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marvellousheroesrpg-blog · 8 years ago
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“ Being grown up doesn't have to mean being endlessly morose and having fun isn't just fot five-year-olds. No, the day I can't laugh at how ridiculous this all is, while still loving every single second of it, is the day I walk away and find a new line of work. . ”
Bobby grew up in Fort Washington, Long Island, New York with his mother Madeline Drake and his father William. Growing up Bobby loved the beach and looked up to both of his parents. Being an imaginative boy Bobby was constantly lectured by his father on how dreamers never amounted to anything. Bobby was also looked down upon from his father whenever he cried due to pain or injury. When Bobby turned thirteen he began to feel cold all the time, an early manifestation of his mutant powers. Later when he swam in his family’s pool his powers manifested and froze the water around him. His parents quickly managed to figure out that their son was a mutant and told him to be careful since others would become fearful of his abilities.
Bobby secretly worked on his abilities learning quickly how to cover himself in ice and how to freeze moisture in the air.  This prompted him to declare that being a mutant was an awesome idea. In school Bobby started dating Judy Harmon earning the unwanted attention from a local bully Rocky Beasely. His date with Judy turned from fun to frightening when Rocky and his gang showed up. Fearing for his and Judy’s safety Bobby froze Rocky into a block of ice.  This prompted the gang and Judy to flee from the scene.  Devastated Bobby ran home and spilled everything to his parents. Soon the Sheriff showed up at Bobby’s home to take him into custody.
Believing he would get a fair trial Bobby surrendered to the police.  When the story made news it caught Professor Charles Xavier attention. He sent Cyclops to retrieve Bobby so he could invite him to attend the school. Once Cyclops arrived he broke into Bobby’s cell and offered to help him escape. Bobby refused wanting to go to court and clear his name.  Their disagreement caused the two of them to start a brawl. Their fight took them through the town attracting the attention of the townsfolk which formed a mob to attack Bobby and the two were caught. Before the mob could seriously harm them Professor Xavier used his telepathic ability to erase everyone’s memories of Bobby’s powers. He then extended the invitation to the school to Bobby whom accepted quickly.
When he first stepped foot on the grounds he iced himself happy that he could be his true self.  At the school he was given the codename Iceman.  Bobby grew and flourished in the mansion, eventually helping with recruitment of other mutants to the school.  While he doesn’t approve of the accords and strongly disagrees with the proposed mutant registration ultimately Bobby prefers not to fight when he can.  Yet if his friends or innocents are in danger he cares too much to let them be hurt.  Iceman will fight to defend them.
Thermokinesis: Iceman is a mutant with the superhuman ability to lower his external and internal body temperature, projecting intense coldness from his body.   This ability includes the ability to both cover his form with ice and convert it to organic ice.  Additionally he has the abilty to see beings due to the heat signature that others give off because of the absence of heat around him.
Cryokinesis: Iceman can generate, manipulate and fully control ice, snow and cold temperatures, he can use his mutant ability to control moisture such as to freeze any air moisture into super-hard ice. This ice can be formed into any object of his choosing
Special Skills: Bobby is a Certified Public Accountant, a skilled ice skater, and can speak Spanish fluently.
FC: Nathaniel Buzolic
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marvelorigins-blog · 12 years ago
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Anna Marie D'Ancanto || Rogue || Let Me Borrow That....
FC: Anna Paquin
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marvellousheroesrpg-blog · 8 years ago
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“ My name is Legion, for we are many!     . ”
David Haller was born to Gabrielle Haller in Israel.  He is the result of a brief affair between Gabrielle and Charles Xavier when he spent time in that country.  When Charles left the country he was unaware of Gabrielle’s pregnancy, and she continued to conceal the fact from him.  Instead raising him herself, and eventually marrying Daniel Shomron.  
While living with his mother in Paris their home was invaded by a terrorist group.  Gabrielle was a member of the Israel diplomatic service and the group wanted to kill every Israeli they could find.  They murdered David’s stepfather right in front of him.   His terror catalyzed his latent powers which he used to kill the assassins.  However as he did so, he found himself making telepathic contact with each of the victims and experiencing what they did.  That caused him to go into a catatonic state and while he did so the consciousness of the leader was absorbed into David’s mind.
Unwilling to leave David behind, Gabrielle brought her son with her to America to be cared for by family there while she tries to sort everything out.   Unbeknown to everyone a being that went by the name Shadow King became aware of David and his potential.   He inserted himself into the boy’s mind and worked at bringing him to a conscious state.  Before he allowed David to become fully aware again, he erased all memories of his powers.  This would allow David to to believe any psychological diagnosis and not question the things that happen around him.
David spent the last six years of his life in a mental facility called Clockworks, where he had been diagnosed and was being treated for Schizophrenia. After a situation arose at the facility, he was brought in for questioning and was nearly killed by the men who believed he was far too dangerous and uncontrollable. Luckily for David, he was rescued by a group of people and brought to a place called Summerland, where he was told that he wasn’t mentally ill and that he was a mutant. They however; are unaware at the time that David has a form of dissociative identity disorder, and is in a constant battle for control with other mutants that live inside his head.  Each identity is associated with a different ability.
David stayed at Summerland for a few weeks, where he attempted to train with Melanie Bird and several other mutants. However; after discovering the same men that tried to kill him had taken his sister captive - David allows one of the other mutants to convince him to leave. He is completely unaware that the mutant; better known as The Shadow King, is planning to take control of his mind and upon arriving at the facility - the mutant goes on a rampage and kills everyone in his wake. Horrified of what happened, David brings his sister to their childhood home and runs away before Melanie or anyone else can find him. 
Currently on the run, the current and pending legislation mostly seems to be something to worry about when he’s not trying to hide.  In that same fashion, it’s a threat to his continued autonomy and a concern that there are more that might try to use him.
Telepathy: David has the ability to hear the thoughts of others and communicate over distances.  He also has the ability to feel what they feel. 
Telekinesis: He can mentally manipulate objects, causing them to move in any direction he chooses.  David has the ability to move multiple objects at once.
Pyrokinesis: The ability to control and create fire.
FC: Dan Stevens
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marvellousheroesrpg-blog · 8 years ago
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“    Nobody listens to the prayers of a monster.     ”
Idie was born in Oya, Delta State, Nigeria in a small and religious village. It was whilst she was living with her family that her mutant powers manifested; unable to control them; Idie accidentally kills her family and burns down her entire village.   The use of her abilities coincided with Charles Xavier’s use of Cerebro as he worked to track down mutants at risk.
He sent out a team including Ororo Monroe and Jean Grey to help the young mutant.  Unfortunately, they were not the only group interested in the emergence of power in the region.  A paramilitary group also tracked down Idie and surrounded her home with intentions of killing her.  The arrival of Storm and Jean Grey prevented the troops from harming her. During this, Idie unwillingly attacks the pair of Xmen with a stream of fire, but Storm blocks them.  Jean then used her telepathic power to reach out to Idie, allowing her to gain control over her powers. Together the three prepare to leave the devastated area. The paramilitary group tries to attack them, but Storm scares them off. 
Idie, with no living family left, allowed them to take her back to Xavier’s School.  There she attended classes and studied under Storm and her other teachers to gain control of her powers.  One of the joys she discovered was the varied gardens on the grounds Idie particularly enjoyed tending the plants and flowers there, finding comfort in the activity.
Logan ran across her one day, and took an interest in the young mutant.  Upon discovering she’d lost her toy in the incident that destroyed her village the normally gruff and prickly man brought her a doll.  He explained that he thought she needed something to play with, and not to spend all her time in combat training.  She invited him to share some ice cream with her, and the two bonded.
After years of training at Xavier’s School Idie only carries a faint trace of her Nigerian accent. The Xmen have become her home.   She is ready to take her place fighting alongside them to help protect mutants, much as they once protected her.
With her previous experience involving the group trying to capture her, Idie is leery of any military groups.  Especially against those groups that might try to capture and use mutants.  The accords she sees as a potential tool for those in power to do just that.  
Thermokinesis - Idie has the ability to alter temperatures around her. However, she cannot simply create heat and cold; she can only re-channel temperature, thus, she needs the presence of heat to generate cold, and vice versa. These temperature manipulation powers result in:
Pyrokinesis: Idie is capable of generating flames from thin air, not requiring the consumption of oxygen or combustible objects to maintain the flames.
Cryokinesis: Idie is able to reduce the kinetic energy of atoms and thus reduce temperature, often used to generate ice.
FC: Ashleigh Murray
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marvellousheroesrpg-blog · 8 years ago
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“Savior... killer... harbinger of hope or destruction. I am unsure who-- or what-- I am. But I'd like to find out.”
Born to the extremely rich Worthington family, Warren often presented himself as carefree, preferring to seek out fun and games rather than focusing on his studies. When he reached his early teens, he realised that he was growing a pair of wings out of his shoulder blades. His parents didn’t believe him, thinking his claims were another attempt at a prank or getting their attention. Warren’s wings grew out and Warren began his superhero career by rescuing his fellow school students from fires and bullies. That was enough to gain the attention of Professor Charles Xavier.
Warren transferred to the Xavier School for Gifted Youngsters and began his training to become a part of the X-Men with Cyclops, Beast, Ice Man, and Marvel Girl (who later changed her alias to Phoenix). Warren’s carefree attitude stayed with him, often flying around the school grounds and beyond where the public could see him up in the sky. Xavier designed a harness to hide Warren’s wings when in public but Warren preferred to let his wings stretch out.
As Warren matured, he remained an active member of the X-Men and became the leader of the X-Men’s away team. He often used the fortune he inherited from his family to fund the X-Men in their endeavors. When Cyclops formed the X-Force team, Warren joined it and the team often used one of his many properties as their base of operations. He funded the construction of a secret base in Arizona that X-Force used a lot, but also served as a hide-out for the X-Men if they ever needed it.
X-Force were disbanded following the introduction of the Sokovia Accords and Warren found himself back at Xavier’s School. He is getting restless and fed up of Secretary of State Ross’s demands. There is so much the X-Men could be doing for the good of the world but Ross’s restrictions are not going to help anyone. Warren is one of the loudest to speak out against the Accords and he doesn’t care if it gets him into trouble. He can afford the lawyers he might need if his opinions land him in hot water.
Wings, plus altered physiology that aid his flight such as larger lung capacity and hollow bones.
Regenerative healing factor.
Expert combatant.
FC: Armie Hammer
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marvellousheroesrpg-blog · 8 years ago
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“Playtime is over, X-Men. You're about to see something else you're probably not ready for.” 
Katherine Pryde, Kitty to her friends and family, was born in Illinois and enjoyed a normal upbringing. She excelled in school, particularly in Computing and Mathematics and proved to be a popular pupil. However when she reached her early teens, her mutant ability was triggered and Kitty discovered she was able to ‘phase’ through solid matter like walls. At first this new ability scared her but she and her family were approached by Charles Xavier who offered to teach Kitty how to control her ability at his School for Gifted Youngsters.
Kitty settled in at her new school and soon found herself in a similar position as she had been at her old school: excelling in her classes and popular among her peers. As she matured, Kitty began training with the aim of joining the ranks of the X-Men so she could use her abilities to help others. She struck up an unlikely mentor-ship with Logan who taught her martial arts and how to handle katana swords. When she was proficient enough, Kitty began to then teach newer students how to defend themselves.
Kitty preferred to stay away from the politics some of her fellow X-Men got involved in, and focused more on the school and its students instead. She had made a home for herself there and she was determined to help more students feel the same while enrolled in the school. But as tensions against mutants rose and the Sokovia Accords being forced on them, Kitty forced to face the politics she had been avoiding for so long.
Kitty is among the X-Men who refuse to sign the Accords and she refuses to stop training her students on how to fight back if attacked. Kitty has already seen too much to assume the Accords will protect her, her friends, and everyone else on the planet the next time a world-level threat shows up.
Intangibility - the ability to pass or ‘phase’ through solid matter.
Expert martial artist.
Extensive knowledge about computers and IT systems including hacking.
FC: Ellen Page
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marvellousheroesrpg-blog · 8 years ago
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“I’m the best at what I do and what I do ain’t very nice.”
The man who would become to be known as the Wolverine was born in Canada in the late 1800′s as James Howlett. He was a sickly boy until the day his father was murdered in front of him. He got revenge by killing his father’s murderer with the bone claws that sprouted from his knuckles. He ran away from home and tried his best to survive. Eventually he found himself serving in various armies across the globe over the years. 
His aimless wandering landed him in the grips of Weapon X, a government program set up to experiment on humans and mutants alike to create super soldiers. Because of superhuman healing factor, Howlett, now going by the name Logan, was selected to have adamantium bonded to his skeleton, making him virtually indestructible. He escaped the clutches of Weapon X but during his escape, he lost all of his memories. He made a life for himself as a cage fighter in the Canadian Rockies. It was there that he encountered members of the X-Men and taken to meet Professor Charles Xavier. Xavier managed to persuade Logan to join his team of mutants called the X-Men in exchange for helping Logan regain his lost memories. 
Xavier’s mission statement of helping everyone, human and mutants, often got his X-Men into trouble, either with humans who were prejudiced against mutants or fellow mutants who believed helping humans was a fool’s errand. Logan stayed loyal to Xavier despite them not always seeing eye to eye. One thing they could agree on was their worries about the Sokovia Accords. They had been fighting mutant registration for years and now this too?
Logan immediately refused to sign the Accords and urged his fellow team members to stand with him against Secretary Ross’s demands. Rumours circulated that Logan was helping the likes of Steve Rogers hide from the authorities, but only Logan knows if that is true or not.
Superhuman accelerated healing factor
Adamantium coated skeleton with claws that extend from his knuckles
Master combatant
FC: Hugh Jackman
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marvellousheroesrpg-blog · 8 years ago
Tag Dump #5
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