#tag jackson ; biography
backlogbooks · 2 months
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getting ready for shirley jackson summer!!!
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oflowtides · 10 months
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⸻  JACOB ELORDI. HE/HIM / have you ever heard of VAMPIRE’S DIET by 3oh!3, well, it describes ARMITAGE ‘TAG’ JACKSON to a tee! the twenty six year old, and TRUST FUND BABY was spotted browsing through the stalls at portobello road market last sunday, do you know them? would you say HE is more snotty or more CAPTIVATING instead? anyway, they remind me of being able to be yourself around the right people, champagne parties on yachts, a constant air of superiority and a deep resentment of the family name, maybe you’ll bump into them soon!
time in notting hill: twenty years (went to a fancy boarding school for five years)
People say money can’t buy happiness, and while that’s true, it could at least fill the void.  Of course Tag was spoiled rotten as a child, given everything he could barely dream of, but that didn’t really make up for the fact that there were only a handful of years his actual mother took interest in him as a child.  Nannies were employed before tag turned eighteen months and after he was four - there was a short window of time where he was a cute accessory, but it wasn’t particularly long.
Tag’s father started to take an interest in his son around the time he turned ten.  The family name of Armitage was passed down to every first born male, and while mixed it up a little by changing middle names so they didn’t get into numerical territory, it still carried a heavy burden.  Luckily, Tag seemed to enjoy most of the things his father wanted to show him how to do or bond with him while doing.
The one plus side was the girl who lived a few blocks away - while he often avoided the people who weren't in his neighborhood at the behest of his parents insisting that they would all just use him for his money at status, Willow wasn't like that at all. She seemed genuinely interested in the things Tag had to say or wanted to do, and he found that whenever they spent time together was the only time he could really be himself and not the person his parents expected him to be.
This would also be an unexpected downfall - the Jackson patriarch mistook Tag’s eagerness to have any sort of parental bond as an excitement to learn, and when he was thirteen, he was shipped off to the same boarding school his father attended.  While he did learn a lot there - both in education and personal relationships - he was absolutely miserable being away from the family home, his best friend, and the house staff who he spent more time with than his own family.
Coming back to Notting Hill was like letting out a breath you didn’t know you were holding.  Unfortunately, he had a much more privileged attitude about him, but Tag was happy to be back home.  He often spent time out by the sea, having been gifted his own yacht when he returned and graduated with (faked) perfect grades.  He prefers to spend his time dawdling around town, completely disinterested in finding a real job, his entire life funded by his parents.
Tag, while snotty and a little ‘better than you’, is actually very sweet at heart, just a byproduct of the environment in which he was raised.  He no longer lives in the family home, having a place of his own but it is entirely funded by his parents.  He’s dismissive, but curious, so as long as you put a unique spin on something mundane, he’ll be ready to jump into it with you.
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kaitaiga · 1 year
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COD MW OC: Damien Whitlock
Full Name: Damien Whitlock
Nickname: Damo
Birthday: 7th March 1996 – Sydney, Australia
Face Claim: Zane Phillips
Affiliation: 2nd Commando Regiment (2CDO REGT), Tactical Assault Group East (TAG-E), SOCOMD.
Rank: Sergeant
Call sign: Bravo 2-6 (2CDO)
Height: 186cm (6’1)
Weight: 90kg
Blood Type: B- (B NEG)
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Pronouns: He/Him
Languages: English, Arabic (conversational), Indonesian (conversational)
Father: Arthur Whitlock
Mother: Audrey Mae Whitlock
Older Brother: Thomas Whitlock
Older Sister: Sienna Whitlock
Younger Sister: Zoe Whitlock
2nd Commando Regiment
→ Captain Lachlan Jones
→ Sergeant Daniel Greenhill
Task Force 141
→ Sergeant Major Hannah “Sparrow” Cayton (@revnah1406)
→ Sergeant Annabelle “Kit” Pham (@applbottmjeens)
→ Charlotte “Jade” Le Jardin @sleepyconfusedpotato
→ Joyce “Joe” Hardman @mctvsh
→ Captain Price, Gaz, Laswell
Los Vaqueros
→ Alyssa “Aly” Martinez (@alypink)
Para SF
→ Captain Arjun Dhingra, LT. Aditya Tripathi (@welldonekhushi)
Urzikstan Liberation Force (ULF)
→ Farah Karim
→ Alex Keller
→ Jackson Wyatt (1CDO, Warcom)
→ Benjamin “Otter” Lee (SAS)
Hair: blond, short mullet.
Eye Colour: blue/grey
Build: tall, muscular
Scars: Bullet wound (left shoulder), knife scars (forearms)
Beauty Marks: Right jaw, above and below the left eye.
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Personality and Traits
Damien comes across as a very laidback and open guy, very easy to approach and talk to. He is a pretty big jokester, likes to crack a few jokes here and there to make people laugh or lighten the mood.
Though in the heat of battle, he has known to be brutal towards his enemies, sparing no mercy and absolutely no time - getting a job done quickly and efficiently. He isn’t afraid to speak his mind when needed, even if it may be more emotionally driven.
Nevertheless, towards those he likes, he is a very caring and loyal person. Ride or die buddy. It’s pretty damn obvious too, he’ll never stop bugging someone he cares for no matter where they are in the world. He can read their emotions like a book too; he can tell when someone’s feeling down and will try his best to cheer them up.
Damien’s also the sort of guy to take care of others but not himself. Truthfully, after he lost Daniel, he found it very hard to cope. Thus, he took on Daniel’s role of looking after others.
Damien is also really good with any sort of trade work which he learned whilst growing up on his family farm. You need an electrician, mechanic, or welder? He’s your guy.
Like any other commando, Damien has undergone a multitude of training, preparing him for anything and everything. Alone or with his squad. A few of these include:
Demolitions and Breaching
CQC/Melee Attacks
Wilderness Survival
Long Range Recon
HALO / HAHO (including water insertion)
Roping (aid climbing)
Hostage Rescue
First Aid
And so on. In his own time, Damien frequently trains in Jiu-Jitsu, earning his purple belt, further enhancing his CQC.
Coming from a family of farmers, Damien spent most of his childhood living and working out on his family farm in rural New South Wales. Throughout his younger years, he was constantly harassed/bullied by his drug addicted older brother, Thomas. Young Damien was no match for him but luckily enough, his older sister had his back at all times. Thomas would eventually runaway and was never seen again – presumed dead.
As he grew up, Damien attended an all-boys boarding school in Sydney where he met Daniel Greenhill – his best friend for many years to come. He never really excelled at any subjects other than wood/metalwork and P.E., so when it came down to his final ATAR exams he absolutely flunked them. Not wanting to continue studying or returning to farm life, Damien worked the odd job here and there to make ends meet.
Whilst working one of his jobs alongside his buddy, Daniel had dropped that he had met a special forces operator by the name of Jackson Wyatt and suggested that he should meet with him.
After hearing all about Wyatt’s career as a Commando, Damien was sold on the idea; so much so that at the age of 19, he enlisted into the Australian Army after being trained by Wyatt himself much to his parent's disapproval. He served two years as an infantryman within 3RAR before completing the Commando selection course and earning his green beret, where he was placed in Lachlan’s B Company. Turns out he had a real knack for this sort of thing as he continued to undergo a range of further Commando specialist courses after initial Commando training.
 Since then, he’s done multiple tours to Urzikstan, Afghanistan and Iraq where he was introduced to Captain Price (via Lachlan) and Benjamin “Otter” Lee (via Wyatt).
Damien has since then worked alongside Captain Price closely thanks to Lachlan’s close connection to him, particularly in Urzikstan, but isn’t opposed to flying out to lend a hand wherever.
Modern Warfare I
During 2019, Damien is first seen in the UK on a training exercise with the SAS before he is swiftly sent to London’s Piccadilly Circus to assist against AQ’s terrorist attack, alongside Gaz. Afterwards, he joins the SAS Anti-terror wing along with Price and Gaz to clear a house in Camden, full of AQ affiliates in search of any information related to the Piccadilly attack and The Wolf.
Damien returns to Urzikstan alongside 2CDO REGT, where not long after he is called to assist Captain Price, Gaz and the others at the US Embassy, also aiding to save the Ambassador’s Assistant, Stacy. Following this, he follows the rest of the team back to the ambassador’s residence only to find the Wolf had been extracted by AQ forces already. Furthermore, he is seen briefly helping SAS and CIA on the night raid to locate The Wolf at his compound.
After the events of MW19, Damien spent this time on rotation in TAG-E, though was later sent back to Urzikstan on an emergency deployment to help aid in the assassination of an AQ leader. This proved to be a struggle. They were given little to no information and thus were subsequently ambushed, leading to the death of best friend, Daniel Greenhill, who tried to pull an injured Damien out of enemy fire.
After the funeral, Damien spent his time spiralling down. He became depressed, not leaving his Sydney apartment for days at a time and ultimately almost being discharged from his duties. Though thanks to his Captain and two close friends - Lachlan, Sparrow and Aly - they helped him find the means to work towards getting better and soon enough, he was ready enough to go back to his duties.
Modern Warfare II
In 2022, Damien is first seen undercover at Café Gracht alongside Captain Price where they wait for representatives from both AQ and Las Almas Cartel to show up. After seeing Gaz tranquillise the cartel member, they all move to enter Laswell’s vehicle and leave the area swiftly.
Later on he returns to Urzikstan, where he is again enlisted for help by Price to rescue Laswell from AQ along with ULF fighters.
Modern Warfare III
Damien spends this time going home to Australia for a little while before being sent on another tour around the Middle East. It is in Urzikstan that he (and 2CDO REGT) work alongside Phillip Graves and his Shadow Company, unaware of the events in Las Almas concerning Los Vaqueros and TF141. He is only made aware when seeing his friend Sparrow again, where she rips the SC patch off of him and promptly has a go at Damien for wearing that thing around them, explaining the full story.
EDM and rock/metal music is what he listens to most.
He is a Mclaren F1 fan, as well as being a big fan of the AFL team: Collingwood Football Club (Magpies).
Absolute gym junkie. Has an extensive collection of pre-workout, protein powder and creatine stored in his apartment (and snuck onto base). If he wasn’t a Commando, he’d probably be a bodybuilder or athlete of some sort.
Damien keeps a scrapbook that he fills with stickers, trinkets, thoughts or drawings from various places he has visited.
During his downtime in Sydney, he likes to go café-hopping! He’s a big foodie. Also likes to take long walks during the night, overlooking the Harbour Bridge and generally just taking in the city lights. It's one of his favourite things to do to ease his mind.
Thanks to Daniel, Damien is pretty good at speaking Indonesian and really enjoys Indonesian food! His favourites are nasi campur and soda gembira. He’d mix Indonesian and English together to gossip about something to Daniel. After they both graduated high school, Daniel took Damien to visit Jakarta for the first time and he loved it! Also owns a couple batik shirts.
Drives a 79 series Landcruiser. His number plate is “WHITLOCK”.
Does jiu-jitsu and is currently at a purple belt.
Frequently visits Daniel’s grave when he has the time. He sits there for hours just catching him up on every little event or thought that has happened, as if he were there to listen like the old times. Frequently catches up with Daniel's family too, they've taken him in like he's their son.
In the past, Damien has never had a good relationship - they’ve all either cheated on him or ghosted him. He gave up looking for a partner even though he longed to have a family of his own.
Moodboard + Playlist
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heyitsmetonid · 4 months
9 Fandom Peeps to Get to Know Better
Hello there! @hils79 tagged me. Thanks so much by the way!
3 ships you like: Hmmm! This is tough. WooSan (Wooyoung and San from Ateez), Chan and Felix from StrayKids. Me and Jackson Wang!! LOL jk. I don’t really have a third, so I’ll just say Keeho and whoever they want to pair him with. He’s so gorgeous and sassy!
First ship ever: Synclaire and Overton from Living Single
Last song you heard: 从今以后 (From Now On) by Gen Neo
Favorite childhood book: I liked reading the Goosebump series as a kid. However, the only book that comes to mind isn’t a children’s book, and that’s Misery by Stephen King. I remember reading this with my mom. I’m not sure how old I was, but apparently my mom was okay with me reading it. Haha!
Currently reading: Brazil: A Biography by Lilia M. Schwarcz and Heloisa M. Starling. As the title suggests, it’s a biography of Brazil, and I’m learning so much.
Currently watching: I don’t watch a lot of TV, but I am between Celebrity Bromance on Kocowa, The Big Swindle on HBO Max, and the HBO Comedy Half-Hour show.
Currently consuming: Water. 😒
Currently craving: Jam Jar Shiraz, brown sugar cookie dough ice cream, and a nap. I also really want to travel the world and make Brazil my first stop. Then South Korea.
I’m going to tag some people that I really enjoy seeing on my feed. If you want to do this, GREAT! If not, I understand.
@edenesth, @igbylicious, @maxsix, @lucidlymelanated, @bro-atz, @yeoberryx, @k-hotchoisan, @yuumei-art, & @ja3hwa.
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melancholiaenthroned · 5 months
@eyeballplanets tagged me to post either my nine top books of 2023 or nine books im planning on reading in 2024! doing the first one becuz my tbr list is a mile long and i have no idea which ones ill get to this year
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house of leaves (mark z. danielewski) this was the first book i read in 2023 and it stayed at the top of my list. cant even put into words how much i love this book
mr. humble & dr. butcher (brandy schillace) biography a surgeon who was really into the idea of head/brain transplants. dont read if squeamish
fight club (chuck palahniuk) if you knew me the month after i read this book where i considered going off my anti psychotics to see if i could manifest a dykey tyler durden in my life. im sorry
my heart is a chainsaw (stephen graham jones) who else is excited for the angel of indian lake coming out this... march i think? i miss jade so bad its stupid
we have always lived in the castle (shirley jackson) also read hill house last year but limiting myself to one book per author
the left hand of darkness (ursula k. le guin) life changing. i need to do a reread.
night sky with exit wounds (ocean vuong) not allowing myself to put graphic novels/comics on this list but i am allowing poetry because this was the best collection ive ever read
the membranes (chi ta-wei) i love you sci fi i love you sci fi i love you sci fi
the sleeping car porter (suzette mayr) forced myself out of my comfort zone and into a genre i dont normally read (historical fiction) and was honestly delighted. can i be real im tired of characters who want to be great artists or writers like we need more guys whos main goal is to be a dentist. and this book understood that.
thank you again for tagging me ^_^ ill tag @sunriseverse @honeylemony @bladeofavernus @ruffolive (no pressure obvi) and anybody else who wants to<3
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david-watts · 2 years
could you pls tell me some stories about the pretty things ? i’ve been reading about their escapades in new zealand and i find them so fascinating!
well!!! the idiots who nearly got themselves banned from a whole country!! sure thing hold on
phil may absolutely had daddy issues. I read his wiki page (usually I avoid reading the wiki pages of things I am Very Interested In it's one of my weird aversions) trying to find out how tall he was and apparently his mother remarried and he changed his surname back to may after that at some point I can't really remember lol! I never found out how tall he was
viv prince, the original drummer, got fired because he simply didn't show up anymore. later he joined the hell's angels and according to the back of one of my vinyl he was 'the only guy to ever get kicked out of the hell's angels' which is hilarious to me what did he even do
the album emotions wasn't meant to have as much production to it, that was studio interference, though while I think they were probably not that happy about it I don't actually know how much was voluntarily allowed
not strictly pretty things, but dick taylor quit the rolling stones (well ok it wasn't the stones Yet) to focus on art school. at art school him and phil may made a new band. he literally went 'you guys are idiots I'm out' only to arguably join an even bigger bunch of idiots
do I even need to mention the fact that phil may, brian pendleton, possibly also viv prince and brian jones all shared a house? because I will. literally obsessed with that fact (I don't actually know if either brian p or prince actually lived there, but it's mentioned in laura jackson's biography on brian jones that three of the pretty things lived in that house, and as both dick taylor and john stax lived at 13 chester street, or at least until they were evicted, and considering brian p left that jumper laying about...)
speaking of brian jones him and phil may travelled to stones concerts in a separate car to the other stones. that and brian literally running after the doorman of a hotel the two were staying at together to correct him after he'd greeting may as mick jagger. I've talked about that fact before but it drives my little brain absolutely nuts thinking about it. did brian have a type? long-haired brunettes??
one of the bassists for the pretty things in their s.f. sorrow/electric banana/pre-parachute era was wally allen. he was also in the marcus hook roll band. I don't know if he was just producing or if he played on any tracks off the top of my head. but of course, the marcus hook roll band had four different members of the young family and as aonus I'll mention that angus young was not meant to be there allegedly, he tagged along with malcolm, and he had to be coaxed into playing with beer and naked women. iirc he would've been about seventeen at the time.
and lastly how can we forget that certain parts of the usa banned don't bring me down because of 'implied sexual contact' in regards to the verse where a girl is brought home and they 'have a little rave'. but nothing was said about the fact that on the studio version of the song, where it definitely sounds like phil sings 'I need a lover/yeah someone new/and then to him/I will be true' and then even sings about even buying a wedding ring for his lover! trust me guys that's not gay at all!! promise!!!
anyway I hope I haven't told all these stories before!! I don't really have many sources. literally just what's mentioned in other biographies or in the liner notes of a few lps because I haven't been able to get my hands on any biographies or anything lol
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Who's the Worst President in the History of the United States?
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[Image description: A clip from The Simpsons. Homer is cheerfully telling a sad Bart, "The Worst President in US history so far". End image description.]
What's going on? You know how these brackets work! I've matched up all 45 presidents of the United States of America by a random generator, and I'll be making 1v1 polls for each matchup. The loser gets eliminated, the winner moves on to the next matchup. The ultimate winner is crowned the WORST PRESIDENT.
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[Image description: a March-madness style bracket with all 35 US Presidents]
What are the rules? 1. Vote for the one you DISLIKE. You want people you like to lose and be eliminated. 2. Submitting reasons to vote will be published! Help convince others to your side--either to vote for someone you hate or leave someone you like alone! 3. Your reasons for disliking a president are your own. If you just hate their haircut, fair enough. However, we recommend you look at their policies, values, and actions in things like supporting slavery, limiting social and economic mobility, contributing to the prison-industrial complex, US imperialism and neo-imperialism, and more! 3b. Because the above will be in basically every post, they will not be tagged. If they are triggers for you, we recommend you simply block this block. No hard feelings, we promise. 4. If you submit propaganda, make sure it's true. There are lots of random myths about presidents floating around. I'll do my best to fact check, but do a quick Google before you hit submit, please!
Who are the contestants? All 45 presidents of the United States of America, including current president Joe Biden. Here are links to a short biography and a list of achievements of each, in chronological order. Submitted comments will also be added
George Washington (1789-1797)
John Adams (1797-1801)
Thomas Jefferson (1801-1809)
James Madison (1809-1817)
James Monroe (1817-1825)
John Quincy Adams (1825-1829)
Andrew Jackson (1829-1832)
Martin Van Buren (1837-1841)
William Henry Harrison (1841)
John Tyler (1841-1845)
James K. Polk (1845-1849)
Zachary Taylor (1849-1850)
Millard Fillmore (1850-1853)
Franklin Pierce (1853-1857)
James Buchanan (1857-1861)
Abraham Lincoln (1861-1865)
Andrew Johnson (1865-1869)
Ulysses S. Grant (1869-1877)
Rutherford B. Hayes (1877-1881)
James A. Garfield (1881)
Chester A. Arthur (1881-1885)
Gover Cleveland (1885-1889; 1893-1897)
Benjamin Harrison (1889-1893)
William McKinley (1897-1901)
Theodore 'Teddy' Roosevelt (1901-1909)
William Howard Taft (1909-1913)
Woodrow Wilson (1913-1921)
Warren G. Harding (1921-1923)
Calvin Coolidge (1923-1929)
Herbert Hoover (1929-1933)
Franklin D. Roosevelt (1933-1945)
Harry S. Truman (1945-1953)
Dwight D. Eisenhower (1952-1961)
John F. Kennedy (1961-1963)
Lyndon B. Johnson (1963-1969)
Richard Nixon (1969-1974)
Gerald Ford (1974-1977)
Jimmy Carter (1977-1981)
Ronald Reagan (1981-1989)
George H. W. Bush (1989-1993)
Bill Clinton (1993-2001)
George W. Bush (2001-2009)
Barack Obama (2009-2017)
Donald Trump (2017-2021)
Joe Biden (2021-incumbent)
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articleshubspot · 1 year
Top 100 ArticlesHubspot Blogs
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skylarjackson · 2 years
skye tags
❝ biography ⟶ skylar jackson ❞
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duckprintspress · 2 years
"And Seek (Not) to Alter Me" Story Teasers: Adrian Harley and Sanjita Jain
Presenting And Seek (Not) to Alter Me: Queer Fanworks Inspired by William Shakespeare's "Much Ado About Nothing"
Duck Prints Press has launched our second Kickstarter, running now through April 14th, 2022 - And Seek (Not) to Alter Me, a gorgeous collection featuring the work of 16 authors and 16 artists in a full-color, A4 size soft cover size-style book!
Today, we're highlighting 2 more of our authors...
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Author Spotlight: Adrian Harley
Biography: Adrian Harley is an almost-lifelong North Carolinian and a fantasy fiction aficionado who didn’t start delving deep into fandom until adulthood. They are an editor of research by day and an aspiring novelist, also by day. They go to bed early. They have short stories forthcoming in OFIC Magazine and future Duck Prints Press anthologies. They live with their husband and a perfectly reasonable number of cats.
Link: Twitter
Story Title: Some Sparks That Are Like Wit
Tags: coming out, found family, modern setting, trans character
He lost count of the articles he read on transmasculinity. He joined a Reddit group. He checked out books from the library. He spent so long on name websites that diaper and baby store ads stalked him throughout the internet. Early in the haze of this process, he picked the name Ben, but he still went to four different name sites just to be sure. Just to be sure! He’d never been indecisive in his life! No, he picked a stance or food or outfit or bar and stuck with it. And if people made fun of him or looked down on him for it, he made a joke out of the whole enterprise but, crucially, did not budge a fraction of an inch. That was his way.
With all the pep talks he was giving himself about decisiveness, he should have known that he’d end up coming out by accident.
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Author Spotlight: Sanjita Jain
Biography: Hi! I’m Sanjita (she/they). I’ve been a writer since I was 12 years old, which is when I started reading fanfiction and almost immediately felt compelled to write some, too. I started in the Percy Jackson fandom, then moved through various medias until my stories started becoming so AU they were practically my own. While I’ve never published original fiction before, I’ve been publishing fanfiction steadily over the last decade across various usernames, and have published articles under my given name for multiple genres: interview, research, and more. I’ve also begun songwriting, and recently had one of my songs incorporated into a video game!
My fiction writing tends towards introspective, character-driven short stories, often laden with metaphor and double meanings. I love flowery imagery and poetic prose, and making characters suffer in the name of growth. More than that, I love using fiction as a way to connect with others: both through the text and through the process of writing. I’ve been running a fandom server for the past two years to build community and support other fanfic writers. I’ve also run two to three prompt months per year, and I’m excited to take on the beta and co-head mod role for a current zine!
When I’m not writing, I’m studying (for grad school, for a future medical school, for research work). Any time after that goes into reading as much as possible, or recently, graphic design, as I start creating graphics to enhance the quality of my events. I love talking to people who want to talk to me, and I will sleep anytime I’m presented with a soft surface to lay on (and sometimes even without). I can’t wait to share my work with you, thank you for taking the time to read it!
Links: Archive of Our Own | Tumblr (fandomsilhouette) | Tumblr (nottesilhouette)
Story Title: find ourselves unstuck
Tags: character growth, modern setting, panic attacks, self-destructive behavior
“That’s fucking different. I could’ve made better choices; you had no other choices to make. This was my fault.”
You can’t take my mistakes away.
But Hero can take herself away. She flees, retreating to a rooftop where the air is thin enough to breathe past the terror in her chest, and somehow this surrender feels like a victory.
Learn more about this project by checking out our Kickstarter! Running now through April 14th, 2022!
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bklynsimmie · 3 years
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How it works? 1. choose a sim from the list 2. create the sim (use whichever Sims game you like!) 3. post pictures of the sim (and copy/paste their description from wiki) 4. have fun (and reblog you favourites ♥)
I was tagged by @ladybugsimblr!
I chose Andy Scandal.  Andy Scandal is a Sim mentioned in Honest Jackson's biography in The Sims 2 for Game Boy Advance, as well as The Sims 2 for DS. He ran against (and lost to) Honest Jackson in an attempt to be the mayor of Strangetown.
Since Strangetown is basically Strangerville, I shot there. I figured anyone who would want to be mayor of such a weird desert town was a money-grabbing, scuzzball.
I tag anyone who hasn’t done this yet!
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perfectlullabies · 3 years
i was tagged by @carygrantdyke to answer some questions !! 🌺
what is the first song you remember hearing?
no idea!! i’m sure it was something good though ;) my parents love music and they always played me songs to fall asleep to. i don’t remember anything in particular from later childhood but it probably was something by rihanna or other pop star from this time. hard to say!
what is the first band you got into?
guns’ n roses ehehe. i still listen to them sometimes but i’m not Into them. they definitely shaped me in some way and i can’t deny that!! i’d discovered michael jackson first though so if it counts then it’s michael :-))
do you collect any physical music?
yep! i collect cds (300+). i also own records but i do not buy any new ones anymore so it’s just those 50 (more or less) i’ve gathered over the years
what is your favorite piece of music memorabilia?
i don’t rly have any except for cds and records. i’ve got two posters, one of david bowie and the other of iggy pop and a couple of biographies i used to read when i was younger but they’re hardly favourites
what's your favourite concert you've ever been to?
hmm probably all three depeche mode gigs i’ve been to. one in 2017 and the other two in 2018. also pearl jam in 2014 (!!!)
if you could see one artist who is no longer alive in concert, who would it be?
there are so many, it’s actually so sad. but i’m gonna go with michael hutchence here so inxs
have you meet any musicians?
nope. not sure i’d like to either
what is your to go album when you're feeling sad?
shit it depends!! i’ll say all things must pass by george harrison. it’s such a comforting album for me
what is your to go album when you're feeling happy?
something energetic... lately it’s been everything by maneskin. does it mean i’ve been happy the past two months? no but let’s pretend!
what is one music documentary you love?
i rly liked mystify: michael hutchence from the ones i’ve seen in recent time. all the other ones seem to have escaped my mind rn. ah okay also that one abt george harrison - living in the material world 
what is one dvd concert you love?
oof so many, live baby live inxs, 101 depeche mode, the very last ziggy stardust performance, queen at the rainbow ‘74 etc etc etc. i also got them on dvd except for live baby live. got a couple more as well
do you prefer listening to playlists or albums?
i make hundreds of playlists but i rarely listen to them from start to finish. it’s always more of a collection of certain moods. so i’d say albums
do you prefer listening to albums in order or on shuffle?
in order or particular songs. i never shuffle albums when i want to listen to the whole of it
what is your favorite deep cut song by your favourite artist?
damn this dumb bitch had to google what a deep cut song means!! idk first thing that came to mind is shout and my bonnie by the beatles. both are covers and none of them even sings in my bonnie but for some reason i’m mad abt those two little songs. they’re both on anthology album. it’s just an example that came to mind first but i’m rly tired today so we’ll leave it at that even tho i’m sure i could name plenty more 
what is your favorite cd/cassete/vinyl you own in terms of packing?
i quite like the way the beatles albums are packed even though i’m not usually into paper packages and i like to stick to simple plastic ones. but i love a nice booklet so!! gotta say vinyls are always beautiful in terms of aesthetic so i’m kinda sad that 1) i can’t rly afford them and 2) i’m not a massive fan of the vinyl sound 3) my record player is old and new pressings almost always don’t play properly on it
tagging: @60sgroove, @madmanics, @eyes-like-a-pisces, @gombrowiczowski, @kingon33
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moonsinkfoxgirl · 3 years
I posted 11.495 times in 2021
273 posts created (2%)
11222 posts reblogged (98%)
For every post I created, I reblogged 41.1 posts.
I added 12.554 tags in 2021
#so cute - 3947 posts
#art - 3338 posts
#yuri - 1338 posts
#mahou shoujo - 888 posts
#gif - 880 posts
#madoka magica - 736 posts
#iyashikei - 462 posts
#the owl house - 365 posts
#beautiful - 328 posts
#kemonomimi - 272 posts
Longest Tag: 138 characters
#i think the only thing that trumps this is the one time an anime copied michael jackson's wikipedia page as some random bad guys biography
My Top Posts in 2021
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-- 乙女ゲームの破滅フラグしかない悪役令嬢に転生してしまった…X 第2話 / My Next Life as a Villainess: All Routes lead to Doom! X, Ep.2
Mary has reached the ‘really wants a sword‘-stage of her sapphic identity.
256 notes • Posted 2021-07-09 19:19:08 GMT
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-- lesbians at the beach, 2021, colorized
285 notes • Posted 2021-02-15 19:21:18 GMT
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This very much sums up why Yuru Camp stands out as one of the best iyashikei shows. It appreciates loneliness. Not that there is anything wrong with the focus on friendship in all the other cute girl shows (and that’s a huge element in Yuru Camp too for a reason), but a girl who is adorable and has the time of her life while alone is just so damn special, and so relatable to introverts.
426 notes • Posted 2021-01-21 20:56:42 GMT
Watching the episode yesterday I was kind of confused by what exactly Frill’s place in this story is supposed to be -- it seemed weird that she’s this malfunctioning AI girl who commits murder out of pretty much nothing but jealousy.
But having slept on it, it actually makes a lot of sense. Because she isn’t a real girl at all. She’s been lab constructed by two lonely, sexist intellectuals to be exactly what they thought a girl was like, with all the perfection and all the flaws they thought a daughter should have. Of course she has an Oedipus complex. And who knows what other Freudian bullshit. Of course that’s not a stable human being.
And isn’t that one hell of a fitting final enemy for this show: society’s idea of what an ideal girl is like -- a concept so twisted it drives real girls to suicide.
431 notes • Posted 2021-03-24 07:43:32 GMT
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-- 私の推しは悪役令嬢 (I’m in love with the villainess) Ch.7
Always refreshing to see a yuri manga actually talk about sexuality.
485 notes • Posted 2021-01-20 11:50:42 GMT
Get your Tumblr 2021 Year in Review →
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pleasemeosaur · 3 years
Thank you @henlex 💕 I looked too much into this haha
fav genre?: K-Pop, Synthwave, Trap, 80's, Classic Rock, Classical
fav band?: ATEEZ, OnlyOneOf, TXT, BTS, NCT, Electric Six, Scissor Sisters, Linus Young, Daft Punk, Röyksopp, Band of Horses, Bond, Qntal
fav solo artist?: Taemin, Jackson Wang, Woosung, BoA, Ashnikko, ionnalee, Marc Rebillet, Jamie Cullum, Rebecca Black, Active Child, Goldfrapp
last song you listened to?: White Love - ATEEZ
fav decade for music?: 80's, 90's and now
top 3 most listened songs recently?: LO$ER=LO♡ER - TXT, 0X1=LOVESONG - TXT, Answer - ATEEZ
albums or playlists | bands or solo artists | slow or fast songs | lyrics or melody I rock or pop
fav genre?: Fantasy/Sci-Fi, Lovecraftian Horror
fav book?: Good Omens, The Fold, Southern Reach Triology, Doctrine of Labyrinths series, Nightrunner series, Gentleman Bastard series
fav writer?: Neil Gaiman, Terry Pratchett, Jeff VanderMeer, Sarah Monette, Lynn Flewelling, Scott Lynch, HP Lovecraft
comfort book?: Good Omens, Harry Potter, Greenglass House
fav biography?: I honestly can't remember the last time I read a biography, maybe high school?? lmao
hardcover or paperback | standalone novels or book series | reading at home or in nature | listening to music while reading or reading in silence | realism or fantasy
TV & Movies
fav tv show/movie genre?: Fantasy/Sci-Fi, Horror/Thriller
fav movie?: Ghostbusters, Lord of the Rings Extended Edition, Harry Potter, The Fall, Annihilation, Inception, Arrival, Interstellar, My Neighbor Totoro, Howl's Moving Castle, Crimson Peak, Master & Commander, A Knight's Tale, Lara Croft: Tomb Raider, National Treasure, The Village, You've Got Mail, The Boondock Saints
comfort movie?: Ghostbusters, Harry Potter & the Sorcerer's Stone, My Neighbor Totoro, You've Got Mail, Kate & Leopold
favourite decade for movies?: 80's for peak rom coms man 😂
fav tv show?: The Haunting of Bly Manor, The Haunting of Hill House, Maniac, Dark, The Umbrella Academy, I Am Not Okay With This, Hannibal, The Dark Crystal: Age of Resistance, WandaVision, Good Omens, Doctor Who seasons 5 & 6
5 favourite characters?: I can't separate Aziraphale and Crowley, so... Dani Clayton, Egon Spengler, River Song, Number Five, Lara Croft
tv shows or movies | one episode a week or binging | one part or saga | horror movie or musical movie
Tagging whoever wants to play!
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ennaih · 3 years
Get to know my interests
Thanks for tagging me, @thehighsign! <3
fave genre: is bright eyes a genre? then bright eyes
fave band: um, bright eyes atm, also fleetwood mac (the buckingham era thanks), nine inch nails, the church
fave solo artist: tim buckley, gordon macrae, michael jackson, nerina pallot, st vincent, doris day, nina simone, prince, janet jackson
last song you listened to: i've got my classic hollywood playlist on so it's embraceable you with doris day
fave decade for music: oh the Nineties fer sure
top 3 most listened songs recently: down and out downtown, st vincent; cape canaveral, conor oberst; real late starter, nerina pallot
albums or playlists | bands or solo artists | slow or fast songs | lyrics or melody I rock or pop
fave genre: regency romance; urban fantasy; monster porn on kindle unlimited
fave book: Jane Eyre
fave writer: Terry Pratchett; Agatha Christie (aside from her antiSemitism); Susanna Clarke; James Baldwin; Georgette Heyer (also aside from the antiSemitism)
comfort book: Jane Eyre, Charlotte Bronte; Night Watch, Terry Pratchett
fave biography: used to be the Patricia Bosworth bio of Montgomery Clift but not anymore, we know better now
hardcover or paperback | standalone novels or book series | reading at home or in nature l listening to music while reading or reading in silence | realism or fantasy
fave tv show/movie genre: comedy; horror
fave movie: Sir (2018)
seven comfort movies: umm I don't have just seven
favourite decade for movies: according to letterboxd it's the 1990s but I reckon it's actually the 1940s
fave tv show: Brooklyn Nine Nine (sigh)
comfort tv show: Frasier; M*A*S*H; The Nanny; Grace And Frankie
seven favourite characters: Fox Mulder (the X Files duh); Maggie (Addicted To Love); Friendless (Go West); Belle (Beauty And The Beast); Rev Ezekiel (Miracle Workers: The Oregon Trail); Linda Seton (Holiday 1938); anyone played by Mark Duplass
tv shows or movies (atm) | one episode a week or bingeing | one part or saga | horror or musical
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annalewis63 · 4 years
Thanks fot the tag @90spopstargirl!!!
1. Name/Nickname: My name is Hariane (the "H" has no sound), but my friends call me "Annie" and my mother calls me "Anna."
2. Gender: Female.
3. Star Sign: Aquarius 
4. Heigh: 5′5
5. Time: 9:20 pm
6. Birthday: Feb. 08, 2002
7. Favorite bands: The Police, Daryl Hall & John Oates, Van Halen (with Dave), Men At Work, Oingo Boingo, Genesis, The Go-Go’s, Queen
8. Favorite solo artists: Sting, Phil Collins, Kate Bush, Prince, Michael Jackson, Paul McCartney, George Harrison, Madonna
9. Song stuck in my head:  Finish What Ya Started by Van Halen
10. Last movie: How To Steal A Million
11. Last show: The Crown
12. When did I create this blog: I think it was October 2016.
13. What do I post: Everything I like, everything that has to do with me and with my personality, my favorite bands, reblogging posts about things I like, movies, series, memes, things I agree, everything a little I would say.
14. Last thing I googled: I was researching on how to make polaroid photos at home.
15. Other blogs: For now I only have this blog for now.....
16. Do I get asks: YES
17. Why I choose my URL: At the time the blog was done, I had a crush on Jerry Lewis and I always loved the last name "Lewis", I don't know, I always thought it was beautiful, so I put together the nickname that my mother gave me and his last name, and mixed it with the year of my favorite movie of it, "The Nutty Professor", and the rest is history.
18. Following: 223 blogs!
19. Followers: 92! I thank everyone for making Tumblr my favorite "social network"! Thank you for your support, laughter and attention! I LOVE U GUYS!!!
20. Average hours of sleep: 5
21. Lucky number: 20
22. Instruments: I'm still learning to play acoustic guitar, but I know the basics of the piano and a little drum (thanks Dad!).
23. What I am wearing:  my minnie mouse pajamas.
24. Dream job: Live music, be a singer, actress, dancer, model, something in the artistic area.
25. Dream trip: I want to travel the world, Italy, France, London (Liverpool....), live in NEW YORK! And get through Newcastle, why not?
26. Nationality: Brazilian.
27. Favorite song: There are so many but..... What's Up by 4 Non Blondes.
28: Last book read: I'm currently reading Stewart Copeland's biography, but I just read Sting's biography, I recommend it!
29. Top three fictional universes I’d like to live: Interesting.....Harry Potter, maybe Narnia and Terabithia.
I tag: @j-e-f-3-0, @visfar-the-101, @proudduranie, @elp-asia72802, @lindseybbuckingham, @joniroxanne, @rayraycl, @magicaldestinytrash and everyone who wants to do that.
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