#tac maven
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armymark · 3 years ago
Τσαντες πλατης mil-tec | army-market.gr
Τσαντες πλατης mil-tec από το army-market.Μάθε περισσοτερα εδώ https://army-market.gr/el/eidi-camping/tsantes-platis-tactical-227
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obscureoldguy · 6 years ago
Why We Don’t Chat Chit About Flop Flips
From the E-mail newsletter “Now I Know”
“English is largely made up of the rules we don’t know that we know,” 
In English, adjectives typically come before the nouns they modify -- e.g. "large cat," not "cat large." That rule is generally well known and easily articulated and is even likely taught in school. But what's less well known -- and typically not explicitly taught -- is that adjectives typically follow an order among themselves. That is, native English speakers tend to intuitively order adjectives the same way despite not having been formally taught any rules on how to do so. In the book The Elements of Eloquence author Mark Forsyth explains:
[A]djectives in English absolutely have to be in this order: opinion-size-age-shape-colour-origin-material-purpose Noun. So you can have a lovely little old rectangular green French silver whittling knife. But if you mess with that word order in the slightest you’ll sound like a maniac. It’s an odd thing that every English speaker uses that list, but almost none of us could write it out. And as size comes before color, great green dragons can’t exist.
It really is something we take for granted. For example, take the children’s tale “Little Red Riding Hood” -- she not “Red Little Riding Hood, as “size” has to come before “color.” And similarly, it’s the story of a good little girl going to her grandmother’s house, not of a little good girl doing the same -- “opinion” has to come before “size”. The rule works -- and all the time.
Well, almost all the time.
Forsyth's book came out in 2013 but it went viral three years later when a New York Times writer named Matthew Anderson tweeted the paragraph above. Bemused social media mavens shared the tweet more than 50,000 times because it's almost always true, and because they almost never realized it beforehand. But some of those 50,000 noticed a problem. Take another look at the second Little Red Riding Hood example. She’s a "good little girl," right? So, what about the Big Bad Wolf? Given the rules above, the antagonist of that same story should be the “bad big wolf” -- but he isn’t. Why does the “opinion-size” part of the rule work for Riding Hood but fail for the Wolf?
The short answer, as Forsyth explains, is another rule -- one which takes priority over the one Anderson quoted.
That rule pairs with something called “ablaut reduplication.” Reduplication means, simply, that we take one sound and repeat it. You can probably think of a few examples, but if not: trains go “choo choo,” kids go “pee-pee,” and at times, we depart with a “bye-bye.” Reduplication doesn’t require that all the sounds in the root word be repeated, though; while those three terms are examples of “exact reduplication,” there are other versions as well. “Ablaut” refers to a change in vowels and therefore, “ablaut reduplication” is when most of the word is the same but the vowel changes. Here’s a short list of some examples:
pitter patter hip hop knickknack ding dong zigzag jibber jabber badda-bing, badda-bang, badda-boom
By and large, those are nonsense words which, reduplicated with a vowel change, become something meaningful. Flip the order of the reduplicated words, though, and they’re nonsense yet again. You don’t zagzig through a crowd. Frere Jacques’ morning bells don’t go dong dang ding. And Mr. T really ain’t got time for no jabber jibber. It all makes sense in our heads, for some reason.
And if you look carefully, you’ll see a ruleset within those terms. The word with “i” comes first, followed by the one with “a” and then with “o” in the rear -- this happens 100% of the time. Take a totally nonsense word -- let's say "glank," to literally make up a word -- and apply ablaut reduplication. "Glink glank" sounds right, "glank glink" sounds off. This rule, unlike the adjective-ordering one, is immutable -- and therefore, it applies to proper nouns, too. As a result, we have tic tacs, King Kong, and yes, the Big Bad Wolf.
Why do we do this? We don’t know. Forsyth,
writing for the BBC, noted that this is the “subject of endless debate among linguists” with no satisfying explanation to date. But, he points out, maybe the “why” doesn’t matter: “English is largely made up of the rules we don’t know that we know,” and yet, that hasn’t stopped us from chit-chatting with one another.
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t-baba · 5 years ago
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Mutable state, Electron 7.0, Node 13, and TypeScript 3.7 RC1
#460 — October 25, 2019
Read on the Web
JavaScript Weekly
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The Problems of Shared Mutable State and How to Avoid Them — A deep dive from JavaScript maven Dr. Axel on mutable state, how it can cause problems when multiple entities wish to rely upon it, and how techniques like copying, non-destructive updates, and immutability can help. A lot to digest here, including plenty of advanced bits.
Dr. Axel Rauschmayer
Electron 7.0 Released — Another major release for the popular cross platform Chrome and JavaScript-powered desktop app platform. 7.0 brings Electron up to Chrome 78, V8 7.8, and Node 12.8.1 standards, and there’s a new nativeTheme API for working with changes to the OS’s theming/color scheme.
Electron Team
Explore the Code[ish] Podcast — A podcast from the team at Heroku, exploring code, technology, tools, tips, and the life of the developer. New episodes weekly.
Heroku sponsorpodcast
▶  27 Talks from Nordic.js 2019 — Nordic.js is a JavaScript event that took place in Stockholm two weeks ago and the talks are ready for you to enjoy. Some highlights:
Mark Volkmann on building apps with Svelte.
Monica Wojciechowska on creating animated charts with D3 and React.
Katie Fenn on memory management and garbage collection.
Godfrey Chan on thinking in TypeScript.
NordicJS on YouTube
Node.js 13 Released; Node.js 12 Becomes Active LTS — Node 13 becomes the new ‘current’ version of Node (that gets all the new features first) and Node 12 joins 10 and 8 as an LTS (Long Term Support) release.
Node.js Foundation
Puppeteer 2.0 Released: Control Headless Chrome from Node — The popular ‘remote control’ for Chrome now uses Chromium 79, requires Node 8+, and includes new APIs for emulating timezones and media types. Screenshotting has also been improved.
Google Chrome Team
Quick bytes:
The first release candidate of TypeScript 3.7 is out.
React now has official pre-release channels if you like to live on the edge.
The OpenJS Foundation has launched two new Node.js certifications.
The creator of the JS13KGames contest shares the tale of how they got entrants to try out the Web Monetization API this year.
💻 Jobs
Software Engineer Frontend (f/m/d) — We are looking for an experienced Software Engineer Frontend (React) (f/m/d) to join our international team.
collect Artificial Intelligence GmbH
Senior Web Developer at Dr. Bill — Dr. Bill helps Canadian doctors save time by streamlining their billing. Help lead our team into the next phase of growth.
Have You Tried Vettery? — Vettery specializes in tech roles and is completely free for job seekers. Create a profile to get started.
📘 Articles & Tutorials
Writing Asynchronous Tasks in Modern JavaScript — A good introduction to the idea of asynchronous execution (a fundamental concept in JavaScript) working through from legacy approaches through to modern examples with promises and async/await.
Jeremias Menichelli
Building a Typing Game with MelonJS — A cute look at using melonJS, a Canvas-based game engine, to build a simple game. We used to link to a lot of fun tutorials like this in the early days but they seem less common now.
Fernando Doglio
Build Video in Just Two API Calls — Mux Video is an API-first platform, powered by data and designed by video experts to make beautiful video possible for every development team.
Mux sponsor
Formatting JavaScript Dates with Moment.js
Valeri Karpov
How to Implement Redux in 24 Lines of JavaScript — Redux itself started as a very small library so it’s reasonably trivial to recreate its basic features quickly as a way to learn more about what’s involved.
Yazeed Bzadough
How to Build a Tic Tac Toe Game with Svelte — You don’t just get one game building tutorial this week, you get two!
Akshay Kadam
Free Download: Results from Our Video Developer Survey 2019
Bitmovin sponsor
Svelte vs React: Some First Impressions
Murat Catal
Cascading Cache Invalidation
Philip Walton
🔧 Code & Tools
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Peaks.js: Interact with Audio Waveforms — A client-side JavaScript component to display and interact with audio waveforms in the browser. Here’s the repo.
Indrek Lasn
μPlot.js: A Fast, Tiny Time Series Chart Library — This is for when you have a lot of data to plot quickly: “from a cold start it can create an interactive chart containing 150,000 data points in 40ms.”
Leon Sorokin
The Most Complete Spreadsheet Solution for JavaScript Apps - SpreadJS — Fast enterprise JavaScript spreadsheet for delivering true Excel-like spreadsheet experiences. Download free eval.
SpreadJS by GrapeCity sponsor
Mermaid: Generate Diagrams and Flowcharts From Text — Write out your diagrams and flowcharts in a plain text, Markdown-esque way, and get nice graphics out.
Knut Sveidqvist
RxDB: A Realtime Database for JavaScript Applications — You can query the current state but also subscribe to state changes, making it useful for UI-based apps where you want live/real-time updates. It’s not new but it’s had a solid stream of releases recently.
Mitt: A Tiny 200 Byte Functional Event Emitter / PubSub
Jason Miller
⚡️ Quick Releases
React 16.11.0
Ghost 3.0 — Node-powered blog platform.
Relay 7.0 — Declarative GraphQL data fetching for React.
by via JavaScript Weekly https://ift.tt/2pQbJb2
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ryusxnka · 8 years ago
withperfecttempo :
Sona finds herself feeling exceedingly groggy, body and head heavy, throbbing. She struggles to see through cracked eyes, searching for her Etwahl. She could see it laying before her, glowing faintly as usual. Her fingers reach feebly, grazing the gold edges. She could still feel faint pulses, the warm flow of energy that courses through it. She smiles weakly, having a wash of relief that the two are not apart. Hands lay flat as she pushes herself off the ground, willing for the instrument to rise. She soon flinches, clutching to the side of her head. A sharp pain dulls itself at the crown. A deep, steady exhale flows from her lips as she tries to ease the pain.
Night falls, Sona manages to maneuver through what she believes is a neighborhood without being seen. Rather, close to being seen. She finds herself at a playground where she leans onto a bench. Bright eyes stare directly ahead while her fingers press against her mouth. The other arm crosses over her stomach, supporting the other. Before she is given the opportunity to think further, a massive figure steps towards her. Her breath hitches, figure freezes at the oddity as it sniffs her.
Wordlessly, the creature opens its mouth, leaning closer to the maven. She instantly snaps from her trance and backs away from it. The creature breaks into a spring, the maven flees the other way. She musters her energy to push her jumbled thoughts, body, and will to not spare a glance behind her as she hears the creature heave, trying to catch up to her. Once at a safer distance, she turns a corner. Her throat goes dry and face twist in horror as she finds herself at a dead end. She reluctantly pivots to face the aggressor. The two mere steps from one another, her fingers curve above the strings.
                                           « ————————【ℋ】———————— »
             Nightfall is now carrying the town with its darkening clutches.  --  Generating strenuous impediment  for  a certain  adolescent  who’s  been presently dispatched  in  the  world  of  the  living, substituting,  tentatively so,  for an ailing comrade,  to exterminate any and all wretched oddities  who dared threaten the souls of the living and the deceased alike.  He, the harbinger of death will not retire once more to the soul society until vermillion substance wholly desists in being needlessly spilled. “ Where  the hell is it?   --   Surely  it could  not have  gotten far. “  Words  abscond  between  lips  in  a growling timbre.  He’s impatient and seemingly irritated for a Hollow had managed to slip through his vigilance. 
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                 The  vibrations  of  his  sandals  assaulting roof  tiles  reverberated  throughout the  night’s ambiance like a rusty  nail being hammered repeatedly down.  Tac,  Tac,  Tac.  However, it had been abruptly  overtaken  by  boisterous  shrieks  --   an  indication  of  his  wanting  target’s  location  and momentarily afterward was he ultimately disclosed.  He rotates to his close left,  appendage swift to elevate as to permit lithe fingers to coil  ‘round his  Zanpakuto’s frigid length. Optics narrow,  intently focusing on distinguishing the monstrosity's repugnant anatomy.  --  There, in an alleyway, resided a low-level Hollow.  It seemed to be  going after something or rather  ...  The expression of surprise is quick to take shape onto his young features for a brief moment at the actuality that an individual was situated  at  its  forefront.  He  must  hurry  before they  become  its  meal.  He  scowls and  valiantly withdraws his slumbering comradery.
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               His grip ‘pon Hyorinmaru’s textured handhold tightened whilst the captain had been in the midst of performing a flash step skyward.  --  Once he’s accurately in parallel [ They stand in a linear distance  from  one  another ]  of  the  hollow’s  skeletal  countenance,  Hitsugaya   re - emerges  into visibility and promptly thereafter does he  utilize the atmosphere  to his benefit; he inundates both his talons  with  unperceivable spiritual pressure  as a  means to  proffer him a  compelling upstart.  One instant he is conquering the skies and the next he’s thrusting his entirety in a pressing descend.  “  -- Hyaaaah!! “ He bellows, steel point aimed directly at its relished target. The sound of metal colliding ‘gainst a sordid veneer and the shriek of an anguish beast shortly followed.  --  Its mask cracks along the portion  encircling the  blade  which had  fortuitously  taken its vitality; within  the course of  mere seconds is it evanesced onto complete nothingness.
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military1st · 4 years ago
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TAC MAVEN Assault Backpack Small
TAC MAVEN Assault Backpack comes with three independent compartments, admin panel and multiple inner pockets, and MOLLE webbing throughout.
It also features ergonomic shoulder straps with D-rings and chest strap, adjustable waist belt and a breathable, padded back panel as well as sturdy side and bottom compression straps for volume adjustment. 
With 30L capacity, this classic, compact and practical military rucksack is ideal for everyday carry needs.
Made of durable and water-resistant Polyester 600D.
Find out more at Military 1st online store. 
The UK customers: https://mil1.st/TMABSGLUK
The rest of the world: https://mil1.st/TMABSGLUS
Enjoy free UK delivery and returns! Free delivery to Ireland. Free shipping to the U.S. and Australia for orders over $100. Excellent delivery rates across Europe.
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military1st · 5 years ago
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TAC MAVEN Thunder Poncho
Lightweight TAC MAVEN Thunder poncho has a high collar and adjustable hood and waist, side snap fasteners, welded seams and metal eyelets at every corner.
Waterproof and multipurpose, it can also be used as an emergency shelter, groundsheet or sleeping bag cover. Additionally, it comes with a compression bag to keep it small and out of the way when not in use. 
Made of enduring 210D Polyester Ripstop with PU coating, TAC MAVEN Thunder Poncho provides comprehensive protection from the rain even in extremely wet weather conditions. It's perfect for camping and any outdoor activities such as hiking, fishing and hunting. 
One size fits all.
Find out more at Military 1st online store. 
The UK customers: https://mil1.st/TMTPOUK
The rest of the world: https://mil1.st/TMTPOUS
Enjoy free UK delivery and returns, free shipping to the U.S., Ireland, and Australia, and excellent rates for delivery across Europe.
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military1st · 5 years ago
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TAC MAVEN Assault Backpack Small
Compact TAC MAVEN Assault Backpack comes with 3 separate compartments, admin panel and multiple internal pockets, MOLLE webbing, ergonomic shoulder straps with D-rings and chest strap, adjustable waist belt and a breathable padded back. It also features sturdy side and bottom compression straps for volume adjustment. 
With 30L capacity, this classic military-style backpack is ideal for everyday carry needs.
Made of durable and water-resistant Polyester 600D.
Find out more at Military 1st online store. 
The UK customers: https://mil1.st/TMABSGLUK
The rest of the world: https://mil1.st/TMABSGLUS
Enjoy free UK delivery and returns, free shipping to the U.S., Ireland, and Australia, and excellent rates for delivery across Europe.
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military1st · 6 years ago
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TAC MAVEN Thunder Poncho
Lightweight TAC MAVEN Thunder hooded poncho comes with high collar and adjustable waist, side snap fasteners, welded seams and metal eyelets at each corner.
Waterproof and versatile, it can also be used as an emergency shelter, sleeping bag cover or groundsheet. Additionally, it comes with a compression bag to keep it compact when not in use. 
Made of durable 210D Polyester Ripstop with PU coating, TAC MAVEN Thunder Poncho provides complete protection from the rain even in extremely wet weather conditions. It's perfect for camping and any outdoor activities such as hiking, fishing and hunting. 
One size fits all.
Find out more at Military 1st online store. 
The UK customers: https://mil1.st/TMTPGLUK
The rest of the world: https://mil1.st/TMTPGLUS
Enjoy free UK delivery and returns, free shipping to the U.S., Ireland, and Australia, and excellent rates for delivery across Europe.
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