#syrup process equipment
theunemployedrogue · 7 months
I don't really eat a lot of sweets/table sugar on a regular basis, but last night I had a couple sweetened drinks and girl wtf. Is sugar intolerance/sensitivity a thing (for a non-diabetic)? I was painfully bloated and gassy af for hours afterwards. It was either the drinks or the handful of M&Ms that caused it bc those are the last things I had to eat.
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milk5 · 3 months
On the Skidelsky/Fuller post I reblogged, I absolutely welcome automation given the following criteria:
1. The output is identical or, holistically, more positive than human labor output
2. This automation occurs within an economic system in which GDP growth (or similarly fraught metrics) is not the primary objective
3. The automation aids the sustainability of nature and humanity
The USA's agriculture industry is a wonderful example of modern automation failing all three of these criteria. Throughout the entire industrial revolution, agriculture has trended away from being a society-wide confederation of family/community-scale, labor-intensive smallholdings to our current reality of a small number of monolithic industrial farms that are maintained by astoundingly few people who operate increasingly complex and expensive equipment.
Our massive-scale industrial farms are fantastic at what they were designed for; they grow as much of a staple crop as possible without regard to human or environmental health, doing so using minimal labor. Fundamentally, it is an extractive industry. Fossil fuels are extracted to power the machinery, processing, and logistics systems. Nutrients are extracted from the soil to the point that crop growth can only be sustained with heavy amounts of industrial fertilizer input. Entire ecosystems are sacrificed when forests are cleared to be exploited and repeatedly battered with pesticides. This is all primarily to produce soybeans, feed corn, and cotton to then process into products like factory farm livestock feed-slurry, corn syrup, junk food, and sweatshop garments. Secondarily, it is to produce flavorless, nutrition-void produce that can be sold year-round. Consistency is the goal, although one may find that nature itself is curiously inconsistent.
This case study of automation's failings can be traced back to a few major factors:
1. Old-style agriculture work is disagreeable to the USA's perverted fascination for infinite GDP growth; each farm laborer that can be replaced by a machine is a potential worker that could move into a city (or suburb) and put in the same amount of hours at a higher-dollar job. It's just opportunity cost, and this is more-or-less what Skidelsky and Fuller find offensive about our current labor zeitgeist; instead of the now-jobless laborers being free to pursue their interests, they are instead shoehorned into some shitty desk job that produces a relatively greater amount of money to be leeched by executives and shareholders -- this is "more productive" to our economy on the basis of GDP growth and thus must be prioritized over agricultural labor.
2. Industrial approaches to large-scale agriculture are inherently reductive to an extreme extent. Nature is far more complex than Liebig or any other enlightenment thinker ever imagined. Industrialization is great at making cars or computer chips or Gucci jackets or whatever, as these are things that can be standardized with relative ease. Nature cannot be tamed and standardized in a similar way; ecosystems, particularly soil ecosystems, can vary massively even in small areas of the same climate type. Our agriculture systems cope with this simply by ignoring such factors and reducing crop growth to a formula. In X region, plant Y variety of Z crop on A date and apply a regimen of B-type fertilizer and C-type pesticide on D date etc etc. This is the most egregious reduction of something in all of history.
Liebig's reduction of agriculture to the NPK model, just three elements, is good for achieving the singular goal of making your plant of choice come out of the ground, but it ignores all the nuance of soil, climate, and evolution. The other factors don't matter. Modern lab-designed fertilizers often feature a plethora of additional micronutrients, but the goal is still to produce a healthy crop, not healthy soil. Soil itself is an organism, it is something that must be nurtured to be healthy; industrial pesticide/fertilizer regimens are to the soil as feed slurry/antibiotic regimens are to factory farm animals.
Natural processes are, itself, the greatest form of automation for agriculture. Plants and animals that are native to a region have evolved to grow there regardless of human intervention. It is our disruption of these processes that forces agriculture to be labor/resource-intensive. This isn't to say that everyone must immediately abandon all non-native foods and adopt a primarily undomesticated Ötzi diet, but instead, it's worth considering that the complexity of modern technology is not even close to being at parity with the complexity of nature; nature has a several billion year head start. There is no way to flawlessly "tame" it with technological solutions, but a comfortable middle ground can certainly be found.
If sustainable, climate-friendly food production is the primary objective of agriculture, this is far more easily achieved by small, ecology-considerate farms than massive, largely automated industrial farms. A healthy soil ecosystem will aid in growth, flavor, nutrition, and, (quite importantly) carbon sequestration. Broadforking, shoveling, and wheelbarrow-pushing is absolutely more labor intensive than sitting back in a huge John Deere tractor with GPS-based autopiloting features, but the extra labor can turn a woefully extractive process into one that is instead highly regenerative.
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acupofqueercoffee · 2 years
“With her earth brown hair, her arms hard and lean”
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Andromache the Scythian x Witch Reader
more or less a sequel to "with her sweetened breath and her tongue so mean" as per @nightly-polaris 's request
tagging as requested : @charlizetheroncansteponme
6th of January was my birthday, so consider this a present from me to you, although it ain’t my proudest work since i’m in a bit of a slump :'))
The images of Andy that had kept you company in the dead of night for the best part of your life made into a fine montage of the Scythian’s life. A born and bred warrior though she was, throughout the centuries, she had been a wearer of many hats, an assassin, a friend, a foe, an outlaw, a salvation, a traveller, even a god to some, but above all, she was a Baklava aficionado.
It was a relatively slow day in the safe house. Andy and Nile were away to get rations which was originally the task for you and Nile. The Scythian had volunteered to go in your stead since you were still low on stamina courtesy of yesterday’s strains, some of which were still in the process of healing. It was decidedly one of the repercussions of being a witch. Whether you were in possession of immortality with fast recovery rate or not, overexertion and energy depletion could, more often than not, expose your body to lasting injuries.
With nothing urgent on your plate, you had deemed it an ideal day to put your plan into motion. The last piece of Andy’s indulgence had run out about a couple of weeks ago, and since then, you had been toying with the idea of rectifying it. Although the chasm between the two of you had compelled you to think better of it, now that the rocky affair had been remedied, you no longer had any qualms about realising your resolution.
“If unfortunate, this might land you in another feud with Andy. I doubt she’ll tolerate if you butcher her treasured treat, even if unintentionally.”
“Don’t underestimate her love for Baklava. It’s positively peerless. I’d strongly advise you to tread lightly.”
The two lovebirds’ playful warnings that were designed to discourage you boiled down to futility as they left you undeterred. Even though there was a good chunk of truth buried beneath their words, you knew that they were not so much a genuine caution as a quip about your baking skills that were nothing short of non-existent.
The coming to be of your very first Baklava was achieved through trial and error. You were not as dexterous with kitchen equipments as Andy was with her vast array of weapons, meaning that your baked goods were not the most beautiful. Baked to near perfection and drenched in ample syrup, even though they did not taste too good to be considered divine, thankfully, they were good enough to be deemed delectable.
Unfortunately, your confidence that had remained steadfast throughout the day started to wane considerably as the time of Andy’s arrival approached. The nearer it got, the more restless you became. From “what if it does not suit her taste” to “will she find it insulting like Joe had warned” , doubtful thoughts were bombarding your mind.
By the time the Scythian made her return with Nile, the decision had been reached. No way in your right mind could you present your sloppy attempt at a Baklava to the very connoisseur of Baklava. You did bake her treasured treat to the best of your abilities, however when your only experience in baking ended with you very nearly burning down your previous home, managing something as simple as turning the dough into recognisable, solid blocks was a considerable feat in itself.
When night fell, you pulled Nile aside instead, asking her to temporarily play the role of a taste tester to tweak the recipe if necessary in your future endeavours. You handed her a block of the sweet treat, before you took one of your own into your hand. As Nile nibbled on her snack, you took a bite out of yours, and expectantly, awaited her feedback.
The crumbs that were sticking to the corner of the marine’s mouth compelled your fingers to fly towards them, gathering the fine dusts with the pad of your thumb. It was done out of reflex, the same way you would usually wipe mucus off Leo’s eyes.
“No offence, but it’s-”
An unforeseen interruption put a halt to Nile’s speech as it did to your action. Following the snug lock of fingers around your wrist, you felt a gentle crawl of calloused digits on your jaw before in a heartbeat, your head was angled slightly for your lips to be enveloped in heart-melting warmth. After the soul-stirring experience from last night, it was impossible not to remember the familiar velveteen feel of the Scythian’s lips.
Wide-eyed and mouth ajar, you were positively kiss stunned as you stood stock still, hypnotised by the tantalising tip of a tongue that poked through pink lips to trace the upper arch of the tender flesh.
“Mmm” She moaned, the mesmerising green of her eyes disappearing behind her eyelids. “The scent of rose was a little too overpowering,-” She had brought your wrist that was ensnared in her fingers to her mouth where her teeth sank into the baklava that was held betwixt your thumb and forefinger. As she did so, her line of sight shifted from your hand to your face, causing the collision of your gazes. The golden specks in her eyes, like fine grains of sand swirling in sea green waves, shimmered and shone. “-but not too shabby for your first attempt.”
In the twinkling of an eye, you found yourself trapped between the Scythian’s body and the kitchen counter. Caged in her wonderfully toned arms, your heartbeat was a frenzied staccato inside your chest. Meanwhile, the hard muscles of her arms rippled beneath your palms as her face gravitated to yours. You watched one corner of her coral-coloured lips tilting skyward into a mischievous smirk.
“Excuse me? Uhm…what the hell is going on?”
“I uh- wow I’m completely ignored- alright then I’m just gonna disappear real quick. Evidently, you have more pressing matters to attend to than getting my feedback.”
Whatever Nile had uttered was not so much an intelligible remark as a background noise.
Nothing reached your ears except Andy’s voice, smooth and spicy as honey mulled wine. “You made my favourite snack and decided to keep it from me?” The warmth of her breath softly teasing the shell of your ear, coupled with her sultrily low cadence of a hum, brought about an eruption of goosebumps. “How bold of you.”
“I merely wanted to perfect my baking skills before I have you taste it.”
“Oh? Even when I liked them alright as they were?”
“Are you quite certain?”
The question created an arch in an earth brown eyebrow, some strands of the same hue deliciously curtaining her eye as a shadow of amusement dawned on her lips.
“Who do you think know more about Baklava, hm? You or me, or the rest of the team?”
“You, of course.”
“It’s just that I-” The feeling of hands fitting flawlessly into the curve of your hips punched a breath out of your lungs, if only for a moment, rendering you speechless. “-I know it’s your only indulgence. So, I wish you would truly enjoy them instead of acting otherwise for my sake.”
“You’re giving me too much credit. Sugarcoating isn’t my forte.”
One of her hands had abandoned its place on your waist in favour of plucking your chin between a thumb and a forefinger. Her touch was nothing but delicate as she coaxed you into seeking her eyes.
“Your Baklava has something very unique in it which I’ve never been, and certainly will never be able to find anywhere else in the entire world.” Gentle fingers had travelled along your jaw, taking your cheek into a palm where she cradled you with great tenderness. The bone-meltingly soft touch of battle-hardened fingers had your tummy butterflies dancing jovially.
“Do you know what that is?”
Your response was a subtle shake of your head, given while nuzzling the warmth of her hand like a cat basking in the sun.
“Love.” Calloused pad of a thumb softly caressed the apple of your cheek. “The love you had put into making them is what makes them all the sweeter, all the more meaningful. I’m certainly not faking anything. It truly was scrumptious.”
“So, thank you for the sweet surprise. I love it.”
You detected no lies in her eyes for there was none to begin with. Instead, you drowned in a sea of startling green, bright, beautiful, and brimming with things that you were not yet privy to.
And then,
“I love you.”
The declaration did not come as an absolute shock, nonetheless it still instilled in you a trickle of surprise and instigated a whirlwind of wings as the little hummingbird went berserk behind its bony cage. Although you had been made aware that she harboured strong feelings for you following her apology, you were not expecting her to voice it aloud. Later down the road, perhaps. In a subtle way, definitely. But certainly not as quickly and candidly as she had just done.
So, as you eagerly threw yourself into her chest, heart doing giddy somersaults, and face finding home in the little dip of her throat, all too happily, the Scythian kept you cocooned in her arms, both kind and unyielding.
At the same time, the pair of you were oblivious to the curious eyes of your teammates. Having unintentionally borne witness to the sickeningly sweet display of affection initiated by none other than their positively lethal boss, Joe was in disbelief of both his ears and eyes.
“Nicky, I think my ears are malfunctioning.”
“It’s not your ears, Joe. I heard it too.”
“Are you seeing this as well?”
“It’s not my eyes playing tricks on me, is it?”
“I don’t think it is, my love.”
“Andy finally getting a partner after thousands of years? Hell must have frozen over!”
“It’s about damn time though, wouldn’t you agree?”
“No disagreements there.”
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(Love is) Lemon muffins and chamomile tea
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AN: This is my entry for @jadedvibes falling in love challenge. This story can be read as a standalone, or a prequel to my other Bruce/Hulk x Reader stories (I guess it’s a series now, oops). My chosen dialogue prompt can be found in bold in the text.
Dividers by @fireflygraphics and moodboard by me
Beta’d by @yarnforbrains
Please check out my main masterlist here and the series masterlist here
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Pairing: Bruce Banner/Hulk x Reader
CW: Fluff/Meet cute, Falling in love, mild peril and threats of violence, Hulk being a sweetheart, one kiss.
Word count: 2.7k
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It had started simply, as these things do. You were working your job at the independent coffee shop, making up flat whites, americanos and skinny mocha-lattes with extra foam and shots of non-sugar syrup. You saw lots of people every day, but after a while you began to recognise your regulars: baldy business suit (macchiato), working mom (hazelnut latte, sometimes with whipped cream), gaggle of college girls (who flip flop between seasonal flavoured hot chocolates, seasonal frappes and double espressos), and construction workers (a mix of americano’s and flat whites).
Then there was him. Not overly tall or broad, but with a riot of curly salt and pepper hair and kind, dark eyes partially hidden by glasses. He always seemed preoccupied, reading a book in the wait line, and then at a table if he chose to have his drink in. You’d peeked at his books several times and having seen they were all to do with physics, math, and computing, you’d concluded he was either a university professor or a scientist.
What made him stand out though was his order. He rarely had coffee, normally opting for a tea. Usually he chose  mint, the green of it almost glowing in the cup, but you’d started noticing a pattern – if he seemed stressed, agitated, he always asked for chamomile. And he nearly always drank this inside, as if he needed the time to decompress and compose himself - to escape whatever was frustrating him. 
The third thing that struck you was that he didn’t seem to have a regular time of day to attend. Sometimes he was outside the doors at opening, sometimes you were politely shoo-ing him out at closing. It made you think that maybe he worked close by and kept odd hours, popping in and out of your little shop whenever he needed a break. It was one of those late night incidents in the middle of summer that you learned his name.
You’d been dutifully cleaning down all the equipment, filling and setting the dishwasher to run overnight, and wiping the tables, watching ‘The Professor’ as you’d dubbed him from the corner of your eye. It had been a chamomile evening, apparently, and scattered in front of him were pieces of paper covered in his spidery scrawl, and two, thick books about some kind of brain draining topic. He’d read a bit, make a note, curse low under his breath, and then read a bit more, sometimes flipping back and forth through the pages. It felt mean to disturb him, but you’d turned the open/close sign 15 mins ago, switched all the lights off out back, and there wasn’t a lot else you could do. Also, your feet hurt and you just wanted to get home.
You walked up to him, coming round the side in hope he would see you, but he still jumped slightly when you greeted him.
“Umm, hi there.”
You almost swore his skin took on a green tinge as he swivelled on his stool, but when you looked again he appeared totally normal. You did need some rest!
“Sorry to disturb you, but we’re, umm, closed now.” 
The Professor blinked at you slowly, as if trying to process what you were saying, before tilting his head to look at the clock on the wall.  He looked down at his watch with furrowed brow, as though he didn’t believe what he was seeing.
“Damn! I’m so sorry.” He pulled off his glasses, folding them and putting them in his breast pocket. Turning back to the table, he started to shuffle his papers together, stuffing them and his books into his leather messenger bag.  “You should have told me earlier. I didn’t mean to hold you up. I just, umm, get in the zone sometimes and don’t notice the march of time.”
You smiled back, finding his slightly flustered state endearing. “It’s no problem. It was sort of nice to have someone else in here while I was shutting up.” 
Walking over to the door with him, you  held it open for him to leave. He walked through, took one step along the sidewalk before suddenly stopping, spinning on his heel and looking at you from under his dark lashes, a broad hand pushing through his hair.
“Err, I’m Bruce by the way.”
You grinned. He really was rather cute.
“Nice to meet you, Bruce. See you again sometime.”
He let out a small chuckle.
“Yeah, the next time I need a cup of tea, a lemon muffin, and, umm, some of the best scenery in New York.”
You couldn’t hold back your giggle at the cheesiness of his line.
“Smooth, Bruce, smooth…”
He shot you a smile, before turning away and heading off into the warm evening.
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Summer made way for autumn, the heat tapering off, the nights creeping in and the leaves doing their annual costume change. You saw Bruce more often than before, striking up a friendship with him due to his frequent visits to the shop. Whenever he spotted you behind the counter, he’d shyly wave hello. It got to the point where he never had to line up any more, just situated himself at his favourite table, spreading out his books and notes, knowing that as soon as you got a moment you’d appear with his tea and a muffin. You’d begun to read his moods, and it wasn’t difficult for you to work out which tea he was in the mood for.
During quiet moments you’d come over and sit with him, either letting him ramble at you about his work  - despite the fact that if you understood one word in three you were doing well - or distracting him from whatever equation was frustrating him by telling him about your day. He’d often stay for a few hours, going through cup after cup of tea, and if he appeared when you were on a closing shift you knew he would be there until you ushered him out of the door.
It was the beginning of November now. Halloween had passed in a flurry of bat shaped cookies and pumpkin spice muffins, although the warm apple cider and pumpkin spice lattes were staying for a while. You smiled at the memory of when you gave Bruce one of the ciders instead of his normal tea. He’d sipped it absent-mindedly, and you’d seen the moment his taste buds had woken up.  His eyes went wide as he smacked his lips together before he threw you a smile that you’d never admit made you go slightly weak at the knees.
There was something between the two of you; some unspoken undercurrent. There were times, especially when it was only the pair of you left in the shop, that you felt yourself a hair's breadth away from reaching out to him, wanting so much to run your fingers through his tousled locks, take his glasses off, sit yourself on his lap and… but he was your customer. You never saw each other in any other setting, so you had to maintain your professionalism, but you itched for more, wondering if you should bite the bullet and ask him out. 
There’s always tomorrow, you thought.
Then, everything changed.
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The wind whipped around you, causing swirls of leaves around your feet as you pulled the shop door shut, using the light from the streetlamp to see what you were doing as you locked it.
“Are you sure you’ll be alright getting home on your own?” 
Bruce stood next to you, wrapped up in a chunky scarf over his wool coat, his heavy messenger bag slung across his chest. He was shifting from foot to foot, looking a bit agitated, eyes darting all around as though looking out for any danger that may be lurking. With your back still turned to him, you rolled your eyes, before spinning to look at him, a soft smile now on your face as you pulled on your gloves.
“I’ll be fine, Bruce. I walk this route nearly every day. It’s only three blocks.”
“But there are some weirdos out there.”
“I know that, but I promise to stay in the well-lit areas, and I’ve got my pepper spray.” You pulled your keychain from your pocket, showing the small spray can attached.
“I could walk you home…” 
Your heart did that little ‘pitter-patter’ again at his sweet offer. Your lips turned up further.
“Go home, Bruce. I absolutely promise I’ll be okay. I’m on the mid-shift tomorrow, so see you around lunch time? Maybe I’ll take my break after I bring you your food? Regale you with the boring story of this walk home.”
He looked at you, just letting out a resigned hum at your stubborn independence.
“Okay. I just worry, you know. Pretty girl like you, walking home in the dark.”
While your heart did somersaults, you tried to maintain your cool.
“I’ll see you tomorrow, Bruce.” 
You could feel him watching you as you walked away down the sidewalk, and you couldn’t help but wonder if the fact that he cared so much meant  that he cared.
You kept your promise as you walked home,sticking to the middle of the sidewalk, not too close to the alleys and doorways, and also not too close to the road edge. That was until a man coming in the other direction crashed into you sending you staggering towards the side of a building. You bounced against the hard bricks, winded for a second, and then a hand closed around your wrist, yanking you into the dark alleyway. You let out a screech and pulled back, but the hand held you fast, pulling you further away from the lights and any other pedestrians. You fumbled in your pocket for your keys, your small can of pepper spray, but a firmer tug caused you to stumble, and they fell from your gloved hand onto the ground with a clatter.
“Let me go!” 
The man, tall and filthy, leered at you through missing teeth, running his gaze up and down your body in hunger, despite how much you were covered with your duffle coat. You lashed out with your free arm, and your feet, panic rising within you.
“Do as the lady says…”
A voice from the mouth of the alley stopped both you and your attacker in your trackers, both your heads whipping round.
He took a step forward, pulling off his bag and scarf, dropping them to the ground, then started to undo the buttons on his coat.
“Fuck off!” Your assailant yelled at Bruce and followed it up with a gob of spit that landed at Bruce’s feet.
“Come on, man, you don’t want to do this.” There was a strange look on Bruce’s face, like he was resigned to a course of action he didn’t want to take. He shrugged off his coat and lay it over a dumpster, seemingly calm.
Suddenly there was a gun in play, in the hand of the filthy attacker, pointing directly at Bruce. Fear spiked within you.
“No, no, no!”
Your struggles began anew, as you desperately tried to pull him off balance, but he flung you to the side, sending you careening into another dumpster as you fell, your head bouncing harshly off the metal with a dull clang. You slumped to the floor, dizzy and you saw Bruce, through your blurred vision, take a couple of steps towards you.
“Aa-aah. You don’t wanna be a hero. Just go away and you won’t get hurt.”
Bruce smirked, an expression that you’d never witnessed before.
“Funny, I was gonna say the same to you.”
He took another step forward.
Everything happened in slow motion.
The gun fired, the shot loud, almost deafening to your ears, the bullet zipping through the air towards Bruce.
Who was no longer Bruce.
As fast as the shot had been fired, Bruce changed - transformed. All at once his skin turned green, and he grew in bulk and size, his shirt shredding itself.
You screamed.
The Hulk snorted, grinned at your attacker and spat out a mangled bullet.
“Just go away. You won’t get hurt.”
Hulk walked forward with a grin, plucking the gun away and squashing it in his giant fist, and your assailant ran away on jelly legs, tripping and bouncing off the walls in his haste. He hadn’t even disappeared fully before the giant, green creature turned his attention to you. He moved forward and in your disorientated and pained state, you tried to back up, unable to actually go anywhere because of the dumpster behind you.
“Please don’t hurt me!”
Hulk’s eyes went wide, and he sat down with a thud, the dumpster behind you juddering. He started to reach out towards you, but you shrank into yourself and he stopped.
“Hulk not hurt Pretty Girl. Pretty Girl Banner’s friend.”
“Banner? What’s going on? Where’s Bruce?”
Hulk tapped the side of his head with a thick finger.
“Bruce in here. He let Hulk out to help.” His face took on a slightly downcast expression. “But he says I have to go back in now.”
He looked thoroughly dejected.
“All anyone want Hulk to do is smash. Hulk would like to make friends too.”
Your fear melted away. You shuffled closer and placed a hand on one of his meaty forearms.
“Thank you for helping me. I can be your friend, if you want?”
His face split into a wild smile. 
“Hulk would like to have Pretty Girl as a friend.”
“Well there you go, Big guy. I’ll organise something with Bruce, okay?”
“Okay!” He raised his free hand again and, more gently than you thought possible, ran the back of his hand over your cheek. “Bye-bye, Pretty Girl.”
He closed his eyes and with a small shudder began to shrink down, the green of his skin receding until it was pale again and Bruce was looking at you. His shirt lay in tatters across his shoulders and he immediately got up to retrieve his coat, shoving his arms into it at speed.
“I… ummm… well… Secret's out now, I guess. I’m sorry you had to see that, but I’m not sorry I helped you. See you around.”
He picked up his bag and scarf and walked towards the mouth of the alley. You scrabbled to your feet, arm outstretched in front of you.
“Bruce, wait!” He turned, looking at you warily. “There’s something I wanna ask you. And don’t think it’s because of what just happened. Well it sort of is, but only in a ‘you gotta go for what you want before it’s too late’ kinda way, and… shit, I’m rambling.” You clamped your mouth shut and drew in a deep breath through your nose. Maybe you hit your head harder than you thought.
“I like you, Bruce. In fact, I can’t think straight with you around. You’re sweet and kind, and clever and handsome. And…and… I don’t think it would take much to fall in love with you. And I wondered, if you’d like to maybe… go for a drink tomorrow when I finish my shift?”
You shifted your weight from foot to foot, twisting your hands in the sleeves of your coat, aware that you had just asked him out in a dingy, smelly and downright filthy alley, just after he’d rescued you from goodness knows what kind of a fate, but you couldn’t be sorry about it. Okay, maybe you would be sorry about it if he didn’t say something and…
You didn’t even notice him moving, but suddenly he was there, in front of you, the buttons of his coat almost touching the zipper of yours, the twin ‘huffs’ of air from both your mouths merging together in the coolness of the night. Then his hands were on your face, cupping your cheeks before his lips fell to yours, kissing you sweetly. You fisted his coat, well, as best you could with your woollen gloves on, until you separated from each other, eyes locked and staring. Bruce broke the silence first.
“In case you didn’t realise from that, I like you too. And maybe I’m likely to fall in love with you as well. You’re so smart, so beautiful. And you make an awesome apple cider.”
You giggled, your head falling to lean against his chest.
“Walk me home, Bruce?”
“Of course, Pretty Girl. Whatever you want.”
Tag list: @christywantspizza @jobean12-blog @maladaptivexxdaydreaming @sidepartskinnyjeans @tuiccim @doasyoudesireandlive @talia-rumlow @ohsymphony @luxeavenger @wheezy-stucky
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coffee-kitchen · 1 month
What are the main reasons people choose instant coffee?
People choose instant coffee for a variety of reasons, and these factors contribute to its widespread popularity across the globe. Here’s a detailed look at the main reasons why instant coffee is a go-to choice for many:
Convenience Ease of Preparation: Instant coffee is incredibly easy to make. All you need is hot water, and within seconds, your coffee is ready to drink. There's no need for brewing equipment, filters, or even a coffee maker. This simplicity is especially appealing for busy individuals who don’t have time to prepare coffee from scratch. Portability: Instant coffee is available in small, lightweight packets or jars, making it easy to carry around. Whether you're at work, traveling, or camping, you can always have your favorite coffee with you without needing to pack any equipment.
Speed Quick Brewing: Unlike traditional coffee, which requires several minutes to brew, instant coffee dissolves in hot water almost instantly. This speed is perfect for those who are always on the go or for anyone who needs a quick caffeine fix during a busy day.
Affordability Cost-Effective: Instant coffee is generally more affordable than ground coffee or coffee beans. Since it requires less processing and packaging, it’s often available at a lower price point, making it an economical choice for many households. Longer Shelf Life: Instant coffee has a longer shelf life compared to ground coffee, which means you can buy it in bulk and store it for a longer period without worrying about it going stale. This adds to the overall cost-effectiveness.
Variety of Flavors Diverse Options: Instant coffee comes in a wide range of flavors, strengths, and blends. From classic black coffee to flavored varieties like vanilla, hazelnut, and mocha, there’s something to suit every taste preference. This variety allows coffee lovers to experiment and find their perfect cup. Customization: Instant coffee is easy to customize. You can adjust the strength by simply adding more or less coffee powder, and you can easily mix in milk, creamers, sugar, or flavored syrups to create your own unique blend.
Consistency Reliable Taste: Instant coffee offers consistent taste and strength in every cup. Unlike brewed coffee, where variations in brewing time, temperature, and coffee-to-water ratio can affect the flavor, instant coffee provides a uniform taste experience. This reliability is especially important for those who prefer a consistent coffee experience every day.
Less Waste Minimal Cleanup: With instant coffee, there’s no need to deal with coffee grounds, filters, or the mess that comes with brewing traditional coffee. This reduces waste and makes cleanup a breeze, appealing to those who value simplicity and sustainability in their daily routine.
Availability Global Reach: Instant coffee is widely available in supermarkets, convenience stores, and online, making it accessible to people in almost every part of the world. This global availability ensures that no matter where you are, you can find instant coffee to suit your needs. Adaptability to Local Markets: Many instant coffee brands tailor their products to suit the tastes and preferences of different regions. Whether you prefer a stronger brew, a sweeter taste, or a specific flavor, chances are you can find an instant coffee that matches your preferences.
Health Benefits Antioxidant Content: Instant coffee contains antioxidants that can help protect your body from free radicals, which are harmful molecules that can lead to chronic diseases. While it might not have as many antioxidants as freshly brewed coffee, it still offers a decent amount, making it a healthier choice than other caffeinated beverages. Lower Caffeine Content: For those who are sensitive to caffeine, instant coffee often has a slightly lower caffeine content than brewed coffee. This makes it a suitable option for people who want to enjoy coffee without experiencing the jittery effects of too much caffeine.
Environmental Impact Reduced Resource Usage: Instant coffee typically requires fewer resources to produce, store, and transport compared to whole bean or ground coffee. It also uses less packaging, especially when bought in bulk. This can result in a lower overall environmental footprint, making it a more sustainable choice for environmentally conscious consumers.
Cultural Influence Cultural Norms: In some cultures, instant coffee is a deeply ingrained part of daily life. It might be the first type of coffee people are introduced to, and it remains a staple in households and workplaces. This cultural familiarity can make instant coffee a preferred choice for many. Marketing and Branding: Many instant coffee brands have strong, recognizable identities and marketing campaigns that resonate with consumers. These brands often create a sense of nostalgia or connection, further encouraging people to choose instant coffee over other types. Conclusion In summary, people choose instant coffee primarily for its convenience, speed, and affordability. It offers a consistent and customizable coffee experience with minimal waste and environmental impact. The wide variety of flavors, global availability, and cultural significance further add to its appeal. Whether you're a busy professional, a traveler, or simply someone who enjoys a quick and reliable cup of coffee, instant coffee provides a practical and satisfying solution.
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battlemaiden13 · 2 years
Feeling angsty lately not really having a good time. My infertility has been kicking my ass lately, I’m not trying for a baby because I’m not of age but people around me keep talking about what they want to do when they get older and everyone starts mentioning kids and I just feel like bursting into tears.
What about the boys with an S/Os who’s infertile. Maybe their sibling comes over for a surprise visit and they bring their kids and the S/O is off the whole day. When the skeleton ask their s/o explains her infertility. Explaining how she’s been sort of in a denial stage, she wants her own children and it breaks her heart that she can’t. She admits that she’s jealous and being around kids just makes everything worse for her, she hasn’t told them because she’s been avoiding the topic about kids. She apologizes and understands if they want to leave her because of it saying she’d probably deserve it.
13: I'm sorry to hear you've been having a rough time, I hope it gets better for you <3
Sans -He never really wanted kids so he honestly is ok but he hates how much it hurts you. He reassures you that he would never leave you and that he is here for you no matter what. He’s not sure what to say to help but does suggest therapy to help you grieve and feel more comfortable around kids. Either way he’s your rock this whole time. 
Papyrus -He will admit that there is a bit of disappointment but he never really thought about having kids anyway so he is ok and reassures you of that. He also reassures you that he’s not going to leave and he’s here for you. You just need to tell him what you need. He might also suggest trying some magic although he does tell you not to get your hopes up because he can’t guarantee it will help.
Red -If he’s being honest he’s crushed. He’s always wanted kids but your mental wellbeing is more important at the moment. On a different day he does breach the topic of adoption or even fostering kids. It would still be your kid, it just wouldn’t have your dna and Red is ok with that. If it’s not something you want though he will drop it but he’ll start the grieving process himself. He doesn’t want to leave you ever though and will come to terms with the idea of no children pretty quickly, at least it seems that way. 
Edge -He holds you tight and reminds you that you are perfect no matter what. He doesn’t need a kid to love you more, he just needs you to love him and be happy. He wants to help but feels ill equipped to help much more than making your favorite meal and suggesting therapy to help with this trauma and the grieving process. When you’re ready he also talks to you about other options for kids if it is something you want but he’ll never push you. 
Blue -He’s more upset about how crushed you look. He wants to cheer you up. He is there for you and reassures you that he wouldn’t leave you over this, or ever really. He’s your rock here and helps you sort through your feelings. You talk for hours and you feel a lot better afterwards. He even helps in the future, doing what you ask to distract you or motivate you. 
Orange -If he was being honest he probably never wants kids but you do and seeing you like this hurts him. Plus he’s a problem solver so when you come to him with issues he will automatically try and suggest solutions. For this it’s research about infertility treatments, options of adoption or surrogacy and  he’s supportive. Even if he’s scared to have kids he loves you and he is willing to do this with you. 
Berry -Doesn’t really understand why this upsets you but he is there for you. He suggests going to see the Royal scientist because in his experience human doctors are stupid and don’t actually care especially for female patients. Depending on your situation there could be a solution but if there's not Berry will support you. 
Syrup -Infertility is never 100% there are options, Infertility can be treated with medicine, surgery, intrauterine insemination, or assisted reproductive technology, so if it’s kids you want then Syrup will do whatever to make sure you can have them. He even brings you the research and solutions the day after you came to him about it.
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The Corner Cup is a queer-owned, cryptid-themed coffee shop in conservative Shelley, Idaho, that is in the process of converting to a worker-owned co-op model of business. It is the only explicitly queer-welcoming space in town, let alone Bingham County, and is one of very few when counted alongside the neighboring city of Idaho Falls. We serve coffee made with locally roasted coffee beans, drinks with or without plant-derived energy infusions, iced and slushed lemonades, Sunday brunch, and scratch-made baked goods made by yours truly. We're even working on developing an artisanal syrup line for use in the store and for sale, and hope to work with our wholesale roaster to craft a custom blend of the finest beans.
We've been open for going on two years, and it's been hard, I'm not going to lie! Our founder opened our doors during the pandemic during 2021 and has been working hard to keep things perfect. Unfortunately, we're facing problems common to most, if not all, beverage and dining shops, foremost being: we need more money to keep the doors open. We have equipment in need of repair, a new and increased rental agreement coming up, cost of supplies/inflation affecting our overhead (who isn't affected by this, ugh), and other issues. We could use your help.
The Corner Cup is being proactive about our needs. We're changing up our approach by expanding our hours and hiring a couple of temporary employees, changing up our menu and offering, applying for grants, and fundraising for more substantial things like servicing and repairing some older pieces of equipment, expanding our accessibility within the shop, putting into place an employee fund to guarantee wages for canceled shifts, starting an outreach effort to further entrench ourselves in our local community, and the big goal: installing a new central air cooling system (because Idaho gets flipping HOT in the summer!).
But we need your support to make this happen. We're hoping to reach at least $15,000 in donations in order to address the more immediate issues, with stretch goals of $25,000 and $50,000. Please, check out our GoFundMe and see if you can support us in our work to stay open, even if it is just by sharing this post!
Thank you very much!
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popculturelib · 1 year
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Up next from the National Pressure Cooker Company is the Modern Guide to Pressure Canning and Cooking: A Complete Manual on the Science of Canning and Cooking Under Steam Pressure from the 1950s. Image transcriptions below the cut.
The Browne Popular Culture Library (BPCL), founded in 1969, is the most comprehensive archive of its kind in the United States.  Our focus and mission is to acquire and preserve research materials on American Popular Culture (post 1876) for curricular and research use. Visit our website at https://www.bgsu.edu/library/pcl.html.
Title Page
Modern Guide to Pressure Canning and Cooking: A complete manual on the science of canning and cooking under steam pressure.
Directions - Time Tables - Recipes
Pressure Cookers are recommended by leading food authorities everywhere and are used as part of the standard equipment in Home Economic classes in colleges and universities throughout the United States. The United States Department of Agriculture, Washington, D. C., recommends the Pressure Cooker as being the only safe method for canning non-acid foods—vegetables, meat, fowl and fish.
NATIONAL Pressure Cookers are recommended by the more than one million housewives who use them throughout the United States.
National Pressure Cooker Company
Eau Claire, Wisconsin
Canning Directions, Fruits
SeIcct sound, fully. ripe but not soft fruit. Sometimes peaches seem to be firm on the out-side, yet show decay around the pits. Such fruit will not produce satisfactory canned products. Sort poaches according to size whorl canning an amount to make it worth while. Plunge them into boiling water for about 1/2 minute to loosen the skins. It may take a few seconds longer for some peaches. Dip into cold water and remove the skins—Clingstone peaches may be loft whole. Cut free stone peaches into halves or slice as desired. Discard the pits. It is well to put them into a weak brine until toady to use tablespoon salt to each quart of water to prevent them from darkening. Drain and simmer for approximately five or ten minutes in syrup. Varieties differ—some may require loss cooking and others more than the stated times. Do not lot the fruit become soft. Pack the hot fruit into clean hot containers. Place cut side of halves down to make a well filled jar. Cover with the boiling syrup. Adjust lids on the containers. Place at once into the Pressure Cooker. Process, according to table on page 31.
Wash and pare. (Small pears may be canned whole if desired.) Cut large pears in half and core. Put into a weak brine to prevent the fruit from darkening tablespoon of salt to each quart of neater). Drain and boil for 5 or 6 minutes in syrup. The length of cooking time will depend on the firmness of the fruit. Pack into jars. Put cut side down when pears are cut in halves. If left whole, pack lowest layer with stems up and next layer with sterns down. Repeat until jar is filled. Cover fruit with boiling hot syrup. Adjust the lid. Place at once in Pressure Cooker. Process, according to table on page 31.
Select sound but ripe, juicy fruit. Wash, remove the stem and slice off the base. Slice the pineapple into rounds about 1/2 to 3/4 inches thick. Remove the peel, the eyes and the core from each slice. The round maybe canned whole, cut in halves or sliced as desired. Boil in syrup for 5 to 8 minutes. Pack the hot fruit into clean hot containers and cover with the boiling syrup. Adjust the lid. Place at once in Pressure Cooker. Process, according to table on page 31.
Select firm, ripe fruit. Be sure they are not overripe. Wash and stem. The skins may be removed if desired and fruit canned whole or cut in halves and the seeds removed. Usually prunes and plums are canned with the skins on. In this case, prick each piece of fruit. Boil gently in syrup, for 2 or 3 minutes. Pack hot into the hot, clean jars. Adjust lids and place in Pressure Cooker and process according to table on page 31.
Select ripe persimmons, wash carefully and dip into boiling water for several minutes or until the skins crack. Remove the skins. Bring persimmons to the boil in syrup. Pack the hot persimmons into clean hot jars, cover with the boiling syrup. Adjust the lid. Place at once into Pressure Cooker and process according to table on page 31.
Select ripe quinces. Remove the fuzz by wiping. Wash thoroughly. Peel and core. Cut into halves or quarters and boil two or three minutes in hot syrup. Pack into hot, clean jars and cover with boiling syrup. Adjust the lids. Place at once into Pressure Cooker and process according to table on page 31.
Select young, tender rhubarb—the pink variety if possible. Wash thoroughly. Cut off the roots and tip and cut into one-Inch lengths. Add from 1/4 to 1/2 as much sugar as rhubarb. Bring slowly to the boiling point. Pack hot rhubarb into hot, clean jars and place at once in Pressure Cooker and process according to table on page 31.
Canning Time Table: Fruits
Times given are for "Pressure Cooker 5 pounds, Time in minutes*"
Apples: 10
Applesauce: 8
Crabapples: 10
Apricots: 10
Berries (except cranberries): 9
Cherries: 10
Cranberries: 10
Figs: 10
Grapes: 8
Peaches: 10
Pears: 10
Pineapple: 10
Plums or prunes: 10
Persimmons: 10
Quinces: 15
Rhubarb: 5
Use two quarts of water in Cooker for all processing.
The time and pressure given in this chart apply only to altitudes 2,000 feet or less. If the altitude is over 2,000 feet, add 1 pound of pressure for each additional 2,000 feet. Do not increase processing time.
*Follow same time for both jars and tin cans.
Pitfalls to Avoid
Do your canning as directed... and you need not worry about the "don'ts" listed here. But to help you acquire a greater knowledge of correct canning practices - and know just what to avoid... these are the "never-never" rules of canning.
NEVER let the Cooker boil dry. Be sure to use sufficient water.
NEVER set jars on the bottom of the Cooker - use the basket.
NEVER crowd more jars in than recommended.
NEVER try to raise pressure until cover is securely locked in place according to directions on page 20.
NEVER try to raise the pressure until all the air has been driven out of the Cooker by the steam escaping through the petcock.
NEVER let pressure fluctuate during processing of food any more than can possibly be avoided. Abrupt changes in temperature may drain some of the liquid out of jars.
NEVER open petcock during the processing period when canning food in glass jars.
NEVER when canning in glass jars open the petcock before the pressure falls to zero - at that point, petcock must be opened slowly. (When canning in tin cans, petcock should be opened at the end of processing time.)
NEVER lay wet cloths on cover nor place Cooker in water to attempt to speed cooling of the Cooker. This reduces pressure in Cooker more rapidly than pressure in jars and will cause jars to burst.
NEVER open jars to fill them if partially empty after processing. The loss of liquid will not interfere with the keeping qualities of the food, and opening of jars will cause food to spoil.
NEVER force cover off Cooker... be sure petcock is open and there is no pressure in Cooker.
NEVER process food that has stood too long. The shortest period from garden to Cooker is advisable.
NEVER count processing time until required pressure is reached.
NEVER forget to read and follow directions closely.
NEVER use jars that have not been sterilized after food has spoiled in them.
NEVER pack food too tightly in containers... particularly peas, corn, spinach, and meats.
NEVER fill jars too full. There should be at least one-half inch heat space after liquid is poured in. Some foods require more heat space as expansion is greater.
NEVER use defective jars nor jar closures.
Questions and Answers
Q. When processing food, is it necessary to have the Pressure Cooker filled with jars?
A. It is economical to process at one time as many jars as the Cooker will hold, for it saves time and fuel, but if you do not have a sufficient number of jars to fill the Cooker, a smaller number may be successfully processed.
Q. If liquid is lost from a jar during processing, should the jar be opened when processing in complete to add more liquid?
A. No, this should never be done. The loss of liquid will not interfere with keeping qualities and to open the jar at the end of the processing will result in later spoilage of the food.
Q. Does soil affect the keeping qualities of food?
A. Since most bacteria found on products comes from the soul, and during some seasons there are occasional outbreaks where fields are infested with an unusual type or a larger number of bacteria than ordinarily exists, it is inevitable that more bacteria would be present on the product than in normal seasons and would make the product harder to sterilize.
Q. What is the effect of heat and cold on keeping qualities of canned foods?
A. Excessive heat may destroy the seal of the jars through causing expansion of the contents. Warm storage encourages rapid growth of microorganisms causing spoilage. Freezing and thawing injures the flavor and texture of canned products.
Q. What causes liquid to boil out of jars during processing?
A. (A) Packing jars too solidly with food when processing. (B) having jars too full. If using water, fill jar to within 1/2 inch of top; if using syrup, fill to within 1 1/2 inches of top of jar; or 1/2 inch for hot pack fruits. (C) Too high a temperature or too rapid boiling. (D) Too high a pressure. Variation or sudden lowering of temperature in using Pressure Cooker. When processing foods in glass jars, petcock should not be opened and cover removed until indicator hand returns to zero of its own accord.
Q. Are the keeping qualities of food affected when liquid has boiled out during processing?
A. No.
Q. When should one start to figure time of processing.
A. From minute the hand on the pressure gauge reaches required pressure.
Q. Should chemicals or preserving powders be used in canning?
A. Artificial preservatives should not be used.
Q. Where should hot jars be set when removed from Cooker?
A. Set hot jars on a folded cloth or board. DO NOT set hot jars in a draft as this may cause them to burst.
Q. What products should be packed loosely and what products should be packed firmly? Why?
A. Such products as corn, peas, lima beans, greens and meats should be packed loosely because heat penetration in these products is difficult. Fruits, berries and tomatoes should be firmly and solidly packed because of shrinkage which takes place during processing and their texture does not retard heat penetration. A solid but not a tight pack should be made of all other products.
Q. Should bubbles appear in the jar after it is taken out of the Cooker to cool?
A. Bubbles often appear in the jar after it is removes from Cooker because food is still boiling in jar. Ordinarily bubbles do not appear once the product has been allowed to thoroughly cool, unless the jar is broken. A very tight pack of food may show air bubbles.
Q. If a jar does not seal and must be reprocessed does it have to be processed the full length of time?
A. Just what shall be done with the unsealed jar will depend upon the cause. If cap or lid is at fault and product is a fruit, simply replace cap or lid with new one and process until product reaches boiling point. If it is a vegetable or meat it should be re- [page ends]
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essektheylyss · 2 years
what would you recommend for a college student who was never allowed to drink coffee but wants to start now in a properly god-fearing boo-capitalism sort of way? said hypothetical student enjoys dark chocolate, yes, even the baker's chocolate, but is still worried about coffee being really bitter (invitation to talk about coffee if you so desire)
haha thank you for the invitation, I have many recommendations! putting this under a cut because it got really long which should surprise no one:
primarily I'd recommend one of two things, depending on whether you have access to a stovetop or not (basically, whether you're in a dorm or an apartment).
if you have a stovetop, start with espresso made in a moka pot; I find it does have a flavor closer to dark chocolate if done that way, especially when you add sugar, and you can get a small moka pot for $10-20 (and it'll make a single serving for you). this has the added benefit of being the method with the lowest amount of caffeine, which is helpful if you haven't drank coffee before, as it's a pretty big jump in caffeine content from any other beverages. (a single espresso shot has about a quarter the caffeine of a cup of brewed coffee.)
and if you wanna get fancy with that, you can also get a cheap hand frother for milk (they're also about $20 or under), and make lattes, but not required—though it will help cut the bitterness, depending on what type of milk you're using. and if you wanna go really hard, you can find different simple syrup recipes to play with. I make a lot of weird ones (florals, herbs, citrus), but there are plenty of options out there. or you can just add chocolate syrup!
if you don't have a stovetop, I would recommend getting a french press (probably a 16 oz one, if you're just making it for yourself), with the caveat that it probably will start out tasting bitter, so definitely add sugar and cream to your liking. look for medium and dark roasts, as they tend to have the lowest acidity content. this will have more caffeine than the individual espresso shots, though.
this is getting in the weeds, but there are three primary places where coffee is grown: latin america, central africa, and tropical asia, and each region has some primary tasting notes. if you're a chocolate person, I'd say to look for latin american origin coffees to start! african coffees average at floral and citrusy, and asian coffees are pretty earthy. obviously there are variations in there, and how the beans are processed makes a difference, but that's a good rule of thumb when you're looking at even just the options for coffees at the grocery store. (and you can always experiment more later!)
all of this does require a bit of equipment, but it's cheap enough that if you end up drinking coffee regularly, you're going to save a lot of money in the long run compared to trying to buy coffee out everyday.
and if you do want to go try stuff in shops, definitely search for coffee shops run locally, and shops that roast their own beans in particular (those places tend to be pretty proud of that, so it's not too hard to tell).
and try weird stuff if you do go out! when you're making coffee for yourself, you usually have to commit to buying a whole bag of beans, so you probably want to go for something that's closest to what you already like, but if you're just getting one drink, it's less of a major commitment. (I also love asking baristas what they recommend, especially stuff that's seasonal or new, or not on the menu! most folks I've known have had some weird drinks they like that they made themselves, and if you want to be adventurous, they're often thrilled to make them for you.)
and lastly, coffee is for sure an acquired taste, so definitely do some experimenting, but... really, really do not feel bad if you end up some ways down the road going, "damn, I still really don't like any of this." I know plenty of people who simply never pick up a taste for it, and that's completely fine.
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this-is-me19 · 1 year
How To Make Easy Homemade Granola
15 minutes
20 minutes to 25 minutes
5 cups
1/2 cup neutral oil, such as sunflower or grapeseed || I use melted butter, unsalted (A full stick of butter) ||
1/2 cup honey or maple syrup ||
1/2 teaspoon ground cinnamon || I just sprinkle it on until it looks good, probably 1 teaspoon || spell catalyst
1/2 teaspoon salt || I sprinkle to minimum unless I want salty || purity, protection
3 cups old-fashioned rolled oats ||
1 cup sliced almonds || (optional) I use pecans ||
1 cup raisins or other dried, chopped fruit || (optional) ||
1 teaspoon vanilla extract ||
1 teaspoon nutmeg ||
Measuring cups and spoons
Large bowl
Rimmed baking sheet
Parchment paper
Heat the oven to 300°F and line a baking sheet with parchment paper. Arrange a rack in the middle of the oven and heat the oven to 300°F. Line a rimmed baking sheet with parchment paper.
Whisk together the oil, honey, cinnamon, and salt. Place the oil, honey, cinnamon, and salt in a large bowl and whisk to combine.
Add the oats and almonds and stir to coat. Go ahead and measure the oats and almonds right into the oil mixture — don’t worry if you add a little more oats or almonds — granola is very forgiving. Stir to coat well.
Spread the oats out onto the prepared baking sheet. Transfer the mixture to the prepared baking sheet and spread into an even layer. If the granola is clumpy, use a spatula to press it into the pan.
Bake for 20 minutes, stirring halfway through. Bake, stirring halfway through, for about 20 minutes total. || I’m a lazy baker, I don’t do this|| The granola is ready when golden-brown and the almonds have toasted — it will still feel wet coming out of the oven but will dry as it cools.
Remove from the oven, add the fruit, tamp down, and cool. Place the baking sheet on a wire rack and sprinkle on the raisins or fruit. If you want clumps of granola, press and tamp down the granola before it cools, which will help it stick together. Cool completely before storing.
Store in an airtight container. Transfer the cooled granola to an airtight container for long-term storage at room temperature. || I put in a ziploc bag in the fridge
Gluten-free: For gluten-free granola, make sure the oats were processed in a gluten-free facility.
Storage: Granola can be stored in an airtight container at room temperature for up to 1 month.
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flashseo · 3 days
The Role of Lobe Pumps in the Food and Beverage Industry: A Complete Guide
The food and beverage industry demands precision, hygiene, and efficiency in processing operations. Whether you’re dealing with delicate ingredients like dairy or thick syrups, choosing the right pumping solution is critical for product integrity and process efficiency. One pump technology that has gained significant attention is the lobe pump manufacturer, a versatile and reliable solution used for various applications in the food and beverage sector.
This article delves into the role of lobe pumps in the food and beverage industry, focusing on their benefits, applications, and why they are essential for maintaining high standards of quality and hygiene.
What Are Lobe Pumps?
Lobe pumps are positive displacement pumps that move fluids through the rotation of lobes (typically two or three) within the pump casing. These lobes rotate without coming into contact with each other, making the pump suitable for handling delicate and viscous fluids without causing damage. The pump design allows for a gentle, non-destructive flow, making it an ideal choice for food products.
Key Features of Lobe Pumps:
Non-Contact Design: The lobes do not touch each other, reducing wear and eliminating contamination risks.
Sanitary Design: Easy to clean and maintain, lobe pumps often comply with hygiene standards like FDA and EHEDG.
Versatility: Can handle a wide variety of viscosities and delicate solids.
Reversible Flow: Lobe pumps can run in reverse for cleaning-in-place (CIP) applications or to clear out the product during changeovers.
Why Lobe Pumps Are Essential in the Food and Beverage Industry
In the food and beverage industry, maintaining product quality and consistency is essential. The equipment used must also meet strict hygiene standards, as any contamination can lead to significant financial loss or even regulatory fines. Lobe pumps excel in these areas, making them an indispensable asset.
1. Handling Viscous and Delicate Materials
Food products can range from low-viscosity liquids like juices to thick substances such as creams, jams, and syrups. Lobe pumps are uniquely capable of handling these varying viscosities without compromising the integrity of the product. Their gentle pumping action minimizes shear forces, making them ideal for materials that are delicate or that contain solids, such as fruit particles in yogurt or pulp in fruit juice.
For example, in yogurt production, maintaining the consistency and texture is paramount. Lobe pumps can transfer the product without breaking down the fat globules or damaging the delicate solids within the mixture, preserving its natural structure.
2. Meeting Hygienic Standards
Hygiene is of utmost importance in food and beverage production, and lobe pumps are designed to meet stringent health and safety regulations. Most lobe pumps in this sector are constructed from stainless steel, ensuring that they can be cleaned and sanitized effectively. Moreover, they are compatible with clean-in-place (CIP) and sterilization-in-place (SIP) procedures, which allow for thorough cleaning without disassembly.
Manufacturers of lobe pumps often design their equipment to meet standards set by organizations like the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA), the European Hygienic Engineering and Design Group (EHEDG), and 3-A Sanitary Standards. These certifications ensure that the pump can be used safely in food and beverage environments.
3. Reducing Product Waste
One of the primary benefits of using lobe pumps in food processing is their ability to reduce product waste. Since these pumps are efficient at transferring viscous products and can empty the entire pump chamber, they minimize product loss. Additionally, their ability to run in reverse helps clear out the residual product during changeovers, ensuring minimal waste during transitions between product batches.
For instance, in syrup or sauce production, even a small amount of waste can translate into significant cost savings over time. Lobe pumps offer a high level of efficiency, which is a valuable feature for food manufacturers aiming to maximize output while minimizing material loss.
Applications of Lobe Pumps in the Food and Beverage Industry
Lobe pumps are used in a variety of food and beverage applications due to their versatility and performance. Some of the most common applications include:
1. Dairy Processing
Lobe pumps are a preferred choice for handling dairy products like milk, yogurt, cream, and cheese curd. The pump’s gentle action helps maintain the texture of the product, which is crucial for products like yogurt and ice cream.
2. Beverages
In the beverage industry, lobe pumps are used to transport liquids like fruit juices, energy drinks, and even carbonated beverages. They are also highly effective for handling liquids containing solids, such as pulp or fruit chunks in juices, without damaging the product.
3. Sauces, Creams, and Syrups
Due to their ability to handle high-viscosity fluids, lobe pumps are commonly employed in the production of sauces, creams, and syrups. Whether it’s a thick chocolate syrup or a creamy salad dressing, lobe pumps ensure smooth and efficient transfer.
4. Confectionery
Lobe pumps are frequently used in the production of confectionery products, such as candy fillings, chocolate, and marshmallow creams. These products often have high viscosities and require gentle handling to maintain their quality and consistency.
5. Brewing and Distilling
In the brewing industry, lobe pumps can be used to handle the wort or beer mash, transferring it efficiently between stages in the brewing process without compromising its quality. Their ability to deal with solids and viscous liquids makes them suitable for this application.
Benefits of Using Lobe Pumps in the Food and Beverage Industry
There are several reasons why lobe pumps are the preferred choice for many food and beverage manufacturers. Some of the most notable benefits include:
1. Gentle Product Handling
The non-contacting lobes rotate smoothly, ensuring that the product is transferred without being damaged or degraded. This is particularly important when dealing with food items that are delicate or prone to breaking under high pressure or shear forces.
2. Versatility
Lobe pumps can handle a wide variety of products, from low-viscosity beverages to high-viscosity creams, making them versatile enough to serve multiple purposes within a production facility.
3. Ease of Cleaning and Maintenance
Most lobe pumps are designed for easy cleaning, reducing downtime during maintenance. Their ability to work with CIP and SIP systems means that they can be cleaned without disassembly, ensuring hygiene standards are met with minimal interruption to the production process.
4. High Efficiency and Minimal Waste
Lobe pumps offer high efficiency, with minimal product loss during transfer. This is especially beneficial when dealing with expensive or high-value ingredients, such as specialty syrups or concentrated flavors.
Lobe pumps are a critical component in the food and beverage industry, offering a range of benefits that include gentle handling, high efficiency, and compliance with stringent hygiene standards. Whether you’re producing dairy products, beverages, sauces, or confectionery, choosing the right lobe pump manufacturer can significantly improve your production process and ensure that your product quality remains high.
As the industry continues to prioritize efficiency, sustainability, and product integrity, lobe pumps are likely to remain a key technology for food and beverage manufacturers seeking to optimize their operations.
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dh5ryxhgbctgr · 3 days
Global Snow Cone Machine Market Overview and Strategic Growth Analysis 2024 - 2031
The global snow cone machine market is experiencing a notable surge in popularity, driven by the growing demand for refreshing and flavorful frozen treats. This article explores the market dynamics, key trends, competitive landscape, and future prospects of the snow cone machine industry.
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Introduction to Snow Cone Machines
Snow cone machines are specialized equipment designed to crush ice and create finely textured ice shavings, which are then flavored with various syrups to produce snow cones—a popular treat at fairs, festivals, and food stalls. These machines are essential in the foodservice industry, providing a simple yet effective way to offer customers a delightful frozen dessert.
The global snow cone machine market presents significant opportunities driven by increasing consumer interest in frozen treats, the growth of the foodservice industry, and innovation in flavors and machine technology. While seasonal demand and maintenance challenges exist
Market Overview
Key Market Drivers
Rising Demand for Frozen Treats: The increasing consumer preference for refreshing frozen desserts, particularly in warmer climates, is a primary driver of market growth.
Expansion of Food Trucks and Mobile Vendors: The growth of food trucks and mobile vendors offering snow cones and other frozen treats has significantly contributed to the demand for snow cone machines.
Innovative Flavors and Ingredients: The introduction of unique flavor combinations and natural ingredients in syrups is attracting a broader customer base, further stimulating market growth.
Challenges in the Market
Despite the positive growth trajectory, the snow cone machine market faces several challenges:
Seasonal Demand: The demand for snow cones is often seasonal, peaking during warmer months and festivals, which can impact sales for manufacturers and vendors.
Maintenance and Durability: Ensuring the longevity and performance of machines can be challenging, as regular maintenance is required to prevent breakdowns.
Types of Snow Cone Machines
1. Manual Snow Cone Machines
Manual snow cone machines require manual operation, where users manually crank or push to crush ice. They are generally more affordable and suitable for home use or small events.
2. Electric Snow Cone Machines
Electric machines automate the ice crushing process, providing faster and more consistent results. These machines are ideal for commercial use, especially in busy settings like festivals or amusement parks.
3. Industrial Snow Cone Machines
Designed for high-volume production, industrial snow cone machines can process large quantities of ice quickly and efficiently. They are typically used in large venues or production facilities.
Regional Analysis
North America
North America holds the largest share of the global snow cone machine market, primarily driven by the popularity of frozen desserts and the presence of numerous food festivals and events. The United States is the leading market in this region.
In Europe, the snow cone machine market is expanding as consumer preferences shift towards innovative dessert options. Countries such as the UK, Germany, and France are showing increasing interest in frozen treats.
The Asia-Pacific region is expected to witness significant growth due to rising disposable incomes and changing food preferences. The growing foodservice sector in countries like China, India, and Japan is also contributing to this growth.
Latin America and Middle East & Africa
While still emerging markets, the snow cone machine market in Latin America and the Middle East & Africa is gradually gaining traction, driven by an increasing demand for frozen desserts and the expansion of food and beverage establishments.
Competitive Landscape
Key Players
Nostalgia Products
Hawaiian Shaved Ice
Great Northern Popcorn Company
Icee Company
These companies are focused on product innovation, quality enhancements, and expanding distribution networks to capture a larger market share.
Market Strategies
Product Diversification: Companies are introducing a range of machines tailored to different user needs, from home use to high-capacity industrial models.
Sustainability Initiatives: Some manufacturers are focusing on eco-friendly materials and energy-efficient designs to appeal to environmentally conscious consumers.
Future Outlook
The global snow cone machine market is poised for substantial growth in the coming years. As consumer preferences continue to evolve toward innovative and refreshing desserts, the demand for snow cone machines will likely rise. Additionally, technological advancements in machine design and features will enhance user experience and efficiency.
The global snow cone machine market presents significant opportunities driven by increasing consumer interest in frozen treats, the growth of the foodservice industry, and innovation in flavors and machine technology. While seasonal demand and maintenance challenges exist, the overall outlook remains positive, with strong growth anticipated in the coming years. Stakeholders in the industry must focus on innovation and customer engagement to thrive in this dynamic market.
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lavanyatara · 10 days
The Rise of Premium Cold Coffee: A Growing Trend in the Coffee Industry
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The coffee industry has witnessed a significant shift in consumer preferences in recent years, with cold coffee gaining immense popularity. Cold brew and iced coffee have become staples in many coffee shops and households, catering to the growing demand for refreshing and flavorful coffee beverages. However, the trend has evolved beyond just cold coffee, with a focus on premium quality and unique flavor profiles.
The Premiumization of Cold Coffee
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As the cold coffee sector continues to grow, there is a noticeable trend towards premiumization. Consumers are seeking out high-quality coffee beans, innovative brewing methods, and creative flavor combinations. This shift has opened up new opportunities for coffee brands and roasters to differentiate themselves in the market.
The Rise of Cold Brew
Cold brew has been at the forefront of the cold coffee trend, offering a smooth, low-acidity alternative to traditional iced coffee. The longer steeping process allows for a more concentrated flavor, which can be diluted with water or milk to create a customizable beverage. Cold brew has also gained popularity due to its versatility, with many consumers enjoying it straight, over ice, or mixed with various syrups and milk alternatives.
Iced Coffee Remains a Favorite
While cold brew has gained significant traction, iced coffee remains a popular choice for many coffee drinkers. Iced coffee offers a quick and convenient option, with the ability to be brewed hot and chilled over ice. The rise of specialty coffee shops has also contributed to the popularity of iced coffee, with baristas creating intricate and flavorful iced coffee drinks.
The Role of Convenience and Customization
One of the key factors driving the growth of premium cold coffee is the desire for convenience and customization. Consumers want to be able to enjoy high-quality coffee beverages at home or on the go, without sacrificing taste or complexity. The availability of cold brew concentrates, ready-to-drink options, and easy-to-use brewing equipment has made it easier than ever for coffee lovers to create their perfect cup of cold coffee.
The Future of Premium Cold Coffee
As the coffee industry continues to evolve, it's clear that premium cold coffee will play a significant role in shaping the market. With a focus on quality, innovation, and consumer preferences, the future of cold coffee looks bright. Coffee brands and roasters that can adapt to this changing landscape and offer unique and compelling cold coffee experiences will be well-positioned for success in the years to come.
The rise of premium cold coffee is a testament to the ever-changing landscape of the coffee industry. As consumers continue to seek out new and exciting coffee experiences, the demand for high-quality, flavorful, and convenient cold coffee beverages will only continue to grow. By embracing this trend and focusing on innovation and quality, coffee brands can position themselves for success in the years to come.
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shivshaktimachtech · 10 days
Two Head Servo Based Liquid Filling Machine
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Company Overview: Shiv Shakti Machtech is Manufacturer, and Supplier of Two Head Servo Based Liquid Filling Machine in Ahmedabad, Gujarat, India A Two Head Servo Based Liquid Filling Machine is an advanced liquid filling solution designed for industries requiring high precision, speed, and efficiency in their filling processes. This machine, equipped with servo motors, is ideal for filling a wide variety of liquids, from water and beverages to pharmaceuticals and chemicals. Alternative Names for The Machine: Servo Filling Machine, Gear Pump Filling Machine, Servo Pump Filling Machine, Servo Liquid Filling Machine, Servo Based Gear pump Filling Machine, Servo Gear Pump Filling Machine, Servo Driven Pump Filling Machine Write the sentence Technical Specifications: Filling Heads: 2 Filling Range: 20 ml to 1000 ml (depending on the model and nature of liquids) Accuracy: ± 0.5 to 1% Power Supply: 220V/50Hz Speed: Up to 40-60 bottles per minute (depending on liquid viscosity and bottle size) Material: Stainless steel (SS 304/316) Applications: The Two Head Servo Based Liquid Filling Machine is widely used in various industries, including: Pharmaceuticals: Filling of syrups, lotions, and medicinal liquids. Food & Beverage: For filling beverages, sauces, oils, and other food-grade liquids. Cosmetics: Ideal for creams, lotions, and other liquid-based cosmetic products. Chemicals: Suitable for industrial liquids such as detergents, oils, and solvents. Shiv Shakti Machtech is a Manufacturer of Two Head Servo Based Liquid Filling Machine in Ahmedabad, Gujarat, India Including Kathwada, Vadodara, Changodar, Gota, Naroda, Nikol, Mehsana, Palanpur, Deesa, Patan, Vapi, Surendranagar, Bhavnagar, Jamnagar, Junagadh, Rajkot, Amreli, Mahuva, Surat, Navsari, Valsad, Silvassa, Porbandar, Mumbai, Vasai, Andheri, Dadar, Maharashtra, Aurangabad, Kolhapur, Pune, Rajasthan, Jaipur, Udaipur, Kota, Bharatpur, Ankleshwar, Bharuch, Ajmer, Delhi, Noida, Baddi, Solan, Himachal Pradesh, Una, Jammu Kashmir, Haryana, Hisar, Gurgaon, Gurugram, Madhya Pradesh, Indore, Bhopal, Ratlam, Jabalpur, Satna, New Delhi, Kolkata, West Bengal, Assam, Asansol, Siliguri, Durgapur, Bhubaneswar, Odisha, Brahmapur, Puri, Goa, Amaravati, Andhra Pradesh, Visakhapatna, Hyderabad, Guntur, Chittoor, Kurnool, Vizianagaram, Srikakulam, Karimnagar, Ramagundam, Suryapet, Telangana, Medak, Bengaluru, Bangalore, Mangaluru, Hubballi, Vijayapura, Davanagere, Kalaburagi, Chitradurga, Ballari, Kolar, Chennai, Coimbatore, Madurai, Tiruchirapalli, Tiruppur, Salem, Erode, Tirunelveli, Tamil Nadu, Kerala, Kochi, Thiruvananthapuram, Kozhikode, Thrissur, Kollam, Alappuzha, Kottayam, Kannur, Malappuram, Bharatpur, Jodhpur, Bikaner, Alwar, Bhilwara, Nagpur, Amravati, Solapur, Malegaon, Navi Mumbai, Thane, Wardha, Vasai-Virar, Gondia, Hinganghat, Barshi, Ulhasnagar, Nandurbar, Bhusawal, Pimpri-Chinchwad, Kalyan, Satara, Yamuna Nagar, Chhachhrauli. For more information or to request a quote, please reach out to us. View Product: Click Here Read the full article
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dolvisbio · 14 days
Best third party pharma manufacturing company in Chandigarh
The pharmaceutical industry is one of the most dynamic sectors globally, and third-party manufacturing is a growing trend within the field. Third-party pharma manufacturing offers companies the opportunity to focus on their core competencies like marketing and distribution while leaving the complex manufacturing processes to trusted partners. In Chandigarh, the best option for third-party pharmaceutical manufacturing is undoubtedly Dolvis Bio Pharma. This company has established itself as a leading name in the industry, known for its quality, reliability, and state-of-the-art manufacturing processes.
In this blog, we will explore why Dolvis Bio Pharma is regarded as the best third-party pharma manufacturing company in Chandigarh, and what sets it apart from the competition.
The Rise of Third-Party Pharma Manufacturing
Before delving into the specifics of Dolvis Bio Pharma, it's essential to understand why third-party pharma manufacturing has become such an important part of the pharmaceutical landscape.
Third-party manufacturing, also known as contract manufacturing, allows companies to outsource the production of their products to a specialized manufacturer. This model benefits both the brand owner and the manufacturer in numerous ways:
Cost-Effective: Companies do not need to invest in setting up their own manufacturing units, which reduces capital expenditure and operational costs.
Focus on Core Competencies: By outsourcing manufacturing, pharmaceutical companies can focus on research, marketing, and sales.
Regulatory Compliance: Third-party manufacturers like Dolvis Bio Pharma are already compliant with regulatory requirements, making it easier for brands to launch products quickly.
Quality Assurance: Third-party manufacturers often have advanced facilities with stringent quality control, ensuring consistent product quality.
In Chandigarh, a hub for pharmaceutical activity, Dolvis Bio Pharma has emerged as the top choice for businesses looking for reliable third-party manufacturing solutions.
Why Choose Dolvis Bio Pharma for Third-Party Manufacturing in Chandigarh?
Dolvis Bio Pharma is not just another pharmaceutical manufacturing company. It is a partner that provides comprehensive solutions to businesses looking to manufacture high-quality pharma products. Here’s what makes Dolvis Bio Pharma the best third-party pharma manufacturing company in Chandigarh:
1. State-of-the-Art Manufacturing Facilities
Dolvis Bio Pharma boasts cutting-edge manufacturing facilities that meet international standards. The company adheres to Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP) and has received certifications from various regulatory bodies. These certifications ensure that all the products manufactured at Dolvis Bio Pharma meet stringent quality standards, are safe for consumption, and are effective.
Their modern production units are equipped with advanced machinery and technology, enabling them to handle bulk orders while maintaining high levels of precision and efficiency. This capability allows businesses to scale their operations without worrying about the production capacity.
2. Diverse Product Range
One of the standout features of Dolvis Bio Pharma is its ability to manufacture a wide variety of pharmaceutical products. The company’s extensive portfolio includes:
Herbal/Ayurvedic Products
This diversity makes Dolvis Bio Pharma the go-to choice for businesses that need a single manufacturing partner for all their product lines. The ability to produce a wide range of formulations ensures that the company can cater to various therapeutic areas, including dermatology, cardiology, gastroenterology, and more.
3. Quality Assurance and Control
Quality is the cornerstone of Dolvis Bio Pharma’s operations. The company has implemented strict quality control measures at every stage of the manufacturing process, from sourcing raw materials to the final packaging of products.
The dedicated quality assurance team ensures that each product batch undergoes rigorous testing to meet the required standards of efficacy, safety, and consistency. The company’s advanced laboratories are equipped with modern testing equipment to perform these checks, making sure that only the highest quality products reach the market.
4. Timely Delivery and Supply Chain Management
One of the most critical aspects of third-party manufacturing is ensuring timely delivery of products. Dolvis Bio Pharma excels in this area, thanks to its efficient supply chain management and streamlined production processes. Whether it’s a small batch order or a large-scale production run, the company guarantees on-time delivery, helping businesses meet their market deadlines and avoid stock shortages.
Their excellent logistics team works closely with clients to ensure that the manufacturing process is smooth and that the products are delivered without delay. This reliability makes Dolvis Bio Pharma a trusted partner for businesses across the country.
5. Customized Manufacturing Solutions
Every pharmaceutical company has unique requirements, and Dolvis Bio Pharma understands this well. The company offers customized manufacturing solutions tailored to meet the specific needs of its clients. Whether it’s developing a new product formula, altering packaging designs, or scaling production, Dolvis Bio Pharma provides flexible services that align with the client’s business objectives.
By offering personalized services, the company ensures that its clients can bring their vision to life without compromising on quality or efficiency.
6. Affordable and Transparent Pricing
Third-party manufacturing is not just about quality; it’s also about cost-effectiveness. Dolvis Bio Pharma provides competitive pricing without sacrificing the quality of its products. The company believes in maintaining transparency in its dealings, offering clear and upfront pricing to its clients. This approach helps businesses plan their budgets effectively and avoid any hidden costs down the line.
With Dolvis Bio Pharma, businesses can enjoy the perfect balance of high-quality manufacturing and affordability, making it an ideal choice for companies of all sizes.
Advantages of Third-Party Manufacturing in Chandigarh
Chandigarh is home to a flourishing pharmaceutical industry, and third-party manufacturing has become an integral part of this ecosystem. Here are some of the benefits of opting for third-party manufacturing in this region:
Strategic Location: Chandigarh’s central location provides easy access to key markets in North India, making it an ideal base for pharmaceutical distribution.
Skilled Workforce: The city has a skilled and experienced workforce, ensuring that the manufacturing processes are handled by qualified professionals.
Business-Friendly Environment: Chandigarh offers a business-friendly environment with supportive government policies and excellent infrastructure.
Proximity to Raw Material Suppliers: The region’s proximity to raw material suppliers ensures that manufacturing can be carried out efficiently and without delays.
Dolvis Bio Pharma leverages these advantages to offer top-notch third-party manufacturing services to its clients, ensuring that they can meet the demands of the market effectively.
For businesses looking for the best third-party pharma manufacturing company in Chandigarh, Dolvis Bio Pharma offers unmatched quality, reliability, and cost-efficiency. With its state-of-the-art facilities, diverse product range, stringent quality control, and timely delivery, Dolvis Bio Pharma has established itself as the leader in third-party manufacturing.
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dhimanfoods · 14 days
Hard-Boiled Candies: A Strategic Confectionery Segment for Continued Growth
Hard-boiled candies are a staple in the candy industry. Their long shelf life and versatile nature make them a key area for growth. If you are interested in manufacturing and selling candies, this webpage is for you. This article explores market trends and the manufacturing process, offering candy businesses insights to capitalize on this enduring market.
Market Dynamics
The hard-boiled candy market grows steadily at 1–2% each year. This indicates a mature market with established players. To succeed, businesses must adapt to changing consumer preferences. They can have detailed talks and insights from industry veterans like Dhiman Foods and take a better informed decision.
Innovation Drives Excitement
Consumers seek novelty. Introducing new flavors, textures, and sugar-free options can attract more customers. Adding functional ingredients like vitamins or botanical extracts appeals to health-conscious adults. This expands the market for your product.
Geographical Nuances
Preferences vary by region. North Americans prefer classic fruit flavors, while Asian markets favor exotic tastes. Tailoring products to local tastes is crucial for success. There are a lot of options to play with. This can be flavor, shape and tastes!
Seasonal Fluctuations
Demand spikes during holidays like Holi, Diwali, Halloween and Christmas. Seasonal packaging and limited-edition flavors can boost sales during these periods.
Manufacturing Expertise: From Sugar to Confectioners Success
Making hard-boiled candies involves turning simple ingredients into delicious treats. All you need is a manufacturing set up. Here’s a step-by-step overview:
Precise Formulation
Start with carefully measured sugar, corn syrup, water, and flavorings. Corn syrup helps prevent unwanted crystallization, ensuring a smooth texture.
Temperature Control
Heat the mixture to 290°F (143°C) to 310°F (154°C). This precise control is essential for the candy’s final texture.
Crystallization Management
Conduct a “pull test” to check for large sugar crystals. Add more corn syrup if needed to prevent crystallization.
Color Vibrancy
Add colors during cooking to achieve bright, appealing hues.
Shaping the Candies
Pour the hot candy into molds or forming machines. Add sticks for lollipops at this stage.
Rapid Cooling
Cool the candies quickly on belts or in cooling tunnels. This prevents unwanted crystal growth and ensures a glassy texture.
Packaging for Protection and Appeal
Polish the cooled candies for shine and package them to maintain freshness and prevent moisture absorption.
Considerations for Candy Businesses
Entering the hard-boiled candy market requires careful planning and investment:
Equipment Investment
You need specialized equipment like cookers, pulling machines, and forming lines. DhimanGroup is a candy machine manufacturer and you can source all your machines from this industry expert. The size of your operation will determine the investment needed.
Strategic Sourcing
High-quality ingredients are key to consistent taste and texture. Build strong relationships with reliable suppliers for long-term success.
Rigorous Quality Control
Implement strict quality control measures to meet safety standards and ensure a consistent product.
Packaging Prowess
Packaging is crucial for attracting consumers. Invest in designs that align with your brand and appeal to your target market.
The Enduring Appeal of Hard-Boiled Candies
Hard-boiled candies offer many benefits for candy businesses:
Extended Shelf Life
These candies last longer than others, reducing spoilage and waste.
Production Efficiency
The manufacturing process allows for high production volumes, making them cost-effective.
Ingredient Versatility
You can incorporate a wide range of flavors, colors, and fillings, allowing for product innovation and differentiation.
Seasonal Synergy
Festive packaging and limited-edition flavors can boost sales during peak periods.
A Confectionery Mainstay with a Bright Future
Understanding market dynamics, mastering the manufacturing process, and prioritizing innovation can help candy businesses thrive in the global space. The future of hard-boiled candies remains promising by adapting to consumer preferences and investing in quality. This strategic segment offers opportunities for sustained growth and profitability in the confectionery industry.
Source URL: Medium.com
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