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boraxquinn · 5 years ago
[Tatsuya] /he hugs Bora, kissing her cheek; I'm sorry, honey. It's never easy when someone leaves... I hope things will work out for the best 'though.
He doesn’t even have to leave! He is being blackmailed by this terrible woman and he was scared that it would hurt the group. That’s what breaks my heart. And Starship being the shity company they are, aren’t protecting him, and told him to leave! Hoseok is sweet he would never harm anyone! (/she sighs and puts her hand over his) I wish I could help him.
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tttt117-blog · 7 years ago
It’s just-
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/he sighs, leaning forward in his seat to bury his face in his hands;
[Tomoya bites his lip.] ...just what?
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[Already, he wants to hold him. But being in the green room for TOKIO Kakeru...]
Is it okay to tell me?
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boraxquinn · 6 years ago
I would love that babe~ I can get dressed up like I was when we went on our first date. (/She pecks his cheek) It will be fun. And I can call one of my friends to babysit.
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Happy Valentines day babe~ We should go on a date night like we used too. Or we could relax at home but I don't know if you want to watch Disney princess movies all day.
Happy Valentine’s Day~
We should go out. Have the night to ourselves.
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nakaxmaru · 7 years ago
taiyou-no-uta replied to your post:
We senpais always watch over you kids. Y'worked hard.
I’m flattered, really. It’s been years since I’ve gotten to do something like that, so I feel rather blessed for the opportunity.
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ultrakdramamama · 3 years ago
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220429 musical_midnightsun 뮤지컬 <태양의 노래> 글로벌 음원 발매 D-1!녹음실 스케치 사진을 공개합니다!🎧음원 발매와 함께 특별한 이벤트도 기다리고 있으니 많은 기대와 관심 부탁드립니다!!
[trans] Musical <Song of the Sun> global sound source release D-1! We are releasing sketch photos of the recording studio! 🎧A special event is also waiting for the release of the song, so please look forward to it and pay attention!!
#Musical #Song of the Sun #MidnightSun #taiyounouta #onew #ONEW #Onyu #KimNamjoo #KimNamjoo #kimnamju #Lee Sangah #LeeSangA #isana #Ha Sungwoon #HASUNGWOON #SON Ha Sung Woon #GoHo Sung Woon #GoHo Sung Woon #Geonjin#JINHO #Songgeon Y #GoldenChild #Kwon Eunbi #KWONEUNBI #KWONEUNBI
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kumanekochan · 9 years ago
Work from home stress reliever. Now back to work. #taiyounouta #acoustics #music #jpop
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tttt117-blog · 7 years ago
what happens in hawaii. [ @taiyou-no-uta ] set in mid-2005 during the filming of the boku no renai jijou to daidokoro jijou pv.
“Aaaah, Yamaguchi-kun’s barbecue tasted so good...”
There were two reasons Tomoya was flushed: first was because of spending all day playing in the sun; second was because he’d had too much beer, leaving him sprawled and boneless and laughing, lying shirtless on the bed he and Masahiro had to share.
TOKIO’d rented a house for their lodging, right by the beach. Tomoya had every intention to go for a midnight swim, but was currently too drunk for it. In any case, he already smelled like the sea, having played in the ocean with Taichi-kun both before and after dinner.
“Wasn’t it so good, Matsuoka-kun? I loved it. Yamaguchi-kun’s so good at grilling, it must be because he’s had to live alone for so long...” He was babbling now, grinning stupidly as he rubbed a hand over his tanned stomach. “I wish we had more time to go to the beach like this, an’ Hawaii’s so beautiful, an’ I wish we didn’t hafta leave tomorrow--”
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boraxquinn · 7 years ago
[Tatsuya] I'm here for you.
Babe I’m so scared. I don’t know what to do. I’m tired of always having to defend for myself.
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tttt117-blog · 7 years ago
“I did ! I sent ya at least two texts,” he pointed out as he stepped into his best friend’s house. Trust Nagase Tomoya to sleep through his phone going off. “Where do you want to open this?”
Masahiro left his shoes in the hallway and carried the case into the living room. “I gotta admit you’re lookin’ awfully cute with that post-nap look.” He chuckled to himself.
“Shut uuuuuup.” The admonishing came like instinct, but the fact Tomoya’d gone and yawned in the middle of it ruined whatever actual venom he could’ve managed to produce. He wasn’t really mad, anyway; it was always nice to be called cute, not that he’d admit so out loud without the promise of torture. His hand waved dismissively. “Stay there, m’kay? M’bedroom’s totally shithouse” -- in other words, terribly messy -- “so just. I’ll be real quick.”
True enough, Tomoya returned less than a minute later with his fringe pushed back by a hairband and a tube of lip gloss in hand, socked feet sliding across the floor in a semi-rush. Plopping on the carpet at his floor, just by the sofa, he set the tube on the coffee table before holding his hands out in demand, lips pulled into a bright grin (he’d yet to put any actual gloss on, but that would come later).
“What’d you call me when y’came in?” His voice was less raspy now, less just-woken-up. His fingers made grabby motions. “Birthday hero? Is that patented?”
[ @taiyou-no-uta ]
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tttt117-blog · 7 years ago
Naoki made noises where he was strapped to Tomoya’s front, babbling little “Tomo”s to catch his attention as he pointed at things. Tomoya understood -- Kyoto was amazing to him, too -- and even though he told Masahiro he’d be ‘round in a few minutes, the walk ended up taking a bit more time as Tomoya stopped to explain every little thing to the baby he had with him.
But he did make it to the venue, eventually. And he made his way to Masahiro’s dressing room amidst cries of “Nagase-san!” from the staff. Naoki, on his part, ate his fist in slight nervousness; there were way too many strangers for him.
“Matsuoka-kun!” is what Tomoya called himself as he swung Masahiro’s dressing room door open (they were in public -- it was only fitting). “There’s our hardworking guy -- I brought’cha lunch!”
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tttt117-blog · 7 years ago
Alone in the 0 Yen Cafeteria van with Masahiro, Tomoya faced an incredible dilemma.
They had thirty minutes until filming, which was fine. They were filming in a certain area in the south, which was fine. He and Masahiro already had an idea of what they wanted to cook, which was fine.
But Masahiro was changing into the DASH jumper, and Tomoya was staring, and this was not fine.
“Uh.” Tomoya couldn’t even pull his own shirt over his head, distracted as he was. “... uh. Uh, have you been doing arm workouts, or. Is that. Like, from drumming, or...”
Then, a little angrily, “Jerk! Don’t change in the same van as me!”
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tttt117-blog · 7 years ago
[MSG] Someone tell me why Tatsuya and Taichi had to team up together to go north and you and me had to be the separated ones. [MSG] It’s not fair. [MSG] I mean I know Leader’s in the south by himself too but he’s Leader. Being alone is like his thing!
[A significant delay between transmissions.]
[MSG] Wait you’re still alive right? [MSG] I don’t want to go west to have to pick your dead body up, Masahiro...
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tttt117-blog · 7 years ago
I oughta ask you that too, Nagase. I’m here to keep an eye on you.
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Eeeeeeh--“Nagase”, he says, like we’re at work...
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But that’s not the point! What’s this blatant lack of trust? I’m super responsible, yo. I just turned 39 and everything, I’m totally growing up.
I’m just worried this’ll make your carpal tunnel act up, dude. You can totally just call me on the phone, you know, so you don’t have to spend ten minutes typin’ a reply.
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tttt117-blog · 7 years ago
I love ya too, Tomo baby. /he grins;
Shhh, y’big cheese—
[He’s grinning back though, fist covering his mouth.]
...love y’too.
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tttt117-blog · 7 years ago
/he immediately makes his way over to the man sprawled on the floor; I brought your favorites. Y’need to keep your strength up.
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The sickies really got you this time na?
Uhuh. [Sniff, sniff. Not being out of the house means Tomoya doesn’t need to wear a mask, and his nose is drippy but also sore from how much he’s had to blow it so far.]
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‘s not like the hectic schedule made it any better, either.
[This one comes a little resentful:] ...even if all we did was Ambitious and Love You Only, again.
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tttt117-blog · 7 years ago
When the cameras stop rolling and the other three become distracted by the seeds on their Shinjuku rooftop, Tomoya quickly moves to kiss Masahiro's cheek while they're crouched together, slipping a small gift into Masahiro's jacket pocket. It's risky, but he can't help it, especially as it's turned midnight. "I love you," he whispers; there's a beaded bracelet inside of garnet and rose quartz, and a flash drive with an .mp4 of Tomoya singing a song just for him in it. "Merry Christmas, darling."
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