javsarts · 6 years
Your TadaGo reblogs is making me wanna leave the TadaHoney ship 😂
JOIN THE SHIP. Girl, I am so hooked with this ship since the first time I saw the movie haha
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algamad247-blog · 4 years
Assalamu alaikum’sallamace aketayi cannn naji an amsa wa”alaikumussalam waye? Nice zainab nanan’eh tananan shigo murja tashiga hardakin tatarar daxainab tabuga uban tagumi kusa da ita murja taxauna dafata tayi zainab lpy kike kuka? Zainab tadago kanta idanuwanta jajawur tanagoge hawaye tace zainab waishin yaya baba yakeso nayi dakainane ace kullum ni inacikin gida ke dede da makafta yahanamu

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mulan-tinkerbell · 9 years
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lessons in love ♄ a tomadashi fanmix
lessons in love (all day, all night)- neon trees ft. kaskade
starry eyed- ellie goulding
in the air- orjan nilsen ft. adam young
waste- foster the people
close to you- neon trees
next in line- walk the moon
new love- maroon 5
major minus- coldplay
goner- twenty one pilots
meteor shower- owl city
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jyodee · 9 years
3. Babysitting
Author's notes: School makes me want to simultaneously combust, but that's a different story. Do note that I chose the name Abigail randomly, without noticing it happened to be the same name as Callaghan's daughter. Hence, both characters are not related to each other. Also, I don't have the experience of raising kids yet so the following content mostly results from research. My bad for any inconsistencies.
GoGo Tomago is bad with kids, because she's (somewhat) impatient, does not understand them and only knows that when you stare at one, they either start crying or make pretty good stare-downs.
Which is why when she's given the offer to babysit some child of her stepmother's friend, her first reaction is to decline it curtly. But GoGo happens to be short of money, and Tadashi's birthday is coming in a week or so (Not that she bothered to check. Really). So she ends up accepting after much contemplation.
Now, she needs someone with childcare as his or her expertise, or at the very least, a partner in misery (It's on a Friday night, and even the Nerd Lab has breaks during the weekends. Besides, GoGo speculates that if she has no company to stop her from getting too impatient, she might very well end up with a strangled child in her hands.)
She ends up going with Tadashi Hamada.
It's purely through the process of elimination - Honey Lemon was busy, Fred would probably indulge the kid in comic books and action figurines (Not a bad idea - if the kid wasn't a girl) while Wasabi would probably freak out and sanitize his hands every five minutes. GoGo's lips curl. Somehow it always ends up being Tadashi. Maybe it has something to do with how he's (arguably) the sanest of them all (GoGo doesn't count herself in because while she may be level-headed, she's still an adrenaline-junkie for a reason).
He turns up at their meeting spot in his usual cap, a simple white T-shirt, casual jeans and a tan coloured bag (It's a satchel, he insists occasionally. GoGo just rolls her heads and pretends she doesn't find his habit of correcting her words cu- Funny. She means to say funny. (1)). GoGo gives him a grunt that may have been a hello and stalks off in the direction of the house. She's dressed in a more casual version of her normal clothes as well - a white sleeveless top ("Hey, look, we're in couple colours-" Tadashi begins. GoGo punches his arm) and charcoal grey jeans. She ends up throwing a black jacket on (One that did act as an insulator to the cold, unlike her flashier one prior) even though she doesn't want to give the child any chance to barf on her clothes. Even if said child is already four years old.
Tadashi does not seem the slightest bit worried - He seems to have an unnaturally perpetual aura of calm cheerfulness.
"So, GoGo, why do you need to babysit? Thought you said you couldn't stand kids." He attempts to make conversation as they stroll down the street.
"Been a bit low on cash lately," GoGo replies, without batting an eye.
"Really?" He sounds surprised. "Do you need to buy anything in particular? I could lend you some money if it's urgent.
"I'm fine." She just wishes they could reach their destination quicker.
After the mother (Mrs. Flynn) has left specific instructions regarding her 'Darling Abigail', (All the while eyeing GoGo somewhat doubtfully, which GoGo threorises is due to the purple streak in her hair, since she has forwent her original outfit also for the sake of avoiding any judgmental treatment. Mrs. Flynn seems a bit more relieved when she sees Tadashi, GoGo notes sourly. Must be the - never mind.) GoGo proceeds to stare awkwardly at the little girl that is Abigail.
"Are you taking care of me tonight?" She asks innocently, her pale orange hair tied into two curly pigtails, dressed in a wrinkled pink shirt (GoGo's eyes narrow a little) and shorts.
"Yes." GoGo answers shortly. And she'd like it to be as quiet and painless as possible, she tags on mentally. Tadashi mumbles something about putting his bag down in the living room, casting GoGo a wary look (What is she? An active volcano?) as he leaves her alone with Abigail. Abigail continues staring unreservedly at GoGo, only blinking silently a few times.
"Why is your hair purple?"
"My hair is not purple. It just has a purple streak," GoGo clarifies pointedly. "And it's purple because I like it." She waits for the child to challenge her view, but when all Abigail does is say "Cool." - Like it's totally normal for a four year old to do that, GoGo feels just the slightest bit mollified.
Maybe kids weren't so bad after all.
She's wrong, kids are that bad.
"Abigail!" GoGo hisses, as Abigail wails and sends the bowl of rice careening across the table. They've ventured into the kitchens, seated themselves, placed Abigail in a chair at the head of the table, and gave her the bowl of warm rice with fish that her mother had prepared.
"I don't want rice! I want cheese!" She howls, her small hands gripping the sides of her chair. They've been waging war for almost ten minutes now. GoGo feels her right eye twitch slightly (Normally she'd make an extra big bubble and bite down on her gum sharply, but it's currently stowed away in her jacket pocket - which was hanging on the hook of her door at home. Urgh.) as she recalls the exact words of Abigail's mother earlier.
"Make sure she eats her rice, she's had had cheese for the whole day!"
Well, Mrs. Flynn certainly never mentioned how difficult it was to make her daughter devour rice. GoGo sighs and starts looking for something to clean up the mess. It takes a moment for her to realise that Tadashi is no longer seated beside her.
"Here." Almost immediately, Tadashi places a damp cloth on the table and sets a plate gently in front of the wailing child.
GoGo stares up at him, then at the plate.
Abigail blinks and coos in surprise.
On the plate is a white, star-shaped onigiri. Her eyes lighting up, Abigail lifts the dainty rice ball to her mouth and bites it, revealing a tuna filling. Meanwhile, as she happily devours her dinner, GoGo glances at Tadashi questioningly.
"Hiro didn't take to rice a lot when we were young. Mother made these for him, and he'd always eat it," Tadashi mumbles, slightly sheepish. He vaguely indicates the cling wrap and cookie cutter currently resting on the kitchen tabletop behind them (2). "I looked around and found those, so I thought I'd try them out." GoGo's eyes soften just the slightest at his words, because she knows it's not easy for Tadashi to raise the topic of his parents. It never was, and the fact that he's opening up to her comforts her (just a little).
"So now you cook?" GoGo demands, unimpressed. "Woman up, Hamada." GoGo makes a show of rolling her eyes, teasing. It doesn't bother her the slightest that Tadashi can cook better than her. Not at all.
"It's not that much of cooking as it is putting rice into the cookie cutter and wrapping it in cling wrap (3)," Tadashi retaliates, though there's a cheerful note underlying it as well. "Something I'm sure even you can do, Tomago."
GoGo's about to bite back a grin and send another sharp retort, but her attention is diverted by a slightly grain-covered hand tugging gently at her jacket sleeve.
"Excuse me, but can I have one more?" Abigail asks, almost shyly.
GoGo and Tadashi share a look.
"I'll go make another one," Tadashi offers and stands up.
GoGo decides to help him. They end up splashing water at each other when washing up. Abigail laughs loudly and claps her hand.
The sound of her laughter is not as annoying as GoGo initially deems.
Bath time is not. Not. Not. Not. Not easy.
GoGo groans and cracks her sore neck as she once again tries (in vain) to rub soap over Abigail's body. She's met with a cheerful gurgle and a small wave of soapy water (All the remains of her previous four attempts to soap Abigail) sent her way, as Abigail squirms away and starts splashing water every where.
GoGo stops herself from saying something she'd regret spouting in front of the kid. Four year olds tend to be very impressionable, she repeats to herself, gritting her teeth.
"Abigail Flynn, what do I have to do to make you take a bath properly?" She questions in annoyance instead - Not that she fully expects a reply. Abigail immediately stops her splashing and frowns. GoGo warily braces herself for a tantrum, but Abigail simply squeals again.
"Colours?" GoGo repeats skeptically. She looks around for anything to give her a clue as to what Abigail is saying. Her eyes land on a set of bath crayons (At least, that's what the label says). Half-soaked, tired and sore, GoGo dumps the contents of it into the bath - Abigail screams happily ("You should keep it down!") and GoGo takes the opportunity to promptly lather her with soap. Sighing when the feat has been completed, GoGo runs her arms under the faucet tiredly, trying to remove all soap suds.
That's when she notices the water turning a mix of purple and pink.
It takes her a moment to realise that the bath crayons are starting to disintegrate into a mushy mess - in Abigail's fingers. GoGo hastily pulls a screeching Abigail out of the bath before she has the time to stain anything more than her hands. She positions the (loudly wailing) girl's hands under the separate tap basin and valiantly attempts to remove the distinctly colourful marks. Mrs. Flynn would be less than happy if she found her daughter with bright pink and purple hands, GoGo rationalises grimly. (4)
When the mixture of purple and pink (and slight hints of yellow and blue) streaks on Abigail's hands have more or less faded, GoGo heaves a sigh, wipes some sweat of her brow, and places the child on the floor mat. She has mostly stopped her fussy whines, but when GoGo starts to towel her dry and put on her clothes, Abigail plunges into screeching again and wriggles out of her grasp.
GoGo glares at the child as she disappears into the passageway - half-dressed - with her pants dangling loosely. She's that close to swearing, but ends up spitting out the word 'Kids' with as much force as she can muster instead.
Tadashi turns up with a wriggling Abigail in his arms, her pants are now securely around her waist. He takes one look at colour-stained bathtub, and looks back at the sullen GoGo, whose shirt is slightly damp with sweat.
"You used the bath crayons, didn't you?" He asks, unusually critically. GoGo refuses to answer. She thinks he probably made the same mistake somewhere down the line, and leaves it to him to figure out the truth (It's not that hard with the melted bits of wax floating awkwardly in the tub still).
Nevertheless, Tadashi ends up having to clean up the colourful mess that is now the Flynn family bathtub.
"Can you tell me a story?" Abigail asks, tucked up in bed (while Tadashi is busy cleaning up the bathroom). GoGo hesitates. She's not good at narrating anything fictional - she's far too straightforward for that. But judging by the bright-eyed child eagerly getting up and leaning forward, GoGo decides she hasn't a choice.
"Well, I was... When I was young, a few years older than you, I didn't have friends. I was too scary." She clears her throat uncomfortably and shifts about by the side of Abigail's bed.
"But then I went to San Fransyoko and... I found a couple of friends there. There's Fred - he's pretty annoying but he actually has a kind heart. Honey Lemon's really cheerful and upbeat. It kinda annoys me too, but she's one of my best friends still. Then there's Wasabi, who's also annoying - but he means well, even if he is obsessed with cleanliness (5). And finally there's Tadashi-" GoGo cuts herself off, because she's not sure how to describe him. Annoying? Helpful? The sanest friend she's ever known? Her best friend? Her boy-
"Is that the guy who made me dinner?" Abigail wants to know. GoGo nods. Almost on cue, Tadashi enters the bedroom, his fingers and white shirt marked with colourful streaks (GoGo winces slightly in guilt).
"What? Were you talking about me?" He asks, curious, but polite at the same time. GoGo's about to shake her head to indicate no (She'd never live it down - or up to her image, if Tadashi heard her talking about their friends like that) but Abigail beats her to it.
"Yes! You're the guy who made me dinner!" Abigail squeals. "You're fun!" GoGo doesn't know why she feels imperceptibly annoyed by that (What about herself, then? She can feel the childish thought echoing in her mind), but Abigail turns to her as well, a bright smile adorning her face.
"And you're really cool and pretty! I like you." GoGo barely has any time to weigh the honesty of the child's words when little Abigail immediately throws her arms around GoGo's neck (She rather likes that warm feeling). GoGo smiles. Just a little.
Then she sits back and ponders hard - GoGo thinks she can think better than Fred ever can.
"Hey," Abigail seems to have come to a conclusion of sorts. "Are you my mummy and daddy tonight?"
GoGo freezes. Tadashi just chuckles (Even though his cheeks are tinted a little pink).
"For tonight? Yes." He walks over to Abigail and pats her orange hair. "Now go to sleep, we'll stay here with you. Your mummy and daddy will be coming home soon."
Abigail nods, trying to stifle a yawn. GoGo hasn't counted how long the awkward silence has lasted before the four year old has already nodded off. She proceeds to seat next to the bed (and Tadashi) in silence for a while, until her watch tells her it's half past seven, and Abigail's parents would be returning in five minutes.
They creep out of the room silently - GoGo feels strangely reluctant to leave. Must be how accident-prone the kid can be, she tells herself.
"Just now-" Tadashi clears his throat when they reach the living room. "Just now, erm, Abigail asked me if you were my girlfriend,"
GoGo feels her cheeks flush red. She shoots him a suspicious look.
"I, well-" He grins sheepishly. "We both agreed you were pretty."
She's just about to punch him when the doorbell rings.
"So how's the experience of playing Mother to Abigail?" Tadashi asks, as they walk home together under the winking stars. GoGo glares at the use of the word 'Mother' but chooses to ignore it.
"Tough." She grunts. "I guess... You must have had it tough too, doing the same for Hiro." GoGo feels self-conscious addressing it, but she's always found Tadashi's devotion to his younger sibling - well, admirable (Not that she's ever going to tell him that, of course).
Tadashi looks somewhat taken aback at the sudden compliment, but his face breaks into a goofy grin nevertheless. They walk on in silence until they're starting to reach their point of separation.
"We'll make a great Mother and Father in the future then, won't we?" Tadashi teases as he waves goodbye.
GoGo narrows her eyes as she turns and prepares to leave.
"Dream on, Hamada." She tries not to smile too hard, but she has a feeling Tadashi's figured it out anyway.
(1) She meant to say Cute.
(2) and (3) Got the idea from this website /2007/07/tip-use-cookie-cutters-as-onigiri-molds/
(4) I've never used bath crayons before so I searched them up. Apparently some brands tend to melt in water. Either way, it didn't bode well for GoGo.
(5) I typed this through half-way when I realised GoGo technically can find all her friends annoying. But I think no matter how tough she tries to act, she really loves them still.
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mylena-hearthfilia7 · 10 years
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My tomadashi fanart #tomadashi #tadago #fanart #art #bighero6
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jyodee · 9 years
1. Coat
A/n: Reposted from ‘moments with you’ @http://www.wattpad.com/myworks/27483114-moments-with-you and https://www.fanfiction.net/s/10856527/1/moments-with-you 
(A short and fluffy drabble to make up for the tragedy that is the one-shot ‘bitter coffee’)
"Trying to be a gentleman, Hamada?" GoGo drawls as she tightens the black leather jacket around her petite body. The wind howls in reply, and dark clouds loomed over like a menacing curtain, threatening rain and thunder at any moment. 
GoGo grunts when she's buffeted by another gust of wind, the cold biting at her skin. She doesn't have her bike with her, and neither did Tadashi have his moped (When she shot him a look, he had mumbled something along the lines of "Broke down", "Hiro". "Moshi" and finally, "It's a long story." with a pained look). So they had to walk back to the San Fransokyo Institute of Technology in order to attend a lecture by Professor Callaghan, in the midst of a dawning storm.
In all, GoGo's in a bad mood, and seeing Tadashi take off his jacket - presumably for Honey Lemon, whom he's standing beside, makes her feel worse for some reason.
"Maybe," Tadashi grins as he hands said jacket over to GoGo. GoGo (being the supposed laconic, sarcastic, sassy and witty person she supposedly was) ends up staring at him.
"Isn't this for Honey Lemon?" She almost stammers. Tadashi simply smiles."I think Wasabi already has that covered." He indicates the hulking male handing Honey Lemon his dark green jacket, who promptly grins and thanks him. 
GoGo is still a little stunned, but when Tadashi thrusts the jacket towards her more insistingly, she mumbles a "Thank you" and accepts it gratefully, because her skin is starting to break out into more goosebumps and her leather jacket (which is more of a fashion statement than an insulator of the cold) is barely enough to keep her warm.
When she thinks Tadashi isn't looking, GoGo pulls the jacket closer to her body and smiles a little. It smells of singed fabric (1), but for once, she doesn't quite mind.
~ (1) I've read about Tadashi getting burnt after Baymax short circuits (because I can't remember the exact details of Tadashi's test runs on Baymax), and that led to the singed jacket idea. And while the short circuiting part might be movie-canon, I'm not sure if Tadashi was wearing his blazer/ jacket during then. So, my apologies for any inconsistencies.
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