#t; noah & adelaide 004
ravensrevcnge · 28 days
Closed for @fadedstarsfms | Noah & Adelaide @ White Willow Winery - Movies Beneath the Stars / Victor's, technically
There had been plenty of times that Noah had ventured out to Victor's place when visiting Raven's Peak, whether or not Victor was in town as well. It was touching, though he'd probably never put voice to the thought, to find that Victor had been here at one point or another stashing bottles of wine that he thought Noah and the rest of them would appreciate. Even if their paths hadn't physically crossed.
He was only slightly surprised to find Adelaide amongst the bottles in Victor's personal cellar as he made is way down to find a fresh bottle to waste away a little more time with. He hummed in acknowledgement of her presence as his eyes roamed over to where Victor typically stashed bottles for him. "Great minds think alike, I suppose. But what are you doing down here all by yourself?"
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