#swiss is a certified light turn off-er
pro-memoriia · 14 days
Can I get some sweet Dew/Rain please? 🤭💕
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🧡❤ Swiss x Dew ficlet ❤🧡
Dewdrop sighed and rolled onto his side, internally cursing at Aurora. She needed to do laundry earlier but Dew's didn't get done drying. She didn't care, or just didn't notice, though. So Dew's bedding got thrown out of the laundry room, damp and cold. He didn't have time to fix it, and he wasn't really in the mood to yell at her, so he just grumpily accepted it.
His blanket was wet. His sheets were wet. His pillowcase was wet. His stuffed animal was wet. Wet and cold, that was all he felt in his bed. There was no comfortable position, no comfortable spots, it was all just wet. Dew hated it, he felt disgusting, and he was freezing.
Eventually, he grew sick of it. He got up and walked out in just his boxers. That probably wasn't helping his problem, but it was how he usually slept. He hugged himself and stomped to Swiss' room, giving a firm knock on the door.
He opened up in a moment, to no surprise. It was only 10, and Swiss was usually up fairly late. "Hey, firefly."
He noticed Dew's appearance and was confused. "What happened?"
"Can I sleep with you tonight?"
Swiss nodded and moved aside so the smaller could get in.
Dew wasted no time getting into bed. He rushed over and flipped the comforter up to bury himself underneath it. He laid on his back and pulled the covers up to his chin.
It was comforting. It wasn't cold. It wasn't wet... And it smelled like Swiss. And it came with Swiss... It was perfect.
The multi ghoul watched it all with humorous confusion. He laughed and dropped onto the bed with Dew. "So, what happened?"
"Aurora switched my bedding before it finished drying so now my bed is damp and cold."
Dew's expression was neutral, but still slightly angry. Swiss chucked and sighed. "In the morning, I'll help you get it off and put it back in to dry." Dew nodded.
Swiss crawled under the covers and opened his arms to offer a hug. Dew accepted, eagerly shifting over to be held by his mate. Unfortunately, he was still tense and a little shaky, zoning out at the wall.
Dew's eyes snapped towards Swiss when he heard his voice. "What?"
"You okay? What's wrong?"
Swiss looked worried. He had that look on his face, that smile that offered comfort but was useless with the look in his eyes. It was a sweet expression, but Swiss pretty much always had a sweet expression. Dew liked that. He was originally jealous of the positivity Swiss was always able to express and the sheer emotion in his faces. Dew could never do that, which is why he learned to appreciate it. Because in some of his worst moments, Swiss' face was the only one to look at him.
"Nothing," Dew replied. "Just tired."
He looked a little grouchy, but he always did when he was sleepy. Swiss wasn't entirely convinced his mate was okay, but he'd leave it be and check up on it if it pursued in the morning.
"What?" Dew knew Swiss didn't believe him.
"Just making sure you're okay. I don't want my firefly losing his flame."
Dew didn't smile for a second. He just gave Swiss a look. But after a second, he grinned and turned his head with a soft laugh.
Swiss sighed and rolled his eyes. "What? A ghoul can't be corny every once in a while?"
Dewdrop just shook his head and laid it on Swiss' shoulder. "I love you," he said quietly.
"I know."
Dew lifted his head and narrowed his eyes. "Well, fuck you too."
"You'd like that, wouldn't you?"
"Nope. Already done it, didn't live up to my standards," Dew replied.
"Well then, maybe you should lower your standards to your own level, tiny."
Dew sighed. "Maybe squatting down would give you a better ass."
"My ass is perfect, thank you very much."
"Is Aurora the one feeding you these lies or is it Mount?"
"Neither, Dew. It's myself."
"Yeah, that adds up."
"You can't do math, firefly."
"And you don't understand figures of speech. Guess we both need to go back to elementary school."
Swiss chuckled and cupped Dew's chin, bringing him in for a kiss. The two smiled against each other's lips, giggling when they accidentally bumped teeth.
"Aren't you glad Rory took out your laundry too earlier?"
"This is nice, but no. I want my bedding to be warm and dry again."
"I know," Swiss said, nodding in acceptance.
"Can we sleep now?"
"Sure. Want me to turn off the lights?"
"Fuck do you think I am? An animal? Yes, turn the lights off."
Swiss scoffed and got up, shutting off the light. He came back over to the bed and turned off the lamp on the side.
He crawled under the covers and hugged Dew. The smaller ghoul curled up with his head on Swiss' chest.
Dewdrop didn't care about his wet bedding now, he was just eternally grateful for the warmth of his mate's familiar body that embraced him in his sleep.
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