#taemin is turning 30 next year so i really want to make a little 3 part 'three decades of taemin' portrait series 🤔
raatopaikka · 2 years
Hmmm this blog has gotten an unusual amount of attention lately so I'd just like to say hi! And welcome!
But I'd also like to inform you that I've recently been updating a lot of my older posts with new better tags, texts and links (so they're easier to navigate!) and some with better quality pics! So if you're at all interested, you can now find more links to other similar posts (or other pieces from the same year!) in the image descriptions and post tags✌
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keytomythoughts · 3 years
Perfection Imperfections | Chapter 1
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Chapter Index 
Finally, summer break. It’s been a while since I was able to go home. Having to attend high school rather far from my home in Seoul, I never thought that I’d adjust to the new environment. Fortunately, I wasn’t entirely alone, since I stayed with my aunt for the four years of my high school life. School wasn’t so bad, but the homesickness is what killed it for me. Even though it was my parents' idea to send me a rather vast distance—me not being too excited about it, but I knew I wouldn’t get my way in the end—there was some good that came from it. The two only good things, actually. 
I glance outside the train window, the buildings of Busan zooming past me. Sure, it may not be my home, but I won’t lie. I’m really going to miss this place. My phone suddenly vibrates in my lap, glancing down to see a text from my group chat, smiling as I respond.
R u still on the train?
                                                               Yeah have been for the past like 30 mins
Going back to ur parents? Or r u moving out?
                                                                        Yk I can’t move out, at least not on                                                                            my own. My parents won’t allow it
What about Jaehyun?
                                                                            Idk, they rlly dc what he does tbh
                                                                       They’re just hell-bent on me getting                                                                                    into the top schools and shit
Damn, rough
Try talking to them, u never know
They might change their minds?
                                                                 Nah, I already know how it’s gonna end
                                                                         Me crying and stuffing myself with                                                                           pints of ice cream
Doesn't sound so bad
Except for the crying part ofc
But c’mon it cant really be THAT bad
I’ve been over plenty of times, they seem nice
U’ve been to her house??
                                                                         Yeah him and oppa are friends too
Righttt forgot lol
                                                                  And that’s bc you were there dumbass                                                                    and half of the time ur either in oppa’s                                                                    room or out somewhere
                                                                  Interaction with my parents = minimal
That sounds awful ngl :( sorry Hyuna
But hey we should all hang soon!
I’ll be in Seoul for the summer too so y not?
                                                                                                           I miss y’all :’(
                                                                   Ok I should be there around like 5 ish                                                                     so I’ll text then
Aww I miss u toooo 
                                                                                           Shut up, ur just jealous
Me? Jealous?? Of what, ur face?
Yea no thx, Ive got a great face already
And personality 0:)
                                                                               Gr8, explains why ur still single
She got u there bro
Shut up
Ur talking as if u’ve got a gf
At least I didnt reject them as coldly as u did lol 
                                                                                             See? My point exactly
                                                                               Your fAcE scared off every girl                                                                                   in sight bc of tht pErSoNaLiTy
                                                                           I almost feel bad for them, u little                                                                             heart breaker
He made a couple of em cry I heard
                                                                                                               U MORON
Bin wtf
                                                                                    U JERK HOW COULD U??
                                                                                              Those poor girls omg
                                                                               Im so kicking ur ass when I c u
Me 2
Wtf?? Y???
No reason lol, just feel like it
                                                                                         And this is why ily Binnie
:D <3
                                                                                                        Can it u demon
                                                                                                         Read 4:02 PM
I snort, turning off my phone and placing it back down on my lap as I go back to staring outside my left-hand window again. Meet Cha Eunwoo and Moon Bin, my two best friends. The only reason I got through high school how I did without major setbacks. Sure, there was the occasional homesickness and all, but had I not met these two, I probably wouldn’t have even attended and graduated. 
Being so far away from the place I grew up never really suited me, and they saw it right away from day one how lonely and upset I looked. I didn't seem to fit in, especially since I skipped a grade and was placed in classes that were very advanced for me. Not that I minded the vigor, but it was hard for me to socialize, let alone make friends. 
That’s when I met them. Freshman year in homeroom before my first literature class. Moon Bin, a boy with parted, coppery-golden hair accompanied by his shy, puppy-eye smile and sweet nature, offered me an empty seat next to him in class, even going as far as to share his textbook and asking how I found the school. No doubt, I was embarrassed and immensely shy, stuttering over my words and failing to meet his soft gaze. However, he didn’t make fun of me nor find me odd. All he did was smile, laughing lightly at my slightly flustered state. He stuck his hand out, introducing himself (most people just call him Moonbin or Bin) with that smile of his, thus the start of our new friendship. Since then, he became someone who always knew how to cheer me up when I was feeling down. No moment was ever dull with him by my side. 
Eunwoo, the tall, brooding black-haired and charismatic student almost everyone knew (and crushed on) of, was usually with Moonbin when we hung out together, but he normally kept to himself. Though quiet and sometimes reserved with his intimidating looks, it didn’t take long for him to break the ice with us, the three of us becoming close friends. Promising to stay like this until we went to college and beyond. Regardless if we all diverge and tread different paths, we would always converge and come back to one another. 
Four years flew by and graduation was upon us. Just like that, the two became like family to me, my ride-or-die duo. The two who were able to turn my world upside down, finding solace in a time where I thought it was nearly impossible for me to.  
My thoughts are interrupted by my “Move” ringtone—yes, I’m a huge Lee Taemin fan—looking down at my phone again to see it’s my brother calling. I sigh, picking up the call.
He gasps dramatically. “Is that any way to address your loving older brother after being away for so long?”
I snort, shaking my head. “Loving my ass, oppa. How are mom and dad?”
“They’re fine, living. Didn’t you tell them you’re coming home?”
“Nope, I don’t even text them that often. You already know this..”
He sighs. “Yeah, I figured.” 
There’s a slight pause on his end, but he continues. “You took the three-thirty train, right? So you’ll be here around five or so?”
“Yeah, give or take.” 
I look out the window again to see the endless stretch of greenery and flowing springs, sometimes even children playing in the fields. I grin mischievously, deciding to poke fun at my brother when he doesn’t respond right away. 
“What, you miss me?”
He makes a sound similar to throwing up. “As if. I got so used to the peace and quiet. I’m not ready for it to go away.” 
“Yah!” I realize that I had yelled a bit too loudly and eyes were now trained on me, and I bow my head in apology. I lower my voice, “You’re such an asshole.”
“Oh, I know, but you still love me anyway.”
“Shut up.”
I can hear his laugh resonate through the phone and a smile unknowingly tugs at my lips. I wouldn’t say it out loud, but it’s true. When I lived with my aunt in Busan for the duration of high school, I missed Jaehyun a lot. Though two years older than me, he didn’t seem to alienate me the way my parents do. While I hate the notion that they spoil Jaehyun endlessly and let him do as he wishes, I won’t lie and say that he was a prick about it. He could’ve been, but he never came off as selfish. I’m really close with my brother, shocking as it may be. Sibling relationships are like that—one minute you want to strangle them with their intestines and the next you’re singing duets together. Crazy, but that’s how it is for us. My parents don’t really pay me any attention, so Jaehyun decides to do that instead. Not complaining though. I’d rather take his pranking and teasing over my parents’ demands and reprimands any day.
“Aight, I’m heading out for a bit. Text me when you arrive.”
I smile again. “Will do, but make sure to get me food!”
“Let me think…” He hums, and I can practically sense the smirk on his end. “Nope. Get your own.”
Jaehyun laughs. “See you in a bit, Hyuna. Get here safely. Bye!”   
He hangs up the call before I get a chance to retort, and I scoff. Typical of my brother. He knows how much I enjoy street food, and every time he goes out, it’s almost certain that most of the time he stops somewhere to eat. Did he ever bring food back? Sure, but by the time I’d get to it, most of it was gone anyways. That only lasted a little while before I had gone upstate anyways, so he had more food for himself, I guess.
As the train barrels down the tracks, I feel my heart racing in excitement, but there’s also a slight ounce of dread. I really don’t know why. I want to believe it’s because I’ve been away for too long, but part of me knows it’s the fact that I’ll have to face my parents again. Knowing that I only have two months to decide where I wanted to go and what I wanted to do, I know the bitter truth is that those decisions won’t be left up to me. Last time, I was sent to Busan.
God knows where I’d be sent to now.
“Final destination of the KTX Busan-Seoul train at Seoul Station is approaching and will arrive at 05:30 PM. The doors to alight are on the right hand side. All passengers are requested to dismount the train upon arrival. Thank you.” 
That’s my stop.
Gathering my bag and hand luggage, I patiently wait for the train to pull up at the station. Seeing the familiar shops and buildings around me makes my legs bounce up and down in both excitement and anticipation. 
Four long years away from Seoul...
Before getting off, I quickly text the group chat and then my brother, letting them all know that I’ve reached safely. Side-stepping the other passengers exiting the subway doors, I carefully land onto the platform with my luggage in tow. I breathe in the air around as I stretch my arms up into the sky, the grin widening on my face.
It sure as hell feels good to be back home.
I try my best to maneuver through the crowds, but it doesn’t stop the rush of people knocking into me. At times like these, I curse my genetics for favoring my older brother instead of me in terms of height. Eventually, I come to a clearing and when my eyes glance upwards, I spot a rather familiar dark brown-haired six-foot-tall male amongst the small crowd waving me over.
“Hyuna, over here!”
I gasp, my eyes widening. “Oppa!”
He smiles as I begin walking towards him, my feet hurriedly moving across the concrete. The distance between us shortens and I abandon my luggage as he opens his arms wide. 
Only for me to sucker punch him in the stomach.
He yelps in pain, grimacing as he holds his abdomen. “Shit, that hurt. What has Aunt Sua been feeding you up there? Rocks?”
I smack his shoulder, my blood slightly boiling in anger. “Yah, why didn’t you tell me you were coming?! Do you know how much money I blew off for the bus fare?”
He straightens his back before going to rub his shoulder, then behind his neck.
“Fine, fine. My bad. I wanted to surprise you, but I guess that didn’t work, did it?” 
I cross my arms over my chest, huffing in annoyance. He sighs, nodding.
“Okay, okay, I’ll compensate you. Dinner’s on me.”
At this I grin, blinking excitedly. I grab onto his arm and shake it vigorously. “Really? You mean it? You’re the best, oppa!” 
“Look at this brat..” he taunts, shaking his head. In a flash, he headlocks me and rubs the top of my head harshly with his knuckles, upsetting the neatly-tied auburn ponytail. 
“Yah! Quit it!” I smack his arms and flail in protest, but he chuckles, saying this is what I get for cunningly finding a way to exploit him the minute I stepped back into Seoul. 
What can I say? It’s a talent. 
He lets go eventually, and I try to smooth down my already-tangled hair. I grumble incoherently but Jaehyun pulls me into his embrace, wrapping his arms around me. His free hand gently pats the side of my head in comfort.
“Welcome home, sis.”
I stand there stiff for a second before hugging back. He squeezes me tighter and I find myself smiling into his shoulder. 
“Good to be back,” I whisper. 
We stand like that for a moment before he pats my back a couple of times, us pulling away from each other soon after. He reaches behind me to grab my hand luggage as he shoulders my bag. I tell him that I can carry them just fine, but he starts walking away from the platform to the parking lot. I call out after him as I run to catch up, and I can see the corners of his mouth twitch. Jaehyun leads me to his car, a sleek matte-silver convertible Mustang. My mouth drops open in shock at its stunning beauty, my body forcing itself to remain composed for the sake of avoiding public self-embarrassment. 
He throws my luggage in the back seat before he turns to me, smirking at my expression. “You like it?”
“Shit, do I like it? I love it!” I run my fingers over its metallic surface, the silver exterior gleaming in the evening glow. Grinning, I stare up at my brother who catches my gaze as I stand next to the driver’s seat, my fingers already curled on the handle.
“Can I—”
I pout as I pull my hand away and step to the side. Jaehyun chuckles, rubbing my head playfully before getting into the driver’s seat and starting the car. The engine purrs to life as my brother pulls out his shades and wears them. He looks at me and cocks his head to the passenger seat. 
“Don’t just stand there. Get in.”
Smiling, I quickly make my way over to the other side and slip into the passenger seat. I barely have time to buckle in before Jaehyun speeds off. I scream in fright, but he laughs heartily, telling me to let loose.
With the wind harshly whipping around us, I close my eyes and tilt my head upwards, absorbing the remnants of my childhood in a place I’ll always call home. A place where my heart always feels at ease.
My name is Jung Hyuna. I’m eighteen years old, and this is my story.
Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 |  
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lovingonrepeat · 4 years
Same anon from before— I’m glad my note made you feel a little better, I was trying really hard to convey that while the pain feels isolating, you absolutely are not alone in the feelings 💕💕💕
J.Seph’s enlistment is a great example of someone who maintains a social media presence and it feels like he hasn’t really gone anywhere, just, somewhere different! Members of The Rose have enlisted and they’re also still active on Instagram; same with Key from SHINee, boy was on Instagram practically every day after clocking out as a soldier 😭 my fellow Libra hoe I love him (I got into SHINee during his enlistment). (Side note, if you wanna know how bad I CRIED listening to ‘Hold On’ for the first time just before J.Seph’s enlistment, well, I was very embarrassed, Jiwoo probably would have laughed at me and I would have said thank you.)
As for why Sungjin is enlisting now despite being a 93 liner— the enlistment period is between 19 and 30 for Korean age, from what I understand. That’s why Suho, born in 91, had to enlist before his birthday in 2020, he would be turning 30 by Korean age standards. Most idols and other entertainment figures like actors will choose to postpone their military enlistment citing previous work engagements (comebacks, concert tours, etc) as their reason why; one of my coworkers is from Korea and he said it’s sort of like postponing jury duty in the United States if you’re summoned while at school out of state or something similar (apologies if that reference makes no sense, I’m American so just trying to use a point of reference I know).
So while most will seek to postpone theirs as much as possible, others will like to get it out of the way— like Kyungsoo/DO, for example, a 93 liner who enlisted in ‘19 and was just recently discharged. His enlistment made US Morning Talk Show News because it was such a shock to fans, since it came almost four years earlier than expected. And Jongdae/Chen is a 92 liner but he enlisted last fall (he also is married and has a baby girl at home so, we were expecting him to go as soon as his wife and baby were healthy enough).
That’s my outsider/foreigner understanding of the enlistment process, as taught to me by a coworker— realistically they can enlist whenever they choose to between those ages, it’s not something their company or contracts can stop them from doing, though for some it benefits them to work with the company for the best timing to do so (such as the SHINee hyungs, they all enlisted one after another in 2018 despite not all of them being at the max age for postponement, and all discharged over the last half of 2020, hence why they are able to make a comeback as a group before Taemin enlists some time in the next year, he’s also a 93).
I hope this helps!! I too am going to go listen to some Day6 on loop and cry on the inside 🥲🖤
ps I’m the same anon that requested Taeyong’s prompt for your kinktober project xoxo BYE
I’m so sorry it’s taken me forever to respond to this I’ve just been so freaking busy today! I really did appreciate your message, just as much as I appreciate you taking the time to write this one tooo. <3
J.Seph has been an interesting marker of my feelings tbh, cuz I don’t even really remember he’s gone until I see a pic of his and I’m like J.SEPH!!!!!!!!!!!!! But idk the Sungjin thing just hits different. I’m not totally sure why and I can’t completely place my finger on it tbh. I’ve been a casual SHINee fan, so I didn’t really see Key’s shenanagins, and I stan the Rose but only follow Sammy on socials, so I haven’t seen what’s been going on there either. (Which, I saw he’s in LA, not Korea???? It’s such a shame that they had all those label disputes cuz if it wasn’t for that he’d probably be doing lots and lots of solo stuff right now while they’re enlisting, but I’m happy he’s got Woolfy to keep him company)
I am American, so the jury duty postponement thing makes total sense to me. I’m just confused how ‘92 liners are still postponing it when Taemin is a ‘93 liner and is gonna have to enlist sometime this year. I thought you could only push it so far, but Jin, Baekhyun and Shownu don’t seem to be going in anytime soon (KNOCK ON WOOD PLEASE DON’T ENLIST BOYS) Since they can sorta go in whenever they want up until a certain point, I should probably just accept the fact that it’ll never be sure when someone’s gonna enlist and I’ve always just gotta brace for the worst. I’m just not good with surprises like that lol. 
Idk, today’s just not a good day tbh so maybe I’d deal with it better if I wasn’t pissed off lol. But yes, that does help thank you! And OMG I HOPE YOU LIKED THE TAEYONG FIC I HOPE I CAN WRITE MORE SOON!
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onewfantaesy · 4 years
The Brother Chronicles AU
As soon as the dismissal bell rings, Taemin bolts from class, rushes to grab his books from his locker, and makes a beeline to the student parking lot where Jinki’s car is parked. He has no idea how, but Jinki has managed to beat him there and grins at him as he gets in the passenger seat.
“Hey, gold medal buddies!” Jinki teases, moving over to clink his dumb medal against the one dangling from Taemin’s neck. “I knew my little study buddy would do well!”
“Jinki oh my god I did a bad thing,” Taemin says quickly, shoving his backpack into the floor. Jinki’s face instantly drops.
“Taemin holy shit what did you - wait, you’re the good brother, what could you have possibly done? I swear to god if you start turning into the twins, I’m gonna-”
“What happened?”
Taemin takes a deep breath and says in a slightly panicked voice.
“So picture it. Two months ago. Big scary national Latin exam day number one. I was ushered into the gym during sixth period with the rest of my class.”
“Yes, Taemin, I’m aware of how the Latin exams work,” Jinki teases. “I have taken them four years in a row now.”
“So I um,” Taemin stutters, “you know that ridiculously smart girl in my class? Naeun? Well we sat next to each other and-”
“Ooooooh,” Jinki sings. “Do you like her?”
“Shut up!”
“You like her!”
“I cheated off of her!” Taemin snaps, then goes back to looking nervous. Jinki just laughs.
“I just, It was just, there were a couple I just wasn’t sure about!” Taemin says. “I knew it was either a or b but I couldn’t remember and so I peaked at her exam and it was b I knew it was b and-”
“Okay, so you looked at her paper, big deal,” Jinki shrugs. “Everyone does it.”
“Except-one-of-her-answers-was-wrong-and-I-knew-the-answer-and-I-got-gold-and-she-got-silver-because-I-cheated,” Taemin says without taking a single breath.
Jinki is quiet for a moment. Then two. And then he laughs. Loudly.
“It’s not funny!”
“Taemin, that’s hilarious!” Jinki takes a moment longer to laugh, then wipes at a pretend tear under his eye, and then turns a serious face towards Taemin. “Who else have you told?”
“Only you.”
“Good,” Jinki says. “Don’t tell anyone else. Especially not the twins, they both got silver and they’ll just bitch at you and then tell mom and dad who will go on a rant about why cheating is wrong.”
“Cheating is wrong.”
“No, cheating is part of life. Everyone cheats. Anyone who doesn’t cheat is a loser, like that little girlfriend of yours.”
“She’s not my girlfriend!”
“You can wait until we’re all thirty and then tell the story at Christmas or something,” Jinki says, waving a hand. “Taemin, it’s fuckin’ hilarious, especially since we both got gold and the twins bitched about not wanting to study with a freshman and got silver. Don’t take this gloating away from me.”
“Ugh, where are those losers? Will you text them to hurry up?”
After tapping at his phone for a minute, Taemin says, “They got detention.”
“Oh motherfucker, I am not waiting around until 3:30,” Jinki snaps, and he puts his key in the ignition and starts the car. “Tell them they can walk home.”
“Doesn’t detention end at 3?”
“Same shit.”
“Taemin,” Jinki says, smiling. “Would you like to wait around for them and walk home, or would you like to go with your favorite big brother and get pizza?”
“I thought so,” Jinki gloats, and he zooms out of the parking lot and heads towards Little Caesar’s. “Think of this as congratulatory gold medal pizza. And we haven’t even gotten the mythology exam results yet!”
“Can we get pizza for that too?”
“Only if you get gold.”
“I definitely got gold, you’ve been drilling that bullshit in my head since you were a freshman.”
“You really are my favorite study buddy.”
Taemin just grins and sits back. Being Jinki’s favorite definitely has its perks, mainly being pizza and not having to walk home or to school as much as the twins seem to.
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KTMF Recap!!
Just completed a great weekend in Los Angeles, where I attended both the Epik High show and the Korea Times Music Festival! Below is a summary of the two events and some thoughts.
First, Epik High are such legends and I really had been eyeing their tour dates for awhile now trying to decide if/when to see them. Luckily, in the end, I decided to go. It was really great and they played so many great older songs of theirs. I highly recommend seeing them if you get the chance. They were so fun to watch!
Next, for KTMF, I was there to see SuJu, of course, and also, Taemin. I was also very much looking forward to seeing Kim Yongchul, who was one of the emcees. He was hysterical, definitely a good choice to emcee the event!
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I saw a few people on Twitter either lamenting that seeing Super Junior only as part of a larger festival where they'd only do a few songs didn't seem worth it, or feeling really unsure about whether it would be worth it or not. It's true, it's not a Super Show, but SJ never phones in a performance, either. Even during KCON NY last year, everyone was talking about how they tore it up. Additionally, as veterans of kpop, they usually get more songs than some if the more junior groups. My recommendation is, if you can logistically and financially manage to go, and there is at least one other act you're really interested in seeing, it is worth it to see SJ in a festival setting. Of course, it depends on your individual situation.
Another thing I wanted to bring up is the camaraderie. All fandoms have their toxic moments, kpop for SURE does, but for the most part, festivals like these put people in a really jovial mood, and people tend to hype each other up. Case in point, Shawol saw my SJ shirt and were like, "Do you want a Taemin banner? Also, all the other ELF are over there!" I even met one of my lovely readers there! What's up, Rachel! 💙
But back to the show. I was seated in the Pool Circle section, which is the very front section. My seat was 5 rows from the stage. A Lovelyz fan boy came over to talk to me and advised me that people in the Pool always moved closer to the stage when their favorite act was performing, and it was a pretty casual setup where you didn't have to stay in your seat. In addition, he pointed to this ledge a couple of rows behind me and said that the performers would walk on this ledge and that it was a part of the extended stage! This was exciting news, but I tried to manage my expectations and not get my hopes up.
This is another thing to put on the Pros list if you're trying to decide whether you should attend KTMF next year. As I found out, since it wasn't a Super Show and you weren't competing with an entire stadium full of ELF, people from other fandoms respectfully hang back so the true fans can get as close to the stage as possible.
Someone had spotted the lineup and set list prominently displayed on one of the official video cameras and people were sharing pics of it so that we knew in which order the performers were going on stage. Everyone shared this information with each other, so all of us in the pool knew SJ was going to close the second half, and we knew their setlist.
I befriended two awesome ELF, one who was Hyukjae biased and one who was Wookie biased. We strategized before the show started and decided that we'd be up by the stage for the first couple of songs and then run to the back extended stage/ledge for the last couple of songs.
Halfway through the set of the group who performed before SJ, my two new ELF friends and I stood up, light sticks in hand, in preparation. A few other ELF leapt up and joined us. Then, I spotted Shindong waiting in the wings. There's Shindong! I said, and everyone standing turned to look, then we all booked it to the barrier between us and the stage to wait.
The view from that close was phenomenal!! I was soooo happy to finally see Ryeowook up close (Wookie, anneyong!)! He's gorgeous, they all are. Donghae was killing me softly with his outfit, props to the stylist who put him in that. I feel #blessed to have seen Hyukjae in a sheer shirt and therefore his nipples in person (sorry not sorry). 🙏 These are my co-biases, folks!
During the ments, I put my camera down and noticed that they were trying to make eye contact with each of us ELF in front. I felt self-conscious but also so grateful. I already have done Hi-Touch with them, but it was not any easier being in their presence and in their gazes again.
When I heard the beginning of Miracle, I knew they were going to start running around, so I started running too! My ELF friends from before were tearing up and down with me, apologies to anyone we scrambled past trying to get to them! 😂🤦🏾‍♀️ At one point, Donghae was on the ledge with his back to me and his butt was right in my face, basically (this is not a complaint). I noticed him running towards a group of people on one end of the front stage (he is so fast, y'all!), and he was starting to bend down to high five them and shake hands. I went running to him, and got there just as it looked like he was about to straighten back up and go back to the middle of the stage. But I called out, Donghae! And he looked at me, smiled in recognition (from like 3 minutes ago when he was trying to make eye contact with us) and gripped my hand soooo firmly! It was so warm and smooth in his leather glove!
I know from prior experience that they all have super soft hands!
After they went off stage, it was a 30 min break before the second half. I looked over at my ELF friends, and we all grabbed each other and started jumping up and down screaming, omg! omg! The Hyukjae biased one had had her hand grabbed by Hyukjae. The Ryeowook biased one had had her hand grabbed by Ryeowook, and she was crying. Honestly, it was just so much! I can't express it.
"Oh my God, we still have TAEMIN to see after this?!?!" said the Hyuk biased ELF. We weren't sure how we were going to make it through that performance on top of everything else, we were going to need SEVERAL moments.
This post is already too long, so I will just say, I was still very close to Taemin, but stuck near one side of the stage so that other Shawol could be front and center. I finally got to use my Shinee lightstick!! Taemin's dancing is UNBELIEVABLE. Like. Damn. That little Squishface can move! My fan cams for him are a total mess because I just kept watching him with my actual eyes, instead of through my camera, so there are key moments where you can't even see him because I didn't aim the camera properly. 😂
Thanks for reading if you made it this far, let's all see them at SS8!!
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Gif from one of my fan cams!
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Talented squishface!
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bubltae · 6 years
umm 3 for onho then? if not then 27? thank you!!
song: 4 walls by f(x)
onho are on a little weekend getaway at a small town and they just do domestic shit + emo jinki
i seriously apologize for this random hiatus i’ve been on. i don’t really have an excuse other than i hit major writer’s block and even the thought of writing was just a burden. but i did it! hope you enjoy LOL
The first thought that comes to mind when Minho opens his eyes is Where the actual hell am I? The bright white walls reflected by the stale morning sunlight, accented with basic pictures of sea stars and oceans sends Minho cascading down a spiral of absolute fear and panic. He doesn’t remember the last time he’s woken up in an unfamiliar place, other than that one night he hooked up with some guy in a hotel apartment five years ago, and three years before he started dating Jinki.
Minho moves his head frantically left and right as he sits up, immediately regretting it as his head begins to violently throb, bursting like several banging drums. He nurses it gently. The window by the bed is shining yellow rays into the bedroom, illuminating the strewn open suitcases and articles of clothing like Minho’s favorite green, froggie shirt and Jinki’s pink sweater. Minho stops and does a double take. He leans forward, taking note of the several soju bottles and snack wrappers scattered over the light brown floor.
A flood of memories hits Minho like a dizzying wave of alcohol and he suddenly remembers oddly specific events of the previous night. He turns to his right and a smile as sweet as honey overcomes his panicked expression.
“Jinki hyung. Wake up,” Minho whisper shouts. He lightly nudges the sleeping lump lying like a rock, curled up by Minho’s ass.
Jinki makes a series of gargling moans. He stretches his arms up as far as possible and then relaxes, wrapping his arms around Minho’s lower torso, eyes squeezed shut. “My head hurts,” he hoarsely whispers, pressing his face into Minho’s shirt. The sound comes out muffled but then again, Minho has known Jinki for over four years.
Minho pats his upper back softly in understanding. “I know. Wanna eat some breakfast and then take some painkillers?”
Jinki shakes his head slowly, feeling the exact same pounding headache that is beating away at Minho’s fragile skull. “Don’t wanna move,” he whines. Minho laughs through his nose.
He looks over at the bedside table where the blinking digital clock rests and Minho’s eyes nearly pop out of his skull. Quickly, he grabs his phone off the same table and scrolls through a series of texts last sent nearly forty minutes ago.
j hyung at 9:38am: heyyy how’s the wknd getaway?
j hyung at 9:39am: don’t have sex too loudly jfc
j hyung at 9:39am: anyway what yall up to????
j hyung at 10:14am: hellllllooo???
j hyung at 10:59am: well u told me u were leaving for a city tour at 10:30 so i guess have fun jerk
It’s 11:39, according to both clocks in the room. Minho cannot believe he’s slept in this late and he let himself go to alcohol. It’s not a competitive thing, he swears.
“Jinki hyung. You need to get up. It’s almost noon and we’re still in bed you lazy-”
Jinki reaches up and shushes Minho by pressing his forefinger to his lips. “Your head hurts and my head hurts so let’s sleep some more.”
Minho instead, wiggles out of Jinki’s grasp, ignoring the protests of his crying migraine and slips some socks on after he swings his bare legs over the edge of the bed. He’s still wearing his sweatpants from last night. Great. So nothing happened in the middle of the night.
“Where are you going?” Jinki moans again.
“To get breakfast so I can take some Advil. I stole some of that chocolate tasting cereal from Taemin before we left,” Minho replies. He pads into the kitchen and then pauses when he hears the blankets from the bedroom rustle and Jinki trailing slowly behind him. Minho stifles a cackle at Jinki’s awful bedhead, mostly because it’s cute but also because he knows laughing will only make his headache worse than it already is.
Jinki grumbles something about getting the Advil while Minho pours two bowls of Cocoa Pebbles. Minho shrugs to himself as Jinki grabs two glasses for water when one slips from his hands as soon as it leaves the cabinet. In an attempt to catch said glass, Jinki releases the other glass, causing it to hit the wooden floor, resulting in a mess of broken shards. Jinki jumps back in fright, a startled yelp escaping his lips.
Minho whips his head around at the sound of Jinki’s screech, interrupting the pouring of Cocoa Pebbles. He runs over to the sight and sees Jinki, sitting with his back against the nearest cabinet, head buried in his arms.
“It’s not a big deal so don’t worry, okay?” Minho assures softly. He places a gentle hand on Jinki’s shoulder. “How’s your head?”
“I always break everything,” Jinki replies, voice heavier and muffled again. He ignores Minho’s last question.
“Please hyung. You’re nothing compared to Taemin. That kid can’t hold a name tag the right way for the life of him,” Minho says.
Jinki nods slowly. He rubs his temples again, eyes pressed shut and then he stands up. He orders Minho to continue pouring the cereal as he grabs a broom from the corner and sweeps the broken glass into a plastic bag to discard. He then finds a plastic cup this time and fills it with water before grabbing four Advil pills. He hands two to Minho and they quickly scarf down the cereal so they can take the cure of all bad hangovers.
“Well,” Minho finally says. “Since our morning plans were basically destroyed by this bitch of a hangover, what do we do now?”
Jinki ponders for a bit, sucking on his spoon and then drinking the rest of the chocolate milk.  “Nothing. Let’s just rest at home today. I’ll call the rental place about the broken cups and have that added to our bill but I really just want to do nothing today.”
“How ‘bout sitting in the sunroom?” Minho says, mostly to himself. Jinki agrees, elation laced in his tone, the glass dropping incident immediately leaving his mind. Minho takes the empty bowls and cups to the sink while Jinki sets up the room. When Minho arrives, he can’t help but grin at his adorable boyfriend. “You brought your laptop?”
Jinki nods in a way that says And you didn’t? “I kind of pirated Big Hero 6 and Mulan but only because they’re not on Netflix and Taemin hid the DVD’s from me.
“It’s called: Protecting the hyungs from Netflix and Chill,” Taemin says.
“But we wouldn’t even be watching Netflix,” Jinki protests.
“That’s not the point.”
“He’s gross,” Minho says, disgust on his face. “He learned it from Jonghyun hyung, I can tell.”
Jinki shrugs. “Well, Kibum’s done his best to try and ‘uncorrupt’ Taemin but we all know that wouldn’t have worked anyway.” He grabs Minho’s wrist and drags him to the little couch he’s sitting on. “Anyway, I like Mulan more so we’re gonna watch it first. I like Make a Man Out of You.”
Minho giggles, his face lighting up as he glances at his bundle of a boyfriend curling up next to him while the movie starts. They end up watching another two more movies together and then going for a short walk, hands intertwined, eyes lost on nature.
“Why are you dating me?” Jinki suddenly asks. He’s not looking anywhere near Minho’s face. He chooses to keep his focus on his feet, matching his stride with Minho.
Minho bites his lower lip. “Because I love you,” he replies quietly. “Why are you asking?” The rational part of Minho is telling him that Jinki is simply asking for the heck of it. The irrational part of Minho, the bigger part of his mind and heart, is prodding at him and saying Jinki is trying to break up with him. He can’t even look at me straight in the eye.
Jinki laughs bitterly. “I’m clumsy and awkward and I couldn’t even act normally at that SM dinner last year. Even talking to Junmyeon was a hassle, I feel like I wasn’t right for you.” Minho opens his mouth to disagree but Jinki keeps talking. “You’re much bigger and more bold. And I feel like I’ll never measure up to that.”
Minho looks for his face. Jinki isn’t crying, though he looks visibly frustrated. Minho rubs his tongue against the back of his front teeth. He stops walking and it takes Jinki a moment to notice he’s not moving anymore.
“What are you doing?”
Minho, instead of reassuring Jinki like a normal partner would when their significant other is stressed, crouches down so he’s a little bit shorter than Jinki. The older looks down in utter confusion.
“If I have to spend the rest of my life walking like this for you, I would do it in a heartbeat,” Minho whispers.
Jinki smiles and his eyes smile with him. He engulfs Minho in the biggest and tightest hug ever, mumbling nonsense that Minho doesn’t bother to listen to because all he can hear is his heart swelling with love.
“You don’t ever have to worry. I promise you’ll never have to question why we’re dating again.”
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if it isn't too much i'd like a story with Onew meeting a girl who is as clumsy as him and Taemin teases saying they are the klutzy couple. I hope I make sense
HEY EVERYONE, it’s Admin Bunny back on this blog. It’s been a while. A long while. And anon, I am so sorry it took so long. I hope this is fine. (Y/N) = your name(H/C) = your hair color Filled by: Admin Bunny ♥Word count: 1633
So many things to do, so many things to do has been the repeating mantra in Jinki’s head for a good few weeks. He’s so close to graduation he can almost taste it. Unfortunately for him, his teachers also decided that now would be a good time to pile on the assignments (which, even though he read about them in the syllabus, caught him woefully off-guard). He thinks about how he could connect the average amount of time someone sleeps in a day with their favorite ice cream flavor when he hears a shout and the unmistakable sound of books and papers hitting solid concrete.
His head snaps towards the source. There’s a girl–probably around his age, if not a little younger–kneeling on the ground, frantically trying to gather her things before the unforgiving wind blows them away. The other students milling around her don’t seem to pay her any mind or even attempt to give her a hand. He has time to criticize the disease of inaction that plagues society later, for now there’s someone that needs his help.
He jogs over to the girl, his old, outdated backpack thumping against his back with every step. “Need help?” he asks, but he doesn’t wait for an answer as he starts to help her collect her things. There’s a particularly ambitious piece of paper that attempts to take flight, but he manages to bring it back down to earth, handing it over to her.
“Thank you– thank you so much,” the girl says, smiling at him while she stacks the books on top of each other. “There’s a crack in the pavement–” she gestures behind her to a rather obvious dip– “right there.”
“No, yeah, I trip there all the time too,” he admits, returning a shy smile. There’s a reason why he walks the perimeter despite that taking longer than if he just cut through. “Did we get everything?”
The girl shifts the books and papers to the side as she looks around. “Nope! Got it all!” She stands up and he follows suit.
“I’m Jinki,” he says, holding out his hand for a handshake before he remembers, duh, she’s carrying a pile of things with both of her hands. He quickly retracts his hand, an embarrassed flush creeping up his face.
Thankfully, she seems to find it endearing as she laughs. “I’m (Y/N),” she says. “I’m actually headed to class right now.”
She’s headed away from the science building, which is where his next class is. If he walks with her, there’s a high chance he might not make it to class on time, so he shouldn’t– “Do you want me to walk with you? Just to make sure your stuff doesn’t fly off again?” Damn it, Jinki.
And so they walk together. (Y/N) doesn’t seem so bad, he thinks to himself as they start debating over whether the ideal preparation of chicken is fried or grilled. It’s an easy flowing conversation, as if they’ve known each other for years. But every journey must come to an end as they stop in front of her next class.
“I’ll see you later, Jinki,” she says, smiling up at him through her lashes and no, Jinki, you are not a teenager, do not get all flustered over a simple smile– and he’s flustered.
“Count on it,” he replies. He starts to walk away but turns his head around a few steps in, just wanting to see her one more time.
Then he falls.
Damn feet.
“Are you okay?!” she gasps, voice tinged with concern.
“I’m fine!” He gets up as quickly as he fell and speedily walks away. If only the earth could open and swallow him up right then and there.
He comes back to his dorm to see his roommate and best friend of 10 years, Taemin, lounging on the couch and watching some variety show. “So, who’s that girl you were walking with this morning?” Taemin asks, throwing a kernel of popcorn into the air and catching it with his mouth.
“You– how did you see–?”
“I see everything,” Taemin says, completely serious as he stares Jinki dead in the eye, gaze unwavering. This is one of those times that Jinki is stuck wondering whether Taemin truly is the omnipotent being he proclaims himself as– “Nah, I’m screwing with you. I was walking with Kibum there.”
Jinki clicks his tongue before throwing his keys into a dish near the door and toeing off his shoes. He hears Taemin’s smug laugh. “Her name is (Y/N),” he says.
Taemin ooh’s. “How’d you meet her?”
“She, uh… she tripped in the plaza and I helped her.” He rubs the back of his neck as he opens the mini-refrigerator. “Taemin… you do not need 5 cartons of strawberry milk in here.”
“I’m a growing boy!” Taemin protests. “And don’t try to go off topic! Is she pretty? Do you think she’s pretty?”
Jinki grabs a can of soda. “Well, yeah? I know where this conversation is going–”
“Think about it, hyung. When was the last time you’ve been on a date?” Taemin turns on the couch and looks at him.
He opens the can, relishing the small pop-and-fizz. “When was the last time you’ve been on a date?”
Taemin’s gaze shifts to the ceiling. “Uh… about 3 weeks ago?”
“What.” He was not expecting that. Why didn’t Taemin tell him about it? Or maybe he did, but he was too busy with his head in an advanced calculus textbook…
“It was with some girl–Naeun, I think–but it didn’t go so well. I sort of got spaghetti all over her top.” Taemin looks sheepish, his shoulders deflating.
“I’m not even gonna ask.” He sits down on his bed, taking another gulp of his soda. He needs the caffeine for tonight’s homework (or would it be dormwork?) session.
Taemin nods. “It’s better that you don’t. But you know, I also saw you fall as you looked back at her–” Jinki’s groan goes unacknowledged– “so you’re clumsy… and she’s clumsy… you have to know where I’m going with this. You guys would be like the ultimate clumsy couple.”
“Wouldn’t that make you a candidate for her too, though, Mr. I-Got-Spaghetti-All-Over-My-Date’s-Top?” he asks, an eyebrow raising.
“That was one incident, hyung. You, I’ve known you for years and I would need at least 30 feet of paper to write down all the times you’ve been clumsy. And those are just moments I’ve seen.”
Jinki begins to open his mouth to protest, but Taemin cuts him off again. “Like that time you tripped over the microphone wires at open mic night. Or when you tripped down the stairs while we were on that feld trip to a hanok. Or when you bumped your head on that sign in the playground. Or when you–”
“Okay, I get it!” Jinki says. “I get it.”
It’s the next day and Jinki feels dead on his feet. Curse his biology teacher. Curse them for the next 5 generations. He clutches onto his cup of overpriced coffee as he shuffles around.
“Jinki! Hey!” comes the voice of an angel. Or it might as well be an angel after he had to deal with Taemin’s incessant teasing throughout the night. She doesn’t have her books this time, instead carrying a rather expensive looking laptop. He would hate to see that get dropped.
“(Y/N),” he says, smiling sleepily at her and she ran up to him.
“You seem a bit tired,” (Y/N) teases, poking at his coffee cup.
“Biology.” He isn’t entirely sure how he was able to convey just how tired he was in 1 word, but he manages to do it.  
(Y/N) nods understandingly. “Ah, I see. Who’s your teacher?”
She winces. “Sorry.” Mr. Kang is notorious throughout the campus for his grueling assignments and tight deadlines. Jinki briefly reconsidered his choice as a science-focused major after having to deal with 3 sleepless nights in a row.
“Don’t be. Unless you’re the one who is giving Mr. Kang ideas about his assignments.” He squints at (Y/N) suspiciously.
She lifts a finger to her lips and shushes Jinki. “Some things are better left unknown.”
Jinki laughs. His mood is starting to improve already. It might be the caffeine or it just might be (Y/N). Jinki suspects it’s the latter, though, and not the latté. “Aren’t you supposed to be going to class right now?”
“Not today. My classes don’t start until 11.” Except that 11 doesn’t happen for 2 more hours. Jinki would’ve assumed that any student would jump at the chance to sleep more.
He starts to walk again and (Y/N) follows at his side. “What are you doing out so early, then?” he asks.
She looks off to the side, seemingly embarrassed. She tucks a strand of her (H/C) hair behind her ear.  “I was kind of hoping to see you again?” she replies, sounding sheepish. “I mean, it was nice talking to you even if it was for a short while and you’re really handsome and I’d like to get to know you a bit better and– yeah.”
“You can get to know me better over lunch,” he blurts out because his brain-to-mouth filter has apparently stopped working. “Once your classes are over. There’s a café I like. They make good croissants.” God, he’s so glad Taemin isn’t around to hear this. Croissants. Out of everything, he chooses croissants as the draw-in factor.
“Really?” Her eyes seem to sparkle and she starts smiling and Jinki feels like he’s in one of those dramas his mother loves to watch so much.
Jinki nods and smiles back, his eyes crinkling at the corners.
“So, I heard you asked that girl out.”
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eorumverba · 7 years
anemoia - n. nostalgia for a time you’ve never known a look on some of the firsts in Jonghyun and Taemin’s relationship
this is actually a backstory/companion for nine days
1. First sight
Jonghyun is one of the first people that gets to calculus on the first day; he takes the seat in the right corner closest to the door and digs his phone from his pocket to pass the five or so minutes before the rest of the class comes in. He can’t help glancing up at each person that comes in, and that is why he manages to lock gazes with the boy with long shaggy hair and the soft shy gaze. The smile that crosses his lips is soft as well, and he takes the seat just behind Jonghyun.
Something compels Jonghyun to turn around in his seat and smile again when the boy looks up. “Hey, I’m Jonghyun. Are you new? I’ve never seen you before.”
The boy blinks once twice thrice in quick succession, then says, “No...I’m a sophomore. Taemin. That’s probably why.”
“A sophomore? You’re sure you’re in the right class?”
Taemin ducks his head, clearly flustered, and his hand comes up to smooth over his smile before he nods. “I took pre-calc over the summer. I’m kind of nervous, but it should be fine-”
The bell interrupts whatever else Taemin had been about to say, and Jonghyun spin back around as the door shuts after their teacher. As she takes roll and begins to teach, all Jonghyun can think of is the bright smile that had been on Taemin’s lips before he smothered it.
For some reason, he really wants to make Taemin smile again.
2. First conversation
It’s nearing 8pm when Jonghyun finally notices the time and starts packing up his guitar and notebooks; he’s quick to rush to his car and takes a moment to warm his hands with the heater before pulling out of his parking space and starting back home. He’s at the corner of the block school is on when he sees a boy that looks like Taemin - and then Jonghyun sees the blue of his backpack and pulls to a stop in front of him.
“Do you need a ride?”
Taemin blinks quickly a few times and then his face relaxes when he sees who it is; he’s quick to toss his bags in the back and hop into the seat next to Jonghyun. “Thanks, hyung.”
“What are you doing at school so late? And walking home - it’s so cold out!”
“I had dance practice...it ended at 6, but me and my partner have a solo coming up for the winter recital, so we’ve been staying behind until now.”
“Is he walking too?”
“Yeah, he only lives a block away though.”
“Okay, good. You hungry? My treat.”
“What - why?”
“Because I was going to get food before I went home? I’m starved.”
“Let me just call home, okay?”
“Of course.”
Taemin’s call home is quick and when he hangs up, he smiles bright and nods at Jonghyun. “I can go, I just have to be back by 10.”
“Cool, what are you hungry for?”
“Can we get burgers?”
“Anything you want, Tae.”
“Burgers then.”
The car ride is quiet after that; Taemin fiddles with his phone and Jonghyun focuses on driving them to the closest Burger King. If Jonghyun is surprised to see Taemin order a double whopper, large fries and a giant milkshake, he doesn’t say anything, just orders for himself and pays for them both. They sit at a booth towards the back and it’s oddly nice even if it is quiet.
“Thank you,” Taemin says between bites, “for being so nice to me. And for the meal, and the ride. I don’t know what I did to deserve it, but thank you.”
“Of course, Tae. And just...I don’t know. You seem nice, and I want to be your friend.”
“That’s it?”
“Yeah, I guess.”
“Then...thank you.”
“When’s your dance recital?”
“The day before winter break. You’re going to come?”
“Of course, I like supporting my friends.”
Taemin smiles, but it soon twists into a frown as he polishes off the rest of his burger. “But why were you still at school?”
“I lost track of time, I was trying to finish up a song for Blue Night.”
“Blue Night?”
“Oh, it’s...nothing special really. It’s a radio show I have - or, it was my friend’s, but I took over. Mostly I just play my songs and whatever else I’m listening to. Sometimes people call in, but that isn’t often. I talk too, about whatever’s on my mind and what’s happening.”
“Where can I listening?” Taemin’s smile is shy when he looks up through his lashes at Jonghyun. “I like supporting my friends.”
Jonghyun’s heart melts, and he promises to text Taemin the details after they exchange numbers. They split a hershey pie after that, and somehow, by the time they’re able to tear themselves from the table, it’s nearing 9:30. Even though they pull up to Taemin’s house with fifteen minutes to spare, they spend the next ten just sitting in Jonghyun’s car, the radio off, and they just...talk. About music and school and sports and everything between - they have a lot in common, and Jonghyun’s heart is ready to burst by the time Taemin finally pulls himself away to go inside.
The next day, in math, the smile Taemin flashes him when he walks in the door is nearly blinding.
3. First crush
The first time Jonghyun comes to Taemin with a crush is sometime in the middle of Taemin’s junior year; Jonghyun’s just started his second semester of college and the crush he has is on a cute tall soccer player in his psychology class.
“His name is Minho,” Jonghyun says in the middle of one of their daily skype calls, “and he’s tall and cute and his smile, Tae, he has such a nice smile.”
“Have you talked to him yet?”
“Not really, but I will.” Jonghyn hides his giggle behind his hand and picks up his phone, tapping around with it for a few minutes before putting it down, just as Taemin’s buzzes. The snap Jonghyun has sent is of himself with the flower crown filter.
“Cute, Jonghyunnie.”
In the corner of Taemin’s computer screen, Jonghyun smiles, bright and pixelated. Taemin finds himself missing the real thing, but he doesn’t say so. Besides, they’ll hopefully see each other soon.
“Ah, Taeminnie, I have to go. Kibummie wants to get a smoothie and I don’t want him to walk alone.”
“Okay, see you later.”
“Bye bye!”
Jonghyun talks to Minho the next week, gets his number as well, and Taemin has never seen him so giggly, so excited over such little things. It’s cute - Jonghyun is filled with so much love and Taemin really is happy for him. Even if it takes almost a month of Jonghyun gushing over Minho, sending parts of their conversations and asking do you think he likes me or is he just being friendly? and otherwise just giggling and smiling at random intervals for Taemin to convince Jonghyun to just ask Minho out.
When Minho says yes, Taemin realizes that he’s never seen Jonghyun so happy.
4. First cry
Minho and Jonghyun’s relationship lasts almost two months before Minho breaks up with Jonghyun, saying that he thinks they work better as friends than as boyfriends. Jonghyun takes it fairly well, and he and Minho are still friendly - they still have that psych class and they still study together, and Jonghyun doesn’t cry over Minho, not once. Not until Jonghyun’s spring break hits - he spends most of his time with Taemin, lazing around in his room while Taemin does his work. They’re there now - Taemin’s in the middle of a packet when Jonghyun clears his throat and mumbles,
“Yes, Jonghyun?” Taemin doesn’t even look up, well used to Jonghyun’s antics.
“Tae,” Jonghyun whines now, “pay attention to me.”
With a long-suffering sigh, Taemin puts his pen down and looks over at Jonghyun. “Yes, Jonghyun.”
“I’m starved, can we get food?”
“Did you do any of your writing?”
“I’ll be more motivated to if I’m not hungry, please.”
“Finish at least something first and I’ll order pizza.”
Instead of agreeing, Jonghyun puts his head down on the table and pouts over at Taemin. “My head is in the clouds and my eyes only see the stars, Tae. I can’t focus.”
“God, you’re so…” Taemin sighs again, but it’s more fond than anything else, and Jonghyun watches as Taemin opens his laptop and orders a large pizza, half pineapple and half plain.
“Thanks, Taeminnie.” Jonghyun pushes his face into Taemin’s arm, too lazy and too tired to show any other form of gratitude.
“C’mon, do your work. You can’t slack with Blue Night now, not with how popular it’s getting.”
All Jonghyun do is groan and lift his face enough to weakly press his teeth (and tongue) to Taemin’s arm. And Taemin, all too used to this, just sighs and wipes the spit away before going back to his work.
“After all this time and you’re still so…”
“So what?”
“So nothing.” Taemin shakes his head and continues to work, that fond smile still on his lips. “Get to work, Jonghyunnie, I know you can. You always do.”
Jonghyun grumbles and pushes himself to sit up straight, but instead of doing his work, he props his head up with his hand and stares at Taemin, pouting.
“What is it, Jjong?”
“Mm...nothing. My mind is racing and I can’t focus.”
“What are you thinking about then?”
Oh. Taemin puts his pen down again and turns to face Jonghyun, willing him to continue.
“Just, do you think it was my fault? I am pretty affectionate, and maybe he-”
“It wasn’t your fault, Jonghyunnie. It wasn’t either of your faults. Okay?”
Jonghyun hums and nods, but he’s clearly unconvinced. “I just…” a shrug, “I guess I wish it’d worked out.”
“Aren’t you still friends?”
“Yeah, but I miss him. I miss kissing him and I miss going on dates and I miss waking up to good morning messages and-” Jonghyun’s voice wavers and suddenly he’s crying, heaving sobs that shake his whole body. Taemin is quick to pull him close, to haul him in as close as possible so that Jonghyun’s tears are muffled into his shoulder and hot tears fall on his shirt. As Jonghyun cries, Taemin rubs gentle circles on his back and murmurs quiet words of reassurance, trying to calm him in the only way he knows.
He would’ve thought it would be awkward, but it feels nice, having Jonghyun this close. Taemin just wishes that Jonghyun weren’t sad, wouldn’t cry.
He mostly just wants to make Jonghyun happy.
5. First confession
Now that Jonghyun is done with his first year of college, he’s been picking Taemin up from school; most of the time they’ll stop for a snack before going to one of their houses. Taemin is sure it was Jongin that started the rumor that he and Jonghyun are dating, but that doesn’t really matter, and Jonghyun quite likes the rumors anyway.
But Jonghyun is oddly quiet today; doesn’t ask Taemin how his day was or tease him for...anything, and it makes Taemin frown. Because Jonghyun is never like this.
They pull up to the bagel shop they frequent, but Jonghyun doesn’t unlock the doors and neither of them move, so Taemin finally asks, “What’s wrong?”
“What? Nothing.”
“Cut the bull, Jjong. You really think you can fool me?”
Jonghyun grins, but it’s weak and he shrugs. “Of course not. Am I that predictable?”
“Only to me. Now - what’s wrong?”
“Nothing’s wrong, just...I’ve been trying to think of how to say this all day but I can’t think of an eloquent way to say it, so just. I like you. And I’m not asking anything or expecting anything of you, just. I wanted to say it.”
Oh. “Um-”
“It’s fine, just pretend I never said anything.”
“No, just...let me think about it. If you want to try the whole dating thing? Everyone thinks we are anyway, so.”
Jonghyun frowns a little and opens his mouth to speak, closes it. Unlocks the doors, gets out of the car without another word, not waiting for Taemin to follow as he goes to the bagel shop. Jonghyun pays as usual, and he is unusually subdued as he does, not flirting with or even smiling at any of the workers, who he all thinks are very cute.
It’s all very odd until they get back to the car - Jonghyun is still quiet when he says, “If we’re going to try dating, I don’t want it to be just because everyone thinks we already are. I want it to be because you feel for me what I feel for you.”
Taemin’s heart stutters in his chest, and it’s weird, because he’s only ever considered Jonghyun to be a friend - albeit a best friend, even more than Jongin. “Since when?”
“I’ve liked you since...I don’t really know since when, but I didn’t realize until after me and Minho broke up.”
“Then why wait until now to tell me? It’s been two months since then.”
“Because...I don’t know, I guess I just couldn’t keep it a secret anymore. I’d rather you know and say no than not know at all.”
“So...what do you want to do now?”
“Uh. You can drop me home, I guess. I have a lot of work to do,” Taemin lies. Not because he doesn’t want to be around Jonghyun, but because he needs to think.
Jonghyun squints at him (because since when do they still assign homework in June?), but the smile that flirts with his lips is soft and understanding. “Okay.”
6. First introduction
Not a week after Jonghyun’s confession, Jonghyun is invited to Taemin’s for Memorial Day. Some of his family is over - aunts and uncles and cousins - and while Jonghyun doesn’t know most of them, Taemin’s parents are quick to welcome him in, but before they can ask how his school year went and what he’s studying, Taemin grabs him by the hand and tugs him outside to where the food is.
“Who’s this, Taeminnie?” one of the aunts asks.
“Oh, I’m-”
“Jonghyun, my boyfriend.”
Everyone seems to realize all at the same time; Jonghyun nearly drops his plate and he’s pretty sure that one of the uncles actually does, but that doesn’t matter, because when Taemin catches his gaze, a grin flirts with his lips, and his nod is for Jonghyun alone.
Jonghyun really really really wants to kiss the pleased grin from Taemin’s lips, but he thinks that shocking Taemin’s family members to silence is enough for now.
Besides, at least they’re left alone in Taemin’s room for the rest of the day.
7. First kiss
They spend Taemin’s birthday hanging out at Jonghyun’s place; the ac at Taemin’s is broken and while Jonghyun’s fan isn’t nearly as good as the ac, they’re both too lazy to get up and turn it on. Taemin’s sitting on the floor, back against the side of the bed as he nurses a barely-cold drink and Jonghyun is laying upside down just next to him, staring up at the fan as it spins in slow circles.
“Sorry we couldn’t do anything better for your birthday.”
“Nah, it’s cool. Beats sitting around at home, and besides, you’re here.”
Jonghyun’s breath catches in his throat and his heart stutters in his chest, but he doesn’t have the words to say what he feels. So he sits up and slips from the bed, sitting carefully next to Taemin and taking in a useless breath when Taemin turns to look at him.
“Tae, can I kiss you?”
Taemin’s eyes widen just a little, and he doesn’t move for a long moment, but when he does, it’s to nod almost imperceptibly. He leans into the hand that Jonghyun places on his cheek, and Jonghyun just looks for a long moment, watching the way Taemin’s lips part and his lashes flutter.
“You’re beautiful, Taemin.”
“Ah…” Taemin is clearly flustered, and he ducks his head, pressing further into Jonghyun’s hand and licking his lips as he’s wont to do when thinking of something to say. “Thank you.”
“You don’t believe me?”
Taemin doesn’t move, but his smile does grow, and finally, he nods. “If it’s you, then anything.”
Jonghyun’s heart stutters again and he presses his forehead to Taemin’s, just feeling him for a moment, his body heat and the soft puffs of his breaths on his face, the hand Taemin has placed on his thigh and the barely-there brush of Taemin’s lips to his.
“Can I…?” Jonghyun asks again. His lips almost almost almost touch Taemin’s when speaks, and when Taemin nods, the swell of his lower lip grazes Jonghyun’s. It’s not quite a kiss, but almost, and Jonghyun finds himself holding his breath because even though he’s kissed people before, this is different. This is Taemin. Lovely, sweet Taemin: Taemin who he’s watched in just two years grow from a scrawny, shy sophomore to this, beautiful and willowy and perfect.
“I thought you were gonna kiss me.” Taemin sounds like he’s about to laugh, and Jonghyun rolls his eyes, more fond than exasperated.
“I don’t think I should now.”
“Jonghyunnie,” Taemin’s voice is almost a whine now, and Jonghyun finds himself laughing. His heart swells and he feels like he’s never been more happy or more in love, and all he wants is to kiss Taemin - so he does.
Taemin’s lips are chapped and it makes the slide of their lips rough, but Taemin’s hands are warm and his body is soft when he slips into Jonghyun’s lap. There is a long moment before Jonghyun is able to bring his hands up to set them against Taemin’s waist, but when he does, Taemin pulls even closer and winds himself around Jonghyun completely. A quiet noise comes from his lips when Jonghyun’s fingers press tight, flirting with the hemline of his shirt and grazing skin.
When Taemin pulls away, his cheeks are flushed and he touches his lips, smile wobbly but wide, and he ducks his head when he sees Jonghyun staring, clearly flustered. “Jonghyunnie,” he says, but that’s all. As if he’d just wanted to say his name, just because.
(And honestly, Jonghyun can’t resist saying, “Happy birthday, Tae.”
Taemin punches him in the arm, and that...is the end of that.)
8. First date
“Tae?” Jonghyun’s voice is quiet, muffled and Taemin hums, rolling over.
“Thought you were asleep, Jonghyunnie.”
“Almost…just what are you doing tomorrow?”
“Probably nothing, why?”
“My car got fixed, and I want to take you out.”
“What, asking me on a date?”
Jonghyun’s laugh is sleepy, and there comes the sound of the blankets rustling, like he’s nodding. “Guess I am.”
“Do I get any hints?”
Jonghyun makes a whiny little noise and Taemin can’t help laughing at how cute he is. “You’re cute, Jonghyunnie. See you tomorrow?”
Jonghyun’s only reply is a quiet noise of approval and then a sleepy, “Good night.”
“Want me to hang up?”
Another sleepy little whiny noise, and Taemin laughs again. “I’ll stay then, night night.”
“Night night.”
Taemin wakes the next day to the sound of Jonghyun’s quiet breathing; he’s still asleep so Taemin is careful to stay extra quiet when he gets out of bed, knowing of how little Jonghyun usually sleeps and what a light sleeper he is. Jonghyun’s awake by the time he’s up and dressed though, and his speech is still mostly mumbles as he fights the pull not to fall asleep again.
With the way he is now, Taemin guesses he won’t come over for at least another few hours, and he’s right: Jonghyun stays on the phone all the way to Taemin’s house, denying that he’s driving even though Taemin can hear how tinny his voice is through the bluetooth speakers and the noise of the other cars driving past him.
When Taemin slips into the passenger’s seat, Jonghyun is quick to greet him with a blinding smile and a kiss to his cheek. “I spent a lot of time thinking about where to take you, Taeminnie.”
“Hope you picked somewhere good, and not just...a movie or something.”
“What’s wrong with a movie?”
“It’s cheesy, and besides. I have the firestick, remember?”
“I think it’s a cute date…” Even without looking over, Taemin can tell Jonghyun is pouting, so he plugs his phone into the AUX cord and puts one of his playlists on shuffle, absolutely adoring the way Jonghyun lights up when his own voice comes out of the speakers.
“You have my songs?”
“Of course, Jonghyunnie. So where are we going?”
“You’ll see when we get there.” Jonghyun teases. “You’re always so impatient, Tae.”
“Oh, says you.”
“I do say so. Now stop complaining, we’re here.”
When Taemin looks out the window, he sees a Burger King, and when he turns back to Jonghyun, he’s grinning, apparently amused at Taemin’s expression.
“Seriously? My very first date, and to a Burger King?”
“I’m wounded, Taeminnie. This is a very significant place for us, don’t you remember? This was where we had our first real conversation.”
Oh, Taemin thinks, and he sighs. “You’re so cheesy, god.”
“I was picking between here and a more expensive place, but this is better, I think.” Jonghyun looks up at Taemin through his lashes after taking Taemin’s hand in his and lacing their fingers together, and his gaze is soft but still earnest. “I want to make memories with you, Taemin.”
Taemin’s heart stutters in his chest and he nods, struck mute. But when Jonghyun gets out of the car and then opens Taemin’s door, he’s quick to grab Jonghyun’s hand and hold it tight. Because he thinks he wants to make memories with him as well.
9. First time
When Jonghyun picks Taemin up, it’s just after sunset; the car smells of takeout and when Taemin looks in the backseat, there is a huge paper bag that he assumes is full of their dinner.
“Hey babe.”
“Hi Jonghyunnie.” Taemin leans in to press a quick kiss that turns lingering; Jonghyun’s hand comes up to cradle Taemin’s cheek and draw him even closer, and Taemin is breathless by the time the kiss breaks.
“Ready to go?” Jonghyun’s voice is a whisper of a breath and Taemin nods, even though if he were to press forwards just a few inches, they could kiss again, again, again. Taemin thinks that he could spend hours just kissing Jonghyun, breathing him in. It feels like another few hours before he finally manages to pull away enough so that Jonghyun can focus enough to drive.
It’s dark by the time they get to the beach, but Jonghyun easily lights a small fire while Taemin spreads out their towels and gets their food. Jonghyun sits just next to him, so their thighs brush and the smell of the takeout paired with the sight of the sea and the sound of the gentle waves makes Taemin melt.
“This is much better than prom, thanks Jonghyunnie.”
“Of course.” Jonghyun nudges Taemin, and there’s a smug little grin on his lips. “I always have the best ideas.”
“Sometimes, anyway. This was surprisingly a good idea though.”
“Shut up!” Jonghyun chokes on a laugh and nudges Taemin again, harder this time. “Brat.”
“You love me.”
“Yeah,” Jonghyun says, “I do.”
And that makes Taemin’s breath hitch in his throat, makes him turn to Jonghyun and Jonghyun is staring at him as well, adoration making the lines of his face soft. It’s all too easy for Taemin to lean in and meet Jonghyun in the middle for a kiss that is soft and sweet and lingering. Jonghyun’s hand is warm and calloused when it comes up to cradle Taemin’s cheek, and his lips are just as gentle and soft. But this is somehow different, because when Taemin pulls away, Jonghyun follows, eager and insistent and his kisses are no longer lazy - they’re intense and bordering desperate, and it feels both sudden and slow when Jonghyun moves from sitting next to him to sitting on his hands and knees in front of Taemin, gently pushing him down and straddling him.
It feels like Taemin can’t breathe and when Jonghyun finally manages to pull himself away, he’s breathing hard, and he’s trembling. “Tae, I-”
“Jonghyun,” Taemin interrupts, not with any purpose, just to say his name. Just to feel the weight of the word on his tongue.
“Tae, I...how far do you want to go with me?” pause, “Right now, anyway.”
“I,” Taemin’s voice is rough and he clears his throat, blinking quickly and then starting again, “I want to do this. All of it, whatever you want. With you. Right now. I-”
“You what?”
“Nothing, nothing. Just...please. I want to do this with you.”
In the low light, Jonghyun nods, and when he leans down to kiss Taemin again, it’s both gentle and earnest. And even though Taemin’s heart is pounding and he’s more nervous than he’s ever been in his life, he knows that Jonghyun won’t hurt him, will only be gentle and sweet, because that’s the way he always is. So when Jonghyun gently places his hands on Taemin’s legs in a wordless request for Taemin to spread, it is easy to, and when Jonghyun breaths the question against his mouth, all Taemin can say is yes.
10. First I love you
Taemin’s been excited about his trip to Switzerland for weeks now; Jonghyun has spent hours listening to him ramble on about skiing and skydiving and snow, and while he doesn’t really care about travelling, it’s nice to see Taemin so excited, and the light Taemin has in his eyes when he speaks of Switzerland is something Jonghyun has never seen. So Taemin’s enthusiasm gets to him as well - until the day he’s to leave. Jonghyun is the one to drop Taemin off at the airport; his parents have work and Jonghyun...would do anything for Taemin, so he tells Taemin’s parents that he’ll take him so they don’t have to take off of work.
So here they are at the airport, and Jonghyun is fighting tears because his Taemin will be gone for at least two months, and while Taemin had been bouncing in barely contained excitement next to him, when his plane number is called and he turns to Jonghyun to say goodbye, he sees the look on his face and his smile fades immediately.
“Tae-” Jonghyun’s voice breaks and he chokes on a sob when Taemin’s hand comes up to wipe away his tears, “Tae, I...I’ll miss you.”
“Don’t worry, Jonghyunnie. We’ll talk, every day. Okay? It’s only a seven hour time difference, Jonghyunnie. Don’t cry? We can skype, and we have kakao. I’ll be here.”
Taemin holds up his hand, extending his pinky, and Jonghyun bites back another sob as he pinky promises. Taemin has to go just after that, and Jonghyun wishes that he’d been brave enough to lean forward enough to give Taemin a goodbye kiss.
But Taemin’s right: they’ll talk, and he’ll be here.
And he is: they skype as soon as Taemin gets to his hotel, and Taemin carries his laptop around the hotel room, showing off the setup. He’s jetlagged though, and it shows when he finally flops down in one of the large beds. His eyes are puffy and his lips are swollen, and he’s more than half asleep, but Jonghyun thinks he’s never been more beautiful.
Jonghyun falls asleep to the soft puffs of Taemin’s breathing, and he sleeps with one of his plushies in his arms, pretending and wishing that he could hold Taemin instead.
Taemin’s gone when Jonghyun gets up, but there’s a message waiting, telling Jonghyun how happy he’d been to wake up to Jonghyun there, how much he misses him already, and how thankful he is to have someone as perfect as Jonghyun to call his. The note makes Jonghyun’s heart warm, and he’s quick to type out a half-coherent response that Taemin will surely respond to with just “that’s really gay, Jonghyunnie”.
(He’s right.)
The days crawl by without Taemin to spend them with, but Jonghyun is glued to his phone now, eagerly waiting on Taemin’s messages and replying instantly. It feels almost like they’ve just started dating again, with how flustered and giddy Jonghyun gets over each message, and after making the mistake of telling Taemin that, well. Jonghyun doesn’t think he’ll ever live that down.
And everything is good, even with how much Jonghyun misses Taemin. But that’s okay, because he has Taemin here, and soon he’ll have Taemin here, in his arms and in his lap, and everything will be right again.
Taemin forgets their Skype date (they’ll watch movies and order the same food) one night, and his excuse is that he’d gone out drinking with friends. And Jonghyun doesn’t mind, because he’d at least gone to bed early that night. Besides, he knows how forgetful Taemin can be, and it’s honestly kind of endearing. Taemin is just glad Jonghyun is so understanding, and promises not to do it again. He doesn’t forget their date the next week, and everything is fine again.
But Taemin’s busy on his phone throughout the movie the next week, and Jonghyun wants to brush it off, but he can’t because Taemin doesn’t...seem happy like that. Not with him. “Tae?”
“Yeah, Jonghyun?”
“I - who are you texting?”
“Oh, just a group chat with me and some friends. We’re trying to plan something to do on Saturday night.”
“This Saturday?”
“Yeah, why?”
“Saturday the 6th?”
“Tae, you don’t...remember?”
“Remember what? You know how bad my memory is, Jjong-”
“Saturday, June 6th. We spent last June 6th at your house, and that was the first time you referred to me as your boyfriend, so that would’ve been our one year anniversary.”
Silence for a long moment, and then Taemin says, “Oh.”
And that’s it.
(Jonghyun expects Taemin to cancel his plans on Saturday, but there comes no word from him. But at least he’s read Jonghyun’s apology message?)
Taemin kind of just...stops answering after that; he’ll read Jonghyun’s messages and either take obscene amount of hours to answer, or not answer at all. They skype less as well, simply because Jonghyun feels awkward now, can barely think of what to say when he has Taemin alone.
Taemin’s birthday comes and goes without any word from him either - Jonghyun had sent a happy birthday message once midnight hit over there, and Taemin had promptly read it, but there comes no response. Not until the next night, and all he says is “thank you”. It’s formal and it’s foreign and it’s so unlike the Taemin Jonghyun knows (thought he knew) that tears build up and spill over. He cries himself to sleep that night, wishing only that he could turn back time, and do something, anything differently, better. Anything to keep Taemin the way he had been, anything to have what they used to.
(Jonghyun is so used to starting their conversations that he decides to do a little experiment, to see how long it would take for Taemin to start a conversation. After the second week of not talking, well. He gives up.)
It’s not until the beginning of August that he finally gets Taemin to skype him again, and the first thing Taemin says is, “Jjong, you need to come here, there’s so much to do - holy shit, you look like shit.”
And Jonghyun supposes that he does. He also thinks that he doesn’t care, and he is most surprised that Taemin has noticed. But he doesn’t say any of that - all he asks is, “Tae, don’t you think something is wrong? With us?”
“What? No, why?”
“We don’t talk! I barely know you anymore! You don’t think there’s anything wrong with that?”
Taemin’s face goes blank, and he nods slowly. “Yeah.”
“Well, what do you want me to say?”
“What do you feel? We’re in a relationship, shouldn’t we talk?”
“Then...maybe we shouldn’t be.”
Jonghyun opens his mouth to speak, blinks once twice and again, processes what Taemin has just said. “You want to break up?”
And Taemin shrugs, because...he hadn’t noticed. Not talking to Jonghyun didn’t do anything to him. He doesn’t say that, but. He’s sure Jonghyun knows. “Yeah.”
“Okay,” Jonghyun says, and while his face is carefully blank, there are tears welling up in his eyes, and he looks seconds away from crumpling. “Okay.”
“Just...I love you.” It’s the first time Taemin says it, so unlike Jonghyun, who is quick to show affection and quicker to smile and say I love you!
Jonghyun’s face crumples and the look he gives Taemin is almost accusatory, pathetic with the way silent tears slide down his cheeks. He doesn’t say anything, but he doesn’t have to. And before Taemin can say anything else, Jonghyun hangs up.
And Taemin doesn’t call back.
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b00mingsystem · 7 years
Hoverboards and Ice Cream
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Ok this is my first time writing anything like this so it might suck I’m sorry (*゚ー゚)ゞ This legit took me years to write because I couldn’t control my feels mork why do you do this to me ㅠㅠ Also the ending is terrible but I wasn’t sure how to end it - if you guys want request a sequel and I’ll see what I can do!       (* ̄∀ ̄)
You sat on the arm of the sofa just outside SHINee’s waiting room, scrolling through your Instagram feed, your favourite song playing softly into your ears through your headphones. Completely oblivious to your surroundings, you were immersed in the music, shyly jamming along to the beat with a small smile on your lips. You had been waiting for your brother Minho to finish practicing for the SMTOWN concert for almost 3 hours, but you didn’t mind the wait since you were pretty accustomed to it. In fact, you enjoyed the time you got to spend by yourself, with no interruptions, allowing you to completely zone out and relax. Your soft brown hair was tied up into a low ponytail, with a few strands hanging loosely at the front framing your face. You lifted your slender fingers to your face softly brushing the hairs away from your face and unknowingly fiddled with the hem of your dress as your eyes grazed over the pictures on your screen.
Mark rode his hover board back and forth through the hallway, brows furrowed, tongue peaking out from between his lips, both signs of his intense concentration. He had finished his group practice with NCT Dream and was now waiting for NCT 127's turn. He hated using his time aimlessly so he picked up his book of lyrics and his hover board and rode away from NCT’s waiting room in search of any kind of inspiration. Two hours had passed since he started and he was still stuck in the same place with no signs of a sudden revelation. Exasperated, he closed his book and bent down to the floor, arms hugging his knees, eyes on the floor. Sighing, he straightened himself and started riding forward, unsure of where he’s headed but wanting to go anywhere. His eyes shift to his pockets as he tried to fish out his headphones, unaware of the girl in the white dress sitting on the sofa in front of him. As his arms reached into his pockets, his body leaned forward ever so slightly, causing the hover board to pick up its pace. So focused on untangling the mess of wires in his hands, he didn’t realise how fast he was going until his eyes slightly shifted up to you, causing them to widen in shock. Jumping off his board, he tried in vain to avoid a collision. The poor kid tripped over his own feet and flew over to you, his arms wrapping around your sides as his body pushed yours onto the sofa.
The impact of his body on yours shook you out of your trance rather harshly, causing you to let out a soft gasp as the two of you fell onto the sofa. You looked up at him wide eyed, trying to process what just happened, unaware of the warmth spreading across your cheeks. Mark, equally as shocked as you, had one arm around your waist and the other next to your head, barely supporting his weight over your body. “Are you okay?!” he half whispered, his eyes wide, as he scans your face, his brows furrowed in worry. Realising how close the two of your faces were, his cheeks grew hot and he mumbled how sorry he was and how he should have been paying more attention. By this time, you had only half recovered from the shock and were starting to process the features of the boy hovering above you. How his blonde hair covered his wide eyes slightly, how his forehead was creased with worry, how his cheeks were slightly pink in embarrassment. Your eyes widened in shock when you realised who this boy was. NCT was one of your favourite groups at the moment, and Mark Lee made you weak at the knees. Averting your eyes out of embarrassment, you mumble a soft “It’s okay, I’m fine”, unable to hide how flustered you were.
Suddenly you felt something warm drop onto your cheek, once, then again. Confused, you look up to the boy and gasp “your nose is bleeding!!!”. Pushing him off of you and reaching into your bag to grab your handkerchief, you swiftly cover his nose with the white cloth, your forehead crinkling in concern. Poor Mark was still catching his balance after you pushed him up when you gently pushed him back down onto the sofa. “Are you okay??” you giggled softly, your dimples showing themselves, as he stared up at you with wide eyes. “I’m fine thanks” he replied softly, looking away as a blush crept onto his cheeks, “it’s happened before so I’m used to it”. Frowning slightly at his words you slowly tilt his head trying to stop the blood from flowing out, your lips pouting slightly in concentration
The two of you grew quiet, with you concentrating on treating Mark and with Mark sneaking flustered glances at your features, trying to stay cool, though on the inside he was screaming at how cute you looked with your brows furrowed and pouted lips. The comfortable silence was broken suddenly by your ringtone echoing through the hallway. Glancing at your phone, your heart sank as you realised you had to leave. Glancing at his features one last time, savouring every second you had left, you smiled softly. “Make sure to keep your nose blocked for some more time! Also go see the on-site medic just in case!” You say softly with a sad smile. You grabbed your bag and walked away before Mark could even realise you had to leave. His disappointment was clear as his eyes followed your figure as you walked towards the exit.
Even after meeting up with your brother and his group, you couldn’t stop thinking about the cute blonde boy you had met earlier in the day. You sighed for the 100th time, earning a disapproving look from your brother which quickly turned into his own sigh as he wrapped an arm around your shoulder in silent support. “I don’t know what it is, but I do know that my little sister is too young to be sighing like that every 5 seconds” he said with a chuckle. “Yeah come on Y/N! Lighten up a little bit” Taemin said as he pulled a funny face, earning a giggle from you. The rest of the boys relaxed as you smiled, and continued to try to make you laugh, causing you to momentarily forget about Mark.
Mark, on the other hand, had only you on his mind. He was so immersed in his thoughts about you,  he kept bumping into the other members, much to the annoyance of Donhyuck. “Hyuuuung! What is wrong with you??” Donghyuck let out an exasperated sigh, “You even messed up the choreography during practice! That’s completely unlike you, are you okay??” Mark could do nothing but sigh, images of you flashing through his mind. “It’s fine” he started, “I just have some stuff on my mind”, he said with a weak smile. “Hyung, you don’t look too well, are you ok? Is it because of your nosebleed earlier?” Jeno asked, concern all over his face. Mark waved his hand shaking his head to brush it off, but the Dream members were not easily convinced. Chenle back hugged Mark as Jisung patted his head, which made Mark smile softly, thinking how lucky he was to have such great members.
Suddenly, there was a knock at the door, and Johnny came up to Mark. “Hey Mark, Y/N’s asking for you?” Johnny said, confused because he didn’t know Mark knew Y/N. Johnny was pretty close to Taemin, so he had seen Y/N on many occasions but he was sure the other NCT members didn’t know who she was. “Who??” Mark asked, confused. “Minho sunbaenims little sister?” Johnny replied, “She’s waiting outside, just go see her first”. Exchanging confused glances with Donghyuck, Mark walked to the door and stepped outside the waiting room. “Mark! Are you okay now??” You asked softly as you walked up to him. Mark’s eyes widen as he sees you, his heart doing summersaults in his chest as his cheeks grow hot. “You don’t look well…” You started, as your hands reached up to his face. Softly brushing his cheeks, you looked into his eyes in concern. “You really shouldn’t overwork yourself Mark”, you said quietly. Mark’s breath was caught in his throat at your hands and how close you were to him. “Um… Thanks for earlier”, he managed to squeak, his eyes darting from side to side, unable to look you in the eyes. “Don’t worry about it”, you started, your ears red as you reached into your bag fishing for the cookie you were saving for later. “You’re blood sugar levels are probably pretty low after that so you should eat this”, you say, smiling shyly up at the tall boy. Blushing, he cleared his throat awkwardly as he mumbled a small “thanks”. His fingers brushed against yours as he took the cookie from you, sending sparks through your body. Your cheeks grew hot and the two of you avoided each others’ eyes in an attempt to hide your nervousness. You both stood there awkwardly, not really knowing what to do but not wanting the moment to end. “Um… Y/N?” Johnny’s voice caused the two of you to jump. Turning around, your eyes met his and you greeted him with a wide smile. Mark’s heart sank at how brightly you were smiling at someone who wasn’t him, and he felt a pain in his chest as Johnny slipped his arms around you, leaning his head on yours. You hung out with the rest of NCT for a while as Johnny wouldn’t let you go without being introduced to the rest of the members. Mark sat quietly across you, observing the way you interacted with each member, the way your dimples showed themselves as you laughed at Taeil’s horrible puns, the way you leaned your head against Johnny’s shoulder every now and then. The only thought running through Mark’s mind was how much he wished you would do all these things for him and only for him. After about 30 minutes, it was time for NCT 127's rehearsal and the boys started to get ready to head up to the stage. They started piling out of the room heading towards the stage to get their mics. You watched them leave, fiddling with your fingers, when you felt someone grab your arm softly. Looking up, your eyes meet Mark’s as he looks down at you. “Do you, um, do you want to grab some ice cream after we’re done?” he asked shyly, his eyes darting across your face in anticipation of your response, “I mean, only if you want to, I don’t want to force you, you know you’re probably busy—“ “I’d love to!” You reply, a shy smile spreading across your face that melts his nervousness away. A wide smile spread across his face as his cheeks reddened, his face unable to hide his relief and excitement.
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onkeywritings · 7 years
Haunted Love
Rating: G Warnings: N/A
“Jinki, Jinki!”
“Somebody’s coming!”
“Aren’t you listening to me? Somebody’s coming!”
“Cut the crap, Kibum. Nobody has been coming here in years. Ever since they renovated, it’s been empty.”
“For Christ sake, you old man, I’m telling you that somebody is coming!”
And then the front door opens and both men stick their head into the hallway to look at the family of four that enters. The father is carrying a box, the mother is holding the hands of a small boy, no more than 3, that goes all wide-eyed when he turns his head to the left. Kibum sinks back into the bedroom he’s standing in and Jinki sinks into the floor, only to pop up next to Kibum in the bedroom.
“Do you think he saw me?” Jinki asks and Kibum glares at him with crossed arms.
“You’re a fucking idiot.”
Jinki ignores that.
“What do we do? I don’t want them here if they can see us.” 
Kibum uncrosses his arms and hits Jinki’s head. Jinki doesn’t even flinch.
“Don’t you dare scare them away! It’s been centuries since they renovated the house and it deserves to be lived in!”
Jinki frowns and mutters ‘we live in it’ but Kibum ignores him.
“It was your fault I even died here!” Kibum says and Jinki turns to glare at him. “It was not!”
Kibum glares back at him.
“It was. You brought me here to your silly meeting and wanted me to meet your stupid friends and boom, suddenly you just remember that you have forgotten to tell me you’re going to participate in some war against the police so they won’t tear down the fucking house and before I know anything the house is on fucking fire and I’m trapped in this very room. And next thing I know I’m fucking dead.”
There’s silence between them and the door opens and both men turn their heads towards the 5-year-old boy standing in the doorway. Kibum rolls his eyes before he disappears into thin air and Jinki sends the boy a stern glance before he also evaporates.
Jinki and Kibum both died 30 years ago in a house fire. The house had been used by the youth as a meeting place. They had been given the house but the government had later sold it to a company and the company had wanted to renovate and thus wanted to remove the youth staying there. It had caused all sorts of ruckus between the young and the police.
It hadn’t been Jinki’s intention to invite his new friend, Kibum, with him on the day it was to culminate but he had forgotten and had lost his calendar and could have sworn that it was next week. The troubles soon escalated, however, and people were arrested galore.
Kibum had wanted to leave but Jinki had convinced him to stay in the house if he didn’t want to get arrested. The fire had started in hallway by an electric wire that was old and had soon spread throughout the house. Kibum had been caught in the bedroom under the table he had been hiding under and Jinki, in his haste to save his friend, had been killed in his heroic attempt.
Kibum is awfully bitter that he has to haunt the house when he had no desire to be there in the first place and definitely had no desire to die when he was 23 and Jinki feels all sorts of guilty.
The government had renovated the house 5 years after the fire but nobody had wanted to stay long term and those who had tried had been scared away by Jinki’s pranks.
It had had a rumour of being haunted the last 10 years but now this family of four had moved in.
Jinki observes them from the painting. He’s trying to gather information on which way to best scare them away. It feels sort of like his job as a ghost. Also, he really likes to play pranks on unsuspecting humans. It’s a bit bizarre and it’s definitely a habit he acquired after death but when Kibum ignores his verbal puns, he needs to find other ways to get his pranks and stupid puns across and since humans are unable to hear him, the best way is to be physical and smash lamps and turn on TV’s and radios.
It’s a little cliché and Jinki should know better with 30 years of experience in the ghost business but he still sometimes take inspiration from the horrible horror movies humans watch.
“Come Minho,” the father says and the 5-year-old boy looks up from his colouring book and jumps off of his chair to join his father in front of kitchen counter. Jinki watches them cook a simple meal from his place in the painting. 5 minutes in he waves his hand and tips the salt over so it spills onto the floor. He gets eye contact with the boy and blinks when he sees the small boy snicker into his hands.
“Hi Mr. Ghost,” the boy says and his father looks around with a frown.
“Minho, ghosts don’t exist,” he explains and Minho just turns around with a smile, ready to continue fixing dinner for his younger brother and his mother. 
Jinki frowns in offence. He exists, thank you very much.
“Look at him!” Kibum coos and looks at the small boy in the large bed. He’s standing in the middle of the bed frame to get the best look at the sleeping boy and Jinki frowns a little.
“Come on, you can’t seriously mean it,” he says and Kibum whips around to send him a stern glance.
“Of course I mean it, he’s cute!”
Jinki just frowns but he peeks over Kibum’s shoulder anyway, floating off of the floor because Kibum is taller than him.
“Okay, you win. Now, lets get them out of here. The boy creeps me out.” Kibum barks out a laugh.
“You’re a ghost,” he says and Jinki just looks at him, not understanding the point. “You’re a ghost and a human boy creeps you out,” Kibum elaborates after a few seconds of silence, only filled with the soft breathing of the sleeping child.
“You don’t understand! He looks at me like he can see me.” He gets interrupted when a yawn is heard from the doorway and both men turn around.
“You can’t hurt Taeminnie Mr. Ghosts,” the boy, Minho, says before he climbs onto the bed and under his parent’s cover so he can sleep next to his brother. Kibum and Jinki get eye contact. Kibum coos and smiles at the two children sleeping. Jinki leaves the room.
They learn soon enough that both kids are actually able to see them. Minho is a lot more talkative than his brother who often hides behind one of their parents or Minho. 
Their parents seem worried that Minho talks about ghosts so often and Kibum overhears them one evening talking about eventual therapy that makes him so mad that he ends up smashing their porcelain. Jinki laughs in the corner and Minho tries to explain to his parents that the ghost got mad at something but that they’re not dangerous.
Jinki retorts to smaller pranks and likes to turn the light on and off when Minho is playing. It leaves them laughing and Kibum is usually watching fondly from a corner so he doesn’t interrupt.
If Kibum had been human and young he might have admitted that he had a crush on Jinki but the feelings aren��t there anymore and definitely not after having been stuck with Jinki for the past 30 years.
Minho likes to invite Kibum next to him when he paints in his colouring book or when he makes exercises in his math book. Kibum spills spices onto the table so he can write in them and help Minho and Minho snickers and does as Kibum tells him to.
“This is ridiculous, Jinki.”
“What do you want me to do?”
“We can’t just let them send him to therapy!”
“It’s not going to harm him. He’ll grow out of this anyway. Isn’t it better than moving?”
Kibum frowns.
They’re interrupted by a small voice.
“Mr. Ghosts, are you married like mommy and daddy?” They both turn to look at Minho. Taemin is standing next to him, teddy bear in one hand and thumb in his mouth. Both Jinki and Kibum shakes their heads frantically.
“Why do you ask Minho, dear?” Kibum asks and Minho takes a step into the room.
“You talk like mommy and daddy,” he explains simply and Kibum turns to look at Jinki. Jinki blinks a little before the words sink in and he disappears. Kibum just sighs.
“No, we’re just friends.”
“Friends?” Minho asks and Kibum nods. Taemin waddles into the room and Minho follows his younger brother and closes the door behind him before he sits down on the floor and looks excited at Kibum.
“Like Donghae is my friend?” 
Kibum has no clue who Donghae is but he nods anyway because he assumes friends are friends, no matter what age you are.
“Yes. Like that,” he says and Minho widens up in a smile. He asks all sorts of questions and Taemin listens attentively. Kibum isn’t sure he understands.
Jinki overhears Minho talking to Taemin one afternoon. Taemin is playing around with his LEGO and Minho is stealing the important pieces so he too can build a house to himself.
“Mr. Ghosts seem like mommy and daddy, right?” Minho asks and Taemin nods a little before he frowns and takes a piece back from Minho.
“Mmmmh,” the 3-year-old says and focuses on building his tower. Minho pouts and asks Taemin for a LEGO beside him. Taemin lets go of the one in his hand to grab the one Minho desires and cradle it protectively against his chest.
“Mine,” he mumbles and Minho ignores him because now he has the last LEGO block he needs to finish. Jinki raises an eyebrow from where he’s looking at the two kids, while Minho continues talking about how he and Kibum sound very much like mommy and daddy. Jinki refuses to accept the feelings that sort of find their way through his cold, transparent body.
“We’re not…” Kibum says and Jinki interrupts him.
“No, definitely not.” 
There’s silence between them for a few minutes.
“You know, when we were alive I had a crush on you.”
They’re in the kitchen. The family isn’t at home and Kibum likes the kitchen. Jinki splutters.
“What?” he asks.
“You really are deaf. Why did I get stuck with you?”
“Kibum, come on, why are you dropping this on me now?”
“Because there’s no way I have a crush on you now.”
Kibum shrugs and Jinki stares at him. He doesn’t know what propels him forward. Maybe it’s because he’s been dead for 30 years, maybe it’s because he had a crush on Kibum too when they were alive. Whatever it is that gives him the courage is unimportant, however, when he presses his cold lips against Kibum’s. They kiss for a few seconds before both pull away.
“What on Earth?” Kibum asks. Jinki tilts his head.
“Nothing,” he says and Kibum smacks his shoulder.
“You’re an idiot.”
Jinki just sends him a silly smile.
“Maybe, but you’re still stuck with me.” 
Kibum rolls his eyes but he grabs Jinki’s hand anyway and laces their fingers.
“This is not because I still like you.”
There’s a smile on Jinki’s lips when they disappear into air together, only to find themselves in the master bedroom. Kibum raises an eyebrow with a smirk and Jinki laughs before he lets the lights flicker, the TV and radio turn on and various house plants fall off their sills.
He loves haunting people - and he wouldn’t want to be stuck with any other ghost.
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mizubelle · 7 years
Super Late SHINee In LA Stuff (that I need to get out of my system)
thoughtspam and unleashing of feelings that i’ve clearly been bottling up and wrestling with
like i’ve never gotten anywhere remotely close to being in love with someone but he’s the biggest celebrity crush i’ve ever had and that’s probably the closest i’ve ever gotten to love (the very sad life of an anxious potato lmao)
idk maybe i haven’t listened to savior enough (time to remedy that) but somehow i did not realize that it was such a fuxking bop
aw they were so fricking cute spinning and playing around during ready or not
lmao i didn’t jump even though shinee told me to...i’m too boobilicious and jiggly to be about that jumping life
i can’t believe that i just wrote that asdfghjkl
i let the girl on my left borrow my shinee world iv light stick which i had taped up just before the concert started because it had broken at kcon before i got the chance to even properly use it. i taped it up to stay permanently on.
i think the cap at the tip came off sometime during the show
i had the shinee world v light stick i bought off of ebay
dude i should have tried to buy a bunch of them off ebay and sell them the day of the show (here’s where the stupid theme of regret begins)
anyway back to my assorted thoughts and observations
freaking choi minho dude
like i think he only spoke english to the crowd and holy crap he’s really good and i love that he worked it even in a language that’s not native to him and he’s so freaking cute
i’m sure the other members looked up at the balcony too but the only one that i really caught was minho. i don’t remember when (like during an earlier ment or the last one or even a slow song)
but holy crap his eyes were so soft and he looked like he was really taking in the balcony view instead of just the floor level and he looked so happy and thankful
shit shinee is really really funny
like highlights: 
taemin trying to copy something he’s heard key say before (asking the crowd if they’re having fun tonight) and getting so embarrassed before that he turned around to face away from the audience and after finally asking us and turning back to face us, he was hiding in his red hood
key and minho!: minho talking about the clippers and key dismissing him and asking about food (lmao key and i are one and the same), key trying to sing from La La Land (which i haven’t seen) and minho asking him if he was okay, Minho whipping out the dab and it turning into La La Land poster posing, minho and his freaking $300 clippers jersey (shhh it’s secret lmao) which he supposedly held up to the crowd when they exited after the show LMAOOOOOOOOOOOOOO, talking about the Power Rangers and how there’s five of them but they’re the SHINee Five
Like damn I really appreciate Key. And I know the members were looking to him to help address the audience.
EDIT: THE JONGTAE HUG! THE JONGTAE HUG! LOOK IT UP BRUH! like jonghyun threw something like paper at taemin and like immediately scooped him into a hug after hitting him
also i have zero fancams for once. i never got an answer from subk after aeg sent an email saying cameras were allowed but subk said they weren’t in their FAQ so maybe it was an SM thing. but anyways i was in the balcony so the screen and shinee got super washed out so it wasn’t worth focus on filming instead of them for extra blah footage. but a lot of people around me where filming on phones and someone might have been livestreaming? lmao if they were hoping you couldn’t hear my screeches (also dang where they getting good footage? what type of phone do they have??? lol lol lol)
Prism butt rolls! especially from key! you know i screamed!
dude singing replay with them was so nice and Onew looked so proud and like happy at the MVP part cuz we were singing along and especially cheered at that iconic line
taemin’s solo!!! Get it boy!!! and then his next outfit was the freaking red hoodie that wasn’t zipped all the way up (like i see you bro. i see you.)
beautiful space background for beautiful jongyu duet. breathtaking vocals. long gazes from them at the end. wow.
before they sang Selene 6.23, I think key was the one to introduce it and told us to sing along if we knew the words and told us that jonghyun wrote it, giving him a little shout out and jonghyun freaking giggled
awwwwwwww jonghyun asking to see the 1of1 fan project again when they stopped performing
onew (or key?) talking about coming to LA more or something like that and (definitely onew) saying it was only a 13 hour flight
not all the fan projects went 100% smooth like the time that we were instructed to show the other side of the 1of1 banner for jonghyun’s birthday project, the curtain was literally going on down and idk if jjong noticed it but key did. and he was ducking to say goodbye to us when he said “oh right. it’s your birthday soon” which means he noticed the banners and also lmao i think that was the last thing we heard them say
jonghyun in his ending ment talking about how people were apparently blowing kisses so he was imitating them and sent loud MWAH kisses to the crowd (this kills the man)
it was so CUTE
they say that they’ll come back to LA soon and I freaking hope so!
like pls pls pls pls. 
i know in a couple of years their futures together might shift and change. 
plus also i’ve been really beating myself up because I was like I should have gone closer to the stage instead of in the balcony but tbh i spent the amount I was comfortable with and made sure to buy a ticket from day 1 because i didn’t want to miss this and i could not predict that later on the more expensive tickets would be selling under face value on stubhub (and by people on twitter and stuff but i wouldn’t really trust that method of selling)
idk about the pricing for this tour either, like if it was maybe more expensive (for whatever reason like venue, production costs etc. and also there are more members so maybe that factors into it to???) but back in 2013 the TVXQ tickets i had that were like 30 rows in at the (now) microsoft theater were about $90 with fees and the comparable seating areas were more than double that for this tour
anyway i’ve been letting the whole i-wasn’t-that-close to-the-front-and-center thing bother me a lot these past couple of days and color my experiences in a negative light which is absolutely freaking ridiculous 
I got the chance to see my favorite group live in a full concert close to home and I know that I had so much fun like singing and screaming and waving my light stick and bouncing in my seat and laughing and everything and I’m grateful. Not everyone that wanted to catch SHINee on tour had the opportunity to do so and it was just a great experience being in the room no matter what and I could feel all the love and good energy going around, with SHINee putting on a great show for their fans across the world from where most of the action happens and all of us in the audience there to support SHINee and send all the love we have for them right back at them and not just through our computer and phone screens. I know that they had a good time and appreciated us and I know I had a good time and love and appreciate them so much like every damn day. maybe i wasn’t like right up in the front catching their eye but i was freaking there having a grand ol’ time. and i’ll always remember it. Like I always randomly think back to concerts I’ve been too and I was laughing so much looking back at my TVXQ fan accounts earlier and I have a folder of TVXQ in LA stuff actually lmao so I’ll probably try to make a SHINee one too. Like hell there are fancams and stuff of SHINee I can catch to help take me back even more and I appreciate that the internet and the k-pop community allows us to transport ourselves to different places and performances and times through the snapshots and videos we share.
anyway i feel a lot better writing all of this out. and i got to make sure that i saved some more of my shinee memories. like holy shit i got the chance to see them 3 times in a year??? like from the first time seeing them live to a full concert experience in less than a year. damnnnnnnn.
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