spencersarc · 4 years
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This is the furthest Ive got in the cold water since my little blip a few weeks ago. ⁣ Today though I did it. ⁣ It’s not far as you will see if you swipe but it’s where we usually swim to and from. ⁣ I stayed in 7 mins today at a temp of 10.9. So not majorly long however still feel a great sense of achievement. ⁣ ⁣ As we are allowed to meet one other person outdoors hopefully We can continue these little dips through lockdown. It really helps my mental health. ⁣ ⁣ Anyway Happy Tuesday all ⁣ ⁣ Remember we will be ok. We will get through this winter. ⁣ ⁣ Which is easy to say for me today as I’m euphoric after my dip and the sun is shining. ⁣ When it’s dull and cold and I’m stuck indoors my attitude changes. But I’ll still try to keep hold of this feeling as long as I can. ⁣ ⁣ #mentalhealth #coldwaterswimming #riverswimming #wildswimming #happy #owswimming #thisgirlcan #herspirit @herspirituk #swimmingformentalhealth #coldwatertherapy #thisis40 #wellbeing #addictedtocoldwater #101thingsthatmakemesmile https://www.instagram.com/p/CHICPvBF-7f/?igshid=10dftlok21ann
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