#t : kate oo1
speaksfish · 5 years
@ofarrcws  :  “ What were you the god of, again? ”
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“ Dumbasses, probably. ” It doesn’t take a genius figuring out where she was leading with this. Thirteen year olds, man. Vicious creatures. Arthur stops her from walking any further, “ So we’re clear : I can’t have you talking about what happened today. ” Though he’s fairly certain she's on roughly the same page. Acts of heroism weren’t smiled upon these days, and neither needed suits at their front door asking questions.
His arm drops, continuing their long walk from pier’s end to street. “ But, uh, impressive work with that bow back there. You only hit me once in the scuffle. Kind of tickled. ”
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vnmblast · 5 years
@warcolors   :   can i see it?
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❝  oh - ho. playing on my innate desire to please visually intimidating women for a piece of the prize. sneaky.  ❞   and also not what was going on in the slightest. jess slides down the buildings side with practiced ease,  feet stopping her movements just short of the (  other,  other --  ) bats’ natural line of sight. book in hand,  but kept folded to her chest.  ❝  what are you offering in exchange ?  ❞  
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