joked as you started laughing, now watching as Daphne realized Fred was taking terrible photos on her phone.
Dean took your answer to heart, as he placed a hand on his collarbone area in thought.
Before you could reveal you were only joking, the voices of the other KISS members caught everyone’s attention.
Regrouping before all four KISS members, Catman pointed to an area with his drumsticks, “Everyone stands here.” The Scooby gang and everyone else did as they were told as they all stood between KISS and the Ferris wheel.
Catman started drumming first. The Demon joined next and was then followed by Spaceman and Starchild playing the guitars. As the instruments joined together to play the tune of one of their songs titled “Mr. Speed”, the ground began to shake. KISS was un-phased as they continued to play their song.
Everyone else paired up, grabbing onto one another to stay as balanced as possible, except for Y/N and Dean. As Dean watched Scooby and Shaggy cling to one another, Daphne grabbing hold of Fred, and Velma holding onto Sam, the older Winchester expected to be clung to by Y/N but was met with disappointment when that didn’t happen.
Before he could overthink it, a blast blew from Starchild’s guitar as it hit the Ferris wheel. The blast expanded to cover the circular portion of the ride as a wave of different colors appeared through a portal.
“Yessssssss!” Starchild melodically sang aloud.
Everyone else found themselves beginning to rise above the ground.
Having a surprising sense of balance, you stepped near the edge of whatever you were standing on as you watched pieces of the ground fall off. As the dirt beneath you began to clear, that was when you realized that you and the others were on some sort of aircraft.
Velma was completely mind blown as realization had hit her as well. In her mind, she had designated the aircraft as more of a spacecraft as she stared at the portal before them, still in slight disbelief. “Jinkies!”
Preparing to go through the portal, Spaceman yelled for everyone to keep calm and hold onto something as they were going to start moving forward.
Everyone immediately looked around for something else to hang onto, besides each other. Magical handles appeared before each of them. As the spaceship began to move, they each grabbed onto a handle.
Too amazed by the spacecraft, Y/N had realized too late to grab one of the handles as she unintentionally grabbed onto something closer, Dean’s hand.
The older Winchester’s face turned slightly red, from the sudden action. However, he pulled her over towards him and motioned for her to grab the handle next to the one he was holding onto.
You let go of his hand, not thinking much of it at the moment as your thoughts about not wanting to fall off taking priority. You grabbed the handle near Dean’s handle.
There was a strong breeze that passed by everyone as they all tightly gripped onto the handles to keep from falling off, but once they were through the portal, the strong breeze disappeared. Unfortunately, before everyone could relax from the short journey through the portal, a sinister laugh was heard ahead of them. As each looked in the direction of where the laugh came from, they all spotted the one thing they wanted to prevent: the Crimson Witch obtaining the black diamond.
“Son of a bitch!”
Sam looked back over at the KISS members as each had a troubled look. Before he could ask what they should do next, another portal appeared beside the witch, a much larger portal, as a giant human-like being stepped through. The situation only seemed to have gotten worse as Sam heard Spaceman mutter one name: The Destroyer.
While everyone seemed to be dumbfounded by the Destroyer’s arrival, Starchild yelled out that if he and his band distracted the Destroyer, the rest should work together to get the black diamond back from the Crimson witch. Once the black diamond was back within their grasps, KISS could send the Destroyer back to where it came from.
Everyone agreed with the plan. 
Dean immediately turned to you, “You wouldn’t happen to have anything that can help us all fly around, would you?” He asked with a smirk.
You rose an eyebrow, “Like what? Another spacecraft?” You were very doubtful that you could pull out a spacecraft from your back pocket as you did with the other items you had magically pulled out before.
“Even I doubt that’s possible. How about something smaller? Like jet packs!” Dean exclaimed, a bit too excited than he should be.
You narrowed your eyes as you imagined the jet packs from the old cartoon show The Jetsons. Of course, the moment you imagined the rather simple jet packs, you felt something in your back pocket. “No way…” You mumbled to yourself as you reached in your pocket and pulled out an identical-looking jet pack form the cartoon The Jetsons.
“Awesome!” Dean exclaimed as he took the jet pack out of your hand. The jet pack was slightly different as there was a long arm that extended outward with a joystick controller attached. As the older Winchester tried on the jetpack, he pressed the button on the joystick that caused him to fly upwards quickly.
“Dean!” You yelled out of worry.
Dean flew right back with an embarrassed grin. “Takes some getting used to, but not bad.”
Sam and the Scooby gang all looked back at you waiting for their own jet pack.
You sighed as each thought about a jetpack produced one out of your pocket.
Once everyone had their own jet pack, you all hovered over KISS’s spaceship.
“Okay gang…and that includes you three too…” Fred addressed as he began to share his plan. “Daphne, Velma, and I will distract the witch, while Y/N, Dean, and Sam try to get the black diamond back.”
“What about us?” Shaggy asked
“Rah, rah, rhat about rus?” Scooby jumped in.
The blonde just smiled at them. “You do what you guys do best.” And then gave them a thumbs up. “Now, break!”
Everyone broke up into their groups, while Shaggy and Scooby began to challenge each other in a race which would eventually lead to being the best distraction for the Crimson witch.
In the midst of the plan, Sam realized that the Crimson witch had placed the black diamond in the locket she wore around her neck as she chased the Scooby gang around. He turned to you and his brother, “The black diamond is in the witch’s locket, I’m sure of it. When the witch starts chasing one of the others again, Dean and I will come from the sides and hold the witch. Then Y/N, you’ll come up behind the witch and take the necklace.”
You and Dean nodded in agreement. Once the witch started chasing Shaggy and Scooby again, Dean, Sam, and Y/N went ahead with their plan. The Winchester brothers were able to catch the witch off guard and hold onto her by her arms. As you were about to reach out to grab the locket, the witch screamed causing an invisible blast that sent everyone around her away. The Scooby gang ended up crashing into one another, knocking themselves out.
You had witnessed the collision that knocked out the Scooby gang along with Sam and Dean as all three of you quickly went to the Scooby gang’s aid. Dean grabbed Daphne and Velma, while Sam caught Fred and Shaggy. You were left to hold onto Scooby. Gathering together to avoid losing any of the Scooby gang in this dimension, Sam and Dean looked over to where KISS had been dealing with the Destroyer. It was looking like a losing fight, just as their fight with the witch didn’t seem to be going well either.
The witch was preoccupied laughing hysterically, mocking them all and KISS.
“Things are not going well.” Sam commented.
Dean quickly jumped in as he tried to think of another plan.
Both brothers exchanged ideas with one another while you only had one thought in mind. It was not the brightest idea, it may even be stupid, but as you took a good look at Scooby lying unconscious in your arms, you knew you had to try. Your eyes glanced at the witch who seemed to be enjoying what she considered a win. The sight of the witch thinking she had won only made you more determined to go through with your stupid idea.
As the brothers were still in discussion, you interrupted them as you handed Scooby to Sam. “Take him.” You quickly ordered as Sam grabbed Scooby’s jet pack strap to keep a hold of him. The Winchesters both knew from your actions that you must’ve thought of a plan. Before they could ask what that plan was, you had already turned your back to them and were jetpacking straight towards the Crimson Witch.
You thought about an iron shield and when you reached into your back pocket, you pulled one out. Placing it in front of you, you rammed straight into the witch. The witch screamed in pain as you kept pushing the shield against her. There was small streams of steam revealing itself from the other side of the shield, the side the witch was on. The Crimson witch may have not been a ghost witch, but iron seemed to still affect her, which you were glad it did. As the witch continued to scream, eventually a transparent form shot out of the witch’s physical body as the witch fell unconscious. You quickly took the witch by the arm as you pulled the locket off. Without thinking, you booked it towards KISS with the witch in tow. You called out to Starchild as you held the locket up and then threw it towards him.
The KISS leader caught it, taking out the black diamond and then placing it on an indented spot on his guitar. The moment the black diamond attached itself to the lead’s guitar, the instrument began glowing. Starchild held a shiny black guitar pick in the air with a grin as he brought his arm down and strung his guitar. The strum of the guitar caused a powerful sound wave that was directed at the Destroyer. Unfortunately, the ripple effect of the sound vibrations affected others near as well.
Holding tightly onto the unconscious witch, you spotted Dean and Sam with the Scooby gang holding on to the handles from before as they felt the ripple effects try to blow them away. You made your way to them, the domino effect from the sound wave helping in pushing you towards them. Once you got closer, you were able to reach out your hand as Dean caught it. He pulled you downwards and led your free hand to grab one of the handles. He had readjusted Velma and Daphne to one arm, which allowed his other arm to wrap around your waist as he helped with trying to keep you with them.
KISS had begun playing their song Black Diamond. Of course, it would be that song and the Black Diamond that would be what counters the Destroyer. With each guitar string strung during the song, a wave was directed straight at the Destroyer, causing the evil to be pushed backward. Another large portal appeared as the Destroyer was continued to be backed into it.
While Dean and Sam kept their heads down, you were too curious not to watch the events. Peeking over your shoulder with the arm that held the witch’s body, you spotted that same transparent form that you saw shot out of the witch’s body. The transparent form turned into a human-like figure. You could’ve sworn it was turning into a woman before you heard it scream and was sucked into the large portal with the Destroyer right behind it.
The large portal closed, successfully returning the Destroyer back to where it came from. KISS finished playing the Black Diamond song as the diamond brightly glowed on Starchild’s guitar before it flew away to who knows where within this alien dimension. With the Destroyer gone, it was time to return home.
- - -
Back on Earth, the Winchesters set down the unconscious Scooby gang, leaning each of them against one another along a wall. You had tied up the unconscious witch near them.
“So, what now?” Sam asked.
“We wait till Scooby-Doo and the gang wake up and we solve this mystery.” Dean answered.
“Alright Sherlock, what are we going to tell them about traveling to another dimension?” You asked, raising a brow at the older Winchester.
“You tell them nothing if they question it all.” Starchild spoke up while the rest of his band were admiring the jetpacks that they had planned to keep for themselves. The lead guitarist held out a black diamond.
“Is that - ?” Dean asked before he was interrupted.
“No, this isn’t the real black diamond. The real one is in KISSteria where it belongs. This is a diamond from this world that we show off as the black diamond here and there during shows and videos.” Starchild explained. “Delilah was actually after this.”
“DELILAH?!” You and Dean both gasped in unison.
Sam stepped in, “Come on guys, I know you both had a feeling it was the guard. Also, when we split up, Velma and I found files in a secret compartment of her desk that covered government laser technology. I’m guessing she wanted the diamond for that. What I don’t understand still is how the Destroyer and KISSteria fit in.” He scratched his head.
The Demon walked over to join in the conversation. “The guard was actually possessed by the Crimson Witch from KISSteria. I think you saw it, right?” He turned towards you.
You blinked before speaking, “You mean that see-through form that shot out of her?”
“Yeah, that’d be her.” The Demon confirmed.
“That’s the Crimson Witch’s true form. She died millennia ago in KISSteria, taking on an eternal form that would forever let her wander between the plains of the dead and the living. Unfortunately, Halloween time on Earth can be a sort of portal for that in-between plain, which is probably how she got released. And then her goal coincided with Delilah’s and poof! She possessed her.” Starchild disclosed.
“Wow.” You managed to say after more information was thrown at you. Who knew the Scooby-Doo world could get so whacky.
Before you and the Winchesters could ask about more, the Scooby gang began to slowly wake up.
Starchild placed a finger in front of his lips, suggesting that they keep all the additional information he just shared to themselves.
As the Scooby gang all regained consciousness, they all commented on how they had the weirdest dream about a place called KISSteria. They all quickly realized they shared the same dream as they looked to you, Dean, Sam, and KISS.
Sam jumped in explaining the witch had used a gas that gave shared hallucinations.
Velma agreed that was exactly what must’ve happened as the idea of other dimensions and spaceships is un-reasonable, just like the supernatural.
Out of the blue, Scooby screamed out Crimson Witch as he spotted her tied up near them. The dog jumped in the arms of his best friend, Shaggy, who then jumped in your arms. 
Being a cartoon, you were surprisingly strong enough to carry both a man and a dog. You shook your head out of amusement as you began to explain to Scooby and Shaggy that they didn’t need to worry as they caught her and tied her up good.
Manny, the theme park supervisor, and Chip, Kiss’s manager, along with some figures of authority, cops, showed up. With the usual audience present, Fred walked over to the tied up Crimson Witch. He looked over to you as he offered for you to unveil who is the person behind the mask.
You gladly accepted as you stood by the tied-up witch and looked over at Sam, who nodded. You pulled the Crimson Witch mask off to reveal the security guard Delilah.
The Scooby gang and everyone else from the Scooby world gasped, while the Winchesters, Velma, and KISS are all grinning.
When Manny asks Delilah why would she try such a thing, you look to Sam who looks to Velma. Sam nods at Velma to go on and tell everyone what they found. Velma takes a step forward as she starts explaining about the files her and Sam found in a secret compartment of Delilah’s desk. She continues to share with everyone that Delilah wanted the diamond to sell to other government laser technology companies to get revenge on her previous government employees for firing her. As everyone is either shocked or shaking their head in disappointment, the cops take Delilah into their custody.
“If it wasn’t for you meddling kids, I would’ve gotten away with it!” Delilah yells the infamous line.
You and Dean look at each other like two kids who just got their favorite ice cream as you enjoy the moment of being included in that statement.
With the mystery solved, there’s only one thing left to do: KISS to have their concert and reopen the park!
- - -
For the KISS concert at the KISS world theme park, the Scooby gang along with yourself, Dean and Sam are given VIP passes to an exclusive area where there are snacks and drinks to enjoy as you watch the concert.
Fred ended up with you as you smile and laugh at the conversation you’re having with him, near the balcony area where the stage can be viewed.
Sam had caught Dean glaring daggers towards Fred but also spotted Velma and Daphne together nearby. A smirk appeared on his face as he turned to his brother. “Hey, I can pull Velma away, if you want your chance for some alone time with Daphne.” The younger Winchester offered.
“No, thanks.” Dean quickly answered as his eyes are still glued to you and Fred.
Sam shook his head with a smile, amused by the whole situation that has been going on since they first came here. “Why don’t you just go over there and talk to her?”
The older Winchester rolled his eyes as he turned around looking annoyed at Sam. “I told you, no-“ He stopped speaking as he sees Sam pointing over to where you are, instead of where Daphne is. “Oh, you meant… “ Dean muttered before being interrupted by Sam.
“Yes, Y/N.” Sam exasperatedly nods.
Dean opens his mouth, not sure whether to say okay or no but eventually decided to do what Sam suggested.
Sam gives his brother a push of encouragement which is met with a glare from Dean as he makes his way over to you and Fred.
“Mind if I join in?” Dean asked almost shyly, to your surprise.
“Of course, Dean!” Fred answered for the both of you before he continued to speak, “I was just about to go meet with the others.” The ascot wearing mystery solver smiled at Dean and then looked over at you. “Thanks, Y/N. I’ll uh, try.” He says before walking away, looking a bit embarrassed.
Dean looked at you with a questioning look, obviously asking through his look what that was about.
You chuckled as you turn your attention towards the stage, leaning on the balcony. “Oh, nothing.”
On the stage, KISS is talking out to the crowd, pumping them up for the next song.
“Keeping secrets now with the pretty boy, huh?” Dean asked teasingly, although he was a bit hurt and annoyed that you wouldn’t share with him.
You busted out laughing to Dean’s surprise. “I don’t know if you’d like to hear. It involves your Daphne.”
Dean narrowed his eyes at you, suggesting for you to share anyways.
“Alright, alright. He was complaining about Daphne and Starchild and how Daphne can’t stop talking about how cool Starchild is. Then he went on to compare him and Daphne to us two.” You began to explain.
“What about us two?” Dean asked.
“Something about how we work well together and that you’re a lucky guy to have me. I think he thought we were together…” You paused for a moment, taking a peek at Dean’s reaction. You knew Dean could never feel the same way about you. Dean looked like he was struggling with the idea of you and him together, which only confirmed your assumption. “…Don’t worry, I cleared it up to him that we were only friends.”
Dean had been the complete opposite of what you were thinking. The thought of you two together was something he never took the time to think about. He had always thought you were beautiful, awesome, and badass. And he always knew that you’d be there for him. However, during this trip, the idea that you’d choose to be with Fred annoyed the hell out of him. That was when he realized that he was jealous this whole time and maybe deep down, he wished for the two of you to be something more. That was what the older Winchester thought before you shut it down stating you clarified with Fred you were anything but more than friends. “Heh, right. Just friends.” Dean muttered to himself, after mentally hitting himself for thinking the two of you could be anything more.
You continued to go on with the story, “Anyways, I pointed out to him that he should just talk to Daphne. I’m pretty sure they’re endgame, but it’s probably better to tell the person how you really feel than hold it.” You smiled almost sadly as you finished your sentence. If you thought you had any chance with Dean, you’d take your own advice.
“Oh.” Dean managed to say, also thinking about that same advice you told Fred. Before he was able to put much more thought into it, KISS yelled out that the next song is what they live for, to rock and roll all night.
“Oh my god! My favorite song!” You exclaimed as you began singing with KISS as they started to play the song.
Dean couldn’t help but smile at you. And in that moment of watching you sing, it confirmed everything for him. He had it bad for you.
You looked over at him smiling as you nudged him, ‘Come on Dean! I know you know the words too! Sing with me!”
Dean chuckled before joining in. Singing with you was exactly how he imagined it would be, but better. After all of this was over, he’d have to make a move to make sure that moments like these would always happen with you.
As the song came to its end, a bright purple light flashed out of Starchild’s guitar, heading straight to you and Dean. In a blink of an eye, you, Dean and Sam found yourselves back at the bunker in Dean’s Batcave 2.0.
“We’re back.” Sam commented as he looked at his own hands. “Oh, thank god, not a cartoon anymore.” He sighed in relief.
You laughed, “It wasn’t that bad, Sam.”
“Says someone who it hasn’t happened twice too! Oh shit!” Sam exclaimed looking at his watch. “It’s already past 8pm. The day’s basically over.”
“Oh no! My fruit loops! They’re probably gross.” You whined as you immediately ran out of the room back to the table with the fruit loops to throw away.
As Sam watched you leave, he turned to his brother. “I wonder why we were sent there again in the first place?”
“Who knows?” Dean shrugged as he thought about the mystery and specifically what happened at the end of it.
Sam frowned. “I guess we can figure it out tomorrow then.” He noticed his older brother seemed to be deep in thought, “Dean, you okay?”
“Huh? Oh yeah. There’s something I need to do, Sammy.” Dean said with a grin before leaving the room after patting his younger brother on the shoulder.
Sam looked a bit confused but also had a slight idea of the point of the trip to Scooby-Doo world.
- - - 
It seemed like everyone was tired from the cartoon trip as you all went to your rooms. At least you thought so, till you heard a knock on your bedroom door. When you opened it, you were speechless to see that it was Dean…and with an ascot on.
Dean took your speechless moment as his opportunity. “Hey Y/N, so uh….I was wondering if you uh….you know if you’re free and all….tomorrow…” He was nervous, his broken sentence made that much clear. Dean cleared his throat as he told himself mentally to get it together. “Okay, I’ll just get it out. Would you like to go on a date with me tomorrow? It’ll be a sort of day drive to somewhere. I haven’t exactly found that somewhere yet but-“ He began to ramble as you interrupted him with a giggle.
You would’ve found yourself feeling all sorts of butterflies in your stomach and most likely would’ve had a hard time forming a reply, but the ascot. You couldn’t help but find the ascot to be completely hilarious as you laughed.
Dean blinked, realizing that maybe this idea was stupid and that maybe he could laugh it off with you as a joke or something. Before he was able to turn the conversation around, you had leaned towards him and pulled off the ascot.
“I can’t take you seriously with this on.” You said holding the ascot. Calming down on the laughter, you continued to speak before Dean could. “I’ll go as long as you don’t wear this ascot ever again.”
Dean rose an eyebrow, “But I thought-“
“I was completely joking with you when you asked before. I didn’t think you were serious about your question either.” You chuckled at him. Before you lost your ability to speak, you leaned forward again, pecking Dean on the lips and handing him back the ascot. “Can’t wait for the date tomorrow then.” With that said, you closed the door on him before the nerves of what just happened got the better of you. You leaned back against the closed door as you slid down it, a bit shocked at what just happened. When it finally hit you that Dean had asked you out, only confirming that he felt the same way, you screamed internally out of joy.
The older Winchester was also a bit shocked from what had happened, but happy nonetheless.
He looked at the ascot in his hand and then tossed it aside as he headed back to his room with a huge grin on his face. “Suck it, Fred.”
The both of you couldn’t wait for tomorrow to come sooner.
Author’s Note: It’s always hard to figure out how to end things. Hope ya’ll enjoyed it! <3 And sorry if you didn’t x_x
R&RM Tag:
@22sarah08 @monkeymcpoopoo @shameless-danni @blackmissfrizzle @happylittlesuns @cheritzie @leahslovelylibrary  @walkerchick007 @tearsforhan @therealkaila @ghost-brocolli​ @nothinbuttrouble2 @sirkekselord​ @deanmonandnegansbitch​
120 notes · View notes
mxliv-oftheendless · 5 years
Black Dahlia (Chapter 6)
Morning all, and welcome back to Black Dahlia! This is sorta more of a filler chapter where not much action happens, but don’t you love those kinds of chapters? Hope you enjoy! Also, there’s no “Keep Reading” thing this time because I’m posting this from my phone and I can’t put a “Keep Reading” thing there from my phone for some damn reason. Sheesh, Tumblr, amirite? Anyway, read on and enjoy!
After completing their search of the sector, the only room they hadn’t checked was the chem lab, as it was locked.
“Shandi has the keys,” Starchild told Heather. “So we need to find Shandi.”
Shandi, luckily, was in her special effects lab, making sure effects worked for the concert. She was happy to open the lab for them, she just had to finish a test run.
Heather watched the generated ghost fly around and moan and cackle, and she had to admit—her effects were impressive. She definitely had the means to conjure a realistic-looking scythe… but what potentially was her motivation? She definitely stood to lose something if the park closed.
“Do you like working at KISS World, Shandi?” Heather asked her conversationally.
Shandi looked up at the question, and smiled. “Yeah, it’s pretty great. I mean, that security lady, Delilah, is kind of intense, but Mr. Goldman’s nice. It’s definitely better than always being on the road. Why do you ask?”
“I dunno, I just heard the park might close if this witch mystery isn’t solved,”
Shandi looked surprised. “Really? That’s terrible!”
Heather nodded. “Yeah, it is.” Reassured slightly, Heather went back to watching the ghost.
Suddenly, the door banged open and someone ran inside, tackling the ghost—or trying to tackle it, rather. There was a grunt, and then a splash. Why was there a splash?
“Freddy!” a voice cried out. Daphne?
The form on the floor sat up. “What is this place?” he said aloud—it was Fred.
The ghost disappeared, and Shandi turned the lights back on. “It’s my special effects lab,” she said.
Heather looked, and it was indeed Fred on the ground, looking soaked, with Daphne behind him. “Hey, kids!” she said cheerfully.
Starchild was not so cheerful. “I thought I told you guys to stay back,”
Daphne glared pointedly at Fred as he picked himself up off the ground. “Some of us had other ideas,”
Shandi looked at Fred’s soaked clothing. “Don’t worry, Fred, we can dry you off.” She turned to her two assistants. “Beth? Christine?”
The two girls went over to a huge fan and turned it on. The blast of air blew Fred back, and distorted his voice as he tried to speak.
When the girls turned off the fan, Daphne spoke again. “I take it you didn’t find the witch?”
Heather shook her head. “Nope,”
“We searched this whole sector except for the chem lab,” Starchild replied. “That’s why we came to Shandi.”
“I’m the only one who has the key,” Shandi explained. “C’mon, let’s go.”
The group followed Shandi down the hallway to the lab. “If you don’t mind me asking, Shandi,” Heather said to her, “why is the lab locked?”
“For the last few months, chemicals have gone missing,” Shandi replied. “So I keep the lab under lock and key. No one gets in without coming to me first.”
“What kinds of chemicals?”
“Gases, mostly. The gas is harmless to people, but the effect it makes is cool.”
Shandi unlocked the door, opened it, and turned on the lights. There were tables set up, and a machine over in one corner, but other than that the tables were bare. “See?” Shandi gestured to the tables. “Empty.”
Fred’s eyes lit up at the sight of the machine. “Hey, is that a chemical analyzer?”
Shandi smiled. “Pretty smart of you, Fred,”
“I’ve got a couple at home,” Fred pulled out the evidence bag containing the red dust. “Hey, do you think you can analyze this? It’s the residue from the witch’s mist.”
Shandi took the bag. “Sure. Anything for a fellow chemie.”
Fred watched her go over to the analyzer. Heather raised an eyebrow at that, then turned to find Daphne glaring in Shandi’s direction. Jealousy on both fronts, eh? This is sure to end well…
The analysis was going to take a few hours, so Fred and Daphne decided to meet up with the rest of the gang.
“Would you allow me to escort you back to the surface, m’lady?” Starchild asked Heather jokingly, bowing like a gentleman as Daphne and Fred walked off.
Heather laughed and curtsied. “Oh, how very kind of you, sir,”
As they were walking back to the surface, Heather suddenly thought of the flowers lining the wall. “Hey, by the way, I wasn’t expecting the flowers outside the wall. Who did that?”
“Uh…” Starchild rubbed the back of his neck. “… We suggested it. The band, I mean. We didn’t actually expect them to do it.”
Heather wasn’t expecting that. “Oh… Well, they look really nice.”
The two of them were silent for a moment, then Starchild said, “Heather… if you wanted to, you could come back.”
Heather turned to him in surprise. “I could?”
“As I said, if you wanted to. We’d all accept you back. If you don’t want to, it’s okay. But… we miss you almost every day.”
Heather couldn’t find a reply, except for, “… Can I think it over?”
Starchild nodded. “Of course. Take all the time you need, and when you’re ready, we’ll be there.”
Heather rejoined the gang in the security building. Upon walking into the room with the security cameras, she immediately noticed Shaggy and Scooby were shaking, glancing around. “What happened to you guys?”
“Like, we ran into the witch and some freaky KISS monsters!” Shaggy replied. “We like barely escaped with our lives!”
From where she was sitting at the computers, Velma rolled her eyes. “Don’t be so dramatic, Shaggy.” She turned and explained to Heather, “They ran into the Crimson Witch, and she apparently made KISS monster statues come alive. By the time we got there, they were gone.”
Heather raised her eyebrows at both the story and Velma calling her the Crimson Witch. “Freaky. How was your visit to Chikara?”
Velma frowned at the thought of the woman. “I’ll give her this: she can tell a story.”
“It still seems kind of freaky to me,” Daphne stated. “Too freaky to be real.”
Heather didn’t reply to that. She wished it was too freaky to be real, too.
She and the gang gathered around Velma’s chair as she keyed up character profiles of all the people they had met tonight. “I can’t say we don’t have enough suspects,” she said. “The problem is finding a motive.”
“The only one who’d like the park to shut down is Chip,” said Fred. “But he doesn’t seem smart enough.”
Daphne turned to him. “Shandi’s smart enough,”
“I know,” Fred replied. “But she’s way too cute to be a suspect.”
Daphne glared at him. Heather rolled her eyes. “I’m not too sure about Shandi, Daphne,” she said to the obviously-jealous girl. “I asked her earlier about it—I don’t think she wants the park to shut down.”
“What about Manny Goldman?” Velma asked.
Heather frowned as Manny’s profile came up onscreen. “Manny would never do something like this,” she insisted. “He’s not the type. Besides, he doesn’t even want the park to close.”
“Like, neither would the security lady,” Shaggy chimed in. “They’d lose their jobs.”
“Chikara’s the one who’s most obsessed with the witch,” Velma said, turning her chair around. “She talks as if she’s really supernatural.”
“She’s not?” Shaggy asked.
“No, Shaggy, she’s not. No matter what you think you’ve seen, there has to be a rational explanation.”
Heather didn’t give a reply to that, either. The way this mystery was going, she was going to let Velma stick to her philosophy for as long as possible—she wasn’t going to sink so low as to shatter it for her.
“It all centers on that rock,” Fred commented.
“The so-called Rock of KISSteria,” Velma agreed, “which seems to be KISS’s Detroit Rock.”
Heather snorted slightly at that. It was a lame cover story back then, and it was a lame cover story now.
“You mean the one they sing about in that song ‘Detroit Rock City’?” Shaggy asked. “I always thought that stood for rock and roll!”
“Huh.” The gang and Heather turned to see Spaceman and Starchild entering the room. It was Spaceman who had spoken. “Never thought of that,” he said thoughtfully. “I guess that works too.”
“Did you figure anything out?” Starchild asked the group.
“Not yet,” Daphne answered. “But if we had that rock, we might be able to set a trap.”
Starchild smiled at her. “Then maybe it’s time we hand it over to you, darling,”
Heather watched in anticipation as Demon placed the ornate box on the table, trying hard not to bounce on the balls of her feet in excitement.
“I do not like this,” Demon growled.
Starchild just kept smiling. “It’s going to be fine,”
“How do you know?”
Starchild just pointed at his right eye.
Demon was not amused. “Oy…”
Catman spoke up. “C’mon, Demon. If we don’t stop the witch tonight, the park’ll go under!”
“So let’s rock these kids already!” Spaceman exclaimed.
The two of them placed their hands on the box one after the other, and Starchild followed. When they placed their hands on the box, a musical note sounded out.
Demon finally heaved a sigh and threw his hands up in the air. “Alright,”
He placed his hand on the box, and a fourth musical note sounded. Then the top decoration of the box twisted around, then sank down. The box opened, and the Rock of KISSteria was revealed to them all.
Perhaps it was because it had been years since she’d seen it, but the sight of the majestic black diamond took Heather’s breath away. She had always taken pride in the fact that her family helped to create that rock, and to see it before her eyes again was nothing short of an honor.
The rest of the gang seemed awed as well. “Jinkies,” Velma breathed. “It’s a black diamond!”
“The largest in the world,” Starchild informed her proudly.
“That explains why the Crimson Witch has turned this place upside down looking for it!” Daphne exclaimed.
“Now it’s just a matter of setting a trap,” Fred said, getting his serious plan-making look on his face.
“Yeah!” Shaggy agreed, placing his hand on Scooby’s head. “So like, who’s going to be the bait?”
All of them, Heather included, turned to look at them and chorused, “You are!”
Shaggy and Scooby visibly deflated at the news. “Scoob, how is it that out of four ginormous superheroes, you and I have to do the hard part?”
Scooby sighed despairingly. “Oh, just lucky, I guess,”
Heather smiled at them. “C’mon, guys, you can do it! KISS can’t lure her out; they’re too obvious.”
“Yeah,” Catman agreed. “Put yourself in our shoes.”
Shaggy perked up at that. “Y’know what? That might just help.”
“… and then we’ll throw the net over the witch!” Fred concluded, smiling in excitement as he finished explaining his plan. “So, how’s that sound?”
He was met with silence. Demon, in his usual blunt fashion, spoke up first. “Your plan is to lure her out with the Rock of KISSteria… and throw a net over her?”
“Yeah!” Fred nodded. Then his smile faded slightly. “Why? Is that bad?”
Catman shrugged. “I mean, it’s not a bad plan. It’s just…”
“You’re going to need to do better than that,” Spaceman finished.
Velma looked skeptical. “She’s just a woman in a costume. How hard can it be to trap her?”
“Very hard,”
Everyone turned to Heather. Her arms were crossed, her gaze was on the floor, and the younger kids were instantly struck by the haunted look on her face. She looked up at Fred. “Fred, far be it from me to get in the way of your trap-making, but it’s not going to be that simple. Either add on to it, or scrap it and think of something else.”
“But Aunt Heather—” Fred began, but Heather cut him off, her voice now firm.  
“I don’t care. You need to do better than just throwing a net over her!” She turned to the rest of the gang. “And that goes for the rest of you. The Crimson Witch is dangerous, kids. She’s not some run-of-the-mill monster who’s just a human in a costume. You all have to understand that from here on out, you could get seriously hurt, or even killed. So figure it out, but in the gods’ names, do not just settle for throwing a net over her.”
She turned on her heel and headed for the door, saying over her shoulder, “I’ll go tell Manny we’re making a plan.”
When she had disappeared out the door, Daphne made to follow her. “Let her go,” Starchild said to her. “She’ll be fine.”
“I’ve never seen her like that before,” Fred said worriedly. “What is it about the Crimson Witch that makes her so upset?”
“Chikara mentioned Heather, too,” Velma piped up. “But she kept calling her ‘Black Dahlia.’ Why is that?”
KISS glanced at each other, and it was Starchild who answered. “There’s a lot about Heather she doesn’t like to talk about, and a lot more to her than you realize.”
“But Aunt Heather’s… Aunt Heather!” Fred insisted. “She’s not some maniac with a ton of secrets! She’s just Aunt Heather, my sixty-year-old aunt who likes flowers and rock music! Why would she want to keep secrets?”
Demon glared at him pointedly. “Let’s say something happened to you, so horrible that you were never the same as you were before. Would you want to talk about it?”
None of them had an answer to that.
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xwaywardhuntress · 5 years
Rock & Roll Mystery (Part Two)
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Summary: Round 2 of Scooby-doo featuring Y/N.
Pairings: Dean x reader,  Fred x reader
Warnings: Based on the Scooby-Doo & KISS movie.
Word Count: 1900+
Disclaimer: I do not own Supernatural or Scooby-Doo. This is fanfiction only. Please do not redistribute my writings on other sites, horrible or not. Thanks!
Part One
You took the lead as suggested by Fred, leading the group around the corner of the entrance gates. You magically took out a bolt cutter to use on the fence, cutting enough to make a new entrance. Once everyone was in, the group found themselves sneaking behind small tents that were used as food stands, games, and prizes.
Fred had kept close behind you which seemed to irritate a couple of others in the party. When Dean couldn’t take it anymore, he picked up his pace to reach both you and Fred. “Hey man, I need to talk to Y/N about something. “ He whispered as he passed by Fred, who thought nothing of it as he let the older Winchester pass.
Dean smiled forcibly, nodding his head as thanks. The older hunter honestly didn’t have anything specific to talk about with Y/N. He just wanted to be in between you and Fred.
Hearing voices nearby, you came to a stop holding out your right arm to signal for the rest to stop for a moment as well.
The voices grew louder as they drew more near. One of the voices caught Daphne’s attention as she whispered to the group, “Hey, I think one of them is the guard that wouldn’t let us through earlier.”
You signaled for everyone to hush up as you all listened in on the conversation taking place between the guard and a stranger. They were discussing the temporary closure of the park due to a witch terrorizing the park guests and park operators. The stranger is identified as the park supervisor as he expresses his desire for someone who can help them with the witch issue, but the guard is too confident that she can handle the situation by herself due to being a former government defense employee. The park supervisor disagrees as he requests for mystery solvers immediately and stomps away with the guard behind him.
As the voices leave out of hearing range, the gang walks out from behind the tents as the coast is clear.
“Sounds like we have a mystery on our hands, gang.” Fred announced.
“Great witches. I hate damn witches.” Dean muttered.
You chuckled at Dean’s comment. As much as you agreed with him, the fact that you were solving this case with Scooby Doo and the gang made it 10X better than a regular witch hunt.
While Scooby’s gang discussed the witch and her intentions, Sam pulled his brother and Y/N to the side. “Have either of you watched this episode? Nothing is ringing a bell.”
The older Winchester shook his head. “I’d remember if there was an episode with KISS and the only one I recall is where Daphne’s hot cousin was present.”
You narrowed your eyes at Dean’s description of Daphne’s relative.
Dean felt your eyes on him as he shrugged with a goofy smile.
“It’s not an episode. We’re in a movie.” You answered.
“So you’ve watched this mystery and know how it ends?” Sam asked, a bit hopeful.
You bit your bottom lip. “Not exactly. I just remember seeing it online and it was on my To-watch-list.”
“Wait a second? You weren’t going to tell me that Scooby Doo was going to have a movie with KISS?!” Dean gasped, staring at you.
You rolled your eyes. It wasn’t that you planned on not telling him, but every time you thought about it, he would bring up his last lay or be eyeing a potential future lay. At some point, you just didn’t want to bother anymore.
Before you could answer with a smart remark, Fred popped up beside you. “Hey guys, we’re going to search for clues in there. See what we can find about out about this witch.” The blonde pointed to a nearby building that looked like some kind of walkthrough.
Annoyed by the thought of Dean’s inability to not hit on any woman he sees, you hooked your arm with Fred’s arm. “Let’s go search for clues then!” You agreed as you turned him around to head towards the walkthrough, a big grin visibly on Fred’s face.
Dean’s mouth dropped at your action.
Sam snickered, using one of his hands to close his brother’s mouth. “How does it feel to be on the other side?” Sam asked as he quickly picked up his steps to follow behind you and Fred.
Dean grumbled to himself as he followed too.
When everyone reached the entrance of the walkthrough, it was obvious that Scooby and Shaggy were refusing to go in. You unhooked your arm with Fred’s, which Dean and Daphne both seemed relieved about, and headed over to the scaredy cats. “I can stay with them and make sure they don’t get into any trouble. You five go on ahead.”
Everyone but Dean nodded their head in agreement as he made his way over to you. “You call out if anything, I mean anything happens, understand?”
His attitude surprised you a bit but you nodded your head. “Roger that.” You smiled softly.
Dean nodded and then entered the walkthrough to join the others.
Shaggy and Scooby came up beside you, “Oh man, thanks for that.”
“Ra Ra” Scooby agreed.
You smiled at both of them, “No problem! Now, how about we play some of that?” Across from the walkthrough, there was a tent sent up with water guns and the faces of the KISS members. It was one of those carnival games where you shoot the water gun in the mouth of a face and compete to see who can fill up the thermometer looking container behind the face first.
“RAS!” “YES!” Scooby and Shaggy both yelled in excitement as they scurried over.
You followed after them as the three of you lined up next to each other, a water gun per person.
“Prepare to lose Scoobs!” Shaggy preached.
“Ro! You rerare to roose Rhaggy!” Scooby barked.
You shook your head chuckling, “Alright, on the count of 3…”
Scooby and Shaggy put on serious faces as they looked to their sides.
Scooby began laughing almost maniacal as everyone aimed their water gun at the open mouth.
The water blasted out of the water guns at the same time. At first, Shaggy was winning, then his arm got tired for a moment from holding the gun and the water hit the edge of the mouth slowing his pace. You took the lead with a grin. You were almost at the finish line when Scooby came out of nowhere and immediately filled the container first.
“Aw man.” Shaggy complained.
Scooby began posing with the water gun in his hand.
You just laughed, not at all disappointed in the results. Too busy laughing, you didn’t notice that someone else appeared till you heard Scooby scream, followed by Shaggy.
When you faced the direction they were facing, you saw someone on the ground with a wet red sheet over themselves. The wet part obviously from Scooby’s actions, it looked like.
The Winchesters and the rest of the Scooby gang came running out as they all had heard the screams.
“What happened?” All the men asked.
Scooby and Shaggy had found their way behind you, shaking as they pointed to the covered figure. “W-W-WITCHHH!” The two scaredy cats yelled.
The frame outlined by the red sheet was bulkier than a regular person, even a witch. At least the witches you encountered had the more normal human frame.
Dean and Fred rushed in front of you while Sam made his way to the figure sitting on the ground. The figure moaned. It sounded manly too. Sam looked at Dean and Fred signaling to be prepared to pounce on the stranger once he pulled the red cover off. Daphne and Velma had made their way beside you to witness the uncovering.
“HEY YOU KIDS! WHAT ARE YOU DOING IN HERE?! THE PARK IS CLOSED!” the guard came out of nowhere behind the gang yelling from afar.
Scooby and Shaggy moved in front of you, trying to hide from the guard now, as they yelled, “It’s the mean-ol’ guard lady!”
“I recognize some of you…” The guard shared as she reached close enough to the group. “You were the kids with the dog that I wouldn’t let in earlier.” Her eyes landing on Scooby. “I told you, we’re closed. You need to leave.”
“But, we may have just caught the witch.” Daphne explained as she pointed to the covered stranger on the ground.
“Actually, that is not the witch.” Velma interrupted. She pressed her glasses as she walked over to Sam and the person in question. “By the shape of the upper body visible through this red sheet…” She tugged on the wet sheet. “…I mean this wet red sheet, there is a male under this, who is none other than….” She pulled off the wet red sheet.
“The Demon?!” Y/N, Dean, Daphne, Shaggy, and Scooby all gasped.
“Oh, heck yes!” Dean exclaimed.
“Guess the jig is up.” Spoke another voice from the shadow.
Like a ninja, the Demon flipped backward, joining three others as they all posed to introduce themselves. “On the drums, the Catman. On bass, you’ve met him and you’ve wet him, the Demon. Then our lead guitarists, the Spaceman and Starchild!”
Daphne grew heart eyes as Starchild was introduced. Dean grew star eyes. Everyone else but Fred, Sam, and the guard were in awe.
The guard, possibly not a KISS fan, walked over to Scooby and Shaggy. “You kids will still need to leave. Again, the park is closed.”
“Hold on there, mate. These guys are good guys.” Starchild spoke up for the gang.
“Yeah, they helped us at the Banning Junction, am I right?” Spaceman asked rhetorically.
“That’s right. And now we’re here to help solve the mystery of the witch.” Fred stood proudly as he glanced over at you.
“They’re what we need, so they’re cool to stay.” Starchild insisted.
“Ah! Perfect! Just what I wanted!” The voice from earlier was heard as a bearded man with grey hair appeared.
“And you are?” Dean asked, not in his star-struck phase anymore.
“I’m the park supervisor, Manny Goldman.” Manny walked over to KISS. “You all are here already?”
“We heard what was happening and thought we could help.” Starchild answered.
“And you’ve brought mystery solvers too!” Manny exclaimed as he went to hug Scooby Doo.
Scooby pulled away from Manny, taking his hand in his paw. “Rice to Reet you too.”
Manny smiled, shaking Scooby’s paw and then turned to his park guard, “Delilah, these people will not be leaving. With this much help, we’ll have the park up and running again in no time! Just in time for the main attraction, the KISS concert! So for now, go patrol somewhere else and stay out of their way.”
The guard didn’t seem to like what was going on and how quickly she became not the higher authority. She gritted her teeth in frustration and then turned to leave to patrol elsewhere.
Y/N, Dean, and Sam noticed her frustration and all looked at each other. They had all been thinking the same thing, that the witch could possibly be her.
“Now then, the park is open to you all to solve this witch mystery ASAP. If there is anything I can do, just let me know. KISS, if you don’t mind coming with me, Chip is back at my office and we need to talk to you four.” Manny requested.
KISS agreed and followed Manny back to his office.
“Alright gang, let’s look for clues again and split up.” Fred suggested.
Next: Part Three
R&RM Tag:
@22sarah08 @monkeymcpoopoo @shameless-danni @blackmissfrizzle @happylittlesuns @cheritzie @leahslovelylibrary  @walkerchick007
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Shandi’s StarTerror Saga 5!
Been a while since I updated this one too! Mostly because I had no idea where I wanted to go next and sometimes introducing new characters is hard haha. But I think I’ve got something good going here~
StarChild wants to find Ace’s assassin! But he can’t do it alone..
StarChild paced outside of Ace’s room for what seemed like an eternity. When Tomaziel finally came out he looked at him with panicked eyes. “How is he? Is he going to make it?” Tomaziel sighed. “I think we have everything under control now. The poison was..something called venom..from a creature called a cobra. Do you know of it?” StarChild nodded. “Yes. They’re native to Earth. I’ve no doubt that’s where the assassin came from. I have to pick up his trail. He must answer for what he’s done!” Tomaziel was of course in full agreement. “You’re absolutely free to use our Lighting Portal. Take this communicator with you. It will keep you in direct contact with me. If I find anything here I will make sure I inform you immediately.” StarChild smiled. “Thank you, Tomaziel. You’ve been a great help to me. I know Ace’s life is safe in your hands~” 
Upon his return to Earth, StarChild wondered how he should start his search. Maybe Vinnie had some insight that might help? It was worth a try. He went to Vinnie and Gene’s room and knocked. Vinnie opened the door, thankfully still fully clothed. “StarChild? What are you doing out of bed? And in your true form? Fox told us you were ill.” He glanced down at the floor. “Forgive me but..that was a bit of a lie. I..went to Jendell to see if I could find out why I hadn’t heard from Ace. S-someone tried to kill him. Right now he’s recovering from being poisoned. I need your help. The poison was cobra venom. We think the assassin may have come from this planet. I have to find him.” Vinnie frowned. “This is indeed troubling. Please come in. I will use my power to attempt to pick up a trail.” Gene peaked out from the bathroom. “Who is it, Treasure?” 
“It is StarChild, Beloved. I am going to help him locate an assassin.” 
“A what? What’s happened?” 
“Someone tried to end SpaceMan’s life with poison. The perpetrator of such a vile action must be brought to justice.”
“Ace. Is he alright?” 
StarChild nodded. “He’s fine for now. An antivenom was administered before the poison could do any serious damage. But now that he’s in a self-induced coma he’s vulnerable. I have to stop the assassin before he tries again.” Vinnie glowed brightly, floating slightly above the floor. His voice boomed as he spoke.
“There..are five. Killing..is their profession. The one you seek..a mysterious face..surrounded by..dark curly locks... Unlike the others..he prefers the slow..agonizing death of venom.. He hides in the dark...like the snakes he adores.. C-Cali..fornia..ahh..that is all I see..” StarChild patted his shoulder. “Thank you, Vinnie. That’s quite enough. I think I know who to ask to find out more.” Gene grabbed his arm as he turned to leave. “You’re not going without me. And it’s not a polite request.” StarChild sighed and changed back into his human form. “Alright alright you can come with me. But I want you to be a good boy and not be rude~” Gene growled while Vinnie giggled behind him. “Let’s just go already.” In a burst of flames they both disappeared. 
In San Diego, Paul led Gene to where he hoped Mötley Crüe’s tour bus was still parked. It was there alright, and loaded with people. Music was blasting so loudly from the open door, Paul was surprised the police hadn’t been called yet. He moved to climb the stairs inside but Gene stopped him. “I’m going in first.” Paul rolled his eyes. “Will you stop? I said you could come with me. I didn’t say I needed a chaperone.” He tried his best to look straight ahead as he went inside. He really didn’t need to see random people fucking and doing whatever else. He did spot Nikki towards that back, but he was a little busy with his face buried between a woman’s legs. Paul shook his head. “This was a mistake. Let’s go.” He jumped when someone’s had grabbed his wrist. It was Tommy. “Heeeeey Prince Hottie...didn’t think we’d be seein’ ya again so soon~!” 
“I came here to see Nikki..but he’s clearly occupied so I’ll be going.” 
“What’s your hurry? Why don’t you stay an’ have some fun with us~?” 
Gene grabbed Tommy’s hand and forced it to release Paul’s wrist. “What part of ‘no’ do you not understand?” 
“And who are you? His daddy? Pretty sure he’s old enough to make his own decisions.” 
“I will break you in two..” 
“Both of you please! Tommy..I’m not staying. Please tell Nikki that I need to see him whenever he’s not..doing whatever he’s doing.” He left with Gene following close behind him. “That’s who you wanted to go to for help? I worry about you sometimes.” Paul shot him a glare. “I know what I’m doing. Why can’t you trust me?” 
“Princess?” Paul turned to see Nikki stepping off the bus with an awkward smile on his face. “Hey uh..sorry you saw that. When you party as hard as we do things just get crazy~” 
“So I noticed.” 
“Uh..Tommy said you wanted to talk to me. What’s got my Princess so frantic~?” Paul exhaled the breath he was holding. “I’m..hoping you can help me. Since you originated yourselves here in California you must know this place better than we do.”
“Not to brag but we know it backwards and forewards.”
“Then you must know of some of its..darker places.” 
“Heh. We’ve gotten around.” 
“I’m..trying to find someone. Maybe you know him? Tan skin..pretty tall..has long curly hair that covers his face..?”
“Curly hair huh? Looks like he’s got a mop on his head? Sounds like Slash.”
“Who’s that?” 
“Cool guy. Plays a wicked guitar~ Met him in L.A. a few months back. Had a whole group of guys with him. They were fun to drink with~”
“How many..other guys..?”
“I dunno..four..?” 
Paul and Gene looked at each other. They were definitely on the right track. Their looks made Nikki raise an eyebrow. “What’s..goin’ on? Is there some kinda trouble?” Paul took his hand and squeezed it. “Truthfully..there just might be. Can you take us to see this..Slash?” 
“Sure I can. I like trouble~” 
To be Continued!!
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Shandi’s StarTerror Saga!
Not the next part of One Small Life like I planned! ^^;; Here I am back on that crossover pairing shit~ I still regret nothing~
A tragedy forces Ace to leave KISS. Without his lover StarChild has been deep in despondency..until someone unexpected comes back into his life~
StarChild could never forget how he lost his beloved Space Prince. No matter how hard he tried.
~Earth, 1982~
“We gotta talk, Starshine.” Paul always grew nervous when Ace was serious. He took his lover’s hand as he sat down next to him. “Acey? What’s wrong?” Ace couldn’t bring himself to speak. He just pulled his lover close and started sobbing. “Acey..!” Paul held his crying lover tightly, stroking his hair. “What’s happened, my love? Please tell me..” Ace waited until he had calmed down significantly before he spoke. “I..I just received a message from Jendell.. While my parents were on Planet Laddax..there was a violent earthquake. Laddax has an unstable core. The planet’s inhabitants wanted to relocate to Jendell and Kandarr. They just wanted to help..and now..” Paul’s stomach sank. “Oh no..you don’t mean..” 
“..they’re gone..” 
“Gods…I’m so sorry, Acey..” he cried along with his lover as they held each other. Guilt began to twist inside of him. Were his powers weakening? Had they been on Earth too long? Why hadn’t he had a premonition about this? He could have done something! Warned them! “What’s..going to happen to Jendell now..?” Ace closed his eyes. “As their oldest..I must return..and take over their duties as King.”
“You..have to leave then..” 
Paul never thought he’d be forced to experience what Gene felt when he left his husband behind to come to Earth. And now the love of his life was leaving him. He understood why, of course he did. But still.. He already began to feel as if half of his heart was missing. He pulled Ace close, clinging to him and kissing him deeply. “I will miss you so much..my love..my Space Ace..” 
“I know, Starshine..I’ll miss you too. Come to Jendell when you return to KISSteria again..and we can get married~”
“Y-you mean it..?”
“Sure do~” 
Gods, did he love this man. As they shared another deep loving kiss, Paul could feel Ace’s body vibrate as he built up his power. Lighting struck the ground beside them, opening up a portal. Paul stared one last time into those dark sparkling eyes he adored. “Promise..promise you won’t forget me.” 
Reverting back to his SpaceMan form, Ace walked slowly into the portal, and out of Paul’s life. He sank to the ground and wept. 
~Earth, November 1983~
KISS of course continued on. As if answering a silent call Vinneketh had appeared for their auditions. Using the human name Vinnie Vincent, he replaced Ace as the band’s lead guitarist. How very nice for Gene. Having his husband and child with him on Earth to do all the wonderful things married couples do. Paul was happy for him, but at the same time incredibly jealous. Ace hadn’t contacted him in months. He knew he shouldn’t be so selfish. Being the King of an entire realm was a taxing job for certain. But he couldn’t shake the feeling of being forgotten. When he’d had enough of Gene and Vinnie’s public displays of affection after their latest concert he turned and left. 
Paul knew he had obligations to the band. They were still on their Lick It Up tour in Europe after all. But just for one night he wanted to be as far away from KISS as possible. Using his power, he transported himself back to the U.S. To California. He liked it there in the winter. By sheer chance he happened to find himself in San Diego. People were lined up around the block to get into the Fox Theater for a concert that night. Curious, he went to get a closer look. There was a huge lit up display on the sign above the doorways.
            SHOUT AT THE DEVIL TOUR ‘83
That name..it sounded so familiar. Then a sudden realization hit him. “I-it couldn’t be..” He couldn’t see for himself. At least not the normal way. Tickets had sold out months ago. It was too dangerous to use his power with so many witnesses. He’d have to do this the Earthling way. There were back doors into the theater. Probably heavily guarded. He wondered if he should take the risk. Why not? The worst that would happen is he’d be rudely dismissed. So he went for it. Unfortunately once he was through the door he was immediately grabbed by security. “You’re not supposed to be back here, sir.” one of them said with a stern look. The other guard who was significantly younger looked at him with a bit of shock. “Hey! Aren’t you Paul Stanley?” The older guard sighed. “Don’t be stupid, kid. He could just be–”
“No, this is totally him! I’d recognize him anywhere! Love your music, man! KISS rocks!!”
Paul chuckled. “Thank you..always nice to be appreciated by fans~ I can autograph something for you if you like~” The kid’s eyes lit up like stars. “For real?! That would be so cool!!” The older guard just looked on perplexed as he signed the kid’s shirt. “Thanks a lot, Mr. Stanley!! My friends are gonna be so jealous!! Is there something I can do for ya? Anything?” This was most certainly an interesting turn of events~ “Well..I hoped I could wait for the guys backstage. I’d wondered if they’d consider opening for us..or maybe a joint performance~” The older guard shook his head but the kid hastily agreed. “Yeah sure! Anything you want, Mr. Stanley! The Green Room is back this way!” This was definitely going to be a crazy story to tell. Once he was shown the right way to go Paul smiled and patted the young guard on the shoulder. "Thank you very much for your help~ Hope to see you in the crowd when our tour brings us here~" He nodded enthusiastically. "Oh you bet, Mr. Stanley! I'll be in the front row!" Such a sweet kid~ He'd have to remember his face.
While he sat waiting he could hear them playing. It was loud and wild and made his heart race. He hadn't felt that kind of excitement in a long time, not even with his own music. Yes, coming here was the best idea he'd ever had. He noticed band posters scattered across the walls. Looking up at them he smiled. His suspicions had been right. "Who would have thought? Here of all places.. Maybe it's fate~" When the concert was over he could hear his blood racing in his ears. They’d be back here soon. He’d see him. He crossed his hands over his chest as if to keep his heart from bursting out. He wasn’t going to run away. Not this time. The loud and rowdy voices of the band drew closer and closer, making him dig his fingers into the chair he was sitting in to keep from bolting. The first one to enter the room wasn’t who he was expecting. Blond hair. Incredibly good looking. Radiating with a chaotic sexual energy. When their eyes met Paul instantly felt that energy enter him, making him feel warm and feverish. “Well well..what do we have here~?” the blond smirked and sauntered closer. “Didn’t think there’d be anybody here waitin’. You lookin’ for me, pretty baby~? You wanna have some fun~?” Something inside of him wanted so badly to say yes, and he couldn’t figure out why. He could feel a flush cover his cheeks. A pleasant heat began to grow slowly between his legs. He parted his lips, his breaths coming out in soft gasps. “I...” What was happening? The blond reached out to stroke his lips. “Why don’t we get outta here..and I’ll show ya a damn good time~” 
A voice. A familiar voice. Vince huffed and turned around. With no eye contact the trance was easily broken. “D’you mind? I’m tryin’ to seal a deal here.” Paul quickly got up from the chair to try to compose himself but ended up tripping over his own feet instead. ‘Way to go, StarChild..’ he said to himself as he braced for a hard fall to the floor. Which never came. Because someone caught him. “Hey, careful there.” his rescuer said. “We don’t need somebody--wait. I don’t fuckin’ believe it. Is that you..Princess..?” Paul looked up and smiled. Gods, did he miss looking into those gorgeous eyes. 
“Hello, Nikki~” 
To be Continued!!
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Shandi’s KISSteria drabbles 5!
I seem to have two moods in my writings right now: romance or angst. There is no in between. Unless it’s both. So here’s a story with both! XD 
Writings of KISSteria: During a battle with the Destroyer SpaceMan takes a fatal blow for StarChild. In his immense grief StarChild discovers a power he never knew he had.
StarChild knew he was going to die.
His vision was blurry.
His muscles ached.
His power completely drained.
In a desperate move the Destroyer fired destructive beams from its eyes. Aimed straight at him. He was too weak to move. He closed his eyes and waited for the end. Instead he felt someone’s body slam into his and knock him to the ground. Everything went black. 
He wasn’t sure how long he’d been out. When his vision finally cleared he saw the concerned faces of Demon and CatMan. “W-what happened..?” StarChild groaned and held his aching head with both hands. CatMan’s brow furrowed. He hated being forced to run away from a fight.  “We…retreated..” he replied, his voice gruff with annoyance. “The KISSterian army is fending off the Destroyer now..” StarChild looked at his companion with disbelief. He sat up slowly, still holding his head with one hand. “What..are we doing here then..? We should be helping them..!” Demon pushed him back down onto the bed. “You’re not going anywhere. Your power is at zero and you need rest. Besides..we’re no match for the Destroyer now with the three of us.” The drastic change in StarChild’s expression instantly made him regret his words. “T-three..? What do you mean..? Where’s Ace..?!” 
“Right…next you ya…Starshine..like always~” 
CatMan went over to where Ace lay, taking a hand in both of his. “Welcome back, my friend.” Any joy StarChild felt at hearing his lover’s voice turned to horror when he saw the grotesque, gaping wound in the middle of Ace’s chest. Immediately tears began to sting his eyes. He finally realized what had happened. “You…you saved me..” Ace tried to laugh but ended up coughing instead. StarChild went to the other bed as quickly as his weak legs could carry him, wiping away the blood from his lover’s mouth. “Why, Acey..? Why did you..?” Ace slowly held up his hand for his lover to take. “You didn’t..actually think..I was gonna let that thing kill you..did ya..? No way..nobody hurts..my pretty Starshine~:” StarChild squeezed Ace’s hand and kissed it repeatedly. He felt so helpless. The love of his life was laying there dying before his eyes and he was powerless to do anything about it. Tears began to flow freely as he pressed his lips to Ace’s cheek. “Please..don’t leave me, Acey..stay with me..” Ace just closed his eyes and smiled peacefully. “No regrets, baby..just..gimme somethin’ to remember you by~” They shared a passionate kiss as the Prince of Jendell breathed his last. StarChild’s sorrowful cries echoed throughout the palace. 
Over the next few days StarChild was inconsolable. He isolated himself in his room, curled up on his bed crying and clutching the cape Ace wore when they first met. He eventually cried himself into absolute exhaustion, falling into a deep sleep. 
“Open those lovely eyes for me, Starshine~”
StarChild awoke with a loud gasp. He sat up and looked around frantically. Nothing but darkness filled with stars as far as the eye could see. This wasn’t the palace! Where was he?! A hand reached out and stroked his cheek, startling him.
“Easy, baby..it’s just me~”
“Acey..?” His lover’s ethereal form stood before him with a big smile on his face and his arms open wide. He wasted no time running to him and throwing his arms around him. “Acey..!! You’ve come back to me..!!” Ace laughed and stroked his hair. “Almost..but not quite. My spirit is here in your mind. Our bond is strong, which is why you can physically touch me. It’s a Jendellian gift, spiritual projection. Comes in handy don’tcha think~?” StarChild nodded, nuzzling Ace’s cheek. “It brought you here..I can’t be anything but grateful. I miss you so much..I love you.. I-it’s my fault you’re..” Ace silenced him with a kiss. “NO. Don’t start thinkin’ that way, baby. I won’t let you. I did what I did because I love you..and I’d do it again. It doesn’t have to be over. You can make our love real again.” StarChild looked at him in confusion. “I..don’t think I understand what you mean..” Ace smiled, brushing his fingers against his lover’s throat. “I’m talking about your voice, baby~ I’ve seen what you can do with it..but you’ve only scratched the surface of what it can really do. You gotta dig deep. Unleash that hidden potential I know you have. I believe in you, Starshine~” He picked up his lover bridal style and carried him back to his bed, laying him down gently. “You’re waking up, baby. It’s time for you to go. I’ll be waiting for you~”  He winked as he began to fade. “No..want to…stay with you…Acey..” StarChild mumbled, opening his eyes slowly. He was back in his own room..alone. He sat up, surprisingly feeling less empty than he had since Ace’s death. You can make our love real again. Those words resonated with him more than anything else..but what did they mean? He had to find out. He grabbed his guitar and headed to the mortuary.
StarChild shivered as he opened the doors. He never thought he would have to see his love in a place like this. The sight of Ace stiff and frozen broke his heart to pieces. “I’ll get you back..I swear.” The star over his eye began to glow purple as he strapped on his guitar and began playing a somber melody, channeling all of his power into his voice.
In a dream.. A long time ago..
We fell in love..but what did we know..?
Years seemed to pass..as time took its toll..
You’re here at last…so why must you go..?
As he continued to play bright purple ribbons of energy burst forth from the aura surrounding him, wrapping themselves around Ace’s body. 
But tonight…you belong to me..
Yes, tonight…you belong..to me…
Soon the entire room was filled with blinding purple light. He felt weaker by the second from pushing his powers past their limit. He didn’t care. This was all for his Ace. He played until a sudden explosion abruptly severed his connection and knocked him out. 
When StarChild awoke again he was in his bed with someone’s arms around him, their warm body pressed against his back. Could it be? Had it worked? The arms around him squeezed him tighter as he shifted and he shivered when lips were pressed to his neck. “Good evening, Starshine..your love says hello~” 
That voice..
He couldn’t speak. Trembling, he grabbed at the arms around him and held onto them desperately, expecting them to disappear at any moment. Maybe this was another dream.  “Acey..is it really you..?” The laugh he heard nearly made his heart burst with joy. He twisted his body around to see his lover’s smiling face. So alive. So vibrant. His eyes filled with love. Only a faint scar along his chest was left as a reminder of the fatal wound he’d suffered. “I…I can’t believe I did it…you’re really here..really alive..!!” Ace held him close and kissed him deeply. “I knew you could do it, baby. I’m so proud of you~ I told you..you’re much more powerful than you realize. Don’t forget you’re descended from your Elders. The gods of your world. You tap into their power and you’ll be unstoppable~” StarChild just nodded. He’d ponder on what he was told later.
 Right now he was content with melting into his Prince’s loving embrace, making love under the glittering stars.
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