sylvanasses-blog · 7 years
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sycllia shadespire, demonic attorney by @mandromeda
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sylvanasses-blog · 8 years
1, 3, and 8 for Courick and Sycillia hahaha
1. what niche genre of music does your OC listen to and get into arguments about on reddit
courick starts listening to psychedelic pagan freak folk and only psychedelic pagan freak folk or gregorian chants and motets
scyllia gets into old recordings of ballroom music slowed down with added ambient noise- dark ambient/plunderphonics. or she gets really into polyrhythmic harp music or whatever genre https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xaRNvJLKP1E is
3. which memes does your OC enjoy the most
courick enjoys classical 4chan memes- you mad bro, trolled,feels guy/wojak, heresy memes, archaic rap
sycllia enjoys copypastas like what the fuck did you say about me you little bitch, if there were two guys on the moon along with OBJECTION! memes and things like brodyquest and shooting stars by bag raiders
8. if your OC had a fandom, how would they be mischaracterized (bonus: what would the discourse surrounding them be about)
courick is a presh bb cinnamon roll who can do nothing wrong uwu. a lot of discourse about his cannon sexuality and if mind control is morally wrong or right 
addendum now that i think about it- courick would have a bunch of stans similar to loki, snape, eridan, the onceler,etc, villainous mae characters who’s evil is totally overlooked because they’re charming, smart, and so on. uwu ryan courick defense squad
sycllia is too new of an oc to know how she’d be mischaracterized lol 
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sylvanasses-blog · 8 years
11, 14, 32
 11.  How are they vocally expressive? What kind of voice, accent, tones, inflections, volume, phrases and slang, and manner of speaking do they use?
Courick has a deep voice that seems used to public speaking or acting, always speaking a but louder than everyone else around him. His accent is neutral but slightly lilting and singsong. Has a touch of preachy/holier than thou tone when speaking. 
Occasionally wheezes.
i imagine him sounding like Dagoth Ur from morrowind - deep, dramatic like a villain in a play, theatrical, and having a faint echo to it.
His diction is fitting for a priest and a gentleman who was once a simple farmer. makes a lot or references to his faith in speech. His language is rife with symbolisim and metaphor if one knows where to look. HIs grammar and word choice feels a bit antiquated at times, using words that are out of date like verily and thee/thou etc
ever so often will drop the lofty formal intellectual speech for something much more downhome and colloquial.
has a well trained singing voice, though its gruff from years of whiskey and cigarettes. (i always imagine leonard cohen)
since you didn’t specify characters, dear anon im gonna do both courick and sycllia
Sycllia has a high pitched, slightly nasally voice and a neutral accent. There are times it sounds like she sucked in helium. Her diction often is sprinkled with legal jargon. Her vc is Kristin Chenoweth. 
14. What do they care deeply about? What kind of loyalties, commitments, moral codes, life philosophies, passions, callings, or spirituality and faith do they have? How do these tend to be expressed?
Courick cares deeply about - the undead, the light, the people in his life, lordaeron, wheat farming, history, nature and the delicate human mind
Sycllia cares deeply about - justice, vengeance, destroying the burning legion, her found family within the illidari and the return of illidan stormrage.
Do they have any “props” that are a significant part of their life, identity, activities, or self-presentation somehow? What are they, how are they used, and why are they so significant? How would these props’ absence impact them, how would they compensate, and why?
Courick’s ‘prop’ is his vestments and staff. Without those, he looks like …a dead old man…which is what he is, but the robes make him look like a legitimate priest. people trust you more when you look like that, which is something he enjoys.
Sycllia’s ‘prop’ are the business cards she is often seen handing out. Few people believe her when she says she is a ‘demonic attorney’ and it makes her seem more legitimate.
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