#tag: Lamont’s Requiem
aries-rp-corner · 7 months
During the scuffle with Dimah, Lamont meanwhile was spending time in the Museum. Checking out the relics, but his most favorite were the ancient stones and fossils. Admiring their uniqueness and wondered what they hold during the ancient times when Pokémon truly ruled the lands.
Holding the letter close to see it was an apology letter… he knew who it was from, and didn’t bother to open it. The man was still angry from what transpired…. “I know what that lad was doing, I’ve learned his battle tactics… I somewhat agree that I should of… been better…” He spoke to himself, holding his arm as a form of comfort. Looking up to the skeleton towering before him. “I… shouldn’t have left the group… I didn’t want to hear that a child being used as a weapon in someone’s eyes… who she believed life holds no meaning…. Like the man I fought so hard to convince what he was doing was wrong…. Only to have it blow up in my face he made me do something that…ugh….”
He pinched his forehead, all of that clearly damaged him mentally… walking out of the museum to see night approaching. Carefully putting on a hat as he began to walk back to the hotel, looking side to side, front and back to see if he’s being followed… for now, he was safe….
Upon arriving back the entrance of his room, he felt a heavy dark energy waiting for him on the other side. He knew what this was, as that quickly made him leave the spot out of fear. “Leaving so soon?~”
A voice echoed, Lamont looked back to see a ghostly hound phasing through the door.. but what spooked Lamont the most was the voice… no, sure this can’t be… he was told Veda was dead and turned into a hound like beast… surely! I can’t be!… right? “No…. You died…. She made sure of it!…. You can’t be…”
“I am, dear brother.~” The Hell Hound Veda smiled horribly, as this caused Lamont to run for his life. Hearing claws tapping the floors and heavy steps followed as well, Veda is on the hunt. “YOU CAN’T RUN FOREVER!!~ I’ll make you regret EVERYTHING you have done!~”
Lamont didn’t want to know what Veda has in mind, he needed to get out. FAST. Flying down through the halls and stairs to reach outside for his Pokémon to defend him. He can feel his team shaking with fear and anger, truly ready to fight and defend. After finally reaching outside, Lamont turned as he sent out Fang who roared with rage as Veda emerged outside as well. “I don’t want to think about what you’ll be doing to me, but I know it’s NEVER going to happen!”
Fang instantly charged at the beast, causing Veda to move out of the way and charge at Lamont. “If I can make you kill a pest, I can certainly do it again!” He lunged at Lamont swiftly as the two met the ground. “Come any closer you pathetic fossil, and I’ll make sure your trainer meets his true end!”
Fang growled deeply, even a slight movement caused Veda to sink his claws into Lamont. Causing him to yelp in pain. Fang had to back away, yet Veda forced the T-Rex back into his Poké Ball. “There we go, now then…~” The hound turned over to meet his brother again. “Now… let’s get this over with, and too bad no one will see you on the other end.~ Enjoy the view, Brother.~”
All Lamont could remember was that he felt he was being dragged out of his own body and thrown to the side. Awoke to see golden stars on him, but what scared him the most was he can see through himself. “V-Veda! What did you do?! What have you-” Lamont then gasped as he witnessed Veda entering his body… slowly rising up as he sees his body taking a deep breath. Finally his head turned over with a sick grin. “This… This can’t be happening! This has to be a nightmare! Veda! GET OUT OF MY BODY!!”
“Annoying that only I can see you, but what will you do? You can’t do shit.~ Thank you for the proper body, dear brother.~” He turned over in time to see people rushing out of worry for the old man, causing Lamont to scream and yell at them that this is not really himself… yet… nothing… until….
“The Witch… Aries!” Lamont thought as he began to run to find the Frigate. Causing Veda concern, yet at the same time… an idea…
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