missfrieden · 3 months
Bad Batch ancient Egypt AU
Bad Batch AU Egypt
In a land, thousands of years ago, the sun was always shining and life depended on a river. The vein of life, the Nile. The visual representation of Hapii.
This idea came to me, because of personal interests, research and work. I decided to try it, and not be overly too specific with the practices and dynasties. Basically mushing the kingdoms a bit together, so I can really try to also educate in a way. I will try to link information which may confuse, or try to explain it within the story. I am always open to answer any questions.
This one introduces the reader. Due to the concept I have in mind it is a pale skinned, tiny female. Most not sure whith whom I will couple her, probably going to be Tech, because I feel more secure in that with this AU. But I am open for wishes and leaving my comfort zone.
Chapter 2: The Foreigner
Crosshair stood at his usual spot by the Nile seaport, watching the incoming boats with his keen eyes. Something he often does when not out hunting, due to his perfect sight. It was a quiet afternoon, the sun casting long shadows over the water. Most ships carried goods and travellers, their presence noted on the scroll he held in his hand. He glanced at the list, checking off each arrival with precise efficiency.
His attention was caught by a small, damaged boat approaching the dock. It wasn't on the list. He leaned slightly forward, his eyes narrowing as he scrutinized the vessel. On board, he saw a young woman, her skin tone much paler than any other visitor. She looked exhausted, barely able to keep herself upright. The boat seemed barely seaworthy, a stark contrast to the robust vessels usually seen here. "Why do they always come here for help?" he muttered to himself, his hand instinctively drifting towards his bow. Only his respect for Ma'at, the goddess of truth and justice, kept him from drawing it. He was a guardian of order, and it was his duty to assess and handle every situation with balance and fairness.
As the boat drew closer, Crosshair could see the woman more clearly. She was small, about 1.58 meters tall, with soft, long hair and eyes that are attentive besides the bags beneath. Her expression was a mixture of fear and exhaustion. She wore a thick grey woollen dress and a fur coat made of wolf skin, clothing completely unsuited to the Egyptian climate. She looked like she was on the brink of collapse. The boat bumped against the dock, and Crosshair swiftly moved to secure it. He then turned his attention to the woman, who was struggling to stay conscious.
"Are you all right?" he asked, his voice calm but authoritative. She didn't respond, her eyes wide with terror. Crosshair realized she didn't understand his language. Her lips, soft and plump, trembled as she tried to speak, but no words came out. Sensing her desperation, Crosshair softened his tone trying to keep in mind what Hunter told him. "It's okay. You're safe now." Which still came out gruffer than he tried to.
He motioned for a nearby dock worker to bring water and food. The worker, understanding the urgency, hurried off. Crosshair then helped the woman to sit down by a bench on the dock, supporting her as she swayed on her feet. Her body was trembling and frail but curvy, and a bit chubby, but she felt light in his arms due to her weakened state.
"Y/N," you managed to whisper hoarsely, pointing to yourself. Trying to at least communicate your name. The words spoken around you make no sense, what you did expect. "Y/N..." Crosshair repeated, nodding. He tried to convey that you are safe, but your fear was palpable. He needed help from someone who could communicate better than him.
Moments later, the dock worker returned with water and bread. Your eyes lit up with a mixture of gratitude and desperation. Reaching for the water first, drinking greedily. Crosshair watched carefully, she could still be a thread to the kingdom. But he also can see that she must have been through a great ordeal to end up here. As you finished the water and began nibbling on the bread, Crosshair looked around. He needed someone who could help him communicate with you and understand your story. Omega was good with people, especially those in distress. She would know how to help Y/N feel at ease.
Leaving her in the care of the dock worker for a moment, Crosshair quickly made his way back to the compound. He found Omega getting ready to go assisting with evening rituals, her face lighting up as she saw him approach. "Crosshair! What's wrong?" she asked her big brother, sensing his urgency.
"We have a visitor at the docks. She’s in bad shape and doesn't understand us. I think you can help her," he explained briefly. Omega nodded, immediately understanding the situation's gravity. She gathered a few supplies and followed Crosshair back to the docks.
When they arrived, you looked slightly better but still wary and confused. Omega approached slowly, offering a warm smile. "Hello, Y/N," Omega said softly, using the name Crosshair had relayed. "My name is Omega. We're here to help you."
You looked at Omega, your eyes filled with hope and fear. You didn't understand the words but seem to grasp Omega’s friendly tone and gestures. Omega offered you another drink something sweet and some dried meat, encouraging you to eat and regain strength.
Omega turned to Crosshair. "She’s been through a lot. We need to get her somewhere safe and comfortable where she can rest and recover." Crosshair nodded, already thinking of a suitable place for guests and he voices it. "We’ll take her to the guest quarters. It's quiet and secure." Omega quickly interjects. “Plus you ‘no trusting to anyone besides the family’, can keep an eye on her that way.” Crosshair flicked the cut papyri, he often has between his lips, at his sister and she has a way of getting what she wants. She truly lives life to the open principles.
They carefully helped you to your feet, supporting you as they walked. You lean heavily on them, more than you want, but your exhaustion is evident with each step. Omega kept talking to you softly, using calming gestures to soothe your fears.
Once they reached the guest quarters, Omega helped you settle into a bed, covering you with a light linen sheet to replace your heavy, unsuitable clothing, what was a bit of a fight but you seemed to understand. Omega also was a bit confused to see that you wore a thinner woollen dress beneath, which she let you wear as you protested. She arranged for a healer to attend to you, ensuring you had everything she needed.
Your eyes fluttered open, glancing at Omega and Crosshair with gratitude. You still didn’t understand their language, but the kindness in their actions was universal. Dozing off being so exhausted. As the healer arrived, Omega turned to Crosshair. "We’ll need to find a way to communicate with her better. Maybe Echo can help. He knows more about different languages and might be able to figure out how to talk to her." Crosshair nodded. "I’ll fetch Echo. Stay with her."
Omega agreed, turning her attention back to you, who was already beginning to relax under her care. The healer left explaining that she needs a lot of sleep and to drink. Preparing some herbs to give the strange woman some strength before leaving.
Crosshair hurried off to find Echo, his mind racing with questions. Who was this woman exactly, and what had brought her to their shores? He was determined to find out and ensure she means no harm, all while maintaining the order and justice that guided his actions every day.
Echo was in the temple, finishing his evening prayers. Crosshair approached him quickly, explaining the situation. Echo’s eyes widened with concern, and he immediately agreed to help.
Back in the guest quarters, Echo sat beside you, you were now resting more comfortably. He spoke to you gently, trying various languages he knew in hopes of finding one you understood.
“I’m Echo. We’re here to help you,” he said slowly, watching as your eyes squint. You seem not to understand but getting that they pose no danger.
You nodded weakly. “Thank you… Echo.” Your words, besides the names, make also no sense at all to them. Now Echo has to wait for Hunter and the others to tell them of their surprise guest. Heading to the main living area and let you rest.
Your arrival in Memphis was more than just a rescue. It was a testament to the power of compassion, the strength of the human spirit, and the unexpected ways in which lives can intertwine.
Chapter 3
Tags: @sleepycreativewriter @clonethirstingisreal @babyscilence @happydragon @griffedeloup
Also I am on the road to recovery, left ear is totally blocked off still. Can't hear a thing there, but the ritgh one is all good now!
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