#tainted neko
hello-conde · 2 years
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ya me tocaba hacer la referencia de mi querido alter y si, tambien ya estreno el peinado del gato xD
I already had to make the reference of my dear alter and yes, I also premiered the gato's hairstyle xD
Tainted "Alter" Neko
Edad: que mas da ya esta muerto
Magia por Muerte: Poder Ojo y Electrico
El apodo "Alter" se lo puso Serisa.
Mantiene las mismas habilidades que poseia como gato, sin embargo siendo un tainted le dio la habilidad de flotar (a lo newtwo xD), cambiar de apariencia y viajar por las sombras..... esta ultima usandola como metodo de llegar mas rapido a lugares lejanos.
Alter es inmune al dolor, si lo lastiman no lo sentira ni aunque le corten un brazo
No tiene la necesidad de comer o beber y aunque lo intentara no detecta sabores
no tiene alma por lo tanto tampoco emociones, sin embargo alter a llegado a sentir emociones con serisa y otras personas pero es muy raro (caso parecido al de arma de @groriatrevi10xx)
Alter no suele pelear porque no le interesa, normalmente prefiere perseguir mariposas o los libros flotantes de la biblioteca de las ruins town
Alter conocio a serisa cuando esta aparecio en el mundo tainted, actualmente sellado y destruido por la misma (esa es historia para otro dia)
Sip... tiene patas de gato x3
Tainted "Alter" Neko
Age: who cares is already dead
Death Magic: Eye and Electric Power
The nickname "Alter" was given to him by Serisa.
He maintains the same abilities that he had as a gato, however being a tainted gave him the ability to float (like newtwo xD), change appearance and travel through the shadows… the latter using it as a method of getting faster to far away places.
Alter is immune to pain, if he is hurt he will not feel it even if his arm is cut off
He does not have the need to eat or drink and even if he tried, he does not detect flavors
It has no soul therefore no emotions, however alter has come to feel emotions with serisa and other people but it is very rare (case similar to that of Arma from @groriatrevi10xx)
Alter doesn't usually fight because he's not interested, he usually prefers to chase butterflies or the floating books in the ruins town library
Alter met serisa when she appeared in the tainted world, currently sealed and destroyed by her (that's a story for another day)
Yep he have cat legs x3
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la espada de alter contraria a la de gato usa indirectamente el poder de la espada del ojo (espada de @groriatrevi10xx)
puede usar a voluntad dicho poder pero solo el puede usarla de manera activa
the sword of the alter opposite to that of gato indirectly uses the power of the sword of the eye (sword of @groriatrevi10xx)
He can use said power at will but only he can use it actively
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llanty · 9 months
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people wanted me to draw this
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womanovertheedge · 1 month
Gives you like. Neko stuff. Cat ears and a cat tail. Also claws. Now go rub your kitty scent from your cheeks onto Chuuya!
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tboidoors · 4 months
Tainted Seek is going to be either Neko Seek or Retro Seek
Tainted Figure is likely going to be Retro Figure
Tainted Rush is obviously Blitz
Tainted Guiding Light is Curious Light obviously
Tainted Eyes is Lookman
Tainted Jack is yet to be decided
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fun fact: if you have the neko lost mod enabled, an item is added to the very start of the modded items list called "cat ears" (q4 item that does nothing but give the player cat ears). normally you cannot get it, but if you have the epiphany mod, you can spindown the blighted dice into it. just felt like sharing (btw i have done this exact thing before and i got cat ears as tainted jacob :3)
if you're going to die from your brother turned demon you might as well look cute doing it
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The Hobbit x neko Heterochromic teen reader part7.
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First day in Mirkwood.
In the Morning:
Anna walked into your room to wake you up for your lessons with Cathrine "Y/N wake up. You have your Lessons with Cathrine at nine." She said shaking you awake.
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She dressed you in another of Legolas's old tunics with leggings and boots, put two braids in your hair with a black ribbon holding them in place and you put your choker, arm band and pendent on along with black lace up wrist bands and a silver circlet. After she finished she told you why you had to wear Legolas's hand me downs "The reason your wearing Prince Legolas's old tunics is because their the smallest we could find until the tailors finish making your cloths. After your lessons you have to get measured for your size." After brushing your teeth you walked to breakfast with elves greeting you.
At breakfast:
You are sitting besides Thranduil who is speaking with Legolas. "Adar why is she wearing my old tunics?"  Legolas asked his father glancing at you "Because they are the smallest clothes that can fit her until the tailors get her measurements." Thranduil said as both of you eat your Porridge "she looks to be a size four in a half." Tauriel said telling Thranduil when she was stitching your wounds yesterday "Let's see after her lessons." Thranduil said.
At your lessons. Your POV:
I was sitting in front of a pretty she elf with Brown hair and eyes she was very nice but also strict "she must be Cathrine? Da- er king Thranduil said I will be having academic lessons with her from Monday to Friday." I said to Anna, Elrolith, Estel and Miludir who seemed surprised to hear me almost call king Thranduil Dad "She almost called the king Dad! Ohh Eru we gotta tell him this." Meludir said earning nods from the other three elves "If you four are done disrupting? I would like to get on with Y/N's lessons." Cathrine said annoyed with the four elves.
Later after your lessons No one's POV:
You are standing in front of the tailor who is measuring you. You had to take the slightly oversized tunic off revealing your three visible tattoos making Thranduil's and the tailors eyes widened in shock (for Thranduil awe) "Have you've been tainted little one?" The tailor asked looking at your cherry blossom tree, Butterfly flock and crescent moon Tattoos "No my sister let me get them for my birthday." You told her "Do you have more?" Thranduil asked in awe "I have one more on my ankle." You said lifting up your leggings to show your tree tattoo making everyone amazed. Thranduil was in so much amazement "Amazing, I'll offer you another deal." When he said that you have a curious look "When ever I get a good report from Cathrine you can have a tattoo. But it's not an everyday or month thing. Its at the end of every marking period as an award. Am I understood." He asked "Understood." I said in sindarin making the tailor confused "She already knows Sindarin?" She asked the king "Her sister taught her since she was two." Thranduil told the tailor who nods in understanding.
The tailor was finally done measuring you and you were finally free. "When I was still with the company I usually trained with one of the dwarves or Gandalf." You remembered the times you've had with them the short few months you've been with them "I wonder how their doing by now." You think to yourself but you was interrupted by Legolas walking in looking frazzled "Y/N, Tauriel went after the dwarves to lake town. I need you to make sure my father doesn't find out that we're both gone alright." You were speechless your tail stood up you've never lied before you couldn't even hide an injury from the company back when you escaped a pack of wargs, and your sister never taught you how to lie because "It's not right to lie." But Legolas said he won't be long and that it's not really lying if you're covering for someone you nodded "alright but I've never done this before."you told the prince who nodded and said "I'll be back with her before Father knows, hopefully." He said rubbing your ears and kissing your head.
No one's POV:
"Ohh boy, what am I gonna do I've never done this before. What if Da- king Thranduil finds out? What will he do to me? " You told and asked Anna, Estel, Elrolith and Meludir who are all trying to calm you as moon dust Rained down "My lady, Remember the king doesn't want you using your powers in the palace." Elrolith said fearfully "Y/N you must stay calm." Anna said making you take a deep breath in and letting it out "I'm scared he'll kill me, He said there will be consequences for disobedience. How much trouble well I be if he found out?" As you say this Thranduil walked in "find out about what?" You froze in terror "That she loves you, She's already considering you a father." Elrolith said giving you a victory smirk.
You were going to kill him but decided to go with it "That's right Dad. I love you so much." You said hugging his waist as best as your smaller form can.
Thranduil didn't know what to say he was surprised, speechless but he was emotional deep down.
He awkwardly hugged you back "Alright I have a meeting in a bit. Y/N your free to do what ever you please for the rest of the day! but no training or using your powers in the palace." He said letting you go but your still hugging him "you can let go now." He said "Sorry." You said letting him go with a small blush. After he finally left the room Anna said "awww. I haven't seen that side of the king in years." She said "Aye he hasn't shown emotions since the queen died." Meludir said "It honestly felt good hugging him, Elrolith thanks for getting me out of that pickle. Though I still want to kill you."  You said making him, Anna, Estel and Meludir laugh "But seriously Dad's gonna find out Tauriel and Legolas aren't here sooner or later." You said in fear making them node in agreement.
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inukag-archive · 2 years
Post-canon and canon fluff? Love and appreciate everything you guys do for the fandom.
Thank you for the kind words, anon 🥰 ! We’ve rounded up a bunch of fluffy canon and post-canon fics for you below, but if you’re craving even more, be sure to check out our other lists from this year for even more fluff / canon-based recommendations. Happy reading! 
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Don’t Know Much Biology by @kstewdeux (NR)
Flashcards sometimes work wonders.
InuKag Week 2019 by @xoxopandapanda (G)
Oneshots based on the prompts for Tumblr's InuKag Week 2019
Tainted Love by @splendentgoddess (X)
Overhearing Inuyasha explain why they cannot be together, because allowing her to love him would taint her miko purity, Kagome is bound and determined to show Inuyasha that expressing their love would not corrupt her, by any means necessary. PWP WAFF
Homecoming (Series) by @anisaanisa (M)
A series of vignettes set within the same post-canon universe, starting with the three-year separation.
Lucky by @lavendertwilight89 (T)
Kagome reflects on her time back in the Feudal Era with Inuyasha
You’re Still Here by @ruddcatha (T)
The well was sealed for three years, leaving Inuyasha and Kagome on opposite sides of time. When the well finally reopens and Kagome returns, what is Inuyasha's biggest fear?
The Sounds of Love by @mamabearcat (G)
'Inuyasha gazed down at her, his heart swelling as he took in the beautiful picture his pregnant wife made, finally resting in the afternoon sunlight.'
So, I felt the need to create some art of a tired and sleepy pregnant Kagome, and a very happy and soft Inuyasha, watching her as she slept. And then I wrote this to go with it. Not much substance to it, just an extremely fluffy moment in time. All the soft Papa Inuyasha feels. Because I want them both to be happy.
InuKag Week 2020 by @superpixie42 (M)
One shots of various lengths for InuKag week prompts on tumblr. Collection in rated M for swearing and implied adult content. Prompts: Loyalty, Desire, Home, Blue, Confession.
Learning Curve by StoatsandWeasels (E)
Nighttime activities and internal musings of the newlywed couple.
Basically just fluffy PWP.
Patina by @mrfeenysmustache (NR)
How does a demon age? Or a Hanyo? Are they ageless and immortal, unchanged through all eternity? Do they walk through time more slowly? Or are they just like us but stronger and more beautiful in their existence? Kagome watches Inuyasha as he lives through middle age with her; grown children, aching bones and graying hair- hers and his.
Without Words by @keichanz (NR)
No summary provided.
The Scent of Camellias by @fantastiqueparfait (G)
Kagome adjusts to her new reality. Set during and immediately after the separation.
Inuyasha: The Next Tomorrow (Series) by @xfangheartx (G - E)
A collection of stories that follow Inuyasha and Kagome's family life as well as the adventures of their eldest son, Ichiro, and his friends, Roku, the son of Miroku and Sango, and Tsukihime, the daughter of Koga and Ayame.
Together Changed by @goshinote & @lostinfantasyworlds (G)
On his first human night since finding out he’s going to be a father, Inuyasha begins to feel overwhelmed by the idea of impending parenthood. As always, Kagome knows just how to set his mind at ease.
Eternity by @serial-doubters-club (T)
Inuyasha never gave much thought to the idea of an eternity, but falling in love with Kagome has him believing that it might finally be within his reach.
Darkest Before the Dawn by Neko-no-Tsuki (T)
A bad dream leaves Kagome shaken about deserving her happy future. Inuyasha reassures her of her place by his side.
Healing Rain by Emmyyasha (E)
Post-manga. In the midst of a raging thunderstorm, our favorite hanyou plans a special dinner for his wife, just to see her smile that melted his heart all those years ago. However, when his wife returns emotionally devastated from a hard day of training, Inuyasha may need to find another way to cheer her up.
A Piece of Home by @omgitscharlie (E)
At winter's first snowfall, Kagome finds herself reminiscing about Christmas back in her time.
Something More by Neisha (T)
They were friends she'd said, and more than once he'd wished they were something more.
The ‘Almost’ Kiss by @morphituu (T)
So I've always wondered... What IF Sota hadn't rudely barged in and spoiled their kiss, but instead just showed up a little later? Just a little, like a few minutes later? I put my own mind to ease u.u
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ruins-posts · 3 years
A Masterlist for Sebastian Michaelis
Sebastian x wife!reader 💛
Sebastian x male!reader💛
Sebastian x lonely!reader 💔
Sebastian x reader who self-harms💔💛
Sebastian x reader (one-sided love)💔
Sebastian x contractee! reader 💔
Sebastian x mistress! reader 💛
Sebastian x reader ft. a lady who's obsessed on sebby💛
Sebastian reveals his true form to s/o 💛
Flower crowns [Sebastian x reader]💛
Sebastian teaching his s/o piano but she sucks at it💛
Sebastian x reader where their daughter brings a dog home💛
Ciel holding reader's and Sebby's daughter for the first time💛
Forcing injured Sebastian to sleep💛
Sebastian x chubby! insecure! reader💛
Sebastian comforting s/o with period cramps💛
Sebastian x reader who loves his eyes💛
Sebastian x writer! contractee! reader💔
Sebastian x maid! reader who's tired after a long day💛
Sebastian giving his s/o kisses while they sleep 💛
Reacting to his s/o crying💔
Sebastian's s/o getting married to another man💔
Tasting his s/o's blood 💀
S/o wearing a cute dress and teasing sebby 💛
Angel kidnaps Sebastian's family 💛
Holding hands with Sebastian💛
Cuddling with Sebastian 💛
Sleeping on top of Sebastian💛
Having an affair with Sebastian💛
Reaction to s/o wearing his clothes 💛
Yandere Sebastian's s/o asking for a breakup💀
Ciel calling Sebastian's wife mom 💛
Reaction to s/o smacking his booty 💛
Early morning kisses💛
Yandere! Sebastian's s/o finally loving him back💛
Sebastian Michaelis fluff alphabet💛
Reaction to s/o gifting him a cat💛
Worthy [Sebastian x Chubby! Reader]
Fatum [Sebastian Michaelis x reader]: Part I PartII Part III Part IV 💛
Lepidus [Sebastian x princess! reader] {Part I } {Part II}? 💛
Sebastian x neko! reader Part i , Part ii💛
Sebastian x daughter! Reader x Claude💔
Tainted Part I, Part II 💛
Sebastian with a shy blushy s/o 💛
Comforting s/o who has had a nightmare💛
Comforting s/o who lost a loved one💛
Sebastian x male! reader hcs 💛
Sebastian with a vampire! s/o 💛
Thing's s/o does that makes them blush 💛
Reaction to s/o being hit on by someone else💛
With a flirty! s/o💛
Yandere! Sebastian and Yandere! Claude in love with the same reader💀
Sebastian as a parent💛
Reaction to s/o calling him beautiful 💛
With an innocent! s/o
Affection Headcanons
Sebastian x Younger Brother Hcs
With a Tsundere! s/o
Prompt 12 with Sebastian “Is that my shirt?”💛
Prompt 24 with Sebastian, “I just can't forget about you.”💛
Prompt 33 with Sebastian, “Beautiful…Beautiful and all mine”💀
Delicacy [Sebastian Michaelis x Reader]💀
Ethereal [Sebastian Michaelis x reader] 💀
Abyss [Yandere! Sebastian Michaelis] 💀
Redemption [Priest! Sebastian Michaelis x Reader]
Lullabies [Sebastian x Mistress! Reader] 💛
Inspiration [Sebastian x Artist! Reader]💛
Tainted Part I, Part II 💛
Yours, forever
Tiptoe [Sebastian x short! Reader]
Revere [Sebastian Michaelis x Reader]
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Diabolik Lovers DARK FATE ー Ruki Dark [07]
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ー The scene starts in the entrance hall of the Tsukinami manor
Yui: Ruki-kun? ...I’m coming in.
ー The scene shifts to the guest room
Yui: ( Ah...He’s asleep. I wonder if it’s still rough to be up. )
Ruki: ... 
Yui: ( ...I want to talk to him so badly, but he somehow looks more at peace while asleep... )
( However, if he wakes up, I’m sure he’d just chase me out again... )
Ruki: ...Ugh...
Yui: ( ...! He seems to be in pain...I wonder if his wounds are aching... )
( ...I’ll stop trying to rack my brain over everything. For now, I’ll just focus on making sure Ruki-kun gets better. )
( Is there anything I can do...? ...Ah, right! )
ー The scene shifts to the dungeon
Kou: ...What do you guys think?
Yuma: You’re talkin’ ‘bout how Ruki’s avoiding the Sow?
Kou: There’s just no way he’d think of M-neko-chan as a bother, right?
Azusa: Maybe in the past but...Right now, not a chance. Ruki treasures Eve a lot...
Yuma: That’s pretty obvious. That’s why I don’t understand why he’s actin’ the way he is.
Azusa: ...Ruki is lying.
Yuma: Ah? What do ya mean, Azusa?
Kou: Basically you’re saying he doesn’t actually want to treat her coldly?
Azusa: I feel like Ruki knows...that he can never become Adam, and that’s why he’s avoiding her...
Because by keeping Eve for himself even though he can’t be Adam, he’d basically be betraying Karlheinz-sama...
Yuma: So that’s why he’s pushin’ her away? On purpose?
Azusa: Probably...
But, I also understand how he feels. We owe our lives to Karlheinz-sama after all...So we can’t betray him.
Kou: That’s true butー ...I don’t really get it.
Yuma: For one, why did Ruki decide that he can’t become Adam?
We were sent over here ‘cause we had a shot as well, right?
Kou: But it is true that he never awakened. Even though M-neko-chan loves him as well.
Azusa: I guess it’s because we were once human after all...?
Kou: In which case, it’s true that we can never become Adam.
Even if the feelings are mutual, we can’t just erase our own past as humans.
Yuma: ...Well, either way, it isn’t our job to tell him what to do.
Kou: Good point. We’d probably only make matters worse by trying to stick our noses in their private business~
Azusa: I’m worried but...I do think that is for the best.
ー Shin is shown listening in on them from afar
Shin: ...
ー The scene shifts to the living room
Shin: Sorry for the wait, Nii-san. You called?
Carla: ...Shin. It seems you went somewhere.
Shin: Ah. I just had a little something to take care of. Anyway, what do you need me for?
Carla: ...It appears you gave that woman some freedom without consulting me about it first.
Shin: ...! ...So you know.
Carla: I will find out even if you keep quiet. I will listen to your excuses, however.
Shin: My bad, Nii-san. However, I heard that being kind to them is the number one way to win a human over.
Carla: ...
Shin: To cleanse her tainted blood, we’ll need to repeatedly suck her blood, right?
I mean, I don’t mind forcing myself on her, but seeing how thoroughly corrupted she has become, it’d take more than one session to cleanse her.
So I figured it’d be much easier to put on a kind facade and get her on our side first.
Still...I’m sorry. I should have told you first.
Carla: ...I suppose it’s fine.
I do not mind you coming up with a plan, but do not act without my approval. Keep that in mind.
Shin: I know, Nii-san.
ー Carla leaves
Shin: ...I’m aware.
ー The scene shifts back to the guest room
Ruki: ...Uhn...
Ruki: ...I must have dozed off again...I just can’t help but grow drowsy from the pai...
...She’s not here, huh?
...Hah. I can’t believe I find myself disappointed when I’m the one who told her to leave. How pathetic.
Ruki: These are...Origami cranes?
...Did she make them for me? When did she do that?
Heh...They’re all a little crooked. You’d think that she would improve a little after folding so many.
...I guess she still prays for me to get better, even after everything I said to her. (1)
...What a foolish woman she is.
Ruki: ...I suppose I can accept one.
I owe my life to that man. 
Therefore, I must both live and die for his sake.
...Rest assured, Karlheinz-sama. I will never betray you.
...No matter what happens.
ー Yui enters the room
Yui: Ah...Ruki-kun, you’re awake.
Ruki: Should I not? For one, don’t enter my room without knocking. It seems like you lack common manners.
Yui: Sorry, I thought you were still asleep. Still...I’m glad. You can get up now, can’t you?
I truly feel relieved...I guess it’s all because I prayed to God for a swift recovery.
Ruki: ...Prayed, huh? Is that why you folded these paper cranes? 
Yui: Ah...
( He saw the cranes I folded while he was asleep... )
Have you heard of the legend of the Thousand Origami Cranes? I’m still nowhere near close a thousand, but I figured I’d fold some while wishing for your recovery.
Ruki: I see...That must have been a lot of work.
However, I’ve already recovered plenty. Therefore ーー I don’t need this trash.
ー He destroys the paper cranes
Yui: ...!
( He crushed the paper cranes... )
Ruki: Now they’re just some scraps of paper. They’re in the way so go get rid of them. 
Yui: ...Why? 
Ruki: What do you mean?
Yui: At first I thought it made sense for you to be upset with me because I realized how reckless I had been...
However, I’m no longer sure now. Why would you do these kinds of things? 
→ You’re making no sense
Yui: I have no idea what you’re thinking.
Ruki: I don’t want you to understand me. 
...However, when you’re this persistent, it does start to get quite vexing.
→ Tell me why you’re doing this (♡)
Yui: Tell me why you’re doing this.
Ruki: Why, you ask? I don’t need to justify being cruel to Livestock.
That being said, I guess you just don’t understand no matter how many times I tell you that.
Ruki: Very well. In that case, I’ll give the message to your body again.
Yui: ...Ow...!
Ruki: Listen carefully, Livestock. It’s a nuisance to have a  human like yourself around.
Yui: A nuisance...?
Ruki: Exactly. ...A nuisance.
Yui: But, you...You said you needed me...
Ruki: Hah...You never change, do you? You never once doubted whether you were actually loved or deemed necessary, but just naturally assumed so? 
...How shameless.
I suppose this is a good opportunity to tell you loud and clear, so you never get the wrong idea again.
Just like those paper scraps from earlier ーー I no longer need you.
Yui: ...
Ruki: If you understand what I’m trying to say, then leave me alone from here on out. I’d still much rather spend my time down in the dungeon than having to be in the same room with you here.
...I don’t ever want to see your face again.
ー The scene shifts to the entrance hall
Yui: ( ...He called me a nuisance. )
( Ruki-kun wouldn’t say that, even when upset. In which case... )
( Does he actually hate me now...? )
( Can we...no longer be together? )
After being kicked out into the hallway,
I stood there frozen on the spot. 
Is he upset? Or fed up with me? 
ーー Does he hate me?
Regardless of his reasoning (理由),
it can’t be denied that he rejected (拒絶) me. 
I could still feel his lingering touch,
on the skin of my wrists which he pinned to the wall.
Translation notes
(1) The crane bird is a common symbol for health and longevity in Japan. Additionally, there’s the belief that if one folds a thousand of them, you can make a wish. (E.g. Wish for someone’s illness to be cured, etc.)
<- [ Dark 06 ] [ Dark 08 ] ->
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hello-conde · 2 years
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edad: 8 años
Familia: Tainted-Neko (padre), Serisa (tia)
Armas: Sables Laser y Pulsera escudo.
Rosa, es la hija de alma de tainted-neko(alterneko) y la razon del porque no tiene madre.
ella casi no habla, solo habla cuando se es necesario o entra en confianza (pero aun asi no hablaria tanto)
Asi como rosa tiene patas de gato, alter y neko-player tambien las tienen.
rosa adora a su tia serisa al punto de quererla como hermana.
la razon del porque solo serisa sabe de la existencia de rosa es porque alter solo quiso presentarsela a ella. sin embargo death cat llego a verla solo unas pocas veces
rosa tambien puede flotar como alterneko
Age; 8 years old
Family: Tainted-Neko (father), Serisa (aunt)
Weapons: Lightsaber and Shield Bracelet.
Rosa, is the soul daughter of tainted-neko (alterneko) and the reason why she has no mother.
she hardly speaks, she only speaks when it is necessary or trusts (but still she would not speak so much)
Just as Rosa has cat's paws, alter and neko-player also have them.
Rosa adores her aunt serisa to the point of wanting her as her sister.
The reason why only Serisa knows of Rosa's existence is because her alter only wanted to introduce herself to her. however death cat got to see her only a few times
rosa can also float as alterneko
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ask-the-necropolis · 3 years
Hello hello! Do not question the pfp of an Isaac plush being strangled.
There are some faces here, they look familiar... But, do you dare to speak to them? Do you dare learn their secrets? Do you dare engage...?
- Azazel
- Lilith
- Eve
- Judas
- Cain
- The Lost
- Esau. No, I will not be including Jacob. Cry about it.
- The Deserter/Tainted Jacob
- The Revenant/Dark Esau
- The Zealot/Tainted Bethany
- The Deceiver/Tainted Judas
- The Curdled/Tainted Eve
- I will add bosses upon request.
- No NSFW requests. I'm 14, asshole.
- No "[character] is a neko for [number] asks" or anything like that.
- Don't spam asks.
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therealkoumukami · 3 years
welcome to our blog !!
Waah~! Look what we have here~!
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It seems like we have ourselves a visitor to this blog, Admin-chan~!
☾ Yeah, it seems we do, Kou! Why don’t you go and introduce yourself?
Of course, of course! *clearing throat, then cheerfully*
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Welcome to my unofficially official blog, M Neko-chan! My name is Mukami Kou and I’m an up-and-coming idol from Japan!
Although, it appears you already knew that, M Neko-chan~! Fufu~
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☾ Wait, how can you tell through a screen?
I have my ways~! I’m a vampire, after all!
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☾ That’s a bit...unsettling. 
Fufu, only if you have secrets to hide, Admin-chan~! Besides, I’m sure I’ll be learning a lot of my M Neko-chans secrets’ through this blog~ Makes me...excited!
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☾ O-okay...Um, how about you actually tell the visitor about what this blog is for?
So pushy~ But I shall!
Here, with the help of dear ole’ Admin-chan, you’ll can ask me anything you want, with some guidelines of course! But don’t be shy, I want to interact with you. I want to know what my M Neko-chans are thinking about~ Surely, it’s me after all!
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As long as your question follows the rules, there’s nothing I’m unwilling to share with you. Even the filthy questions you wouldn’t dare to ask me in real life are okay~
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☾ As long as they aren’t TOO filthy!
Boring~! But Admin-chan is right! There’s a chance a little Neko-chan could come across this blog, and I don’t want to unnecessarily taint them. It could ruin my image!
So ask away, M Neko-chan! I can’t wait to see you~
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The order in which we consume miraculous episodes taints how we enjoy them because Psychomedian makes perfect narrative sense coming after Kuro Neko. You know, since in KN they just talked about not taking each other for granted and not communicating and Psychomedian having Chat Noir taking more of a driver's seat in the duo and being the creative one while Ladybug just destroys everything and its just the two of them instead of between two kinda filler episodes (Mr pIgeon 72 and Furious Fu)
Other than that, i loved this episode
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rockin-bot-block · 3 years
*Neko appeared here, wearing bandages over his eyes although he currently looks a bit different and their clothes were kinda tainted with red- either way, Neko was unsure about where they are but eager to explore the place.*
Soft clack of metal as Hex approaches the other. The bot pausing.
“Wh- how the h e l l did you get in here?”
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The Hobbit x neko heterochromic teen reader part 4.
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Reader meets Thranduil and he takes an interest in her.
I don't know how long the walk was but I fell asleep in Legola's arms until I heard his soft voice "wake up Tithen pen we are here." I opened my eyes and saw a palace that looked like a huge tree mixed with a cave and two guards blocking the doors but those guards were very rude so the she-elf I now know as Tauriel told them off.  "ENOUGH, we have 13 prisoners to put in cells and a child who needs immediate medical attention, one of you take the leader to my father, the others take the other twelve to the dungeon, Tauriel I'm gonna need your help with her." Legolas said.
I was taken to a room supposedly a healing ward, Legolas sat me on his lap "Tauriel has to stitch up your cut you got scratched really badly by the spiders Little one!" I nodded but realized I never told them my name "my names Y/N by the way Y/N L/N." they both smiled and we're about to speak but a guard came in "King Thranduil wishes to see the girl!" As the guard got ready to grab me Legolas said "I will take her myself, we will be out soon she needs her injuries checked." the guard left as Tauriel started to stitch my cuts and put a bandage around it, she needed to see if I had anymore injuries but Legolas was still in the room "Mellon nin can you leave? I need her to lift up her shirt." Legolas blushed and walked out.
I let Tauriel rewrap the wounds I got from an orc and warg attack 2 weeks ago and she gave me a medical patch for the black eye I got when a spider trampled me.
Tauriel finished patching up my wounds but before I pull my tunic down she stared at my tattoos "Have they’ve tainted you little one?" I shook my head smiling at her "no I got them for my birthday, my sister let me get them." she was really amazed by the art of my tattoos, but when I was pulling my F/C Tunic down we didn't hear Legolas come in and he was looking at my injuries and tattoos "What have you've been up to with those dwarves? And HAVE YOU'VE BEEN TAINTED?" he asked staring at my cherry blossom tree tattoo, luckily Tauriel told him "Come along Y/N my father wants to see you!" After putting my cloak back on we walked out of the healing ward and made our way to Legolas's dad, on the way I was getting looks of curiosity, awe, judgment, and disgust.
The elves with judging and disgusted looks were making me uncomfortable, I decided to put my hood on.
Legolas sees this picks me up again and gives those elves a scolding glare.
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He ran until we were in front of a big double door that had two guards guarding it.
They bowed to Legolas and opened the doors for us when we walked in I told the guards "Thank you." To which they smiled.
I looked up at a spiral of stairs leading to a throne with an elf who looked like an older version of Legolas sitting on it, he had the same hair, eyes, and facial features as Legolas but he was bigger and he had bigger eyebrows (that reminded me of caterpillars) he saw me and had a look of boredom on his face, "This is the child Ionneg?" he asked in a deep voice that made me gulp causing him to smirk in dominance "yes Adar this is the girl, Y/N." Legolas said while putting me down as King Thranduil came down "You are from a race long thought to be extinct little one." He said looking down at me.
I wanted to run but I held myself together "I am your majesty." he looked at me with no emotion on his stone cold face, "I sense a great gift within you." he says when all of a sudden my moon manipulation powers came out causing moon-dust to rain down making him smirk again.
When the dust cleared he got on one knee and began playing with my key necklace.
As he is playing with my necklace he sees the arkenstone shard on my choker "how did you obtain this child?" He asked holding it with his big finger "it was given to me by my late parents." I said.
King Thranduil looks at it in awe then at me with a stern look and said "You will be staying here from now on, but there are rules.” He said standing tall like a tree “1. You will have limited time outside, 2. You will not be doing any sort of training or fighting until further notice, 3. You will be having academic lessons with Cathrine five days a week, 4. you are forbidden from using your powers in the palace, 5. Your sword will be confiscated when I feel you’re ready to use it, 6. you will have bodyguards with you at all times! There will be consequences if you disobey me. Am I making myself clear?!" He asked firmly I nodded and said "perfectly." But then I remembered that Durins day is almost here and I had to find a way to help the company get to Erebor.
"I will stay but I have one condition." Thranduil gives me an I'm listening look as he drinks from a goblet "you will let the dwarves go and allow them to continue their quest to Erebor before Durin's day." he has a thinking look but nodes his head "very well I am a man of my word." then he turns to Legolas as Tauriel walks in "Legolas go tell the guards to let the dwarves go and get servants to prepare a room and bath for Y/N, and tell a maid to bathe her and put her in clean clothes! Hers are covered in dirt and blood." Legolas nodded and walked out "and Tauriel tell Meludir, Estel (not Aragorn btw), and Elrolith that they will be Y/N's new bodyguards." Tauriel nodded and we walked out of the room to see a maid walking up to me "hello I am Anna, I will be your new personal maid." she said taking me to my new room.
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furinana · 4 years
Megaten Furbait compilation
A list of myth characters that were depicted as animals or animals with anthropomorphic features in the Megami Tensei series that have some level of appeal to furries.
Birds, reptiles and other species included.
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Now let’s start!
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Kaneko designed very, very few humanoid birds (even less featuring actual beaks) so Garuda is a big win to me. I love his playful pose from the first artwork combined with the big thigh exposition.
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The curly beard and the shining brown skin really give him an extra attractiveness.
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I fell in love with this little fellow at first sight. The way he just looks down and has a “tch!” expression like he’s mocking you.
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I don’t pay much attention to Anubis since he’s depicted in essentially the same way in a lot of other media. His slender and sophisticated figure is still mesmerizing to stare regardless.
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I tend to prefer his human form but Quetz’s dragon form isn’t half-bad. His pissed face like he’s mad at you for eating the last piece of ham from the fridge.
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This goat has his horn on fire and has something sticking out of his crotch! He’s up to no good! Now that I think about it, the sword and the shield must symbolize his hermaphroditism.
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He looks at you the same way a pregnant mother would do to her lover.
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I’m not fond of demons with a lot of random features all over them. I forgive Gagyson because he’s bird-like and is cackling maniacally.
Neko Shogun
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Is he a demon or a toy? SO FRIGGIN’ CUTE! I LOVE YOU, DAMNIT!
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A dignified old man doing yoga. Check out the little golden monkey in his armor.
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This froggie looks so happy to see you! She’s like a character that came straight from Animal Crossing.
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Not very furry-like but at least she’s worth more than Nekomata. She looks comfy to hug. Be careful or she’ll hit you with a Macca Beam though.
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There it is... the most insane furbait of the list. This fucker tricks you into thinking he’s covering himself but as soon as you look at him from behind you find out he’s been walking around with his ass completely bare. It’s like he’s tainting you to look at it. Don’t even get me started at his Hallel form.
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BABY YOU’RE SO CUTE!!! His tongue imitating perfectly the way a dog pants cheerfully when its owner is close!!!
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A personal favorite. As soon as you summon her, she gets ready to push you onto the bed and peg your ass.
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Shesha’s battles aren’t something exciting to remember about but I truly do like his enormous snake body. Too bad you couldn’t summon him in this state.
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If you are into hunks, Fomorian is just your dude. Remind him not to skip leg day though.
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This guy definitely fucks. Beware of his ridiculously long arms.
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I wanna touch his fat nipples and his bellybutton.
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Such a jolly little creature! It’s like a Pokémon! 
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He seems way less scary once you realize he’s a bear.
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I wanna pull his big tail and see him screaming agonishingly. Apparently his meat is quite tasty.
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Azumi might be JUST YOUR THING if you liked The Shape of Water. I wonder if her mouth is too rough to kiss.
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There’s something that awakens in me when I stare at his happy trail.
Kuda, Inugami and Makami
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L     O    N    G
Wu Kong
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I like his personality in the games a lot. A troublesome kid that speaks brashly.
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I wanna touch his fat nipples and bel-oh wait, I already said this to Ganesha.
Cait Sith
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Look at his stupidass huge boots. I love this guy.
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I’m not enthusiastic about elephants in general but Kaneko sure draws them in a way that makes me captivated. I like how this one feels gritty and muscular contrasting the chubby ones.
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The pre-evolution of Garuda. Very majestic. I love the extension thingies from his crown.
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The little snark with his tongue while looking at the viewer. It’s the little details that count.
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I hate horses. I truly truly hate horses. I’m fond of this one for some reason however. Maybe it’s the fanged teeth? Or the cute braids?
Tao Tie
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You don’t wanna get on this fluffy fella’s bad side.
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I like how this Kobold has quite some feminine figure. Small hips and big boobs.
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A body of water shaped into a masked dragon. Kaneko really nailed on the execution of this one.
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I truly don’t care about Orias but his old artwork is funny. He’s tied to his horse as if both were a present.
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A rare one! And it’s a turtle! Does his shell only cover his back?
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Despite his major villain profile in the lore, his personality in the negotiations sums up as “big moe beast that loves lettuce”.
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"Bro” “What is it, bro” “I tied myself all over you bro” “B-bro...”
Chi You
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I know it’s just his spear but the shadow makes it seems he’s wearing high heels.
Tangata Manu
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Tangata Manu is so cartoonishly weird to the point it’s adorable. Look how shitty his wings are. Poor guy. 
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Furry milfs stretching? Furry milfs stretching, anyone?
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Makara in Dx2 is friggin adorable. I often forget it’s supposed to be from the Dragon race because of its little Bambi head.
Heavenly Generals
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Kaneko the absolute madman designed the twelve chinese zodiac animals as boss enemies. THEY ALL HAVE THE SAME HAIRSTYLE.
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I love chickens but she doesn’t resemble one enough to be endearing on this aspect to me. I like the ‘creepy creature in domestic clothes’ image though. She even helps you with housework if she feels you’re hard-working enough!
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This one knows he’s a bastard and is fully delighted with it.
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His cute expression sure makes bird lovers like myself fall to our knees.
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Everyone’s favorite doggie! Regardless of how generic Cerberus ends up becoming in later games, his role as Nakajima’s loyal partner or our lovely Pascal the dog makes me quite fond of him.
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A pig with a cape! A PIG WITH A CAPE!
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I keep thinking of that mission in Strange Journey where you had to casually ask Fafnir for a piece of his body. Since he’s all made of metal, I guess letting someone else borrow your leg wouldn’t hurt you.
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I never got to properly use one yet in the games but I'm super fond of his design. The color palette is one of my favorites.
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no talk with me im angy
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