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Based on the prompt: It was over, anyway.
Pairing: Polly & Diego/Joffrey
Type: Double drabble, angst, nsfw, fluffy, hurt, comfort
Being back to new Rome was a weird feeling, she wasn’t sad, but she wasn’t exactly happy either, there was something just odd about it, like she was anxious all the time, she knew that everyone around her was feeling that too since Joffrey was giving her that weird Nikolaevna look that leave you thinking that you’re in trouble for something you are not sure you did and Anastasia was always trying to ask her if she was ‘fine’. She was fine. She kept telling that, because she was, she really was, but now that she had talked with Diego again her mind insisted in reminder her of everything they had in the past, how it felt, how it looked, how it tasted and it was wrong because now she was married and her husband was right across the room while she thought about those things and he was married and his wife was such a good woman. It was like a mental cheating and she didn’t like that because Joffrey was good to her, as good as a Nikolaevna could be, but she couldn’t avoid comparing the two man, not that it was a bad thing, or that one was better than the other, they were so alike and yet just so different. Both were calm, but in different ways, while Diego was like a blue sky in a winter day, Joffrey was like the blue skies in summer right before the storm. Diego was son of Morpheus, the god of sleep and was so peaceful as it, Joffrey was son of Chaos and like his father could bring hell to earth with a single word, Diego was Spanish and Joffrey was Russian, if that didn’t made them different in everything than sure the raising had. While Diego was completely in love with Polly, Joffrey was devoted for her and respectful enough to learn how to care for her, Doffy liked martinis, tea and olive green and Joffrey was a man that liked his whisky with ice, could handle his vodka just fine and his favorite color was blue, blue like their children eyes.
She sighed looking at the man in front of her reading his book and drinking whisky, they weren’t exactly in love, at least not with each other, never had been. Polly still remembered when her parents told her that Joffrey was her fiancée, she had been so afraid, she had heard about the all mighty Nikolaevna heir and heiress, Johanna and Joffrey were perfect children among the mob. What every parent wanted their offspring to be, and Joffrey? Joffrey had a reputation just for him, among woman, among men, among mob bosses, among drug dealers, he was loved and feared at the same time as some ancient king who could rule everyone with his charm and still kill you. They meet one week before their wedding and he had been so polite, a true gentleman like only he could be, had smiled for her and asked her politely if he could have her hand in marriage, even that their parents already had decided that for them. In their first night he had lived up to his name. That had been the first time that she had compared him to Diego, again it wasn’t one being better than the other, it was just different, Diego had soft hands that ran all over her body with patience and gently lips that asked for permission without having to say the words, Joffrey had firm hands and a hard grip that made her feel somehow like a prey running straight to her predator and begging to be devoured, deep eyes that could make her lose her breath and lips like the devil lurking someone to sin.
The second time that she did it when Polly was laying down with Joffrey in front of their fireplace, he was holding her with one hand and the other he was reading a book out loud, some Russian romance that he called ‘pure culture’. They laugh all night and had talk about a lot of things before he had started to read for her and she started to think about the way Diego and she talked about their future and present, but avoided their past, how their conversations were too deep or too meaningless. With Joffrey she talked about everything and always was like she was talking to some ancient god with so much knowledge, she told him about Diego and how much she loved him and missed him, in exchange he had told her about Johanna, and they laugh about how fucked up they were before drinking more and more wine. She remember how Diego always made her sleep so well, the worst part was when he was wake and she had to sit through hours with him making him calm himself down and look brightly, with Joffrey the night was worse, he usually woke up screaming and shaking trying to get out of his own mind designed nightmares, when he was awake all of his pain was hid, but at night Polly had to embrace him and remind him that it was ok, he was ok now. Looking back and fort in her mind at all the times that she had compared to herself Diego and Joffrey she finally realized that somehow she was trying so hard not to forget anything about the Santiago that she had just project his image and way in everything that Joffrey did, maybe she was just trying to torture herself to remind her that she had a choice, she could have said ‘fuck the family’ and stayed behind, but then again she was the only heir in the Smirnova family and she would’ve never forgave herself. Somehow, she had grown used to that setting. Joffrey was easy and somehow, he was more like her than Diego and she had to remember herself that it didn’t mattered anymore. It was over anyway.
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Based on the poem: 5+1
Pairing: Lorcan/Matthieu
Type: Poem Fic
FIRST. he touches you and you light on fire. your wrist blazes where his fingers meet your skin. the burns don’t show, but it’s hard to breathe with ash in your lungs. it’s so hard to breathe. you’re suffocating daily.
I. O primeiro toque do qual Lorcan se lembrava não foi algo romântico ou digno de um conto de fada, mas sim um gesto de arrogância do próprio Becker, um toque no braço de Matthieu para pará-lo de pedir uma bebida e pedir ele mesmo uma para o homem no dia em que haviam se conhecido. Um simples toque que não causou tantos danos a mente de Lorcan, pelo menos não tantos quanto a primeira vez em que Matthieu o tocara. Porque de alguma forma no momento em que Matthieu lhe ofereceu a mão para um aperto todas as palavras pareceram escapar da mente de Lorcan, um simples aperto de mão e todo seu corpo parecia eletrizado. Naquele momento ele sabia que ele estava ferrado. Porque com um aperto de mão Matthieu tinha o reduzido a uma criatura acéfala ofegante e sedenta por mais, mesmo que temesse que uma vez que conseguisse o que realmente queria nunca mais conseguiria ver graça em qualquer outro toque. Um risco que ele estava morrendo para correr.
SECOND. it hurts to watch him. he shines. he’s brighter than the sun, he’s too beautiful for your eyes. it’s hard to look at him. it’s even harder to look away from him. you’re going blind.
II. Lorcan achava extremamente irritante o efeito que Matthieu tinha sob ele, o modo como mesmo quando não estavam juntos Lorcan ainda parecia orbitar em torno do marido, mesmo quando o estúdio estava repleto de modelos sem roupas Lorcan só conseguia suspirar e pensar o quanto todos eles pareciam entediantes se comparados com um simples sorriso no rosto do Oppenheimer, talvez fosse o fato de ser perdidamente apaixonado pelo loiro, pouco importava para ele, sua única verdade absoluta era como Matthieu era como uma obra de arte que valia a pena ser admirada. Lorcan sempre achara que era o sol, que todos giravam em torno dele, ele estava errado. Matthieu era o sol e ele era Mercúrio, queimando por dentro pela proximidade.
THIRD. your ears are tuned to his voice. you could pick him out in a sea of thousands. his voice makes pretty singers who sing pretty songs sound dull. his voice makes everything else sound ugly.
III. O primeiro sinal de que Lorcan Pyotr Becker estava apaixonado de forma irreversível por Matthieu Oppenheimer foi seu repentino desinteresse por qualquer voz que não fosse a de Matt. Todas pareciam, de forma inegável, fracas, abafadas, como se não tivessem vida suficiente em seus tons e trejeitos únicos. Lorcan costumava amar a risada de Cath e sempre sorrir toda vez que Adaline enrolava sua língua para falar seu nome do meio, ele costumava adorar tantas palavras e vozes e risadas…Até Matthieu rir e de repente sua risada era a única melódica suficiente para falhar uma batida do coração de Lorcan, o jeito como o outro falava seu nome como uma advertência o fazia rir toda vez e cada uma das vezes que Matthieu dizia algo em um tom mais baixo Lorcan podia jurar que ele sabia exatamente cada pensamento sujo que passava em sua mente. Pela primeira vez na vida o Becker se sentia como um pecador ouvindo a voz do divino e a parte mais insana era que o divino chamava seu nome de tempos em tempos.
FOURTH. the color of his eyes is blue enough to drown in. he is turning you into a clichéd love-wrecked being. you’re drowning, always sinking. down, down, down.
IV. Sempre chovia no verão de Munique. Lorcan lembrava-se perfeitamente de que essas palavras haviam sido as últimas a saírem de sua boca em direção a Cath enquanto entravam em um bar nos arredores da cobertura que dividiam, o bar estava lotado e ainda sim os olhos de Lorcan haviam sido imediatamente atraídos para uma pessoa específica e Cath tinha sido deixada para trás no bar sem nenhuma cerimônia ou despedida da parte do colega de casa, ela entenderia, ele sabia disso. Conhecer Matthieu parecia destino, imediatamente houve uma conexão, mesmo que Lorcan houvesse sido extremamente pretensioso em sua primeira aproximação, mas a conversa fluía entre ambos e não demorou para que números fossem trocados, ainda que por alguma razão, que escapava a mente do Becker naquele momento, ele precisara voltar para casa mais cedo naquela noite. Era estranho, no entanto as palavras que dissera a Cath haviam ficado gravadas em sua mente mais do que qualquer outra coisa, por um mês ele tentou lembrar a exata cor dos olhos do loiro que lhe roubara a atenção naquela noite. Era estúpido, ele sabia disso, mas era incrível como ele conseguia lembrar-se de cada detalhe do rosto alheio mesmo na péssima iluminação do bar e ainda sim a cor exata dos olhos de Matthieu. Vê-lo novamente passara de desejo a necessidade, afinal ele precisava saber qual era a maldita cor dos olhos do loiro ou pelo menos era o que dissera a Cath enquanto colocava seu tênis para ir ao encontro do Oppenheimer e quando finalmente teve seu reencontro face-a-face tudo que Lorcan pode fazer fora sorrir de forma radiante e ao ser perguntando porque ele estava tão animado a resposta foi simples: “Seus olhos. Eu não lembrava a cor deles, mas eu entendo agora…A luz do bar não fazia jus a beleza deles.” E pelas próximas semanas Lorcan continuara a pensar nos olhos de Matthieu, não porque não lembrava deles, mas porque lembrava até demais. O bastante para se perguntar qual era pior não dormir por tentar lembrar algo ou não dormir por conta das borboletas em seu estomago causadas pelo par de olhos verdes amarelados. No fim das contas ele decidira que a segunda sempre seria a melhor opção. Para sempre.
FIFITH. you know him. you love him. through a thousand lifetimes, across millions of stars, you’d find him, you’d never leave him. you love him, till death do you part.
V. Ele chorou tanto em seu casamento que parecia que alguém muito próximo havia falecido, entretanto todas suas lágrimas eram de emoção, de amor. Amor pelo homem com quem escolhera passar o resto de sua vida, amor pelos seus amigos que estavam lá sorrindo, amor por sua família que o amava tanto e que amava Matthieu quase na mesma medida que ele amava o loiro, por tanto choro era que em todas as fotos de seu casamento Lorcan tinha lágrimas em seus olhos, os olhos avermelhados e um sorriso bobo em seu rosto, porque ele tinha chorado o casamento todo, mas ele também tinha sorriso durante toda a cerimônia e festa, porque finalmente ele poderia chamar Matthieu de marido e finalmente eles estavam juntos, completamente, não só em alma e corpo, mas diante Deus – mesmo que Lorcan não acreditasse na divindade queria ter certeza de que se ele existisse ele concordaria que Matthieu era seu – e da lei. Soava estúpido em voz alta, mas fazia total sentido em sua mente, especialmente enquanto dançava sua primeira valsa com Matthieu, seus braços apertando forte a figura do outro como se dependesse daquilo para lembrar-se que não era um sonho, sua cabeça estava levemente inclinada para baixo e sua boca continuava a fazer juras de amor ao seu marido – ele finalmente poderia chama-lo assim para o resto da vida e tinha certeza que não enjoaria de como soava – e mesmo com a voz rouca e as lágrima que corriam de seus olhos Lorcan não parava de dizer quanto amava o loiro em seus braços. Porque Lorcan o amava e não importava o quantas vezes dizia parecia que nunca seriam vezes suficientes para expressar o quanto amava-o.
( SIXTH. he loves you, too. )
VI. A primeira vez que Matthieu havia dito ‘eu te amo’ Lorcan apenas havia encarado o loiro por cinco minutos antes de dizer ‘Me desculpe, o que você disse?’ e então procedeu a explicar em uma voz um pouco mais alta do que o necessário e definitivamente mais aguda do que o normal como ele não estava evitando as palavras, mas ele estava tão surpreso que Matthieu poderia de fato amá-lo de volta que ele precisava ouvir de novo e quando finalmente Matthieu concordou em repetir as palavras um sorriso se abrira no rosto do Becker e ‘eu te amo’ foram as palavras mais ditas naquela noite enquanto Lorcan se certificava de que Matthieu seria quem gritaria seu nome naquela noite.
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Based on the prompt: 05 - My life would be so boring without you in it
Pairing: Prudence/Eleanor
Type: Double Drabble
Prudence just couldn’t stop laughing, she knew that Eleanor was giving her the look, but she couldn’t help herself, it was too funny see the great queen Eleanor struggling with a piece of wrapped paper, and to be honest with herself Prudence was enjoying the cute annoyed look in her wife’s face. “I’m sorry baby, I’m so sorry, it’s just…You look so cute when struggling like a child.” Eleanor scowled at her clearly annoyed by the way Prudence was still laughing at her. “My life would be so boring without you in it” The ginger queen told between smiles. In deed her life would be nothing without Eleanor and the family they had made.
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Based on the prompt: first I love you
Pairing: Ellaria/Lucius
Type: Double Drabble
Everyone knew that Ellaria wasn’t the best with feelings, she was good with numbers, with ruling, diplomacy, horses, among other things, but feelings? They were never her forte, on the other hand her siblings were quite attach to their fiancés and each other and their parents, it was obvious to the Polish heir that it was something wrong it her and not the others. She always knew this. But it never had bother her, not until that moment. Not until she had the certain that Lucius could be so much happier if he was with someone else and the realization of that fact was what drove her to be there, in front of his room past 2am with red eyes saying things that she never though that she would say to anyone. “I want you to know that I love you. Not because of your country, not because of the alliance, I love you. And I don’t want us to be fake.”
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