#t'challa is glad his sister is enjoying herself
anerdquemoraaolado · 2 years
Grains of Sand by The Shore
Well, here we have the first chapter of my Namuri fic, guess I really jumped on that ship wagon.
So, a little disclaimer here, I chose to make this an AU where TChalla stills lives, I hope this is not offensive in any way, I really felt the loss of the character, and even more the loss of the great Chadwick Boseman, so this is a way to honour him and the wonderful  and important character that is Black Panther.
Without further ado, hope you guys enjoy.
Chapter 1
Before Shuri's hand touched the door authorizing her entry, she hesitated a lot. Her mental state was still recovering after everything she had been through the past few days, her and all of Wakanda. At least, in the midst of so much chaos, a symbolic gesture, which Shuri had put aside trying to figure out its meaning for a while, brought a hope that seemed lost.
T'Challa was right there on the other side of the bedroom door, apparently alive and well, according to the medical team's report. She had left her brother in the care of her talented and competent scientists while she defended the nation. Her and her brother's roles had been switched for a while. She was relieved that it was only for a brief period of time. Shuri had also made a point of being there when her brother woke up, and that was what she would do.
She entered the room then, finding T'Challa resting. He had always been strong and hardworking, her rock, an unwavering warrior, with a perfect sense of humor that understood hers. Losing him would be irreparable and that was why she let the feeling of relief wash over her at seeing him so peaceful, breathing deeply.
Eventually, he opened his eyes, lids fluttering and irises searching for some direction, trying to recognize where he was.
-Shuri? - he murmured softly, hesitating, not quite sure if it was really his sister there.
She broke down in tears, leaning over his lap, not caring about the pain of her knees hitting the floor at once. T'Challa had no idea what the commotion was about, but he preferred to leave her alone. Surely she would tell her what she needed when she was ready. On instinct, he started stroking her head and just then his sister reacted and looked at him.
-You don't know how happy I am that you're alright - she confessed, getting up slowly, recovering herself little by little.
-I don't really know what happened, I remember being on a stretcher, in your laboratory, did I pass out? - he genuinely wanted to know.
-I made a difficult decision when I saw that I couldn't cure you - she told him slowly, the memories of that moment were still disturbing - I put you in cryogenics, for almost a year, you almost died before I found the cure, but then. .. well, I replicated the heart shaped herb, in short, it will grow again.
-That's wonderful, but how did you do it? - T'Challa wanted to know the details that she had withheld.
-That's a pretty long story, really - she sighed - but I promise I'll tell you as soon as you recover.
"I'll wait," he stated without a doubt, which left her a little on edge, but completely happy that he was there, asking her for answers.
Shuri talked a little more with her brother about his treatment and his state of improvement since then. She let him rest for more days, until he was completely ready to return to his post.
A grand ceremony was called to celebrate the return of the King of Wakanda to his rightful throne. The entire nation cheered him through the main streets, a procession that followed to the throne room, with the entire council in attendance. Shuri wasn't there, which was a comforting thing for her, everything had fallen into place for her. She was a scientist, not a warrior. Her decision to defend the country came from an extremely necessary situation.
Though she was glad to be back in her natural habitat, Shuri remembered what made her so busy there, recreating the heart shaped herb through an enemy's gift, who had taken her mother from her.
She hadn't heard more from Namor, but in her mind was the constant warning that he might reappear again, and she still had the shell that served as a communicator. Maybe this side of the sea would need to call him sometime. Even with the losses and all the violence, they had ended their conflict as allies, and eventually, T'Challa would have to meet him.
Thinking exactly about that, Shuri received a visit from her brother in the laboratory, which made her focus on him at the moment.
-Can I help you with something? - she volunteered.
"I have some good news before I ask you something," he confessed, smiling.
-Really? I'm all ears! - she replied in the same enthusiasm.
-I intend to marry Nakia, she accepted the proposal - the king let himself smile, really happy, expressing his joy.
-Thank you Bast, finally! - Shuri even raised her hands and did a short turn, which drew a laugh from her brother.
-I know it's exciting, but now comes my request - he got serious again.
"Fine." She crossed her arms willingly.
-I heard that you interacted with the king of Talokan, the undersea kingdom that also has vibranium - he started the subject - and I know about all the confrontations and the casualties, our mother, what happened to her was a fatality... the question is that... as much as you clashed, I understand that he is our ally, that's why the elders suggested that I invite him to the wedding as a gesture of goodwill. I wanted to know your opinion and what you have to say about him, what do you know about him.
The explanation left her slightly dizzy, having a little trouble processing what she was hearing. Meeting Namor was closer than ever.
-Well, he... - she cleared her throat lightly and continued - he's an ally of Wakanda, I think inviting him would show that we're at peace with both kingdoms, that he's welcome and that in a way, the past is gone. 
- So you agree with the visit? - T'Challa waited for her confirmation.
"Yes," she nodded, quietly.
There was something bothering Shuri, something that had changed her, subtle attitudes that weren't like her. Surely what she had gone through was much more delicate than he could have foreseen at the time. It was better not to force her to say if she wasn't comfortable.
-What do you say about Namor? - the king repeated.
-He is headstrong, relentless, even fierce as a warrior, but certainly protective, motivated by revenge and how colonizers viewed him and his people in the past.
"That last part didn't sound good to me," he confessed.
-Yes, I felt it on my skin, literally what that means - she shrugged, almost touching the scar from the wound on her abdomen - but our agreement was made precisely because we left that aside, and from what I saw he is a man word, will fulfill what we agreed.
-Very well, then, I'll talk to him personally - he decided - do you know a way to contact him?
-Actually, I do - she remembered - he left me a shell, said I could only blow on the seaside.
-Are you joining me in this meeting? - her brother asked and that made her shudder a little, starting to get anxious, without really knowing why.
-Yes, of course, someone needs to take care of you after all - she gave him a relaxed smile, almost the same Shuri as always, almost...
-Okoye is coming with us too - T'Challa also said in a relaxed way, but still paying attention to his sister's slight discomfort.
Again, he reminded himself that he wouldn't ask questions she didn't want to answer and changed the subject, which made her feel better.
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worstloki · 4 years
Part 2
Tony: hey so Pepper and I wanted to go on a date night and- Loki: I'll handle Morgan and Peter. You guys take your time. Tony: ...you're not even asking for anything in return this time around? Loki: If I was to ask anything it would be that you don't return Tony: ouch. i am wounded, really, loki. here i was thinking you’d gone good Loki: eVeRY tiMe you guys return its when we're in the middle of something fun! Tony: lighting candles in a circle and writing in strange blood to commune with dead presidents to lecture them on ethics is NOT a regular pastime for kids!! Loki, mumbling: mj and peter were enjoying it --- Loki: today we shall go shopping Morgan: you have cash?? Loki, in a perfect impression of Thor: No, I don't have cash, but I do have an electronic card which stores credits. It's called a credit card. Peter: ohmygoodness tell me thor hasn't actually said that Loki: He did not. Peter: okgood, my faith in him is preserved- Loki: he said it about emails, right around when he asked why he would need a phone or a computer to receive them Shuri, solemn: may his ancestors provide his lost soul guidance Loki: yeah...uhh... maybe don't hope thor asks odin or bor to get involved since they'd probably tell him to commit genocide when he rage quits trying find the laptop's power button Morgan: geNocide? what's that Loki: In this case it refers to the mass extermination of a race PEter Shuri and Morgan: *stare at him in disbelief* Loki: what, you didn't know that? 
Tony: wait so Thor did that and then YOU ALSO attempted GENOCIDE before turning up on Earth?? why tf would you do that!! Loki: My grandad did it! both my father's did it! my brother did it! I thought it was a family tradition! --- Pepper: Loki, why did my 4 year old hand me a critical piece on the negative ethical implications of genocide to proofread? Loki: I feel like that's a question for your 4 year old Pepper: Loki: What! It's an important topic and children should be able to solidify correct moral beliefs from an early age! --- Tony: LOKI, if you don't stop terrorizing people RIGHT NOW I am calling off your weekend playdate Loki: *dramatic gasp* you cant do that! I have rights! Tony: Not if I decide to lock the front door! Loki, scoffing: as if THAT would stop me from getting in Tony: If you don't make those penguins normal-sized again I swear you wont get hot chocolate for a week! Loki, lips trembling: but- but- you cant just do that! Tony: I'll stop you from reading bedtime stories too! Loki: No! You know how much those mean to M- Tony: JUst turn the penguins normal and get them out of those ridiculous avenger costumes, Loki! Loki: But its FUNNY- Tony: No it isnt Loki: yes it is Tony: no it isnt Loki: yes, it is The Avengers, watching them argue: what. the. frick. --- Shuri: Did you know jellyfish have survived for 600,000 years without a brain? Loki: A ray of hope for Thor --- Morgan: isnt this mean? wont he get angry? Loki: it depends on your definition of ‘mean’, and ‘angry’ really. And also whether you'll value his face when he notices more or less than the consequences. Morgan, shrugging as she helps loki dye Tony's goatee orange: oh okay --- Tony: stop corrupting my kid!! Loki: Morgan? Anything to say about his claims? Morgan: dad, corruption is a social construct which subjectively classifies deeds done for personal gain with a negative light Tony: Morgan, looking Tony in the eyes: and I do this for free
[t'challa enters the lab] T'Challa: Shuri I need you to adjust the ne- [t'challa looks up to see the lab has been cleared in the centre and is being used as a stage as shuri peter harley and morgan take turns rehearsing shakespeare soliloqueys and inserting vine and movie references] T'Challa, smiling fondly: I'll just come back later
Tony: you KNOW Doctor Who is on at this time and every single time you attack you pick NOW Loki: You can hardly prove that it is intentional Tony: you prick! i know for a fact it aint coincidence because it happens every single week! And you’ve literally got DALEKS and CYBERMEN running around today! And last week it was actual literal Weeping Angels that teleported people!  Loki: now, now, Anthony, calm down, is this really how a father of four reacts to missing a tv show? Tony: a father of FIVE because apparently you're one of the immature kids on that list too! Loki: well, i guess my equivalent age does fit in with the rest of your brood Tony: YEA- WAit what, how old are you exactly?? Loki: only a bit younger than thor Tony: who is like, a gazillion years old Loki: He's the equivalent of 21, actually. Maybe 22 by now? The Avengers, looking over to Thor: what. the. frick.
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devnicolee · 4 years
The Chosen Ones (8)
A/N: Enjoy! If you read chapter 7 like shortly after it was posted, the council scene was originally in Chapter 7 but I moved it here because that chapter was too long. So you may have already it read the first section.
This is the last chapter - I am really sad to end this series :( but I might do an epilogue or something if anyone is interested. I have been writing this for literally a year so thanks to everyone who liked and commented and read a chapter here or there. I appreciate it! 
Warnings: Smut
Word Count: 6,000 words
Pairings: M’Baku x OC
[1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7]
Asha fidgeted nervously, sharing anxious glances with M'Baku as they waited with bated breath for her brother to enter the council meeting. They arrived back in the Golden City with mere minutes to spare before the meeting, two herbs in her pocket and a video of the garden. Shuri chastised them for giving her an ulcer during their long absence. However, she couldn’t hide the deep sigh of relief as the pair rushed through the tall gold trimmed throne room doors with triumph and hope in their eyes. 
Asha scanned the council circle, passing by M’Baku’s reassuring eyes, to connect eyes with Elder Shani. Far from her usual contempt, her eyes were filled loathing and disgust. Instinctively, Asha felt herself starting to wilt like a dying flower. But something in her pushed back, forcing her to sit up straighter and send a pointed, cold glare back at the woman. Never again would someone else’s disdain silence her or force her to cower.
Their staring match only ended when the double doors entered. They all rose from their seats, saluting T’Challa as he walked to his seat, as cool and calm as ever. They did not have to wait long before he started speaking, getting right to the point of this meeting.
"I have called this meeting because much has changed in the last 36 hours, many things revealed about the Panther Tribe. Many have questioned my fitness to be king in light of these revelations. A lesser man would sit here and defend these lies but I cannot. They were an error in judgement, an error that was not my decision to start but could have,” he sighed, “Should have been mine to end once I became King. I did not. And for that, I am sorry. A king that cannot admit his failures is no king at all, only a tyrant. I know Elder Shani has lobbied many of you, encouraged you to demand a new challen-“ 
Elder Shani jumped up from her seat, her disrespect toward the throne on display as she cut the King short. "That is right! He is not fit to be King! Not while you and your family hid this abomination.” Her finger wagged in Asha's direction, forcing all eyes toward the young woman. She sat up a bit straighter, noting the looks of fear from some, the admiration from others. 
"You expressed no qualms with our secrets when you were blackmailing my sister into an engagement with your abusive son, when it suited your needs. I have forcibly removed you from this throne room once, do not make me do it again. Sit down," T'Challa threatened, his voice low and menacing. 
The elders of the Mining and Border Tribes shared a concerned look. They had taken the time to listen to Shani's pleads, and agreed with her in many ways. But they were quickly realizing the error in taking her words as the only truth. 
"Now. I could plead my case, preach to you all about why I am fit to wear the crown of King and hold the mantle of the Black Panther. However, this conversation is not about me or my fitness. It is about our country's distrust and hatred toward the more powerful... the chosen among us... the Wakandan like my sister." He offered Asha a small smile before continuing, "Prior to today, Wakandan's future was in a precarious state. Prior to today, the mantle of Black Panther was to die with me. And if we went through with today’s challenge, the centuries-old legacy would die today. That is just one of many reasons why Elder Shani’s desires are so short sighted. However, Bast... and Hanuman, it seems, have other plans. Asha, a powerful and chosen member of this family, and Lord M'Baku, have breathed new life into our dying future."
"What do you mean?" Elder M’Kathu inquired, leaning forward with interest. 
"I shall allow my sister to show you." T'Challa nodded at Asha, giving her the cue to pull the bright purple herbs from the pouch in her lap. They attracted everyone's eyes, captivating everyone with their glistening light. 
The throne room filled with exclamations of shock, joy and excitement. 
"How is this possible?" He asked in amazement. "N’Jadaka burned all the herbs." 
"He burned all the herbs we knew of, yes. But there is another garden hidden on the edge of Jabariland. Bast led Lord M'Baku and I there. There are enough herbs on the top of that mountain to sustain the Black Panther for hundreds of years," Asha explained. 
"Without my sister, without this gift Bast bestowed upon her, we... this country would have been lost. Without the Jabari so many of you despise, we would have been lost. Bast led the first Warrior Shaman to the herb years ago to save us from tearing ourselves apart. Today, she led Asha and a Jabari there to do the same. Together, two people, who represent what so many fear, opened a door that our failures shut forever.” 
He stood up, pacing behind his chair as he spoke. 
“That is bigger than me, it is bigger than Elder Shani, and it is bigger than our ignorance. Her campaign against me is rooted in hatred, hatred for a people who just saved our country. I ask you to vote against a new challenge, not because it suits me, but because we have the opportunity to build a new Wakanda. A Wakanda built on love and mutual respect for all of Bast's and Hanuman's people, not on the unstable foundation of distrust and prejudice.” He paused. “Now Elder Shani, I believe you have a proposal to raise for our vote. I await you all’s judgement and decision.” 
Her brother’s passionate monologue was met with silence, silence as Asha watched each person introspectively think about the future they wanted, the Wakanda they wanted. 
Elder Shani stood up once more, clearly unmoved by this new discovery or her brother’s passionate speech unlike everyone else in the room. It seemed she was committed to dying on this hill and was more than willing to do so alone. “This boy speaks of a new Wakanda, a new order. Wakanda prospered for hundreds of years before King T’Challa and it will do so after him. He does not think the way we do, he does not respect our traditions and so, he should not be King. I raise the motion to invoke a new Challenge Day, so we may have a King that will respect our traditions.” 
“The motion is on the floor. Elder Shani, how do you vote?” Asha’s heart raced, praying that her faith in Elder M’Kathu and Elder Olabisi was not misplaced, that her brother’s words had swayed them to choose progress over hate. Asha felt Shuri’s hand grab hers and squeeze it tightly as they listened. 
“Lord M’Baku?” 
“Nay.” Unlike his girlfriend, who was clearly filled with nervous energy, M’Baku seemed annoyed and bored with this whole spectacle, simply ready for this to be over so they could officially move on with their lives. 
“Elder Kwame?” 
“Nay.” Nakia’s stoic and quiet father responded swiftly with a nod to his daughter who sat beside the Queen Mother. Asha’s already racing heart seemed to beat even harder as they reached the two undecided Elders, the two that had the potential to change the fate of her family forever. 
“Elder M’Kathu?”
A beat. 
Despite wanting to jump up and praise Bast, Asha maintained her composure, they all did. T’Challa offered the older man a head nod as a silent thank you for his support before finishing the roll out of obligation. For good measure, Elder Olabisi also voted against the motion, effectively leaving Elder Shani on an island alone. 
“Thank you, thank you all. I believe together we can build a stronger Wakanda. Thank you for believing in that future as well. This meeting is now adjourned and I will see everyone at the King’s Exhibition.” 
The room stood and saluted him, all except Elder Shani and her son who swept from the room as soon as the final word left T’Challa’s mouth. 
At the official end of the meeting, Asha immediately walked to her brother and wrapped him in a tight hug. 
“I am so glad I didn’t ruin everything,” she whispered in his ear, finally letting out that sigh of relief she had been holding in. She felt as if that weight finally evaporated from her shoulders. “Thank you.” 
“Thank you,” he emphasized, pulling back to look at her. “You could never ruin us, Asha. You are the best of us. You saved us  and for that, I could never thank you enough. You both,” he motioned for Shuri to join their group hug, “are the best sisters I could ask for.”  
Asha broke apart from her siblings, giving space for others to congratulate her brother, and walked toward M’Baku. He stood, in the now-repaired window she destroyed, staring down into the heart of the Golden City, which was bustling with activity and life as everyone prepared for the coming festival. 
She stood beside him, looking out at her home with something other than envy and heartache for the first time. Hope. They stood in silence for a bit, the chatter of Asha's family fading away as they slid back into their own small world. 
"Thank you, M'Baku. T-this would not have been possible without you, without the Jabari. Thank Bast you decided to concern yourself with the drama of us lowlanders," she teased.
He chuckled, his brain conjuring that moment on the fields of the Great Mound, deciding to play along with her game. He remembered exactly how that conversation went… he would never forget it. "Well, it seems you all continue to need us to save you." 
She turned briefly and smiled at his profile, leaning against the window. "Yes... it seems we do. Wakanda is forever in your debt. Perhaps she will find a way to repay you one day." She added, stealing his line.  
A tug at her arm brought her close to him, the space between them evaporating. He cupped her face, uninhibited love and adoration passing between them. Her signature sparks immediately encircling the couple as he stared down at her, the love of his life, the woman he felt Hanuman destined for him to be with until the end of his days. 
“She led me to you and now I am forever in her debt,” he whispered as his lips captured hers, the audience of her family mere feet away from them mattered little. The two kissed deeply for a few moments before a wolf whistle caused them to break away. 
Asha laughed as she looked over and saw her entire family, minus her mother, staring at the couple with shocked and excited grins. Shuri continued to cheer loudly before her brother pinched her and ushered her out of the throne room. He winked at her before allowing the doors to slam shut and giving them some much-needed privacy. 
“Come to Jabariland.” 
“Later this week. I-I need to head back tonight and you should spend time with your siblings. But come to Jabariland for a few days, spend some time together where you aren’t almost dying and I am not having to save that brother of yours.” 
Asha mulled it over in her head. Though she figured her brother would be slightly annoyed at her absence from some of the festival events, she yearned for the private and uninterrupted time with M’Baku. She had not truly rested in the last 4 days, had not taken a real breath. There, they could finally do that together. 
“I would love to.” 
“Nakia!” Asha smiled as she threw some more clothes in a bag and beckoned her friend into her bedroom. She eyed Nakia and the medium-sized gift bag in her hand suspiciously as one of her closest friends sat down on her king-sized bed. 
“What is that?” Asha asked, gesturing toward the bag as she pulled a dress off the hanger. 
Nakia smiled slyly, “We will get to that in a second. First, I just wanted to see how you were doing. The last few days… weeks, years frankly, have been tough for you.” 
Asha smiled and reached across the bed to squeeze her future queen’s hand. Nakia was the big sister she didn’t have but always hoped for. And she knew she would be the perfect queen for them all.
“I am good, Nakia. Fantastic, actually. I got what I wanted, T’Challa’s position and title are safe. Everything is good now.” 
Nakia nodded but Asha could see the speculation in her eyes, the look that called her positive attitude into question. 
“Yes. All of that is true. But look at what it took to get there? Your father died, you watched your brother get murdered, you endured verbal abuse from all sides, you almost died… twice, according to M’Baku. I’ve seen enough of this world to know a happy ending doesn’t mean the road to them wasn’t paved with trauma and pain. It’s just… I’ve seen what happens when people don’t address what it took to get them what they wanted, what it cost them. I don’t want that for you, nor does your brother. Just, if you ever want to talk, let me know?” 
Asha bowed her head, she didn’t like to think Nakia was right. What mattered most, in her mind, was the fact that they were ok now. But she could not ignore all the tragedies littered throughout her life, the scars they left. She couldn’t pretend like those wounds of her chains healed just because she escaped them. 
“You will be my first call, I promise.” Asha came around to sit on the bed next to her. “Thank you for being here for me.” 
Nakia smiled and squeezed her hand. She pushed the bag toward the young girl. “Always. Now onto the fun part of my visit. This is for you.”
Asha grinned brightly as she excitedly tore the tissue paper out of the bag and pulled out several pieces of lingerie, her grin fading slightly with shock.
“Nakia,” she whined. “What is all this??” 
“It is for your trip. Essential wear.” 
“’Essential wear??’ N-Nakia, I d-don’t think we are going to get there yet.” She let the skimpy Burgundy lace fall back into the bag, laughing lightly. 
“Maybe you won’t, but maybe you will. Look, I see the way Lord M’Baku looks at you - he is ready to rip those clothes off your body every time you’re in the same room. He wants to show you the might of the Jabari, FIRST HAND!” Both girls laughed at her callback to M’Baku’s epic entrance at the battle on the Great Mound. “And if that is what you want, you should.” 
“I am sure my brother does not know about this part of your visit,” Asha mused. 
“No, he doesn’t,” Nakia admitted. “Because it isn’t his business, or mine, to be frank. I just wanted you to be prepared if you decide to travel down that road. Essential wear for the journey.”
She threw Asha a wink before leaving her to mull over her thoughts. Asha didn’t understand her own hesitation. Perhaps she was just overthinking it. The cave… it was spur of the moment, natural, intimate and unexpected. All their best moments were just that… unexpected. They produced magic when she didn’t have time to analyze or second guess, when she just lived in the moment with him. And here she was overanaylzing and second guessing. Her fingers fiddled with the edge of the gift bag as she thought. Nakia was right; M’Baku wanted her and she wanted him, desperately so. She pulled each piece of lingerie out, eyeing each one with speculation. They left little to the imagination but they were gorgeous. She slipped both into her suitcase. 
Just in case. 
“Try not to destroy the palace while I’m gone eh?” She implored as she gave Shuri a hug outside. 
Shuri, who looked like someone had just stolen her pet panther, nodded sadly. “You’ll call me tomorrow right? Make sure they haven’t turned you into an anti-vibranium fanatic?” 
Asha laughed, “Yes I will call you tomorrow, I promise. Don’t look so glum, I will be back in a few days.” 
“I know, it is just hard to say bye to you. I am usually begging for this one to get out of here.” Asha laughed as T’Challa clutched his imaginary pearls in faux offense. “But you are the constant of our triangle. It’s not the same without you.”  
Asha’s nose wrinkled, shocked to see her sister so despondent about her leaving. She glanced at T’Challa, whose face was also a bit crestfallen but he did a better job of hiding it. 
“Come on guys! I’m gonna be gone for a few days, a week tops. I have to come back… all my clothes are here,” she joked, trying to lighten the mood. Her joke only earned her small chuckles much to her dismay. 
“Would you want it to be permanent, though?”
“What do you mean?” 
“Would you want to live in Jabariland? With M’Baku?” T’Challa asked, already knowing the answer even if she didn’t yet. 
“I hadn’t thought about it honestly. Maybe, one day.” Under her siblings’ knowing stares, she amended her statement. “But M’Baku and I are trying to go slow, take our time. We have been dating for two days, I doubt he is redecorating the Lodge for me yet.”
T’Challa and Shuri shared a knowing glance that didn’t go unnoticed before ushering her toward the plane, a sudden 180 turn from their original despondent looks. “What was that look for?” 
T’Challa smiled, “Nothing. We just think you are underestimating the speed of the Jabari. Have fun sister. Try not to burn Jabariland down while you are there,” he winked. 
“Too soon, brother… too soon,” she chuckled before waving them goodbye as the Talon ramp closed and the plane sped off. 
“M’Baku! It was foolish to think you could redecorate your quarters in three days,” N’Danna reminded him as the man rearranged furniture and put new things he got at the market out. “I thought she had been here once, I am sure she likes it just fine.” 
M’Baku scoffed, “I do not want her to like it. I want her to want to live in it. I spoke to T’Challa to learn a bit more about her, things she liked. I picked up a few things from being in her office but he gave me some other ideas. I commissioned two new paintings from her favorite artist but those won’t be here until her next visit, Olabisi was able to make her flowers again,” he pointed to the red-orange tipped roses on the bedside table, “I put them on this side of the bed because… well, does liking sunsets mean you also like the sunrise? I have only slept with her twice so who knows if she is a morning person. Oh but T’Challa said she really doesn’t need much sleep so… Oh look at these… I just got them carved.” 
He rushed to the bag by the door and pulled out a box that contained wooden panthers and rhinos. He laid them on the coffee table in his lounge area, excitedly looking from them to N’Danna like a child showing off a new toy. 
“You have been inside the mind of a woman, you think she will like them?” 
“Relax brother. She will love all of it, they are… cute.” 
M’Baku nodded, taking some of his older carvings down and sliding the animals into their place, putting one by her side of his bed. Just as he was examining the room, looking for another thing to move or switch out to expel his nervous energy, Kide popped his head in. 
“The Talon is approaching, my Lord. About 5 minutes out.” 
M’Baku nodded, rubbing his hands together nervously. He nodded at N’Danna to walk with him toward the landing outside the Lodge. 
“Oh N’Danna, I need one more favor.” 
N’Danna rolled his eyes before they bugged out of his head, his chief’s passing thoughts cueing him into the favor before the words left his mouth. “A-are you serious? M’Baku? So soon?” 
M’Baku sighed, it didn’t feel too soon to him. “I have known since the moment I first spoke to her. I do not need to see anything else. I-I do not need anymore time. And I don’t think she does either.” 
N’Danna stood and pulled the man into an embrace. “Congrats. I will get everything squared away for you. Don’t worry about a thing. Just spend time with your girl.” 
The two men shook hands before N’Danna took off in the opposite direction and M’Baku headed to greet Asha. 
This time when Asha stepped off the plane and into the fresh snow of Jabariland, it felt totally different. She was still nervous but not in the anxiety sort of way. It was nervous excitement filling her belly. She didn’t have to wait long before M’Baku rushed forward and swept her into a tight hug.  
“I have missed you.” 
“I missed you too,” she whispered, kissing his lips.  
Their hands joined, her fear of burning him long gone and almost forgotten. She felt sort of out of place as she walked, soldiers saluting her and M’Baku as they strolled through the Lodge. 
“I hope you do not mind but I was hoping you would stay in my quarters this trip. But I had your room from your last visit set up for you, should that make you more comfortable.” 
Asha smiled, appreciative of the sweet but unnecessary gesture. Where ever he was, that’s where she wanted to be. 
“Your quarters are perfect, thank you.” 
And thus started, what Asha could only describe as three magical days with the love of her life. M’Baku spent half of the day working, during which a guard would take Asha down to the market. She spent most of her time chatting with Olabisi, who told her thrilling tales of the Jabari and The Chosen, stories Asha imagined she would have read in that book, had she ever gotten past the first page. She explained all the different powers the Chosen in the tribe had now: flight, chlorokinesis, elemental control like Asha, mind reading, telepathy, invisibility… they were as diverse as they were powerful. She offered book recommendations for Asha, which she immediately went and found in the Lodge’s library. 
After, she just roamed the market, under the watchful eye of one of M’Baku’s guards. She stopped at every merchant asking them every question she could think of about their work and life in Jabariland. She sat and watched the wood makers carve Jabari wood and knobkerries. Every day she met someone new, learned something new, and basked in the beauty of Wakanda’s most plentiful resource: her people. This is what she knew she was missing her whole life. This was her freedom, to be among her people. No one was afraid of her here, no one cared about her powers. She watched all day as Chosen used their powers to help get things done faster and more efficiently, assistance that was not only accepted but appreciated. Asha thought back to her conversation with her brother, about potentially living here permanently. And she knew, in her heart, she could… that she wanted to. Jabariland was starting to feel more like home than the Golden City ever had. 
After leaving the market and shops, she would meet M’Baku for a late lunch and then he would take her to his favorite spots around the Lodge and mountains. They would hike each evening, catching the sunset at a spot, Asha giddy like a child at every single one. Her third night, he even had a picnic set up waiting for her at the end of their hike. 
“How was the market today?” M’Baku asked as they walked back to his bedroom after returning from their hike. 
“Amazing as always. I met this man, he said he has been carving Jabari wood since he was 10. He made the cutest rhino figurine for me - I am going to give it to Okoye. He was so nice and just told me about all the different things he carves and all the Jabari symbols, what they mean. Oh I met the Chief Fisherman and his husband at their shop. They were so sweet, told me all about their daughter who, apparently, wants to be an engineer like Shuri. I will have to tell her, maybe on my next visit she can come and meet her? Do you think she would like that? I think Shuri would be really excited.” 
M’Baku smiled brightly, listening to her go on and on about the Jabari, all stories he already knew as Chief but there was something about hearing her say it. The excitement and passion for the people she was meeting… she sounded like she born for the title of Queen of Jabariland.
“What? Am I rambling? I am rambling, aren’t I?” She asked as she noted the look on his face. 
“No, no not at all. I just like seeing you like this. So excited about the people here.” 
“Well, the Jabari are the first Wakandans I have had a conversation for longer than five minutes with. To be among the people, learn their names and their stories? There is nothing better. I didn’t realize how much I was missing, how much joy it brings. Thank you,” she stretched her body and kissed him gently on his lips. 
In lieu of responding, he just wrapped his arms around her waist, pulling her in deeper for a long, passionate kiss. After a few moments, they broke apart, Asha muttering that she wanted to take a shower after such a journey. The hikes still didn’t seem to bother M’Baku, but Asha always felt like she had endured a rigorous workout afterward.
M’Baku shook his head slightly. He understood and respected her desire to go slow. But that wasn’t making it any easier. He wanted her so badly it hurt. But he wanted her to be ready. 
After her shower, Asha stood in his mirror, giving herself a pep talk as she examined the dark red lace lingerie on her slender frame in the mirror. Though there was always something she could find wrong, aside from the blemishes she could not get rid of in 5 minutes, even she could admit that she looked good… sexy even. She whispered confident words to herself before opening the bathroom door. His back was to her as he stood, looking out his window. Her walk faltered for a minute, her confidence fading fast as she realized she would have to actually get his attention. 
He wants you. You want him. You can do this.
“M’Baku,” she whispered. He turned around slightly at the sound of his name, doing a double take as he realized what exactly covered her beautiful frame. 
“Usana,” he breathed quietly as she had literally stolen his breath and ability to speak. He had never been rendered speechless by a woman before, usually he had that effect on them. But here his goddess stood, more beautiful than anything he had seen on this Earth. His eyes studied the smooth brown skin peeking through the triangle cut outs of her bra and panty set, studied her so closely as if he had to commit her to memory.  
“You like it, my love?” She teased, his inability to form words fueling her confidence as she walked toward him, her fingers trailing up his biceps once she was in arm’s length of him. 
“Who wouldn’t? You are a vision, sithandwa sam” He whispered back before gently grabbing the back of her thighs and hoisting her up. Her legs instinctively wrapped around his midsection as he carried her to his bed. She quickly found herself laying on her back among the mountain of soft white furs covering his bed. He stared down at her for a moment, soaking in her beauty. This is how he always wanted to see her… wild and unreserved. 
He leaned over and kissed her deeply before creating a path of kisses down her body. Her body and mind knew his end destination, her quiet squirms begged him to make the journey there faster. But he didn’t care, he wanted to take his time… watch her come undone piece by piece. His mouth explored her soft, supple skin, kissing or gently biting every available and exposed inch. Soft moans escaped her lips, a sensual symphony to his ears. 
“M’Baku, please,” she begged as he placed soft kisses everywhere but where she needed it most. Asha’s eyes clenched shut in anticipation and her hands gripped the furs on his bed as his lips finally reached the promise land of her sensitive bud. Her back arched slightly as he sucked on her clit, sending shockwaves through her body. His thick finger entered her, curling immediately into her g-spot, increasing her pleasure tenfold. 
“Fuck… M’B-Baku… don’t stop, please,” she begged. Unnecessary words because stopping was the furthest thing from his mind. He was doing Hanuman’s work, pouring all the love and adoration she missed out on in her life into her, showing her what it meant to be worshipped and adored as she deserved. He had no intention of stopping that important work. Hell, he could do this all night. 
Asha’s eyes clenched shut as she rode the waves of passion and pure ecstasy his mouth and hands were providing. His eyes never left her face as he devoured what was now his favorite meal, each moan, groan, and plead for mercy or more spurring him on. Her thighs clamped around his head as he pushed her farther up the mountain of desire. He inserted a second finger in her as she grew louder, signaling that her orgasm was near. 
It didn’t take long of his expert ministrations for Asha to feel that snap that led to the most life-altering orgasm of her life, years of self-pleasure paled in comparison. She let out a continuous stream of praise and curse words as she road the waves of bliss. 
“That’s it, come for me my queen. Hanuman, you are beautiful.” 
He emerged from between her legs, immediately kissing her deeply. The smell of smoke caught both of their attention at the same time, pulling them out of their own little world of pleasure and passion to find smoke rising from the comforter. A large black patch of burnt fur now staining his white fur blanket. Asha quickly removed the smoke from the air before hitting herself in the forehead, embarrassment and frustration quickly sliding onto her face. 
“I am so sorry, M’Baku! Ugh, I h-have never done this, especially without the rings. I-I didn’t know that would-“ He captured her lips to shut her up, laughing lightly. 
“It is just a blanket, my love. I have five more just like it in the closet. And if we burn all of those, I can get fifty more made. Take a deep breath. I do not care about that.”
She nodded, laughing lightly before recapturing his lips. There he was again, pulling her back from the cliffs just as she was about to tumble down with such ease and care. Her anxieties and frustrations melted away as he kissed her, her hands drifting down toward his pants, preparing to pull them down.
“Are you sure? We don’t have to do this.” 
His breathy whispers in her ear made her want him even more, despite the content of his words. 
“I want you. I want this.” She offered him an encouraging smile before he stood up and pulled his pants and boxers off. Her voice hitched and eyes widened as she took him in. He was more than she could have ever imagined… in every way. The bed dipped as he climbed back on top of her. Every second felt like cruel and unusual punishment as she waited, every pleasure sensor in her body begging and pleading to be catered to. 
She gasped as he pushed into her, her body wholly unaccustomed to being stretched this much before. It was painful, as she expected, but she could already feel the pleasure brewing underneath… the pleasure that made getting passed this uncomfortable part worth it. He kissed her softly and whispered sweet nothings into her ears as he slowly slid into her. She was thankful he was a thoughtful and gentle lover, her mind briefing thinking about the bullet she dodged with Hasani, who wouldn’t have cared how painful the experience was for her. 
It didn’t take long for the pain to quickly fade into earth shattering, mind-blowing pleasure as M’Baku started his slow and steady strokes into her. His dick curved right into her g-spot, forcing moans and words of love and adoration at the end of every stroke.
“How does it feel, my queen?” 
“F-fuck, M’Baku,” she panted as he rocked into her, slowing picking up the pace as her moans grew louder and her orgasm approached. “Feels… so.. g-good. D-don’t stop.” 
M’Baku’s never-ending stamina meant that stopping wasn’t in the cards for him anytime soon. Through orgasm after orgasm, the couple spent the evening completely enthralled in passionate love-making. His quarters soaked up the screams and moans of the princess of Wakanda as they transitioned between positions and he took her to places she never knew possible. She lost track of the orgasms he pulled from the depths of her soul throughout the night. She was completely spent by the time M’Baku came and rolled off her. 
She shifted to her side lazily to watch him walk to the bathroom, eyes half closed. “How are you not exhausted?” 
“The might of the Jabari,” he called from the bathroom. When he returned, he sat down next to her and cleaned her up with a warm wet towel before climbing into bed. She shifted to lay on his chest, listening to his heartbeat as they fell asleep in each other’s arms. 
“My princess?” 
Asha looked up from her spot curled up in an oversized arm chair in the library to find Kide looking at her. After last night, she didn’t really have the energy to walk around the market today and M’Baku had a long day of meeting so she opted to stay in the library and snuggle up by the window to read. 
“Asha will do just fine,” she reminded the young guard as she slide her bookmark in place. 
“Asha, Lord M’Baku has asked that I escort you to your spot on the west mountains. He will meet you there. The carriage is waiting outside.” 
Asha’s nose wrinkled at the break in their tradition of hiking to the various spots together but she let go of it rather quickly. She imagined that the only reason he would break their tradition was for some sort of surprise. And while she had no earthly idea what it could be, she certainly didn’t want to ruin it by messing up his plans. 
She followed Kide outside, one foot in the carriage before an idea struck her. 
“C-could we maybe get there a different way?” 
Kide’s eyes widened before a smile graced his face. “Are you sure?” 
“Well, the last time I tried it… I almost died? So I figure I could use the practice?” 
She wasn’t sure if her black jumpsuit, while insanely cute, was functional for flying. But she decided not to let that stop her. She looked up to find Kide already circling her head, waiting for her. 
I can do this. I can do this. She chanted before pushing off of the ground. She wobbled a bit before finding her balance and propelling herself higher into the sky next to him. The cold air whipped against her face as she flew behind Kide, slightly lower than him, around the mountains. She looked down and she could see everyone walking around below them, the occasionally hand pointed up or waving at them as they flew past. 
The higher they climbed up the side of the mountain, the more her eyes watered. However, she continued to push forward. She followed close behind Kide, circling the clearing she knew too well before diving behind him to land. The first thing she heard was applause when her feet touched the white snow. She turned to find M’Baku sitting on a rock, waiting for her, a bright smile on his face. 
“Thank you, Kide.” 
“Any time, my princess.” He turned and walked back to the guards waiting on the snow-covered road by the carriage. She turned her attention to M’Baku, noting the nervous look in his eyes, the way his hands fidgeted with his fur collar. 
He didn’t say anything as he approached her, holding out his hand. She immediately placed her small one into his. They stared out at the horizon, the sky starting to fill with the oranges and yellows of sunset. 
She quickly turned her attention back to him, facing him as their fingers interlocked. 
“I-I had this whole speech written out b-but seeing you here… I just… I am in love with you, Asha Udaka. My love for you has only grown stronger and deeper since the moment you walked into my throne room filled with grief and pain. And since then, I have witnessed you step into your power, into who you are and demand acceptance from the people who would deny you with the power and grace of a Queen. I don’t know what Hanuman has for my future but I know I want you in it… I need you in it. I don’t need anymore time to know you are the love of my life. We have proven that our love can melt away even the toughest of hardships, that this… w-what we share is unlike anything else in this world. And I know you will make a beautiful and compassionate Queen. And so…”
Asha expelled a shaky breath as M’Baku spoke. She had a feeling she knew where this was heading but she wouldn’t dare let herself believe it until he said the words. She watched as he pulled two wooden bands out of his pocket. The tears streaming down her face obscured her vision slightly but she knew exactly what those meant. Her mind called back to one of the many books she had read over the last few days, one detailing the engagement tradition of the Jabari. The dark brown wooden bracelet was the standard tribe engagement band, engraved with Jabari symbols that represented the future they would build together. But the gold one, reserved only for the tribe’s chieftess, carried a small inscription chosen by M’Baku. 
“Will you marry me?” 
“Y-yes, yes! 100 times yes,” she whispered immediately. She didn’t need to think about it, didn’t need more time. Her love for M’Baku… she knew nothing like it in this world. And here he was, offering her a future she thought she would never get to have. “I love you so much.” 
Her hand shook slightly as he slid the bracelets onto her arm and wrapped his arms around her. He peppered her face with soft kisses as she laughed, pure joy radiating off them. They only stopped when Asha heard cheering from around them. 
“What is th-“ she turned to find all the important people in her life emerging from the trees. Shuri was the first to rush toward her, running into her like a small train as she always did. Her crying intensified as she hugged her sister and looked at T’Challa, Nakia, Okoye and all the Dora behind her. 
Shuri released her and T’Challa wrapped her in a tight hug, wiping away the tears that streamed down her face. 
“D-did you all k-know about this?” 
“We may have had an idea or two. Congratulations, Asha. T-this is truly amazing.” 
Asha shared hugs with everyone as they offered her congratulations, before returning to M’Baku’s side. The guards brought out rum from the carriage for the group to toast, passing cups around for each person. 
Asha felt as though her heart was so full it may burst at the seams, her happiness almost overwhelming. 
“Lord M’Baku, if I may? A toast!” T’Challa called out, raising his glass. “To my younger sister, Asha and Lord M’Baku. I don’t know if I have ever met two people more destined for each other than you. We are so happy for you, you both deserve the world and I know you have that and more here. Congratulations and here is to many more sunsets together.” 
Asha’s smile could have lit up all of Jabariland as she listened to her brother. They toasted and drank rum as they watched the sun fall below the horizon together. Asha nestled herself into her fiancé’s side as she looked around at the people she loved and who loved her immensely. Bast was right, Asha’s life was overflowing with love and her future with hope. She couldn’t wait to spend every moment of it surrounded by M’Baku, T’Challa, Shuri, Nakia and Okoye… the people she loved most in this whole world. Their journey had been long and rugged, but every step brought her to this summit. And it was worth it. 
Tag List: @destinio1 @muse-of-mbaku @jellybean531 @skysynclair19 @ashanti-notthesinger @gloriousgam3r @archivistofwakanda @leahnicole1219 @mygirlrenee @dramaqueeenamby
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ravenforce · 5 years
Remember December
Pairing: Natasha Romanoff x Fem!Reader
Warning/s: None?
Summary: Nat and the Reader meets again.
A/N: That summary, says nothing and everything. Let me know what you guys think. Xx
Part 1 (Stone Cold) | Part 2 (Fix A Heart)
Two weeks after relocating to Wakanda, and continuing your therapy, your injured ankle caught a complication and Shuri needed to amputate. At first, you were sad about it but a week after the operation, Shuri and T'Challa came to your room with a plan for a prosthetic foot. It was the most realistic and advance prosthetic design you've ever seen.
"Try it on!" Shuri said proudly. She saw your hesitation, "come on! You don't like it, we can modify it together."
You looked at T'Challa who offered you an assuring smile. "Alright, what do I have to lose?" You said giggling.
Shuri immediately helped you put on the prosthetic foot. You were surprised how it felt natural and light. It was also made to adapt the wearer's skin tone, making it blend in on your whole body except for the red band around the ankle where it connects.
"Wow," you breathe out as you look at your new foot. You stood up and started walking around, it was just like your normal, human foot.
You look up at Shuri's beaming face. "This is amazing," you said smiling back at her.
"Oh. Wait till you see what it can do," she teased. You cock an eyebrow at her. "Tap your foot twice," is the only instruction she gave you.
You did as you were told, and in an instant, a replica of T'challa's suit covered your entire body; the only difference was the markings. T'challa's suit is matte black with violet linings while yours is matte white with blood red markings.
"Wow, you look even better in it than I do," T'Challa says as he watches you watch yourself in the mirror.
You retracted the helmet of your suit to reveal your face, and smiled at him. "You'll let me wear this?"
"Of course, from here onwards, you shall be known as the white tiger of Wakanda," he opens his arms and you immediately step inside it.
Settling in Wakanda was easy. Queen Ramonda requires your presence at every meal. She sometimes asks you to join council meetings, she teaches you Wakandan history and values.
After Shuri made sure your body acclimated to the prosthetic, she gave you the clear to join the Dora Milaje's training. It was rigorous and disciplined, you very much enjoy learning new fighting techniques. Sometimes, T'Challa would spar and train with you with your suit on.
When you're not training, you're in the lab with Shuri making all sorts of inventions and weapons upgrade. T'Challa even complained about it one time at dinner.
"Y/N, stop encouraging Shuri from making ridiculous weapons," he commented when Shuri finished showing him the new weapon plans for the army.
Shuri rolled her eyes playfully at his brother, "if you must know, these plans are Y/N's."
T'Challa choked on his water. Queen Ramonda laughed, "you two are trouble together."
"So glad to have a genius sister now. Instead of just one idiot brother," Shuri teased.
You smiled softly at her before looking around the table. No one seems to be inclined to correct her statement. You were a stranger, running away from home and heartache. You feel lucky to be adopted by this family, this hidden country.
Sixth months of living in this hidden paradise, you're a better, stronger, faster, happier version of yourself. You've been accepted by the Wakandan as their own. So when a ship entered Wakanda's atmosphere, you were immediately alerted. The King is receiving the visitors himself, and he required your presence. Must be important people if he wanted you and Shuri there.
You arrived a little later than everyone else, and in your White Tiger suit at that. Even from a far, you can recognize the quinjet. You watched Steve shake T'challa's hand. He saw you standing behind your team and beckoned you upfront, your team turned towards you. You walked confidently towards the King and made him do the dorky sibling handshake Shuri thought you.
"Who's the White Tiger?" Tony quipped.
You internally rolled your eyes. You turned your body towards the team before tapping your foot.
"Is that how you talk to your best friend, Stark?" You asked when your suit fully retracted. Everyone gasped except Wanda who just launched herself at you. You caught her in your arms immediately.
"Y/N!" She yelled as she hugged you tight. She pulled back a little, and cupped your face in her hands, "you look so good."
You beamed at her, "thank you."
Most of the team crowded near you to give you a long overdue hug but not Natasha; Bruce even gave you a small smile. Nat just stood rooted at her place near the mouth of the quinjet. So you walked up to her smiling. It's been too long, it takes a whole lot of conscious effort to remind yourself that her boyfriend is watching you.
"Hey Tasha," you husked out. Nat fought down the urge to shiver, cry, and pull you towards her at the same time. She gave you a small, tentative smile.
"Hey," she whispered. God, you're even more beautiful than she remembers.
You smiled at her. You understand her hesitation, so you touched her elbow lightly before gently pulling her towards you. Nat sighed, she revels in being in your arms again. She inhaled your scent deeply, as she wrapped her arms against your back.
"Y/N," you heard her mumble against your shirt.
You started to pull away a minute after. You caught the ends of her hair in your fingertips. "You look beautiful but I love your red hair better," you whispered. Nat actually blushed at that.
T'Challa decided that to honour your friends' arrival, a party was in order. It wasn't the same as Tony's parties but it is somewhat a royalty event in Wakandan standard. You arrived early with Queen Ramonda, Shuri, T'Challa, Nakia and Okoye. Every head turned, Wakandans' gave their salute to the family. You can feel every eye on you especially Nat's, boring a hole at the side of your face as she watches you stride with confidence besides the royal family.
You're wearing a blue silk dress with golden embroidery of the sun and stars and a deep slit on the side. Nat noted the knife holster on your thighs. 'Hot! Hot! Too hot', she thought. She also noted all the girls who have their eyes on you. She gritted her teeth, she can't start fights here.
"Act fast Nat, or you'll lose her again," Wanda said as she sits beside Natasha.
Nat didn't respond, she just took a long sip of her drink and watched you make a beeline for the bar. "What are they saying?"
"Dirty stuff, I'd rather not hear," Wanda answered with a deep blush. "They want her so bad though."
Nat couldn't help the crack in her carefully constructed poker face when a woman sauntered in the bar to talk to you.
You made your stool turned around when you felt a light tap on your shoulder. You smiled when you saw a girl, whose name you can't remember, stand smiling before you.
"Hey," you greeted. You really can't remember her name.
"You look so hot tonight," the girl said and you beamed at her. You did dressed up extra pretty tonight but it wasn't for her though. But of course, you didn't tell her that.
"Thank you," you said picking you up your drink.
The girl stepped closer, her hand falling to your leg through the slit of your dress. You smirked at her over your glass of Vodka. She just smiled at you sweetly as she places her order with the bartender. You placed your glass and one of your arms slung over the counter, while the other reached for the side of the girls face. You run your hand from her jaw down to her neck, collarbone, and finally resting on her chest, and just felt her steady heartbeat there.
She was looking intently in your eyes, and then your ears picked up heels storming out of the room. You caught a flash of blonde hair, and then Wanda looking like she's gonna murder you anytime soon.
It's way past midnight, the party is dwindling down. You've caught up with most of your team by then. Wanda gave you light smacks on your arm for flirting with another woman in front of Natasha, to which you just wrapped your arm around her and told her, you miss her. She couldn't stay mad at you after that.
Bucky joined you at one point in the bar with Steve and Rhodey. Tony kept bugging you about the schematics of your prosthetic foot but you promised Shuri not to give it away. You were on the way back to the ballroom when you pass by two people making out on the hallway. You were about to shrug it off and ignore them when you realize who one of them is.
"Bruce?" You asked and he looked up at you.
You're not easily triggered and not easily angered but the sight of him sucking someone else's face made you see red. You tapped your foot fast and was immediately engulfed by your suit. Bruce sensed that he's in trouble but wasn't fast enough to activate the Hulk before you're attacking him.
You threw him inside the ballroom. Everyone stopped and gasped as his human body lies on the floor. He was just shaking his head when you pounced on him. You can faintly hear Steve and T'Challa calling you but you can't stop unleashing multiple punches on Bruce.
"I gave her up for you," you said with your mask still on. One, two punch. Bruce splattered blood.
"She broke up with me," Bruce groaned. It took a minute for your brain to process his words. When you did, your hand automatically stopped mid-punch.
Bruce lowered his arms that's protecting his face. You got off him, retract your suit and sat beside him on the floor.
"'I made a mistake, I'm sorry. I care about you Bruce, but I'm in love with her,' is what she said a week after you left," he choked out.
You looked up at your team, Tony and Wanda nodded at you. You were about to speed off when you heard T'Challa clear his throat. Thank goodness, the Queen didn't have to see this mess. T'Challa cocked an eyebrow.
"I'm sorry for hitting you, Bruce. I thought you were cheating on Nat," you sighed your apology out. T'Challa smiled.
"I'm sorry for interrupting the party too, brother," you said and T'Challa beamed at you before nodding. You sprinted out after that.
Steve turned towards the King, "Wow, that's an improvement."
"In Wakanda, we communicate our differences," he said.
You run the hallways of your adoptive home as fast as you could on your silk dress. You're sweating and panting when you reached and knocked on her door. You heard soft footsteps before Nat opened the door in her pyjamas, she looked at you with wide eyes.
"Can I come in?" You asked still catching your breathe. She stepped aside to let you in.
"What.." she tried to ask before you surged forward and kiss her. Nat was only still and surprised for a second before she melted in your arms. You walked her backwards until you have her trapped between your body and the door. She groaned not from the impact but from you grinding your hips against her.
"Why didn't you tell me?" You husked out right at her ear before you started peppering kisses on her neck.
Nat bit her lip, trying to contain her whimpers. "I didn't think you'd still want me." You grinded into her harder until she had no choice but to let out a long moan. You bent down a little, hooked your hand behind her knees and hoist her to wrap her legs around your waist.
"I never stopped wanting you," you whispered as you carry her to her bed. You dropped her unceremoniously. You held her eyes as you slowly lift your dress up and off of you. Nat felt a little self-conscious wearing pyjamas while you're wearing the laciest lingerie she's ever seen you wear.
Even in the dim light on the room, Nat caught a glimpse of something that's never been on your skin before. She stopped you with a hand on your chest before you could reach down and kiss her again. You merely looked at her, relishing the way she look at the small, simple black widow tattoo peaking out of your underwear around your hips.
"I never stopped being yours," you said quietly as she take in your tattoo. "Not even for a second."
"I'm so sorry Y/N," she whispered before pulling you down on her. She kissed you with every emotion she kept at bay for the last six month.
The sky is turning a pretty shade of purple as the sun rises over Wakanda. You haven't slept a wink, you've been lying there in the dark with your arms around Natasha's sleeping back for hours.
"I can literally hear you thinking," Nat mumbled, voice raw from so little sleep she got from last night. You chuckled before planting a soft kiss on her shoulder and hugging her closer.
"Marry me, Tasha," you whispered against her skin.
Nat stilled for a moment before she opened her eyes and turned around in your arms. She looked into your eyes, searched your face for any trace of insincerity. When she found none, she smiled and pulled you in for a kiss.
"I'll take that as a yes," you said as you nestle yourself against her neck.
"Yes," she said before planting a kiss on your temple.
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ravenempress101 · 6 years
💕Daughter of Escape 💕 white reader x T'challa x tony stark fluff!
Tumblr media
Requested by: theoriginalfox http://theoriginalfox.tumblr.com/
 Hey ! Can you write imagine where reader is daughter of Tony Stark and meets T'challa at one of her dad's parties and fall for him some time after that ? Can be oneshot or more 😍 thanks. I love your posts
Thank you for requesting. this was kinda out of my confront zone but I loved writing it so much and request some more sweetheart. I hope you enjoy it and sorry it took so long! Thank you for loving my post sweetheart!
Requests are always open! 
The music starts playing and then suddenly someone comes out. “Welcome everyone to the party of a lifetime, I know what your thinking, don’t shit yourselves” tony starks better known as iron man aka my dad is having one of his balomsous parties. This one is bigger than last time.
There’s red and gold balloons everywhere and even some cut outs of him placed all corners of the rooms. He even rented a angel sculpture of him.
dad loved himself so much. He is very self centered but who isnt?
Oh yea me!
You turned around in your seat rolling your eyes at your dad trying to be a bad ass at his own parties that everyone loved except you. It was a waste of time you thought to yourself. Nobody ever talks to you at one of your dad’s parties because it’s his party.
 His rules his way.
 y/n didn’t get much attention. Y/n said to her dad’s aunt sitting beside her at the family table she always sat at. “I’m gonna go get some punch” Y/n standing up from her seat and proceeding to walk away but iron man’s aunt stopped his daughter in her tracks and tapped her on her shoulder. “alright be careful and also try to have fun” Tony starks aunt said to her niece
Y/n nodded her head and started walking away from the family table also whisper to herself “yea I’ll try” Y/n was glad to get away from the table. Her dad’s family always sheltered her like a little kid knowing she was a grown woman looking for adventures.
But not knowing she was going to have the best night ever.
Y/n walked over to the punch bowl grabbing the spoon and capturing the decorative glass and pouring the red liquid in her glass. She placed the spoon back in the bowl and started drinking. Then she stood there wishing and praying this night would be over. Watching everyone smile and have a good time. She wasn’t at all like the others.
 Once she kept drinking somebody or someone made there way over to the punch bowl aswell. The figure grabbed the spoon and poured his drink but bumped into you. Y/n turned and looked getting angry.
 did this person know who they just pushed? You are tony starks daughter the daughter of iron man you could have him burned alive just by the snap of your fingers cause your dad would do anything and everything to make his daughter happy. 
Y/n stopped drinking her punch and was about to roll her eyes. But something stopped her. Y/n faced soften at this person. This person was so captivating that he could have her wrapped around his finger. 
The gentleman that was wearing African tribal wear, with curly kinky black hair the most beautiful brown chocolate eyes that you can swim in. His pearly white teeth like pearls peeking through his silhouette of big brown lips laced with his scruffy beard. You got lose in his aura. His atmosphere he carried with him was better than the gathering that you were attending. It felt like you two were the only ones there just taking in you guys presence. He let you come out of his trance by saying “I’m sorry for bumping into you” him speaking in his elegant African accent. You smiled and nodded “it’s alright” Looking down at yourself and playing with your fingers in front of you.
This lovely man must’ve saw something in you to keep talking to you. “you look like you don’t want to be here” The man spoke in concern
Y/n faced giggle trying to give him denial but he was totally right “I love being here” Then someone slide beside you and came into the conversation. You knew the familiar hands that where place on your shoulders. It was your dad. Tony stark spoke “well hello my sweetheart how’s daddy’s daughter doing” You faked giggle trying to give your dad the benefit of the dought “splendid dad”
 Then he turned to the person that bumped into you and they smiled at each other and did a brotherly handshake like they knew each other for a long time Tony stark said with excitement “ah tchalla, the king of wakanda, the genius behind the vibranium,the black panther” then Iron man placed his hands up in a cat like reflex hissing. “how’s it going? You looked at the guy name tchalla and didn’t recognize him at all from defending the world. You never really recognize none of the avengers heroes  because you only said hi and bye to them when your dad introduce them to you.
 But with this one the black panther you will always remember him well now you will. Tchalla spoke   “I am good, thanks for inviting us to one of your parties but I think my sister shuri might be loving it a little to much” We all look over at tchalla sister name shuri at the dance floor dancing her life away. She’s doing the whip and nae  nae having the best time of her life. 
Y/n wished that was her having that much fun but you always had to be poised at these events while everyone went wild. Y/n slightly giggled and so did tchalla “Anytime these parties can get wild though” You zoned out the conversation with your dad and tchalla you guessed they were talking about defeating Thanos but your mind started drifting away  looking around at everyone, seeing people grab all sorts of ethnic foods, dancing to the beats of the songs that the dj played but you came out of the trance and looked right back at your daddy talking away at tchalla. Y/n was about to sneak and walked away but your dad caught you before you could.
 Tony stark asked tchalla “have you met my lovely daughter” You smiled and wave wishing you were invisible now Tchalla spoke “no I haven’t” “well tchalla this is y/o and y/n meet the wonderful tchalla” My dad motioning to us. Y/n placed her hand out in front of tchalla and then tchalla raised his hand and placed it in yours shaking it gently. You felt the warm sensation of tchalla . No wonder why they called him black panther. You wished you could have more of him but you couldn’t, not now your dad was standing right there so you had to be angel in front of daddy but when daddy leaves the sexy daddy will remain and you can be his bad little girl. 
Once you guys were done shaking hands you pulled back and you said “nice to meet you tchalla I wish I could stay and chat some more but I have to go make my rounds” Your dad spoke “aweeee look at my daughter talking to people trying to make friends aweee alright darling give daddy a hug and kiss”
You rolled your eyes in secret and hugged dad and kissed his cheek and then strutted over to the next table.
You wished tchalla the best and when you turned around again you thought you saw tchalla wink at you but you thought your mind was playing tricks on you.
After the party you walked out with your head hanging low. You were saying to yourself “well that wasn’t fun at all” But then someone grabbed you and hugged you close to them commented on your comment and his strong african accent. 
“well you were fun tonight, I knew you didn’t have any fun” You smiled knowing the person you just met. The one who made your heart and soul leap to of your body. “oh hey tchalla I thought you left already” He giggled at you “I was about to but I saw you and wanted to tell you that you were and still very beautiful and I really didn’t know your tony starks daughter” Y/n cheeks rising blushing with red  pigment as tchalla flirted with her “well thank you and your very handsome as well and now you know I’m the daughter of the iron man” Tchalla laughed “how come I don’t see you on the battlegrounds, your a strong woman” “well it never really interest me to be a wonder woman at all” Then y/n continues to speak. “I only let my dad have the spotlight you know how he gets” Tchalla nodded at your words agreeing with you on that. Tchalla spoke “well your really beautiful and we should hang out sometime and if you ever want to prove your dad wrong you can always train with the black panther” Tchalla holding you closer whispering in your ear raising his eyebrow. You guys both laughed. “well I might take you up on that offer” You in tchalla’s strong embrace, falling over him with every syllable he speaks. He knew how to treat a lady. He scanned over you knowing your worth. You looked over all of his strong begin he was so nice and caring showing you that you were the right lady that can fight and defend the world. “I wish I could’ve danced at the party with you” Tchalla sneaked in You asked him “why couldn’t you” “well first you looked really bored and you’re the daughter of…” She shook her head “I know, I know” “how about dance with me now, mr. Panther”
Y/n held out her hand to tchalla so he could take it. Tchalla began to speak seductively
“it’s black panther and of course” He continues to say.
“but we don’t have music”
Y/n whispered in tchalla’s ear “we don’t need music” Tchalla took her hand and they both spun around. Then y/n held her arms out and face to the sky enjoying the moment that they both brought. Then tchalla picked you up like a ballerina and him spinning you. Then bringing you back down. tchalla took your hand and spun you out, around your dress fluttering with your spins. And then he led you back in his arms and you leaning to the side and tchalla dropping you little but bringing you back up and let your head rest on his shoulders and you close to him swaying with the sound of his heartbeat. You couldn’t believe the black panther could dance and had rhythm especially without music.  
You began to speak breathless
“wow I didn’t know you can do that”
Tchalla said
“well I have many hidden talents”
You both still waltzing in you guys arms and then you feel vibrating coming from his body and then a little tune coming from the black panther. You close your eyes feeling him soothe you. Y/n wished she could stay like this forever. Then he started singing
“my sweet little honey bun, someone will take care of you and you will shine”
Tchalla singing in tenor and with his wakandan accent
It made you feel loved. You hummed with him and smiled.
A tear ran down your face because you needed  that confront of to feel like someone was there for you. Even though your father was there he wasn’t emotionally there for you.y/n only had her therapist to talk to and her stuff animals. She wish she could talk to her family about the issues that go on everyday but she didn’t want to be a burden. But You need emotional support that someone cares for you because tchalla cared in the short amount of time you have met him. 
 Then you felt tchalla put his hand on your cheek and softly wipe the tear that escaped from your eye. Y/n whispered “thank you” Tchalla nodded and said in his african accent “I know when a baby girl hurts and crys out for help, I know that heart you have sweetie and it’s okay I got you” You nodded at him Then you looked up at him in his brown eyes sinking into them and leaning in. He leaned in  inches away from both of you guys faces he loved what he had discovered and you loved that he made his mistake into you. He placed his hands on your bum, admiring your figure, he rubbed all down your side feeling your warmth you gave off. Y/n felt like he was fixing ever piece that was broken. you loved that he could swoon your heart. 
Then you pulled him to a secret place out of site of people he asked you “why did you pull me here” You smiled and said “this” Y/n placed her lips on t’challa’s and started kissing Tchalla was surprise that you kissed him but he didn’t complain he started kissing back you melted in his hold.  y/n loved how his lips tasted. It taste like a rush of chocolate mix with freshly mint. You havent tasted anything like this before but the lovely sensation of you guys were an amazing feeling. Tchalla slipped his tongue in your mouth deeping the kiss by tongue kissing you. You had no choice but to kiss back you couldn’t believe it one of daddy’s hero’s is kissing you and he probably can’t believe that iron man’s daughter the one suppose to be a angel is kissing him but you both didn’t care you loved this moment you guys are having and will always cherish.
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airis-paris14 · 4 years
Starlight (T. Udaku)
Summary: Amani is an orphaned heiress who's spent most of her life raising her younger sister. T'Challa is a widowed King and Father. Neither of them is expecting much from their night at the Lotus. But the coming months have many milestones in store for these young adults. Will becoming a family be one of them?
Warnings: None
A/N: Hey y’all. I know I’ve been absent for a little bit again. This story was on the top of my update list and Dress Up is next now that I’ve finished the update. Now I’ve only posted this story on Wattpad, and since the update really only helps them, I thought I get in my weekly update by posting this story from the beginning. I hope you all enjoy as much as my other stories. As always let me know if you wanna be on the tag list. I’ll be posting an account update soon with some news about stories and the Master list. Have a beautiful day guys.
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Amani watched from the doorway as her baby sister packed up her suitcase. "You know you don't have to watch me pack. I'm a big girl." Amare Okeke looked up smiling. Amani walked over to help her zip the suitcase. "You're barely old enough to fly alone baby girl."
"Amani I'm 17."
"I know. I know. My baby girl is all grown up." Amani pulled Amare into a tight hug. "Maybe I should just keep you here this semester."
I know, I know. Massachusetts Institute of Technology is paying your tuition, so I guess I gotta put you on that plane."
Amare chuckled. "I think they'd miss me too much if you didn't."
Amani scooped the younger girl into a hug. "Just be safe kid. Don't talk to strangers and no joining the mile high club."
Amare groaned and shuddered. "Okay, it's definitely time for you to go, don't wanna be late for work."
Amani laughed, "Be safe okay. Come back to me in one piece."
"I promise, scouts honor," Amare raised three fingers as she pushed her older sister out of the door. "Just one more hug," Amani begged. Amare shook her head, and shoved the car keys in her sister's hand. "Out," she pointed to the 23-year-old. Amani ran in for one last hug before hopping in her car. She waved three times more before pulling out of the drive and into the city traffic. Her Lexus weaved in and out of traffic as she headed to her day job. The Lotus was more of a pass time than an actual job. It paid a decent amount, and she got to work with her friends.
Twenty minutes later Amani pulled into The Lotus's back parking lot. She gathered all of her things and headed in to help work the closing shift. She scanned her key card and pushed open the heavy security door. The kitchen staff seemed to be winding down from the dinner rush. It was only seven and most of the tables had been served and were waiting to pay. Amani dropped her things in the break room before heading out to help the other waitresses.
" Well look what the cat dragged in." A petite woman teased from behind the bar. "Hello to you too Sakura."
"Hey, Mani! Can you cover this last table for me while I set up for tomorrow?" Madiyson asked as she nodded at a man and a little girl who walked into the restaurant.
"I just got here! What about 'Kura? She's here too."
Sakura glared at Amani from behind her magazine. "It would really mean the world to me if you could do it, Amani..." Madiyson puppy dog eyed her.
"Fine," Amani sighed, fixing her thick curls. They both stared at her arranging her twist out.
"What he is cute!" The black woman blushed grabbing a kid's menu and a menu."He has a daughter." Kura pointed out. Amani walked over to the sink to wash her hands, grabbed the nearest dish towel, and leaned again the counter to check her teeth in the mirror.
"But I don't see a ring," Madiyson pointed out as she grabbed a fresh washcloth. She winked before she hurried away to wipe down tables. Sakura laughed and turned back to her magazine.
Amani hastily checked her reflection once more before walking out onto the main floor. The little girl waved as the woman approached the podium."Hi! Welcome to The Lotus. Just you two tonight?" The man nodded. "If you'll follow me then." The small group walked to a booth. Amani fished into her small apron and took out a notepad. Can I get you anything to drink?"
"I'll have water," he smiled at the young woman. His voice and that smile practically melted Amani right then and there. The young woman pulled herself together to write down his order.
"Ada did you want anything?" he asked the little girl across the table from him.
"Do you have strawberry lemonade?" She asked in a sweet voice.
"No, but I may have something just as good. If you don't like it I'll bring you something else. How does that sound?"
The little girl grinned and nodded her head.
"I'll let you look over the menu while I get your drinks."
As the waitress walked off she heard the little girl whisper to her father. "Baba she's pretty!" Amani blushed and rushed over to the bar, desperate to hide the growing flush of her face. As she mixed the little girl's drink at the bar Madiyson and Sakura began drying cups beside her.
"So who's the beautiful stranger?" Sakura was the first one to speak nudging Amani on the side. "That's what we're calling him?" Madiyson rolled her eyes. Amani laughed as she felt Madiyson nudge her other shoulder. "He's watching you," she whispered. The sister looked up quickly at the man and his daughter before grabbing napkins and straws.
"His voice, god it's sexy. He has an accent though. It sounds dark and a little  controlling, but warm at the same time." Amani hastily revealed as she worked to keep her hands busy. Madiyson grinned "Oooh! You like him!"
Sakura face-palmed as guests looked up at the commotion."Keep your voice down," Amani hissed as she grabbed the drinks. "I just think he's cute. Besides he may not even be single. There's no way I'm that lucky," She blushed as she walked towards the bar exit. "You won't be getting lucky either if Madiyson keeps yelling stuff like that out loud," Sakura grinned as Madiyson slapped her on her shoulder.
Amani shook her head and walked out to the table. She set the drinks down in front of the little girl and her father. The young waitress gestured toward the drink as the little girl took a sip. Her face lit up and she smiled before drinking some more. "I'm guessing you like it," she smiled at the little girl before noticing the father smile at her. Amani's face churned up the color of a bouquet of roses. "Anybody ready to order?" Amani asked taking out her notepad.
"Yes, I'll have the filet mignon with green beans and mashed potatoes." He closed his menu and smiled at her."Rare, Medium Rare, or well done?" The young woman looked up expectantly, instantly regretting meeting his eyes. Her knees went weak."Well done please." He folded his arms on the table.
Amani smiled before looking at the little girl, "what is a Mac and cheese?" Ada asked politely."You've never had Mac and cheese?" The young woman exclaimed feigning shock. "Oh my goodness, it's this really creamy bowl of amazingness. You wanna know what I eat mine with?" The little girl giggled nodding. Amani leaned down and whispered in her ear. "I eat mine with Chicken tenders."
The little girl nodded."Good choice, I'll have mine with chicken tenders too then." The brown woman smiled at the girl before writing it down."Fabulous choice princess," Amani smiled as the little girl giggled before her mouth dropped open. "How'd you know I was a Princess?" The man shook his head at the little girl. She went quiet.
"Oh, I'm sorry if I got her in trouble." Amani apologized.
"No, no she's not in trouble. I am T'Challa and this is my princess Ada." At the mention of her name the little girl grinned. "It's nice to meet you both, Amani." She smiled at them both. "I'll have your food out shortly."
The young waitress walked back to the kitchen, handed her ticket in for her table and wrote for herself for a to-go meal."Find anything else out?" Sakura asked as she walked in handing over a ticket. "His name is T'Challa. And he's got money." The woman looked up. "How'd you find out he had money?"
"He ordered Filet Mignon. How many people in this area order filet mignon?" Amani said as she grabbed the plates from the window. "Besides us, and that's only when Mrs. Ella needs to get rid of it."
"Businessmen mostly, we just never give you the big ballers," Madiyson smirks as she drops off her ticket."Are you serious?" Sakura nodded. Amani rolled her eyes, "I'm feeling the love," she sassed as she headed back into the dining room.
"Aww don't be mad Mani!" Madiyson called as Sakura cackled. The young woman huffed as she carried the food out to her table.
"Baba, I want to go somewhere fun tomorrow!" The little girl insisted as her father laughed. "You did not enjoy the Museum?" His eyes twinkled as she huffed. Amani chuckled silently as she set the plate down in front of Ada. "Maybe your Mac and cheese will make you feel better," Amani suggested as she handed T'Challa his steak. "If you don't mind me asking, what Museum did you go to?" He smiled, clearly glad someone was interested.
"We went to the High Museum of Art," Amani had to stifle her laughter at his reply.
"Princess Ada, how old are you?" Amani asked as the laughter threatened to pour out of her. "Four," The little girl proudly displayed four fingers.
She could hold back no longer. A full-bellied laugh rolled out of her.
"What?" T'Challa protested as Ada began to giggle too. He sighed as he waited for the two females to stop laughing. "I'm sorry, but you took a four-year-old to the High?" She smiled as she tucked the serving tray under her right arm."There was an exhibit of children's illustrators." He defended himself."But baba," The little girl interjected, "we don't live here I've never read any of those books."
Amani smiled. "Maybe you should try the aquarium, it's one of the best in the country.  There's also this really big Ferris wheel Princess," the little girl's face lit up as she chewed up her chicken tender."Chew with your mouth closed Ada," her father gently reminded smiling at his daughter.
"I'll let you guys eat and be back soon."
The young woman couldn't keep the goofy smile off of her face as she helped refill salt and pepper shakers as Madiyson refilled condiments. "So is he feeling it? Is there a wedding I should start planning."
"No Madiyson you won't be planning  anything." Amani grinned as she put the salt back in the closet. "And I don't know, you don't usually go up to a stranger and say 'Hi, I'm single. Are you single?"
"Well don't ask him like that," Madiyson scoffed as she replaced the top on a ketchup bottle. "I see why you're still single," she laughed. Amani whirled around and threw some salt from the counter at her. "Haha, very funny."  Amani looked out the window to see T'Challa raise his hand.
"I'll be right back," the waitress walked over to the table. "We need a check?" T'Challa nodded as Ada finished the last of her Mac and Cheese. "That Mac and cheese treat you right?" Amina smiled as Ada grinned. "Yes ma'am," she replied.
"Baba, can we get ice cream?" Ada begged as Amani gathered the dirty plates. "Not tonight Ada, maybe tomorrow, entle."
"Oh if you go to the aquarium there's a really good ice cream shop downtown." Amani smiled."Then it's settled we'll get ice cream tomorrow Baba," The young princess declared. T'Challa smiled at his daughter. "Your wish is my command princess."
"Cash or credit?" Amani asked as she stood with the dirty plates. "Cash," T'Challa called. His eyes caused the waitress's heart to flutter. She offered an award-winning smile and nodded. "I'll be right back." Amani walked back into the kitchen dumping the dishes into the sink."Girl don't break no dishes," an older woman yelled from the back. "Sorry Mrs. Ella!" Amani grimaced as she began printing a check.
"Find out anything else?" Sakura asked as she began loading the dishwasher. "He's a total pushover for his daughter." Amina smiled placing the check in a black holder.
When she walked out to the table it was completely empty. Save for a note and some bills underneath his glass.
Sorry I could not say goodbye. Here is some money for the check. Ada says goodbye as well and thank you for the Mac and cheese and being so pretty. I would be delighted if you would consider accompanying us tomorrow around the city.
His number scrawled at the bottom of the note sent fireworks straight to her eyes. Amani lifted the glass to find two hundred dollar bills. She smiled fondly before tucking the note in her back pocket. She quickly finished the tab and grabbed her order from the window.  She helped the rest of the staff to mop, sweep, stack chairs, clean dishes, put away dishes. As soon as the restaurant was locked up she waved goodbye to Mrs.Ella in the back and proceeded to hop and skip back to her car and speed home. Amani pulled up to her condo in the city her parents had given her before they passed. The young woman pulled off her shoes and walked up to the front steps. She placed her hand on the doorbell and let it scan her finger before opening the door. The off duty waitress placed her food in the microwave and blasted a Kendrick album before plopping onto the couch. She glanced at the clock before pulling out her phone. She quickly typed in T'Challa's number and typed a message.
Amani: Is this T'Challa? It's Amani, from The Lotus.
T'Challa: yes this is T'Challa. I'm so glad you texted me. I'm sorry to bother you but Ada would not stop talking about you. She would really like it if you could join us tomorrow.
Amani: just Ada?
T'Challa: We would both enjoy your company tomorrow.
Amani: Then I'd be delighted. What time?
T'Challa: 9:30 a.m. we do not wish to hold the masses back for long periods of time. We will pick you up.
The woman typed a quick goodnight. She made a point to text her little sister before grabbing her food and settling down with the music. The ping of her phone startled her. Licking her fingers she checked the clock and headed into the kitchen to grab her phone.
Amare: don't forget you promised to attend that after-party tonight. With mom and dad's work partners.
"Frick," Amani yelped hopping off of the couch. She was beyond late. She grabbed her phone and ran into her bedroom. A gown was hanging over her closet door. She grinned, knowing that Amare had left it there before she left. She took a quick shower, tried to refresh her hair, threw on some light makeup, and pulled on the dress. Texting a quick thank you to her sister, she searched for the invite email once again and decided her car would be faster than an Uber. Luckily the venue was downtown. Amani drove as fast as the floor-length gown and heels would let her. She skidded into the valet drive-in, tossed the young man her keys, took a deep breath, and glided her way into the lobby.
Once in the elevator she touched up her makeup, fluffed the braided twist out bun, and sighed. The doors dinged open and she glided into the ballroom. Immediately she was surrounded by her parent's former employees. She smiled, shook hands, took some press pictures, made a couple of statements to reporters, before taking refuge in the corner. The part-time waitress grabbed a flute of champagne to sip as she perused. One of her dad's partners smiled and moved in her direction. Mentally preparing for the longest conversation of her life, Amani took a long gulp of champagne. "Long time no see!" Harold Armon smiled. "Hello Mr. Armon," Amani rolled her shoulders back and plastered on a smile.
"How are you, dear girl? How is your little sister? Amira?" He reached out to touch her shoulder.
"Amare," the older sister corrected. "Right, right!" Harold beamed, squeezing the young woman's shoulder. Amani shrugged his hand off. "She's fine. She left this morning to finish off her second semester at MIT."
"That's brilliant, she always was bright like your father. Is she thinking about running the company when she comes of age?" he pried. Amani frowned, "No. Our parents always wanted us to choose our own route in life. She decided that she didn't want to run the business."
"That is too bad. I could have been a great help. You all could have relied on me to take over the business. Then you wouldn't have to worry your pretty little head about all the men's work-" Amani zoned out as the man tried to persuade her to appoint him to a top position. She already knew his game. These conversations were why she hated coming to the parties. 
When her parents had died unexpectedly, Amani and Amare had been thrown into the world of office politics. As soon as the plane crashed in that Pennsylvania field, her phone was flooded with calls. Her father's lawyers advised her not to talk to anyone until she and Amare were together. They brought, the then 15-year-old, Amare out of school and down to Atlanta. Within a matter of hours, Amani had to decide who would take over the company in her parent's absence. She promoted her father's CFO, and her mother's assistant. She made sure that she put money away for her and Amare to live on. Then she handed the company over, operationally at least. She and Amare were still obligated to show their faces, and be present at board meetings. They weren't required to vote, but when they did, their word was law. Hence the groveling, and somewhat misogynistic, man standing in front of her.
She nodded along, taking to chance to glance at her side, where she saw T'Challa. His suit immaculately pressed and tailored. A ring flashed on his left hand and Amani felt her heart drop slightly. She blushed when he looked up and noticed her staring, she waved before tuning back into Harold.
"Brookman's first-quarter report does not look like it will be that promising. I think that if I were in that position I would avoid this merger with Wakanda and their king-" The man faltered, and tripped over his words. His eyes going wide at something behind her. Turning to look Amani saw T'Challa walking towards them. She returned his smile when he moved to greet her. "Amani."
"Your highness." Harold quickly dropped into a stiff bow. "There's no need for that. Mr.-" T'Challa laughed.
"Armon" Harold stuck out a hand.
"Nice to meet you, Mr. Armon," T'Challa placed his hands behind his back, forcing his posture upright. Harold brought his own hand back into his side. "Do you mind if I borrow your conversation partner?"
"Oh well, we were-"
"I will make sure you get to see her before the night is over," T'Challa gripped Amani's hand and pulled her away. She gave Mr.Bowdman a quick goodbye before falling into step with T'Challa. "Thank you," Amani laughed while strolling with the man.
"I can always sense a damsel in distress."
"Oh really?"
"Yes. It's my superpower," the businessman whispered. Amani chuckled as she wrapped her arm through his. "Though I am surprised to see my waitress here. At the Okeke Tech Industries donor party."
"Are you suggesting that I cannot contribute based on my meager salary?"
T'Challa raised his hands in defeat, "I am merely suggesting that there is something you are not telling me, Amani." The undiscovered royal laughed.
"I believe that Ms.Okeke would be more formal T'Challa."
"Ah, you are the mysterious, and rumored to be beautiful, Okeke heiress.
"I wonder which of those intrigues you more. Beautiful or mysterious?" she teased.
"I quite prefer mysteries. Your beauty is just a bonus." The two smiled at each other. "It is nice to formally meet you, Ms. Okeke."
"What are you doing here?" Amani asked, grabbing a flute of champagne from the passing waiter. "I am here to check on my future assets. Make sure everything runs right."
"You're the one buying my parent's company?"
T'Challa winked, grabbing the flute of champagne from Amani and taking a sip. The woman blushed as he handed it back. "I was never told who the buyer was," Amani added, taking another sip from the same place on the glass. "His Majesty King T'Challa Udaku, at your service Ms. Okeke," the king bowed to kiss her hand. Amani choked a little, as the news slammed into her. "King?"
"Yes, please do try to keep up Ms.Okeke," The king chuckled while he grabbed a flute of champagne for himself. He extended his arm once more for the heiress and they continued to stroll about the room, eventually ending up on the balcony. They sat next to each other on a stone bench, each admiring the night sky. "You look beautiful tonight," T'Challa turned, staring at Amani's profile. "I've always been told starlight is my best light," Amani teased, blushing once her eyes met T'Challa's. She grabbed the king's cup and took a long drink.
The sounds of the party wrapping up brought both of them out of their isolated dream world. "May I walk you to your car?" T'Challa extended a hand to help Amani up and off of the bench. "If you would like," Amani smiled. The two walked side-by-side, bypassing anyone who wanted their attention. "Are we still on for tomorrow?" Amani broke the silence.
"Of course. I await our reunion with earnest."
"I guess I should text you my address then."
"I guess you should."
Amani pulled out her phone and quickly sent a text with her information. Placing her phone back in her purse, she looked up at the king. The valet pulled up with her car and she let her smile falter. "I guess I'll see you in the morning."
"I'll see you in the morning, Ms. Okeke." T'Challa smiled, placing a kiss on the back of her hand. She got into the car and sighed as it pulled away from the curb.
Taglist: @sarahboseman @waitingonafriend-blog @thiccdaddy-mbaku @sarcastic-sunshines @ororowrites @derangedcupcake @mzbritt @leahnicole1219 @dramaqueeenamby @marvelheaux @skysynclair19 @halfrican-heat @kaciidubs @queertrex @kumkaniudaku @purple-apricots @autumn242 @thedelightfulone @90sinspiredgirl @royallyprincesslilly @wikiwakanda a @chaneajoyyy @sisterwifeudaku @sarahboseman @tchoking @sarcastic-sunshines​ @almostpurelysmut
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