#taiyang xiao long x yang xiao long smut
rwby-taboo · 4 months
How open are the members of team RWBY about being daddy's girls?
(Sorry for taking so long, but now getting to answering these.)
In order from most ashamed to most willing to flaunt it?
Given all the effort Weiss went through to get away from Jacques, she is mortified how much she wound up enjoying serving as her father's cum slut and bed warmer. She tries telling herself that any pleasure she experienced was merely her focusing on getting to Beacon, and had nothing to do with taking her father's Schneenis.
Blake has slightly more positive, but still very mixed feelings about joining Ghira's bedchambers with Kali. On one hand, her father is unquestionably a better lover than Adam "Crimson McEdgehorn" "One Rage-Pump Chump" Taurus ever was, and the trysts she's enjoyed are more euphoric than all her filthiest smut novels could have ever made her imagine. On the other, she's pretty sure that most girls wouldn't consider their own fathers as potential rebounds, and she'd prefer not to give anti-faunus bigots and human supremacists more ammo to use for a race war - the propaganda writes itself, "Only filthy animals would dare engage in such filthy taboo debauchery!"
Ruby, being the social awkward butterfly she is, tended to bond the most with her dad and Uncle Qrow prior to her arrival at Beacon. Back at Signal, whenever her classmates brought up her male relatives' looks, she'd pretend to act grossed out that anyone would ever dare imagine them in the context of such FILTH - while also trying to keep from blushing at the memories of following in her mom's footsteps as the one who could help Qrow and Taiyang settle down. Of course, if she does find someone she thinks can keep a secret, she'll gladly talk about the fun times she's had with the "daddies" of Team STRQ.
And that brings us to Yang Xiao Long. While she might prefer girls most of the time, her daddy is the one man she loves the most of all. Its a bit of a delicate dance between the two Xiao Longs, as Tai doesn't want to force his daughter into anything she doesn't want - whereas Yang has made it clear multiple times over that she'd have no problem picking up the slack from her moms. She's got many reasons to become a Huntress, but amongst them are proving she's better than Raven Branwen. A better person, a better fighter, a better lover and a better wife and mother. And if that leads her to becoming her father's THIRD wife - and mother to her and Ruby's half-sibling - then she'll gladly take the honor.
Suffice to say, the last thing Team RWBY ever expected to have in common was being able to compare notes on their sex lives with their father's - Yang and Ruby enjoyed getting some outside perspective.
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wildthingpoorboy · 3 months
Hot Tub Love Machine
Yang Xiao Long/Taiyang Xiao Long
Rating: E
CW: Incest, underage drinking
"Girls!" Taiyang called out. "Girls, come outside and see this."
His daughters, Yang and Ruby, sat across from each other in the dining room. Ruby looked up from her book, and Yang up from her phone. The girls glanced at each other and shrugged. They had no idea what their father was up to, but he really wanted them to find out. The girls went out to the backyard to find their father standing proudly next to a small black and white pool that stood at least three feet tall.
"Ta-da!" he said, complete with jazz hands.
"That's great, dad," said Ruby. "What is it?"
"What is it?" he repeated. "It's my birthday gift to me."
"Your birthday was four months ago," Yang corrected with her arms crossed. "And I would know. I gave you everything you wanted and couldn't sit right for a week."
"What?" Ruby flatly asked.
"Never mind her, Ruby. Just look at this," Taiyang stammered, hoping to change the topic. "Okay, so it's a late birthday gift. Sue me. I got my bonus at work and figured, why not splurge?"
"Splurge on a pool?" Yang asked.
"Not just any pool," her father replied. "This is the Chillax Wave 4000 luxury outdoor hot spa. Seats four adults, has a fourteen nozzle jet blaster, can go up to a hundred degrees in five minutes, has a digital control panel and even an app so I can play music."
"That's great, dad," said Ruby.
"Hell yeah, it is," said her older sister. "This is so cool. Can we try it out?"
"Sure thing, sweetie. As soon as I figure out how to set it up," said Taiyang. His daughters froze in their tracks and gave each other a concerned looks.
"What?" Ruby asked.
"What about what?"
"Look, dad, no offense but you're not exactly the most...technical guy," warned Ruby.
"Yeah, I mean, remember what happened when you tried to fix my bike?" added Yang.
"I bought you another one," her father said. "Besides I might need some help so if one of you could-"
"Not it!" said Ruby as quick as she could.
"Not i-dammit," growled Yang.
"In the event that dad floods the backyard, I'll be at Uncle Qrow's. Later," chirped Ruby. And with that, she dashed out the door leaving Yang alone with her father.
"She knows I was kidding, right? The guy I bought it from installed it," Taiyang sighed. "Still wanna try it out?"
"Hell yeah!" Yang ran to the tub, unbuttoning her top before being stopped by her father.
"Whoa, hold on there, sweetie. You're not going in like that."
"What do you mean?" asked Yang.
"It's brand new," he said matter-of-factly. "You gotta rinse off before you can get in. And don't just jump in with your clothes. They're dirty."
"Oh come on." Yang pulled her hair up and stuck a pose. "I was gonna take them off."
"As much as I'd like to see that," said Taiyang, eyeing his daughter up and down, "You gotta change. Besides, I gotta change too and the tub needs to warm up. So off with you."
"Fine," Yang whined. "Whatever."
As much as Taiyang would have loved to follow his daughter into the shower, he was just excited as she was to try out his new hot tub. Taiyang rinsed off in his own shower, changed into swim trunks and grabbed a cold six-pack of beer before heading out to the back yard.
The sun was starting to set. The hot tub already bubbling. He could even see a little bit of steam coming out from it. Setting the beer aside, Taiyang slowly climbed into the tub. The hot water stung at first, but then relaxed the muscles the deeper he went until he sat in the corner. His arms out, Taiyang grabbed one of his beers.
"Starting without me, huh?"
Taiyang stared in awe. His daughter approached the hot tub wearing nothing but a little black bikini that barely contained her large full breasts. Her hair tied up in a pony tail, letting him get a better look at her beautiful face.
"How's the water?" she asked.
"Perfect," he answered. "Just like you."
"I've told you before, dad," she scoffed. "Flattery will get you everywhere."
Taiyang stared eagerly at Yang's long smooth legs going over the side to get into the tub. Her butt moving across his face for a second got a wide grin out of him. His teenage daughter sighed in delight as she lowered herself into the adjacent corner.
"That feels so good," she cooed. Yang tilted her head, noticing the beers next to her father's corner. "And you brought beer."
"My beer," he said sternly.
"Oh come on, dad," she complained. "You bought this so we could relax, so let us relax."
"No, I bought it so I could relax," he scolded. "It was my bonus. Therefore, it's my hot tub. And my beer."
"At least let me try it," Yang said.
"No way," he replied. "You are still very much not twenty one yet."
"Yeah, but a beer might get me to loosen up." Yang sat up straight and put her arms together to push out her chest. She gave her boobs a jiggle causing Taiyang to arch a brow.
"Don't you want your daughter to have a good time?" she teased.
"It would be irresponsible of me to let my teenage daughter drink alcohol," he started. "But I supposed doing the exact opposite wouldn't hurt."
"Alright," Yang cheered.
"You get to have one beer, okay?" Taiyang handed his daughter one of his beers. Out of the corner of his eye, he watched her chest stretch out her bikini top more as she took a big swig of her drink.
"Nothing like an ice cold beer after a long day," she said.
"And how would you know that?" he father asked.
Yang gave her father a knowing look.
"Okay, but you're only getting the one. And under supervision too."
One beer turned to three for each of the Xiao Longs, and a few minutes in the hot tub became an hour. The sunset became the evening. The pool was luminated from the bottom, shining a blue glow on Yang and her father. The two laughing in their respective corners.
"I don't know if it's the beer or the hot tub, but I'm starting to feel bubbly," joked Yang.
"No kidding," her father said. "You know, for a hot tub, this was a pretty cool purchase."
"Shop right there," said Yang, "I need to say good-buy."
"I knew you just wanted to get into my pants," joked Taiyang. "Because that's where my wallet is."
"You?" asked Yang. She playfully shook her tits again. "I'm the one with the nickels and boobs."
"Then just call me a gold digger," Taiyang laughed. "Because I'll be drilling a hot blonde."
"You sure about that?" Yang grabbed her boobs in her hands and played with them. "After all these are huge tracts of land."
With that, Taiyang reached down and pulled off his swim trunks, tossing them out of the hot tub. Yang stared wide-eyed at her dad's erection. She'd seen it before. A lot. But it still amazed her every time. It was long and thick. Its girth was only emphasized with how veiny it was. She could even see the head tipped with pre-cum.
"Then get ready to set sail, sweetie," said her father. "Because I'm at full mast."
Yang quickly finished her beer, her eyes never looking away from her father's cock.
"What's the matter, sunshine?" Taiyang mockingly asked. "Never seen a dragon this big before?"
Yang scoffed and rolled her eyes. She hated it when he called his dick a dragon.
"Yeah, this bad boy was able to get me two baby mommas," Taiyang boasted. "Feels good knowing I'm the sexy member of the family."
"Uh, excuse you?" said Yang, missing the pun. "If anyone is the sexy family member, it's me. I mean, have you seen this body? Do you know how many guys at school ogle me just from walking down the hall? Even chicks want me."
"Yeah, but could you resist the grand dragon?" Taiyang moved to Yang's corner. They were shoulder to shoulder. Taiyang stroking his dick. It actually looked like it was getting bigger, much to Yang's surprise.
Not to be outdone by her father, Yang pulled the strings of the bikini, tossing it off, freeing her breasts, and presenting them in her hands.
"Could you resist these?" Yang said in a sultry tone, pinching her nipples and giving out exaggerated moans.
Suddenly, Taiyang reached over and pulled his daughter closer to him. His hands groping Yang's large perky breasts.
"Dad?" she yelped.
"I guess I can't, sweetie," Taiyang chuckled. His lips sucking on his daughter's nipples, earning real moans from her.
"Dad." Yang's fingers ran through his hair. Her body waving to get closer to him. Yang squealed when her father let her tit out of his mouth with a loud pop, only to start sucking on the other.
"Dad, please," she pleaded.
"I'm sorry, baby." Taiyang leaned back and picked up his topless daughter setting her down on his lap. He guided her hand to his cock. Yang stroked it while their lips met. Their tongues dancing around, each one trying to get into the mouth of the other.
"I guess you were right," Taiyang said between kisses. "You are the hot one."
"You're not so bad yourself." Yang pawed at her father's chest. Nicely toned. Defined. Still with six pack abs. For a teacher and father of two girls, Taiyang kept himself in great shape.
Yang's attention went back to her father's cock. She kept stroking him at an even pace.
"Just look at this cock," she said, at the risk of inflating her father's ego some more. "It's huge. I don't think the guys at school could even compare."
"That's because they're boys, sweetie," Taiyang said. "This here's a man's dick. Why don't you go ahead and have a taste?"
"Don't mind if I do."
Yang licked her lips, grabbing her father's dick at the base. Her lips met the head and then pushed down to take more of him into her mouth. Taiyang sighed in pleasure. Good thing no one was around to see them. His head leaned back. His eyes fluttering. Not exactly a flattering look for someone who considered himself a ladies man. Instead his ego and bluster melted away every time his daughter's head bobbed up and down.
Yang wasn't fairing any better. She didn't want to give her father more of a big head than he already had, but he really did have a big head. She moved slowly, the only way she could. Bubbles from the hot tub tickled her face to say nothing of her father's pubic hair. With the opposite hand she cradled his balls. She could feel the veins pulsing.
"Stop, baby, stop," Taiyang reluctantly cried out. Yang pulled away. A smidge of disappointment across her face.
"You're too good at that," Taiyang sighed. "Besides we're just getting started."
"Oh yeah?" Yang perked up. "What do you have in mind, daddy?"
"Bend over," he commanded.
Yang smiled. Standing up from the water, Yang turned away from her father. She leaned forward. Hands on the rim of the hot tub. Her legs long enough to have her ass just above the water. She chuckled to herself. Good thing this is a hot tub she thought.
Taiyang was more focused on his daughter's figure. Just one adjustment had to be made. With one tug, the string of the bikini bottoms became undone and discarded. Now both Xiao Longs stood naked. The blue light from the hot tub luminating the two. Yang looking over her shoulder at her father. Taiyang's hands tracing the shape of his daughter's legs, then the hips, then her ass, and finally reaching her pussy.
"Beautiful," he said.
"Dad, hurry up," Yang whined. "I look stupid like this."
"Don't worry, princess," Taiyang stood tall with one hand on his daughter's hips. The other hand guiding his cock into her.
"I don't know if it's you or the hot tub, but I'm about to boil over."
"Well then my goose is cooked," she replied. "It can't wait for that raw passion."
"Oh, the passion isn't going to be the only thing that's raw."
With one thrust, Taiyang shoved himself deep into his daughter until his hips smacked her ass. The Xiao Longs swore at the sudden movement, but with both hands on his daughter's hips, Taiyang pounded Yang from behind.
"Dammit, dad," Yang yelled. "Don't shove it all in at once. It's too big."
Yang's scolding ignored, Taiyang fucked his daughter relentlessly. The sounds of flesh slapping flesh only matched by the splashing in the hot tub. The two drenched and soaking wet. They couldn't tell if it was from the tub or from sweat. Then came the panting. The moans of delight. The quiet whispers of swearing and joy. The incestuous couple enjoying the feeling of one another. Her soft skin. His hard muscles. Her tight pussy. His thick cock.
As much as he didn't want this to end, Taiyang could feel his balls tighten. The heat of his daughter's womanhood gripping him, bringing him closer to the edge.
"Who's you're daddy?" Taiyang asked during his panting. His question ignored by Yang, cliché as it was.
"Come on," he tried again. "Who's daddy's big tittied dragon?"
"What?" Yang asked, bracing herself so her father didn't push her over the edge of the hot tub.
"Come on," he repeated, not letting up from his pounding. "Tell me who daddy's big tittied dragon is."
'That's so stupid,' Yang thought. 'I thought the dragon was his dick.'
"Say it," Taiyang demanded.
Taiyang leaned forward. Yang could feel her father put his weight on her. And then his hands moving. One to her breast, pinching her nipple. The other down to her pussy. His fingers finding her clit and rubbing over it.
"Tell me," he whispered in her ear. "Tell me who's daddy's big tittied...aw fuck."
Stimulation overwhelmed the pair. Taiyang couldn't even finish his sentence before releasing his load inside his daughter, bringing her to her own orgasm. The pair groaned and trembled. Their muscles tensing up and then becoming weak. Yang held on to the rim of the tub. Her father hanging on to her by her boobs, peppering her back with kisses.
"I'm...I'm daddy's..." she said, trying to catch her breath. "I'm daddy's...big tittied...I'm daddy's big tittied dragon."
Taiyang slumped backwards, falling into a corner. Yang followed soon after, crawling up to cuddle under an arm. Her hands on his heaving chest. His pulling her closer.
"I think we've been in here too long," he said.
"Yeah," Yang agreed. "Even...even I'm starting to feel lighted headed. And I think I'm pruning."
"And we finished all the beer," he laughed.
Yang laughed along with him. She leaned her head under his chest. Sitting there for a moment, in his arms, she thought of all the ways he made her feel. Happy. Safe. Fulfilled. Horny? Yang looked up at her father to see if he felt the same, but she saw him looking back at her. And she could tell. She knew. The two shared a soft kiss.
"Come on," he said, standing up. "Let's get outta here."
"What about our clothes?"
"Leave them," Taiyang answered.
"And the beer?" she asked.
"Get some more from the fridge."
"We're still soaked."
"I got some clean towels in my room," he said. "Come on. We're just getting started."
"Right," Yang said. "Beer. Nudity. What's the worst that can happen?"
Yang woke with a groan. She picked herself up, having slept face down on the bed. The first thing she noticed was that she was still naked. The second thing she noticed was that this was not her bed.
"Ow, my head," she said. The throbbing headache was the third thing she noticed. Yang pulled loose strands of hair out of her mouth and tried to wipe off the drool from her mouth. At least, she thought it was drool.
Looking around, it took her a moment to realize that she was in her father's bedroom. The room itself was a mess. Beer cans littered the floor along with the cover for the bed. Her father, still asleep, face down on the other side of the bed. Naked, of course, with his ass in the air, snoring without a care in the world.
"This is exactly how I thought my first hangover would be like," Yang said to herself. "Waking up naked next to some strange guy. Well, at least I know the strange guy."
Yang winced in pain, discovering various aches and sore parts as she moved around. She noticed that her hair was an absolute mess along with various marks along her neck. Her father wasn't much better, seeing the scratch marks across his back.
"Boop," she chirped, poking her dad's butt. Then she slapped her dad's ass, saying, "Dad butt," as she did.
Taiyang jolted for a second but stayed asleep.
"Good," she said. "I'm too sore for good morning sex."
Yang yawned and slumped off the bed, grabbing one of her dad's shirts to throw on. It's was obviously too big for her, but it would prevent Ruby from seeing her private bits and that's what mattered.
Yang kept yawning all the way to the kitchen where she saw her little sister, sipping on a drink.
"Morning, Ruby," she said, patting her little sister's head.
"It's lunchtime," Ruby pointed out.
"Is it?" Yang asked. "Damn."
Yang sat across from her sister, not noticing her glare.
"The tub is pretty cool," Yang said. "Wanna give it a try?"
"Oh sure," Ruby answered, dripping with sarcasm. "I'd love to take a dip in the new hot tub. After you clean it up!"
Ruby pointed a confused Yang to the backyard where swim trunks, bikini parts, and beer cans still laid discarded.
"Seriously? Skinny dipping in the hot tub?" Ruby asked. "Don't be gross, Yang."
0 notes
carnyreborn · 1 year
Top 5 Taiyang pairings?
Huh... for me, it's harder to go like, I really like X pairing for him because, let's be honest, Taiyang is a minor character. It's very fun to write for him in smut asks and prompts, but it's harder to engage at him at a fandom level.
However, from that, I'd say that...
5 - Nora, just because I can ship everybody and anybody with Nora.
4 - Summer: His wife, that we know even less about. But they are both hot.
3 - Raven: His other wife, but one with quite a bit of baggage that we can explore.
tw: Incest from now on. If you want think of this as top 3.
2 - Yang Xiao Long - Fucking hot, and she is the sort of girl who can work great, were it not for...
1- Ruby Rose: Just make her into a daddy's girl kind of gal and you have magic.
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lifesafairytale · 3 years
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Key: ✿ = Romantic | ☆ = Platonic | ღ = Smut | ❀ = Angst | ♡ = Headcanons | ❥ = Scenario/Reaction | ◎ = WIP
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Reader is cold but is a sweetheart with them✿♡
Reader has a Nervous Breakdown✿❥◎
Touch Starved!Reader✿♡◎
Drunk!Reader Calling Them✿♡◎
Having A Crush on the Same Person✿♡◎
Coming Back After Two Years✿♡◎
Stoic!Reader Crying✿♡◎
Accidentally Walking in on Reader Changing/Getting Out of the Shower✿♡◎
D (Fluff Alphabet)✿◎
Ruby Rose
Ticklish!Reader ✿♡
Reader has Amnesia✿❥◎
Being Her Sibling (Middle Child)☆♡◎
Weiss Schnee
Insulting/Slapping Jacques Schnee ✿❥
English Tea (Tea Prompts) ✿
Friends with a Rival Family's Child☆♡◎
Arranged Marriage with Reader✿♡◎
Blake Belladonna
Blake as an Older Sister ☆♡
Reader with a Mimicry Semblance ✿❥
Reader Owns a Cat✿❥◎
Yang Xiao Long
Working Out✿♡
Reader has Amnesia✿❥◎
Being Her Sibling (Middle Child)☆♡◎
Falling for Blake's Sibling✿♡◎
English Tea (Prompts) ✿
Pomegranate Tea and Earl Grey Tea (Prompts)✿◎
Coffee (Prompts)✿◎
A,F, P, W, X (Valentine Event)✿◎
Jaune Arc
Nora Valkyrie
Ticklish!Reader ✿♡
Reader with a Napoleon Complex ✿♡
Accidentally Walking in on Reader Changing/Getting Out of the Shower✿♡◎
Pyrrha Nikos
Working Out✿♡◎
Accidentally Walking in on Reader Changing/Getting Out of the Shower✿♡◎
Lemon Tea and Earl Grey Tea (Prompts)✿◎
Lie Ren
Reader with a Napoleon Complex ✿♡
Helping Reader with Chronic Pain✿♡◎
Coco Adel
Fox Alistair
Velvet Scarlatina
Reader Owns a Rabbit✿❥◎
J,K,V,W (Fluff Alphabet)✿◎
Yatsuhashi Daichi
Cardin Winchester
Russel Thrush
Dove Bronzewing
Sophisticated but Sarcastic!Reader✿♡◎
Sky Lark
Sun Wukong
Working Out✿♡◎
Scarlett David
Sage Ayana
Neptune Vasilias
Teaching Him How to Dance✿❥◎
Flint Coal
Neon Katt
Arslan Altan
Bolin Hori
Reese Chloris
Nadir Shiko 
Brawnz Ni
Roy Stallion
Nolan Porfirio
May Zedong 
Nebula Violette
Dew Gayl
Gwen Darcy
Octavia Ember 
Summer Rose
Taiyang Xiao Long
Raven Branwen
Qrow Branwen
Milk Tea and Rosehip Tea (Prompts)✿◎
Ace Operatives
Clover Ebi
Elm Ederne
Vine Zeki
Harriet Bree
Marrow Amin
Happy Huntresses
Robyn Hill
Fiona Thyme
Joanna Greenleaf
May Marigold
Salem's Faction
Cinder Fall
Reader with a Mimicry Semblance ✿❥
Arthur Watts
Reader with a Mimicry Semblance ✿❥
English Breakfast Tea (Prompts)✿
Earl Grey Tea and Rooibos Tea (Prompts)✿
Sophisticated but Sarcastic!Reader✿♡◎
Hazel Rainart
Tyrian Callows
Schnee Household
Willow Schnee
A,E,F,J,N (Valentine Event)✿◎
Winter Schnee
Insulting/Slapping Jacques Schnee ✿❥
Reader Being Flustered✿❥◎
Meeting Again at the Vytal Festival✿♡◎
Whitley Schnee
Insulting/Slapping Jacques Schnee ✿❥
Klein Sieben
Menagerie/White Fang
Ghira Belladonna
Kali Belladonna
Sienna Khan
Reader Being Flustered✿❥◎
Corsac Albain
Fennec Albain
Ilia Amitola
Adam Taurus
Xiong Family
Hei 'Junior' Xiong
Melanie Malachite
Miltia Malachite
Headmasters/School Staff
Reader Being Flustered✿❥◎
Glynda Goodwitch
Sophisticated but Sarcastic!Reader✿♡◎
Dr. Bartholomew Oobleck
Peter Port
Leonardo Lionheart
James Ironwood
Reader Being Flustered✿❥◎
Roman Torchwick
Ciel Soleil
Penny Polendina
Sophisticated but Sarcastic!Reader✿♡◎
Pietro Polendina
Maria Calavera
Oscar Pine
Emerald Sustrai
Mercury Black
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113 notes · View notes
Masterpost 2019
Hey, it’s about time I made a new one of these after all this time, amirite? Thanks a million for reading my stuff all this time. I might make a poll soon for which fic gets its next chapter.
X for ff.net link
Y for AO3 link
Currently In Progress
Blake What Do Your Faunus Eyes See, Extracurricular edits, Heroes After All, Heroes Against The Odds
Tribute To Monty Oum
For Monty (x) (y) This was made to honor the life of the man who inspired me enough to get better.
Non-Shippy Stuff
Shattered Ice (x) (y) Yang and Weiss get into a bad argument
Monsters Once Heroes (x) (y) Plot edit dedicated to portraying Adam as the anti-hero most of the FNDM had seen in him before he was depicted as the sadistic sociopath canon introduced to us
Renora (Nora/Ren)
A Wish Kept Secret (x) Cute Renora fluff, no smut
Excerpts From Ren’s Journal (x) Character exercise dumps for Ren, usually short poems written in his POV
It’s Time To Say Goodbye (x) (y) One of my best stories, reviews are always appreciated
Lemon Tea (x) (y) The title is a pun even though there’s hardly any smut. Just really cute fluff
Let’s Try Something New (x) Butt-stuff
Together, Together (x) (y) Different smutty scenarios following Renora
What If? (x) (y) (Really cute, fluffy Renora)
Heartstrings In Knots (x) (y) My first shibari fic
Arkos (Jaune/Pyrrha)
A Little Less Traditional (x) (y) Arkos pegging *dedicated to pornstarloozy*
I’ll Make A Man Out Of You (x) (y) Pyrrha being super dominant with Jaune *cover by the-stray-liger*
In Our Humanity (x) Character exercises for Pyrrha
Restless Fantasies (x) (y) Pyrrha having some fun in the shower to the thought of Jaune touching himself
Pride (x) Polyamorous Blake/Sun/Adam fic dedicated to the-stray-liger for their amazing artwork
Bumbleby (Blake/Yang)
Blake, What Do Your Faunus Eyes See? (x) (y) Easily my best fic, cute slice of life Bumbleby fluff
North Pole (Weiss/Pyrrha)
Evening Dances (x) (y) Weiss seduces Pyrrha at prom
Monochrome (Weiss/Blake)
Hurricane Checkmate (x) (y) Surprisingly good smut I wrote against my own will
Milk & Cereal (Ruby/Pyrrha)
I Just Wanted A Shower (x) (y) Transgirl!Pyrrha fic I did to fill out a prompt
Black Velvet (Blake/Velvet)
Prey (x) (y) Blake works out her dominant urges with Velvet
Combat Goggles (Yang/Neptune)
Shocking Surprises (x) (y) Whp knew shock collars was an actual kink?
Sunflowyr (Yang/Ren)
Sunflowyr Dragons (x) (y) Sunflowyr being super cute together
Enabler (Ruby/Yang)
Strawberry Sunrises (x) (y) This is Enabler (Ruby/Yang) smut. If you need to avoid this for any reason please do so.
Seabiscuit (Neptune/Glynda)
Extracurricular (x) (y) Self-indulgent fluff of the ship I captain in my spare time *cover by the-stray-liger*
Fanning the Coals (x) My attempt at a darker plot
Crosshares/Combat Totes (Coco/Velvet)
Girls and their Toys (x) (y) Velvet’s super shy so Coco decides to help her
Ladybug (Ruby/Blake)
Don’t Tell Yang (x) (y) Ruby’s coming of age and Blake’s there to show her the ropes
Bundycane (Velvet/Melanie/Miltiades)
The Candycane Club (x) (y) There is twincest (between the Malachite twins) in this one. If you need to avoid this for any reason please do so. (Chapter 1: canon!Twins/Velvet. Chapter 2: Cis-swapped!Twins/Velvet)
Snowbird (Qrow/Winter)
Descending (x) (y) Winter is coming... all over Qrow. Dedicated to the-stray-liger)
Sunny Bunny (Sun/Velvet/Ciel)
Sunny Bunny (x) Sun and Ciel spend some time with senpai Velvet
Black Sun (Blake/Sun)
Free Time (x) (y) Blake tests Sun’s Semblance
Emerald Series
Sunrises (x) (y) Emerald and Mercury start the day together
Sunsets (x) (y) (Sequel to Sunrises) Emerald and Mercury go on a date
Dawn (x) (y) (Prequel to Sunrises, Sequel to Sunsets) Emerald has a little too much fun with her alone time
Pirates In Lust (x) (y) First Mate Matte Skye walks in on Blake and Sun being intimate and is invited to be part of the sandwich
Bath Buddies (x) (@rosiedoestheirbest’s OCs Opal Rackley and Hana Jinsoku share some time in the bath together. Find both OCs at @teamoshn. Cover art by @stompinmonstersart)
SharkBites (x) (y) A novelization of a dope RP
Gwenpool Kisses The Marvel Universe (x) (y)
Heroes Against The Odds (y)
Inappropriate- Renora
Midnight Snack- Renora
Cake- Renora
That’s Not Syrup- Renora
New Firsts- Renora
Bittersweet- Renora
Things About You- Renora
Pressure- Renora
Excited- Renora
Daddy- Nora/Pyrrha/Ren
Fraternizing- Seabiscuit
No Breaks- Seabiscuit
Progress- Seabiscuit
X=?- Seabiscuit
Wounded- Tauradonna
Baby Girl- Bumbleby
Incentive- Seabiscuit
Optional-  Seabiscuit
Fibbing- Renora
Home Remedies- Pyrrha/Blake/Yang
A Schnee’s Penance- Frostbite
Fuck You Liger- Frostbite
Repairs- Reese/Yang
Bail- Blackboard
Frozen- Frostbite
Taste The Rainbow- Reese/Neon
I Don’t Have An Excuse For This- Weiss/Winter/Adam
Beeing A Schnee- Winter/Leila (damnian-wayne’s RWBY OC)
Sin- Nora/Leila (damnian-wayne’s RWBY OC)
Mother’s Day- Ruby (non-shippy)
Dad’s Not Home- Taiyang Xiao Long (non-shippy)
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rwby-taboo · 7 months
A RWBY incest blog? Finally. It's been so hard looking for good Yang/Taiyang stuff
I mostly just reblog, but I've been meaning to properly write some shit since I got started.
All I can say for the moment is that, barring a spin-off/sequel from this uncompleted fic or trying to do my own take on Nightly Incest Showcase, I'd assume Yang and Taiyang would've potentially hooked up while Yang is recovering from the events of Volume 3. Its got the potential to be kinda sweet in a twisted spicy manner.
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rwby-taboo · 6 months
Do you have any fankid ideas for Yang/Taiyang? or perhaps more generally, do you want to make some of them? I just like seeing them.
Never really thought about it myself until I saw @pugsbone's takes.
Mayble I'll take a stab it at some point. Then again, I'd be more interested in the idea of said fankid(s) coming back in time and Yang and Taiyang having to deal with the very idea of inbreeding having consequences.
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I’m making a new masterpost even though I haven’t published a new story in months because I HAVE added a couple of chapters to ongoing stories and that still counts as an accomplishment
X for ff.net link
Y for AO3 link
Currently In Progress
Black Sun (Semblance Play), Extracurricular edits, Emerald Series Part IV (Emerald/Neo Semblance Play)
Tribute To Monty
For Monty (x) (y)This was made to honor the life of the man who inspired me enough to get better.
Non-Shippy Stuff
Shattered Ice (x) (y) (Yang and Weiss get into a bad argument)
Monsters Once Heroes (x) (Story edit dedicated to portraying Adam as the anti-hero most of the FNDM had seen in him before he was depicted as the sadistic sociopath canon introduced to us)
Renora (Nora/Ren)
A Wish Kept Secret (x) (y) (Cute Renora fluff, no smut)
Excerpts From Ren’s Journal (x) (character exercise dumps for Ren, usually short poems written in his POV)
It’s Time To Say Goodbye (x) (y) (One of my best stories, reviews are always appreciated)
Lemon Tea (x) (y) (The title is a pun even though there’s hardly any smut. Just really cute fluff)
Let’s Try Something New (x) (Butt-stuff)
Together, Together (x) (y) (Different smutty scenarios following Renora)
What If? (x) (y) (Really cute, fluffy Renora)
Heartstrings In Knots (x) (y) (shibari Renora)
Arkos (Jaune/Pyrrha)
A Little Less Traditional (x) (y) (Lots of butt stiff) *dedicated to pornstarloozy*
I’ll Make A Man Out Of You (x) (y) (Really dominant Pyrrha smut) *cover by the-stray-liger*
In Our Humanity (x) (character exercise dumps for Pyrrha)
Restless Fantasies (x) (y) (Pyrrha playing with herself in the shower to the thought of Jaune playing with himself in the shower)
Pride (x) (Polyamorous Blake/Sun/Adam fic dedicated to the-stray-liger for their amazing artwork)
Bumbleby (Blake/Yang)
Blake, What Do Your Faunus Eyes See? (x) (y) (Really cute, slice of life Bumbleby) *NEW CHAPTER*
North Pole (Weiss/Pyrrha)
Evening Dances (x) (y) (Really cute, fluffsmut for Weiss and Pyrrha)
Monochrome (Weiss/Blake)
Hurricane Checkmate (x) (y) (Really cute fluffsmut)
Milk & Cereal (Ruby/Pyrrha)
I Just Wanted A Shower (x) (y) (Transgirl!Pyrrha fic I did to fill out a prompt for someone)
Black Velvet (Blake/Velvet)
Prey (x) (y) (Really dominant Blake on subby Velvet)
Combat Goggles (Yang/Neptune)
Shocking Surprises (x) (y) (Shock collars are involved)
Sunflowyr (Yang/Ren)
Sunflowyr Dragons (x) (y) (Really cute slice of life Sunflowyr)
Enabler (Ruby/Yang)
Strawberry Sunrises (x) (y) (This is Enabler (Ruby/Yang) smut. If you need to avoid this for any reason please do so.)
Seabiscuit (Neptune/Glynda)
Extracurricular (x) (y) (Really cute fluff of my favorite trash ship) *cover by the-stray-liger* 
Fanning the Coals (x) (dark, manipulative dub-con)
Crosshares/Combat Totes (Coco/Velvet)
Girls and their Toys (x) (y) (Really cute Crosshares fluffsmut)
Ladybug (Ruby/Blake)
Don’t Tell Yang (x) (y) (Cute fluffsmut)
Bundycane (Velvet/Melanie/Miltiades)
The Candycane Club (x) (y) (twincest in this one, stay away if necessary) (Chapter 1: canon!Twins/Velvet. Chapter 2: Cis-swapped!Twins/Velvet)
Snowbird (Qrow/Winter)
Descending (x) (y) (Rough Snowbird elevator smut for the-stray-liger)
Sunny Bunny (Sun/Velvet/Ciel)
Sunny Bunny (x) (Velvet convinces Sun and Ciel to spend some time with her)
Emerald Series
Sunrises (x) (y) (Emercury smut)
Sunsets (x) (y) (Sequel to Sunrises) (Emercury smut with mentions of Emberald) 
Dawn (x) (y) (Prequel to Sunrises, Sequel to Sunsets) (Emerald masturbation with Emberald mention) 
Pirates In Lust (x) (y) (Matte Skye walks in on Blake and Sun being intimate and is invited to be part of the sandwich) 
Bath Buddies (x) (@rosiedoestheirbest’s OCs Opal Rackley and Hana Jinsoku share some time in the bath together. Find both OCs at @teamoshn. Cover art by @stompinmonstersart)
Inappropriate- Renora
Midnight Snack- Renora
Cake- Renora
That’s Not Syrup- Renora
New Firsts- Renora
Bittersweet- Renora
Things About You- Renora
Pressure- Renora
Excited- Renora
Daddy- Nora/Pyrrha/Ren
Fraternizing- Seabiscuit
No Breaks- Seabiscuit
Progress- Seabiscuit
X=?- Seabiscuit
Wounded- Tauradonna
Baby Girl- Bumbleby
Incentive- Seabiscuit
Optional-  Seabiscuit
Fibbing- Renora
Home Remedies- Pyrrha/Blake/Yang
A Schnee’s Penance- Frostbite
Fuck You Liger- Frostbite
Repairs- Reese/Yang
Bail- Blackboard
Frozen- Frostbite
Taste The Rainbow- Reese/Neon
I Don’t Have An Excuse For This- Weiss/Winter/Adam
Beeing A Schnee- Winter/Leila (damnian-wayne’s RWBY OC)
Sin- Nora/Leila (damnian-wayne’s RWBY OC)
Mother’s Day- Ruby (non-shippy)
Dad���s Not Home- Taiyang Xiao Long (non-shippy)
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Matserpost: 1/24/17
New one for a new fic and a new year
X for ff.net link
Y for AO3 link
Currently In Progress
Extracurricular edits, Emerald Series Part IV (Emerald/Neo Semblance Play), Black Sun (Semblance Play)
Tribute To Monty
For Monty (x) (y)This was made to honor the life of the man who inspired me enough to get better.
Non-Shippy Stuff
Shattered Ice (x) (y) (Yang and Weiss get into a bad argument)
Monsters Once Heroes (x) (Story edit dedicated to portraying Adam as the anti-hero most of the FNDM had seen in him before he was depicted as the sadistic sociopath canon introduced to us)
Renora (Nora/Ren)
A Wish Kept Secret (x) (y) (Cute Renora fluff, no smut)
Excerpts From Ren’s Journal (x) (character exercise dumps for Ren, usually short poems written in his POV)
It’s Time To Say Goodbye (x) (y) (One of my best stories, reviews are always appreciated)
Lemon Tea (x) (y) (The title is a pun even though there’s hardly any smut. Just really cute fluff)
Let’s Try Something New (x) (Butt-stuff)
Together, Together (x) (y) (Different smutty scenarios following Renora)
What If? (x) (y) (Really cute, fluffy Renora)
Heartstrings In Knots (x) (y) (shibari Renora)
Arkos (Jaune/Pyrrha)
A Little Less Traditional (x) (y) (Lots of butt stiff) *dedicated to pornstarloozy*
I’ll Make A Man Out Of You (x) (y) (Really dominant Pyrrha smut) *cover by the-stray-liger*
In Our Humanity (x) (character exercise dumps for Pyrrha)
Restless Fantasies (x) (y) (Pyrrha playing with herself in the shower to the thought of Jaune playing with himself in the shower)
Pride (x) (Polyamorous Blake/Sun/Adam fic dedicated to the-stray-liger for their amazing artwork)
Bumbleby (Blake/Yang)
Blake, What Do Your Faunus Eyes See? (x) (y) (Really cute, slice of life Bumbleby)
North Pole (Weiss/Pyrrha)
Evening Dances (x) (y) (Really cute, fluffsmut for Weiss and Pyrrha)
Monochrome (Weiss/Blake)
Hurricane Checkmate (x) (y) (Really cute fluffsmut)
Milk & Cereal (Ruby/Pyrrha)
I Just Wanted A Shower (x) (y) (Transgirl!Pyrrha fic I did to fill out a prompt for someone)
Black Velvet (Blake/Velvet)
Prey (x) (y) (Really dominant Blake on subby Velvet)
Combat Goggles (Yang/Neptune)
Shocking Surprises (x) (y) (Shock collars are involved)
Sunflowyr (Yang/Ren)
Sunflowyr Dragons (x) (y) (Really cute slice of life Sunflowyr)
Enabler (Ruby/Yang)
Strawberry Sunrises (x) (y) (This is Enabler (Ruby/Yang) smut. If you need to avoid this for any reason please do so.)
Seabiscuit (Neptune/Glynda)
Extracurricular (x) (y) (Really cute fluff of my favorite trash ship) *cover by the-stray-liger* *EDITS*
Fanning the Coals (x) (dark, manipulative dub-con)
Crosshares/Combat Totes (Coco/Velvet)
Girls and their Toys (x) (y) (Really cute Crosshares fluffsmut)
Ladybug (Ruby/Blake)
Don’t Tell Yang (x) (y) (Cute fluffsmut)
Bundycane (Velvet/Melanie/Miltiades)
The Candycane Club (x) (y) (twincest in this one, stay away if necessary) (Chapter 1: canon!Twins/Velvet. Chapter 2: Cis-swapped!Twins/Velvet)
Snowbird (Qrow/Winter)
Descending (x) (y) (Rough Snowbird elevator smut for the-stray-liger)
Sunny Bunny (Sun/Velvet/Ciel)
Sunny Bunny (x) (Velvet convinces Sun and Ciel to spend some time with her)
Emerald Series
Sunrises (x) (y) (Emercury smut)
Sunsets (x) (y) (Sequel to Sunrises) (Emercury smut with mentions of Emberald) *EDITS*
Dawn (x) (y) (Prequel to Sunrises, Sequel to Sunsets) (Emerald masturbation with Emberald mention) *EDITS*
Pirates In Lust (x) (y) (Matte Skye walks in on Blake and Sun being intimate and is invited to be part of the sandwich) *NEW*
Bath Buddies (x) (@rosiedoestheirbest’s OCs Opal Rackley and Hana Jinsoku share some time in the bath together. Find both OCs at @teamoshn. Cover art by @stompinmonstersart)
Inappropriate- Renora
Midnight Snack- Renora
Cake- Renora
That’s Not Syrup- Renora
New Firsts- Renora
Bittersweet- Renora
Things About You- Renora
Pressure- Renora
Excited- Renora
Daddy- Nora/Pyrrha/Ren
Fraternizing- Seabiscuit
No Breaks- Seabiscuit
Progress- Seabiscuit
X=?- Seabiscuit
Wounded- Tauradonna
Baby Girl- Bumbleby
Incentive- Seabiscuit
Optional-  Seabiscuit
Fibbing- Renora
Home Remedies- Pyrrha/Blake/Yang
A Schnee’s Penance- Frostbite
Fuck You Liger- Frostbite
Repairs- Reese/Yang
Bail- Blackboard
Frozen- Frostbite
Taste The Rainbow- Reese/Neon
I Don’t Have An Excuse For This- Weiss/Winter/Adam
Beeing A Schnee- Winter/Leila (damnian-wayne’s RWBY OC)
Sin- Nora/Leila (damnian-wayne’s RWBY OC)
Mother’s Day- Ruby (non-shippy)
Dad’s Not Home- Taiyang Xiao Long (non-shippy)
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