#tagging byler because you guys are my besties and I trust you with my thoughts
castlebyler84 · 2 years
Okay this might piss some people off but I am a firm believer in the fact that Eddie’s death was necessary & therefore he should stay dead. First of all, bringing him back would feel cheap - we’ve already had that happen with Hopper so you can’t really do it again because then it loses its meaning. It would also undermine the emotional moment between him and Dustin.
Second of all, the Duffers have said that he was a doomed character from the start. If he had gone through the portal when Dustin did then he would still have been subject to a life on the run because people still believed he killed Chrissy. Hawkins is a very small town with very small minded people, so convincing them that Eddie was innocent is highly unlikely. There is also the possibility that Eddie would’ve gotten caught & put in jail for the rest of his life. If Eddie’s your favourite character, you would agree that ending up in jail or on the run isn’t a very satisfying outcome for him. I really enjoyed Eddie’s character this season but it made complete sense that his character arc ended with him no longer running away from fear and inevitably sacrificing himself for his friends & the greater good of Hawkins.
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