#take care and keep it real people! stay safe and healthy out there!
angelicyoongie · 2 months
lovesick • yandere profiles
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➝  a/n: thank you so much to anon for this commission!! ❤️ this is my first time writing a yandere profile, so it was a fun challenge and nice little side-project to work on. i hope this will give you all a little more insight into the lovesick boys! ➝  word count: 2.6k ➝ content warning: yandere behavior, stalker behavior, mentions of kidnapping, self-harm, murder, etc.
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🥀 NAMJOON ➝ yandere type: overprotective, mildly possessive
Namjoon is overprotective to a fault. But how can he not be, when the illness that ripped his family apart left his mother nothing but a memory and his father a shell of what he once was? Losing a soulmate is pure torture and Namjoon refuses to repeat the same history as his parents. You're too precious, his darling, and there's nothing Namjoon won't do to ensure that you stay healthy and happy. Sure, maybe his methods come off as a little more invasive than caring when he books health check-ups in your name without your knowledge, but he doesn't mind your anger as long as it means that you're all right. 
Namjoon is for the most part calm and collected, but even he has his limits. He can't stand it when his advice or orders aren't followed; when you blatantly disregard your health or put yourself in dangerous situations despite his warnings. Those are the only times he truly ever gets angry – well, aside from when his claim on you is challenged, of course. Namjoon's possessive streak rears its head whenever someone tries to pretend like they know you better than he does, after all, you're his soulmate – his to care for and his to protect. He isn't above hurting someone if it means it'll keep you safe. Murder would be the absolute last resort for him but if it had to be done, then so be it. He'll do anything for you.
There's nothing that makes him happier than when you let him care for you without a fuss, allowing him to pamper you to his heart's desire. Namjoon craves to have you close, to feel your warmth in his arms and your steady breaths against his chest. He won't allow anything to jeopardize that – not even the six other people he shares the bond with. 
You're the most perfect soulmate he could ever wish for and the rest of the world can burn as long as it means you'll be safe, healthy, and happy (with him). 
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🥀 SEOKJIN ➝ yandere type: obsessive
Seokjin has always been cynical about his soulmark. How was he supposed to find someone through their shared pain when there are so many people in this world? It seemed impossible and unfair, and Seokjin figured that the chances of ever finding you were slim to none. Even so, there was always a little part of him that hoped that the universe would lead him to his soulmate – you – at the right time. And it did. Seokjin swears he was reborn the first time he laid eyes on you, the pain insignificant in comparison to the joy of finally finding his soulmate. 
He has always been level-headed, thinking his actions through before acting on them, but Seokjin found that when he was faced with you, all of that flew out the window. He just couldn't leave you alone, not when he had finally found you. Seokjin likes to take pictures, to capture your every moment so that it can be remembered forever. Every smile, frown, and pout you make is a gift to this world, and Seokjin loves that the pictures all show off the genuine you, unfiltered and real. After all, you can't put on a fake smile if you don't even know that you're being followed. 
Seokjin has lost track of how many hours he's spent fantasizing about your bond and the life you're going to lead together. His obsessive thoughts are only quelled when he gets to see you, to follow you around; pretending he's taking part in your life as he watches it unfold from the shadows. And now that he finally has you, Seokjin is free to let all of his fantasies play out, to be the perfect soulmate that you deserve. He isn't one to raise his voice or get angry, but Seokjin finds his frustration building when you don't respond to his advances the way you were supposed to – the way he imagined you would. Even so, he doesn't dwell on it for long. His fantasies can always be changed, reimagined, to make sure they capture the real you – just like his photos. 
Seokjin loves spending time with you, indulging in your hobbies, and watching you do things that make you happy. Of course, he hopes that one day the only thing you'll need to make your heart sing is him, but he doesn't mind the wait. You have the rest of your lives to figure that out. You were the impossible was made possible, and Seokjin has no intention of ever letting his angel go. 
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🥀 JUNGKOOK ➝ yandere type: mild clingy, mild obsessive
Jungkook always hoped that his soulmate would end up being someone like you. Coming from a broken family that pushed him aside the moment he showed signs of weakness, Jungkook only ever wished for his soulmate to accept him – to love him – like he was. His stutter and shyness didn't define him and yet, there were so many who couldn't look past it. You, however, felt like you were heaven-sent with how you only saw him and not his flaws.
He wanted so desperately to approach you when he realized that you were his soulmate but the insecurities his family had instilled in him held him back. So, he instead watched you from the back of the room, memorizing the way your hair moved and how you would tap your pen against your beautiful lips when you were deep in thought. The classes he didn't share with you were torture, but in turn, it made the moments he caught a glimpse of you around campus even sweeter. 
Truly, the only thing Jungkook wants is to be loved by you. His heart feels like it's bursting with happiness whenever you look at him, your touch electrifying his skin in a way he never thought possible. He used to be dependent on his hyungs for affection but it's nothing compared to the way you make him feel, the way you make his soul glow just by being near. His past has left him starved for your attention and Jungkook finds that his emotions get a little too overwhelming whenever you're not around. He relies on you for stability and love, something that only fuels his mildly obsessive tendencies. 
Jungkook would rather hurt himself before ever hurting you. He might not be willing to go to the lengths that his hyungs are to protect you, but that doesn't mean he can't keep you safe. Jungkook would do anything for you, even if it means sacrificing himself. You're everything to him. 
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🥀 HOSEOK ➝ yandere type: impulsive
Hoseok believes that the best-laid plans are those that happen on a whim. The choices he's thought the least about are those that have given him the most; he started his business based on a bet, joined a fundraiser because he had nothing better to do that day and somehow all of it led him straight to you – his other half. Hoseok may not believe in fate but he does trust his gut, and he especially listens to it when he's around you.
Compared to your other soulmates, Hoseok comes off as cold and stoic, his true emotions hidden behind a mask. Hoseok was known to be loud and expressive when he was young but the more he got teased for his outbursts and over-the-top reactions, the more he started hiding them away. Now, it takes a lot of coaxing before Hoseok feels comfortable enough to let his mask slip, a burst of genuine laughter from him so rare it stuns you every time you hear it. 
Hoseok's impulsive nature has worked well for him over the years, but it also means that he often acts without thinking much of the after – like how he would ever be able to explain your drugged drink to a room full of people who weren't equally as sick as him. His quick mood changes make him unpredictable and he's quick to anger when something doesn't go his way. Hoseok isn't above giving out punishment, not if it means you'll learn to never disobey him again. He'll never intentionally hurt you but he's more than capable of giving you a good scare.
Although you may be safe from his wrath, other people aren't so lucky. Hoseok will certainly resort to murder if someone ever dares to lay a finger on you and he'll take great joy in removing them from your sight. 
What Hoseok loves the most is seeing your reaction as he gives you new treats he's created especially for you. There's nothing as satisfying as watching your eyes light up and your smile bloom as you bite into them, praising him for his hard work. Even if Hoseok's feelings and actions are a little convoluted, he does mean well. You're his sunshine, the one person that manages to break through the dark clouds in his mind and he'll do whatever it takes to keep you by his side. 
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🥀 JIMIN ➝ yandere type: self-indulgent, obsessive
Jimin spends most of the quiet hours at work fantasizing about you. It started innocent – Jimin was just so thrilled that he had found you that he couldn't help but imagine all of the ways he could reveal himself to you – but as time passed and nothing happened, those thoughts turned a little… dirtier. Jimin thought of all the ways he could show you just how long he's been waiting for you, yearning for you. He knows he can make you feel good, that he can make all of your dirtiest dreams come true, and if by satisfying your desires he also satisfies his own, well, that's just an added bonus. 
While Jimin may love to please you, he's also quite selfish. He doesn't hold back when there's something he wants and he doesn't mind pulling a few strings to get his way. Jimin needs you to pamper him; to tell him how much you like him and how much he means to you. It's the only thing that quells that needy voice in his head, the one that constantly thinks of you and only you.  So really, it doesn't take that much to make him happy. He preens under your attention, especially when you ignore the others to solely focus on him. Jimin loves to be touched and kissed, but nothing beats being intimate with you. It makes Jimin feel special, to be able to experience you like that, vulnerable and needy for only him. 
Due to the nature of his job, Jimin keeps a cool head most of the time. The one thing that will set him off, however, is you lying to him. Jimin can smell lies from a mile away, is trained to spot them, and yet you like you think that you can deceive him. Perhaps if it didn't upset him so, he would find the idea of it funny. Even if you may test his patience and temper sometimes, there's still nothing Jimin wouldn't do to keep you safe. He knows how to use his resources well, how to make it seem like someone never even existed. He's willing to do anything for you, his soulmate. 
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🥀 TAEHYUNG ➝ yandere type: impulsive, delusional
Taehyung was raised on the belief that the universe would lead him to his soulmate. His family romanticized the soul-system, never doubting that fate would steer them in the direction they needed to go. Taehyung was the same, and those beliefs were only cemented in his mind when he finally met you. He only caught a glimpse of you that day in the coffee shop but it was enough to convince Taehyung that some part of your soul had recognized him too – and you were waiting for him to make a move. 
Using his programming skills, Taehyung easily hacked your phone. He wanted a way to feel close to you, to make sure he always knew where you went in case something happened. It didn't take long before it wasn't enough – before Taehyung had to start following you home after your classes, just to get a peek at your pretty face. The texts you sent your friends about feeling watched on the way home only fueled Taehyung's desire to do it more – it was definitely a code meant for him, a message that you knew he was there. 
The few times you do something that upsets Taehyung or he grows too impatient from holding himself back, his impulsive nature jumps out. There's really no telling what he'll do – Taehyung doesn't give his actions much forethought before carrying them out. One day he may send you bloody roses because you ignored him, the other he may plot to kidnap you because he's grown tired of waiting. Taehyung is a wild card and there's no limit to how far he's willing to go to keep you with him.  Taehyung's reality may not be the same as yours – he believes that you have liked him for much longer than you actually have – but it still makes his heart beat like crazy whenever you express your love for him. Being able to hold you in his arms is the most amazing feeling Taehyung has ever felt. You're his soulmate, his destiny, and nothing will ever drive you apart. Taehyung will make sure of that. 
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🥀 YOONGI ➝ yandere type: obsessive, very mild overprotective
Yoongi might have believed that music was his first love, but it all pales in comparison to how he feels about you. He was used to spending most of his time dreaming up narratives and poetry that would flow well with his beats, working tirelessly to create the perfect track again and again. There were days Yoongi didn't even see the outside of his studio, but that all changed when he finally found you. He went from barely being home to leaving work on the dot, hurrying to his apartment in hopes that he might get a new update on you from Taehyung. 
Having a gentle disposition and good self-control, Yoongi is surprised to find how flustered he gets around you, his body suddenly reacting in ways it never has before. He finds that his thoughts keep straying to you constantly, dreaming of the dates he wants to take you on and how your relationship will evolve. All of the sad ballads he's supposed to write turn into bright pop songs whenever he thinks of your smile. He loves seeing you happy, watching your thrilled reaction as he lets you listen to his songs first, love confessions being whispered into your ears repeatedly. 
Yoongi knows that he sometimes gets a little overprotective of you. He never wants to hurt you, but if a small punishment can steer you over on the right path, then Yoongi is willing to look the other way. He cares about you more than anything else and so, he's really just acting in your best interest by making sure nothing bad will happen to you. Yoongi wouldn't hesitate to land a punch if he caught someone looking at you twice, but murder is out of the question for him. Luckily that's not something he needs to worry about, not when you have other soulmates who are more than willing to do that work for him. 
You're the best thing that has ever happened to him. Nothing beats seeing your smile, hearing your laugh, or watching your eyes light up as you let yourself be pulled into his arms. You're Yoongi's soulmate – his love – the only person who can turn his rainy days into endless summer. 
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eccentricallygothic · 8 months
|| Shackles of Love ||
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Summary: Your husband Pete reads the epilogue of the book you're on and there's only one way to keep him from spoiling it for you now… 
Pairing: Dark Husband!Pete Brenner | Naive Wife!You.
Disclaimer: I (unfortunately) do not own Pete Brenner. This story contains dark and mature content so browse at your own discretion, please. Minors do not interact.
Warning(s): Soft-dark!Pete Brenner, non-con/dub-con elements, boob play, humping, stockholm syndrome, age-gap, m!dom, f!sub, power imbalance, housewife kink, misogyny, bondage/chaining, brainwashing, choking, teeny bit of overstimulation. 
Note: I contemplated whether to make this dark or not but then said what the hell?! Shorter than usual (I think) because it's been a hot minute.
"Aw, thank you, baby." Pete flashed you the million dollar smile that had charmed you so much the first time you saw it that it had directly led to this very moment. 
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"Honey~" you sweetly called out to your loving husband in that one tone he adored so much that he preferred you spoke to him in it all the time. "Here~" you held out the mini tray containing a chilled beer and loaded sandwich for him to snack on while he watched some old movie that you were frankly too young to know anything about.
You smiled and turned on your heels to place yourself next to him on the couch that faced the tv, feeling a tiny butterfly flutter in the base of your tummy due to how he patted the spot beside him for you to sit in that dominant way of his. The man could literally so much as breathe and have your whole stomach flip. He had you whipped. 
Not much interested in the rather vintage movie, you turned to your book that you had bookmarked before leaving to make your husband a sandwich because he liked a snack or two with his movies. Your fingers hurriedly turned the pages as you found your chapter, bottom lip moving itself between your teeth in excitement. You had been perfectly engrossed in a particularly thrilling part where a plot twist was unfolding when your husband had ordered- no, requested his craving. 
Why would Pete ever order you outside the bedroom? Pfft, no way. He was a very giving and kind husband who would never disrespect you!
Yes, maybe sometimes he was just a little mean during punishments but it was never not duly deserved. 
It wasn't unfair. Not by a long shot. Pete worked hard for the both of you and your future family throughout the week so you could stay at home in pretty dresses and do whatever you pleased. Your only jobs were to cook, clean and take care of his husbandly needs. 
And that was all!
You weren't the one who had to go out into the scary outside world and deal with all those dangerous people that lurked past the protective doors of your house! Honestly, if it weren't for Pete being such a supportive and devoted husband, you didn't know where you would be right now.  
You would be cold, alone and miserable with no one to protect you. His words from training time faintly rang in your ears.
Pete was right. 
He always was. 
Your love was the only one who meant you no harm and could keep you safe. 
Everyone else had already failed you or eventually would. Even your parents. Because seriously, what guardian is so careless as to take their child to baseball games where the ball could crack your skull open anytime! Honestly, how careless could your father be! Your mother was no different because, what kind of a woman encourages her daughter to have a career instead of teaching her the much needed and important domestic skills so she could keep her future family happy and healthy! Making you risk your precious life by letting you persue a career in law out of all! 
If this wasn't the prime example of the fact that no one except for Pete truly cared about your comfort and safety, you didn't know what was. 
Yes, so what if he had roofied your drink in the bar before taking you to your real home with him? He had only meant well! You had been far too headstrong and stupid a girl back then to know proper manners for someone your gender. But Pete had been very kind. Though you had fought relentlessly in the beginning and attempted to escape the premises of this house that was nothing but love and care, he forgave you for everything! 
How much more wonderful could this man get?! 
Your husband had smiled at every insult, laughed at every injury you had inflicted on his skin and heart, kissed away every tear you had so foolishly shed. 
And then he had taught you proper wife etiquette. 
Honestly, no one had ever bothered to put up with you that much. 
"Honey?" Pete called out to you in a semi-distracted tone, blue eyes still trained on the tv as you stared at the pages in front of you with wide eyes as a realization washed over you. But before you could communicate your thoughts like you had been taught to do so, your husband continued. You hummed for him to go on, mind still stuck on the page. "Want to know something real funny?" 
Obedience had been woven into every fiber of your existence. So you turned your head to look at him with curious eyes after making a mental note to tell him what you had realized just now later. Because Pete always came first. So you had to await your turn.
"Funny?" You tilted your head to the side, one arm looping around his arm as you perched your chin on his shoulder. "Sure, dear! I like funny…" Your nose crinkled a little as you smiled in the way he had taught you. 
A devious smile spread over your husband's lips. "I read the epilogue while you were in the kitchen" it took you a few moments to realize what he was hinting at. He had done it before and the way he finally turned his head to look at you with mischief dancing in his ocean blue eyes, placing the now empty tray on the table in front of the couch, you knew he was about to do it again. 
"No! You didn't!" You squealed as he laughed in the comic typical evil way, tackling you until your back was flat against the couch. "No! Please, honey! No!" You helplessly whined as you shook your head violently, tossing the book open and hurrying through the words. "I am almost at the epilogue! You cannot do this to me!" 
"That's just a shame, isn't it?" The protestant kicking of your feet that rested on his back now caused a clinking sound in the air due to the thick iron cuff enclasped around one of your ankles.
"Noooo! Pleeeeease!" You pouted as his goatee gently pricked your fingertips that were pressing against his mouth in a desperate attempt to quieten him. "Honey, please! I've been a good girl!" That was the reason why you had maintained your reading privileges for three straight weeks at this point. "You're being cruel for no reason!" 
"Aw. Don't you remember?" Prying your fingers off his mouth was no challenge to the older man. "Husbands can do whatever they want whenever they want…" You whined loudly as you ignored the tingle in your nether regions that his dark tone had caused, flipping the page and hurrying through the words, holding the book between your faces. "Okay, soooo… what happens is–"
"Ohmygosh you're so meeeean!" Now your free hand desperately darted to your own body before you fished out one of your boobs from the neckline of your dress. A whimper escaped from your lips when you reached for Pete's nape next before arching your back to further close the gap between your bodies. The action clasped the space of your husband's mouth shut as he hummed against your tender flesh now. 
Pete had this rather mean way (that you didn't actually mind) of torturing you when you were reading sometimes. He would sneakily read from a section way ahead of where you were and then tease you with spoilers until you shoved his mouth with one of your private parts. 
You faintly recalled being heavily opposed to it at one point.
But there was no other way to stop him when he was at this. 
And that was alright because he was your husband who loved you and loved him.
… Right?
"Hmmm~" you softly moaned in the way he liked. His clothed dick instantly stiffened under your pussy like it always did; a confirmation that you had done the right thing. Your hips that were not as securely clad as your husband's began to slowly piston against his crotch, the dress being the only cover for your bottom since you weren't allowed underwear inside the house. Pete liked you accessible 24/7. So he could bend you whenever he pleased over any surface with no hassle. 
It was the least you could do after all that he did for you. 
Your legs tightened around Pete's waist as did his arms around yours. It was crazy to you how easy it was for him to handle your body however he desired since he physically looked more on the lean side. But his strength was no joke, you were nothing but a doll between his fingers.
And the reminder always made your wifey parts quiver. 
"Hmmm… my perfect wife~" Pete's husky grunt caused your holes to clench around empty air as he latched onto your other boob that you had pushed out next. "Such a good slut… knows exactly what I like…" Your brows were furrowed and hands shaky, breaths hitting the paper that you struggled to both hold and read without dropping it on your face. "It's almost as if-" a loud sucking noise erupted in the air when he forcefully pulled his mouth away from your hardened nub, the feeling causing your back to arch as your hips increased their pace. "-As if you were only born so you could be my good little wife, huh baby?" His slightly rough hands were manly and strong against the soft skin of your chest, lips and teeth grazing against your sensitive skin while the goatee caused the tickles that never failed to tip you over the edge. 
"B- Because I was, hubby!" You whimpered submissively as you failed all your attempts to make sense of the words in front of you. Pete had already told you why this was and he was right. 
You were far too simple minded to multitask. 
"What was that?" As his hips started to work against yours, the soft burn of the expensive fabric of your dress rubbing against your throbbing and leaking pussy caused tiny droplets of sweat to form on your temples. The book fell from your hands and on the ground besides the couch at last. 
"I- I was only born s- so I could be your good little wife, hubby!" You cried out as you attempted to sink your nails in his shoulders but your husband beat you to it. 
"That's fuckin' right…" Pete's breaths were heavy as he reached for the chain that connected to your ankle cuff and pulled it upwards. It was locked around a sturdy hook hidden under the living room couch on the other end. Long enough to allow you to move around the house to perform your wifely tasks but not an inch longer to entertain any funny or rebellious– dangerous attempts that could be made while he was out earning your bread and butter. Only Pete had the key that could unlock it. 
You whined loudly when he deprived you from touching him while exposing your aching core in an even more intimate position at the same time by snaking the chain around your wrists and holding both your hands as well as your shackled ankle above your head. 
The new position further distanced your pussy lips as you rubbed your swollen flesh against the soft material of his trousers now, your dress a wrinkled mess in the middle of your body. 
"Mmm… I need you so bad, hubby…" You whispered out, throat dry and face twisted in need and want. "Please…" 
"Do you deserve it, huh baby?" Now he laid out some of the cold chain against your throat with his free hand, lips parted and eyes dark. "Have you been a good wife for me?" 
You vigorously nodded, clenching around air once more as your eyes rolled to the back of your head when he applied pressure to the makeshift leash against your windpipe, the loss of air and realization of the imbalance of power causing you to pant and hump the man harder. 
Pete could do to you literally anything that he desired and you would happily let him just to please him. 
That was your only priority after all; your real duty.
"You're gonna have to use your words, honey…" Your husband released your windpipe as he spoke, causing your back to arch once more to try and breathe better. 
"I… I…. deserve it, hubby. I really do… I've been s- so good… I promise…" Your chest rose and fell as it glistened under the lights due to the tiny beads of sweat coating it along with Pete's saliva. "I- I deserve you~" your last word was a gasp against his lips that he finally smashed against yours, chaining down your windpipe again as he helped stimulate your worked up pussy by moving his own hips in sync to yours. 
You were too close. It was dangerous. You had to break away and ask his permission if you didn't want to get punished. Cumming without Pete's permission was always followed by cruel edging that stretched on for weeks. Your husband was a master at taking you high to the point of utter dumbness only to leave you deprived and trembling at the last moment.
But you liked to kiss him so much…
That and you didn't want him to feel like you were prioritizing your pleasure over kissing him.
That would be such a selfish thing to do!
And good wives were supposed to be giving, understanding, patient and supportive.
It was a dilemma.
But as always, your knight came to your rescue and you knew you could never love him more than you did in this moment. "Cum for me and I'll consider…" It was like he could read your body and boy did you adore him for it.
Your air came back -or rather, was allowed to do so- just as fast as your vision went out when your tense insides finally bloomed open and went crashing over you the barrage of pleasure that had been building up inside of you. You moaned Pete's name along with heartfelt praises as you trembled, hips slowing down to avoid overstimulation as you blinked away the stars in your vision.
Rubbing and humping definitely had their own kinds of orgasms. 
"Atta girl… That's it… Just like that…" Your husband whispered in your ear, his still clothed cock now rock hard against your worked up pussy. "Good girl…" Though he still kept a firm hold on your ankle and wrists, Pete let go of the makeshift leash to reach for your marked boobs that he began to caress. "You feel that, baby?" A soft whine pushed past the pout that formed on your lips. "This is what you do to me…" His voice was strained as he held back a moan, his stiff crotch teasing you now as he let go of your breasts to open his fly.
It was then that it suddenly occurred to you. 
And though you knew from ample experience that it was never pleasant… you had to do the right thing. 
You owed it to your perfect husband. 
"U- Uh, honey…" You hissed out softly, trying to move your hips away from the torturous humping he was still subjecting you to. When Pete didn't respond, you tried again, only this time more timid because you knew too well how he responded to denial and rejection. "D- Darling…"
His nostrils flared as he exhaled loudly in annoyance. "What?" Your bottom lip wobbled at his snappish tone. 
The man of the house did not like to be delayed when he wished to wreck his lady apart. 
"I- I need to tell you s- something…" Pete gave up fiddling with the fly, looking up at you now. 
"And it can't wait?" Your eyes stung when he refused to mend his tone but you told yourself it was because he wanted you so bad that he didn't want anything to come between you two. 
Yes, that was it.
The truth. 
Pete had told you this many times. 
"I- I don't think you would like it…" Averting your gaze from his heated one and training it on his neck, you whimpered out your next words because of how his body had suddenly stiffened against yours. "I- I…" You bit your lip, already heightened heart rate refusing to slow down. Pete appreciated it when you were honest about this, you didn't understand why it was making you feel so panicked and sad.
"D- Dangerous memories have been r- resurfacing again…" His tone and expression instantly changed after hearing this. They were darker but less rude now. 
"Oh…" Pete stopped for a few moments to recollect himself. "F- For how long, baby?" 
"D- Dunno… didn't really notice it until I remembered a whole episode from my time in court in the m- morning…" You couldn't help but whimper when you looked back up at him. 
He seemed almost dumbfounded for a second before he spoke. "I see, honey…" Stopping for a few moments, Pete let go of your chains to caress your hair lovingly. "... And… What do we do when that happens, baby?" Your husband's voice was barely above a whisper as he peeked up at you with skeptical eyes. 
"W- We have to go downstairs to fix it so the dangerous memories cannot form any silly ideas in my simple baby mind, hubby…" The man's worried expression changed to one of surprise.  
And then the biggest smile made its way on his handsome face. 
"Aren't the most perfect little girl, huh?" You couldn't help but blush and relax when he went back to being nice.
Disappointed and angry Pete was one you preferred to avoid at all costs. 
"I just love you, hubby…" It came out the way the man had programmed you to say it before you gently pressed your mouth to his. "Wanna please you and make you happy…" Your husband pulled at one of your cheeks lovingly before he peppered soft kisses around your nose, making you giggle from how his goatee tickled your skin. 
"So, then… shall we?" The older looked almost proud and smug as he crawled off of you and undid your ankle cuff, softly caressing the slightly red skin before he offered you a hand to sit up. 
You smiled as you pushed away a rather unfamiliar stinging in your chest, focusing on the man in front of you instead as you took his hand and stood up, naively following him out of the living room and into the basement, hand in hand with your fingers intertwined.
Pete smirked to himself darkly as he turned the dial of the combination lock on the door of the basement cell before opening it for you to step in. He could still remember the time when you used to push all of your faculties to try and override the lock system somehow. 
All that fight to get out only to voluntarily step in with a smile now. 
You were definitely Pete's Magnum opus.
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mksbigg3stfan · 5 months
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MCSM Ship Dynamics
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(Just how I think different MCSM ships would work + my overall thoughts and opinons on them !!!
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Jesse x Lukas
Jesse and Lukas are like the bread and butter of MCSM ships, very basic but beloved for their closeness and banter. Jesse, no matter which route you take or choices you make, is a more extroverted character that is a strong leader. Generally, Jesse cares very much about their friends and is a pretty friendly person. It's mostly up to how the person individually perceives Jesse, but the most common interpretation of Jesse I've seen in Jesskas is that Jesse learns to admire Lukas as they travel together. Lukas usually falls for them as well, but in the "He fell first they fell harder" kind of way, lukas being the former.
I've also seen some interpretations of Jesse having a little crush on Lukas at the beginning of MCSM because they think he's cool. Overall, I think Jesskas would be a pretty healthy ship.
The two of them admire each other, and they accentuate each other's strengths well! Jesse got Lukas out of his shell and pushed him to improve, and Lukas hyped Jesse up and helped them grow into the hero they were in season 2.
Lukas as a character in season 1 doesn't exactly have confidence. Though he does have faith in some of his own strengths, and is the most likely character out of Olivia, Axel, and Jesse to disagree with Jesse, he still is always trying to keep people happy and try to keep conflict to a minimum. Not being an aggressive character doesn't mean he won't stand up for himself when needed, though. Even though Lukas wasn't exactly the leader of the Ocelots, they still sort of listened to him and considered his opinions in a way, so Lukas could probably hold his own on Aiden in an argument. The reason Lukas didn't argue with them as much was most likely because he believed that the Ocelots could change, but when he was proven wrong the arguments became more frequent and he got kicked out.
Jesse and Lukas in season 2 are very clearly closer, and it seems like they'd been hanging out a lot more before everyone became too busy to see each other more often. Still, in season 2, Lukas is belittled by Romeo, who brings up his old insecurities. He sees through Romeo's disguise because he and Jesse always lift each other up and encourage the other to improve. Lukas also seems to be a character that would show affection through words - like cheering people on or subtle physical affection - like a high five and the ever so often hug. Jesse, Olivia, and Axel definitely have become his safe place after the Ocelots kicked him out.
The only real critisism I can think of for Jesskas is that there was a lot of mischaracterization of Lukas in the past, and still some in the present, along with it kind of overshadowing a lot of other characters and ships.
Jesskas is very overdone, but there's nothing wrong with that! It's cute, albeit very basic. I don't really ship it, but I see where people are coming from, and it has the potential to be very cute!
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Jesse x Petra
Again, Jesse and Petra are a pretty basic, bread and jam type of ship. It's a little more complex than Lukas and Jesse, but not by much honestly. Petra is also a bit of a cool girl archetype, someone who's generally closed off from other people and doesn't like showing weakness due to fear of being seen as just that - weak. Only her weaknesses. She has trouble staying in one place for long or getting attached to things, but when she does, Petra holds on tight. While Lukas is just about as extroverted as Jesse, Petra is more introverted and selfish. She looks out for herself.
It's difficult to pin a characer for Jesse since, honestly, the different routes and such make it seem like every person who plays MCSM will get their own individual Jesse character. Also, because of lacking writing, which makes Jesse kind of has the amount of character of a peanut shell most of the time ... but I guess that again, that makes Jesse's character mostly up to individual interpretation. With Jesstra, I've noticed people seem to pin Jessie as a person that likes physical affection, so them and Petra tend to bond over fighting and sparring.
Petra is probably mostly averse to physical affection and touch - she seems more like someone who would do acts of service, being a mercenary and all. Jesstra seems like a ship where they would be sparring and flirt with each other through complimenting each other's moves + lovingly beating the shit out of each other. In a healthy way, though! After sparring, I think they would take care of any bruises or harm that was caused together.
When Petra was super closed off and mysterious, Jesse was the one to get her to start talking to more people. They were one of Petra's first really close friends, and that meant a lot to her. They were also the one that forced Petra to realize she couldn't stay stagnant forever and expect things to never change. She had to grow up and move on.
I can see the appeal with their compiments and banter during fights and sparring, as well as Jesse leaving Beacontown at the end of season 2 to go travel the world with Petra. A very healthy ship as well!
To be honest, we really need more focus on the smaller sapphic and wlw ships in the MCSM fandom, in my opinion. This ship probably is the gateway a lot of people get into those through, so I thank it very much for that. Not only that, but it's a pretty cute ship! Again, I don't exactly ship it, I don't really ship anyone with Jesse because I don't find Jesse that interesting.
As for faults with this ship, from what I've seen, the characterization of Petra is pretty good, but because Jesse is a lot less complex in comparison to her, it feels kind of empty on one side.
Anyways, I can definitely see where you guys are coming from! I personally do love dynamics like this one, so I think it's pretty good!
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Jack x Nurm
Boy, oh boy, old man yaoi !! (just jokes, guys, please don't kill me). While Nurm speaks in villager, Jack is able to understand him completely fine. They both seem to have a very deep understanding of each other anyway. They give the vibes of adventurer husbands who traveled the world together in their youth. By now, they're pretty much done with adventuring and want to settle down together and live in peace. And they deserve it!
You can tell just by hearing them talk that they've spent many an adventure together, fighting alongside the other and tending to each other's wounds. If they have any child relatives, I'm sure they'll be the favorite relative just for the sheer amount of cool stories they can tell.
Jack has a lot of respect for Nurm as a cartographer, and Nurm respects Jack's physical strength. Nurm is probably more the brains of the two, more quick witted and smart. The only thing is, Jack is one of the only people who can really understand him. That probably got them to be much closer than any of their other party members, anyways.
Also, not to mention, they live together. They are married guys trust me. (You don't have to take that serious dw) The only thing I could possibly think of as critisism is that it's kind of weird that Nurm is a villagerx but he's proven that he's just as intelligent as any player, so it's fine. Besides, it seems like people have universally accepted that they are married or in love, at least, from what I've seen.
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((If you want me to talk about a specific ship, you can just ask !!! ( ´∀` )b))
Never feel scared to ask me anything !! I live when people send asks, or just interact with me in any way at all BSNANDND
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furiousgoldfish · 2 years
How abuse affects your friendships and relationships
Abusive childhood teaches you to stay in abusive relationships
Children of abusive parents are more likely to tolerate abusive friends
Abuse will make toxic friendship feels normal.
Abusive parents teach us to chase people whose love we think we can 'earn' or obtain by removing boundaries and suffering more abuse.
Abuse can trick you into believing you have to love people unconditionally even if they abuse you.
Abusive parents fails to teach you the signs of an abusive relationship.
Abuse makes us scrutinize our own actions and behaviours, but never others'.
Abuse will make you completely disregard subtle red flags in friendships.
Long term neglect can make us long for any kind of attention
Neglect makes us extra vulnerable to Love Bombing and Mirroring
Abuse makes us vulnerable to Future Faking.
Abuse makes us tolerate more pain than anyone normally would tolerate in a friendship/relationship.
Abuse can teach us that neglect, lack of positive attention and engagement, lack of consideration for our needs and wants, is normal and acceptable in our friendships and relationships, leading us to tolerate it.
Living in abuse and using fantasy and idealism to endure the reality, will encourage the development of Magical Thinking in adulthood.
Abuse makes us emotionally vulnerable to grooming, and likely to bond with groomers.
Abuse makes it impossible to notice the signs of an abusive relationship.
Abuse can groom you to accept and tolerate abuse from others.
Sense of self
Neglect causes low self esteem.
Abuse greatly amplifies the human fear of being unlovable, unwanted and dying alone.
Being raised in abuse can make you feel like you're 'not normal' and make it difficult to relate to people.
Abuse can make you feel like you're a constant inconvenience and always left out.
Abuse forces you to keep secrets that alienate you from friendships or feeling like a part of community
Abuse in isolation makes us feel like the world abandoned us.  
Attachment disorders
Abuse can lead to intense, over-attached, idealized, unstable, disorganized, or detached and fragile attachments as opposed to stable and healthy ones with boundaries and realistic expectations.
Neglect can cause abandonment issues, which then cause intense stress, anxiety, insecurity, and overall traumatic response to a break of a friendship/relationship
Neglect can cause craving of being ‘taken care of’ or ‘being the caretaker’ rather than pursuing equal and completely mutual relationships
Abuse can lead you to bond intensely with a 'favourite person' which puts you into a position where you can easily be groomed or exploited, and unable to get out of it.
Abuse leads into idealizing people who show us even the minimum of kindness.
Abuse can make us crave ‘feeling important’ even from abusers
Parentification teaches you to take care of other people as a Survival Strategy
Abusive parents can set you up to live as a resource to others
Abuse teaches you to keep your pain secret while tearing yourself apart to care for other's pain.
Abuse starves us out of conversation, touch, gentleness, community, and it can be painful to introduce ourselves (back) to it.
Abuse makes casual socializing anxiety-inducing and frightening.
Social abuse can invoke social anxiety.
Abuse can make attention feel dangerous.
Abusive parents can sabotage you socially, making your real entrance into social life only after you get away from them, and by that time you've missed out on valuable development of social skills and you're starting with a disadvantage
Suffering the pain of abuse alone can make you feel like isolating yourself and being away from people is the only safe way to exist.
Suffering long-term abuse can make you intensely doubt people's intentions (and sometimes you might be right).
Abuse can make any criticism in a social situation extremely painful and triggering for us
Abuse can create strict double standards for how we're allowed to live and feel, and what others are allowed.
Intimacy and closeness will trigger emotional flashbacks, painful memories and personal crisis, making you unwilling to try and be close to people.
Long term abuse makes it painful for us to receive or accept comfort.
Abuse can make us feel indebted for comfort.
Abuse makes us feel like we're craving abuse when we're only craving comfort
Abuse makes us look for positive attention in non-effective or dangerous ways.
Abuse can make you blame yourself for any social interaction that hurts you.
Abuse makes us dismiss our own discomfort with others.
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jmdbjk · 10 months
Oh, Jimin.
Thank you for being 100% you.
Hoping, wishing and praying your service time is uneventful, drama-free, that you stay safe and healthy. I hope you meet a lot of amazing people who will learn just how very amazing YOU are.
I hope that if you do have to deal with stressful and shitty situations or people, that you can take it in, work through them, learn from them and move on.
Knowing you will be together with Jungkook, helping each other through it all, is one of the most reassuring things for us to know.
What you two have chosen to do won't be the easiest route through this required time but knowing a little bit about both of your personalities, you will both meet the challenges, work hard and go above and beyond, setting standards for the rest of those around you (heh heh, sorry for those guys, right? they better learn to keep up).
Be yourself unapologetically. Don't worry about what anyone thinks... IF YOU ARE PROUD OF WHO YOU ARE, that's all that matters.
When it's time, when you can, take a look on your phone and you will see us still here cheering you on. We're right here, all the time.
Take care, be real, be safe, be assured we will all be here when you get back.
I love you, Jimin.
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I feel like I'm sending off my family/my first love/my best friend/my significant other/my lifeline/my favorite people in the world... my heart goes out to their families and dear close friends.
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stranger-opinions · 7 days
maybe it's not a writers-block; maybe you just need a break
creativity is a muscle, right?
you need to exercise it to keep it in good shape, to have it ready when you need it and don't we all love those hyperfocused sprints of writing where the words just spill out of our fingertips...
but muscles get sore when you overuse them, will strain when you force them past their limits, they need nourishment to stay healthy and in shape
fandom today has a competitive atmosphere. many wouldn't admit that; it's supposed to be fun after all. just vibing with our mutuals, playing with the blorbos having a fun time online to scratch a few itches.
but the truth is that it can become a lot of pressure rather fast.
putting out several k of (edited) writing a month, setting up painstakingly formatted posts with the right tags and a fun header we spent hours on to look effortlessly cool and eye-catching just to hit post and then feel... nervous. excited too, sure...
but damn, when will the next chapter be finished? or the next one shot? will there be enough time to put a few blubs in between so that the few people who actually seem to care won't forget about us and move on?
writing for writing's sake is a nice notion. the myth of the self-sustaining artist who needs nothing more than a passion and their tools of choice.
but shit isn't just created out of nothing.
what has that all to do with the title of this post do you ask?
very few people can just keep going and going making art like that without needing any breaks and a good portion of those people very likely have very different conditions than most of us have with full-time jobs, families, school and so on.
For many of us writing is a main outlet, an important hobby and a safe space but that still doesn't change that it is a creative hobby, an outlet that demands energy: emotional, mental and physical (typing for hours is hard work if you want to believe it or not) and that sometimes makes it impossible to accept that we just need a fucking break.
"writers-block", in my own experience, is my brain telling me that something is off and that it's on strike until I fucking fix that.
and sometimes it's just that I need a break.
that I need to recharge my creative batteries, take in things that inspire me, that make me happy and get me excited without having to make anything myself. to just be. take some walks amongst trees, watch a new series, read a new book, go into a deep dive of some random topic on wikipedia until I don't know where the fuck I started from.
sometimes I just need to log out, cut the overstimulation of a never ending dashboard, turn off what everybody else on tumblr is doing, how much everbody is putting out, get away from my frustration about "my flopped fic" or the latest fandom drama and reconnect with the real reason I am doing this.
the love for stories and the source material.
for some people those breaks can be as short as two days, for other is might be weeks or months and that is not only okay but totally normal.
sometimes you might realize that the reason you are not writing is that you actually don't want to. sometimes you just want to daydream without the extra work sometimes you're just not in a writing mood and it's not much deeper than that.
that doesn't have to mean you're done with your blorbos. it just means that there are more valid and fun ways to play with them.
don't worry, the fandom will still be there when you decide to pick up the keyboard again. maybe with less people, maybe with many different people but you will always find someone who cares. those who have moved on to different things not come back wouldn't likely have stayed if you had powered through.
fandom shouldn't be a you're in or you're out thing but a place you come to when you want to.
contentification of fandom has had a lot of negative effects on the way we create and so many people fade from their hobby because they simply burn themselves out to a point where it leaves a scar.
so. find something that makes you happy that does not require you to invest too much creational energy. rest those muscles as long as it takes.
nothing you can get on tumblr or ao3 is worth the sore brain, the frustration with yourself and the stress you add onto your mental health ontop of everything else in your life.
recharge, reevaluate, reconnect
have fun
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hells1nfern0 · 9 months
alright final final last post i know i keep saying that but i keep on having feelings.
my final final thoughts about this whole situation
Please take care of yourself and take a moment off the internet to reevaluate everything after yesterday. If you were genuinely putting your own health or real life important events aside for a livestream then you need to take a second to get your priorities straight. Your life and your happiness is more important than the chance of getting immediate dopamine. trolling is something that happens often on the internet and if you felt genuinely betrayed and hurt by the stream then I think you need to take a step back and genuinely reevaluate how you perceive the internet and the people on it. Noone is in the wrong here besides those directly attacking one another. I get being autistic I am too, I also get being young and not knowing how to respond to that stuff in a healthy way. I also get how trying to distance yourself from this shit is difficult because of when and how hlvrai started. In 2020 when we were all stuck inside wanting a place to escape to. but genuinely. You need to think about media and fandom and the internet and how you interact with it. And wonder if its healthy what you're doing.
Long and short of it: GENUINELY go outside and drink some water. I don't think your mental health should hinge on a webseries. Stay safe and be careful. Having your life hinge on the internet can ruin you. I know that personally.
Please be nice to yourself first and foremost. If it doesn't spark joy. Figure out what to do instead.
Happy HL2VRAI everyone. It was fun
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atechnobladeapologist · 5 months
Paralels between Emerald duo and Codebreakers (canons and headcanons).
First of all they are my favorites character, I cannot even put in words how much I like them, my brain is gonna rot.
Personally I dont like to see the relationship that Phil have with them as something pathernal, but more as something close to the idea of the Moiral quadrant that we had on homestuck.
For you who saved your ass and stayed farrr away from this webcomic (just joking dont take that part too serious), Moirail basicly are besties that has a strings and specials bond, Moirail it’s that person who you feel safe to open up and talk about problems and feelings. That’s it if I dont mistaken me, omg my memorie is so poor, but look if Im wrong this is still the concept that Im looking for okay :c
Based on it, we should normalize kiss your best- COF COF, I mean, normalize writing an open love letter to your best friend in a pretty platonic way (Im not being ironic).
In short, they are best friends, bros, buddys.
Yeh I talk too much, too much, lesgo then.
The totem thing. I like to think Philza is pretty concerned with the boys, because Techno and Elotes are almost two ambulant suicidals just because of the totens, yet Phil is just like omggg sit down and stay quiet just for two entire minutes. I imagine Phil have constantly to bandage and sew up their wounds, SPECIALLY with Etoiles, that French Beast thing and his way of looking at thing intensifies this a lot.
I have a really strong headcanon that in both codebreakers and emerald duo Techno and Etoiles have a very strong relationship with Mumza because of the times they almost died (a pretty fun relationship btw, I bet she gives advices and philosophizes about life with them), at the point they know her even BEFORE know Philza or as long as they know him, and all this often without Philza even knowing, and when he descovers he goes like: WHAT?!
Even though Philza doesnt look physically as strong as them (I like to think he is, for real) the two still admire the man as if he were a super cool older friend, and besides none of them show it to Phil or tell him, they both are like: LOOK that cool guy is MY FRIEND, how cool, isnt it?
Headcanon, the warriors already cried in front him.
I know that Techno is pretty concerned about his reputation in a certain way but I really like to pass this to Etoiles too, Imagine a moment where they are showing friendly affection for eachother with a hug or something, and out of nowhere they break up and Etoiles says, “man, I’m enjoying this but it hurts my reputation”, even when theres NO ONE close to see it, they’re just so out of touch they have ashamed of it, in the most fluffy way you can imagine that, it’s pretty funny imagine beasts, unshakable warriors that just cant deal with a hug of their best friend.
Techno hear voices, Etoiles get the paranoid <3
They have wavy and curly hair and sometimes Phil helps them to finish their hair, for techno he usually braid his all hair and for Etoiles he do a tiny terere on the side. Philza encourage both to take more care of their hair because he likes the curls and waves.
Techno and Etoiles have completly unexpected hobbies, I like to think that tech know how to sew and he have a whole sketchbook just for crosquis and Etoiles constantly draw and makes small wood sculptures, cute things because he usually gives to Pomme. We can invert this too btw, I think it matchs with both!
Despite Phil’s warnings they simply refuse to have a healthy sleep schedule.
If it was necessary they would sacrifice themselfs for keep the oldman safe.
I didn’t talk much about Phil :c but I was trying to do something more focused on Tecchnoblade and Etoiles in the relationship with him ya know? Maybe another time I’ll do something for our blondie girlie pop.
I truly like how those duos are simillary with eachother even when one of them are different people. Btw codebreakers should be more contrast on the fandom hihi.
Just to remember English is not my mother language so sorry for the poor words choose.
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angelsdean · 1 year
dean "the angry man in the house" winchester ??? WRONG. dean is the HEART of the house. he always has been. he became the fictional mother that never was, he pushed himself to fill the role of the mythical mother mary. he played mediator between the two who were always butting heads. he was quiet and seemingly obedient and when on the rare occasion he rebelled he was cast out by the Real angry man of the house. and while dean was gone, the metaphoric house was without heart. without joy. because dean did more than just take care of sammy, he was there. he made sure sam didn't feel alone or neglected. when sam says he was a lonely kid and dean feels it as a slap in the face that's because to dean, they weren't lonely because they had each other ! like "what do you mean you were a lonely kid you had me?" so dean, he tried. as the heart of the house, he tried to make sure sam felt cared for and then later, with every found family member, dean dotes on them and tries to help them however they can and he wants them to stay where he can see them and care for them and keep them safe. and when they finally have their first permanent home since lawrence, dean nests. and he cooks and decorates his room and keeps photos of his loved ones nearby and he likes a clean house. and does he get angry and upset sometimes ? yes. because those are human emotions and he also has decades of unresolved trauma and few healthy coping skills bc he's never been given a chance to just stop and take care of himself and address these issues and the only emotion he learned was allowed to be expressed was anger so often what is fear and worry gets filtered and comes out as anger. but HE is not the angry man in the house. that will always, always be john. john's ghost looming over them. john's influence like a shadow. john's ways ingrained in them but that they both (hot-headed sam, esp early seasons hello remember him !!) need to unlearn. but neither of them are that angry man. that man is always going to be john. people misunderstand and misuse that "angry man" quote all the time. it's not about becoming the angry man that was once there. it's about being haunted by him, even when he's gone. and both of them, but dean specifically, are haunted by john.
the quote appears in the short story "Cut" by Cathrine Lacy and it's a poem within the story that goes like this:
if you’re raised with an angry man in your house, there will always be an angry man in your house. you will find him even when he is not there. and if one day you find that there is no angry man in your house— well, you will go find one and invite him in!
and in the story one of the characters asks the meaning of the title which means ‘womanly qualities’ or ‘womanhood’ and in the context of the poem the "angry man in your house" is meant to be this recurring male figure. you're raised with an angry man in your house. then you're haunted by that figure, "you will find him even when he is not there." and then when you are finally free of him, you will go out and find someone just like him and invite him inside. it's about cycles. and in the context of the poem it's about women mirroring and repeating patterns of their mothers, dating men that are like the angry men they grew up with, because it's all they know. it's not about becoming the angry man. and dean does not become that angry man either. he's haunted by john. he's internalized certain things about john but he's still a victim of john's abuse. and when he lashes out, that's more about unresolved trauma and needing better ways to express his emotions that aren't actually anger than it is about him becoming anything.
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cosmic-crybaby · 1 year
Blue Skies - Tommy Shelby
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Chapter 18: 'Like Real People Do'
Warnings: Mentions of blood, childbirth, last chapter
Months had passed since your relationship with Thomas Shelby had come to an end.
You had someone by your side with every step of the way. Now just a few weeks away from your predicted due date, Ada, Polly, and Esme were there to help you when you needed them. Even Alfie and John had stopped by a few times when you needed them to. But the Shelby women were there through it all. Esme had made an effort to be with you almost every day, even while she was expecting her first child herself.
Esme also kept Thomas' name to a minimum when it came to conversations with you, although she had wished she could gossip about the recent things he had done. Your mind had drifted back to him from time to time, wondering what he had gotten himself into now or how he was doing in that big mansion all alone. You stayed strong and refrained from reaching out to him for your own sanity.
Esme wore she would never give Tommy any kind of update on how you were doing, but Polly and Ada gave him some peace of mind after answering his burning and persistent questions.
“She’s doing just fine,” 
“Her and the baby are healthy,” 
“Yes, she’s still working,” 
But that was the extent of it all.
Tommy really had no idea how you were really doing, and even though you wanted to keep it that way, he still refrained from stopping by your bakery, or sending a peaky boy or two to keep watch on you and the kids. An extra measure to make sure you were safe. He knew you were smart, and would have spotted them right away, but again part of him wished that was the case so you could talk to him again.
But it was better this way, it kept him up at night, thinking you were all alone now. He stayed awake at night with the regret of ever hurting you and jeopardizing your relationship. The one night with Lizzie Stark caused his heart to shatter every night he went without you in his arms.
You, on the other hand, continued to care for your two children and work on your own for the most part, even if you slowed down the further you grew into your pregnancy. You eventually gave into Esme’s request to help you out when the days got busy or when you simply needed to rest. 
Tonight was Henry’s first orchestra concert. You were adamant on attending, no matter what. You sat in the front row with Elizabeth in the middle between you and her Aunt Esme. Watching him on stage along with the other kids of all ages. You gushed to Esme about how cute he looked in his suit, but went silent as they began to play. Listening to the beautiful symphony of classical music. You proudly gazed up at him on the stage as he focused on the sheet music and the movements of the bow on the strings. It was times like this where you were thankful that Thomas paid for violin lessons so he could perfect his skills on time for the show. Your smile dropped as you felt a sharp cramp to your side, inhaling quickly. Your hand quickly flew to your stomach for a moment until the pain quickly subsided. You managed to sit through the concert in uncomfortable silence, not wanting to miss a second of Henry’s performance. You shift in your seat as you take slow and deep breaths while rubbing your side to calm down. 
Once the curtains close and everyone applauds, you turn to Elizabeth. 
“Why don't you meet your brother backstage when he’s done?” You asked her. 
“Okay mum,” She nods, watching her stand from her seat and skip off to the side of the stage. Esme looked over at you, worried.
“What’s wrong, love?” She asked, moving to sit in Elizabeth's empty seat. You groan a bit, attempting to stand up but sit back down with a shocked gasp. You feel around your dress, as the clear liquid spilled down to your knees and into the floor. 
"I-I think my water just broke," 
You knew your due date was nearing quickly but you didn’t think the baby would come this early. Esme rushes to help you stand, grabbing your arm as you hissed at the aching pain in your back. 
“Come on love, not much time now,” She guides you to stand up. Just as you pass the stage, Elizabeth and Henry walk out. Henry held his violin case as he looked at you. You halt your steps. 
"Oh, you did amazing sweetheart," You smiled at him as he gave you a tight hug. 
"Thanks mum," As he let you go, you reached out for their hands. You glanced at Esme as she nods once to make a call to John.
"Okay, listen..." You paused, taking a deep breath. "We will drop you off at Aunt Adas and then we will come pick you up in the morning when-" 
"Rather than staying with their own father?" A strong voice said from behind. 
"Dad!" The two shouted happily as they ran to him and hugged him tightly. 
"Alfie?" You stood up straight with a groan. After he greeted the kids he approached you.
“No way in hell you’re gonna let my kids be watched over by a Shelby,” 
"Alfie I-”
" Right, I will be taking them for the night, I insist…" He dismissively told you. 
"You really never miss their performances," You told him quietly with a small smile. 
"Of course not, I fuckin' love my family," Even past his burley exterior, you could still see the love in his eyes.
"Mum?" Elizabeth looked up at you. You glance down at her. 
"Right! We'll get you in the morning when the baby gets here. okay?" 
Their eyes brightened up. 
"Okay mum," They said. You slightly bend down to pull them into hug them and give them quick kisses on their cheeks. 
"Stay safe, mum" Henry whispered in your ear. You nodded. 
"I love you, I will see you in the morning," You handed your children off to their father. Just then Esme had returned, rushing to your side.
"Thank you, Alfie," You smiled at him, wanting to just reach to hold his hand, but Esme grabbed your hand first after seeing the sweat beading on your forehead. 
"(Y/n)," She whispered. 
"I wish you well (Y/n), may God protect you, Love...stay safe," 
That was the first time you had seen him show real concern for you in a very long time. 
"Love, the car's here we've got to go," Esme rushed.
In the car, Esme sat in the backseat with you, helping you breathe through the sudden increase of pain as John drove like a madman back to your flat. As planned, you had arrived home and John helped you out of the car and into your bedroom. Esme was quick to call Polly and had her rushed over, since she was the only person you had trusted to help you deliver the baby and she lived only a few streets away. As you sat on the bed, hunched over and panting, John rubbed your back. Even though he had seen this many times before and witnessed the birth of his many kids and siblings, he still felt anxious for you as his hands shook.
"(Y/n) Polly is on her way but we need to get you ready," Esme hurried into the room, holding clean sheets and a large, thin night dress. She had ushered John out of the room, sending him to gather blankets, towels, and water. She helped you undress and put on your nightgown as you finally were able to catch your breath for just a minute before the cramping started up again, this time a loud cry erupting from your throat as you gripped onto the bed sheets. 
"Fucking Christ!" You shouted.
"You're doing great love just keep breathing," Esme calmed you, trying to keep your breathing regulated. She moved your hair out of your face as it stuck to your face the more you began to sweat. 
"Esme, it hurts! I can't do this!" You cried. 
"Yes you can! Just hold on, Polly's almost here," She comforted you. You whine as John entered the room, bringing the things Esme ordered. 
"She's here," 
It was like everything was a huge blur, you had no idea what was going on until Polly greeted you. Hasty, and trying to stay calm as she ordered John to get more water. 
"(Y/n), you've got a fever, you need to stay awake so we can get the baby out, okay?" She spoke clearly. You tiredly nodded. She helped you onto the bed, sitting up as she rubbed your back gently. In the midst of your next contraction you held Esme's hand tightly as Polly checked your dilatation. 
"You'll need to start pushing soon okay?" Polly asked, standing up to wash her hands and grab the pile of linens and towels.
"N-No, I can't, it hurts," You cried, your words coming out like slurs and your eyelids getting heavier. 
"Shit, John! Where is the fuckin' water?!" Polly shouted. The room began to spin as everyone in the room began shouting and yelling at each other. You couldn't comprehend what was happening. Not until you heard him call your name. 
"He just turned up, I couldn't tell him to leave, Aunt Pol he has every right to be here!" John argued. 
"I don't give a shit, he's hurt her in more ways than one and right now she needs help not a fucking reminder of the man who put her in this situation!" She argued. 
"She doesn't even want to hear your name, what makes you think she wants you here?!" Esme spit. 
"(Y/n)," He called. "I need to see her, please," He begged as he tried to push past Polly. She glared at him, refusing to let him through. 
"Only if she agrees," She noted. 
"She's delusional, she can barely speak!" Esme shouted. 
"Tommy?" You mumbled. A whimper left your throat as you looked towards the door. A moment of silence filled the room as he was let in, much to Polly and Esme's dismay. Thomas stood by you and held your hand as you looked at him with a dazed look in your eyes. Your face was pale, your pupils wide, as the sweat drips down your temples and neck.
"Hi love...I'm here now, I'm here for you," He nodded. 
"Polly-" You quickly turned away from Thomas as you called for his aunt. She walked to the bed once again, lifting the sheet to check your dilatation. With a focused face she ordered Esme to help. 
"Give her water, try to keep her cool because this baby is coming now," She hurried. Drinking the water quickly and shutting your eyes as you felt the need to push. 
"You're doing great, (Y/n) just keep breathing," Esme encouraged you as she dabbed your forehead with a damp towel. You nod once as you try to focus on your breathing. The impending pain made you open your eyes as you frantically reached for Esme's hand. Esme held you close, looking up at Thomas to step up and do the same. He was almost frozen in his place as he stared at her.
"Tommy," You called for him again, holding your hand out as he tightly squeezed. You cried out in pain
"It'll be okay, keep going," He looked at you with wide eyes. 
"Fuck!" You cursed loudly as you threw your head back. 
"Almost there (y/n) almost there! One more!" Polly affirmed. It seemed like everything had gone by within the blink of an eye. One last push and one last cry from you and it was all over. The pain became numb as your legs trembled. The warmth of the blood drenched your sheets as Polly gasps in relief. Far too exhausted to lift yourself up to get a proper look at the little bundle as Polly cleaned them up. Your vision begins to double as you sink back into the pillows. The muffled sound of Esme and Tommy calling your name was almost deafened when you heard the coos and crying of the baby. You felt your eyes get heavier and heavier as the sweat and heat began to get too much for you. And with that, you were out. The room was worried for you. Trying to wake you up but the fever, the pain, and the blood loss had all hit you at once. 
That summer, Elizabeth and Henry were sitting on an old blanket on the grassy hills under the trees. The very same spot Thomas had taken them, chasing the ducks and flying paper airplanes over a year ago. The sun was warm and bright as the birds sang and the children laughed. A basket full of food and sweets sat beside them, Henry was restraining himself from sneaking a taste of the apple dumplings. You had approached behind them, the small baby in your arms as you set the small bag of necessities for the baby on the grass before you sat down. 
"Can we take Evelyn to look at the ducks, mum?" Elizabeth asked, the baby cooed and giggled as she grasped onto your fingers. 
"Yeah, let's go before Aunt Esme arrives," You nod as you stand up, and approach the small pond. She was still small, but her chubby hands grasped at the water, giggling as the little gold fish scattered whenever she wiggled her fingers. You chuckled as Elizabeth and Henry fed bread to the ducks, screaming and laughing as the ducks quacked and chased them around if they held the bread for too long. 
"(Y/n)!" Esme had called. You stood up, looking at the top of the hill, holding your hand over your brow to shade your eyes from the sun. She waved happily, the baby in her arms bundled close to her chest. John's kids greeted Henry and Elizabeth before they gathered to run about the hill. The two of you sat on the blanket, watching the kids kick a ball around, their laughs were carried with the wind. Behind you, in the car, John stood. Smoking a cigarette. 
"You alright, brother?" John turned to his older brother. Thomas leaned against the car. You didn't know he was there, and he didn't want to be known. He held the cigarette in his mouth as his hands were shoved in his pockets. He heavily sighs. 
"Yeah..." He mumbled. He hoped to get a glimpse of your new life. You looked happy, laughing with Esme as you held the baby by the hands as she took wobbly steps. The small glance he got at her, in her bright blue eyes. She looked just like a perfect combination of the both of you. It ached him that he had to keep his distance when all he wanted was to be next to you, holding the babe in his arms just as you were now. 
"Why don't you go talk to her?" John asked. He didn't completely understand why Thomas couldn't just man up and talk to you again. But it was more complicated than that. 
"I can't John," 
"Why not? Tom, you were meant to be, just give it a try," 
The days after Evelyn was born, Thomas tried to reignite that spark in you. And as much as it saddened you, you declined.  Your heart wanted you to go back to him, but every other part of you didn’t want to get hurt again. It just wasn't going to work. The amount of times he had hurt you was just too much to overlook the times he cherished you.
"Perhaps meant to be just wasn't for us, John..." 
You picked Evelyn up, lifting her up in your arms before bringing her down to give her a kiss. She squeals as you do it again and again. 
"That's bullshit," John muttered, flicking the end of his burnt out cigarette onto the gravel road. Thomas only took his hand out of his pocket to do the same. Shaking his head, swallowing thickly as he felt the lump in his throat grow the more he watched you. 
And you smiled, maybe not at him, but after all this time you still smiled, so he smiled too. He quickly looks down, licking his lips before pushing himself off of the car. 
"Let's go," He mumbled as he got into the driver's side. He gave you one last glance. Evelyn looked at you before turning her head to Thomas. Locking eyes with him. It was like he lost his breath at just how beautiful she was. Making him think, just how could someone as cold and deadly as himself make something so warm and beautiful. 
"What are you looking at, love?" You asked Evelyn, she looked at you then back to the road. Pointing a chubby finger in that direction. Confusion washed over your face as you looked over your shoulder. You both stared at each other, doing and saying nothing until you lifted your hand to give him a small wave, as a comforting smile formed on your face. Thomas returned the gesture before driving off. Your eyes followed the car until you couldn't see it anymore. 
"You still love him, don't you?" Esme calmly asked. You looked down, swallowing a bit before silently nodding. 
"That's okay...You made the right choice," She scooted closer to you, putting a comforting hand over yours. You nod again, your breath shuttering as you look up. The golden sun casting a glow on your skin as you wiped your tears. 
"We were always made for each other, just never made to last,"
This was the final chapter of 'Blue Skies' I really hope you all enjoyed reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it. I have another Tommy Shelby story in the works that will be posted soon! In the mean time if you would like a bonus chapter with Tommy x (yn) or Alfie x (yn), feel free to let me know.
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feminist-space · 26 days
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Tweet thread from broadwaybabyto:
"“I got Covid but it was worth it!” feels like the pinnacle of our misguided “you do you” approach to the pandemic.
It’s airborne - it’s not just about YOU. Even if you’ve decided being sick was worth it - what about the unlucky people who cross your path & get infected.
People who may not have attended an event, vacation, concert or whatever high risk activity you felt was worth the risk?
There’s many people in public for work or other unavoidable reasons. People not just having fun. You’re risking their health when you take no precautions.
If you use the DNC as example - people are proudly proclaiming that they knew the risk (though did they? Really?) and chose to attend anyways.
I would argue that you can never truly understand the risk since no one “expects” to get Long Covid or die.
But even if we go along with their rationale and assume they knew the risk & felt it was worthwhile… what about the people who were working the event? Staff at the venue, people on public transit, working in nearby hotels or at the airport? People serving them food?
Did THOSE people consent to the risk? Of course not. Many of them are working minimum wage jobs that they need to survive - not attending “fun” events and then making light of catching a serious disease.
They had NO choice or say in the matter.
Mitigations cost money. Many people can’t afford high quality respirators, air filters, nose sprays and mouthwashes (let alone expensive treatments like Paxlovid).
It’s often those who can’t afford the best protection who are exposed the most. We don’t talk about that enough.
It’s infuriating when you’re high risk and already disabled like me. We are TERRIFIED. We know people are out there knowingly positive and not masking. We know people are refusing to take precautions because they don’t think THEY are high risk. And we end up paying the price.
I’m not saying you can’t “live your life”… but why can’t you live your life in a more responsible manner? Demand clean air and upgraded ventilation in public spaces. Wear a mask. If you’re sick - stay home. If you attend a high risk event - mask afterwards & test regularly.
There are ways to do all the things you WANT to do without putting innocent people in harms way. Without risking the lives and health of others who are actively invested in avoiding spreading (or catching) covid. It CAN be done.
Finally - if the idea of infecting and harming someone else isn’t enough to sway you - consider this:
Most people suffering from severe Long Covid didn’t think they would become disabled either. They didn’t think they were high risk. They thought the risk was “worth it”.
We’ve been led to believe “only the vulnerable” are at risk - but the truth is everyone can get Long Covid. Many people are extra vulnerable and don’t even realize it. Repeat infections increase your odds as well.
Some of the sickest Long Covid patients I’ve met were young and healthy when they became sick. Many had mild acute infections but then decompensated over the weeks & months that followed.
The same could happen to you. The only way to avoid Long Covid is to avoid Covid.
Please reconsider saying your infection was “worth it.” Wear a mask. Care about the risk you pose to others.
If you’re struggling - reach out. There are many people here (myself included) who will happily give advice on mitigations and ways to keep yourself & others safe.
We are truly all in this together - people are just refusing to accept that fact. The sooner we acknowledge that we will succeed or fail together - the sooner real change can come."
Read the full thread here: https://x.com/broadwaybabyto/status/1827907305603559725
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psychrodraws · 6 days
Hello! May I have paldea trio headcannons?
(Or Arvpen headcannons, I need them)
Also yes, I am @indigodiskmybeloved this is my main ;-;
Hell yeah! This is… a lot. I think about this a lot. Way too much. Buckle up.
When Nemona’s with Penny, she’s the one who tries to pull her out of her shell a bit. She loves Penny’s snark and bite, how she’s willing to speak her mind about anything that bothers her, and Nemo doesn’t want to see that side of her be repressed. It’s a struggle, sometimes a lot more than others, but Nemona strives to be the confident hand that Penny can take while she finds her footing in the world. Her sygna suit was a cheerleader for a reason! However, she can find herself needing to take her foot off the gas, so to speak. When Nemona gets a bit too intense, it can make Penny clam up and just try to weather the sudden shift in energy. When Penny first snapped at Nemona to take it down a notch or twelve, Penny thought Nemona might cry- but Nemona was just so happy to see Penny willing to speak up! All of this has had a marked improvement on her confidence! Penny’s been finding herself talking to people a lot more, battling a lot more, even being the one to call her father first! It takes a lot out of her, but bit by bit and day by day, it takes ever so slightly less. Nemona couldn’t be prouder of her.
 But when Penny’s just really, really not feeling it, Nemona has no problem doing something a bit more low-key. She can’t really sit still long enough to just veg out and watch some anime, maybe if it’s a high-action anime, so they usually play video games together. Nemona is… not really that good at them! :D Penny goes easy on her. If the three of them are playing together, Arven does not, so Penny has to keep him down. Regardless, she has a ton of fun with them, with no real regard for winning or losing. Her favorite is Mario Kart, where she plays as Rosalina- tall girl solidarity, she likes playing Smash Brothers as Kirby because he’s cute, she doesn’t really get Minecraft and Splatoon makes her motion sick. Any other games Penny has are either single player or… way too violent for poor little Nemona. 
Nemona and Arven, on the other hand, are quite the opposite. Arven can take Nemona’s intense energy a lot better than Penny, so she does NOT hold back. On the one hand, Arven’s grateful for this. He’s touched that Nemona feels safe to be herself around her, and he wouldn’t want to jeopardize that for the world. On the other hand, oh my god she’s so intense dude. Battle after battle, that fire deep within Nemona’s heart in full blaze can make anyone sweat. Of course, all of this has Nemona over the moon. Very thankfully, after about oh, five or six battles, Nemona’s usually down to take a sandwich break. This is a good chance for them to slow down and just spend a bit of time together, without a fifty-feet war-zone of Rock Slides and Thunders between them. Nemona has that Shaggy metabolism, I’m saying it here, that girl can EAT and still stay quite thin.
 Arven loves making his partners food, and puts a ton of thought and care into what he makes them- for Nemo, it’s usually something simple and healthy, well-balanced with lots of protein. A nice BLT with some homemade mayo, or an egg salad sandwich. However, they might not even be done making their sandwich before Nemona’s ready for seconds, but no worries, she can do it herself, she insists every time… and every time, Arven can hardly watch. Throwing together random ingredients with no regard for structure or… taste, stacked way too high on pieces of bread way too small, and she eats the monstrosity just as readily as the first, lovingly crafted sandwich. Nemona and Penny tell him he doesn’t have to bottle up his emotions around them. He chooses to bottle up the emotions this makes him feel. How a girl from such a rich and refined family can have such a… resilient palette is beyond them. Still, whatever makes her happy, makes them happy.
alright bastards worst for last Arven and Penny, now that’s one hell of a combination. Things were not great at first, oh man. Their defenses of a nasty attitude and passive-aggressive teasing bounced right off Nemona, she got close to them by being completely immune to their toxins. Arven and Penny, however, felt like an old married couple staying together until the kids go off to college. That changed when one day, they got snippy with each other over god knows what. Arven got up to do some cooking, while Penny stayed on their bed to watch some anime on her phone. They didn’t talk, but merely co-existed. These same mundane thing they’d done a million times before were tinted with a loneliness so familiar they didn’t even recognize it was there anymore- until it wasn’t. They were trying so hard to “make it work” that they couldn’t realize they didn’t need to try at all. Slowly but surely, they came together more and more, not forcing themselves to partake in absolutely everything about the other. Arven didn’t really care for Penny’s weird anime about freaky angels and robots, Penny couldn’t stand the feeling of washing dirt off vegetables. And that was okay! Great, even! Not everything had to be a battle, and if they wanted to do their own thing, simply doing their own thing on opposite sides of the room was enough! 
Of course, they do have plenty in common. Penny was flabbergasted to find out Arven was actually pretty good at video games- “Penny, I’m also a loser with no friends, did you forget?” Some of her cooking anime actually quite intrigued Arven, and Penny’s knowledge of Pokemon husbandry came in quite handy in getting a hold of some of his rowdier Pokemon, like his Scovillain and… really just his Scovillain. i dont ljke her.  Penny found out she kinda really liked baking, being a lot less sensory and a lot more measurement and timing reliant than cooking- the sweets at the end weren’t a bad motivator either. She didn’t even hate going on hikes with Arven, as long as he carried her when she got tired, they got a lunch break at least an hour into the hike but preferably closer to 30 minutes, and they got the trail mix with the peanut butter chips. They can still find each other a bit tiring, Arven’s bottomless attitude and Penny’s razor tongue, but it’s worth it in the end, because deep down, they both really are two sweethearts under a thousand sour shells. 
Oh, and uh, Arven basically makes her anything she wants. Penny has a lot of foods and textures she avoids due to sensory issues pertaining to autism, so the same way Nemona tries to draw Penny out of her emotional shell, Arven tries to draw her out of her culinary shell. It’s a lot of trial and error, emphasis on the error, but Nemona has no issues with whatever leftovers may arise. As you might see from my art, I HC Penny as being a bit fat, because speaking totally neutrally here, it doesn’t make sense for her to be a thin anime moe twig with her lifestyle, like Mr. Poe K. Mon when I get my hands on you I swear to god- sorry. Anyways, Penny can be a bit self-conscious about her eating habits, but of all the things Arven will tease and poke fun at her for, food’s not one of them. Arven will never, never be the reason anyone goes hungry. If all Penny can get down is some reheated spaghetti or a simple PB&J, he has it ready without batting an eye. also Penny being open about being trans made Arven realize he’s genderfluid bite me
Okay and now rapid fire little headcanons:
-None of these idiots are good at kissing they’re all too proud/embarrassed to look up a guide on wikihow
-Nemona has simple pet names, big on “babe/baby.” Penny’s not too big on giving or receiving names, reminds her too much of her father’s nicknames, but Arven gets the “Arvee” a lot from both of them. I made the regrettable and sinful decision to make my Arven Kalosian, so Nemona is his “beautiful Aurorus” and Penny his “little Sylveon”
-Arven doesn’t use she/her pronouns too too often, but is okay with being called their girlfriend, especially if it’s funny. They’re willing to change gender for the bit.
-Penny isn’t a cuddler. Not adverse to it, but not crazy about it. She’s often on one side of the bed while the other two cling to each other like Komala with their logs.
-Arven’s blind in the eye they cover, and doing eyeliner with one eye is very hard. They can do it by themselves, but if Nemona or Penny are there that morning, by god they’re the ones who’re gonna do it.
If you’re still reading dont forget to like and follow ring that bell i post about these idiots and their other girlfriend I invented way too much
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nestastits · 7 days
Why can’t people admit that Nesta was going down the wrong path in acosf and that what the ic did, even if it wasn’t handled in the right way, did help her?
I cannot speak for everyone, but personally I think Nesta being placed in the house of wind was one of the only ways to help her heal. I know many try to compare Feyre being locked up by Tamlin to the IC locking Nesta in the HoW, but these two situations are not comparable honestly. Tamlin locked Feyre up despite her constantly trying to reach out to him and telling him what she needed, he wanted to keep her safe yes, but not in a way that would’ve been healthy/safe for Feyre given the narrative. Nesta was placed (I know many say she was locked in the house but she had a way to leave and a choice to leave different from Feyre, even if it wasn’t the most easygoing way) in the HoW out of fear of her wellbeing and it was done to help her. It has helped her. Nesta being isolated from the outside world helped her heal because she was taken away from what she was using to hurt herself. She had to be cut off from her bad coping mechanisms. I do truly believe that if she had stayed in that apartment, even if her financial income had been cut off, she would have died. People have to understand that Nesta didn’t care if she survived at the start of acosf, her apartment only enabled her to continue this cycle of existence that only hurt her. Now I think the way the IC/Feyre handled the situation was wrong, it could’ve definitely went out with more care for Nesta. But you also have to take into account that Nesta is stubborn and she believes herself unworthy, and she doesn’t want help from anyone. If Feyre had approached the situation as a sister instead of a High Lady, I am sure Nesta would’ve been angrier as she doesn’t want anyone to care for her at the start of acosf. However, if Nesta hadn’t of been isolated she wouldn’t of had a safe place to take a look at herself and want to do better, she wouldn’t of had a safe place to truly work on herself and find worth in living. Building bonds with others (Gwyn, Emerie, and yes Cassian) helped Nesta heal as well. In fact a lot of her self worth revolved around how she treated others and how they treated her back, this is why the Valkyrie friendship is so important for Nesta. Those girls loved her and helped her love herself, they supported her even without knowing what Nesta was going through. It is clear in the Blood Rite how important Emerie and Gwyn are to Nesta, if Nesta had never went to the HoW she would not have been able to become friends with them. I do agree that Nesta needed people to be gentle with her and understanding, and I believe that’s why she got her friendship with em and Gwyn, however I think she needed someone to also push her (cassian). Nesta needed someone to keep pushing her and engage her, to not break when she pushes back. I felt like Cassian did a good job at doing this for Nesta. Cassian as well inserts himself and tries to be what Nesta needs. He’s one of the few people (practically the only) who sees Nesta being harsh as a way to guard herself and works on himself for her, tries to fit into what she needs. These bonds could only have been explored with Nesta being in the House (though I am hoping for nessian having a second house in the Illyrian mountains <3). Nesta having these relationships with people who truly matter to her helped her heal. Now, by the end of the book Nesta has a preference to the HoW (calling it her home), to the point she was scared of going back into the outside world (starts an argument over it in fact). She doesn’t want to develop any bad habits again, and she knows the HoW has been a positive haven for her. Plus, the House loves Nesta, she literally Made it.
I have seen people try to explain why the “intervention” was wrong by bringing in real world examples/ethics. IMO this is wrong… as these are fantasy books and well, I doubt there is an ethical standard in Prythian nor a therapist (though some of these characters need a few therapy sessions here and there lols). I think people love Nesta to the point they want to make her this perfect girl/pick apart the book to make her morally correct (please do not attack me this is just my opinion from my experience in the fandom) so many make an issue without truly looking at rather it benefitted Nes or not. Some I feel don’t even really like Nesta or pay attention to her thoughts… but to each their own🤷🏼‍♀️.
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fairycosmos · 10 months
My girlfriend hit me last night and I don't know what to do. I can't talk to anyone about it because I don't want them to hate her in case I end up staying. She hit and kicked me multiple times and put her hands around my throat. I don't think I have any bruises so I don't know if anyone would believe me either, she's usually really sweet and this came out of nowhere. I don't know if I should stay, our lives are really intertwined from being together for almost four years. I don't know.
that is absolutely not okay by any stretch of the imagination and i'm so so so sorry she put you through it. it is completely understandable that you're feeling confused and mixed up and worried, i would say violent partners pretty much rely on making other people feel that way in order to keep doing what they're doing - but i will make the bottom line very clear for you and it's that you deserve better. this is all going to sound a bit "whatever" i'm sure but i mean it all very literally and on a very real level. putting her hands around your throat is extremely messed up and indicative that it will go further - i mean all of it is. it sounds so cliche but the warning signs are warning signs for a reason. i know this is beyond terrifying and i'm not trying to minimise how it would feel to be in your shoes right now, but more than anything, i just want you to know that you have options. you don't have to lie for her or cover for her no matter how much you love her her. it's so important to take a step back and do what's right for you and your safety. no matter how much you feel like your life involves her, at the same time, you are a whole person on your own too. and it's a really really big red flag that she would even put her hands on you in the first place - one that you can't ignore. i can't emphasise that enough, you can't ignore it. i'm not saying you have to immediately cut things off and just leave all at once, i'm saying you need to look at the options available to you and do what's right by you. i know this is a lot to take on. but she's literally abusing you and it doesn't get much more drastic than that. i'm going to leave some useful links and resources that can help you come to terms with that - please please make use of them if and when you can. she doesn't get to do that to you and have you just put up with it. please consider prioritising yourself going forward even if initially it feels like fuckin hell. it's so much better than living in fear indefinitely and that is truly what it comes down to. sending you so so much love, please reach out to me if you need someone to talk to or even just a mate. please please take care of yourself and consider reaching out to a trusted friend or family member, even just to talk lightly / share as much as you need to about what you've been going through - you do deserve that support and it genuinely is out there. x
international hotlines / shelters - safety planning and staying safe - create your personal safety plan - abuse: healthy vs unhealthy coping mechanisms - surviving domestic abuse pdf - domestic violence toolkit
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girlwithwolftatoo · 2 years
How do you think the boys would help a reader with night terrors? I get done really fuvking bad ones from ✨trauma☀️
Everytime I get a depression crisis, these sort of things tend to happen often. I understand your struggling <3 keep strong.
Marc Spector:
*Can a traumatized person help another traumatized one? Some people may say no, but sometimes everything someone needs is some kindness and feel loved and cared.
*Since night terrors present in different forms, Marc gets to know your particular ones very quick, though the amount of nights you actually sleep together are less than Steven's. So he quickly throws his arms around you and calls your name in his most calmed voice until you're full awake.
*"Hey, it's okay..." he whispers while caressing your head "I'm here, you're okay, you're safe"
*In case you need to, he'll stay awake with you until you feel calmed enough to sleep again. We know Marc struggles with communicating, but tries his best, asking you what was "that" this time (he means the dreams or sensations you had), listening with a lot of respect and some inner worry what you need to vent...
*And all of this while he keeps you against his chest if you're fine with that, showing you his support through being close and ready to help.
Jake Lockley:
*The first time he freaks out but tries to not show. "Hey, bonita! Are you okay? ¿Qué pasó, qué tienes?"
*Kisses your forehead as soon as you tell him what's wrong. He has not idea what else can do, so simply keeps reminding you these are just bad dreams, that nothing's real and that he's there to protect you.
*Suffers in silence for having to see you like that. You're what he perceives as his only source of goodness, and the fact he cannot help you besides calming you down burns him deep inside.
*His first thought is giving you some night pills, but discharges it quick for he doesn't want to force sleep into you. Then he searches for alternative options (natural meds, some therapy) and then one day he takes you to a yoga class he already paid to see if it helps you. Also buys more tea.
*Doesn't leave the place until he's sure you're sleeping well, and always encourages you to make him a call if you're not feeling good. He'll pick the phone even if he's in the middle of a 5 vs 1 fight.
Steven Grant: *Thanks to you, the long nights had become one of the best moments of the day. When you cuddle together to keep the cold away, both reading your respective books and sharing thoughts about them before sleep (or, why not, sexy time) is a dream come true... until you begin to moan and cry, your body trying to wake you up, unsuccessful.
*He doesn't need to ask, he recognizes the symptoms. He's a living enciclopedy for sleeping disorders and it's well prepared to fight them... not on himself, of course (our boi needs some self-care but will be hard to convince him).
*Herbal tea for a better night time, buying a weighted plushie or blanket so you can feel embraced the whole time, and of course, letting you talk about it, is part of his emergency kit to help you.
*If these night terrors are so intense you cannot sleep at all, he searches for therapy and takes you there. He's always happy and kind when he picks you from the consultory, a healthy snack for you in hand, and ready to listen to everything you want to share.
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money is such a funny thing, bc it's always simultaneously way less and way more than you would think, too.
like there's the easy joke of $5, $20, $100 is HUGE when you're a kid or young adult, but I also fairly recently was in a position where I had like $1K in the bank (in a sweet spot between a TON of major bills hitting) and it was like oh wow so $1K is a lot until it VERY SUDDENLY ISN'T bc it only STAYS a lot if your needs are already met. if your needs surpass your means, or frankly, you've been scraping by below or within your means but really shouldn't have been, that shit evaporates in an instant. car, teeth, emergency vet bills, food. poof!
or I saw a hypothetical, would you rather know every language on earth fluently, or get $3 million dollars? and I had to crunch the numbers, because if you work every year from 18 to 78 (as in well past retirement age/at the end of a lot of people's projected lifespan), you'd have to make $50K per year AFTER taxes, every year for 60 years, to earn an ACCUMULATED $3 million. at $30K/year, you'd have to work 100 years.
and then, the flipside of that is, unless you die at exactly those ages, peacefully and in perfect health, how many people still struggle to make ends meet at $30-50K even when they ARE young and healthy? what's that look like in a hurricane, or after a car wreck, a disability, having a pet, having a KID, a marriage, a divorce, a funeral? how many people make $30-50K and when that check engine light comes on, or their child needs braces, or grandma needs a home health aide, or they get injured or sick and need to take FMLA, they realize that one thing now has them financially fucked? how many people making $30-50K per year do you know who have 6 months' worth of expenses set aside in an emergency savings account?
meanwhile, for $3,000,000, that money as a lump you don't have to touch or live paycheck to paycheck on also means you can accumulate interest, invest money, and so on. the access to lifetimes of funds to provide ease to this one life is a huge privilege most of us will never, ever know, and then you find out some stupid as fuck movie or commercial campaign cost tens or hundreds of millions. those rich people who got squished in the idiot submarine... lifetimes of wealth between them and their imploding stupid boat.
and so you look at all that, and you look at what medical debt looks like, or recovery from a fire or something, and once you see enough of that, the lottery fantasy answers get a lot more boring. like, I'd still have to finish this degree, get and keep a job to carry insurance and max out my retirement— maybe a flexible enough job that you grind for a few years to replace your house's down payment in the lump sum, then pull mortgage, utilities, insurance, etc. out of that interest, and the job income is pure health insurance, 401K, and takeout/walking around money. you pay your debts, help take care of a handful of loved ones, retire them early or pay off a house (over time, so the interest can still accrue on a bigger amount of money than the new sum from X minus $house). splurge on a vacation every so often. set up a college fund for a few kids, or neices, or nephews, or cousins.
and then it's like... go fishing. eat well! learn to sleep without fear of poverty, I don't know. know that if the money can grow, it can help a LOT of people feel safe, and that succumbing to the emotional urge to take care of everybody before that egg can grow bigger is what keeps people in multigenerational poverty, and that it's gonna mean things don't get to be easy for you mentally, emotionally, or even in terms of labor unless you're cashing out your chips right now to take care of yourself (which is also valid!). pick a charity every year to make their day.
and it's bonkers that $3mil feels like such a real number compared to some of these lotteries or very wealthy people/their property in the world, that even though it's cartoonishly out of reach, among the stars, it feels like, "is it even that much?" and like... yes, it very much is lmao, even though if you're under 50 it's not guaranteed "never have to work again" money. but that also means it's not "buy a castle & become a beekeeper slash professional poet as my only sources of income" big dreams & fantasies money, either.
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