#swoc: zoe gurbo
jedi-valjean · 2 years
Which character of yours is the most fun to write?
Ooh. I’ve got some fun ones. I would say my foremost answer would be Koss. Koss is the ultimate bootlicker. He’s a walking pile of cognitive dissonance whose worldview is held together by duct tape and a complete and a total refusal to examine anything about it. Not only does this make him a terrible person, but it also makes him freaking weird. He is incorruptibility devoted to an inherently corrupt system. He’s a shapeshifter spy who refuses to engage in deception. He cannot be swayed from his convictions, but his convictions shift with every passing law and changing regime. He’s terrible and sometimes he’s hilarious. He is a cartoon villain through and through and writing him is definitely fun.
Tarkay has some funny moments as well, because he’s a grifter who thrives in audacity, but he’s not inherently funny the way Koss is. Zoe Gurbo has some funny scenes as a straight woman to some of the more outrageous characters. Zoe’s also fun to write because she’s an Ortolan and I just love writing aliens, especially if they’re weird (and Ortolans in canon are definitely weird.)
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