#t: ezio's family
vgtrackbracket · 16 days
Video Game Track Bracket Round 3
Great Pursuit - The Resolve of Ryunosuke Naruhodo from The Great Ace Attorney: Resolve
Ezio's Family from Assassin's Creed II
Propaganda under the cut. If you want your propaganda reblogged and added to future polls, please tag it as propaganda or otherwise indicate this!
Ezio's Family:
"It is a good life we lead brother." "The best. And may it never change." "And may it never change us." (AAAAAAAAAAAAAA *Unintelligible sobbing*) Right so this song is everything to me. It is comfort, angst, and stunning beauty rolled into one. It is moments to which you can never go back but must preserve in your mind so that they never die either. I have really bad nightmares somewhat often and when I wake up from something that's like, "welp, I'm not going back to sleep in case I have to experience THAT again," but then look at the clock and I've only been asleep for two hours so I don't really have a choice, I put the Slowed 2 hour Sistine Chapel version on in my room and it lets me actually sleep enough to be functional the next day. I owe soooo much to this song!!!! I even hum the chord progression to myself when I'm freaking out and it helps. This song is so good that it accidentally became the theme song of the series and most of the games that came after have their own remixes of it. None of them come close to the opening credits of two though.
This is one of the first game songs I truly fell in love with.
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howtotrainabraincell · 3 months
Head Cannon bc I can - What kinds affectionate the different assassins would be - Part 1
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Ezio Auditore da Firenze - The Lover of Love. Family man very affectionate/grew up in a loving closely knit family/family oriented/notices little things/sweetheart with a side of spice/he reminds me of the hot tamale candy lol spicy AND sweet at the same time bc he can be a cinnamon roll one second and then become the oven that you PUT the cinnamon roll IN. He seems like he would play the lute for you the few chords that he learned when he was younger that is, and he MIGHT sing but don't count on it haha. Man wrote some real nice letters when he was older so I bet he would try his hand at love letters no matter which Ezio you prefer, and they would be sweet. Loves to give hand kisses whether they be sweet or steamy. Often comes up behind you and wraps his arms around you in a hug, and imo LOVES it when you rake your fingers through his hair gently scratching his scalp. Would instantly be down bad for someone who cooks Italian food for him because it makes him feel loved and cared for.
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Bayek of Siwa - The Kind Lover. Proud affection/"look at how awesome my partner is I worship the ground they walk on"/offers an arm for escort/is not afraid to hold your hand/great at letting people know where they stand and setting boundaries so no one will be confused about who he has feelings for. Very attentive and notices the little things/can kick ass and then some but is so gentle and sweet with the one he loves (no one touches a hair on their head or disturbs the air around them or so help him Anubis...) /great at communicating and is not afraid to talk about feelings. Have a feeling that he enjoys fresh baked bread and anything sweet he can get his hands on, and also loves to share them with his love. NO ONE can tell me that he doesn't take good care of the person he loves because man is a sweetheart protector and dang good provider. Forehead kisses are a big thing with him, where he gently cradles your head to do so, and lots of eye contact when he tells you that he loves you.
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Edward Kenway - The Cheeky Pirate. sexual tension/handsy and cheeky but will stop if you're uncomfy/he knows when to behave/won't hesitate to smooch you to the ninth realm and back if someone looks at you like they want you/ have a feeling that he is BIG TIME into holding his partner in front of him at the wheel and steering the Jackdaw (letting them drive but not really)/spoils his loved one rotten any chance he gets (even if it is stolen lol)/will probably make you his co-co-captain alongside Adewale.
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Ratonhnhake:ton/Connor Kenway- The Respectful Lover. Not really one for PDA but you'll know that you're loved by him/does gush about you to people from his tribe and everyone at the Homestead knows he's DOWN BAAADD (the tribe elders have predicted a wedding date lol bc they know that he'll marry you. Definitely teaches self-defense and fall in love 5,000 times harder if they made an attempt to learn Kanien'keha/if they love animals and nature, he again will worship the air they breathe. If you cook for him especially recipes from his tribe, he'll probably get emotional because they remind him of home, and he would be head over heels in love with someone who was open to learning about where he comes from and the ways of his people. If you defend him when someone is rude to him (despite being well able to defend himself as we all know) he will feel protected and loved, which he's rarely felt in his life since his mother.
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Jacob Ethan Frye - The Sweetheart. Makes his partner feel valued ESPECIALLY as a woman because he's not a typical 19th century man who's all "women's place is in the home having babies and cooking and cleaning". He WILL LISTEN TO YOU and also put great faith in your opinion/cheeky and very flirtatious/can get flustered if partner matches his energy though lol/ something tells me this man LOVES and is WHIPPED for domesticity he's had a crazy, dangerous life with too many near death experiences to count at only 21 years old and while he would still be the chaotic cinnamon roll you fell in love with the Rooks and fight club and all he would love to come home to peace and calmness. If you cook/bake for him he will literally turn into a bottomless pit he LOVES IT though it will sometimes start sibling squabbles between him and his older sister because she loves your cooking too haha. Also teaches self-defense but will get flirty with you real quick so it's probably best to learn from Evie lol. VERY genuine and he means every loving word he says and every touch he gives. Protective of you and will throw hands if someone disrespects you. He also loves to make you laugh and tell.me.WHY I am so dang sure that he LOVES it when you play with his hair especially if you scratch your fingers lightly against his jaw and the scratchy whiskers he has there.
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Desmond Miles - The Lonely One. Proud as well/total gentleman with sexy swagger lol/loves to take you out on his motorcycle/loves it when you come visit him at work because he'll be doing his job and look over to see you which makes him instantly happy/TOTALLY shows off his bartending skills and winks at you while doing it being a total flirt/ love language without a doubt is quality time and physical touch. Man is VERY affectionate imo because he's touched starved and most likely lonely (even with the Animus he still wants you because you comfort him). If you defend him from Shaun when he's being annoying or pushing him too much or clap back at the male half of his DNA, he will literally love you forever. Man is FERAL for a significant other that will defend him and care for him the way he wasn't all those years alone.
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Altair Ibn La'Ahad - The Reserved Soldier...who's Smitten. Doesn't do PDA most that might happen is an arm offered for an escort or a hand on the waist to push you behind him/will kiss you on the cheek before he goes off on missions the same way he does the rest of the members of the Brotherhood (even if you're not part of it) while saying to you in Arabic "Safety and Peace my darling". Shows affection by smirking at you when you're flustered and acting as your intimidating AF bodyguard/in private tho...he's very amorous and loves having physical contact with his partner. Totally the type to lie there and rest with them or lazily kiss and hug. Not averse to showing that he loves you in public or declaring his love because he does love you very much, he just wants to protect your honor and avoid anyone (read: MALIK) heckling/harassing the both of you about being lovers. You are for his eyes and his eyes only whether it be hand holding, kissing, or various other things that he often thinks about...
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Arno Victor Dorian - The Hopeless Romantic. Very affectionate also from being lonely and touch starved/not afraid to show his love for you in public. He DEFINITELY writes you love letters that are just - SIGH. He has a way with words and just pours everything into the letters he writes you, what he loves about you and why, how much you mean to him, how he would do anything for you. He's a hopeless romantic and when he falls in love he falls HARD and gives the one he loves everything (cue traumatic flashbacks of a certain ex-now deceased red haired lover of his). I think he would be SO in love with someone who noticed the little things about him and took care of those things. If he's sleep deprived? You let him sleep in and fix him breakfast in bed. If he's lonely while working? You sit with him wherever he is and read/ write/look out the window and watch Paris silently comforting him with just your presence. If he forgets to eat? You fixing him something delicious to eat and bringing it to him giving him a kiss and words of encouragement. Bringing him tea/water/coffee/hot chocolate while he's working. Would definitely spoil you with treats from the Cafe and if you work there, he'll drop by every so often to give you a sweet quick kiss. I think he would also show affection by helping you get ready in the morning and take this the way you wish...but he's really good with corset laces, buttons, and layers upon layers of fabric. He's thoughtful and sweet taking time to think about you (even though he barely thinks about himself). Will legit protect you with his life he refuses to lose you and will do anything to keep you safe. He loves to have slow relaxing days with you to have a moment away from his normally stressful life. You pulling him away from his work for distraction or holding him when the Council annoys him is always welcome. You will definitely know that he loves you with everything that he has.
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recreationalfanfics · 2 years
For Assassin's Creed hc how would the Connor Kenway, Jacob Frye, and Ezio having a pletonic relationship with a fellow assassin who is younger then them and is a medic in training?
Just strictly pletonic yandere with a female assassin
Platonic Yandere! Connor:
- No because Connor has dad vibes or at the very least, protective older brother vibes and that is EXACTLY how he'll be with you.
- Maybe you joined the Brotherhood and he took you under his wing or maybe he was assigned to be your teacher but either way, he will always be nearby and watching you just to make sure you are safe.
- He will also help educate you in your medical education as best as he can, introducing you and getting you familiar with helpful plants that have medical uses and such.
- He also insists on being the one to teach you how to fight properly because even though he knows your main focus is healing and helping injured assassin's recover, he'd never forgive himself if he allowed something to happen to you. Don't worry, he's a gentle teacher who eases you in and has a lot of good advice.
- He has killed people for you. Templars who tried sneak you or drunken men who tried to hit on you. When you panic and ask him why he did that, he says that he had no other choice. You think that maybe he could've just knocked them out, tied them up somewhere and left them, but...it IS Connor. He usually chooses the most peaceful and diplomatic options.
- Maybe...maybe you're overthinking it. After all, Connor would never lie to you...right?
Platonic Yandere! Jacob:
- You definetly meet Jacob when he's brought in by the Brotherhood with some new injury he got that was probably from doing a stupid stunt. Either way, it's not too bad and it was good practice.
- He's a fun and lovable guy, honestly. He's cracking jokes and making you laugh and asking about how long you've been with the Brotherhood. You feel relaxed with him, he's so much more casual than other assassins and you're more drawn to him.
- He lets you hang around him and the Rooks, all of them love you like a little sister and are always happy when you come around. Sometimes Jacob calls you in if one of them needs to be patched up and he jokingly says that maybe instead of the Brotherhood, you should just work as a healer for him and his gang.
- You laugh it off and so does he but he's actually deadly serious about it. Jacob isn't gonna act like the Brotherhood is all peachy and perfect because they're assassins and some of those heartless bastards wouldn't feel any guilt leaving you behind on a mission or something, but...if you worked for him, you'd be much more safer. Everyone loves you, everyone adores you, and everyone (especially Jacob) would ensure your safety before their own.
- Most definetly has started fights over you, like some drunk tells you that you'd be a better whore than a medic and Jacob loses his mind, both Evie and Henry and even some other rooks have to pull him back as he beats the man shitless for saying those things about you.
- He kinda treats you like a kid, which is ironic because he hates being treated that way himself by older Assassins and Evie, but he can't help it. You're still so innocent to this world, too innocent to even be an Assassin, so just leave it to Jacob and keep everyone happy with that adorable smile of yours, yeah?
Platonic Yandere! Ezio:
- You'd be way too star struck to notice it, though. After all, you're meeting THE Ezio Auditore! AND HE SEEMS TO NOT BE ANNOYED BY YOUR INEXPERIENCE LIKE THE OTHER ASSASSINS.
- Unlike Jacob he won't deter from being an assassin and he'll also teach you to defend yourself like Connor but you just fill in a gap in his heart that he thought would always be empty after what happened to his family.
- You start to notice his yandere tendencies when an Assassin snaps at you because you might've done something wrong and Ezio just threatens them with death straight up. He charms his way out of it but the even still kinda lives in the back of your mind.
- NO BECAUSE BOTH TEMPLARS AND ASSASSIN'S FEAR YOU. Because if a Templar captain sees his troupes bring in an Assassin Prisoner and it's YOU, the captain will start crying as he asks his men if they know what they've done. Other Assassin's have seen the injuries Ezio has given to those who ALLOW you to get hurt and for that reason, you are to stay close to them at all times for fear they might meet the same fate.
- Depending on which Ezio we're talking about, he'll literally make it so that you're always under his protection and that he can always have his eye on you.
- Bonus thing: he does not trust boys, given his background and how he played with women, he'd much rather choose one of his own assassins that are your age than risk having you get your heart broken, he's a good dad that way.
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petra-creat0r · 4 months
Fankid Master Post (WIP)
Because I have so many and I want a place to keep track of all the information and current refs. Fair warning, most of these are old and I'm working through updating refs and information so this is mostly for my own reference. For the most part though, if something is here then I still plan on using the information/it's still true to some degree. If a kid or some information isn't mentioned here, it's likely outdated or that kid no longer exists
Older Gen
Sariel | family relationships ask CK | Birth Ask Comic Boys Fav foods ask Sariel's Friends: Karri & Arcas (OLD) | Aster (OLD) | Bahns (OLD) | Trip Squad updated
Broadway (OLD) Rexi (OLD) | Adoption ask Chicago | Baby | Side blog | Healing | Hair strand | Ringing ask | Playbill (OLD) | Rebooted design Cologne ask (OLD) Chicago's Friends: Hotspots (OLD) | HS Dark World (OLD) | Spamton HS reaction ask | Addison Parallels
Giko (OLD) Izuku (OLD) Naomi Naomi's Clutch | Clutch ask Nex Annie
Britni | Zealous goth ask
Ghostly Webs
Alice (OLD) Aranea, Nellie, and Joy (OLD) Wilbur
Misc info
Parents Reaction ask Traditions ask Ish Fan Kids tag Junior Secret Squad tag JSS Overview JSS and Mercair SBs JSS Older designs Fool's Fate Masterpost
Graham (OLD)
Vee (OLD) (Fuse all)
Trix and Trixie (OLD) Dogi 1 Dogi 2 Dogi 3 Pup
Sizzle (OLD)
Trauma Boys
Mei (OLD) Milo (OLD) Tae (OLD) Hyunie (OLD)
Italian Sparrow
G'resh Ezio & An (OLD)
Johnson Kids and Daz's Kid
Edgy Kids (OLD) (Rework)
Younger Gen
Vanilla Choco
Karma (OLD) Neri (OLD)
Liz (OLD) Gecky (OLD) (Rework/fuse Velox) | Gecky ask Azula (OLD) (Rework) Somil (OLD) (Rework)
Asriel's Kids
Hope (OLD) (Rework) Faith (OLD) (Rework)
Donny (OLD) | Baby
Neriah Kariem | Drawing
Papgore kids (OLD) | Updated Tempest design Napstasans kids (OLD) T-Rex kids (OLD) Oriental Lily kids (OLD)
Cameran, Pinochle, Scamlynn, Pip (OLD) | Cameran updated | Pinochle, Scamlynn, & Pip updated Pyramid & Ponzi (OLD)
Gradient & Buckette (OLD)
The Owl House
Azura Apollo Piper Kiara TOH fankids ask
Fankid Adopts
Fankid Adopts
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teecupangel · 11 months
Hello. You're one of the best fanfic writers on tumblr since I come. Your writings are just masterpiece. I like when you send Desmond back in time but It would be great to send his ancestors to moderday. Mabey before Desmond geting kidnaped. Ir happened like this:
Master assassins were always watching. Desmond. The one that they sacrificed themselves for. Altair and Connor were quite alright with this fact but Ezio… The emptiness he felt inside in the vault… He could never forget it. It was actauly obvious that he hated Desmond for it. But he always wanted the prophecy go as it was writen and the day Desmond ran away from the farm. He couldn't help but getting mad. Altair always tried to make him undrestand Desmond. The weakness he felt in the farm how he was treated by his father… Ezio could undrestand but his family, his love, his happiness, they were all gone because of that stupid kid. So he wanted to make everything go as planned. What if they could protect him from Abestergo? But not from here. The grey was a strange place. All illusions could come real. So he used this to make himself strong enough to protect the chosen one. The creation he chose to shift to was a khanivore!!! A creation made to kill. And with the power of shapeshifting he could always be there for Desmond.
So we have a khanivore keeper for Desmond that can shpeshift to a human. A white khanivore with red lines all over his body like the robes of a mentor. I was thinking it would so cool a Desmond with one badass khanivore by his side. They could destroy templairs together. And in the way of it they will learn how to get along with each other or mabey romance. And it will be funny to see Desmond trying to teach Ezio how to use modern tech. Can you add details. I love the way you give life to these characters. I love youuu❤❤❤
Thank you! ❤❤❤
For those unfamiliar with a khanivore, it looks like this:
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So in this scenario, Ezio has complicated feelings for Desmond. He knows he shouldn’t hate him, Desmond was also a victim of ‘fate’ as Altaïr would sometimes say whenever he sees Ezio’s frustrations bubbling beneath the surface while they were in the Gray.
Ezio understood that.
But sometimes he just doesn’t get Desmond.
He wasn’t like Ratonhnhaké:ton who had a complicated relationship with his father just as Desmond had.
He wasn’t like Altaïr who had a similar isolated upbringing as Desmond had.
It was times like these that makes Ezio wonder why he was even Desmond’s prophet.
Altaïr or Ratonhnhaké:ton would have been better.
They would have understood Desmond more than he could ever had.
He didn’t understand it.
And that feeling of his is what turned to frustration, to hatred.
He always tried to stomp it out but sometimes, it would just flare up whenever he sees Desmond wasting his time just… doing nothing.
Staring at the sky.
At the woods beyond the Farm…
Ezio was tired.
So tired.
He spent his life as an Assassin being a puppet dancing to the tune the Isus created for him.
As an opening act to Desmond’s story.
And when he finally died, he was transported here instead of being with the people he loved.
All because of Desmond.
So when Desmond ran away from the Farm, Ezio was furious.
Ratonhnhaké:ton tried to calm him down, tried to remind him that Desmond was still sixteen.
Altaïr kept quiet.
The only time he spoke during that time was to say that he understood Desmond’s choice.
And that they should honor his decision to live his life the way he wants to live it.
But Ezio couldn’t agree with that.
Altaïr and Ratonhnhaké:ton had always had a soft spot for Desmond, had always been more forgiving.
He couldn’t understand why Altaïr could think that way. Ratonhnhaké:ton had been with them since his death, he’s only been stuck in the Gray for more or less three centuries. He probably still doesn’t feel that bitter loneliness that Ezio feels.
But Altaïr?
Altaïr had been stuck here longer than Ezio had been.
Maybe that was what was different between them.
Altaïr had the patience that Ezio no longer possessed.
So Ezio planned.
And creates a body he could use to get out of the Gray.
To drag Desmond back to the Brotherhood.
Unorganized Notes:
Ezio has been so focused on creating the khanivore that he hasn’t seen how Desmond is doing after leaving the Farm.
When he leaves and goes to the modern time, he’s floored by how much Desmond had grown and becomes conflicted when he realized that this was the first time he had ever seen Desmond smiling in a very long time. No. It was the first time he had ever seen Desmond happy for a very long time.
Ezio uses the khanivore as his body but can shapeshift to a human form. He visits Desmond in the bar but don’t talk to him. Contemplating on his next plan.
Desmond thinks he’s super sus but his coworkers think he’s just shy and might have a crush on Desmond with the way he keeps staring at Desmond then looking away whenever Desmond turns to face his direction.
Altaïr and Ratonhnhaké:ton remain in the Gray but they try to contact Ezio at times, usually hijacking radios and any other electronics nearby. After a while, Ezio gets a phone so they could just… call him. (like the phone rings and they can talk for a few seconds, maybe a minute, before it drops because signals sucks in the Gray)
Ezio spent a lot of time not sure of what to do now because he’s not an asshole who would just yank someone away from their happiness but, at the same time, Desmond needs to become an Assassin to save the world. So yeah, he’s torn. It doesn’t help that Desmond started talking to him and… well, they’re talking. Nothing serious but it gives Ezio an excuse to ask Desmond how his life is and…
He can’t help but be happy for Desmond for having a life he finds happiness in but also he can’t stop that bitterness that keeps whispering to him that Desmond needs to do his duty. His responsibility. The fate of the world depends on it.
That’s when Cross tries to kidnap Desmond.
And Ezio saves him in his khanivore form.
Cue a story of Desmond and Ezio (in khanivore form) running away from Abstergo, trying to get into contact with the Assassins because they have no choice. Ezio starts to understand Desmond more because Desmond lets his guard down with Ezio’s khanivore form.
And then… I don’t know. Desmond gets kidnapped anyway while Ezio barely manages to escape? That’s when he finally gets to talk to Altaïr and Ratonhnhaké:ton who informed him that if he wants to keep the timeline intact, for Desmond to save the world, he has to let Desmond stay in Templar custody ‘until the time is right’.
Which only serves to make Ezio think about how he truly feels with Altaïr and Ratonhnhaké:ton subtly pushing him to confront his real feelings (maybe with Altaïr even reminding Ezio that this is what he wanted, isn’t it?)
In the end, Ezio says fuck fate and goes to save Desmond before Desmond could finish reliving Ezio’s memories.
That’s as far as I got XD
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meredoubt · 2 months
My feeling on Mirage is that the story is kind've a damn mess, but the location, time period, and Basim's themes, if u will, were all super interesting. I was disappointed by it mildly, but still had a great deal of fun.
The version of that game I wanted (where we play Basim watching his own memories from the comfort of modern times, frantically scouring both his own and Eivor's, looking for any clue as to how to get "his children" back) probably was a tall order. It was, after all, initially supposed to be DLC for Valhalla. But it would've been the COOLEST DLC, by like...an order of magnitude. It would have elevated Valhalla, been tighter on the story, and felt like a significantly cooler post-game than we got for either character. The Basim/Loki stuff was maybe my favourite thing they've done with the modern story since the original trilogy of games, and it would've been a really cool tying of the narratives. Basim says he doesn't know how Eivor beat him, when he's standing over her grave, but he's still here. But it clearly still troubles him. He is self-defined by his past. It would've been really effective to get into the ways in which the two reincarnations of Odin and Loki were similar in start, and also how they were markedly different in how they handled their situations. It would've been a very telling, and tragic reinforcement, of Loki and Basim's character arcs: that he can never let the past go. Eivor has been dead for a more than a millenia. She let go of Odin. She's gone, in every way that matters. But she beat Loki, once. And that gets to him. He will always be curious about someone who he can never get back. She will always have won, by letting go, and going where he cannot follow.
Nehal's reveal would've made more sense, too. We'd get a more direct comparison with Odin's reincarnation being Eivor Varinsdottir, tho I've always liked that part of the reason it took Basim a minute to understand she was Odin was just like, "...wait, my archenemy is now a hot younger Viking lady? I...hate it here."
I get wanting more women in AC-good lord does this franchise I'm fond of have a problem with misogyny-but realistically it would have felt better if it was...idk. a younger version of Loki proper. Or hell, really fuck around, even have it be the older version, somehow reaching through and reacting through the Animus 2 or whatever. Fuck it! Pass the voice actor torch more clearly. It's not like the reveal he's Loki is a surprise. If anything, it would make Basim more tragic if we know he's got the big bad in his head, but he's stumbling into it. There's no reason to try to obfuscate it from the player.
Anyway. If we're gonna lose Nehal as a female character, I think that forces Ubisoft to really bump up Roshan's role, which would've been ideal. Loki should be an occasional figure, flitting, frightening from the shadows and Basim's peripheral vision. Always the jinni to him, but frighteningly competent, calculating, tenacious, and understood to the player. But Roshan should be front and center as his actual damn human mentor. A cool older Assassin lady? Knowledgeable, has lived a full life, stern but clearly believes in him? Oh, you mean a tangible anchor to his present mortal life? The very definition of the THEME of Assassin's Creed as a franchise, that of found family and doing good in the present? Who Basim (AND THE PLAYER) sadly rejects to go chasing the past?
No, it's fine, I'm fine. Who needs to turn a light on the player and make them interrogate what it is about the past that is so compelling, and who they care about and why? Make a gamer think about their relationship with action, trauma, and community? The series that starts with "the son of no one," has all kinds of things to say about family, blood and found?
I mean, hey. It's only like the defining musical theme of the series is "Ezio's Family," who were killed in a prologue, and yet did not define the entirety of Ezio's storied life. That it's clear that Ezio's family became more than his tragic lost members, and became every living person he chose to help. That choice is a defining aspect of a person's legacy, rather than some predestined circumstance. Nothing is true; everything is permitted.
Anyway I still love this dumb series. This is a mostly positive review.
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jofie-does-things · 2 months
If your feeling it maybe something along the lines of:
I am clearly not attracted to you that's why I'm trying to avoid you at all costs/ I don't know how I'm supposed to focus on this meeting with you staring at me like that.
For a possible Machiavelli x reader. 😖
I was today years old when I found out that Ezio is actually older than Machiavelli by 10 whole years!!
Summary: “Niccolò Machiavelli is not a man to beg, but you bring him near enough.”
Pairing: Niccolò Machiavelli x Mercenary!Reader (AC: Brotherhood)
Word Count: 2.9K
Genre: Angst with a pinch of fluff
Warnings: Depictions of slight gore
A/N: Sorry about the wait on this! I had such a tough time trying to figure out how to write this man into a romantic scenario, but I finally ended up with something I’m happy with! Hope you enjoy! <3
No beta we die like Ezio’s fam
“I am clearly not attracted to you that’s why I’m trying to avoid you at all costs.”
“I don’t know how I’m supposed to focus on this meeting with you staring at me like that.”
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Deep beneath the stained glass rooms of the Vatican, where Gregorian hymns of reverence morph into the screams of those who dare defy the Borgia family, Niccolò Machiavelli follows Micheletto Corella through the dense fog of suffering. The shadows of the thin hallway are suffocating, even with the guiding light of the torch in his hand.
The dark colors of the robes that Cesare’s personal assassin wears bleed into the shapes cast onto the stone walls. If Niccolò didn’t know better, he’d have mistaken his silent demeanor for a phantom, a long dead innocent with no hope of escaping here alive. The hairs on the back of his neck and his instincts kept him from believing it.
A low groan to his left caught his attention, steps momentarily slowing to peek into the cell next to him.
What hit him first was the smell.
Inside the small room, a man– or what was left of him– had clearly been left to rot. Whip marks and knife cuts deep enough to sever tendons littered his body. There were chunks of flesh torn off at the ends of his appendages; where the starving rats took their share and the man had been too weak to bat them off. The scene sends an imperceptible shiver down his back. He’s not normally one to shy away from gore, but the torture is different from the quick killings he’s done.
“This way.” The gravelly voice of the man up ahead echoes down the chamber. Niccolò notices that he’d continued on into the darkness ahead, seemingly indifferent to the lack of light. It’s not for the first time that night that he’s left wondering what deal Micheletto has made with the devil to become the man he is.
The dirt underfoot grinds against the floor as Niccolò follows after.
They come to a stop in front of a cell, equally as unassuming as the previous doors. Its rusted hinges screech loud enough to drown out the groans of the other prisoners.
Inside there’s a man strapped to a chair. The moonlight shining through the grate far above them has the blood shimmering like rubies. He’s more alive and put together than the previous man, but littered with wounds more precise. Incisions meant to hurt. To torture. Meant to incentivize into giving up information.
Niccolò is surprised he’s lasted so long that Micheletto himself has to deal with him.
The assassin steps forward, shrugging off his doublet and unsheathing his dagger. With silent steps, Micheletto swings the pommel towards the man’s jaw. It connects with a sickening crack that has Niccolò wincing minutely. The man groans in pain, leaning as spit and blood drool out of the side of his mouth.
“Honestly, if that had worked, then you would not have been summoned here, Micheletto.”
The voice comes from the shadows at the back of the room. A figure that Niccolò hadn’t registered in its stillness emerges, tutting at the actions of the assassin in front of him. He lets out an aggravated noise, choosing to ignore you.
You’re sauntering towards the two men, taking graceful, deliberate steps to avoid the mess of blood pooling beneath the prisoner. Your hand rests delicately on his back as he’s hunched over the ground. The touch brings him back to the present, sitting up to the best of his ability.
Gentle fingers swipe across the blood on his chin, both assessing the impact and guiding his eyes toward you. Niccolò’s skin prickles.
“Can you still speak?” You coo at the man. You’re rubbing gentle circles into his jaw and leaning into his space and Niccolò is amazed at the enthusiasm with which the man nods his head as a broken “Y-yeah” leaves his mouth. If he weren’t so mesmerized by your actions himself he would’ve been shaking his head at how easily his recruit caved.
A small smile curves over your lips and you eye him out of the corner of your eyes. It has his breath hitching and the sly look on your face has him remembering why you’re so dangerous in the first place.
“I do not know how I'm supposed to focus on this meeting with you staring at me like that.”
It catches him off-guard for a split-second– something that hasn’t happened to him in years– but he schools his panic and racing heartbeat into neutrality. He takes a step forward, clearing his throat as he bows and greets you formally. You slide off the side of the chair where you’ve perched yourself and pace toward him. Your unyielding gaze sets his nerves alight and the air around him seems to buzz.
“It has been so long since we have had someone who knew how to have fun around here,” you cast a look at the ever silent Micheletto, who only grunts in response. The curl of your smile and the glinting of your teeth in the torchlight reminds him of a panther. He has the distant thought that Ezio would love you, if you weren’t currently working for the Borgia. “Nice to see you again, Niccolò.”
A curt, “Likewise” is all he feels comfortable mustering in the presence of the two other men in the cell. The word serves as a dismissal to you and a reminder that he has other priorities at the moment. As unshakeable as ever, you take his gruffness in stride; with an amused giggle and the roll of your eyes.
“Let’s get on with this, shall we?” Niccolò sends Micheletto an impatient look. The assassin wastes no time in laying out his personal armory on a rickety table off to the side.
“Aw Niccolò, I thought the reason why you came here with him was because you were too attracted to me to resist.” The playful pout and the weight of you against his chest sends an electric current up his spine. Looking away, he regards you with his best attempt at a scowl.
“I am clearly not attracted to you, that's why I'm trying to avoid you at all costs.”
“Ah, so it is because of me,” Your cooing has his brain going haywire, but your proximity has him fidgeting with a nervousness that hasn’t plagued him since he was a child. Your gaze slides to the man tied to the chair. “Or is it something else?”
His breath hitches imperceptibly. The comforting warmth of your hand is scorching now, branding every groove of your palm into his skin. You turn your scrutinizing gaze back to him, watching with clever eyes, like a fox toying with its prey. The ends of your lips tilt up with the slight narrow of your brow. His skin feels too tight.
As Micheletto steps up to the prisoner, Niccolò lets out a silent plea for forgiveness. 
Then, the butcher begins to carve.
Minutes feel like hours in the short time that Micheletto works, separating skin from muscle and muscle from bone. Starving rodents linger along the edges of the cell, trained to associate the pained screams with their next meal after the torture is over and done with. The resulting iron tang fills Niccolò’s senses as he focuses on the fruitless venture of the assassin in front of him.
Beside him, you stand uncharacteristically silent. Your turn at coaxing any information out of the man having failed minutes prior. If Niccolò himself hadn’t been there to oversee his own recruit, he doubts the man would’ve put up such a strong defense to your charms.
When the time was up, you’d sent the prisoner a pitying glance and stepped back with a lingering touch to his cheek as Micheletto approached to take over.
There’s a tenseness in you that he’s had to train himself to recognize. No doubt you’ve observed the same in him in the time he’s spent down here.
He chances a comforting brush of his pinky against yours; too light to truly grasp onto, but solid enough to know it’s there. The slight twitch of your finger in return is enough to let him know that it’s acknowledged and appreciated. 
He knows you aren’t one to bask in the gore that Micheletto delivers. You’ve always had a penchant for mischief; especially if it serves to reward you with a full purse and an entertaining time. But this crosses far into the territory of brutality that neither of you care to venture.
Minutes pass without a single interrogating question having left the butcher. The agonized wailing echoes through the cell; only interrupted by another round of skin-splitting hacking. The next series of pleas as Micheletto raises his blade to flesh again sends Niccolò marching forward.
“Enough!” The assassin’s blow is interrupted as Niccolò grabs his wrist, wrenching the blade from his hand. “That is enough! This is no longer an interrogation. Leave him alone!”
Niccolò’s grip on the instrument tightens as Micheletto shifts forward to snatch it back, gravel crunching underfoot.
“We are here to get answers from him!” The assassin hisses as he swings for the knife, Niccolò drawing back just enough to keep it out of reach. He maneuvers around the man as he stumbles, marching to the table laid out with his torture utensils and folding the pack up in one swift movement.
“We won’t get answers from him if you kill him before we can ask.” Niccolò snarls as he shoves the leather case into Micheletto, knocking him back just enough to stumble over himself. “And if he dies before we can find Ezio Auditore, I’ll be sure to point Cesare to the man responsible.”
The prisoner’s pained moans echo in the cell as Micheletto storms out, knocking you with his shoulder on the way out. A small smirk of approval curls at the edge of your lips as you watch the man retreat back through the prison. You glance once more at the man, before turning to Niccolò.
“Signora.” He bows and gestures for you to make your leave ahead of him.
Your smirk stays rooted to your face, combined with a look that he’s not sure he should be finding attractive or worrisome.
“Signore.” You bow your head in return and leave him with a knot of concern in his chest.
Alone in the cell, he chances one last look at the prisoner as he schemes an escape plan in his head.
He will have to move faster than expected.
Navigating the same maze is exponentially harder in the dark. A good thing that Niccolò had memorized the route here and back. The squeaking of a rat running off accompanied the squeal of the hinges as he slowly nudges the door ajar.
The cell is in the same state of chaos as they’d left it. His recruit, now untied, lay in a heap next to the chair, almost as if he’d slid right off and stayed there. That’s probably what happened, in all likelihood.
With silent, deliberate steps, Niccolò rushes forward to prop the man up. He checks his pulse. Alive. He breathes a sigh of relief. A pained groan leaves the man as he helps him up, the weight of him tugging while Niccolò struggles to stand.
There’s an exit the long way around, through labyrinthian halls that exit through the back of the vatican. It’s an inconspicuous entrance for captives that weren’t worthy to have their blood spilled on marble floors to meet their fates in the neverending darkness.
He just had to make it out, meet Volpe’s men, and the man would live to see another day of freedom.
“Somehow, I knew I would find you back down here.”
The melody of your voice sends a shiver down his spine, heart momentarily freezing as your figure is revealed behind the door of the cell. He stutters in his step, the weight of the prisoner lolling forward and pulling Niccolò to steady him.
“What are you doing here?” His voice is only slightly strained. Slow, graceful steps bring you to him.
“I would ask the same of you,” you gesture to the man slung across Machiavelli’s shoulder, “but it seems I’ve interrupted a plan of yours.” The warmth of your breath ghosts over the shell of his ear as you lean in.
“To answer your question, mio caro, Cesare hired me to catch you.”
Blood roars in his ears and his heart drops at the revelation. He searches your face for any sign that this might be a joke of yours to throw him off. The serene expression on your face never wavers. Cold in its rigidity as you watch him piece together the fact that this is no prank of yours.
It’s the only time you’ve ever delivered an answer so blatantly.
In the darkness of the cell, he plants his feet, heart racing a mile a minute as he considers the obstacle you’ve become. Silence weighs like a blanket over the two of you. Despite the way you recognize the look of realization on his face, you don’t move to speak; lips quirked in amusement as the words tumble over each other in his mind.
He is not one to plead, especially not in his line of work. A simple “So?” is all he can muster through gritted teeth.
“So, we have fifteen minutes before Cesare’s guards flood this prison in search of you.” You move to position yourself underneath the prisoner's other arm and begin to pull him forward with you.
It takes Niccolò more than a moment to recover from the whiplash of your admission and your apparent help before he’s digging his feet into the ground to spur the three of you faster. He’ll have the time to work through the confusion when he’s back to Tiber Island.
Maneuvering a half-dead assassin recruit through the pitch blackness of the prison tunnels has its challenges. You appear to have memorized the way out entirely. He wishes he had the time to question you. The weight of the man and the oppressive darkness keeps him silent.
Every noise is a skipped heartbeat for Niccolò; either manifesting as a rat or a creak of the prison structure itself. At his side, you coo quietly to the recruit, keeping him quiet so as not to alert anyone to the prison break.
Freedom comes into view with the sight of moonbeams spilling over the gravel floor. It’s surprisingly easy to force the lock open and slip out into the marbled courtyards of the Vatican.
A cart waits in the shadow of the pillars off to the side, the ebony stallion tethered to it tosses its head with impatience. The two of you haul the recruit to the cart. Niccolò lays him in the hay, promising medicinal help soon, before he turns back to you.
If circumstances were different, he probably would call you ethereal in the light of the moon.
If circumstances were different, you might’ve appreciated the compliment.
Instead, the quiet of the night remains as you linger; neither of you willing to say a word.
A small huff of amusement escapes you, stepping forward and brandishing a black lump of cloth. He sends you a confused look as he accepts it.
“You didn’t expect to make it out without some sort of disguise did you?” A mirrored puff of laughter escapes him in return.
“Well, until ten minutes ago I did not know I was being hunted.”
“Right, you would have planned for it otherwise.” You say with an eye roll. He settles the cloak on his shoulders with a flourish.
You’re retreating to the looming marble fortress and before he can think better of it, he’s tugging you into a kiss.
It’s all unspoken longing and a tangle of heat. Your mouth moves against his in a way that makes up for the skill he lacks. If you had more time, you’d probably tease him for it. But you don’t and he sinks further into the feeling of you, savoring the way your body presses against his. Your arms are thrown around his shoulders, an action altogether surprising but not unwelcome to Niccolò.
He almost abandons his mission then and there.
It’s a moment too short when you break away from him, your arms brushing their way down his shoulders to meet his forearms. The touch leaves his skin burning in its wake. You move to pull away, but he holds you there, looking insistently into your eyes.
“Come with me.” It’s barely a whisper; to you, it’s deafening. You pull away with a sadness in your face that he wishes he could kiss away.
“I cannot. Cesare will be looking for me and it will only lead straight to your organization.”
To you– but he doesn’t need to hear you say it to know.
Niccolò Machiavelli is not a man to beg, but you bring him near enough. Any protests are silenced as you draw a velvet pouch from your cloak and shift it into his hands. The weight of the coins are as heavy as his heart. You fold his fingers over it and press a lingering kiss to his knuckles; soft as the velvet he holds.
Then you pull away; the skin where you were, cold in the evening air.
“Grazie,” he bows his head to you, “Signora.”
“Signore.” You mirror him; the amused smile curves your lips again. Like the embrace never happened.
He watches you go for a few moments before he’s pulling himself up into the driving seat and setting the stallion off at a brisk pace. The velvet pouch sits attached to his belt; its weight, a comfort as he makes his way home.
You’ll probably be on a ship, embarking for new lands by the time he finishes his journey to the hideout.
He hopes he’ll see you again.
Knowing you, it’ll be sooner than he expects.
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definesanity · 8 months
One of The Many Tales of The Tomo Family.
Or: One Of My Tutors Wants To Know About My Lore.
Philip's day started, and he then heard someone falling down the stairs.
By this point, he has developed something of an additional sense to figuring out who fell down the stairs. But this time, a deep, feminine groan of pain told him it was Gunn.
Getting up, he made his way over to do his morning routine. Shower, brush his teeth, do his hair, put on his clothes; and as he looked at his mirror, and his reflection gazed back.
He was skinny. Nearly anorexic. Yet, his white hair fell back gracefully down to just above his knees, as deep purple eyes gazed back, little lavalamp earrings glittering. His everyday ensemble was extravagant to some; a greyish-purple tailcoat suit, with grey pants, boots and a large, purple cape.
The cape kept a little something he has as a surprise tool in check. But he'd have worn one anyways. If a bit smaller. Because he looks like Batman and not Ezio.
Philopator Agronium Isekaiden Tomo. And yes, his father was drunk while naming him. And everyone else.
He went downstairs, where he saw M'Gunnhildr Midorri Misstral Tomo, or Gunn, on the floor sprawled out. Short, dyed green hair and damp green eyes looked at Philip, herself dressed in a casual ensemble of pants and a t-shirt that says, 'yes i'm gay, was it the vibes that told you?'.
"Having fun?" Philip dryly asked.
"Oh, an amazing time." came Gunn's equally as dry reply. "Mind helping? I really can't be bothered this early in the morning."
Roll his eyes he did, but Philip still helped her up. Gumi's long ribcage expanded around her body, similar to an endoskeleton, and gave her the defence of a brick wall. Thankfully, not the intelligence.
"So, what's your work for the day?" Gunn called from the table, as Philip started to make breakfast. And with Gunn, it's always milk and cereal. In that order.
It's 2026 AMV, give her a break.
"A sudden Cocen meeting; I have to find Llo'Llo and An."
The Coven is the unofficial government of Diianas, and more of a talk show. Llo'Llo, the pint sized Ghoul Huntress, is a member, with her daughter Llo'An, or just An, as a guest, her daughter a Ghost Soother.
The point is, they have yet to come home after a late night ghost hunt. Normally, it wouldn't be a concern, but it was one ghost.
From behind the frame of the door, Malikuth Jiyuux Lilliean Tomo, her Marfan Syndrome riddled body coming into line of sight, looked at Philip, light blue eyes dead and her long blue hair in loose twintails lifeless.
Philip pushed the coffee mug to her and she nearly drank it all in one gulp. After a moment, and a silent "'Scuse me", Maliku looked up, eyes now less dead inside, as she tried to smooth out her creased suit and trousers.
"Thanks, I feel like I just hit by a bus." Maliku's voice wasn't as deep as Gunn's, mostly part to her being born female sans having the male reproduction organ, and more due to her tiredness in the morning. Usually, she sounds like someone who gets things done.
"Didn't you, though?" Gunn asked, a small quirk of her lips at Maliku, who blinked and sat down at the long table.
"'Bout a year back."
Another yawn, and as Philip exited the kitchen, T'hœmaas Makalinotol Tomo sat down, dark blue hair short minus the long wolftail at the back, along with dark blue eyes on an effeminate face. He wore his usually outfit, a suit over a blouse, and took a sip from his Darjeeling tea.
"Ah, excellen'. 'Ow are ya'all?" he sounded suspiciously like Mòrag from Xenoblade Chronicles 2. And that wasn't even a joke, he literally just sounds like her.
"Just about to head out, Thomas. I should be back in... call it an hour or two maybe."
"Righ', righ'. Off ya trot, troublemaker." that wry grin came upon his face, and Philip rolled his eyes, but a small smile was on his face.
"Sure, sure."
He first checked out the Bridge of St. Sophie. Llo'Llo is short, about 4'0, and her skittish personality off work doesn't help show she's 59 years old.
He did, however, find a short, black-haired girl and a taller, brown-haired girl.
Saiori, now called Heir Saiori of Haravin, and Nakitchi, the disgraced noble of Obliviution.
"Kcantro, lovebirds." a simple wave was all that was needed. "Enjoying the morning sun?"
That was something of a inside joke; Diianas was in the Frozen North, and many mountains, including Mt. Kiiriel, blocked out most of the sun. In this, enjoying the morning sun was more akin to, enjoying when it starts getting slighter brighter and before the Luxz turned on.
"Philip. And, eh." a nod and a shrug from Saiori. "The heck are you doing up so early?"
"Coven meeting in two hours; trying to find Llo'Llo."
Saiori's eyes, a molten gold, squinted. "You have got to be aljiralfrin joking me."
"Omaru, language." Nakitchi quietly spoke up, pink eyes glittering as she looked at her fiancé. Turning to Philip, she shook her head. "I'm sorry, but no. Last I heard was she was in the Garden."
"That helps, and nice talking to you both. See you later on, Saiori."
"Yeah, yeah, whatever..."
They're nice, really. Just not in the mornings, heh.
Next was Llizel's Garden.
Finding the pale green of Llo'Lo's hair is difficult enough, even when her yellow eyes glow like traffic lights.
Even then, he next came across the stranger visitors of Diianas, from the neighbouring Minor City of Twerkana.
Trisha, X, and Ar'qil. Trisha was a regular human, with X an alien and Ar'qil on the same boat as X.
He quickly walked past them No offence to them, he just needs someone who gets around a lot and not just around the bedroom.
Which led to the blond magician and her black-haired helper, Marie and Mary.
Marie was very... flamboyant. Mary was quiet. And also very gay for each other.
It's 2211008 AD, give them a break.
This then led Philip to the Neon Streets, and to Katrinka, the debt collector, who actually had seen Llo'Llo earlier that day. Following the trail then led to Charlie, a newreporter from the other City, Will, who is Charlie's father and has a relationship with his son that Philip realky doesn't want to try and figure out, Shovai Noir, the resident goth, and Reii, the person who might be the eldritch being, Omega, but that's a story for another day.
Finally, he reached a small building, and inside was numerous supplies. Philip himself was no Ghoul Hunter, but he could tell that the two were pulled into an illusion cast by the Ghoul.
Quickly and efficiently, he used the limited resources--Thank you, paranoia of Llo'Llo--and made a door. The goal of the door was to appear in the illusion and get them out.
And a moment later, Llo'Llo and An came tumbling out.
"W-WHY DO I KEEP THIS JOOOOOOOOB?!" came Llo'Llo's cry.
An shrugged. "More fool us, heh."
They sat around in a circle of chairs.
Professor Kanae Severus, Dynol Cyn, Roshiua, Xaltrin, Llo'Llo, and Saiori.
"Everyone here?" Cyn's calming voice echoed throughout the room. Nods were given.
"Excellent." she smiled. "And then, with this, The Coven shall converse."
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maranzalla · 1 year
ubisoft didn' t do enough with the parallels between vieri de' pazzi (young nobleman disparaged by his father who throws himself 100% in the Family Feud tm to gain his respect, dies in the process) and ezio auditore (young nobleman beloved by his father who throws himself 100% in the Family Feud tm to avenge his family, is consumed by it in the process) luckily i'm here to fix this grievous oversight
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URL Tag Game
Thanks for the tag @asocialpessimist
Rules: spell your url with song titles and tag as many people as the letters!
T- The Chain- Fleetwood Mac
H- Himna Generacije- Dubioza Kolektiv
E- Exit Music (For a Film)- Radiohead
A- Am I Dreaming- Metro Boomin
R- Railroad Track- Willy Moon
C- Chant- Hadestown
H- Human- The Killers
D- Dog Days Are Over- Florence and the Machines
E- Enjoy the Silence- Depeche Mode
M- Mage Pride- Inon Zhur
O- Oxbow- Lorn
N- Non-Stop- Upsurt
G- Guggenheim Assemble- Daniel Pemberton
R- Rabbit- Joyhauser
E- Empire- Of Monsters and Men
A- A Man Without Love- Engelbert Hmperdinck
T- The Last Agni Kai- The Track Team
L- Little Black Angel- Death In June
Y- You Want It Darker- Leonard Cohen
D- Disco 2000- Pulp
I- I Wll Never Die- Delta Rae
S- Safe In Mind (Please Get This Gun From Out My Face)- UNKLE
A- A Divided Land- Sarah Schachner
P- Pala Tute- Gogol Bordello
P- Perspektiva- S.A.R.S.
R- Rasputin- Boney M
O- Oh Grey Warden- Maryden Halewell
V- Völuspá- Wardruna
E- Ezio's Family- Jesper Kyd
S- Sing Along- Sturgill Simpson
Also yeah I'm not tagging that many people, sorry I have too much anxiety for this
I'm gonna tag as many as I feel comfortable with and if anyone wants to join please do!
@time-traveling-machine @elvhenn @hanarinhightown @callista-curations @lilolilyr @korblez @sleepingfancies @ioniccolumns
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lyranova · 2 years
Children of the Future: The World to Come
Chapter 3: Nothing but Chaos
Hiya guys, I know I’ve been updating this a lot lately but it’s mostly because I just have lots of inspiration for this right now, it’ll probably slow down a bit after this chapter 😅. This chapter ties into COTF’s epilogue a bit and mainly focuses on Aloys but there’s still some Greyche family moments. Also the next three chapters will focus on Astelle and their family, so I hope you all enjoy~!
Note: Josslyn, who is briefly mentioned in this chapter, belongs to the lovely @/crazyclownthanos
Taglist: @thoughtfullyrainynightmare @acacia-may @crazyclownthanos @loosesodamarble (if anyone else wants to be tagged please let me know!
Word Count: 1,756
Warnings: None
Aloys watched as his father walked up to him and wrapped his arms around him in a tight hug. Aloys’s body stiffened at the unfamiliar gesture, usually Gauche would pat him on the shoulder or ruffle his hair at the most, and would save the hugs for Maelie.
“ I love you so much,” Gauche told his son softly as his hug tightened a bit more. “ And I’m so proud of you and the man you’ve become.” He added, and suddenly Aloys’s eyes widened.
That…was the first time his father had ever told him he was proud of him…and Aloys was left speechless as Gauche pulled away and gave the 16 year old a small smile.
“ While your mother and I are away on the mission, I want you to promise to take care of and look out for your sister. Alright?” Gauche asked, and Aloys nodded numbly.
“ Aloys. I need to hear you say it. Say that you promise.” Gauche said as he placed his hands on his son's shoulders.
“ I-I promise.”
“ Good. Look after her alright? We’ll be back in a few days, and try to behave while you’re around Finral’s brat. That boy tends to accidentally get himself in trouble.” Gauche tried to say light-heartedly, but there was this…heaviness in his tone.
Gauche ruffled his son’s hair before turning around and walking away. Aloys suddenly felt tears well up in his eyes before falling down his cheeks.
He was sad, angry, happy, and confused all at the same time.
His father finally told him he was proud of him, but he said it right before he and his mother Grey went out on a dangerous mission. Which only meant one thing.
They wouldn’t be coming back.
Aloys awoke with a start, he gasped for breath as he tried to calm his rapidly beating heart. This wasn’t the first time he had had this dream, but everytime he did it just felt so…real. It was as though he had actually lived through that moment, and everytime he woke up he had tears in his eyes.
Aloys quickly shook his head and wiped his eyes, of course that was only a dream, there had been many times where his father had told him that he was proud of him. It just didn’t seem like his dad to wait until he was going on a suicide mission to tell Aloys that he was proud of him, but at the same time it really did sound like something his father would do.
“ Big brother!” Aloys heard his little sister Maelie say as she knocked on his bedroom door, soon he heard it click and open.
“ So you are awake!” She said with a giggle, Aloys sighed but nodded as he turned to face her.
As the girl had gotten older she had grown to look more and more like their mother Grey, except her eyes were brown instead of blue, and she let her once short blue-brown hair grow until it reached past her shoulders.
She wasn’t quite as shy as she used to be either, at least not around the Bulls, whenever she was in a new environment or around strangers then she went right back to being as shy as their mother. Which was why she had decided to stay with the Black Bulls instead of going to a different squad like some of the other kids.
“ Yeah, why what’s going on?” Aloys asked tiredly, and Maelie looked behind her.
“ Well-.” She started hesitantly before someone quickly ran past her and went towards Aloys.
“ Aloys!!” Ezio Roulacase, Finral and Vanessa’s son, shouted as he ran and jumped onto Aloys.
A shout suddenly rang out and the bed creaked as the pink haired man jumped onto Aloys’s bed and held the brown-blue haired man in a tight hug.
“ H-Hey! Get off of me! What the hell is going on?” Aloys shouted as he tried to push his best friend off of him, he looked at his little sister before looking at Ezio.
“ W-Well-.” Maelie started nervously before Ezio cried and held up a letter towards his friend.
“ It’s Josslyn! Look!” Ezio cried dramatically and Aloys rolled his eyes before taking the letter out of the pink haired boy's hands, he read it over quickly before glaring.
“ It says she’s coming home today, so why on earth are you crying? And why the hell did you attack me like that?” Aloys growled with anger and irritation lacing his voice, Ezio sniffled dramatically before pointing to his clothes.
“ Because I don’t have anything nice to wear, and I was hoping you would lend me some clothes.” Ezio sniffled and Aloys instantly kicked him off the bed.
“ No! Now get out!” Aloys shouted as he grabbed his blanket and threw it over himself, Ezio was not deterred and quickly kneeled by Aloys’s bedside.
“ Please Aloys! I’m begging you!”
“ Mama, Papa, Aloys and Ezio are bickering again!” Maelie said as she walked down the hall and towards the common area, her mother and father looked over at her.
“ Of course they are, I think it’s their favorite pastime.” Gauche muttered as he took a sip of his coffee, Grey giggled.
“ I think it just shows how close they are, I mean, Luck and Magna bickered all the time.” Grey said as she placed a plate full of toast onto the table, Charmy had made a bunch of breakfast earlier in the day since she would be out looking for ingredients all day.
“ I think they just like being idiots.” Maelie muttered under her breath, causing Gauche to laugh. The young woman walked over to her parents and sat down next to her father.
“ Luckily my darling little angel is too sweet and kind to bicker like those two.” Gauche gushed as he hugged his daughter close, Grey giggled as Maelie blushed and tried to push her father away.
“ Papa,” she sighed dramatically. “ Please let me go, I’m not little anymore.”
“ I know, but to me you always will be no matter what.” He said as he hugged her tighter.
“ I wonder who your father dotes on more, you or your Aunt Marie.” She joked light heartedly before they heard a shout down the hall.
“ Thanks for the shirt Aloys! I’ll be sure to give back when I return!” Ezio shouted as he ran out of the base, with Aloys hot on his heels.
“ Hey give that back you bastard!”
Gauche, Grey, and Maelie all looked at each other before they shook their heads and stood up. Gauche quickly ran up and held Aloys back as Ezio ran out the door.
“ Let him go, if you want your shirt back in one piece I’d wait until after he returns it.” Gauche told his son, the young man scoffed a bit before he shook his head.
“ The old man actually has a point for once.” He muttered, causing Gauche to glare at him.
“ What did you say, brat?”
“ You heard me, unless your hearing is starting to get worse as you get older, old man.” Aloys said as he pulled his arms out of his fathers hold, he walked out the door and saw Alistar Vangeance standing there with a confused look on his face.
“ Alistar.”
“ Aloys.”
The men greeted each other politely before Alistar walked inside the base as Aloys stood outside and looked around the front yard.
“ Captain Yami’s upstairs.” Gauche told Alistar as the young Captain of the Golden Dawn looked around, he nodded in thanks before walking towards the stairs.
Gauche, Maelie, and Grey all followed Aloys outside as Gauche grabbed the back of his son's shirt.
“ If you don’t stop calling me ‘old man’ I swear-!” Gauche started but he quickly noticed something else had Aloys’s attention and he turned to look and frowned.
Crouching in the bushes was a young woman with purple hair and green eyes, when she noticed Gauche and Aloys looking at her she quickly ducked down in order to hide. But sadly her pointed witches hat still stuck out above the bushes.
“ Aloys,” Gauche started with a confused tone to his voice as he let his son go. “ Who is that, and why is she crouching in the bushes?” He asked as Grey and Maelie came up beside the two, they all turned as Aloys sighed and rubbed the back of his neck.
“ I…don’t know what her name is, I just know she followed Ezio and I from town and anytime I look at her she…does that.” Aloys muttered as the purple haired woman had peaked her head out from the bushes but as soon as Aloys looked at her she ducked down again.
“ You and Ezio went to town a while ago, how long has she been out here?” Grey asked softly as she glanced at her son, and he sighed again.
“ She’s been out here for 3 days.”
“ 3 days?!” Grey, Gauche, and Maelie shouted in unison as they looked at Aloys with wide eyes.
“ Yeah…anytime I try to talk to her she hides or runs away,” he shook his head. “ She's weird.”
“ Anyway I’m gonna go find Ezio, I’ll see you guys later.” Aloys said as he walked away from his family, Maelie quickly ran after him.
“ Wait for me big brother!” She shouted as she caught up to him. Grey and Gauche watched as the purple haired woman hiding in the bushes slowly followed behind them, while staying hidden of course.
Grey giggled as she walked up to her husband and wrapped her arms around his and rested her head against him. Gauche smiled softly as he moved his arm wrapped it around her waist, pulling her close.
“ Do you think there will ever be a time where life isn’t chaotic for us?” Grey asked as she giggled again, and Gauche shook his head.
“ I doubt it. When has there ever been a time where life as a Black Bull has ever not been chaotic?” He asked and Grey nodded in agreement.
“ It looks like that chaos has been passed down to our children too.” Grey said, but her husband noticed a nervous tone in her voice and he hugged her just a bit more.
“ But they’ll be okay, we made it through just fine, and they will too.” Gauche told her softly as he kissed the top of her head.
The two had hoped that their children’s lives would be full of peace and quiet, but now that looked to be the opposite of what was happening.
Thank you all so much for reading and I hope you all have a good day~!
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vgtrackbracket · 4 months
Video Game Track Bracket Round 2
Ezio's Family from Assassin's Creed II
Megamix Mania from Crash Team Racing Nitro-Fueled
Propaganda under the cut. If you want your propaganda reblogged and added to future polls, please tag it as propaganda or otherwise indicate this!
Ezio's Family:
"It is a good life we lead brother." "The best. And may it never change." "And may it never change us." (AAAAAAAAAAAAAA *Unintelligible sobbing*) Right so this song is everything to me. It is comfort, angst, and stunning beauty rolled into one. It is moments to which you can never go back but must preserve in your mind so that they never die either. I have really bad nightmares somewhat often and when I wake up from something that's like, "welp, I'm not going back to sleep in case I have to experience THAT again," but then look at the clock and I've only been asleep for two hours so I don't really have a choice, I put the Slowed 2 hour Sistine Chapel version on in my room and it lets me actually sleep enough to be functional the next day. I owe soooo much to this song!!!! I even hum the chord progression to myself when I'm freaking out and it helps. This song is so good that it accidentally became the theme song of the series and most of the games that came after have their own remixes of it. None of them come close to the opening credits of two though.
This is one of the first game songs I truly fell in love with.
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redrum-eht · 2 years
Tagged by @fuckin-nancy, it's to early for this (like 7am) but here we go:
R: Remember me - Coco
E: Empire State Of Mind - The Starlite Singers
D: Dos Oruguitas - Sebastian Yatra
R: Red Alert - Simon Chylinksi
U: Under Pressure - Leslie Odom Jr.
M: More Than a Woman - BEE GEES
E: Ezio's family - Jesper Kyd
H: He Is - GHOST
T: The Crystal Chamber - Atlantis: The Lost Empire
I did it!!! I hope i did it right. Anyway enjoy the Post, your day and what ever there is to enjoy today. 🍀🐷
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eorzean-capitalist · 6 months
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Name: Vincenzo Santini
Nicknames: Vinnie, Vince, Vin, That Italian Kid
Age: 22 (Gravitas Timeline)
Birthday: March 17th, 1972
Race: Caucasion
Gender: Cis Male
Orientation: Bisexual
Profession: Busboy, Bassist (Freelance)
P H Y S I C A L     A S P E C  T S
Hair: Jet Black, wavy
Eyes: Dark brown
Skin: Olive toned.
Tattoos/scars: Intricate sleeve on his left arm of a variety of artwork, from the Gauntlet logo to the sun, moon, stars, from his shoulder to the back of his wrist.
Parents: Ezio Cesare (deceased) and LaDonna Santini (deceased)
Siblings: Sofia Dalton (Half Sister)
Grandparents: Alfonso and Carlina Santini. (Father's side long ago deceased.)
In-laws and Other: Dating Jimmy Erickson, ugh meaning Saint Erickson is his soon to be father in law. Fuuuck. Also considers Jere and KC found family.
Pets: None.
Abilities: Bass playing, oddly good with finances, also very observant and tends to see and notice things other people miss.
Hobbies: Video gaming. Conspiracy theories.
Most Positive Trait: Protective
Most Negative Trait: Snarky/Sarcastic
Colors: Black, dark gray, hunter green, dark browns.
Smells: Cigarette smoke, tobacco, cedarwood.
Textures: Porcupine quills, flannel.
Drinks: Black coffee, beer.
O T H E R    D E T A I L S
Smokes: 2 pack a day habit.
Drinks: Frequently.
Drugs: No.
Vehicle: The Beast, a 1976 Chevy Nova with a 350 engine. It's ugly af but gets you from point A to point B.
Been Arrested: Once, for assault. But the other guy had it comin'.
Tagged by: @snakemoltsiren
Tagging: You.
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profilesskybird · 2 years
Assassins creed 2 models
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If Kim Kardashian is a better role model, check your values. The story is about a young man and his journey to seize revenge on the community that murdered his family and rekindle a community of brothers in arms. The game doesn't attack the church, it anything it reflects the Churches crude and disgusting behavior in the renaissance era. The sex scene in the game lasts maybe 10 seconds. This game is an absolute childhood favorite of mine. AC2 is a great game that I think everyone who’s into this genre of video games should play, if they are 12 years old and above. Plus, there are a few scenes that show characters drinking even though, in my eyes, it’s not much of a problem. Some civilian NPCs say things like “He must be having the good stuff” when you parkour through the city. As for alcohol use, there is hardly anything. However, it can be avoided by not pressing certain buttons. As for sexual content, I only recall there being one scene around that. I’m not sure if the option is available in the original game, though. Plus, in the Ezio Collection, you can turn off blood/gore which actually makes a significant difference in the gameplay.
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Blood splatters whenever you strike/kill an enemy and also appears in some cutscenes. Then there’s the violence and it’s not that bad. However, most of the swears are Italian so it is possible that you may not notice them in the game, especially if you have subtitles off.
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There are some swear words such as b*stard, sh*t, a*s and a few F-words. As for the actual age rating, it’s not that bad.
Keeping Kids Motivated for Online LearningĪssassin’s Creed 2 is a fantastic game if you don’t mind the severely outdated graphics, character models and clunky controls.
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teecupangel · 2 years
What if Desmond is reborned in Unity as Elise's or Arno's baby brother?
Oh, oh. I can think of 3 main ideas we can play with.
Now, before anything, we’ll set up some rules that all ideas must adhere to (all of which came from the premise of every Yew Branch I’ve written):
Desmond remembers his life as Desmond Miles
Desmond will have his ancestors’ memories and skills but those memories will be vague
With that out of the way, let’s get to how Desmond could screw up AC Unity’s plotline:
1 Desmond is reborn as Arno’s baby brother and he grows up with Arno.
I think that Arno would be a responsible older brother, maybe kinda like how Ezio was with Petruccio.
Considering it’s only them, Charles would have definitely emphasized to Arno that Desmond’s safety is his responsibility.
Arno’s protectiveness would definitely go through the roof once it became clear that Desmond is a bit of a ‘strange child’ while Desmond is half-exasperated and half-delighted because his new family is definitely leagues better than William Miles and his wife.
There’s no way in hell Arno would leave Desmond alone to play with Élise while they’re waiting for Charles.
Not to mention, Desmond would definitely try to act like the big brother and say ‘go, I’ll wait for father’ and that would only make Arno want to stay with Desmond because that’s what a good big brother would do.
In this scenario, I can see Élise joining them instead, playing where the Dorian brothers are waiting and, when Charles comes to pick them up, he would recognize Élise and maybe they’d even escort her back to her father.
Now, this is where things can go either way. Even before Versailles, Desmond would have realized that Charles is an Assassin which meant that he would definitely be paranoid, using his Eagle Vision every so often. In this scenario, either Desmond sees Shay approaching and warns Charles OR he’s too late and he and Arno see Shay kill Charles.
And that’s where we will have two different routes we can take:
1.a Charles Lives and Arno and Desmond become Assassins under his tutelage
In this scenario, Arno and Desmond would have a brotherly relationship similar to Federico and Ezio with Desmond being the ‘Federico’ and Arno being the ‘Ezio’.
Charles’ main task in the Brotherhood is to travel around the world and, now, it’s to protect the precursor box that the Assassins gave to him.
This means that Arno and Desmond would be raised on the road and seas, maybe even on the run and hiding from Shay Cormac who will definitely be looking for them.
And then everything comes to a head when they returned to Paris to help the Brotherhood as the sociopolitical unrest in France starts to boil over.
In this scenario, Arno and Desmond would probably remember Élise but there would be no messy love story between Arno and Élise. They would be one-time playmates turned wary allies as Élise would be trying to find who killed her father and the brothers would have the same goal because Élise’s father had been close to finalizing a truce between the Assassins and his more moderate Templars.
Bellec may or may not betray the Brotherhood. If he does, it would be Charles that would stand against him (with the help of his sons).
Shay would probably make an appearance in Paris later on because he learns Charles is there.
Desmond would be with Arno and Élise when they fight Germain and Élise won’t die. Whether Arno and Élise would actually end up together though… hhhmmm… I’ll leave it to you, nonny.
1.b Charles dies and the de la Serre takes the Dorian brothers in
Desmond would definitely find out that the de la Serres are Templars. It might take a few years, he’d probably spend a year or two grieving Charles’ death and being there for Arno, but he’ll definitely find out.
During that time, Arno would develop a crush on Élise.
Once Desmond is sure that they’re Templars, Desmond would be faced with two choices: stay with the de la Serre who have been nothing but kind to them (although they do tend to be treated like servants at times too but that’s fine) or he gets Arno to run away with him and try to live on their own
If Desmond tells Arno they should run away, Arno would say no because he likes the de la Serre and he doesn’t understand why Desmond would want to leave. At this point, it’s either Arno would tell the de la Serre Desmond’s plan and Desmond would run away alone (leaving Arno) or Desmond finds a way to get Arno to agree to leave with him.
Staying with the de la Serre will also complicate things
1.b.1 Desmond stays with the de la Serre
If he stays with the de la Serre, it would be more of “I wanna see what the Templars are planning” than any gratitude he might feel for the de la Serres.
He won’t stop Arno from getting close to Élise.
The de la Serres would probably not realize Desmond is spying on them and Desmond would know when Élise has started her Templar training. That’s when Desmond would advise Arno to be careful.
Arno would think that Desmond doesn’t approve of Élise and they would start their whole secret relationship.
Either Desmond doesn’t find out because he’s busy trying to spy and not getting caught or he knows about it but doesn’t say he knows because he wants to honor his brother’s choice.
Monsieur de la Serre still dies and the plot of Unity kicks off with Desmond and Arno becoming Assassins.
Arno wants to find out who killed Monsieur de la Serre, Desmond is just there to make sure Arno doesn’t do anything really dumb.
Bellec still betrays the Brotherhood and Desmond is the one to kill him.
Germain still happens but Élise lives in the end.
1.b.2.a Desmond and Arno run away together
If they successfully run away, Desmond would use his Eagle Vision to find the Assassins. Either they find the Parisian HQ first and get taken in by the council (maybe even Mirabeau?) OR Bellec finds them first and he takes them in.
If they grew up with Bellec as their foster father, there’s a high chance that Desmond would be able to stop Bellec from betraying the Brotherhood later (through the power looovvee logic and reasoning).
They get trained as Assassins and when AC Unity kicks off, they’d be part of a 4 member squad and perhaps even in charge of de la Serre’s death (which was given to them because of their history).
Élise and Arno would have a bitter ex kind of vibe in their relationship and Desmond gets caught in it, along the lines of ‘he chose you instead of me’ or ‘I left her for you’ and their squad will tease that it’s like a fucked up loved triangle between Arno, his biological brother, and his foster sister (all said in jest, of course).
1.b.2.b Desmond runs away alone
If Desmond runs away alone, he would be the only one that gets taken in and raised as an Assassin.
He’d always check on Arno but never show his face.
Arno, on the other hand, would feel absolutely guilty for what he’s done. He’ll try to run away too to try and find Desmond but he’d get caught every time.
At this point, either de la Serre gets into contact with Mirabeau to talk about Arno or, and this is the more dramatic route that would definitely make everything messier, Élise gets Arno to be trained as a Templar, maybe even whisper to Arno that they can look for Desmond as Templars.
Élise’s party in AC Unity will now be a party for both Arno and Élise as they are inducted into the Templar Order.
AC Unity plot happens with Arno and Élise working together as Templars while Desmond takes over Arno’s parts in the game.
This would definitely have a kind of ‘Abel-Cain’ setup between Arno and Desmond with Desmond being the ‘Cain’ as he doesn’t trust the Templars and Arno is torn between his loyalty to the de la Serre and his brotherly love for Desmond.
Might even come to blows with “You left me.” “Well… you made it clear who was your real family is back then.”
2. Desmond is Arno’s half-brother, born after their mother left Charles and Arno
In this scenario, I think it would be interesting if Desmond meets Arno when he joins the Parisian Brotherhood (maybe after their mother’s death and she tells Desmond the truth on her deathbed?).
Depending on their age gap, Desmond could join the Brotherhood during AC Unity’s main game plot OR during Dead Kings DLC.
2.a Desmond meets his half-brother during Unity’s main game
Desmond would act more like Arno’s partner during missions. They won’t have any familial bonds so there are a lot of awkward talks and sometimes they just ignore their familial ties and act more like two colleagues trying to get to know one another.
There will be bonding moments of course but things will come to head after Desmond tells Arno that he’s too focused on Élise. The two of them will have their 3rd act break up at this point.
Desmond would be the one to find Arno drunk after Élise ‘dumps’ him. There might be a one-sided fistfight as well because they’re both idiots.
This is the scenario where Élise living has the lowest percentage, not because Desmond would let her die (of course not) but because there’s a possibility that Desmond wouldn’t even know what Arno and Élise were planning until it’s too late.
2.b Desmond meets his half-brother in Dead Kings
In this scenario, Desmond would be a ‘novice’ tasked to retrieve the missing Arno Dorian
Dead Kings still happens although with additional bonding moments between Arno and Desmond
Their relationship will be more: Desmond is the exasperated assistant of a grieving/brooding Arno
They will also bond over the death of loved ones (in this case, Desmond would probably relate because he still feels the pain of Maria’s death)
Léon gets adopted by Desmond. He likes to call Desmond and Arno his brothers.
And finally:
3. Desmond gets reborn as Élise’s younger brother
This is honestly going to messy, might even be messier than Desmond running away without Arno plot (probably).
First of all: Desmond won’t run away from the de la Serre because they love him and he loves them. He also won’t realize that he’s been born into a Templar family until it’s too late and he already loves them too much to betray them.
Depending on the age gap between him and Élise, he could either be there when Charles Dorian dies and plays with Arno too or he meets Arno after Arno becomes a ward of the de la Serre.
Regardless, here is the plot point that I kinda don’t want to do but, at the same time, I kinda want to just for the sheer unnecessary soap opera level drama it would add to the mix: a Love Triangle between Arno, Élise and Desmond.
To be more exact: Arno having a bi-crisis of epic proportions because he develops a crush on both Élise and Desmond growing up.
Desmond is oblivious to it, Élise is not.
At this point, either we go down the love triangle route OR Élise would do an ‘I want my beloved to be happy’ and be Arno’s wing woman.
Either way, Desmond would develop feelings for Arno as well which he would mistake for just ‘fondness’ because Arno reminds Desmond a lot of Ezio.
Desmond learns that their father is hoping to finalize a truce with the Assassins and he supports it because he loves his father and he still remembers how much Connor had wished he and Haytham could have found some common ground (until Haytham fucked that up and Connor was too angry to even try again).
Desmond and Élise get inducted at the same time and their father dies.
This is where AC Unity’s plot starts to get messy because, to Desmond, this isn’t about Assassins and Templars right now.
This is revenge. He’s the calm one to Élise’s hot-headedness and Arno is taken in for the ride because… well… Arno’s a dumbass who fell in love with a Templar(s).
And now Bellec thinks Arno is being corrupted by the two de la Serres
Élise won’t die in this one. There’s no way in hell Desmond would let that happen.
Pairing-wise, it could honestly go with Arno x Élise, Arno x Desmond or Desmond x Arno x Élise XD
Plot points that will happen regardless of which idea we go for:
Desmond’s skills will compare him a lot to his older sibling (Arno or Élise). There’s gonna be feelings of inferiority going on, that’s for sure.
If Bellec raises Desmond and Arno, he would be kind of a hardass but he would be ‘loyal’ to them. Even if he goes through with his plan to betray the Brotherhood, he would probably let either Dorians kill him because he can’t kill them even if he tries.
Desmond is the best recruiter of the Assassins. He will refuse to do any recruiting as a Templar.
Desmond would be super sus of Germain. He might not know what a Sage is but he knows something is giving him the heebie-jeebies whenever he’s near Germain.
Germain would have a hard time hitting Desmond with the Sword of Eden for some reason. (probably related to the device Desmond activated)
Desmond will definitely try to contact Connor one way or another. Whether he is successful in finding Connor though is up in the air.
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