aniso-pride · 1 year
Um is it possible to non-binary and use Anisosexaul?
yes. first thing: nonbinary isn't a monolith, but even if it was it would make sense to be anisosexual and non-binary.
but there could be different perspectives in the way one uses anisosexual when one is non-binary. for example, a ceteroflexible/enboriflexible nonbinary would be anisosexual. there are also non-binary whose predominant attraction is gay/gai towards certain binary genders (i.e. trixianflexible/torianflexible). there's also symmaic(flexible). some enbyhet individuals may reclaim the word homosexual for themselves and thus capable of being aniso as well.
so nonbinariety/nonbinariness is ample and diverse. and diamoric covers it well sometimes
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