pocket-gems · 3 years
HI when you are in the mood for SU, what would the job and powers of Taafeite be like?
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I already had a Taaffeite, so thought I'll add her here too. (along with her old version for the info). Gave her a slight redraw because I took inspiration from @/artifiziell 's Poudretteite and I don't think that's neat.
Since she's a very very rare and important gem, I thought she would be in leader charge for important events involving the Diamonds. She has a very powerful voice. Literally. You could see them in the air, touching them doesn't hurt unless she screams at you. She can't crack you but she can throw you away.
She still has her Crystal children but I don't touch what is not broken.
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pocket-gems · 3 years
Ok which of your Gemsonas would hang out with other mutuales Gemsona? (Sorry if this seems confusing)
Azurite would 100% hang out with imacartoonfreak's Taaffeitte
For some reason I think Draco Opal and artifiziell's Moonstone would get along pretty well too.
I don't think often of this kind of stuff or sometimes don't know well enough to respond unless I'm very sure of it, sorry-
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