#synergy wetsuits
tripeakathlete · 4 months
Week of May 13 - 19, 2024
Dear CFL Tri Club Warriors, A massive shout-out to every single athlete who raced at the Ironman 70.3 Gulf Coast in Panama City Beach, FL! What an incredible success it was, with the athletes basking in amazing weather till 10:30 am. Then, the sun burst through the clouds, turning up the heat, but our Warriors persevered and gave it their all. A huge congratulations to Lindsey for conquering her…
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ipsen · 1 year
Blank Canvas 11
Read on AO3. Word Count: 3153 Summary: Kaneki has a specific image of himself on the beach. Chapter 10 Chapter 12 Master Post
When Kaneki imagined himself on the summer beach, it went something like this:
The salt on the wind. The tantalizing scent of sizzling meat. Pelts of laughter from the others. A book in his hand, and him peacefully turning the pages beneath an umbrella in a chair.
(He also imagined Takatsuki nearby with the same book. They would pause after every chapter or so and discuss their thoughts, both similar and different. Her ideas burned hot and angry, yet they could be comforting. His shifted like water, yet they could topple buildings. They would blend together into a steam that differentiated between none and became all.)
Or, perhaps, he would be drawing the scenery. The tide, calm or aggressive, lapping at the shore. The smoke from the grill curling into the air. Everyone’s smiling faces as they kicked up the sand with their feet. Stories always needed moments of levity to counterbalance and enhance the pathos. A vacation like this was perfect for ideas. Takatsuki had some lighter moments in her short stories, but she was surprisingly hands-off with him. She never said why, and he’d never tried asking. It was just how things were.
(He should’ve asked Chie for a camera. Oh well.)
Regardless, Kaneki was not sharing thoughts beneath a private umbrella by the shore, nor was he holding a sketchbook and rubbing graphite between his fingers— both things that he would much rather be doing. In reality, his book and his drawing materials were in a bag next to Miza and Takatsuki. He never thought he’d be jealous of his belongings, and to such a high degree, too.
Takatsuki had her hair pulled back into a messy bun. At this point, he was sure it was her favorite style besides having her hair down, given how easy it was to do and how often she did it. As for her swimsuit, she wore a black wetsuit with bright white sleeves underneath a T-shirt and shorts.
He allowed himself to stare for a moment. Even at the beach in the summer sun, she insisted on covering herself head to toe. And again, she never said why, and he never asked. At least this time, she was underneath an umbrella, helping Shiori build sandcastles with Miza.
Kaneki was not so fortunate. He had the privilege of being beneath the sun, no protection, and staring at Naki, Tatara, and Big Bin— all shirtless, all muscular (which would make for a good reference later)— through a network of net. A net-work, his unhelpful brain supplied.
Middle Bin, hands on his hips, sucked in a breath and said what Kaneki was honestly thinking. “I dunno about this, Ayato. I could probably take Naki, but my brother? And Tatara?”
Ayato glared. “You implying I’m not up to the task?”
“Sorry, sorry, it’s just, well… Yeah, you’re strong, but let’s face facts: it’s Tatara. Tall, athletic, competitive. He’s the whole package.” He gestured to the man stretching his impressive biceps across large pecs. “I’m all for a friendly match, but a fair one, this is not.”
“Middle Bin.” Ayato folded his arms. “My sister’s the top fighter in her judo class. She has a winning ratio against everyone who's ever dared to fight her.”
Kaneki screwed his eyes shut.
“Her lowest ratio is against this guy.” Ayato jabbed a finger at Kaneki.
There it was. “I-It’s really not that big a deal.” Kaneki waved his hands in the air. “Besides, judo and volleyball are two completely different things—”
“You clowns ready to rumble?!” Naki shouted from the other side, bouncing on the balls of his feet.
“Nobody here actually plays volleyball, Tree Branch,” Ayato said hastily. “So it comes down to synergy and ability.”
“Sure,” Middle Bin said, “but c’mon. Look at them.”
If Kaneki didn’t know any better, Naki was a large kid on a sugar high. Big Bin stretched his legs (very impressive calves and thighs). Tatara rolled his shoulder, radiating competitive, though friendly, menace.
“Hey.” Ayato, also looking at the opposition, clamped a hand on Kaneki’s shoulder. “Take off your shirt too.”
He blinked. “What?”
“Take off. Your shirt. Too,” Ayato repeated. “We need to intimidate Naki.”
“What does me being shirtless have to do with—”
“Naki might not seem it, but he’s incredibly perceptive— when it comes to someone’s physical strength.” He hastily added the last part. “We need to give him a reason to be nervous. It’ll help us if he messes up early.”
“But that’s only once! Once they see me in action, it’ll fall apart!” Kaneki could already see himself with a face full of sand. Takatsuki might laugh at him. That might not be so bad, making her smile. He’d consider it if the team started losing badly.
Ayato rolled his eyes. “Dude, you’ll be fine. I believe in you or whatever. Just do it.”
“But—!” He inadvertently glanced toward Takatsuki, who was paging through a book. He wondered what book it was. “I, well, I—”
Ayato followed his gaze, saw Takatsuki, and then pinched the bridge of his nose. His voice lowered to a whisper. “You’re hopeless, dude, you know that? You and I both know she wants to see you shirtless.”
“No she does not,” Kaneki hissed back, even though he was curious to know if she did.
“You done yet?” Naki asked impatiently. “If you want Sasaki to take his shirt off, you gotta try harder than that!”
Kaneki saw Takatsuki, for the briefest of moments, flick her gaze up, before immediately going back to reading. Middle Bin approached him and Ayato, grinning. “I think you’ve got your answer, Sasaki,” he whispered. “Go on.”
With a resigned sigh, Kaneki, red as a tomato, discarded his shirt and took his position.
It was a normal body, he told himself. Just average, like anyone else. Sure, when he looked at himself in the mirror, he occasionally saw that scrawny boy again, with bruises across his arms and occasionally his chest, but those were days long gone, and they weren’t coming back. In place of bruises were toned muscles trained by himself and by Touka. With them, he would defend that scrawny boy. He would—
A sudden sputtering noise interrupted his train of thought. Everyone— everyone— turned to see Takatsuki choking on her drink.
“Sorry!” she coughed, waving them off. “Wrong pipe! Fuck—”
Shiono, manning the grill, immediately went over to check on her, while strangely enough, Miza burst out laughing.
Kaneki’s ego, meanwhile, roared from its pit, demanding to feed upon the swelling pride expanding across his mind and threatening to spill over, but he was vigilant. When its claws found purchase on the surface, he beat it back the way a hero slew their enemies. A protagonist of humility. Takatsuki had simply choked on her drink— correlation, not causation.
In public, he cleared his throat. “I-I’m ready!” he said, trying not to scratch where the sun tickled his bare chest.
“Alright,” Yumitsu called from a high chair, playing referee, “First to five points wins!”
“Ready to get crushed?!” Naki shouted.
“We’ll see about that…” Ayato grumbled, rolling his shoulders.
“Let’s have a clean match, guys!” Big Bin grinned.
Kaneki glanced between Ayato and Middle Bin, who looked excited to play. It was almost infectious, and the more he thought about it, the less he minded the idea of winning. It’d make for a good story to tell Hide.
He wondered if Takatsuki would be impressed if he won.
Alright, yeah.
She didn’t seem the type, but on the off chance she was, well—
Yeah. Let’s try to win.
It wouldn’t hurt.
“Left, left, left!”
“Okay, a bit more forward! Oh, back back back!!”
“S-Sasaki— Pffhahahaha!!— Wrong way, dude!”
Humiliation was not the right word to describe how Kaneki, stumbling dizzily about in a blindfold (with his shirt back on) for watermelon splitting, felt at the moment, but it would have to do.
Honestly, he should have expected the loss; Big Bin, Naki, and Tatara had far more synergy and experience with each other than he, Ayato, and Middle Bin did. It wasn’t a slaughterfest, but it wasn’t exactly close, either. There were a thousand ways he could have improved, but the benefit of hindsight was forever cursed to come after the fact.
“Go, go!”
“It’s right in front of you!!”
Oh, thank goodness. He swung down with all his might, and felt the bat sink into a fleshy material. A direct hit.
“Alright!” he heard Ayato shout. “A rematch, like you said, Naki! One-on-one if Tree Branch got a hit!”
“Woo!” came Naki’s response. “Let’s do it!”
Kaneki was just grateful he didn’t have to play again.
The beach didn’t last forever; the sky turned orange, people got tired, and the fireworks show was soon on the horizon. It would begin early in the evening, so any time in the hot springs was reserved for after.
On the large porch at the resort overlooking the city, a few tables and chairs were set up. Naki and Shiono had cooked up a huge feast for all to enjoy. Kaneki stood in the background, letting everyone take what they wanted before going for something himself. He wasn’t a very picky eater, anyway; sure, he had his favorites, but he’d make do with the leftovers. Besides, he technically wasn’t even supposed to be here. By that logic, any food for him should be leftovers.
Alas, a storm of energy with hair like grass beneath the sunrise had other plans. She was the first to grab two(?!) plates and fill them up, but instead of sitting down and getting started, she marched straight up to him and held one of them out.
“You look hungry,” Takatsuki commented. “Go on, take it.”
“Er…” He wasn’t sure how to respond. “I-I can get the food myself; you can—”
“Take it,” she repeated, more insistent this time. “Don’t tell me you’re turning down your favorites!”
He took a second look at the plate: a few corn cobs, some spears of asparagus, two slices of tomatoes, a glob of mashed potatoes, and a large slab of a familiar meat.
(It was just a little begging…)
Across their culinary adventures the past few months, he supposed he had gravitated towards similar things throughout. However, that wasn’t because he was picky; he just had never really been one for adventuring beyond his current palette, which was more than enough for a healthy diet.
He hadn’t realized that his… acquaintance in those adventures was actually looking at his plate while she sampled as much of the menu as she could in a single order.
Kaneki stared at it. “You…?”
“I am an author.” She shrugged. “Comes with the territory.”
It would be rude to turn her down after all the trouble. “Thank you…”
She smiled. “Enjoy the show, Haise.”
“Um, actually, I—” he began, but when he looked up, he saw her mane of hair disappear back indoors.
Before he could follow, someone bumped against his shoulder and stopped him.
“Sh-Shiono!” he stammered.
“Hey, Sasaki!” Shiono had a fresh plate of food and a drink. “Talk with me a bit?”
There was an unidentifiable edge to his voice that made Kaneki nervous, and as Shiono led him far, far away from the others (or as far from them as they could be on a porch, even if it was a large one), the feeling only worsened.
What could Shiono possibly want to talk about? All sorts of scenarios ran through Kaneki’s head. Was the script not up to par? Was his art just that disgusting to behold? Was he being interrogated for misconduct in the workplace? Ami never really liked him; had she filed a report? Had he overstepped his boundaries?! Was this vacation all just a ruse to let him down gently?! That was… kinda cruel, honestly, but at least he had a good meal to eat when—
“Are you in love with Sen, or am I misreading things?”
What was once a growing fear turned into abject horror and embarrassment. Kaneki would rather get fired a thousand times over than hear that question. “W-Well, I— I don’t—” He scratched wildly at his face as it itched with heat. “I wouldn’t say— I-I mean, that is to say that I, um, well—”
Shiono laughed. “Sorry, sorry. I don’t mean to embarrass you, but it seems like the others’… efforts to get you two to say something isn’t working, so I figured I’d give it a shot.”
‘Efforts’? “Efforts?”
His brow furrowed. “Don’t tell me you haven’t noticed. Your tickets to the play, the room arrangements— Ever since it came out that you were getting invited here, Miza and the Bins’ve been bending over backwards to get you alone and get either one of you to say something to the other.”
“But I don’t— I mean, she doesn’t even—” Kaneki sputtered. ‘Say something’? Really? And ruin all these months of hard work?
Shiono rolled his eyes. “Sasaki, I’m gonna be straight with you— Sen’s been head over heels for you for a while now.”
If Kaneki had had the stomach to eat during this conversation, he would have spit it out over the edge of the handrail.
“I’ve been raising the kiddo for thirteen years now.” The weight of that statement made even Shiono shiver slightly. “I know when she likes someone.”
Kaneki latched onto that first statement. “W-Wait a minute, you’re her—?”
“Father, more or less. Second adoptive one, to be more specific.” Shiono took a drink. “Her first one died, and she spent about a year in an orphanage before I entered the picture. As for her biological father, he’s alive, but, well… Yeah.”
Kaneki, relaxing, took a thoughtful bite of some meat, chewing to focus and digest the new information. Noroi Takatsuki had adopted Takatsuki, then died in the incident with Kasuka Mado. Takatsuki herself was involved with that event, but instead of having her record stained, she was sent to an orphanage, and Donato took the fall due to an unknown party.
“As you’ve probably figured, I met Sen when she was fifteen.” Shiono swirled his drink in his cup. “She wanted to submit what would become Dear Kafka, and I was the one she talked to for that. She was wearing unwashed clothes and shoes stuffed with napkins to fit her feet. She kinda smelled too, but don’t tell her I said that.
“I remember thinking, ‘Poor kid.’ She had that look in her eyes, the kind that told me that she’d lost something precious, and now she only had herself to count on. Most people would say, ‘she’s so mature’, but what kinda kid is self-reliant at fifteen? It’s messed up, is what it is.”
Kaneki happened to glance at Ayato, who was cackling at a joke Yumitsu had cracked. Ayato and Touka hadn’t always gotten along, and she once confessed that he’d run away from the orphanage they were at once, after an argument neither remembered anymore. He didn’t get far— he was only twelve— but Kaneki shuddered to think of what would have happened if he’d actually left.
Takatsuki must have experienced something similar. All alone, with no one who understood, except for the halls of her own mind.
“She was so nervous too, rubbing her wrists and glancing around like she might get attacked any second now. I didn’t think it then, but that was probably when I decided I’d adopt her.” Shiono glanced out at the ocean, toward that distant memory.
It must have meant so much to her, Kaneki thought. Someone who brushed aside the bad stuff and embraced her, even if they didn’t really understand. He felt the same about Hide, Touka, and everyone at Apes & Dobers. So many friends and experiences, even if their pieces didn’t quite fill the hole.
“That’s all to say,” Shiono took a swig of his drink, “kiddo’s had it rough. She’s gotten better, yeah, but part of that pain’s never really gone away, even though I’ve tried my best. Unfortunately, there are some things I can never fix, both as her friend and as her father.”
Kaneki’s brow furrowed. Where was he going with this?
“This’s a bit weird to ask, Sasaki, but… Be good to her. Can you do that for me?”
He tilted his head. “Er, sure? I, um, wasn’t planning to be… bad to her…?”
Shiono blinked, then burst into laughter. Full peals, sort of like Takatsuki. He really was her father.
“Nothing, nothing! You’re a funny guy, Sasaki.” He put his drink down. “I can see why Sen laughs and smiles far more with you.”
She did? “Sh-She does?”
“You’re oblivious to your influence, huh? You’re just like Sen. Maybe that’s why she likes you so much.” Shiono shrugged with a smile. “She doesn’t have to explain why to you; you just get it.” 
“But I—” I’m just her artist, her coworker, he wanted to say. An acquaintance of a few months. And even then, there are others far more qualified than— “Me?”
“Is it so hard to believe? Sen wouldn’t keep you around if she didn’t like you; she’d toss you out to the wolves instead.”
Kaneki chuckled at that. “Hopefully not literally.”
“Hopefully not literally,” Shiono repeated, then pat Kaneki’s shoulder. “Look, I’m not saying that you’re the perfect partner for her or anything, but I am saying that she picked you for a reason. And that reason’s why she’s brought you to so many things. I mean, who drags a mere coworker to Cochlea in the middle of the night, right?”
Kaneki’s laugh was a bit more nervous this time. When viewed from that angle, it made sense; Takatsuki trusted him to a very high degree to not say anything regarding that. A weirdly high degree, too.
“So I’ll ask again: are you in love with her?”
Kaneki looked away. “I…”
He could lie and say no, and Shiono no doubt would let the whole ordeal go. Hell, he might even tell the others for Kaneki, save him the awkwardness of apparently disappointing everyone. Things would continue as they had been, and eventually, the book would be completed and Kaneki would part ways with Shiono and Takatsuki both. The world would keep turning, wholly oblivious to the whole ordeal.
Or… he could say yes. Tell the truth. Say everything he’d been wanting to say for months. Cast his pride aside and make that faithless leap across the abyss. Would he fall into its depths, or would he make it to the other side? There was no way of knowing until he tried.
Kaneki grabbed the chains shackling himself down, then slowly undid them. It manifested in a small, “Yes.”
Shiono smiled. “Well, don’t tell me, then.” He made a shooing motion, chuckling. “Go on.”
Kaneki, with a bit of weight lifted from his shoulders, nodded, and cleaned his plate.
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Riding the Waves of Paradise: A Guide to Surfing at Kandui Resort
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Kandui resort surf offers all level of surfing enthusiasts – from beginners to seasoned pros,  an unparalleled experience. Nestled in the warm embrace of the Mentawai Islands, this picturesque haven is not only famous for its breathtaking beauty but also for the world-class waves that attract surfers from all over the globe.
The Surfing Experience at Kandui Resort
Kandui Resort is strategically located near some of the best surf spots in the Mentawai Islands, making it a premier destination for surfers of all skill levels. Kandui resort surf features a range of waves, from gentle rollers for beginners to challenging barrels for seasoned pros. Each day, experienced local guides lead surf excursions ensuring visitors have access to the finest breaks, such as the renowned Kandui Left and the thrilling 4 Bobs.
Moreover, Kandui Resort captures the essence of a surfer's paradise. The modern accommodations, combined with stunning ocean views, create the perfect backdrop for a surfing retreat. After an exhilarating day in the water, surfers can relax and enjoy the vibrant atmosphere within the resort, indulging in delicious local cuisine or sharing stories around the bonfire.
Ideal Conditions for Surfing
The best time to visit Kandui resort surf generally spans from March to October when swells are most consistent. The region benefits from the Southern Hemisphere’s swell patterns, which provide a steady flow of powerful waves. During this peak season, the climate remains warm, making it ideal for both surfing and relaxation.
The wind conditions also play a crucial role in enhancing the surf experience. Light offshore winds generally prevail in the mornings, ensuring glassy conditions, which are perfect for riding waves. As the day progresses, breezes may increase, creating opportunities for more advanced surfers to challenge themselves on the powerful peaks.
Preparing for Your Surf Trip
To make the most of your surfing adventure at Kandui resort surf, certain preparations are essential:
Gear Up: Ensure you bring appropriate surf equipment, including boards suited for various conditions and comfortable wetsuits. While the resort provides rental options, having personal gear that fits well can enhance your experience.
Physical Fitness: Surfing requires a considerable amount of energy and strength. Engaging in cardiovascular exercises and strength training prior to your trip will help improve endurance and overall performance in the water.
Local Knowledge: Familiarizing yourself with the local surf breaks before you arrive can be beneficial. The guides at Kandui Resort are incredibly knowledgeable and can provide insights into the best times to surf specific breaks, ensuring you capitalize on the prime conditions.
Social Engagement: Surfing in a group can be both thrilling and motivating. Meet fellow surfers at the resort, engage in discussions, and even participate in group surf sessions to enhance camaraderie.
In summary, riding the waves at Kandui resort surf is not just about catching the perfect wave; it is an immersion into the rich culture and natural beauty of the Mentawai Islands. The synergy of perfect waves, stunning landscapes, and exceptional hospitality makes Kandui resort a must-visit destination for any surf enthusiast.
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bestkyaksguide · 2 years
Review Best Wetsuit For Triathlon Beginners to Buy in 2023
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Consider top 5 Best Wetsuit For Triathlon Beginners you should buy for your needs. These are my comprehensive reviews to guide you through this tedious process!
Thanks to 221 customer’s reviews and the popularity of brands like Synergy, SUMARPO, choosing Best Wetsuit For Triathlon Beginners is no longer a challenging task.
from Bestkayaks.guide https://ift.tt/PTkNOrb
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gsvalentine · 3 years
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wetsuitladscouk · 3 years
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gumnut-logic · 4 years
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If you should choose a plus one Tracy there are a number of things to be considered. Height, interest level, eye colour and mood are all important factors.
Height because these boys come in the ridiculous. If you want to kiss a Tracy you may need heels.
Interest level varies and as you will see further on, is rather more important than any of the other factors.
Eye colour is because they come in a variety of shades. It also helps if you colour coordinate.
Mood...well, trust me, you don’t want the wrong mood. Tracys can be volatile and dangerous if not maintained correctly. Also, if you happen upon one of the wilder ones, things can get scary.
So which Tracy is right for you?
Let’s start with the youngest.
Alan is sandy haired which is great for beach outings, though you might want to take the sunscreen or he will come back in various shades of red. Height is not an issue as he doesn’t have much. Flats are good for this situation, which is excellent since heels suck on the beach.
His interests generally involve lots of activity, so you’ll want to let him loose in wide open spaces. He will also chatter a lot, so be aware of this in public. To keep him quiet a small investment in a game console will work wonders.
Be very aware that combining Alan with one of his brothers, particularly Gordon, has been known to create havoc. Investing in Gordon along with Alan does have some advantages, particularly at the beach since Alan’s attempts at surfing often require a water rescue and Gordon is highly trained for such a situation.
Why Alan is incapable of surfing is a mystery as he is considered very capable at surfing in space. Like the issues his brother John must tackle, gravity may be the culprit.
As with all Tracys, his manners are excellent and he presents well in all social situations, with the exception of the Gordon factor. If Gordon is involved, all bets are off.
Also, boredom can be an issue and if left to himself, such boredom reveals that Gordon’s lifetime influence has left its imprint and the youngest Tracy will self instigate pranks if left by himself for too long. So make sure you provide adequate stimulation and attention.
Of all the Tracys, Alan’s moods are the most manageable. He does not tend to go to extremes, though there have been some instances of extensive pouting when he is not allowed to do what he wants to. It is suspected that this is due to the Scott influence. Often this can be mitigated by hugging and extensive coddling. All Tracys respond well to such actions, but as Alan is the youngest, he has been subjected to this the most. Obvious suspects include both Scott and Virgil. Rumour has it that Gordon hugs often devolve into tackles and rolling on the floor. Please be aware of this as the youngest Tracy may take advantage of the opportunity to emulate his older brother.
Ultimately, though, Alan Tracy is a good choice for the lover of the outdoors and those who don’t mind a little quiet time. Bonus factors include the option to go into space, an excellent knowledge of our Solar System, particularly good reflexes and an untapped genius level of thought underneath his obsession with video games. Generally cheerful and attentive, Alan Tracy is definitely a good investment.
Now, if you’re into more watersports you may want to consider the next oldest Tracy.
Gordon Tracy is the water specialist. Compact and slim, this Tracy fits into a variety of marine vehicles and can be deployed in freshwater as well.
More of a strawberry blonde than his younger brother, and with russet brown eyes rather than blue, he can be somewhat reminiscent of a small terrier with a comparable risk to the furniture.
Gordon is the prankster of the family. From blue dye to itching powder to the classic kick me sign on your back he has done it all. This may be useful if you possess an arch-nemesis in society, however, in the majority Gordon prefers humour rather than vengeance.
Having said that, Gordon is one of only two Tracys with military experience. He possesses a uniform that can be flaunted for the formal occasion where his International Rescue wetsuit is not applicable. Associated military skills, including excellent marksmanship, may be useful in various social situations.
His interests lie in all things marine. You may be gifted the occasional crab or shellfish. This is a sign of friendship and trust. Note that caring for these gifts is mandatory, even the sea slugs, snails and worms. You may want to make it clear that marine organisms are not welcome at the dinner table unless they are part of the menu.
One advantage of Gordon Tracy is his smiles. He is a generally happy man and loves to share that happiness. Virgil has theorised that the pranks are one of his methods to do just that. Unfortunately, his brothers rarely see the humour in the super glue in their underwear.
As noted above, combining Gordon with his younger brother will lower his intellectual age by about half. Combining him with his other brothers, however, does provide for some interesting effects. If you add Scott Tracy to Gordon, there is usually one of two results. The first can be quite explosive as rebellion against the older Tracy can be spectacular, however, if combined at just the right point, the brothers’ shared military history can create an awesome synergy. At this point, should you want to take over a small country with just the determination present, you have a good chance of success.
On the other hand, combining Gordon with Virgil Tracy prompts him to prank and his older brother to uncharacteristically mirror the tendency. Gordon will bring out the humour in the heavy lifter and hijinks often ensue. However, it should also be noted that the two brothers do possess an somewhat extraordinary bond and despite their differences, make an excellent team.
One very useful if the prank requires heavy lifting.
Yes, Gordon Tracy is an excellent choice. It should be noted however that one of high society’s prominent figures may be interested in taking this Tracy off the market. Be aware that she is not to be trifled with, so if you are determined that Gordon is the Tracy for you, you may have to defend that position.
If the quiet lifestyle is more your thing, you may wish to upgrade to John Tracy. ‘Up’ is the keyword here as he resides twenty-two thousand miles up, in orbit, in fact. Yes, John is the original space Tracy. Fully adapted to the cold and dark beyond our atmosphere, he does indeed adore the quiet life.
However, before we tempt you any further, it should be noted that John is the only Tracy brother who is a parent. A single parent at that. Inadvertent though her existence is, Eos is recognised as John’s daughter and she presents a number of unique challenges, the least of which is what she will do to your bank accounts if you upset her. Yes, if you are looking for bankruptcy, offending Eos is a fantastic way to achieve your goal.
In summary, don’t piss off the kid.
Having said that, should she approve of your existence, Eos is quite capable of enhancing that existence should she so choose. In any case, John’s daughter is a great conversationalist, even if she has locked you in the bathroom.
John himself sports arguably the most stunning eyes of all the five brothers. Alan, please be quite and Scott, sit down.
A unique pair of turquoise irises that contrast exquisitely with his copper hair makes for a stunning date to have on your arm. The only downside is that arm may need to be handcuffed to yours if you intend on going anywhere involving more than six people at a time.
Our space Tracy is not a social being. Despite communication as a profession, John Tracy has been heard to wish to only speak to others from space. This may include you. Please keep your phone charged at all times.
It should also be noted that if your phone battery is dead and John wishes to contact you, he may hack an appliance as mundane as your toaster. Communicating via the temperature controls in the shower has been reported. Virgil was not impressed.
John is one of the taller Tracys. Unlike Scott, however, heels may not be needed as ninety-five percent of the time John is in space, so if you are planning to get to know him, you’re going to be in space too. Just float up to look him in those gorgeous eyes.
A fan of spaceball and Star Trek, John is your traditional loveable geek. Be aware that his neighbour knows this and you may want to lock all the airlocks in case she comes knocking for a cup of sugar.
John is definitely a good investment and comes with a space station to boot. You will be able to spend many hours stargazing both at the universe and those irises.
If you feel you would prefer a more earthbound personality, you may want to consider the Tracy capable of moving that earth, in more ways than one.
Virgil Tracy is the biggest brother. Not the tallest, but those shoulders can deadlift all of his brothers with ease. You like muscles, Virgil is your Tracy.
Not to say that the other Tracy brothers lack muscles, the five boys are all very well defined. Virgil was just built for heavy lifting. You want your plus one to carry you anywhere, Virgil is your man.
Crowned with the darkest hair of all the brothers, Virgil’s eyes are chocolate brown, great for subtle and moody expressions. This is an important factor when you consider that he is the artist in the family. Skilled in both the visual and musical arts, the second eldest brother has the tools to serenade until you swoon.
Which makes his muscles useful again when he has to lug you off the floor.
Virgil is a full qualified engineer and comes complete with all the virtues of a home handyman. Capable of replacing tap washers or overhauling your fusion reactor, Virgil is happy tinkering and repairing whatever is needed.
He is the calmest of the brothers. However, early mornings are not appreciated in any way. If you need Virgil for a breakfast outing you will need copious amounts of coffee to get more than a sour grunt out of the man. In fact, breakfast outings are not recommended at all and you may want to invest in his older brother Scott if you need the early morning option.
In his position as second eldest, Virgil has extensive mothering experience. This is useful if you are high maintenance. This Tracy has the medical skills to both bandage and kiss boo-boos better.
Be warned he has been known to remove food smudges from faces with his finger and his own saliva. Keeping your face clean to prevent this embarrassment is highly recommended.
Virgil Tracy is an excellent  investment if you are looking for an all round nice guy. He comes complete with a range of accessories including wrenches, paint brushes and a honkin’ great green machine with which you may have to compete with for his attention...amongst other things.
If nice isn’t enough (and green is not your colour) and you’d prefer the rakishly handsome, daredevil, Jim Kirk kind of guy, then you might as well go straight to the top and get yourself a Scott Tracy. Built for speed, flirt and for swooping you off your feet, Scott will tick all the boxes of all people at your party.
Suave with a devilish smile, this Tracy knows how to work a room. The eldest of the brothers, Scott knows how to give commands and make sure they are followed. You may even find yourself caught in his thrall as sapphire blue eyes and chestnut hair, tinged with the grey of authority, lend their persuasion well to his cause.
This Tracy is built for speed and at Mach 20 there is no faster. Combined with his strategic mind and his terrible determination, this is a man who knows how to get where he wants to go and fast.
He is one hell of a ride.
Just be aware that should you piss him off, he may run you over, then back up and toast you with his afterburners, because big brother Scott has a temper. It is especially advisable not to injure or offend one of his younger brothers or any member of his family for that.
You won’t like him when he’s angry.
Ultimately though, beneath the commander and the bravado, Scott has a soft marshmallow centre...protected viciously by his brother Virgil. Remember those muscles? You don’t want to go there, trust me.
But treat big brother right and you become part of that family and he will defend you to the death.
Military option fully included.
It should be noted that Scott Tracy does not come as a single man. Alan will be coming with him because despite being eighteen, Scott isn’t ready to let the apron strings drop just yet. Also there are three other brothers to consider, and a grandmother. Scott Tracy comes as a total family package.
Bet you didn’t see that coming behind that suave and sultry smile, did you?
Too bad.
Because really you can’t have one Tracy without the others. Despite the apparent simplicity of five billionaire brothers and their heroic lifestyles, these five are one tight knit group. You will never quite have a plus one, it will be more of a plus five.
And I have yet to mention your main obstacle.
You like the youngest Tracys with their sunshine smiles, or Virgil with his soft heart, John with his tender attempts at conversation, or even Scott as he stares at you with that worried frown on his face? Never forget what is standing between them and you.
Think twice before you commit.
Because none of the havoc the boys can cause can be compared to what I can offer you.
Remember that.
Very sincerely,
Kayo Kyrano
International Rescue Security
And your worst nightmare.
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tripeakathlete · 5 months
Week of May 6 - 12, 2024
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Synergy Triathlon Wetsuit - Women's Endorphin Sleeveless Quick John Smoothskin Neoprene for Open Water Swimming Ironman & USAT Approved
SUITABLE FOR ALL LEVELS – Ironman & USAT approved. Athlete endorsed. Comes in wide range of sizes to insure a perfect fit. PROVEN TECHNOLOGY EQUALS SUPERIOR PERFORMANCE – Hydrodynamic neoprene made from Yamamoto #39 with SCS silicone coated SyPrene. 5mm thick core buoyancy panel / 3mm legs and back. EXCEPTIONAL FUNCTIONALITY – Full range of motion. Unsurpassed 680 percent flexibility. Highest grade anti corrode internal wetsuit zipper from YKK which greatly reduces drag as you move through the water. Super soft low neck with smoothskin on both sides and because it is so soft, it feels like you hardly have anything around your neck.
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aion-rsa · 3 years
Chris Hemsworth Trades in Stormbreaker for a Wetsuit In Nat Geo’s SharkFest
Though filming recently wrapped on Thor: Love and Thunder, Marvel fans won’t get to see the long-awaited fourth installment in the Thor film series until 2022. Thankfully Thor actor Chris Hemsworth has decided to keep busy with other things in the meantime.
July 5 marks the beginning of National Geographic’s SharkFest, an annual televised celebration of nature’s most perfect aquatic killing machines. The event will span for six weeks, contain over 80 hours of content across four networks (National Geographic, Nat Geo WILD, Nat Geo Mundo, and Disney XD), and it’s all getting started with a new special from the God of Thunder, himself. 
Shark Beach with Chris Hemsworth will air at 9 p.m. ET, July 5 on National Geographic. The one-hour special will follow the Australian movie star as he seeks to understand how mankind can live more harmoniously with sharks. The documentary comes from Nutopia (One Strange Rock) and features shark conversationalist icon Valerie Taylor, who will guide Hemsworth on a shark diving experience. You can check out the first trailer below.
Shark Beach with Chris Hemsworth was announced in August of last year which means Marvel’s risk management legal team really must have been asleep at the wheel. Perhaps that’s why Hemsworth got so inconceivably shredded for Love and Thunder – he needed to fend off some sharks. 
Hemsworth frontlining SharkFest opens up a nice bit of synergy for The Walt Disney Company. With National Geographic as a subsidiary, all of this year’s SharkFest content will be available to stream on Disney+ beginning on July 9. This means that streamers can watch Hemsworth swim with sharks right after taking in the Black Widow premiere…you know, just to cool down.
Here is the rest of this year’s SharkFest programming with all descriptions provided by National Geographic.
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WHEN SHARKS ATTACK National Geographic — Premieres July 5, at 8/7c National Geographic — Premieres July 5, at 8/7c Nat Geo WILD — Encore Presentation Aug. 2, at 8/7c Disney+ — Beginning July 9 The world’s beaches quickly turn deadly in this terror-filled deep-sea saga when sharks descend, shocking the local community and sending scientists reeling. What causes these spikes in activity? And how can they be prevented?
SHARK BEACH WITH CHRIS HEMSWORTH National Geographic — Premieres July 5, at 9/8c Nat Geo WILD — Encore Presentation Aug. 2, at 10/9c Disney+ — Beginning July 9 Chris Hemsworth is on a mission to uncover the science of shark behavior and discover how humans and sharks can safely coexist. After an increase in local shark attacks along the east coast of Australia, Hemsworth seeks to understand different species of sharks and their behaviors while also exploring new preventative measures and the latest technology to help stave off shark-human encounters. The special from Nutopia (“One Strange Rock”) also features underwater conservationist and legend Valerie Taylor.
ROGUE SHARK? National Geographic — Premieres July 5, at 10/9c Nat Geo WILD — Encore Presentation Aug. 11, at 10/9c Disney+ — Beginning July 9 In October 2018, the remote islands of the Whitsunday in Australia were rocked by a series of shark attacks. Incredibly, all the victims were attacked in the same small patch of ocean, no larger than four football fields. Was a rogue serial killer on the loose? Or was something new drawing sharks and humans into conflict?
ORCA VS. GREAT WHITE National Geographic — Premieres July 6, at 10/9c Nat Geo WILD — Encore Presentation Aug. 3, at 10/9c Disney+ — Beginning July 9 Off the coast of South Africa in 2017, orcas began hunting and killing great white sharks. Now, researchers in New Zealand set out to discover if it could happen again. Diving with several shark populations along New Zealand’s southern coast, they investigate this murder mystery and seek answers to this burning question: have their local orcas developed a taste for great white sharks?
SHARK GANGS National Geographic — Premieres July 7, at 10/9c Nat Geo WILD — Encore Presentation Aug. 12, at 8/7c Disney+ — Beginning July 9 For years sharks have been viewed as solitary predators, but scientists have recently discovered a surprising new behavior. In this special, we reveal how this apex predator likes to hang out in gangs. So what is behind this behavior? Do sharks enjoy a social life, or are they working together to become even more effective hunters?
CROC THAT ATE JAWS National Geographic — Premieres July 8, at 10/9c Nat Geo WILD — Encore Presentation Aug. 4, at 10/9c Disney+ — Beginning July 9 From mysterious severed heads and ambush attacks to mob hunts and stand-offs, what happens when two of the deadliest predators on the planet go head-to-head?
WORLD’S MOST DANGEROUS SHARK? National Geographic — Premieres July 9, at 10/9c Nat Geo WILD — Encore Presentation Aug. 5, at 10/9c Disney+ — Beginning July 16 The great white has a reputation for being the scariest in the sea, but Explorer Jacques Cousteau called the oceanic whitetip “The most dangerous of all sharks …” Two teams of experts dive deep into the world of the oceanic whitetip to reveal what makes this species a top contender for the title of “world’s most dangerous shark.”
SHARK ATTACK FILES National Geographic — Premieres July 12, at 9/8c Nat Geo WILD — Encore Presentation Aug. 9, at 10/9c Disney+ — Beginning July 16 This action-packed series is an investigation into bizarre and fascinating shark behavior. Featuring footage from actual attacks, interactions and behavior captured by both professionals and observant bystanders, every twist and turn leaves viewers sitting on the edge of their seats. Scientific experts and investigators dive deeper into the mystery of these unexplained behaviors and come to a stunning revelation that ties these extraordinary events together.
SHARK ATTACK INVESTIGATION: THE PAIGE WINTER STORY  National Geographic — Premieres July 12, at 10/9c Nat Geo WILD — Encore Presentation Aug. 6, at 10/9c Disney+ — Beginning July 16 Paige Winter was only 17 years old when she lost a leg and portion of her hand to a shark. Experts unpack the details of Paige’s attack to determine what kind of shark is responsible and what can be done, if anything, to avoid this happening again. Despite all Paige has lived through, this inspirational teen remains an advocate for sharks and, with the guidance of professionals, takes brave steps to overcome her greatest fears.
WORLD’S BIGGEST BULL SHARK? National Geographic — Premieres July 13, at 10/9c Nat Geo WILD — Encore Presentation Aug. 10, at 9/8c Disney+ — Beginning July 16 It was a freak encounter that broke all the records. In 2012, off the coast of Florida, shark scientist Dr. Neil Hammerschlag caught the mother of all bull sharks—it stretched more than 10-feet long and weighed over 1,000 pounds! They named her Big Bull and set her free. Bull sharks in Florida patrol the beaches, terrifyingly close the swimmers, and feast on seasonal migrations of baitfish. Many long thought these sharks were just well-fed, but now some scientists believe that Big Bull is the matriarch of a unique population of giants. There is only one way to find out … and you gotta get close.
KILLER SHARK VS. KILLER WHALE  National Geographic — Premieres July 15, at 10/9c Nat Geo WILD — Encore Presentation Aug. 11, at 9/8c Disney+ — Beginning Aug. 6 The mystery of orcas attacking great white sharks for their livers leaves scientists baffled. This unusual predatory behavior has been witnessed in three parts of the world: California, South Africa and Australia. But the most shocking outcome is the disappearance of the other sharks after the event. How are they communicating with their kin and getting out of dodge when the killer whales move in?
PLAYING WITH SHARKS Disney+ — Premieres July 23 A true pioneer in both underwater filmmaking and shark research, Valerie Taylor is a living legend and icon in the underwater world whose life’s work has become the basis for much of what we know about sharks today. Through remarkable underwater archival footage, along with interviews with Valerie herself, PLAYING WITH SHARKS, from National Geographic Documentary Films and twice Emmy®-nominated director Sally Aitken, follows this daring ocean explorer’s trajectory from champion spearfisher to passionate shark protector. From the birth of cage diving to “Jaws” hysteria to the dawn of cageless shark diving, Valerie became a trailblazing advocate for the ocean’s most maligned and misunderstood creatures.
The post Chris Hemsworth Trades in Stormbreaker for a Wetsuit In Nat Geo’s SharkFest appeared first on Den of Geek.
from Den of Geek https://ift.tt/3z5DqeY
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bestkyaksguide · 2 years
Best 5 Best Wetsuits For Swimming in 2023
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We put together a list with some pretty amazing items that match your search criteria. These are best wetsuits for swimming you should be looking at, so let me show them off!
We hope that this article will give you the most realistic view of these products thanks to 5 customer's reviews. In addition, I also suggest some famous brands in the world for you to consider: Hevto, REALON, Dark Lightning, Synergy, CtriLady.
from Bestkayaks.guide https://ift.tt/9sGrwhO
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gsvalentine · 3 years
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topbarhealth · 5 years
Synergy Triathlon Wetsuit 5/3mm - Women's Endorphin Sleeveless Long John Smoothskin Neoprene for Open Water Swimming Ironman & USAT Approved
New Post has been published on https://toptriathlongear.com/synergy-triathlon-wetsuit-5-3mm-womens-endorphin-sleeveless-long-john-smoothskin-neoprene-for-open-water-swimming-ironman-usat-approved/
Synergy Triathlon Wetsuit 5/3mm - Women's Endorphin Sleeveless Long John Smoothskin Neoprene for Open Water Swimming Ironman & USAT Approved
The Synergy Endorphin Long John sleeveless wetsuit is a high performance sleeveless wetsuit providing you with flexibility, flotation and speed at entry-level pricing representing an exceptional value. Designed and constructed for optimum balance between buoyancy and flexibility, it is perfect for all levels of ability, be it competing in triathlons or for open water recreational swimming. The sleeveless design is perfect for swimming completely unencumbered by resistance of the shoulders while keeping you buoyant and warm. The Endorphin Long John Features: AquaLift SmoothSkin (3rd generation) panel treated with nano SCS silicone for super-low friction that covers the entire front body, promoting superior flotation and nearly eliminating friction for maximum glide. Silicone treated neoprene makes the suit non-porous, producing low friction for maximum glide. AquaLift side panels wrap around torso to create added buoyancy. HiFlex Panels: Upper chest employ the greatest flexibility ever obtained in SmoothSkin neoprene. Panels are silicone treated for unsurpassed strength and maximum glide. Dual-layered, low-fitting, super flexible and adjustable SmoothSkin Neck Enclosure eliminates chafing. 1mm SmoothSkin creates a seal that is impenetrable and soft, thus alleviating problems created by other wetsuits such as chaffing, general discomfort, reduced blood flow and inflexibility. This neckline utilizes a high grade, non-abrasive aqua velcro and internal zipper for your perfect fit, along with reduced drag and water penetration. One of the main concerns when buying a wetsuit is finding the right size. While sizing is a matter of both height and weight, your weight is the determining factor of the size of the wetsuit. Please refer to the size chart for choosing your correct size.
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gumnut-logic · 5 years
Plus One Tracy
Title: Plus One Tracy
Author: Gumnut
20 - 21 Jan 2020
Fandom: Thunderbirds Are Go 2015
Rating: Teen
Summary: So which Tracy is right for you?
Word count: 2404
Spoilers & warnings: None.
Author's note: Well, this went in a direction I didn’t expect, but really I should be used to that now. I hope you enjoy it anyway. :D And bonus! I actually finished something :D
Disclaimer: Mine? You’ve got to be kidding. Money? Don’t have any, don’t bother.
 If you should choose a plus one Tracy there are a number of things to be considered. Height, interest level, eye colour and mood are all important factors.
Height because these boys come in the ridiculous. If you want to kiss a Tracy you may need heels.
Interest level varies and as you will see further on, is rather more important than any of the other factors.
Eye colour is because they come in a variety of shades. It also helps if you colour coordinate.
Mood...well, trust me, you don’t want the wrong mood. Tracys can be volatile and dangerous if not maintained correctly. Also, if you happen upon one of the wilder ones, things can get scary.
So which Tracy is right for you?
Let’s start with the youngest.
Alan is sandy haired which is great for beach outings, though you might want to take the sunscreen or he will come back in various shades of red. Height is not an issue as he doesn’t have much. Flats are good for this situation, which is excellent since heels suck on the beach.
His interests generally involve lots of activity, so you’ll want to let him loose in wide open spaces. He will also chatter a lot, so be aware of this in public. To keep him quiet a small investment in a game console will work wonders.
Be very aware that combining Alan with one of his brothers, particularly Gordon, has been known to create havoc. Investing in Gordon along with Alan does have some advantages, particularly at the beach since Alan’s attempts at surfing often require a water rescue and Gordon is highly trained for such a situation.
Why Alan is incapable of surfing is a mystery as he is considered very capable at surfing in space. Like the issues his brother John must tackle, gravity may be the culprit.
As with all Tracys, his manners are excellent and he presents well in all social situations, with the exception of the Gordon factor. If Gordon is involved, all bets are off.
Also, boredom can be an issue and if left to himself, such boredom reveals that Gordon’s lifetime influence has left its imprint and the youngest Tracy will self-instigate pranks if left by himself for too long. So make sure you provide adequate stimulation and attention.
Of all the Tracys, Alan’s moods are the most manageable. He does not tend to go to extremes, though there have been some instances of extensive pouting when he is not allowed to do what he wants to. It is suspected that this is due to the Scott influence. Often this can be mitigated by hugging and extensive coddling. All Tracys respond well to such actions, but as Alan is the youngest, he has been subjected to this the most. Obvious suspects include both Scott and Virgil. Rumour has it that Gordon hugs often devolve into tackles and rolling on the floor. Please be aware of this as the youngest Tracy may take advantage of the opportunity to emulate his older brother.
Ultimately, though, Alan Tracy is a good choice for the lover of the outdoors and those who don’t mind a little quiet time. Bonus factors include the option to go into space, an excellent knowledge of our Solar System, particularly good reflexes and an untapped genius level of thought underneath his obsession with video games. Generally cheerful and attentive, Alan Tracy is definitely a good investment.
Now, if you’re into more watersports you may want to consider the next oldest Tracy.
Gordon Tracy is the water specialist. Compact and slim, this Tracy fits into a variety of marine vehicles and can be deployed in freshwater as well.
More of a strawberry blonde than his younger brother, and with russet brown eyes rather than blue, he can be somewhat reminiscent of a small terrier with a comparable risk to the furniture.
Gordon is the prankster of the family. From blue dye to itching powder to the classic kick me sign on your back he has done it all. This may be useful if you possess an arch-nemesis in society, however, in the majority Gordon prefers humour rather than vengeance.
Having said that, Gordon is one of only two Tracys with military experience. He possesses a uniform that can be flaunted for the formal occasion where his International Rescue wetsuit is not applicable. Associated military skills, including excellent marksmanship, may be useful in various social situations.
His interests lie in all things marine. You may be gifted the occasional crab or shellfish. This is a sign of friendship and trust. Note that caring for these gifts is mandatory, even the sea slugs, snails and worms. You may want to make it clear that marine organisms are not welcome at the dinner table unless they are part of the menu.
One advantage of Gordon Tracy is his smiles. He is a generally happy man and loves to share that happiness. Virgil has theorised that the pranks are one of his methods to do just that. Unfortunately, his brothers rarely see the humour in the super glue in their underwear.
As noted above, combining Gordon with his younger brother will lower his intellectual age by about half. Combining him with his other brothers, however, does provide for some interesting effects. If you add Scott Tracy to Gordon, there is usually one of two results. The first can be quite explosive as rebellion against the older Tracy can be spectacular, however, if combined at just the right point, the brothers’ shared military history can create an awesome synergy. At this point, should you want to take over a small country with just the determination present, you have a good chance of success.
On the other hand, combining Gordon with Virgil Tracy prompts him to prank and his older brother to uncharacteristically mirror the tendency. Gordon will bring out the humour in the heavy lifter and hijinks often ensue. However, it should also be noted that the two brothers do possess an somewhat extraordinary bond and despite their differences, make an excellent team.
One very useful if the prank requires heavy lifting.
Yes, Gordon Tracy is an excellent choice. It should be noted however that one of high society’s prominent figures may be interested in taking this Tracy off the market. Be aware that she is not to be trifled with, so if you are determined that Gordon is the Tracy for you, you may have to defend that position.
If the quiet lifestyle is more your thing, you may wish to upgrade to John Tracy. ‘Up’ is the keyword here as he resides twenty-two thousand miles up, in orbit, in fact. Yes, John is the original space Tracy. Fully adapted to the cold and dark beyond our atmosphere, he does indeed adore the quiet life.
However, before we tempt you any further, it should be noted that John is the only Tracy brother who is a parent. A single parent at that. Inadvertent though her existence is, Eos is recognised as John’s daughter and she presents a number of unique challenges, the least of which is what she will do to your bank accounts if you upset her. Yes, if you are looking for bankruptcy, offending Eos is a fantastic way to achieve your goal.
In summary, don’t piss off the kid.
Having said that, should she approve of your existence, Eos is quite capable of enhancing that existence should she so choose. In any case, John’s daughter is a great conversationalist, even if she has locked you in the bathroom.
John himself sports arguably the most stunning eyes of all the five brothers. Alan, please be quite and Scott, sit down.
A unique pair of turquoise irises that contrast exquisitely with his copper hair makes for a stunning date to have on your arm. The only downside is that arm may need to be handcuffed to yours if you intend on going anywhere involving more than six people at a time.
Our space Tracy is not a social being. Despite communication as a profession, John Tracy has been heard to wish to only speak to others from space. This may include you. Please keep your phone charged at all times.
It should also be noted that if your phone battery is dead and John wishes to contact you, he may hack an appliance as mundane as your toaster. Communicating via the temperature controls in the shower has been reported. Virgil was not impressed.
John is one of the taller Tracys. Unlike Scott, however, heels may not be needed as ninety-five percent of the time John is in space, so if you are planning to get to know him, you’re going to be in space too. Just float up to look him in those gorgeous eyes.
A fan of spaceball and Star Trek, John is your traditional loveable geek. Be aware that his neighbour knows this and you may want to lock all the airlocks in case she comes knocking for a cup of sugar.
John is definitely a good investment and comes with a space station to boot. You will be able to spend many hours stargazing both at the universe and those irises.
If you feel you would prefer a more earthbound personality, you may want to consider the Tracy capable of moving that earth, in more ways than one.
Virgil Tracy is the biggest brother. Not the tallest, but those shoulders can deadlift all of his brothers with ease. You like muscles, Virgil is your Tracy.
Not to say that the other Tracy brothers lack muscles, the five boys are all very well defined. Virgil was just built for heavy lifting. You want your plus one to carry you anywhere, Virgil is your man.
Crowned with the darkest hair of all the brothers, Virgil’s eyes are chocolate brown, great for subtle and moody expressions. This is an important factor when you consider that he is the artist in the family. Skilled in both the visual and musical arts, the second eldest brother has the tools to serenade until you swoon.
Which makes his muscles useful again when he has to lug you off the floor.
Virgil is a full qualified engineer and comes complete with all the virtues of a home handyman. Capable of replacing tap washers or overhauling your fusion reactor, Virgil is happy tinkering and repairing whatever is needed.
He is the calmest of the brothers. However, early mornings are not appreciated in any way. If you need Virgil for a breakfast outing you will need copious amounts of coffee to get more than a sour grunt out of the man. In fact, breakfast outings are not recommended at all and you may want to invest in his older brother Scott if you need the early morning option.
In his position as second eldest, Virgil has extensive mothering experience. This is useful if you are high maintenance. This Tracy has the medical skills to both bandage and kiss boo-boos better.
Be warned he has been known to remove food smudges from faces with his finger and his own saliva. Keeping your face clean to prevent this embarrassment is highly recommended.
Virgil Tracy is an excellent investment if you are looking for an all-round nice guy. He comes complete with a range of accessories including wrenches, paint brushes and a honkin’ great green machine with which you may have to compete with for his attention...amongst other things.
If nice isn’t enough (and green is not your colour) and you’d prefer the rakishly handsome, daredevil, Jim Kirk kind of guy, then you might as well go straight to the top and get yourself a Scott Tracy. Built for speed, flirt and for swooping you off your feet, Scott will tick all the boxes of all people at your party.
Suave with a devilish smile, this Tracy knows how to work a room. The eldest of the brothers, Scott knows how to give commands and make sure they are followed. You may even find yourself caught in his thrall as sapphire blue eyes and chestnut hair, tinged with the grey of authority, lend their persuasion well to his cause.
This Tracy is built for speed and at Mach 20 there is no faster. Combined with his strategic mind and his terrible determination, this is a man who knows how to get where he wants to go and fast.
He is one hell of a ride.
Just be aware that should you piss him off, he may run you over, then back up and toast you with his afterburners, because big brother Scott has a temper. It is especially advisable not to injure or offend one of his younger brothers or any member of his family for that.
You won’t like him when he’s angry.
Ultimately though, beneath the commander and the bravado, Scott has a soft marshmallow centre...protected viciously by his brother Virgil. Remember those muscles? You don’t want to go there, trust me.
But treat big brother right and you become part of that family and he will defend you to the death.
Military option fully included.
It should be noted that Scott Tracy does not come as a single man. Alan will be coming with him because despite being eighteen, Scott isn’t ready to let the apron strings drop just yet. Also there are three other brothers to consider, and a grandmother. Scott Tracy comes as a total family package.
Bet you didn’t see that coming behind that suave and sultry smile, did you?
Too bad.
Because really you can’t have one Tracy without the others. Despite the apparent simplicity of five billionaire brothers and their heroic lifestyles, these five are one tight knit group. You will never quite have a plus one, it will be more of a plus five.
And I have yet to mention your main obstacle.
You like the youngest Tracys with their sunshine smiles, or Virgil with his soft heart, John with his tender attempts at conversation, or even Scott as he stares at you with that worried frown on his face? Never forget what is standing between them and you.
Think twice before you commit.
Because none of the havoc the boys can cause can be compared to what I can offer you.
Remember that.
 Very sincerely,
Kayo Kyrano
International Rescue Security
And your worst nightmare.
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Triathlon Wetsuit
Looking to buy the Triathlon Wetsuit at affordable prices? Visit us to buy the Sleeveless or Full Sleeve Triathlon Wetsuits from a reliable platform only. You can try at Synergy Wetsuits
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newwaveswimbuoy · 4 years
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Repost from @vi.tris My Synergy wetsuit came in the mail yesterday so of course I had to try it out today! It was very hard to get into, but I did it eventually. 😂 I ordered one a little on the small side as I am still (slowly) losing weight and was worried it wouldn’t fit but it did. 😊 It kept me warm in the 57 degree water and the buoyancy is really nice. My hands, feet and face were numb but whatever 😂 I am SOO happy to start swim workouts again!!! #swimmersofinstagram #synergywetsuits #ows #openwaterswimming #cayugalake #swimming #triathletesofinsta #athenatriathlete #swimbikerun #trilife #ironmantraining #ironmantri #swimmer #tri365 #tritraining #triathlontraining #3athlonlife #triathlete #thetrihood #top_triathletes #halfironman #triathletes #swimming #triathlon #ironmantriathlon #swim #triswimpics #triathlon_in_the_world #openwaterswimming #triathlonlife #swimrun #ironman703 — view on Instagram https://newaveswim.com/3f3NieK
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