ctrlsznwrites · 2 years
to wakanda
summary. after not hearing from her older brother for months, she has a few visitors at her doorstep. pairing. erik 'killmonger' stevens x aniya stevens [sibling!oc] author's note. i'm redoing this series to update it, so show me some love and hopefully i can get some new material out soon. word count. 1.23k
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Aniya was sitting in her apartment on a hot summer night in Oakland, watching the first reruns of Chicago Med. Her mind hadn’t been at rest since the last time she heard form her brother after he killed Claw before making his way to Wakanda. Letting out a deep sigh she continued to focus on the tv show while eating her ice cream. When the drink she had on her coffee stable started to shake, sitting up from her previous position. Reaching for the remote, she muted the television trying to pay close attention to the sounds from outside her apartment.
Moving quietly, she set her ice cream down on the coffee table, when there was a knock at her door. Cursing under her breathe she quickly got the gun she keeps taped under her coffee table, making her way to the door. Aniya cocked the gun taking  a deep breathe before opening the door to only be met with the Dora Milaje.
Much to her dismay, she fixed her glasses on her face before pulling her lower lips to show her mark before letting the women in. Soon enough the Black Panther followed behind them, Aniya watched as the five people made their way into her home judging her surroundings. She quickly checked the hall one last time before closing the door and locking it.
“Just give me on moment, I’m gonna put this away and we can talk about why you’re here and how you even know I exist.” Walking away before anyone could answer.
Aniya’s mind was racing as she packed away her gun, how they found her. Was it because of Erik? Was he okay? And why after all this time are they just now coming to see her? What could have happened to warrant this surprise and completely unwelcome visit.
Making her way form her coat closet in the hallway of her unit, she made her way back into the living room to see the Dora standing around her cousin who was sitting on her couch. An unpleased scuff left her mouth as she took in the whole scene in front of her.
“Excuse me your highness, I don’t know how they raised you where your from. But you speak before you take a seat in someone’s home here.” She spoke abruptly sitting across from him.
T’Challa’s face morphed into one of shock standing quickly not wanting to make this difficult trip any worse. This caused Aniya to chuckle before extending her hand for him to sit again.
“Now, what do I owe this pleasure to? Came to make nice with the traitors other love child?” T’Challa could not only hear the sarcasm that dripped from her voice but also the hurt.
“N’Jadka has requested you presence in Wakanda, he only recently made us aware of you.”
Aniya let out a chuckle of disbelief before looking him up and down. “So, let me just make this make sense for me, just bear with me please. After not hearing from the only living relative I have left, for five almost six months. He all of a sudden wants me to just drop everything I have going for myself to join him in the country to which killed me father? He can kiss my ass, and I mean that.”
Sitting back on her seat for a moment, she bit her lip trying to keep the tears at bay realizing there has to be a reason as to why it took him so long to reach out to her. And there is a reason he wants her to be with him.
Rubbing her hands up and down her face to dry her tears before trying to make sense of everything. “Alright, I’ll go but first tell me why after five months reached out for me now. And not when he got there? What happened?”
T’Challa watched as he saw the resolve of his little cousin break, seeing that she felt as if she was abandoned by her family, especially the only family she knew personally. His heart hurt for everything she went through the last few months, knowing what her brother did and the reason why she feels the way she does.
“Well for starters his entrance into Wakanda…” T’Challa went on to tell Aniya about what happened once her older brother made his way into Wakanda. As he told her about Erik dying and being revived  she fell into complete hysterics knowing that once he woke up he didn’t have family with him.
Along with the fact that he could’ve been dead forever and she wouldn’t have known, not being able to put his body to rest. Learning about everything he went through and that he was willing to leave her by herself just didn’t sit right with her. It honestly broke her spirit in a way she didn’t even expect.
Aniya let out a sigh as she moved her hands up and down her face. “So, did you know about me after he was hospitalized, or did he tell you after he woke up?”
“We found out about you after he was hospitalized, but before we could reach out to you he woke up and wanted for you to be there when he was ready.”
Aniya nodded clasping her hands open and closed in anger that her brother didn’t want her to be there for him. “Give me an hour and I’ll be ready.” Getting up she took her almost now melted ice cream, putting it in the freezer.
As she walked to her room grabbed her suitcase, while picking out clothes she saw her reflection in her mirror. Her hand went to her necklace, it was the only thing she had of her mother. It was a necklace her father gave her before he died, and her mother gave her the necklace before she died 15 years ago. 
Sniffling she looked away and continued to pack trying not to think about the fact that Erik was willing to leave her alone in this world knowing he was the only real family she had. They had gone through everything together and she didn’t even know the real reason he went to Wakanda.
“I swear to god when I see that nigga it’s on sight.” She mumbled to herself as she finished zipping up her bag.
Slipping on a pair of vans, she grabbed a few more things before making her way to the front where her three unexpected guests were. Nodding, she signaled she was ready to go. They continued their way to the roof after she had locked up her apartment.
They all boarded the aircraft where there was a beyond awkward silence. Looking around she saw how advanced everything was and now she understood why her father betrayed his country. They got to live in a utopia without worrying while her people were dying for just existing. She scuffed feeling this bubble of anger sit in her chest that she had to deal with her best friend being shot in front of her while her cousins didn’t have to worry about living to see the next day.
“Is something wrong?” A Dora asked looking over her shoulder.
Aniya shook her head no, deciding she didn’t trust herself not to snap at the older woman. Closing her eyes, she leaned into her seat trying to relax, she was finally going to Wakanda.
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