#ta's facial expressions have me GAGGED
laurenkmyers · 7 months
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artxyra · 5 years
TA Marinette - DC Version
Here’s a little something for Daminette shippers: 
“Oh yes, I am dating Damian Wayne, we just kept it under wraps until we were ready.” Lila started to tell her classmate-- no subordinates when the senior field trip was announced. What a great way to turn the tables back on her.
She could only smirk when she saw Marinette’s upset facial expression. However, the wasn’t the case for Marinette.
For Marinette, she was disappointed with the school’s faculty (aka her co-workers) for choosing one of the most dangerous places there is in the world, and for choosing a hotel that was practically in the heart of all crimes. Now that has made her job even harder. Yay, the joins of being a teacher assistant to the class that was chosen to go.
Now back with Lila, she was spinning more than enough lies under the impression that they would not be meeting Bruce Wayne. So far, her favorite is that he’ll be on a business trip to Europe.
It was when the class period that has ended is when Mlle. Bustier asks Marinette to look over the permission slips and make sure everyone's parents signed. Marinette nods and begins to send out emails regarding the trip that will start in a week.
The trip didn’t come late enough. The moment Marinette entered the airport, Lila and her crew were already making jokes about her tardiness and that she shouldn’t even be on this trip. That would have been true if she was a student, but she’s not. The reason she was tardy was because of airport security and a late-night chat with her pen-pal from Gotham.
“Come along everyone, our plane is about to board.” Mlle. Bustier calls out her students.
Oh, the joy of how much Marinette enjoyed being off the plane. Lila clearly wasn’t secret about her hatred towards Marinette by making side remarks on how Mlle. Bustier forced her to sit next to her. In fact, it was the total opposite, the reason why Marinette was seated next to the teacher was because of papers that need to be graded and that’s how the school funded for their flight.
Marinette was surprised when they were able to make it to their hotel without any problems. Maybe it was her Ladybug luck, and if it was, then can it stay with them until the end of their trip. Filling out paperwork is not fun when there are issues regarding someone’s health.
“Marinette here is your room key,” Mlle. Bustier hands the dark-haired graduate her room key. That caused a bunch of reactions.
“Wha—why does Marinette get her own room?” Alya asks in a very accusatory undertone. “Lila should be the one to get a single room.”
Mlle. Bustier raises an eyebrow at her student. “Do any of you want to room with Marinette then?” She asks and just as quickly as she said that the question was dropped in the motion of a gag. “That’s what I thought.”
Marinette takes the keys and journey’s up to her room. The room was nice, at least nice for a place filled with failed health regulation.
Lila could only internally smirk as she puts on a sad face. The liar, literally, was making her subordinates feel sympathy for Marinette but immediately draws it back to herself by bringing up a new disease she recently just uncovered.
Caline Bustier could only feel disappointed in her class. Ever since Marinette became her TA, she began to see the true colors of her students and play along with it under Marinette's permission. How could she let it get so bad? The universe may never know—well actually it does. It was because of placing Marinette on such a pedestal that was broken the teen had graduated.
The next day, Marinette woke up to messages from her pen-pal about them meeting up in person after several months of video chatting. Marinette knew she would have a few hours of freedom to hang out, so she quickly told them her schedule and ask for potential meet up places.  
They agree to meet at Wayne Enterprises.
Marinette smiles and continues to get ready with the help of Tikki.
The class could not contain their excitement for touring Wayne Enterprise. Today, there’s a long lecture about how the company came to be and what plans they have for the future. Then they’ll tour all the important levels and meet with the directors of each section. Little did they know was that Marinette was going to be taken out of the meetings.
“Good morning, I am Mr. Grayson, and I will be your tour guide for the day.” Dick introduced himself. Marinette tries to hold in a chuckle, however, if it wasn’t for Lila being near her, she would have gotten away with it.
“What’s so funny, Marinette?” Lila asks in the best confused look and childish voice she could perform.
“Nothing, an inside joke, that is all.” The graduate answers sending a smirk to the liar and a sheepish smile towards Dick.
Dick nods and begins to talk about their plans for today. However, Marinette draws him when before catching the sight of her long-time pen pal, Damian Wayne. She quickly whispers a few words into Mlle. Bustier’s ear before disappearing to meet up with Damian.
“You know if you haven’t told me so much about this place. I would have stayed with the group.” Marinette states taking a seat next to the Wayne heir.
“Wouldn’t have it any other way, Angel.” He replies pulling her into his arms. “Are you ready for our date.”
Marinette huffs, “I didn’t get dressed like this for nothing, Wayne.”
Damian smirks and the two get up from their sit and makes a break for the nearest exit. 
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Golden eyes Chapter 14
I looked up to them and said in a British tone. “I say, does your hand still win? All I got is two pairs.”
The two magicians laughed and their boss said. “Two pairs can't beat a full house, boy.” “Now hand over those sunglasses or we will have to take them by... force.” Cuphead threatened me with a grind and was ready to reach out for my sunglasses.
I keep up with my innocent British act. “But I haven't reveal them yet, my good men.” “Then show them so we can get it over with it.” King demanded.
“See, There's two pair here.” I pointed at the two ace cards that was revealed earlier. “And.. and another pair here.” I reveal my hidden cards: an ace and a clover ace. A four of a kind. Which beats a full house.
I win.
Their expression turned into surprised and stupefied quickly! The twins eyeballs almost popped out of their faces while King Dice's gone blank. I continued with the act and hold in my excitement. “I say! Does that mean I can keep my 'favorite' sunglasses?”
“Yes, you do, and you even got three hundred more to boot!” Oswald confidently said to me. Did he knew what cards I got before I can see them? I know he didn't looked beneath them and they didn't see him doing anything either.
I looked back at them, and I was glad that I finally won something tonight, but then, this doesn't feel just right. They 'might' try to bet on me again. If I can get on their good side or make them- that gives me an idea to shake them off our tails and get away. By killing them with kindness.
“I'm very glad that I can keep my sunglasses and experience this exciting game of 'poker.' I might set up that game on Friday nights back in my little town in England. As a thanks, I'll donate the two hundreds you’ve bet to a charity.” The trio's eyes where wide opened. “I can't wait to tell my friends all about it on my return. Cheerio!” I grabbed the hundred bills, got up and we walked away as they watched us. I glanced a bit from behind to see what happens next. King Dice face got red with anger and shook a bit until he grabbed hold of their ears. Yanking them to the very back of their stage as they tried to begged them to let go.
We got back to the met up table and settle down. Oswald then snickered. “What's so funny?” I asked. “Hole-y-sheet! That was the worst British accent I've ever heard.”
“Hey, don't look at me! You're the one who got me IN that mess in the first place!” I frowned.
“Maybe next time, I'll ask for your french accent so I can have a good laugh.” He mocks me. “Is my suffering your pleasure?” I questioned.
“I'm sorry. It's... been a while since I have a good time with someone other than family members...” He sadly smiled.
Whoa... that's new. I didn't expect to react like that. Speaking of family members... “May I ask you something about your family?” He looked at me.
“It's... well... I've heard it from... a friend you might know... that you're... what I heard from is... are-you-married?” Why did I struggled my words so much just to find out more about him?
“Oh... No, I'm not.” He calmly replied. “Why do you asked?” So he ISN'T married. “I... I was a bit curious. I mean, you guys know me almost better than myself and I can barely scratched the surface on you guys. Plus I wanted to know more about you so I can understand on what's going on or... I just... wanted to get to know you better, that's all.” It's hard on me if you kept your distance. I just wanted to let you know that I too, know what you've been through in your childhood about being different.
“Maybe another time. They're coming back.” I got surprised and looked who it was. I then felt relieved when it was our gang returning.
“We're so sorry it took longer than we expected. We had trouble with the animals and one of our cages was broken. It was quickly fixed but I hope you didn't have any trouble while we were gone.” Mickey apologized.
“Actually, I had a pretty good time, 'Frederick' here just bet that owner with four of a kind.” Oswald told them.
Sam was not amused on what we did. “What happened to 'Do not draw attention for him' deal?”
“It wasn't me. THEY were the ones who came to see us and got it started.” Oswald answered him. “That doesn't mean he can go along with it, Tabarnak!” He put his fist on his hips. “Garde ta langue, Sammuel. We finished what we were supposed to do and they are fine.” Lumière patted on his shoulder. “He's right. We can now leave.” Mickey agrees with him.
“Yes please, before those guys decided to go for round two with Russian roulette.” I begged them. “Let's go.” Oswald agrees. We then all leave before they can spot us again.
It's been three days since that heist. I kept myself distracted with work and some quality time with my family and my girl. I finally cleaned my house that was kept putting on hold for a few days. I know how dirty the twins room can be. They're just kids after all. I also went on a little date with Kitty to spend some quality time at the movies. We watched 'Singing in the rain.' from what the critiques are saying that it was one of the best musical movies so far. I found it was worthy of it's claim. But I got that feeling from the actors that they resembled to someone familiar... I just can't get my head around it.
Not only that, the news haven't been told yet about the recovered jewels and the rescued dogs. I guess they must have something to do before they can announce it. I did however tried to contact to the absent victim since day two in this matter. Countess Violette. I then got a memo from Woody saying she was send back to England for a previous engagement. I guess even rich people have their share of troubles. I hope she'll get to see her beagle soon so she can be happy again.
It was three in the afternoon when I then heard a knocking on my door. I put down my feather duster and went to the door, open it up to see who it was. It was that 'mysterious' police officer, but upon close inspection, it was not Oswald.
He's the same height level as me and his facial feature is none other than Bendy Drew. He had his signature devilish grind plastered on his face and he was holding a heart shaped box that fit the valentine's theme. He cleared his throat and recite a poem.
“Roses are red, Windows are glass,
Get the Ruby coin necklace-”
He then open up the box and revealed a picture of Oswald and Mickey being tied up and gagged with fear expressions. Bendy was in the middle of them holding knifes at their throats. I was horrified and shaken with anger.
“-Or they will die, you DUM@$$!”  “What. Did. You .do... to them?” I tried not to alarm the neighbourhood from my voice. He then started to mess around, rocking back and forth.
“I only spend some 'quality' time with some old 'friends.' It's not fair that we spend most of our time managing our animations. All locked up in a room all day, coming up with ideas, hardly have time to 'play' anymore.” He talked like a child.
“I know you. Let them go.” I'm not falling for his tricks. “Aw! But didn't you get the poem? I went trough a lot of trouble thinking of one just for my favorite DUM@$$! I want that prized Ruby coin necklace. I know those two kept it safe and it meant very special to them. If you don't bring that at seven in front of the House of Sh!t Mouse today, I will send them in pieces back in California at their studio doors. Maybe they'll make another movie inspired when they'll get the heads all shriveled up by the time it arrives.” He maliciously said.
“Why do you-” He then flashes his wrist watch to show what time it is. “You barely have less than four hours. I know it's in that pathetic Chinatown district.” He then turns around and left. I saw him sliding a knife shyly showed at me, saying that 'Don't even think about following me.'
I immediately closed the door and locked it. I quickly got my coat and wrote a note saying I'll be late tonight. Then I bolted out and speed walked to the destination.
Once I've arrived, I looked around the bazaar for a jewelry seller. I went to his stall and looked at his merchants. No ruby coin necklace thing. I asked him if I could find one and his reaction was surprised. He then replied he doesn't sell that or anybody else can sell that and then I ended with one of the merchant who sells lanterns and oils. He told me to go to the circus where I've first investigated for answers. I thanked him and make my way to that place.
Once I was in front of that place, I remembered back at that night that changed me.
I used to think that my 'sight' was a curse on my life. It may have helped me a few times, but they also caused me troubles I never wanted. Not to mentioned somehow I got 'possessed' or 'awaken', whatever you wished to see it. I felt like I was someone else or a new 'me.' If it wasn't for Mickey and Oswald, I would be doing something horrible in the society. I won't be any different than Bendy Drew. Not to mentioned who's gonna look after my nephews?
I owed them my life back then. Now I must save them in return.
I entered the circus and I scouted the area for anybody there. All I saw was that big lion from before on a chain. Aw, Carp fish! He's gonna get mad if he sees me. I ducked a bit low so he won't see me much and I tried to sneak through the area.
Then suddenly my head started to pound. I winced and then my vision flashes some blue. I looked back at the lion and it was some sort of aura surrounded. I kept hearing some soft, sad cries from there. Does that mean... he's sad? Then... What am I supposed to do? I don't have time for this, but... why do I get that feeling... I need to do it.
I then got up and walked down the stairway to the ring. I got close but kept a safe distance, in case I might provoked him. He then noticed me and looked still. I think he recognized me... I may have been someone else that night, but it was my fault that he's probably scared right now, even if he doesn't show it on his face.
I tried to talk gently to him. “Hey there, buddy. Remember me?” He then growled. “I take that you do... Look, I know I did something stupid that night and I wanted to apologize for what I did. I know it sounds crazy, let alone talking to you when you can't talk back, I was... not myself, to say the least. I didn't want to hurt you or your other friends. I know it's not much, but... I'm very sorry.” I apologized to him.
He then sat down and continued to stare at me. At least he stopped growling, maybe I was forgiven? Suddenly, I felt the urge to move forward. I got closer to him and extended my arm. What.am.I.DOING?!
I hold still and he was too. He then nuzzled my hand to say it was alright. I then felt relief from both of us. He was at peace and I didn't crap myself or turned into a two-bite sized snack. I then petted him and he purred, he likes it. That lion was just an over sized kitten. He then cuddled with me. Aw, you just wanted to be loved!
I kinda wanted to spend more time with him, but I have to find that Ruby coin necklace before seven. I then heard some cheerful voice from the performance entrance. “Well, will you look at that! No wonder they wanted him on our side. He's got that old Mufasa all tamed.”
“Baloo, Oswald said that he's not and it's his decision if he wants to join.” I looked at who it was and I found the man I'm looking for.
“I have to go. We can see each other in another time.” I patted him and went to them. “Please excuse me, I just wanted to make amends from that night. But I wanted to-”
Bagheera halted me. “There was no need. But I already know why you are here for and we need your help. Did 'he' pay a visit to you as well?”
“If it was Bendy, then yes. What happened? How did they got captured?” I need to know what happened and why Bendy Drew needed them.
Baloo explained. “See yesterday after dark, some Alfonso gang went to the bazaars street and started to cause some trouble like wrecking the stalls and shooting guns in the air.”
Then it was Bagheera's. “Oswald and the others, including ourselves, settle them down until Bendy and Boris surprised us, caught a woman and holding her hostage. He demanded that both Mickey and Oswald to come with him in exchange of her safety.”
“I see. So that explains how he got a hold of them, but it doesn't explain the reason why he needs them. Oh! Do you know something about a Ruby coin necklace?” I asked him.   
He crossed his arm and sighed. “I do, but I don't think they'll like the idea of trading it.”
“But we don't have much of a choice. We need them as much as they need us. They helped us when we first arrived here from our home in India. Remember when that little devil's minions have cheated out of our money and they came to our rescue?” Baloo begged and told their story.
“I know that. It's not that I can't do that, it's just I don't have it. It's... someone else who has it.” He was concerned. “But I can take you to them. Just don't tell anyone about the place.” He then said.
“Yes, please. I wanted to save them too.” I hastily responded.
“I'm coming too, just let me put away Mufasa back in his cage.” Baloo said.
We were then in an alley. They were being cautious for anyone who might be following. I won't blame them since their friends was kidnapped by Bendy Drew and his Alfonso mafia. Bagheera then stopped at a door that could pass as just a regular one until a slid opened up. He whispered something and it opened with Lumière holding it for us. We then entered the place and on my first expression, it was like a secret passage to a bar or something like a private room. It was kinda cool even for a detective like myself, but I'm not here to be impressed by secret passages like the ones in those spy stories.
I then noticed two women at one of the cushion seats. One was clearly Minnie Mouse. She had a red over coat with matching hat, purse and heel. She looked like she just heard the news about her match.
Although I can't say the same thing about the other.
She had that Hispanic knock out look with a beauty dot next to her left eye. She had curly cat like-hair with a pink camellia flower in it. A long yet revealing v-neck black dress with a pink belt at her waist and some black flat shoes. Her look was like she was annoyed and was glaring straight at me. What did I do to her?
She then got up from her seat and walked straight at me. I sensed some threatening aura surrounding this woman. She took a good look at me and turned to them. “This is the best detective they've got in that big cigar box of a station? I mean, what a major f#cked up. This is what my bunny have to deal with for the moment?” She raised her voice in an irritated tone.
Her bunny? You mean... “Excuse me, are you by chance Ms. Ortensia? And your Oswald's girlfriend?” I asked her politely.
“Yes I am. Did you wanted to ask my permission to date him or something?” She was fired up in her Spanish accent.
“What the-NO! Absolutely NOT! I'm here to see someone with the possession of the Red coin necklace.” Why the heck would you think I wanted to go out with him?! I'm straight and got a girlfriend!
“Bah! I don't have it.” She passively replied, toned down and pointed at Minnie. “She does.”
She then got up from her seat and came to us. “Mickey gave it to me for safe keeping. He said it was a memento from their past and they didn't want to get rid of it. I was told never to give it away or to show it to anyone. But I want my friend back more than anything!”
“They're not dead, mouse. I know Bendy can't kill them yet. With or without that necklace.” She then leaves the room through a doorway leading upstairs. “Where are you going?” Minnie asked.
“To either prepare dinner or set Bendy's mansion on fire. I'll decide in the artillery room.” She responded.
Yup. She's his girl. “I wondered how he and her got together...” I asked 'impressively'.
“Felix, please. I know you and Oswald didn't see eye to eye much, but he's really a good person. If anything happens to one of them, the other wouldn't manage to go through the second time it happened.” She then realized she let that slip out of her tong and covered it.
The second time? What does she mean by that? Did something like that happened before?
“I'm sorry. I can't explain it. Here.” She then took out a Chinese coin with four rubies in each sides with some Chinese symbols in between. “Please be careful. Bendy can sometimes pull a dirty trick.”
“Trust me, I know. One time I almost got him on a roof chase with my handcuffs ready until he pulled out a bomb and said he'll throw it in the middle of the street. It was during a rush hour and there was some kids coming home from school. I had to let him go.” I confessed on one of my failure attempt to put him behind bars.
“Boy! I've know he's something, but I never imagined he would use the public as his shield. It’s sounds like he's unstoppable.” Baloo sadly said.
“He can't keep up with the act forever. Even the most powerful have weaknesses and flaws. One day he'll slip and well have our chance to bring him down.” Lumière attempted to bring our hopes up.
“I just hope the victims are not in much agony while we speak. I doubt Bendy is still in good terms with them as we speak.” Bagheera then said.
“You know, I remembered something.” I spoke. “Is there a connection between Bendy with Mickey and Oswald? I kinda keep hearing how they knew each other in the pas and-?” I then noticed that everyone's eyes averted away from me, looking like I've brought up some sad news.
“Wh-what is it? Was it something I said?” Why does everyone gone silent over their connection with Bendy?
“We're sorry. It's just... They don't want to talk about it. They've been through enough after what happened a few years ago.” Minnie spoke up.
“She's right! They're already making up after that day-!” Lumière then spoke up. He then clapped his hands over his mouth, realizing he said too much.
“Huh? what? W-what did Bendy do to them? And how come I've never heard of this?” This is new to me.
“It's... best that one of them can explain it. All we can say is whatever they were in the past, they're not the same as they are now.” Lumière responded and looked down.
“But...” They all shook their heads. I guess I have to ask one of them directly.
Then Ortensia came back with a big suit case. She then placed it on the table, open it up, and there was some variety of small guns and combat weapons.
“Does that over-sized jacket have hidden pockets on the inside?” She asked me.
“Er well, yes, a few. HEY!” I yelled at my last word when she pick me up and make Baloo hold me.
“This is just in case if things started to f#cked up. My bunny can handle just fine but the mouse, not so much.” She placed the guns first on my hidden inside pockets.
“I could have place them myself and PLEASE DON'T TOUCH THERE!” What is she doing with my pants?!
“Relax. I'm placing some brass knuckles in your pockets, virgin boy. No need to shout so much.” I turned red and choked. 'VIRGIN boy'!?!
“How did you two met again?” I 'calmly' asked her.
“It's not a bedtime story for kids, I can tell you that much. Minnie, the necklace.” She 'avoided' my question for the sake of our situation. Minnie handed over the necklace to me and I was put down.
“Thank you. But can I ask for one more thing before I can discuss on the rescue plan?”
It was five minutes before seven and I was standing in front of the House of Mouse.
I knew that I don't believed Bendy JUST wanted the Ruby coin necklace. There's something between him and them that happened and it might be related from their past. Something with that string of robberies and a betrayal. Did they do it and Bendy send it to the authorities and brought to court? If so, why are they still free? And what does Bendy want with them now?
I mean, from what they told from their side of the story, they were runaways and then got adopted in that Red Dragons 'mafia' who are actually a group of vigilantes. There was four adults and one of them was my mother, who she saves them from being executed for stealing on their turf.
They were taught very well with them through the years. Although... I never heard of them. I mean, they told me they are now dead.
Speaking of mentors, I never get the chance on how DID they go back to their father, Walt Elias Disney? If they ran away at an early age, how come nobody notices that they were gone? Or even the newspapers have found out? What about their mothers?
ARGH! So many unanswered questions! But however, I remembered about that ring of Bastet thing and about that deity figure I have a couple of times in my dreams. I'm not a believer in mystic or magic, but why do I get that feeling that this is something I need to rely on that completely against all common sense as a 'logic' detective.
I then saw a high class car pulled over, then a classic butler with a monocle, long brown hair, and green eyes came out to see me. “I'm her to pick you up for my master.” Whoa! It's a girl?! No no, It's 195X, we're not in the middle ages where every girl has to wear descent dresses. There's nothing wrong with that!
“Where's Mickey and Oswald? I thought it was an exchange.” I didn't see them in the car.
“My master wanted to do it at 'their' old hang out, as he said. He wanted to see if you're still willing to do it for them.” She said.
I already smelled this was a trap back when Bendy was in disguise at my place hours ago. Luckily, I have enough experience under my hat to know what would come. Mostly. I showed her the necklace he wanted.
“I'm ready. Now please take me to them.”
The drive was silent once we arrived at that abandoned Freddie's Family Entertainment building.
This place used to be one of the most popular hang outs for kids and teens. I've been there a few times back then. It was like a 'pizzeria' thing with their birthday parties, batting cages, and their desserts are like, a mountain of candy all over the Sundays specials you'd get on your birthday.
But the tragic end of it closing was that a few years ago, one of the staff members have used their animal suits to abduct children and kills them. Not to mentioned it was my father's former partner at the time, Bernard 'Bugs' Bonney, who caught him before he could take another child that at the time was the same age as my nephews. Just thinking about it makes me shiver.
Even if they found him, the place then got shut down because of this reputation. Why would Bendy wanted to be here? I know that this place was bought by someone to be refurbished to a factory in a month but... it was never told about what it will be.
The butler stayed in the car while I entered the building which the doors were 'unlocked' judging by the broken planks from the frames. The place was a bit dusty, but it looked like everything was like a party of some sort. I guess they didn't want the decorations to be taken down. But when I saw something next to a hallway that is supposed to lead to a gaming area, there was a Bendy head shaped balloon, but not just any regular ones, this one was all white, with a writing that said: M.O.B.
M.O.B.? Isn't that what the two deceased Alfonso mafia members have previously mentioned back at Mr. Vermelho's rental estate? It looked like he wanted to go this way. I hated when I didn't have any other options, but I need to get them back alive.
Once I've passed through the hallway filled with party equipment boxes, I then arrived at the batting cages. There was only  Micky and Oswald who are being tied up and each aside to Boris Wolfenstein as their captor. Bendy Drew was at the Batting range line nine, hitting those balls like a pro. If he had chosen a different path, he could have been a pretty, darn, good baseball player.
I stayed hidden behind those boarded fence so I can get a better shot at their position and think of a plan of escape.
“Tell me, mousey. Why are you doing with those stupid charity work? I doubt that will change anything from who you really are.” Bendy questioned him and continued to hit those baseballs. “I mean, no matter how much 'goodwill' work you'd do, it will never erase from what you've done and your brother's on the same boat.” I took a few steps closer to them.
“Remember when it was just the three of us who thought we would make great changes in our future? How we always have fun on our 'jobs'? How about when we all hanged out right here in this pizzeria on the weekends? How much we got on each others nerves?” They averted their eyes away. Huh? Why is Bendy... saying like they were friends before?
“I'm trying to be f#cking nice here. Why are you both soooooo quiet? Are you still upset about how I asked dumb and dumber pixie tricks to 'play' with ya? Or was it... about our 'last' job?” Is he talking about their past? I got a bit closer.
You may not know this yet, but I used a different scent so I can pass Boris' super scent detection. Hopefully it will work.
“I'm talking to you, pipsqueak. Why so serious all of a sudden?” He lifted his chin with his bat. “You know, we could have been a great team if it wasn't for your soft @$$ mentors' teachings. No wonder you guys suck so much back then. You never change.”
“Takes one to know one. After all, YOU guys were the ones who betrayed us back then and stabbed us from behind when we once thought we were friends.” Mickey spatted and was a bit angry.
Betrayal? Is that's what they were so quiet when I asked them about it?
“Pul-EASE! Your 'family' is just as guilty as 'ours' was, the only difference is that yours took the whole blame for us! Isn't that just sweet of you guys? Helping us escape the charges and took a bullet for us. That's not what most people in today's world would do.” He then got back to his hitting practice.
“Your 'family' had broken a promise to us. To be more specific, it was one of you. All that greed for money and power have changed you. Why did you guys have to kill her back in Las Vegas?”
I covered my mouth to prevent a gasp. Kill... her? Are they referring to... no it's too soon to say who it was without the details.
“What? That fifty year old lady who 'used' to be the owner of the biggest casino there? Why are you so sensitive to that old hag? She was in our way and neither of you knew her.” He complained. Alright, that one details.
“She didn't deserved to die! One of you killed a defenceless woman, Bendy! We don't kill innocent people!” Mickey argued.
“She witness us. 'We' were doing all of 'us' a favour and she was taken care of.” Bendy replied.
“But that doesn't mean she had to die!” Oswald spatted.
“It's our policy to wipe out whoever caught a glimpse of our 'work.' It wasn't 'us' who makes the rules and decisions back then. Remember?” Boris explained.
“We had an agreement!” He fired back at Boris, then he got smacked by him. “You're not so different from us, rabbit.”
“Stop!” Mickey shouted. He's worried about his brother's safety despite he's in a similar situation. Bendy smiled and took Mickey close to him. “Aw! Did the big bad wolf was too hard on your bunny? I never knew you'd be still this soft for your half brother, Mickey.” He lifted his face and make him look at him. “I wondered what ever happened to that old self?” He then take Mickey and turned him back from them toward the bigger space that looks like it was altered to a shooting range.
“Don't you remembered how we used to be? You were the shooter, he was the brawler, and I was the in-between speed demon? We were unstoppable!” He took out a revolver and he held it together with Mickey's bound hands. He then pointed them in the direction to what I assumed are just mannequins with animals suits that was from here. Those might have seen better days... He then shoot the bear in the left ear.
“Now that's the prettiest sound you'll ever hear. It's like heavenly music to my ear.” He's singing?
“Man I get, such a boot! When I hear rootie-toot-toot!” He then shot at the rabbit's eyes a few times and it's glass eyes were destroyed.
“I always feel high when a rod is near by cause I like-” He then started to dance with Mickey with a mix of waltz and tango. Is he messing around to trow him off?
“-the fun, of reaching for a gun and going bang bang!” They leaded forward. “I come alive. Each time a forty-five begins to bang bang.” They then rushed to Boris and Oswald. “In gangster movies, I love that scene!” He pinched Mickeys jaws with a kind look in face. “The nice guys nice-” He then grabs Boris' necktie with a crazy smile on his face. I saw his eyes glowing red again. “-and MEAN guys MEAN!”
He then resumed to their tango position and danced to the range again. “The boss's moll. Always steps between... Quick draws!” They turned around, facing them again. “Applause.” They bowed. “My kind of prank is walking in a bank and going bang bang.” They then turned back and lean a bit on one knee down. “The ricochet. A bullet play a melody.” He then shot at the metal claw of the fox, but it propelled to the wall where I was after. That was close!
“Like shotgun seats at the Roscoe kit, I'll be out to make history.” He then lets go of Mickey and dance a bit. “Cause no one, I know, Gets oh such a glow. Out of bang bang... Like me.”
He then looked at a bottle of champagne on one of the crates that was spread out in the area. “I used to like that brand. But Boris doesn't like it because it reminded him of his ex b!tch. So for him, I don't drink it anymore. Not even if it's for free and it was expensive.” He then shot-ed to pieces. He twirled the revolver a bit then puts it away.
“I remember very well how you load your gun much faster than I can. F#ck! You even beat Boston at a shooting contest multiple times and you weren't even shy to shoot blindly! I even enjoyed your hand made unique colored smoke bombs you both craftily made for a get away!” Mickey cringed at those words. I think he really hates it for that.
“But now look at you now, you've gone soft. You hang up your guns and weapons, and work at that stupid studio with your father and their little friends. You all take ideas from those mushy, happy ending stories and it ain't worth a penny to see it! Even if you have won multiple awards for animations YOU'VE helped, it still won't change the fact that YOU were one like US.” He told him.
“I know that, but that doesn't mean I can't do nothing about it. We've been through a lot, but we manage to make some amends and we will continue to do so. I don't want to be label as a criminal anymore and neither does my brother. Please Bendy, stop this. I know that you weren't like that when we were younger too.” Mickey tried to reason with him.
I can hardly believed what I'm hearing now... Mickey and Oswald WERE once in cahoots with Bendy in the past. That explains a lot, but... they mentioned that they were betrayed... and the blame was on the Red Dragons for what the Alfonso mafia have done. They broke that rule by killing that lady who owned that certain big casino...
“Again, you're too soft for your own good. Life will not be like you, pixie dust. At least your brother isn't that delusional. It's a pity. I would have LOVED to give him a good solid job with me.” He then turned at Oswald. “After all, isn't your old mentors were annihilated by the same yakuza who murdered ours? Don't YOU want to get revenge for that? If not, then why are you still stranded in that Chinatown district? I could have taken care of it for ya, as an 'old' friend.”
“You couldn't even hold your chop sticks together! That district is our second home and you only wanted for your profit! You don't even care for the good people who wanted to start a new life or their bonds!” Oswald yelled at him.
Boris then smacked him in the head. “You've forgotten that we're the bad guys and we own this city.”
“Not ALL of it!” Mickey argued. “At least not yet...” Bendy responded back and held him closer, face to face. “And when we do, your little 'homes' will be... bye bye. BYE BYE!” He then pulled out a different gun and aimed at the boarded up fence I was hidden behind.
He then shoot multiple rounds... and he missed me. But now, I was seen when I barrel roll to their view.
“Aw, look what the cat have heard?” Bendy mentions me and aimed.
TO BE CONTINUED... Chapter 15
Read chapter 13 here.
Read the beginning here: Chapter 1
-----Author’s note------
HA! Did you think Felix was going to lose at this point and it’s going to end like that? :3 Nah!
I really want to thank you for reading this ongoing fanfic. To be honest, this is my first typing a story. I actually did like one of those sticky notes on the chapters for giving some Ideas and stuff? Well believed it or not, THAT went through the window as I type and keep in check on the daily blog and canon story.
Like for one thing, I was going to make a five chapter long. Then I’m in my digits.
The other believed it or not, I didn’t intended to give Felix that special ‘sight’ ability, and I certainly didn’t originally called this series ‘Golden eyes.’
YEAH, trust me, I change almost every time I go on my laptop and that drives me crazy.
Back to the continents, I did kinda introduced a few Disney characters here and there, so I don’t think I need to explain their references. (Just Wiki or Google it if you’re a bit new.)
If you are confused on what the heck is that song Bendy was singing, it’s a Sammy David Jr. reference. When I typed this chapters weeks ago, I needed a scene that makes Bendy in one of those ‘Joker’ character, but NOT a clown one, I mean a BATMAN like one, but with style.
I also wanted to apologize if I make any mistakes, I’m not used to type action scenes well. If I had to, I’ll link a video right here for giving a good idea on Bendy’s musical tap dance. (And it looks like he would do the same too!) 
And to finish off this summary here’s this week’s question: What does Bendy, Mickey and Oswald have in common?
Read in next week to see what would Felix do if he finds out!
BBTIM Characters belong to Marini4.
Butler!Akilitt special guest appearance belong to Akilitt.
Some OC’s belongs to me and Disney’s.
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outlaw-author · 3 years
McClintock and Alistair Introduction
Alastair snarled at the men around him, tied up as he was on the back of one mans horse, it was all he could do.
“Aye, ya braggarts! Let me loose’n I’ll bash the lot’f ya’s heads in! I ain’t wanted fer no thing!”
“Ah shuddup ya old coot!” The rider exclaimed, bashing Alastairs head with the back of his fist. The old mans eyes saw stars, and he laid still for a few moments. Suddenly the men stopped, one of them grunting in surprise and keeling over off his horse. A second man had joined the first when the ring of the first shot reached the posse.
“Sniper! Everyone take co- Oh!” The shouter fell with a hole in his head, and the three remaining dismounted, running for cover behind rocks.
“Jacobson, do you have a shot?” One of the Bounty Hunters called, and a man with a rifle shook his head, sighted in on where he thinks the shots are coming from.
“He’s too far out. I have no idea where he could be, or if my shots would hi- uhnn...” Jacobson slumped to the ground, his scope shattering as a round pierces the glass and into his brain. The shot rings out a few seconds later. The two bounty hunters looked at eachother,
“We can try an’ run...”
“Nah, he’s got us sighted in, soon’s we move we’re dead men!”
“So what? Do we wait here fer our deaths?” Alastair laughed as he came too, seeing all the bodies lying about,
“Arr I told ye to let me go! An’ now ye’re gunna pay wit’ yer bloods! Hahaha!” One of the bounty hunters growled at him, drawing his pistol,
“I oughta shut yew up fer good you- AH!” He shakes his hand, the pistol falling to the ground in pieces.
“Told ya...”
“Shut up!” Alastair cackles,
“Yen’s betta surrenda now, ya limey, no good, bastards! Ehehehehee!” He squirms, falling off the backside of the horse with a grunt. The Bounty Hunters watch helplessly as the old man squirms to his feet, holding his tied up hands above his head, “Oy! Ye ain’t got the eye’s fer-! Oh... guess’n he does!” The ropes weren’t quite cut in two, but was loose enough for Alistair to undo the knots. He stands in the middle of the rode, grinning at the two survivors. The only one with a gun points it at him, safely from cover, and Alistair cackles again, “Ye gunna kill yer only hope o’ survivin’, eh? I ken get ya out o’ this alive!”
“Aw... fuck...” Alistair and the armed Hunter turned towards the wounded one, who glared at Alistair. “That’s McClintock up there, ain’t it.” Alistair cackles in reply, and the Hunter shakes his head, raising his hands slowly and stepping out. He expected a bullet any second, but the sniper let him walk to Alistair, kneeling on the ground next to him. “Ye migh’ as well toss the gun an’ join me, Henry, McClintock’s one of the few Bounties I ain’t ever goin’ up against, and fer good reason.” Henry growls, but does as he’s told, tossing the gun at Alistairs feet and joining the senior. Alistair cackles again, doing a little jig as he fetches his gear from the leaders horse, buckling on his belt and grabbing his shotgun before tying up the two Hunters, moving them and the horses off the trail to let others pass.
It took a good hour before McClintock appeared, riding down the trail on a giant black and white spotted horse, his signature white coat and ten-gallon shining in the evening sun.
“Gentlemen, a pleasure to see you. I must thank you for bringing my friend to me.” The Bounty Hunters glare at the man as he dismounts, pulling out a rifle almost as long as he was tall. Alistair grins up at the man from where he sits, gnawing on a piece of jerky,
“I tell ya boy, y’ain’t lost ya sight yet! S’damn good shootin’!” McClintock laughs,
“You’re jus’ lucky I didn’t hit you.” This sends the older man into a fit of laughter, and he stands up to greet McClintock, embracing him as a brother.
“Och it’s good ta see ya ye dirty fleabag!” McClintcok chuckles, joining Alistair by the small fire,
“Aye an’ you as well ya ancient relic. How have you not rotten into dust yet?”
“Hehehe! ‘ate and misery boy, ‘ate and misery!” The two share a laugh, then glance over at the hunters. “So what’re ya thinkin’? Leave ‘em ta th’ bears and wolvers? Slit their throat’s’n feast upon their bones?”
“Hold your horses ya bloodthirsty idjit, holy fuck!” McClintock can’t help but laugh at the Hunters facial expressions, and he stands up walking over to the two still tied up. “I don’t know neither of ‘em, but this’n knows me apparently. Ah, we’ll leave ‘em be an’ ride away, let them struggle out’a their own ropes. They won’t chase us, an’ if they do, heh, they won’t make it out o’ the canyon.” Alistair nods, kicking out the small fire and walking over to his horse, which had been led by the Hunters, and mounted along with McClintock on his. As the two rode back onto the rode, setting up small conversation, the two hunters watched them ride out of sight.
Finally the older one pulled his hands out from behind his back, lowering his gag and sighing, “God save us... McClintocks up to something if he’s riding with Alistair again...”
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mintchocolateleaves · 7 years
Cost of Freedom (24/52)
Summary: In which, with the help of Heiji, Kaito and Shinichi break into a police station to find Shinichi’s hidden case files. Prison!AU
If you want a song to listen to during this chapter, I’ve been listening to this while writing.
[Beginning]     [Previous Chapter]     [Next Chapter]
"I can't believe I'm doin' this," Heiji mutters under his breath, pocketing his phone. It's not even nine a.m. yet and he's already stood in the middle of a police station, preparing to abet two criminals and add more broken laws to his ever growing list of faults.
If his father ever finds about this... Heiji shudders, decides that it's best not to think about that, and looks in the bathroom's mirror. He wonders, not for the first time, if he'll be able to convincingly lie to those around him, asks himself whether his facial expressions will give him away.
It doesn't matter, he tells himself, because it needs to be done.
Kudo needs those files, and from the moment he'd first decided that Kudo was innocent, Heiji had promised himself he'd do what it takes to prove it. Sure, it might mean breaking some laws... but if he balanced it out, a few broken laws were worth it, especially if it meant they could bring down a ring of organised crime.
Heiji knows this, and yet-
He slaps his cheeks, forces a smile onto his face and readies himself to leave the bathroom. Outside, Kazuha leans against a wall, waiting for him to return. She glances up at him, offers him a smile in return to his own, and pushes herself forward.
"So where are we headin'?" She asks, grabbing onto his arm and pulling him back towards the main corridor. "Are we goin' to th' same place as yest'rday?"
Heiji shakes his head, letting her pull him back towards the reception. He says, "we're goin' up ta division one's headquart'rs. They used ta work with Kudo, so hopefully they'll give us some insight to wha' he was like."
Kazuha squints at him, "but you've met him?"
"Yeah," Heiji says, and suddenly he is the one pulling her forwards, their positions shifted as Kazuha follows him, "but I only met 'im after his case was solved, not before. I wanna ask them about wha' he was like then."
Kazuha nods behind him, and Heiji, nervous about what comes next, attempts to unscramble his thoughts. The CCTV room is just down from division one, and Heiji knows that he's only got a maximum of five minutes to figure out how to get inside. The idea is unsettling, and Heiji runs a hand through his hair trying to think.
It shouldn't be so difficult, he thinks, to get inside the room - if he asks to look at the old tapes, they'll let him sit inside and watch. Getting inside the room isn't exactly the difficult part. Getting inside without Kazuha joining him is.
"Tha' makes sense I guess..." Kazuha mutters, wrapping her arms around herself when Heiji lets go of her hand. "But, why'd ya never tell me you were talkin' to a criminal?"
She speeds up in her pace so that she's equal to him, walking beside him rather than behind. Then, after a short pause, she jabs Heiji in the side, glaring at his lack of response.
"I'm thinkin' how ta put it into words." Heiji scowls, looking down at her. "It's jus', when I learnt that Kudo was apparently th' one who committed those murders, I wanted ta ask 'im why. But askin' the old man only got me a no... So I went behind 'is back..."
Kazuha wrinkles her nose, the way she normally does when she pieces things together, her lips pursing. She continues for him, "and ya didn't say anythin' to me 'bout it, so there was less of a risk of yer dad findin' out?"
Heiji nods. It's not a lie, per se, but it isn't the full truth. Maybe at first he'd not told Kazuha about Kudo because it had meant getting in trouble with his father, but then he'd learned some of the truth, and it had transformed, leaving him stuck in something much bigger, and extremely dangerous.
Before he'd even had the chance to tell Kazuha about the situation, he'd learned that it would be stupid to talk about it with anyone he didn't want to endanger... The only person he'd talked to about the case had been Hakuba, a fellow detective, someone he'd thought would have helped prove Kudo's innocence.
"Sorry," Heiji says, "I just didn't wanna make him mad again."
Kazuha grimaces, shrugs. She says, "it's all water under th' bridge, don' worry 'bout it."
Offering her another smile, Heiji nods his head, turning left and stopping in front of the entrance to division one. A glance at the clock tells him that it's 8.53, and he pushes forwards, gaze flittering from detective to detective in a search for any of the detectives he had met the day before.
As soon as he spots Inspector Megure, he makes a beeline towards the man, glances at the frown lines on the man's face and decides that while it's going to be a long day for him, it's going to be an even longer one for the police.
"Inspector," Heiji says, grabbing the man's attention as soon as he sends another detective off for work. "Do ya have a minute?"
The inspector turns, raises an eyebrow and says, "I thought you kids were coming back at ten?"
Heiji offers a sheepish smile, rubs at his neck and says, "ah, I was told to be 'ere for nine... Did we say ten..?"
He's not lying... not really, and so he's certain he comes of as truthful - maybe Hakuba and the others had all agreed on meeting again at ten o'clock, but he'd also agreed to show up at nine to help Kudo and Kuroba. It's something Heiji hates, half truths, and yet, it seems to be all he's used these past two days.
"It'll take too long ta go away an' come back again..." Heiji continues after a second, "...say, I meant ta ask yest'rday, how did Kudo know those he killed were criminals?"
Megure frowns, his brows furrowed, stroking his chin. He says, "the victims hadn't set foot in division one... so the only place he'd have found files for them, would have been in the archives? Kudo-kun went down there a lot."
Heiji pauses, adjusts his cap and asks, "do you have any CCTV from back then? I want to see if we can spot when Kudo first... changed... and decided to become a criminal."
Megure falters, takes a moment to think, before nodding his head. When he speaks, there is forced hesitation, as if it almost... hurts... to talk about anything related to Kudo. It's hardly surprising, Heiji thinks, especially when the inspector was close to Kudo Yuusaku, having in response, been one of many police officers who'd watched Kudo grow up.
"Yes," he says, "I'll get Chiba-kun to take you to the CCTV room and set it up the video player."
Heiji nods. And just like that, he's on his way to the CCTV room.
"Takagi-kun?" Detective Satou calls, as Kaito ties a gag around Detective Takagi's mouth, binding his wrists together with cable ties. He does the same with the man's feet, binding them, before glancing over at the storage room towards the side of the stairwell.
He doesn't have enough time to throw him inside, and so he jerks his head towards the entryway, signalling at Shinichi to go out an answer the poor detective before she picks up anything odd. He knows that Shinichi isn't the best at mimicking voices, but a quick test on the way to the police station had shown that he could mimic shorter sentences if he needs to.
"Satou-san?" Shinichi asks, poking his head out of the stairwell.
As Kaito pulls the detective up by his arms, he drags him backward, nearing the storage closet. He leaves the real Takagi sprawled across the floor, keeps the door semi open and makes his way back to the entrance, holding his taser up.
There's more conversation, although Kaito doesn't think too much of it, prepares himself for the moment Detective Sato steps through the doorway and-
Electricity sparks, the air crackling.
Unlike Takagi however, Sato doesn't pass out quite as quickly. It's a risk they'd had to take, he'd be a fool to expect both detectives to go down without any trouble. Sato drops the box she's holding, the thump echoing through the stairwell, and jerks her elbow backwards into Kaito's stomach.
Kneeling over, Kaito lets out a breathless laugh, gasping for air, winded. Sato staggers forward, turns with a raised leg, kicking out in Kaito's direction. He grins, side steps and raises the taser up.
"KID," she gasps, swaying, hand going to her hip - she hesitates when she realises that she's not wearing her holster, and curses. She glances at Shinichi, notices the blank expression he's giving in response to her, and pales. "Kudo-kun."
"It's been awhile, detective." Shinichi says, and his fingers tremble against polystyrene coffee cups. "You look well."
Sato stills, and then frowns. Eyes narrowed, she glances between the two of them, bites at the side of her lip. She says, "I'm sure you're well as well, Kudo-kun, beneath that mask."
Shinichi tilts his head, and smiles. On Takagi's face, it looks deluded - Kaito's going to have to teach him later on about not making himself out to be a psychopath, because smile's like that aren't going to help him when he pleads his innocence to others.
"Sorry to cut things short," Kaito says as soon as he can see the tips of Sato's fingers twitch - she's going to make a run for it, he assumes, either that or she's going to attempt to fight back. He won't allow either option. "But we really are running short on time."
He lunges.
Despite already having been tased, Sato's reflexes are quick. She heaves herself backward on shaky legs, moving just out of reach, as Kaito pivots to follow after her. She's just fast enough that Kaito has to push his own reflexes to the limit.
He grins, lowers the taser in his hand and leaps again.
This time, he moves to far in front of Sato, and she uses the time to lift her leg into a kick. Kaito anticipates it, shields himself and doesn't try to dodge. It feels momentarily, like his ribcage is going to snap.
Kaito lets out a laugh - and yes, maybe it sounds a little manic, but he's enjoying himself - and moves forward, just enough to grab hold of Sato's wrist.
Pulling the detective back, Kaito smiles, pushing the taser into her stomach. More electricity - this time, he holds down just long enough for Sato to sag against him.
Once she goes limp, he pauses, before pressing down on the button again, not entirely sure whether the detective is really unconscious, or simply playing pretend. She jerks, but doesn't give off the impression of someone who's conscious.
They throw her into the storage cupboard as well, along with the box of her files, locking the door behind them. As they're making their way up the stairs, Shinichi having passed him Sato's coffee - disgustingly black coffee with little sugar. The things Kaito does for this guy - he hears the phone ring in Shinichi's pocket.
"Pass it to me," Kaito orders, as Shinichi pulls the mobile from his pocket, "we need to be moving while talking, and I'm the only one capable of fully mimicking voices."
Shinichi passes the phone over without a word, and Kaito answers the call, the two of them reaching the first floor.
"Detective Sato speaking," Kaito says when he brings the phone up to his ear, his voice a mimic. If it throws Hattori off, there's no mention of it, just a click of his tongue. "You're in place?"
"Yeah," Hattori answers, and there's shifting in the background, almost as if he's moving in his seat, "I can't see either of ya in th' cameras - yer still in the stairwell?"
"We got a little held up," Kaito says, "nothing we couldn't handle. We'll give you the details later. And you, did you manage to lose your friend?"
Hattori heaves a sigh, leans back in his seat. Kaito can almost hear the exasperation in his voice, the readiness for this break-in to be other with already. He says, "I asked her to get some drinks from th' coffee shop across th' street. Given tha' it's th' morning rush, we should have a wide enough window to get you guys in an' out before she gets back."
"Plus," Kaito chirps, "you get a drink for all of your hard work. Congrats."
Hattori lets out a long suffering sigh. Beside him, Shinichi snorts - the thing about being inside enemy headquarters, Kaito thinks, is that they haven't even been inside for longer than twenty minutes, and it's already driving them both insane.
Well, not exactly, but Kaito's going to pretend that's the reason.
"You worry me," Heiji claims, when they've reached the second floor and push out onto the corridors. "Oh - wait, I can see ya on th' cameras - I'll tell ya if I see anythin' worrying, just stay on th' line, alright?"
Kaito says, "yes," and creates a fake conversation for the phone, conjuring a fake murder case from thin air. He thinks it's a mix between one that Shinichi had told him about during their imprisonment, and fiction, but it comes of as a usual conversation for Sato.
They take a left down the first corridor, turning right into a second, before Heiji's voice cracks from speakers.
"I'm assumin' ya don't want the Inspector to talk to ya," he says, "so take a right an' wait for 'im to walk past."
They do as Heiji suggests, leaning against the wall as if having a conversation with one another. Shinichi doesn't speak, other than to ask what Heiji's saying - Kaito mouths the answer, 'Megure's walking past, we don't want to get roped into any work.'
"Okay," Heiji continues, "keep going."
Kaito hasn't had to come down into the archives before, hasn't actually needed to visit anywhere other than theft, but he does know the route. From the first time he'd entered the station as KID, he'd made sure to know every single exit without the building.
He short sigh, continues with his fake case, and keeps walking.
Every step feels more serious than the last.
"You're going to need to pick the lock," Shinichi says when they reach the archives, the corridor empty of people. Kaito nods, reaches into his pocket, to where he's brought actual lock picks.
"I'm going to need you to be our cover," Kaito says into the phone, before passing the phone over to Shinichi. He throws the coffee cup - still half full - into a nearby bin, before glancing at either end of the corridor. "Speak up if you see anyone coming, okay?"
Shinichi nods, and Kaito approaches the lock.
Heiji glances between three screens, trying to blank the others from his mind. Phone pressed to his ear, he doesn't really listen to anything he can hear - it's mostly nonsense words, nothing valuable that he needs to hear, so he focuses all of his attention on the camera feed instead.
For a moment his thinks that someone's coming, but they stop walking half way down one of the connecting corridors, talking to a colleague who's just left the bathroom. Heiji takes a deep breath, tells Kudo that they should both pick up the speed, his gaze flickering back to the two connecting corridors.
"Apparently the locks are stiff," Kudo says - in the absence of any people, he's dropped any pretence of a fake voice, which makes the situation a lot less creepy. "It won't take long, but we're going as fast as we can."
Heiji holds his breath. Glances at the corridor with the talking colleagues, watches them as they break apart and one starts walking in the direction of Kudo and Kuroba.
"Someone's comin' yer way," Heiji warns, his voice weirdly choked. "Either open the door or walk down the corridor and come back in a minute."
He glances at the other corridor - someone's walking down that one as well. If he's right, then it's someone from the KID taskforce.
"Give us a second," Kudo whispers.
"I can't give you anything." Heiji says, "ya need to either get tha' lock open, or keep walkin', there are people coming from both directions."
A pause, in the camera, Kudo surges forward, towards Kuroba, leans in to whisper something in his ear. The other shakes his head, curls in on himself around the door, before pushing it forward.
"Get inside," Heiji hisses, "It's not gonna be good if ya both get caught-"
The sound of footsteps echo in his ears, and then, there's a gasp. Heiji doesn't notice it at first, mainly because he's staring up at the figures of Kuroba and Kaito throwing themselves into the room, the door slamming behind him.
Then, it registers.
Cheeks paling, Heiji turns from the cameras, breath hitching in his throat. His legs feel weak, as he takes in the figure, the wide-eyed stare looking back at him.
"What th' hell is goin' on?"
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