#sweetpeat x y/n
writing-wh0re · 4 years
Hi I saw ur taking requests so maybe something in s5 Riverdale after the time jump and sweet pea and y/n have a little family and she works at the high school as a history teacher or something :)
All writings will be #writing-wh0re-requests
Likes are great but feedback is golden - Open to all feedback, I know there is room for improvement. 
Hope this fic lives up to your standards! Please enjoy it :) 
Y/C/N (Your Childs Name)
Pairing: Sweetpea x reader
Word Count: 1,380k
Warnings: None really, Fluff mainly. 
“Have a great break everyone! Enjoy yourselves!” I shout over the crowd of kids leaving the classroom, a chorus of ‘you too’’ filling the air. 
I quickly gather my papers and folders dumping them into my leather book bag as I rush out of the classroom as well. I lock the classroom door, having to stop for a second as my baby stirs around inside my stomach. 
“Woah sweet girl, I’ll slow down for you.” I say rubbing my stomach as I start to walk out of the school at a quickened pace. 
“Ah, Y/N, do you have a quick second?” Rick, the head of English asks as I huff. 
“Has to be quick Rick, I need to pick up Y/C/N.” 
“Just wanted to wish you a good break, plus Kathy wanted me to pass this little gift onto you from all of us.” Rick gestures to my huge stomach as I smile. 
“That is so wonderful, thank you, pass on my thanks to all of them.” I smile brightly as I look at the clear lidded gift box filled with baby booties, a baby beanie and a pacifier. 
“Have fun, enjoy your time.” Rick dismisses as I nod and continues to walk out of the school, rushing to be on time for Y/C/N, knowing he will give me sass if I’m late. 
“Mummy! Finally, you’re just on time.” Y/C/N giggles slinging his bag onto his shoulders. 
“Y/C/N had a great day today, what did you learn today Y/C/N?” Kortney the kindy teacher says as Y/C/N smiles brightly. 
“I learnt easy maths” 
“Oh, baby that is great, I’m so proud of you, you know daddy is coming home tonight” I say brushing back the hair that has fallen in front of his face. 
“Daddy is home tonight! Bye Miss Kortney!” Y/C/N waves rushing to get out the door, excited that Sweets is home from doing his long haul trucker trips for the serpents. 
“Thank you Kortney, see you in two weeks.” 
I quickly waddle behind Y/C/N to the car, buckling him in as we get ready for our drive home. 
“Daddy, we’re home!” Y/C/N yells holding the door open to our small one story three bedroom home. 
“Ahhh, Y/C/N, how are you buddy?” Sweets says picking up Y/C/N as our little boy wraps his dad into the tightest hug he can muster. “I’ve got to say hi to mummy, go empty your bag.” Sweets says as Y/C/N nods, walking into the kitchen to empty out their kindy bag. 
“Hiya daddy.” I smirk as Sweets runs at me, engulfing me into a tight but gentle hug. I feel my heart swell with love as Sweetpea cups my face with both hands, kissing me. 
“Hi Mummy, how are my two girls?” Sweets asks as he bends down to softly kiss my stomach. 
“She is very active today, probably knew her daddy was home again.”
“How was school baby?” Sweets asks, brushing my hair behind my ear. 
“High school kids are so moody and none of them care about modern history, it bugs me, they don’t listen, like it's cool to not care about school.” I huff as Sweets smiles at me. “History is an elective, they can choose not to do it, we don’t force them to do it.” I ramble as Sweets nods along. 
“Looking forward to the break then?” Sweets chuckles as I nod. 
“It’s good to have you home.” 
Sweets smiles wide as he grabs a hold of my hand and leads me to the kitchen where Y/C/N has emptied his whole bag onto the floor and can be found deep in the pantry looking for cookies. 
“Can I help you, sir?” Sweets asks getting down to Y/C/N’s level. 
“I need cookies daddy, mummy says they are only for special days and today is special.” Y/C/N attempts to reason as Sweets looks back at me. 
“That was the best explanation, I can’t argue with this little man.” Sweets says as he ruffles Y/C/N hair. 
I waddle over to the fridge, grabbing a bottle of water as I lean against the kitchen counter. 
“I’ll have to go to the bar tonight, Toni is performing and needs me, unless you need me here baby.” Sweets says holding my hips as I smile. 
“You’ve got to do what you have to do for the club Sweets, I get it, Y/C/N and I will have a movie night.” I say as Y/C/N nods excitedly. 
“Daddy, please stay.” Y/C/N pouts tugging on Sweets pants as he looks between me and Y/C/N. 
“Aunty Toni needs me buddy.” Sweets tries to reason as Y/C/N shakes his head. 
“I can talk to Aunty Toni.” Y/C/N sasses as Sweets chuckles. 
“I’ll talk to her buddy, let me see what I can do.” Sweets smiles, grabbing his phone as he quickly pecks me, leaving the kitchen to call Toni. 
“Once you finish that cookie, it's bath time okay.” I say as Y/C/N smirks cheekily. 
“You have to catch me mummy!” Y/C/N squeals as I smile rolling my eyes at my very energetic child. 
Before I can attempt to run after Y/C/N Sweets walks into the room with him over his shoulder, giggling like mad. 
“Well, It's officially a full family movie night, I’ll see the serpents tomorrow.” Sweets smiles as I waddle over to him, kissing him as Y/C/N whines. 
“Yucky.” Y/C/N complains as Sweets and I chuckle, kissing each other again causing more complaints to fall from his lips. 
“Come on my boys, it's bath time.” 
Sweets is instantly running down the hallway to the bathroom to bathe Y/C/N. I quickly grab my phone and dial Pop’s, ordering three milkshakes and burgers. 
“I have one quick request and you’ll get something out of it.” I smirk placing my hands on Sweets chest. 
“Tempting, what can I do baby.” Sweets asks, holding my hands as Y/C/N stands next to us. 
“Drive to Pop’s and get our order please?” I ask as Y/C/N does a little happy dance next to us. 
“Milkshake time, milkshake time.” Y/C/N sings as Sweets and I chuckle. 
“That’s all you.” Sweets gestures to the little performance as I shrug. 
“Hey, you chose to marry me and have this little bundle of joy.” I state as I ruffle Y/C/N hair. 
“Okay, I’ll be back in fifteen, get the movie ready.” Sweets says kissing both of us on the head as he leaves to pick up dinner. 
“Monsters Inc, daddy and I talked about it.” Y/C/N declares walking into the lounge room as he starts to hunt for the dvd. 
“Good choice baby.” I say helping him get the movie ready. 
“Go get your pillows and blankets baby.” I say as Y/C/N runs to his room. 
I wake up with a kink in my neck, looking around my surroundings all of us having fallen asleep before the movie had even ended. 
“I’m too scared to move and wake him.” Sweets whispers as I look and see Y/C/N laying in an odd position on Sweets. 
“He has been sleeping like a rock lately, I have to go to our bed, your little girl hurts my back.” I say rubbing my pregnant stomach as Sweets nods. 
“Of course baby, I’ll meet you in there, I’ll carry him to bed.” Sweets says as Y/C/N falls limp, light snores coming from his mouth as Sweets shifts his weight and carries him to bed. 
I get into our bedroom, pulling down the covers as I get into bed, the comfort of the mattress relaxing my sore muscles. 
I feel my eyelids get heavy, fighting sleep to try and wait for Sweets to get to bed. Deciding to wait for him with my eyes closed, a little rest. 
I feel the bed dip beside me, my eyes opening to see Sweets getting into bed shirtless, hair damp, the smell of his body wash filling the air. 
“I’ve missed you.” I cry slightly as Sweets pulls me closer to him.
“I’ve missed you too baby, I miss my little family so much.” Sweets sniffles as I hold him tight, sniffling as well.
“Shh baby, lets sleep.” Sweets coos as I snuggle into the comfort of my husband, savouring every moment I have with Sweets before he hits the road again.
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