#tagging luimagine
doodlesbf · 11 months
Chapter 9
(( Tagging @luimagines ))
The child hold onto wild hand while walking and they hearing their big brothers talking about bombs? Or something the child can't understand about.
The child wanted to ask what is a bomb their talking about or the the other thing they mentioned but rethink it on what possibly is a bomb or the other thing but still holding big brother wild hand during the walk as the chain keep moving. The walk continues on til time say it's okay to stop for a break. He allow it since a child is now with the group and try keep his face normal but he can see from his good eye a few knowing looks from the older boys on why, time pretend to not notice or faced by it.
Wild have a small smile and knee down next to the blind child to be their height the best he can.
Wild: you can rest, the group is around us just to let you know.
Blind child look to hear were wild say and they nod and let go of his hand to not make him uncomfortable moving their hands down as wild stand back up.
The child ears wiggle a bit to hear the few boys talking to each other or walk bit away to do something so the blind walk to their left to not be in the way in case then sit down on the grass. Blind decide to close their cloudy eyes to take in everything that happen so far of their life. Til sounds of footsteps are coming their way that the blind child open their eyes as the footsteps stop infront of them.
Sky: it's okay, it's me sky.
Blind: oh um is it time to go walking?
Sky chuckle while shake his head and walk next to them to join them on sitting on the grass as the blind child doesn't move just their ears move up and down to listen to sky's movements.
Sky: no its not time yet. I wanted to check on you.
Blind: I'm okay, just um sitting down on grass.
Sky: I can see that hehe. But that's not I meant child.
Blind child then turn their head to look at sky with confuse on their face on what he means as they hands go to their shirt to grip it out of habit or nervous, sky notice and lift his hand to ruffle the blind child head to lightly mess up their hair. The child flinch but blink to let go of their shirt to reach their tiny hands up over their head to gently grab sky hand.
Sky stop ruffle the child head so the child can fully hold/feel his hand and lower his hand enough for them to easily.
Blind: your hand is big than mine.
Sky smile and say *really?* as he see the child nod as they move their hands around sky hand to his fingers, clove and arm then back down to his hand. Sky didn't dare move his hand or at all even pull away finding this low curiosity of theirs cute til they pull sky hand on their cheek and snuggle his hand lightly and bearly putting pressure but to sky..everything stop for him and for once in his life and moment.
Blind: warm..
Sky: your the most adorable child, I ever met in my life-
Suddenly a arrow land right infront of the two making this little moment stop as a horn noise is hear making the chain hear as monsters riding boars bursting from the treeline.
Warrior: ambush!!
The group quickly get up to arm themselves, sky quickly get up and reach for his master sword but remember that blind child is next to him as he look to them find they right to their foot and shaking while move their arms out infront of them looking for sky.
Sky quickly move to the blind child to gently as he can pull them close by his side as he pull out his master sword.
Sky: kiddo, I need you to stay close to me-
Sky see from the corner of his eye a that one of the boar riding monster is quickly running to were he and blind child is that sky pick up the child to just in time dodge being ranover yet he swing his sword to slice the boar size. The boar let out a loud sound of pain that the child cover their ears in pain of the loud sudden sound. Warrior use his shield go block a attack then force able shove the monster away so he can bring up his sword to stab the monster chest then twisted it to pull out as warrior glances around him to see the other chain members are holding themselves up but knows he needs to help them but see sky have the blind child and he yell out to him.
Warrior: sky! Go to the woods for more cover! We'll find you!-
Warrior hear a roar and held up his shield only for the monster boar to ran full force to Warrior to send Warrior fly back to the ground. Sky see this but notice some monsters are heading to him and sky bite back a curse word in skyloftian language since he with the child. Sky put his sword back in her holster then sky pick up the blind child to quickly ran to the wood to try ran away but that only made the monsters chase after sky, child as the chain noticed and couldn't yell out a warnings to sky since the monsters keep attacking them.
Four roll between the monster legs as the monster growl and turn around only to be greeted by a large sword cut it in half by the older man . Time held the large sword and he look around seeing the boys are now taken out the monsters but wind, hyrule need help.
Time look to four as in go help sky and the child tape of look, four see and nod as he runs to the woods were sky ran in with the child. Time see then go help wind just as legend came to hyrule rescue.
Four keep on running followed the monsters track on the ground til its gone by a open field of tall grass as four try to clam himself down and his panting.
Four: damn, were are you sky and kid-
Suddenly there's a rustled to his right by a few feet from him, four held his sword infront ready himself yet slowly inching closer to were the rustling is til sky pop out to be on his hands & knees scare four enough to back away but put away his sword.
Four: sky, thank the golden three. Your okay but weres the kid?
Just as four ask the blind child pop their head out from the tall grass and they have their tiny hands on sky side so they can come out more.
Blind: hi four, are the monsters gone?
Four sign in relief and smile to see their safe but nod.
Four: yeah, we're safe but let's not stay here any longer.
Sky finally catch his breath and get up slowly in case he fall back to the ground due to his asthma.
Sky: y-yes..let's go..
Sky start to walk first as four gently grab the blind child hand to walk them back as the child smile glad the monsters are gone but wondering on were the rest of the group is that since it's......quiet.
Blind: four, is the group safe too?
Four look at them and can see how worry they are about the rest of the group but he gently hold their tiny hand.
Four: they'll be okay kiddo, they won't go down so easily I promise.
Four say with a smile as he can see them relax to hear that and four look back to see sky is looking back with a smile.
Sky: adorable.
Four: watch yourself sky, you might fall.
Child confused but still holding four hand til they hear sky let out a yip then a thud.
Child: is sky okay?
Four: yeah, he's fine, just tripped.
Four say as sky on the ground thanks to a tree root that's sticks out from the ground as four guild the child around as sky got up and continued on the walk back.
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pinkittwice · 2 months
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hoi hoi!! hoppin' in to request that you drink some water and have some food!! Also give yourself a treat cause you're a hard ass worker and need to treat yourself <3
I heard from Jay XD
But I went to take a nap first.
And then the dogs demanded walkies.
I have since returned. I'm heating up pasta and I have my water with me. :)
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feedthefandomfest · 8 months
The response to the Comment Bingo has been amazing so far! Let's keep that momentum going. If you want to join, you can play with the Original Card or choose one of the other available cards:
one designed for Beginners (new or nervous commenters)
a Fluff Edition, Smut Edition and Angst Edition to find/comment on fics with themed tags
an Old Fic Edition to encourage digging up fics you might otherwise miss
a Character/Ship/Fandom Edition (some assembly required) -> Billy Hargrove Bingo, Star Trek Bingo, Doctor Who Bingo, Dean Winchester, DC Comics, Batfamily (more to come??)
This blog is intended to promote anything and everything related to fic writing and commenting. In the fandom ecosystem, both creators and enjoyers are essential, but especially active creators and enjoyers—by which I also mean interactive.
For now, this is what I can guarantee from this blog:
more bingo cards for readers, featuring a mix of old and and new commenting tasks
resources on commenting: etiquette and how-tos, etc.
resources on writing: editing and drafting tips, worldbuilding, character building, etc.
celebrations of commenters who earn bingo (✨victory badges✨)
fic recs from bingo players who post the works used to fill their cards
Original Edition Bingo Winners Board: Single, Double, Triple, Quadruple, Quintuple, Sextuple, Octuple, Decuple, ✨FULL CARD✨
Fluff Edition Winners Board: Double, Triple, Quadruple, Sextuple, Septuple, ✨FULL CARD✨
Smut Edition Winners Board: Single, ✨FULL CARD✨
Angst Edition Winners Board: ✨FULL CARD✨
Old Fic Edition Winners Board: Single, Double, ✨FULL CARD✨
Depending on level of interest, this could also be a space to host more ambitious events (ship- or fandom-specific comment drives, comment drives for categories of fic with typically less traffic, etc).
Always open to feedback and suggestions! Here's the running FAQ post for the bingo trial.
The goal is to foster as much positive fandom engagement as possible 💛 Keep fandom well fed!
no pressure, just tagging anyone who expressed interest in the bingo trial run:
@sanguine-tenshi, @mrprettywhenhecries, @tciddaemina, @tapedsleeves, @unquantifiablefucks, @1jet2unknown, @doctor-of-war-and-heartache, @sterekbros, @evanesdust, @g-arya, @suometar, @camaro-and-smokes, @dragonflylady77, @redfeathered, @iravenish, @nibupei, @larkandcarry, @im-psycho-btw, @luimagines, @kallisto-k, @yallwildinrn, @adhd-merlin, @ah0yh0y, @neewtmas, @six-demon-bag, @silent-silver-slip, @magniloquent-raven, @garden-variety-jumo, @autistic-katara, @ghuleh-recs, @kissingghouls, @thissortofsorcery, @the-ravening, @toburnup, @gunshou, @daddiesdrarryy, @starryeyedjanai, @cattailhighway, @hexiewrites, @to-spread-the-ministry, @skystamp, @goddamnedamericanjedi, @likeapaperplane, @forgottenkanji, @minnichan, @asoftspotforangels, @lungache, @the-marron
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cloudninetonine · 1 year
I remember reading something on luimagines that an asker had written, the concept is disturbing at best and horrifying at worst
Spoilers for that little write! It’s in luimagines asker’s stories section near the bottom of their master list and is titled something like “reader keeps finding notes”, so read it before you read this because it’s really good.
Basically, Dink can shapeshift into any of the Chain (whether he looks like them but all black or with their actual colors I don’t know), but when he does this he essentially becomes them, or at least gains their feelings towards people. So if he were to turn into let’s say Warriors, he would feel a soft spot for Wind, a friendly rivalry with Legend, and a brothers in arms relationship with Time.
In the write, Dink turns into Twilight, who has strong feelings for the reader. Dink deludes himself into thinking that these feelings are his, despite knowing he only feels them when he turns into Twilight.
Imagine this but in Player’s Aid? Like he turns into Wild or Hyrule to use their voices to trick Player, but he gets those immensely deep feelings while as them?
Player wouldn’t stand a chance.
First off, Pinky your tagging system is beautiful God I wish I did that when I started this damn blog
Second, these anons are talented I'm loving these stories (Hope that doesn't sound rude or two faced guys, reading it makes me think it is)
Third- The absolute chaos that follows after this.
As you all know, following Chapter 12, I like to think that Dink mostly shifts into forms (or similar) to the Chain as he himself is technically just the shadow of the Hero. SO YA'LL ALREADY KNOW THE CHAOS IS GONNA HIT HARD-
He feels that deep devotion to Player when he looks at them through Wild's or Hyrule's eyes, it's burning and strong and Dink almost goes completely breathless when he looks at Player from afar, unable to speak or continue his yell as Player looks around both confused and nervous.
Thus enter our Yandere Boyo
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luimagines · 1 year
For Wild's Eldritch Spouse, they were mad that he vanished and forget to tell them what happened. Reader was basically very worried sick.
As for the MAG!Reader, you're tagging it right. Keep up the good work. :)
Thank you!!!! <3 ^.^*
I end up writing so much that I just can't keep track of it all. XD
It's a lot of input-output and not a lot of retention. MAG! Reader is going to be the hardest though- even now, I no longer recall how I tagged it. DX
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L̶̬̂͘e̷̛̤á̴͓ȑ̴͕n̸̰̲̜̓̆ ̷̳̹̊̿̌T̷̨̪̽͛o̷̧͂ ̴̪̥̿Ŝ̵̼͚̱͊̐ü̶̟̉͠r̸̛̠͊̎v̶̙̔͊ͅi̴̱̯̱̐v̶͈̩̆̚e̶͔͌̈́
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*Possibly Yandere Linked Universe x Learning With Pibby Reader*
(Y/N) could only stare in horror at the ozzing glitching monster. Running away in terror and anger, they had awful gashes and too many wounds to fight back. Tears gathered in her eyes as the world around her started to glitch as the black goo started to block her other path.
"No, no, no!"
Then suddenly out of nowhere, a portal appears. It was black a odd looking, yet she'd rather take her chances of survival then become a distorted, corrupted, amalgamation!
With rations and weaponry strapped to their back. They ran as fast they could into the portal, hoping it would take them to somewhere much safer.
"H-he-hh," they gasped. Their body shaking, with small pained grunts of air falling from their bloody lips. Staggering forward, she looks around. There were no screens or people watching her, only her. In the middle of some area she had no recollect of.
It was green, it was nice. It was safe..
She then had fallen to the ground. Waiting for death from her wounds, or that horrible static goo to swallow her whole.
Opening her eyes to concerning tiny eyes surprised her. (Y/N) starts to shake in fear, half expecting this person to start spilling out ozzing black from their mouth and become a eldrich horror. "N-NO NO NO NO! "
Searching for their bag, she realized she had nothing to protect herself. She only shrinks back into the bed.
Au Info!
(Y/N) )(L/N)!
Once a grade school teacher, then sucked into a children's show she had no idea about. Then forced to fight beloved cartoon characters that turned into nightmare fuel.
Needs Therapy.
When (Y/N) Met The Chain.
When she first met them, she was afraid. Afraid to see more innocent people, creatures, or things of all sorts, be hunted down and possibly end up dead or living in endless suffering.
(Y/N) slowly starts to make bonds with them, she was trying to not believe the world will end in any second. Trying to enjoy life to its fullest. But, the things she witnessed, felt, would always haunt her waking days. Whenever she steps into a portal that the Chain find, she hopes that it wouldn't be her last.
The Chains Thoughts:
They are worried about their new company to the team. She always looks fearful and angry, but once she opens up more. They do their best to keep her from feeling anything negative in any type if way.
They don't know much about her world, but from the looks she has. Eyes full of terror at rembering wherever she came from.
Thankfully she knows how to fight, but she never uses the weapons she brought with her. It's as if she's saving them...
This is mostly a soft comfort yandere au kinda, but can get really fucked up if the Chain gets corrupt by the Glitch.
Tagging people that inspired me, gonna tag more soon!
@cafecourage @yandere-linked-universe @luimagines @gliphyartfan @cloudninetonine
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artsyfangirl · 2 years
What Your Favorite LU Character Says About You
Pt 1!
If Time is your favorite member of the Chain, or one of your favorite members, you either:
1: Enjoy nostalgia
2: Grew up way too fast
3: Used to have a crush on Peter Pan
4: Have daddy issues
5: Are far too disillusioned with the world and secretly wish you could stay a kid forever
Well, how did I do? Comment or reblog with how accurate this was and which, if any, fit you. This is just for fun, and literally just popped into my head a minute ago, so I just had to post it.
I’m tagging some LU people whose names I can remember. @nihilistic-wobbufet @cloudninetonine @luimagines @cafecourage
Not tagging any RP blogs because I have a guess as to who their favorite is based off of the Link they’re RPing as. :P
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linked-heroes · 3 years
Rules and Guidelines
Welcome to the linked-heroes blog, an LoZ and LU-inspired blog to talk about and submit requests for your favorite Hylian heroes! You can call me Star to make it easier to refer to me instead of using the blog name. :)
The following guidelines apply at any and all times:
Asks and submissions about OCs, reader-inserts, and Y/Ns are all welcome!
Please clarify in your ask if you want reader, y/n, or an OC
For ocs, if you say it’s ok to use an OC, (and unless you ask and give me details for your own OC), I will be using my own that I’ve made for each different link
Y/N and Reader’s will be (to the best of my ability) gender neutral unless specified otherwise in the ask
For Wind, anything “romantic” will be a typical teenage crush, puppy love, etc. Reader/yn will be the same age as him
There’s no congruent timeline and each scenario takes place in a separate universes for simplicity reasons unless otherwise stated. (Scenarios will be either in the group or when they're back in their own universes)
Sequels can be requested but please be specific on which scene you want more of and whether or not it’s for all boys or just a ones.
If you want other fluffy goodness, aus, and just well written things and shared ideas, check out the awesome @luimagines and @cafecourage
This is a NSFW-friendly blog, (NSFW STUFF IS POSTED STRICTLY ON WEEKENDS AND TAGGED SO IT CAN BE BLOCKED BY THOSE WHO DO NOT CARE FOR IT!) but non-con and dub-con is strictly forbidden. The NSFW-content will be tagged appropriately with (#nsfw, #nsfw ask, #nsfw weekend), so if that is not what you’re looking for, you can block it. MINORS DNI
Everyone is allowed to have their own kinks and enjoy what they like. For me, here is the list of kinks I myself do not like and make me uncomfortable. Please do not send any of these in. If you have ones you’re unsure of that aren’t on the list, please just ask me and I’ll let you know if they’re ok or not
No rape, no fake rape, no dubcon, no spitting, no degradation, no vore, no inflation, no feet, no baby/infantilization, no Loli-con, no hardcore or unhealthy bdsm, no farting, no urine or feces, no mommy kink, (?) No hurting Link and his partner to the point that they need to use their safe word and are actually hurt, no bleeding or whipping etc,
If you have a NSFW kink you want used or done, please send me an ask about it first so I can let you know if I’m ok with it/can do it
NSFW CONTENT WITH WIND IS UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES ALLOWED, and any romantic-related asks will be with an age-appropriate partner.
Basically just assume Wind is somewhere else away from the rest of the group for any nsfw things
-All canon LoZ and LU ships are stuffed in a box and carefully stored elsewhere. Not forgotten, but they don’t apply for this blog.
-Keep it classy and remember to be respectful of other people’s ideas/headcanons. We’re all friends here and not out to start fights.
-For going on anon for your asks, please give yourself a symbol or anon nickname so we all can tell you apart from others! (For example, we have Courage Anon and Bunny Anon)
-Yandere asks are not allowed, I suggest just going to/sending in yandere asks to the blog @yandere-linked-universe for all your LoZ/lu yandere needs
-about tagging, I’m not the best at it but for this blog I really do try. I plan to make a list of my tags for certain things to make navigation easier. Specific tags for each link and au, etc will be listed here: Tags/Titles for each Link-
#the courageous (First)
#the woodcarver (Sky)
#the blacksmith (Four)
#the colors (Red, Vio, Blue, Green)
#the old man (Time)
#the veteran (Legend)
#the traveler (Hyrule)
#the rancher (Twilight)
#the captain (Warriors)
#the sailor (Wind)
#the champion (Wild)
#the deity (Fierce Deity)
And possibly joining the list is # the merchant (Ravio)! Lmk if you want to have me add him!
That’s it for now! So again, welcome! I hope you have fun here and enjoy the content!
More rules to come (possibly)……
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linkedhearts · 3 years
Hey guys welcome in! So this is going to be a Links/Reader blog. As much I enjoy LU I know there’s a lot of drama surrounding using the characters for stuff like this so this blog will NOT be LU. Obviously this blog will have rules so buckle up!
What I will do:
-I will do romantic scenario’s with any of the Links excluding Wind because I see him as a child. Unless specified, Reader will be gender neutral though I am open to writing for any gender.
-NSFW (though I have a right to not answer asks or scenarios I do not feel comfortable with, I will update my list if anything comes to mind)
There will also be some days where I don’t feel like writing nsfw, I am not ignoring your submissions I just ask you be patient until I answer them.
- Linkcest as long as reader is involved. (I know it’s not everyone’s cup of tea but I don’t see the Links as related in this AU, if it becomes an issue I may remove this option)
-I will do characters that are not Links as long as they are adults.
-OC’s are ok I just ask you be as specific as possible because I would hate to mess up your character.
Things I will not do-
-Any romance or nsfw with Wind (see above)
-Dubcon/Noncon and abuse are PROHIBITED!!!!! If you send an ask or scenario with this not only will I not answer but I may block you, please do not send anything of the kind.
-I will not do Yandere
-No judgement to anyones kinks but I will not do: no feet, no feces or urine, no farting, mommy/daddy/baby, no spitting, no inflation, no vore, and any more I can think of if they come up.
-These are fictional people in a fictional world. If you are ugly or hateful to anyone for their thoughts or opinions you WILL BE BLOCKED. I will not tolerate hate on this blog.
MINORS WILL BE BLOCKED!!!! Please DNI if you are a minor.
Some other amazing Link/Reader blogs are @linked-heroes @luimagines and @together-in-chains please check them out!
I will update this list as things come up but as for now this is it. Please enjoy your time here!
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doodlesbf · 4 months
Doodle of MR. WIGGLES
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@luimagines @thesoftieanon
The stuff elegant toy
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chainbakery · 3 years
Do you know where LU Imagines blog disappeared to?
I think tumblr just isn't showing the blog in tags and stuff,,,
Her blog is right here! (luimagines)
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doodlesbf · 1 year
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Meant to post this like a week ago but here it is!!!
Blind child in mafia chain chapters doodle to make this mafia different from original blind child is that this mafia chain have two different skin color and give them long hair. They holding the Fierce deity mask
Tag @luimagines to see mafia blind child doodle
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doodlesbf · 8 months
Chapter 12
Tag @luimagines
Legend make sure hyrule is close to make sure he doesn't lose him with this shop that's filled with clothes and more importantly the child because if he knows that the child will likely be sucked up or buried Within this shop ridiculous amount of clothes. As well the chain will be hunting him down or scolded him for losing the blind child which he doesn't want to happen.
Hyrule: how can anyone get in and out of this?
Legend: I don't know but we're here for-
Hello there customers, how can I help you today?
Legend and hyrule jumped to sudden voice as blind child hear and hide themselves behind Legend while holding his hand as legend got a hold of himself and speak to the shop owner to be a lady.
Legend: ah yes, we're here looking for a set of clothes that fit my silbing here.
He say as legend gently as he can pull blind out from behind him since he's still holding their hand, blind slowly walk around but still hold legend hand and get nervous as well as shy .
Blind: h-hello t-there miss.
Shop owner see a child and she try not but fail to do so, she squeal like a seal to see a adorable child. The child got startled and quickly turn around and grip onto legend skirt ends and hug his legs which legend right away clam the child as hyrule frozen for a moment due to the shop owners squeal but he soon came back and help legend with the blind child.
The shop owner quickly apologize and offer a free set of clothes for the child which legend agree to while legend gently got the child to let go then he told them to hang/look for a set of clothes to choose from with hyrule while he talk to the shop owner.
Child: mmm,okay big brother legend. Sorry for grip onto your skirt.
Legend: its okay buddy, you just gotten scared is all and it's not a skirt-
Hyrule: well I'll take them over here to look legend.
Hyrule gently tag the child shoulder to let them know were he is and walk guild them to the first row of clothes to start on looking. All the child can do in this situation is use their hands to feel the clothes that hyrule handed them and blind child feel slowly and is memorizing what it feel even knows if it soft or not. But this got the child thinking on something.
Child: big brother hyrule.
Hyrule: yes buddy?
Child: why big brother legend wear a skirt?
Hyrule:...........um......he..dislike pants.
The child title their head to the side with a confused face while they holding a shirt and pants in their arms that soft.
Child: .......why?
Hyrule:.....you'll understand.....when your older buddy.
Child: okay?... should I worry for brother legend?
Hyrule chuckle and tell them, that legend will be okay and raise his hand to pet their head til they holding a set of clothes and he guild them back and the shop owner guild the child to the fitting room so they can change in privacy as legend, hyrule waits for them outside the fitting room.
The child have changed their old pants to the new pants and they smile like it but their having a hard time trying to put the shirt on and they know they need help to they held onto the new shirt in their arm close to their chest while turn around to walk to the fitting room door while their free hand touch the door. They feel the door on the palm of their hand then they knock on the door.
Child: big brothers....I need help.
The child hear what sound like footsteps coming over and the child back away as the door knot is twisted then the door creaking open.
The door open and the child wait til they hear hyrule voice.
Hyrule: hey buddy, it's me. What do you?- oh.
Hyrule step in and close the door and he knee down to be the child height, once the child explained Hyrule nod to understand even though the child can't see his reaction. He reach to the child to tap the arm that have the shirt and the child willingly lift the shirt to Hyrule so he grab the shirt and slowly while telling them on what he's doing.
Once the child finally have the shirt on hyrule smile to see that indeed green or dark green suit them and yell them as the child smile.
Child: thank you big brother hyrule. But weres?-
The fitting room door open and hyrule jump a bit but suddenly stand up to keep the child behind out of habit til he see legend.
Legend: I come to check on- oh hey buddy, wow you look good in green.
Child: thank you big brother legend, is everything okay?
Legend: yep and it's time to regroup too. Come you two.
Hyrule nod and gently poke the child left arm to let them know and the child respond by lift their tiny hand to hold Hyrule hand. Hyrule suddenly felt magic pumped into his body and he shiver which the child felt/noticed but Hyrule walk guild the blind child with legend in toe while they bid the shop owner a goodbye.
The walk back now is bit difficult since there's more people and hyrule try to avoid crowds of people in the way going back but prove to be pointless even legend have to take the lead to get them through the crowds but somehow with people shoving or pushing the child felt their hand slipping and try to hold onto hyrule hand but a man shove himself through the two the child hand slip and they got calling for hyrule or legend but due to people talking loudly their ears started to hurt and with the shoving and pushing from the crowds of people the child feel overwhelmed and scared that they can feel their heart racing and couldnt stop panting so walk to one direction to try get away from the crowds and unknown they walk to a dark alleyway as legend and hyrule are calling the child with worry and panic and walking by the alleyway but due to people loud voices the blind couldn't hear them.
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doodlesbf · 8 months
Doodle of baby blind child
Also tagged @thesoftieanon @luimagines in case I forget
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Time (softly speaking): Bubbah
Baby blind hearing their papa make happy baby noises while wiggling their ears the same time happily.
Baby blind can only sleep in warrior's scarf,twilight's wolfpelt and sky's sailcloth.
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doodlesbf · 9 months
Chapter 10
Tag @luimagines
Legend cut the monster head off as the monster turn to purple smoke. Hyrule is trying to clam Legend down as the rest of the group gather around.
Time: if those types of monsters are here, that means a portal is nearby.
Warrior: yeah but to be suddenly attack as soon we're far from lonlon ranch- wait weres?-
Wild: I saw sky take the child in the woods to avoid the monsters but a few of them chased after them so four ran in too.
Wild say as he look back to the woods bit unease that the three didn't come out yet along with twilight. Time as well look to the direction were the two are staring too as warrior sign but soon enough sky,four and the child returned and they look fine. Sky see the group and couldn't help but wave as he walking over to the group with four who is holding the blind child hand still. The child ears pin up when they hear sky talking to the older boys.
Blind: is everyone okay? No one hurt right?
Wild smile and look to the blind child, he knee down so he could be in their level of height then wild lift his hand moving his hand toward the blind child head and pat their head that the child ears twitch but the child move their face to were whoever is patting their head.
Wild: we're okay kiddo, we're tougher than we look.
The blind child blink and soon smile happy to hear they the group is okay. That their ears wiggling and four chuckle quiet to himself and wild smile stay on his face, unfortunately a sound catch everyone by surprise. Four place his hand on his sword handle move a step closer to the blind child as well as wild move his hand off the child head to whip out his bow and arrow while quickly turn around still crunch down in his kneeling position. His back towards the blind child like he's shield them from the unknown threat. The rest of the chain held their weapons responsibility but soon the tension ease away to see that a portal is starting to open up and more sounds coming off it too.
Warrior sign as he put his weapon and see the group put their weapons away but something isn't right but warrior can't and to understand or figure it out.
Hyrule: it's strange how the portal is making sounds now?..but I still feel magic coming off, it's the same as the other portals just...
Legend: well if killing those monsters are the key to get the portal to open up then okay.
Warrior: yes but we're still not any closer to whatever doing this?
Time sign it's true. They're no were close to figure on why portals or who's is responsible for this mess. But time pinch the bridge of his nose but soon let it go to try not get frustrated about it since he can tell this frustrated the boys as well in their own ways but-
Blind: what's happening?
Time look glance over his shoulder to see the blind tiny child as they tiny hands nervous gripping their shirt end but before anyone can answer them wind walking over to the child.
Wind: a portal open up, the adults are frustrated but over all everything fine blind.
The blind child turn their head to were wind is as time (as well as the boys) watched and the child say oh they still nervous but not tense nervous anymore. Time decided that it's time to moved before something else happened.
Time: let's go.
The group hear and Start to walk through the portal, wild the closest to the blind child that he gently hold their hand to be their guide and they walk through the portal last as the portal close behind them.
A figure step out from the tree shade but the tree shade fainted away once the figure appear out as well as a strange bird too.
Figure: they have the vessel....how unfortunate.
Bird: there's still time. No need to rush, we don't want to damage vessel that our lord needs.
Figure: yes your right. We still have time. Their not even close to be ready for our lord. Let's obverse for now my pet.
The bird open it black broken bick to let out a mix of bird noises like it's laugh as the figure turn around as it wave a hand as a black portal open but before the figure step through it ,it look back and a whispered out a spell causing the plant life around the area to shiver up and dead even some small animals still in the area lay down and dead, once the figure see the damage the spell did. The figure smile then step through the portal with the bird follow closely behind.
Meanwhile after the portal
Warrior: why is this happening now.
Time can feel his eye is twitching faintly as he and the rest of the chain watch wild paragliding with the blind child in a wrap around wild chest in the sky. Wild chuckle as he hear the child let out laughter to being safely in the air with wild but they do hear twilight calls as well as the few chain members but is having too much funny to truly notice their stress calls.
Wild safely land back on the ground and put the paraglider down and undo the wrap knot to put the blind child on the ground as rushing footsteps come to the two.
Warrior: are you completely nuts?!
Wild: were okay, nothing happen to us in the air plus they having fun.
Twilight sign to the craziness that wild did that he's shaking his head as sky flocked to the child to check on them but see nothing minus the child hair is messy.
Sky: thank the Goddess your okay. Wild ban on taken you for a week.
Wild let out a hey noise but the two teen nod as wild roll his eyes to the three motherhenning but time voice got the group attention. Legend call the five to come and they all do as the child walking holding one of the boys hands but they hear what sounds of fire creaking that the child squeeze the hand of one of the boys which legend noticed as well of the boys.
Legend reach his hand up to grab his hat and taken it off his head then place it on the child head which the child stop moving then let go of the boys hands to move their hands to their own head to feel what's on their head to feel fabric but the boys watch the blind child feel legend's hat that's too big on them but all in their own way agree to themselves that it's cute.
Child: so.....soft..
Warrior smile as legend show a soft smile to still watch the blind child feel his hat and their trying keep the hat on their head .
Child: is it moving?
Legend: no buddy but your bit little to wear hats yet. But don't worry you'll grown into one day.
Legend say softly to the child and gently guild them to camp that the rest of the chain as well the four boys follow too. Time talk to the eight boys on what they going to a town that wild Mentioned earlier as legend guild the blind child to wind bedroll to know that their sleepy since he see them move one hand to rub their eyes while quietly yawning.
Legend: time to nap buddy.
Child: but-
The child yawn again as legend pull the blanket to cover them then place his hand on their back to gentle pat them to sleep as he watch their blind cloudy eyes slowly close and feel their body slow rest to sleep, legend stay by their side while half listening to the group conversation.
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doodlesbf · 1 year
Here's the doodle of minish Blind child
Their age is eight and is almost four height (when four is a minish size).
Tag @luimagines
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