#swissy rambles
swissyyroll · 27 days
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i saw james live again last night after a very sudden gig announcement and man does he know how to perform!! genuinely could not get tired of the energy he brings and the opportunities he gives me to see my friends again :)
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feralghxuls · 9 months
if you actually don't want to ramble about this then just ignore me, but i am the enabler who sees 'don't get me started' and immediately gets u started:
P l e a s e unleash the angst ramble about Swissy-boy. The people (me) need it.
oh YES i would love to unleash the swisstopher angst
so, like that post said he's a people pleaser. doesn't matter what he's doing, how tired he is, how much he just wants to be a lump on the couch. if one of his packmates so much as thinks about wanting or needing something that will make them more comfortable, he's on it
it's not just physical tasks, either; he'll lend an ear to anyone who needs it, he'll fuck over his sleep schedule time and time again
he hides his burnout extremely well. so well that he barely notices that he's given all of himself and more away. the first time rain noticed, he'd been that way for weeks, and it had taken that long for the exhaustion to reach his eyes, for it to become noticeable that he moves a little slower than usual. and still he was eager to help. desperate to be useful. if he's not helpful, useful, productive, what is he?
"Swiss," Rain said. "Can I ask you for a favor?"
"Sure, anything you need," Swiss chirped, already setting aside the book he was reading (he'd overheard Aether lamenting that no one else had read the series, and he wished he had someone to talk to about it).
"Take a break."
"What? I am. I'm chilling. I'm reading, look!" Swiss held up the book as evidence.
"Yes, I see. But you don't like reading. That's not a break for you, babe." Rain sank down into Swiss's lap, plucking the book from his hands and placing it on the end table. He held Swiss's face gently in his hands, tipping it this way and that. Searching. "You're exhausted. when's the last time you did something for you?"
"I'm fine, I swear. I like doing things for them. And for you," Swiss murmured, trailing his hands down to Rain's waist, pulling him closer. Dodging the question. "I like making people feel good."
"Swiss." It's a warning. "You know it doesn't make you a bad person to say no, right?
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littlehypnone · 10 months
Could we get a little thing of Phantom waking little and really needing some Swissy cuddles after waking up from a very bad nightmare? <3
655 words, little phantom (they/them as usual when small), nightmare, very brief mentions of their life in the pit and summoning, crying, hyperventilating, getting slightly dizzy, cg swiss to the rescue with cuddles, cute happy ending
Phantom’s life in the pit wasn’t easy, not even close, and his summoning itself wasn’t any better. He found a home Topside, yes—and he couldn’t have been more grateful for that—but sometimes his mind forced the poor ghoul to remember his past.
Tonight was one of those times.
Phantom woke up from a terrible nightmare with a choked off scream, tears running down his face, his whole body drenched in sweat as he shook in the darkness. He wasn’t even fully awake but he felt himself dropping rapidly, ending up little in a matter of seconds.
The quintessence ghoul didn’t know what to do. It was so dark around and they were so scared they were frozen in place, curled in a little ball on their side. Their breath started hitching, chest hurting and suddenly they were sobbing so hard they felt dizzy.
Out of nowhere—Phantom didn’t know if it was minutes or hours—the darkness… disappeared. It was light again and they dared to open their eyes. 
Swiss was there. Swiss was with them, a bit blurry and sideways, but he was there, he came for them.
Phantom wailed again.
“Hey, hey, hey, Antsy,” the multi ghoul knelt by the bed, hand hovering over Phantom’s head. They couldn’t manage to choke out one word, hyperventilating, but they weakly pushed their head into Swiss’ hand, telling him touch was okay. “Shhh, it’s alright, you’re safe, I’ve got you.”
Swiss crawled onto the bed, curling himself around the shaking ghoul as they burrowed their face in the bigger’s chest. “Hey, wait, you know I don’t mind but you can’t breathe. Bug, look at me.”
Reluctantly, Phantom pulled his face away and slowly looked up, feeling a wave of relief wash over them just at the soft and kind look on Swiss’ own face. “There we go, good ghoul. Now breathe, baby, okay? With me, in–”
The quintessence ghoul took a shaky breath.
“Out.” They let it out.
Swiss guided Phantom through it, telling them to breathe in and out over and over again and running big, warm hands up and down their back, until they were as calm as they’d get for now.
“It’s okay, Antsy,” the multi ghoul whispered. He reached out for a random shirt that was laying on the side and then wiped Phantom’s tear-soaked face and helped them blow their stuffy nose. “Now you can hide in my chest, if you want.”
Of course they wanted to! They didn’t waste a second, shoving their face into Swiss like before, as the multi ghoul tightened his arms around them, completely engulfing them in comfort.
They laid like that for a few moments, Swiss humming a random tune while Phantom soaked in his warmth. “Swissy?”
“Yeah, bug?” his voice was thick with sleep, obviously on the verge of falling back asleep. He wouldn’t, though, not before he’d be sure that Phantom was going to be okay.
“‘m scared,” they admitted.
“What of, baby? You’re safe here with me, you know that, right?”
“Mmm… yeah, b– bu’ I haded a nightmare an’ there– there was– it w– was dark bu’ t– there was fire an’ it was h– hot…” they rambled before Swiss stopped them. They’d just get worked up again.
“Shhh, baby,” he whispered, “that sounds so scary, bug, you’re such a brave little ghoul.”
“‘m not…”
“You are! So, so brave, Antsy. I’m tellin’ ya.” They really were and they really had no idea. “What do you say I tell you all about how brave you are tomorrow and now we’ll get some sleep?”
“Ogay...” Swiss reached out and turned the lights off. Phantom shouldn’t have any issues with the dark now, especially that their face was still buried in Swiss’ chest. It was dark there, anyway. “Bu’... w– will you stay here, Swissy?”
“Of course, bug, always. I’m not going anywhere.”
"Hmm... that's nice. I like Swissy cuddles."
"I love you too, bug.
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sswissy · 2 years
𝒍𝒐𝒏𝒈𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝒇𝒐𝒓 𝒚𝒐𝒖 | 𝗌𝗐𝗂𝗌𝗌 𝗀𝗁𝗈𝗎𝗅
𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒕𝒆𝒂𝒔𝒆 | 𝒄𝒉𝒂𝒑𝒕𝒆𝒓 𝒇𝒐𝒖𝒓𝒕𝒆𝒆𝒏
Rain couldn't be more adamant that things would be one hundred percent fine that night. But Bellamira was legit shaking against the door of the event trying to catch her breath. As long as Cirrus and Cumulus didn't keep a glass full for her, Mira might have a shot at a normal evening. However it wasn't even just that making her terrified at the moment. It was the idea of making an absolute fool in front of Swiss with the entire clergy watching with bated breath. Ghouls rarely kept companions around the church due to switching partners so much. Not that Bellamira believed that Swiss looked at her like that because that was just hopeful thinking. 
"I'm not letting you stay in this hallway forever, Mira." Rain sighed leaning against the wall next to his friend. Her signature pout appearing that Rain was very much accustomed to. Mira always attempted to get out of things by begging him and nine times out of ten, it worked too well. 
"But Rainy, what if we just go play Mario Kart? It's your favorite and I-" Bellamira rambled on before the ghoul held a hand in front of her. Rain took hold of her arm and struggled dragging her into the room alerting the other ghouls who were gathered at the door inside. 
"Is that how you get woman to come with you, Rain? You drag them around?" Dew snickered. Aether smacked him lightly across the chest making a tsk noise. Cirrus and Cumulus both chuckling next to Mountain who was venting to Swiss whose attention admittedly focusing on Bellamira. He could feel the warmth spreading across his body from the tight dress wrapped around his mate's body showing more skin that he was used to. 
"You aren't listening, are you?" Mountain sighed before turning back to the others who were greeting Rain and Bellamira. Dew narrowing his eyes with the lack of sarcastic comment from the water ghoul; definitely too suspicious. 
"There is my precious little princess, you look uh-" Swiss lightly placed a hand on Bellamira's back trying to find some sort of self control before Rain could pick up on it. She instinctively drew closer to his side and could've melted right there when hearing him purr into her ear. His arms completely wrapping around her and tucking Mira against him. 
"Cat got your tongue, Swissy?"  Dew teased. Rain raised an eyebrow in curiosity while leaning against the wall with Mountain who was taking slow sips from his glass. Cirrus quickly grabbing for Cumulus when the music started back up again nearly knocking into Mira on the way. Cumulus shouting sorry as Swiss kept his mate balanced as Mira was blushed red. 
"I think you uh- look really good tonight." Mira whispered to Swiss who froze as she placed a hand on his chest smiling up at him. His heat becoming crueler by the second, Swiss cursing himself for even wanting to crumble by her touching him. He couldn't even begin to imagine what it would be like with Bellamira underneath him taking every inch of him. 
"Don't run off but you look very fuckable right now, princess." Swiss kissed her neck and nibbling lightly causing Mira to jump in surprise. His arms tightening around her waist and pushing her against his chest while placing kisses down the length of her neck. 
"Do you want me to stop, sweetheart?" Mira frantically shook her head letting her body sink against him as he leaned against the wall holding her. He continued placing multiple kisses on her skin before sucking on the spot he knew he wanted to put his mark later. Mira gasped trying to not completely crumble right there as Rain stood beside them; the embarrassment not quite worth the harassment. 
"Do you like when I tease you, princess?" Swiss purred. Mira softly bit down at her bottom lip and slowly nodded clutching onto his jacket. His hand reaching to pull one of her legs around his waist before roughly meeting her lips in a heated kiss. She frantically placed a hand behind his neck to pull him closer if possible. 
Bellamira could hear the sound of her heartbeat pound in her ears as Swiss slipped his tongue into her mouth. Her soft moans being thankfully ignored by Rain and Mountain who were innocently talking to each other while gazing at the dance floor with mild interest. She couldn't help but roll her hips against his as his claws dug into her thigh. Granted Swiss acted pretty tame around her, Mira wasn't complaining about this sudden change. Rain had mentioned their heat would be coming at the beginning of next month so it couldn't have been that. 
"What the absolute fuck, Swiss? Are you serious right now?" Rain could smell the sudden wave of arousal with the hiss from his brother next to him. He tugged at Bellamira's arm to get her away from Swiss who was gripping onto her rather tightly. She whined as Rain tucked her under his arm to take a few steps away from the other ghoul. Swiss' tail flickering angrily behind him while hissing at Rain who pushed Bellamira behind him. 
"What the fuck, Rain? She isn't yours." Swiss growled. Bellamira tried to slyly move away from the water ghoul back to Swiss but his arm tightly wound around her forearm. She yelped in surprise as his claws tug deep into her skin causing Rain to quickly release her in shock. His tail flickering lowly in regret and moved to check if it was bad as he assumed. Swiss cooed as he gently pulled Bellamira into him and kissed her forehead as she held a hand over the puncture wounds. 
"I'm sorry Mira, I would never intentionally hurt you." Rain could've cried right then and there. He would've never done something to cause Mira physical or mental pain. She meant to much to him after taking such good care of him since meeting him. 
"I'm okay Rainy, don't worry about it." Bellamira quick to comfort the water ghoul as Swiss pressed a kiss against her hand covering the wound. Rain still not feeling better at the situation letting his head fall as Mountain wrapped an arm around his shoulder. Instantly he had worried that this meant Mira might avoid him for a while as it was a signature thing of hers. But she was still looking at him with those soft warm eyes trying to convey that everything was okay. 
"Let me take care of you, princess." Swiss nodded at Mountain who gently shook Rain's shoulder to get his attention. Bellamira leaned slightly down to catch his eye and waved at him with a soft smile. Swiss guiding her out the door towards the ghoul corridor which was a sweet relief to her. No longer was the loud music blaring in her ears or the curious stares of the other clergy members. It was just Swiss there to take care of her and that's all Bellamira really ever felt that she needed.
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doberbutts · 3 years
sorry I’m sure that you’ve heard thus before but I just can’t get over how beautiful and grown up Sushi looks these days! she’s such a gorgeous young lady. and it’s amazing seeing your training sessions with her. it’s hard to believe she was once a squishy little puppy. sorry I’m rambling bc I’m on vacation and miss my own dog but I just love seeing your girls so much and being able to see how far they’ve come. thank you for all that you share with us
I look at her with new appreciation for how wonderful she's doing and growing up to be every single day. Chihuahuas and swissies might not be my speed of dog but they are exactly what I needed right now and I love them so dearly. Sushi wants so much just to do well and I think she'd adapt well to just about any home given the time and patience to develop into herself. I'm glad she's here with me, and I'm glad I get to share our adventures.
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gonna keep this one less ramble-ey because it’s been a long day and I don’t really want to talk about it right now because i’m too exhausted to do it right now. maybe i’ll talk about it tomorrow or something. anyways, i think i missed yesterday’s 3 good things, so I’ll do 6 in today’s. the first 3 will be things that happened yesterday (if i can remember) and then the other 3 will be for today.
1) Got a shitload of sales, way more than normal
2) Work was good, physically and emotionally. The change of scenery from produce refreshed my perspective on work and i didn’t get so negative about it at all, and i did a really nice job facing the whole department, and there were nuts and snacks and stuff in the breakroom before i started so i didn’t have to go hungry
3) the evening was just very relaxing after, had a healthy meal, then some popcorn, watched grey’s anatomy and did my dailies
1) went out for a swissy, was amazing as it is every single time. i already want to go back for another
2) went to jenny’s house to help her move her stuff. was kinda fun to see a lot of random things of hers that she forgot she even had. dianna was more mature than i last remember so she was pretty cool
3) her aunt’s condo is small and cozy, so i think it’s a nice place to be for the time being. i also like condos for some reason so it was exciting for me to see. 
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swissyyroll · 1 month
sorry i’m not okay i’m not very good with manga reading but i caught up with chapter 96 so spoilers ahead but
ANYA TOLD DAMIAN??? LIKE JUST OFF THE BLOCK?? NO FEAR? mind you moments earlier she was fabricating lies… and she just says yes? he’s really done a number on her omg like the fact she’s been so insistent on not bringing it up even though she uses it as she needs to… and yet she just does tell him???
scared to read ahead now in case he just goes “pffft you’re crazy and lying to me” and hurts her feelings perhaps
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swissyyroll · 2 months
fit’s chat scare me because so many people just turned on their heel about bluey??? i don’t watch it but i thought a LOT of people watched it from time to time, not necessarily in twitter?? like damn ok a lot of people seemed horrified to be associated with it lmao
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swissyyroll · 4 months
putting this here because tumblr gives you media - a lot of weyes bloods reminds me of fitpac but this song - “i love you and you have to know” i feel were seven words indeed that were never said even though they had to know? and yet it set them free in that maybe if it was said it would’ve hurt more. but they knew how the other felt about them. and q!fit carries that love with him, as he goes on and carries his son with him too.
i also very much hear them in this. “picture us better, we finally found a winter for your sweater. got a brand new big suit of armour, it’s tough. since you left i’ve grown so much” -
i picture q!pac admiring q!fit’s jacket which was left in his chest, knowing the adventures he had been onboard whilst waiting for fit to come back.
“waiting for the call from beyond, waiting for something with meaning to come through soon”
i think that would’ve been the calling from the goddess. he at least visits her with the knowledge that q!fit would be safe no matter his whereabouts, she would keep an eye out for him.
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swissyyroll · 3 months
as much as i’d love to see fit in other mcc’s…. mcc on its own is not the greatest i believe 😬 no slander to the actual games etc but i’ve seen some iffy stuff as to the organisation.
HOWEVER…. fit should participate in similar competitions and little games and stuff like that!! it’s so fun and he seems to really enjoy them 😭😭
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swissyyroll · 2 months
hello tumblr i feel like i’ve not been on here for days
i would like to note that the british weather does not stop for a girl’s graduation unfortunately
BUT I DID ITTTT!!! yesterday (i did actually start writing this yesterday but i forgot to save the draft) i walked the stage!! and got my degree! such a weird and nerve wracking experience but also so lovely because i got to graduate with the most loveliest people i’ve ever known thanks to my frankly amazing lecturers.
and now i’m back in limbo! but i know it’s going to be okay :)
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swissyyroll · 3 months
its just under a week that i find out my results for this year, and my graduating result. and i’m SO nervous because i’ve done so much better than expected this year because i knew it was double, but last year was not so good so i’m not quite sure how far it’ll be brought down by last year’s work. but…. fingers crossed i’ll open that results portal and it’ll present me with a first!!
which… a first is crazy to me. they said at the beginning of university to carve out your goal, what you’d like to aim. always aim higher, but set yourself a goal. and me being me just crossed out the first completely; when i did my a-levels, it hit me just how hard it truly was for me to focus on subjects regardless of my passion for them, and i’ve struggled with this all 3 years of my university life. but to be told i’ve actually been doing so much more well than my brain anticipated is… just beyond me. seriously.
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swissyyroll · 2 months
moved my engaged sims into their second house in a week because i decided they do in fact want a child
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swissyyroll · 2 months
i hate enjoying and consuming new media because suddenly every thought could be applied to it maybe every song i hear could fit their situation yes this is about spy x family i cannot stop thinking about it genuinely
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swissyyroll · 2 months
hello tumblr ive been feeling ill for half an hour BECAUSEEEEE OSCAR WAS IN FIRST AND LEADING SO FUCKING WELL???!!!! HELLOOOOO???
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swissyyroll · 15 days
feels odd to say there’s a fitmc stream again but there is how crazy. dusting the chat like an old shelf fr
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