#tag me when you do it!!! I want to seeeeeeeeeeeeeee
sleepis4theweak · 1 year
Challenge: Give /me/ a drawing suggestion 👀
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LMAO OKAY Ummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
Draw ur favorite turtle doing something relaxing that you like to do.
(like taking a walk or drawing or idk.... something like that)
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typeaadventures · 6 years
Camp NaNo Post - Day 1 - Obligatory Introduction
For the record: yes I’m trying to do Camp NaNo (lol cause we all remember how GREAT NaNoWriMo went). 
I’m keeping it low key. 
This month I’m going for time-rather-than-word-based goal of 30 hours for the month (actually wanted to do 15 hours, so a half hour a day) because I know with moving and packing and still wrapping up some pre-grad-school stuff, I will be very busy. 
I haven’t ACTUALLY picked a project. Literally my Camp NaNo says “Placeholder Project” because I just want to use this month to encourage myself to write amidst the crazy. So whatever I feel like working on, that’s what I’m gonna do. This could be
Ghost and Spectre: My baby. You know this one. Currently up to Chapter Nine, with a lot of NEW writing to do so that should actually be EASIER than editing where I overthink things. 
Second Draft
Urban Fantasy
Learn more organized information here or just see me scream in-process through tag games here
Fallen Oak: Because in case you haven’t noticed, the marrieds have been chirping in my ears and flowery high-fantasy is surprisingly cathartic. 
First Draft 
About 84,000 words with 2 wars and a dramatic home-coming still to go
High Fantasy
I swear, I will get the first chapter up for you guys soon, but for now, you find everything I’ve talked about under this tag. 
Space Invalids: . . . . not gonna lie (and Rai don’t kill me) this is probably at the bottom of the project list right now. I still love my babies, but I’m jonesing to finish other things atm. Might put more effort into these suckers when I’m bored in August, but we’ll seeeeeeeeeeeeeee. 
First Draft 
Only at about 25,000 words. . . not even through the opening. 
Sci-Fi/Science Fantasy really (because of the ominously hinted space faeries). 
First chapter is here, and generally tag screaming here. 
Might actually get to my first hour right now in the wee hours of this morning before my brain can scream at me about all the “real work” I should be doing. 
So tell me, what are your Camp/April plans?
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