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taswritesstuff · 7 months ago
i decided i wanted to make a uquiz but didn't know what on so you can now find out which of my ocs in the southwest crew you're most similar to
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gregchurchofchristonop · 1 year ago
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skyfleetnews · 1 month ago
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epitome-the-burnkid-viii · 1 year ago
Affirming news updates revealing good, evil, and much more!🔥 Come find my show #SupplementalBroadcast 🎱 #youtuberecommendedchronicles🔮 on YouTube & Rumble! New episodes posted regularly!!! 🧩 #Censorship #Politics #Prophesy #Commentary #Science #TheGreatAwakening 🙏
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leseandbsavetheworld · 2 years ago
character themes #3
Hey everyone! Welcome back to another character themes (I say as if I didn’t do these all in one night... holy moly, another hour has already passed?)! I’m pretty excited for this one... I love these boys (even though i forgot Alex’s full last name and im too lazy to go scroll through all my notes to find it) As I do more of these (again, it’s been one day, chill out), I think my summaries of why I designed the boards the way I did and why I chose the songs I did are getting longer... I hope they’re still interesting! Also, I didn’t plan on having more than one/two AJR songs for these two, but AJR’s music is honestly perfect for describing their personalities and when I was looking for a good ship song for them, Wow, I’m Not Crazy started playing and I nearly died. Anyway, I’ve bored you enough. Here you go!
Story: The Short Book of Mortals Universe: tSBoM universe
ship--Alex & Corry Wow, I’m Not Crazy by AJR
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Okay, I have a few things to explain here. On the French--when Corry was younger, he taught himself French for various reasons, from insulting his family in a way they couldn’t understand to having more opportunities in the future. Over the years, Alex began picking it up, and eventually was pretty fluent. je t’aime translates to I love you in French, which is to be expected. Then there’s the top message, which has probably been confusing any French speakers. n'oubliez pas de charger le lave-vaisselle translates roughly to don't forget to load the dishwasher in English. This is sort of an inside joke from the story, where Corry once said je t'aime. N'oublie pas de charger le lave-vaisselle quand tu rentres à la maison--I love you. Don’t forget to load the dishwasher when you get home--at the end of a phone call to embarrass Alex, who was around some non-French speaking family friends who definitely thought he said something a little more... fruity.
character--Corry Keens Next Up Forever by AJR
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I wanted to keep a yellow color palette in the background & most of the details because yellow is one of the colors used to represent suicide prevention, along with the turquoise and purple (hence the ribbon in the corner), and being a suicide prevention activist is something fairly important to Corry’s character. I chose this song because, when I was listening to it, it just sounded perfect for him, especially the lines about overthinking. I added the little “love yourself” thing as a little thing to show that Corry’s still trying to get better mentally himself, along with trying to help others.
character--Alex M. Don’t Throw Out My Legos by AJR
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So for Alex’s, I originally thought about going with Way Less Sad, because... y’know... it’s about depression. Then, while I was beginning to make his board, I was listening to AJR and realized that Don’t Throw Out My Legos applies to him too, even if he does have depression and Way Less Sad has a lot of good points. I wanted to make it a bit chaotic to and gray to represent those days when it’s hard to get out of bed, but at the same time, he’s a generally upbeat kind guy. I wanted to show this by adding a few splashes of color, especially the flowers poking up through all the gray.
Alright, this has been fun, but it’s 3 in the morning and i have a busy day tomorrow. Eons magic system coming soon! Love you all, have an amazing day! <3, Bat
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taswritesstuff · 7 months ago
midnight writing discussions with my friend have led to the birth of two new ocs named new jersey and delaware and tell me why i actually love them both sm
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taswritesstuff · 6 months ago
hey chat i wrote a super short story :)
trigger/content warnings: hints at suicidal thoughts, hints at suicide attempts, mentions of self harm
Annabelle Epling is fourteen when she meets a boy with blonde hair and scar-covered arms, and she doesn’t have to ask to put a name to the face. Steven Blake is different than she expects. He’s smiling.
The first time they interact one-on-one, Annabelle is heading up to the main office to pick up new whiteboard markers when she spots Steven sitting outside the counselors’ office. She stops. She sits down. There’s a bandage wrapped around his wrist.
“I was doing so well,” he says numbly. Later that day, Annabelle’s dad is too busy working to punish her for skipping class. It’s the first time she’s done it. She made the right choice — that’s what she plans to say, but he never asks.
When Tony calls in tears and says that Justin’s in the hospital, Steven grabs Annabelle’s hand. “He’ll be okay,” he says. “I was.”
Were you? Annabelle wonders when she gets the call about him a year later.
Annabelle Epling is seventeen and sitting in her best friend’s bedroom, entirely unsure how to be of help. It’s sort of like when her mom left, she thinks, only she’s never gotten sad about that. Not really.
Steven and Kaz swoop in to save the day. While Kaz makes Kia boxed mac and cheese, Steven finds Annabelle sitting on the floor of Kia’s bedroom and says, “She loves you, you know.”
Two years later, those words make her cry for an entirely different reason, but that’s a story for another time.
Annabelle is eighteen and thinking about how her whole life is ahead of her. She’s sitting on a couch between Zhan Chen and Peter Skowalski. She’s watching Steven, asleep on Kaz’s shoulder in the middle of a party, and she’s wondering if he’s going to die before his twenty-fifth birthday like her brother almost did. 
He opens his eyes and smiles at her. Zhan and Peter take her outside.
“Your parents are going to kill you,” Annabelle says, staring at the tattoo on Steven’s neck. He shrugs, turning away from the mirror to face her. He reaches out his arm, and she loops hers through it.
“They’ll get over it,” he says, grinning. “You did,” he says, and she knows what he means.
I got over her, she thinks. She is twenty-seven, and she is proud of herself. 
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taswritesstuff · 6 months ago
what if two people fell in love and one realized they were trans and the other one knew the whole time
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taswritesstuff · 6 months ago
steven blake when someone says they love him
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taswritesstuff · 7 months ago
if my ocs did presentation night... part 1
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taswritesstuff · 7 months ago
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josue & stefan
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taswritesstuff · 7 months ago
introducing characters that i made specifically to spite people who hate on these identities part 2 - a character who uses it/its (among other pronouns) (if you want to read the first post, introducing 3 of my aroallo characters, you can find it here)
sade claxton
gender/pronouns: fluidflux & rosboy (gender and amount of gender changes over time & male with some connection to femininity), they/he/it/sometimes none (depends on the day)
sexuality: umm i didn't decide this yet, but ik it likes boys
age: 18
generation: 2
connections: friends with dawson and lila (other ocs), goes to college w/them. also goes to school with sai and chek (more ocs)
essentially at school sade meets dawson and lila (he/they and she/they respectfully) and the three of them call themselves the multi-pronouners or something (it was lila's idea). sade also becomes friends with sai (they/them) and the two of them vibe
might make intros to the others later... i'm planning on making a whole list of characters from this world just for organization purposes
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taswritesstuff · 8 months ago
hey everyone here i am again with that oc side blog i said i was going to make ages ago but anyway
for those who don't know me, hi, i'm tas (he/it, aroace, trans). i'm a writer and spend most of my time here over on my main blog, @t1oui, talking about fandom stuff (mostly harry potter/marauders and percy jackson, as well as random reblogs). i also have another side blog, @tassaysarostuff, which is a blog exclusively for aro, ace, & aroace things.
all of my other blogs in the past have been exclusively for oc stuff but i think this way of going about things is going to be a lot more fun :)
as for what to expect on this blog, i'll put some tags that i'll use in the future down below for organization purposes:
the realms - my main wip (YA but with discussions of sex | high fantasy ft romance, self-discovery, self love, and a lot of found family)
tSBoM - my non-magical universe that has a LOT of characters (almost all of the characters are teens when the story starts, but there will definitely be really heavy themes so probably adult)
tCoR - another high fantasy wip (YA | a girl ends up in an unfamiliar world without any memories, only the knowledge that something is after her | aka a "chosen one" type of thing)
tsw thsw osw - three stories taking place over a span of multiple decades in a world where monsters known as "aliens" (capital A) have taken over (more chosen one stuff, not sure if this will be YA or adult bc of some themes)
tWoA - high fantasy very big wip that i've been neglecting... it definitely needs a lot of replotting if it's going to get any more focus is all i'll say
beachside - a group of kids get stuck in an alternate, much more hostile version of their world. (YA | features romance, found family, and some of my favorite names i've ever given my ocs <3)
honestly i'm forgetting some of my own wips so i'll leave it at that for now :) reminder that everything being posted on here is centered around my original ideas, stories, and characters, and you may not "borrow" and/or use any of them yourself.
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gregchurchofchristonop · 1 year ago
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gregchurchofchristonop · 1 year ago
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gregchurchofchristonop · 1 year ago
Ahyal ban Ephraim ban Yasharahla is live! shabbat service
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