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w4tch 0ut.
#heartstopper comic#solitaire book#alice oseman books#tori spring#osemanverse#solitaire alice oseman#gay#heartstopper#alice oseman#nick and charlie#horrorshow city#h0rr0r5h0w c1ty#fr3ckl3 b0y#t1m3w4rp
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27. th3 m4g1c14n (the finale)
1 w0nd3r wh4t 1t’d b3 l1k3 1f 1 d154pp34r3d s0m3d4y. W0uld y0u 3v3n n0t1c3? W0uld y0u m155 m3? 1 gu355 th15 m34n5 g00dby3, my fr13nd. W3 w1ll 533 34ch0th3r 4g41n, y0ung 0n3. 1’ll ju5t d1s4pp34r l1k3 4 m4g1c14n thr0ugh th3 n1ght. Th3n 45 1, T1m3-W4rp, w1ll 4lw4y5 f1nd y0u n0 m4tt3r th3 c05t. 4ll 0v3r 4g41n. 45 th15 15 my f4r3w3ll, 1 w1ll m4k3 1t 0ut 0f h0rr0r5h0w c1ty s00n. 1 w1ll s33 y0u 4g41n, my fr13nd. 1 c4n 455ur3 y0u 1 w1ll. 1f n0t, t3ll fr3ckl3 b0y 1’ll 533 h1m 500n. 1t’5 n0t l1k3 w3’r3 d4t1ng, g0d n0. W3’r3 fr13nd5, th4t5 4ll, 0r n0? THE END.. Or is it?
4LL W1LL R3TURN S00N. B3 4W4R3 0F TH3M.
F0R TH3M: 1’M S0RRY 1 C0ULDN’T 3SC4P3 W1TH Y0U, MY L0V3. 1T W4S 4LL W0RTH 1T 1F Y0U JU5T L15T3N3D. WHY W0N’T Y0U L15T3N, MY L0V3? FR3CKL3 B0Y 15 JU5T MY FR13ND. L15T3N T0 M3,F0R 0NC3. 4M 1 3V3N M4K1NG 4NY N0153 4T 4LL?
#the end.#bye#miss u#alice oseman#osemanverse#h0rr0r5h0w c1ty#horrorshow city#t1m3w4rp#sadly#leaving
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25. gr0w1ng 0ld
y0u kn0w, 1 n3v3r r34l1z3d h0w 3mpty & 0ld 1 4m. 1t f33l5 l1k3 0nly y35t3rd4y 1 w45 7. But, n0t 4ll g00d th1ng5 l45t. 4nd plu5, y35t3rd4y 1 w45 pr0b4bly try1ng t0 k1ll my53lf 50 th4t'5 n0t gr34t.
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24. my l0v3.
1 m155 my l0v3, 1 d0. 3v3ry0n3 u53d t0 th1nk w3 b3l0ng3d t0g3th3r, 45 th4t 15 n0w 4 l13. 1 4m 50 51ck 0f l0v3, 45 1 n0w g1v3 up. l0v3 15 ju5t 4 w45t3 0f t1m3. 1t'5 n0t l1k3 4ny0n3 w0uld b3 w1th m3, 4nyw4y5.
#alice oseman#osemanverse#solitaire alice oseman#h0rr0r5h0w c1ty#horrorshow city#t1m3w4rp#my l0v3#my love#fr3ckl3 b0y
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19. f00l5.
1 g0t b0r3d 4g41n, 50 1 w3nt 4r0und t0 f1nd m0r3 f00d, 51nc3 1'm l0w 0n 1t. wh1l3 1 w45 d01ng th4t, 1 m3t 50m30n3, n4m3d L4nd3n. th3y w3r3 k1nd & g3n3r0u5, 50 1 l3t th3m c0m3 b4ck w1th m3. 4lth0ugh m05t 5h1t h3r3 15 dumb, th3r3'5 5t1ll 50m3 g00d th1ng5. n0t 4 l0t th0ugh, 45 1t'5 4 d4rk w0rld. but, 45 1'v3 d0n3 th15 f0r w33k5, y0u f00l5 h4v3 d0n3 n0th1ng f0r m3. n0th1ng. 1 d0 n0t 4cc3pt 4ny 4p0l0g135 0r 4nyth1ng fr0m y0u 5tup1d f00l5.
#solitaire book#alice oseman books#nick and charlie#tori spring#osemanverse#solitaire alice oseman#gay#heartstopper#alice oseman#heartstopper comic#horrorshow city#h0rr0r5h0w c1ty#t1m3w4rp#fr3ckl3 b0y
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18. Dr13d t34r5.
1'v3 b33n w4lk1ng 4r0und h3r3 f0r d4y5, fuck1ng d4y5. 1 d0n't kn0w wh4t t0 d0 4nym0r3. my l3g5 f33l numb, n0 0n35 h3r3 t0 c0mf0rt 0r 5upp0rt m3, 4nd n0 0n3 3v3r w1ll b3. 3v3ry0n3 15 50 fuck1ng 5tup1d. 1 f0und th15 d14ry, 4nd 1 cr13d. 1 cr13d 4nd th3 p4g35 w3r3 full 0f dry t34r5. 1 d0n't 3v3n kn0w wh4t 1'm 5t1ll d01ng h3r3 0n 34rth 4nym0r3. 1 h0p3 1 d1554p34r. ju5t, 0ut 0f th15 w0rld. 0ut 0f th3 3mpty v01d 1n m3.
#solitaire book#nick and charlie#alice oseman books#heartstopper comic#solitaire alice oseman#gay#heartstopper#alice oseman#osemanverse#tori spring#horrorshow city#h0rr0r5h0w c1ty#t1m3w4rp#my love#fr3ckl3 b0y#monsters
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15. w3lc0m3 b4ck, fr13nd.
50m30n3 c4m3. 50m30n3 f1n4lly c4m3. 1 d0n't kn0w wh3r3 th3y 4r3 r1ght n0w but, 1'll be 0k4y, 1 th1nk. ........... 1 h0p3 y0u 4ll 5uff3r b3c4u53 n0t 0n3 0f y0u kn0w my 5uff3r5 & 1 5h4ll k33p 1t th4t w4y. m4yb3 1f 0n3 0f y0u 4ctu4lly 5p0k3 up & l15t3n3d t0 m3 th15 w0uldn't b3 4 d4mn pr0bl3m.
#nick and charlie#solitaire book#alice oseman books#tori spring#osemanverse#solitaire alice oseman#gay#heartstopper#alice oseman#heartstopper comic#t1m3 w4rp#horrorshow city#h0rr0r5h0w c1ty#fr3ckl3 b0y#t1m3w4rp
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17. J34l0u5y.
1 r3m3mb3r th15 guy 1 r34lly l1k3d b3f0r3 4ll th15 h4pp3n3d but 1'm pr3tty 5ur3 h3 h45 4 g1rlfr13nd n0w. 1 w45 n3v3r 4ctu4lly 1n l0v3 t1ll 1 m3t my l0v3. 1'd d0 4nyth1ng f0r th3m. but, th053 d4y5 4r3 0v3r t1ll 1 35c4p3. 1t'5 c0ld h3r3, 4nd r34lly 5h1tty. 1 d0n't kn0w wh0 1 4m 0r wh4t 4nym0r3. 4m 1 4 p3r50n? 4 v01c3? 4nyth1ng? n0 0n3 l15t3n5 t0 m3 4nym0r3 50 1 d0n't c4r3 wh4t 1 54y n0w. fuck y0u 4ll. -t1m3w4rp.
#nick and charlie#solitaire book#solitaire alice oseman#alice oseman books#tori spring#heartstopper comic#gay#heartstopper#osemanverse#alice oseman#horrorshow city#h0rr0r5h0w c1ty#t1m3 w4rp#fr3ckl3 b0y#my love
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8. Th3 T35t
T0d4y, th3 t35t h4pp3n3d. 1 d0n’t kn0w wh4t 1t w45, but 1 kn0w th3y w3r3 t35t1ng m3. 3v3ryth1ng w45 ju5t 4 5tup1d l13. Th3 t35t w45 n0t 3v3n fun. Th3 m0n5t3r5 ju5t w4nt3d t0 t35t m3, 1 th1nk. Th3y f0und m3 4g41n, but 1 m4n4g3d t0 35c4p3. H0p3fully 1’ll m4k3 1t 0ut s00n 3n0ugh. Curr3ntly, 1’m h1d1ng 1n th3 f0r35t. 1t’5 d4rk & sc4ry b3c4u53 1’m pr3tty 5ur3 th15 15 wh3r3 th3 m0n5t3r5 g0 but 1’m 1n th3 t0p 0f th3 tr33 50 th3y c4n’t g3t m3. 4t le45t f0r n0w. Th3 tr33 15 t00 h1gh t0 g3t 0ut 0f 50 1’m 5tuck h3r3 unt1l s0m30n3 h3lp5 m3. Th3 t35t w45n’t gr34t, th3y t0ld u5 f1lthy l135. 1 f0und 0ut 4 hum4n h45 b33n h3lp1ng th3 m0n5t3r5, th4t5 why 1 c4n’t 35c4p3. Th3y h4v3 m0d3rn t3chn0l0gy. 1 h0p3 4ll 15 4wful f0r wh03v3r h34r5 th15 s1nc3 y0u 5t1ll h4v3n’t h3lp3d m3. -T1m3w4rp
#h0rr0r5h0w c1ty#t1m3 w4rp#fr3ckl3 b0y#my love#alice oseman#alice oseman books#solitaire book#nick and charlie#solitaire alice oseman#heartstopper comic#tori spring#gay#heartstopper#osemanverse
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6. Dr1pp1ng bl00d
Y0u 1d10t5 l3ft m3 1n th15 5h1t h0l3, & th3 m0n5t3r5 g0t m3. Th3y b1t m3, r1pp3d my 5k1n, & 1 3nd3d up h4lf d34d. 1 0nly m4d3 1t 0ut b3c4u53 1 f0und 4 m3d k1t. 50, 1n5t34d 0f f0cu51ng 0n y0ur53lf, m4yb3 gr0w 4 p41r 0f b4ll5 & fuck1ng 54v3 m3. 1’v3 b33n h3r3 f0r 3 y34r5 & n0t 0n3 c4m3 t0 f1nd m3. 1 m155 my l0v3. Th3y l0v3d m3, ju5t l1k3 1 l0v3d th3m. Th3 m0n5t3r5 m1ght’v3 k1ll3d fr3ckl3 b0y, but th3y 5ur3 fuck1ng d1dn’t k1ll m3. 1 h0p3 y0u’r3 4ll h4ppy w1th y0ur53lv35. But 1 mu5t s4y, 1f y0ur l15t3n1ng, t3ll th3m 1t’5 m3, t1m3w4rp & 1’ll f1nd th3m 4g41n. n0w 1 mu5t g0 4g41n, fr0m th3 dr1pp1ng bl00d but pl3453, s4v3 m3.
#t1m3 w4rp#fr3ckl3 b0y#my love#h0rr0r5h0w c1ty#alice oseman#heartstopper#gay#tori spring#osemanverse#solitaire alice oseman#alice oseman books#nick and charlie#heartstopper comic#solitaire book#shrek franchise#shrek is love#the land before time#my childhood#lesbian#lesbian community
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