#swsa viper
IM HERE!!! Here’s my fab art!! Hope you like it!!
(No one steal pls I worked hard on it :’)
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NOTHING can describe how much I ADORE these, okay?! They're just so perfect!!
The spider brooches are so cool, Viper is terrifying (as she should be!), Donnie. Ohmigosh Donnie. aaaaaaaaAAAAAAAAAAAAAA like, okay, when I wrote the scene it was painful enough for me to do, but to see it happen; to see the fist that looks so much like Raph's actually collide with Donnie's beautiful mind... man that HURTS. Don't even get me started on Leo. His EYES. His TERRIFIED, HORRIFIED EYES. And the blood is so well done, splattered perfectly, absolutely haunting. I'm also a huge fan of traditional art, so impressive job for getting such bright colors to come through! Fantastic background, as well!
Seriously, thank you so much! I adore any and all Spider's Web art!
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iobsesswaytoomuch · 2 months
Tw uhhh.... Implied hallucinations/fear?
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Lol drew the sillies
Thinking about Astros's time in the cell hahahahahahhaggsggagsgxfssyhahahshs
GO READ SPIDER'S WEB WITH STRINGS ATTACHED BY @psychologicalwarclaire!!!!!!!!!
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I was researching cottonmouth snakes because I was bored
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Did that have anything to do with how accurate Viper was when slicing Leo's face and how fast she is in the arena? Or is she just that good?
Also, it says that they're very venomous, and yet I don't remember Viper ever biting them. Does she reserve that for other opponents, or is it because Big Mama wanted him alive, or does she not have venom due to being a mutant, or something else?
Also, I find it interesting how cottonmouths also usually have stripes by their eyes
I can't stop thinking about how she did that to Leo just because she wanted to. There has to be some sort of motivation to do that, right? Was she the snake in that splinter pov chapter from the flashback? Is that what started her nexus campaign, being turned down by her idol Lou Jitsu, or fueled why she did that to Leo? Or did she just wake up one day and decide "you know what, I'm going to become a creepy battle nexus fighter and slice kid's faces open for fun"?
(I was also trying to think of questions because I know how good it feels to be asked about something you're passionate about so I might just be grasping at straws lol. And Viper is terrifying but so very interesting too.) Anyway hope you're doing well :)
Hello! It makes my day to have someone send something that shows that they're thinking about my fic.
Viper was that accurate because she was just that good. She's been fighting in the Nexus since Lou Jitsu was there, so over sixteen years; she knows what she's doing.
The only time Viper tried to bite someone in the fic was when she attempted to bite Raph in chapter 20. She definitely has venom, and should she try to use it, it would be extremely deadly. You are absolutely right that Big Mama instructed Viper to never bite the twins because she wanted them alive. Viper used to use her venom on opponents, but it made the fights boring because they were over so quickly. Viper loves to toy with her victims, and Big Mama wants interesting fights. It's a win win for her to use... other means.
They have stripes by their eyes??? That's... deliciously ironic >:)
Okay, here's the thing: YES, Viper was the snake in the flashback. She was just starting out in the Nexus and as a young rookie, she was doing very poorly. That moment with Lou Jitsu fundamentally changed her. His moment of cruelty (and also his advice) festered. From then on she was more vicious, ruthless, and violent, working her way up to being one of the best in the Nexus. As far as Viper knew, there was no connection between Lou Jitsu and this Astros fellow. She just saw a rookie doing a great job and specifically requested to fight him because she enjoys beating people down. The only reason she chose to fight Leo instead of Donnie is because cottonmouths are natural predators of red eared sliders. Her attack on Leo was planned; she knew exactly what she would do because she wanted to make an impact of this grinning, fresh-faced little child. Viper is just Like That. There was no personal vendetta against Leo.
Fun fact, in early drafts of chapter nine, Viper had a personal thing against Leo. She was going to be getting revenge on him for something, maybe Krang related. But in the end, I decided it was scarier and more haunting to have her cause such horrific pain for no reason other than she wanted to.
Thank you so much for your questions! I love talking about Viper because she is so fun for me to write
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Hiiiiiii imma spam you with questions :]
10.) Which version of Leonardo is your favorite?
11.) Which version of Raphael is your favorite?
12.) Which version of Donatello is your favorite?
13.) Which version of Michelangelo is your favorite?
14.) Which version of Splinter is your favorite?
15.) Which version of April is your favorite?
16.) Which version of Casey is your favorite?
17.) Which version of the Shredder is your favorite?
29.) What is one headcanon that you have?
32.) What was the first thing you've made for TMNT?
33.) What is your favorite thing you've made for TMNT?
39.) Do you have any TMNT OCs?
Answer as many or as little as you want!!! I apologize for how many there are hope I left enough for everyone else😂
Hiiii Obby! So many wonderful questions :)
10-16) Faves
Rise to all of them. Rise definitely has my favorite versions of Leo, Donnie, Raph, Mikey, April, Splinter, and Casey. (have I seen the entirety of the other iterations? ...no, BUT I plan to. One day)
17) Shredder
My favorite version of Shredder is the '87 one. He is so goofy and I love his 'old married couple' vibes with the Kraang.
29) Headcanon I have
When Leo and Raph would fight, Mikey would always go to Donnie. Donnie, in turn, would always have something to distract him or make him feel better. It's realistic sibling behavior (at least in my experience) and it just. means a lot to me.
32) First Thing I Made for TMNT
In the same vein as my favorite headcanon, the first thing I made for TMNT was a little ficlet based off of a drawing that spoke to me DEEPLY. You can find it here. I had never written the turtles before but it was a lot of fun and definitely springboarded my writing.
33) Favorite Thing I Made for TMNT
You might think it's Spider's Web With Strings Attached, but it's actually not my absolute favorite (when it's done it might be. Who knows). My favorite thing was my Donatello cosplay. I poured my heart and soul into that. I'm not a very crafty person, so it was really difficult, but SO worth it.
39) Any TMNT OC's?
I had to make a lot of OC's for Spider's Web in order for it to feel as immersive as I wanted. I needed the arena to feel alive with characters, so I had to make them from the ground up. Dr Mouse, Alpha and Omega, and Silkie are all examples of that. The most OCish out of all of them, however, has got to be Viper. I'm genuinely so proud of how terrifying I made Viper and how much she did for the characters and the plot. Go Viper, I love her.
Chapter 27 is going to have two OCish characters. They're backed up by canon, but only very slightly. I'm excited to get to write them and flesh them out, because they are some very wacky character concepts.
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