#sweet pea imagie
whyiwrite · 6 years
Sweet Pea x Ghoulie!Reader
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Requested: No
About: You are Malachais little sister and are a part of the ghoulies due to the bloodline, one day you catch the eye of a certain serpent.
Warnings: Badassery lmao
“Being related to the leader of one of the gangs of the Southside seems like fun, right? Well, it’s hell.”
“Malachai come onnnnnn!! I think its time that I get in on the action!” You whine as Malachai plans some drag race against the serpents. “I could be really good! Pleasssseeee?” You say with puppy dog eyes. “ No Y/N, you’re lucky I’m even letting you go at all. I don’t like the idea of you anywhere near those disgusting Serpents.” He says not even looking up at you. “Fine, continue ruining my life then. God, you are so much worse than dad was.” You say before storming out and slamming the door behind you.
You were excited about the drag race, you’ve never been to anything the ghoulies have done before. So seeing as how this would be the first time you wanted to make a good impression, but also piss your brother off. How dare he continue to think you’re just some little girl who can’t do anything at all. You had a perfect idea. Would it piss your brother off? Absolutely. Would it anger the rest of the ghoulies? Probably. “I’ve got the perfect outfit for this.” You say out loud as if you were talking to someone. Grabbing the outfit from your closet you hurry to change and do your makeup so you could have a little fun.
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Malachai had left early, which meant you got stuck riding with other ghoulies. “Oh, this is gonna be fun.” You whisper once you realize your brother knowing others had seen you dressed like this would drive him mad. The ghoulie who is driving shakes his head and smirks as you get into the back of the car. “You know your brother is going to kill you dressed like that.” The one in the passenger seat says while laughing. “Not if he kills you guys first for looking at me.” You smirk as their faces go white with fear. “Now that’s the face of a ghoulie.” You say out loud laughing. “Let’s go.”
Pulling up to the race was nerve-racking. You weren’t scared you guys were gonna lose. You were scared of what your brother’s reaction would be. “Maybe this was a bad idea.” You think to yourself as you start to get out of the car not wanting to be embarrassed in front of the Serpents. Stepping out of the car you decide to check your makeup in your phone screen, realizing your lipstick needed a touch-up, you pull out the tube and swipe it on gracefully. You put your phone away and walk over to where the Ghoulies and Serpents were standing face to face. Malachai has not seen you yet. You hear a cat call whistle and snap your head towards the tall hot serpent who was staring at you. “Damn girl, I’d like a piece of that!” He yells as the others pat him on the shoulder laughing and agreeing.
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Upon hearing that Malachai looks over and sees you. He was mad, madder actually, he was pissed. “What are you doing dressed like that?!?” He whisper yells at you as he reaches you. “What? You don’t like my outfit?” You say innocently. “No I don’t like it, not only do you have every Ghoulie eye on you but you have every Serpent eye on you as well. This is not okay, we’ll discuss the later. Got it?” He says angrily. “For now, wear this.” He says sliding his jacket off and putting it over your shoulders. You mock his face but put the jacket on for now. “Malachai the race is about to start, come on. Looking hot Y/N.” He says with a wink as he pulls your brother with him but not before your brother could smack him upside the head.
You watch as a pink haired serpent gets told off by some redheaded northsider whos about to do the honors of starting the race. You quickly run up and stop her. “Not today cherry bomb, this is my moment.” You say as you grab the bandana from your hair and shed the jacket off of you. “You ready?” You ask Jug. He nods his head as a response. You turn to Malachai, “And you?” He revs the engine. You put the bandana in the air and bring it down doing a little dance you knew would get your brother mad. The cars take off and you step back over to where you were originally standing.
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Feeling a presence behind you, you turn around nearly coming face to face with a 6 footers nice stomach. Stepping back you look up and say “Hey hot stuff.” With a smirk he looks down “Hey, I don’t think I’ve seen you around before.” As you were going to answer the Serpents come back yelling about the ghoulies where caught by Sheriff Keller and his crew. “Well I should probably be going.” You say but before you leave you write your number on his arm. “Wait! I didn’t catch your name.” He says stopping you. You turn and look back at him. “Y/N. My names Y/N.” He smiles as you walk away before realizing you didn’t know his. “Mines Sweet Pea!!” He yells back towards you as he runs over to his friends. He smiles as he gets on his bike. “Y/N” He says while smiling loving the way your name rolls off his tongue.
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mysweetserpent · 7 years
A Turn For The Worst
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Request: Can you please write a imagine with Toni and a northsider reader and they have fight, maybe for something like jealous or cheat? You can choose how ends, thanks!
A/N: Oh how I missed you guys!!! But I’m officially back and so excited to see how you guys like some of the pieces I've been working on. Enjoy! Let me know what you think!
The door slammed as Y/N stormed in to Toni’s trailer. They had been fighting all night about Toni’s flirty behavior with Cheryl. Y/N had finally had enough of it. Being too pissed off with Toni, she hadn’t even cared to hold the door open for her. Toni sighed as the door shut in her face. Opening the door, she spoke to her apparently upset girlfriend. “Come on Y/N. Don’t be like this.” Y/N scoffed at her girlfriend’s words.
Y/N wasn’t going to let Toni make this out to be her overacting. She saw what she saw and heard what was said. “I’m done coming second to you Toni. I’m done standing in the background as you continue to flirt with the girl who hates me and apparently loves you.” Flinging the door open to Toni’s bedroom, Y/N grabbed the nearest suitcase and began throwing the items of hers in to it.
“What are you doing? Babe please stop.” Toni pleaded as she took a step closer to her girlfriend trying to block her form grabbing any more of her things. “No Toni. I warned you the last time we fought about this. I will not keep doing this.” She ran her fingers through her hair and took a deep breath. “All these flirtations things that you are doing with Cheryl are suppose to be with me Toni.”
Toni looked down at her own feet knowing that Y/N was right, but she wasn’t meaning to hurt her. It was only some harmless flirtation or so she thought. For some reason, Toni never realized how much this was hurting Y/N. Sure they had fought about it but she just believed Y/N was being overprotective and jealous with a tad of dramatics.
But now as Toni stood in front of her girlfriend, she realized how much this was hurting her and just how real this was. “I’m sorry Y/N. I didn’t mean to hurt you. It was meant to be harmless.” Toni tried to explain to Y/N. After so many fights about this same situation, she couldn’t seem to understand how Toni thought that this wasn’t hurting her. “Maybe harmless for you Toni, but to for me and defiantly not for Cheryl.”
Y/N spun away from her suitcase to face Toni. “As much as I have to stick up for her, but forget about my feelings for a second. Do you really think flirting will someone who is as mentally and emotionally unstable as Cheryl is would be a good idea?’ Shaking her head, she watched Toni’s face hoping to get some type of reaction out of her but her face didn’t change. “And then on top of all that you’re not single. Even more on top of that is your girlfriend has expressed multiple times how not okay with it she is.” Y/N took a deep breath before turning back to her suitcase. “It just isn’t right Toni. Ever since we starting going to Riverdale High everything is taking a turn for the worst and I can’t let myself be one of those things.”
Toni couldn’t think of what to say that she already hadn’t. She knew Y/N had been right, but again she never saw any of it this way. Toni’s silence allowed Y/N to continue her rant. “When we first got together Toni, I told you that I couldn’t be in a relationship where I didn’t feel confident. Piece by piece you have been taking the confidence away. Don’t get me wrong, I am so grateful and happy that you made me take the step forward by helping me come out as bisexual and show who I was. But if this is how it is going to be, I should’ve continued pretending.”
Never really understanding how words hurt, until Y/N said those, Toni’s mouth dropped. Had she really been hurting Y/N all this much? Hearing this from Y/N made her instantly want to take back every flirtatious moment with Cheryl. Toni never wanted to make her partner feel this way. The guilt had now set in and she was beyond upset with herself. “I hurt you Y/N, I see that now. If I could go back and take it all away I would. But please don’t leave me.”
Throughout this fight neither one of them had shed a tear until this moment. Partly because they both knew that no matter how much Toni pleaded, Y/N’s mind was not being changed.
Toni sat on the bed silently crying watching as Y/N continued to pack what she could. As she heard the suitcase zip, she spoke. “Where are you going to go?” Y/N shrugged her shoulders because she honestly had no clue but even if she did, she didn’t want Toni following her. “I don’t know, but wherever I go and wherever you see me just stay away. I’ll reach out when or even if I’m ready.”
All Toni could do was nod in response to Y/N’s requests. It hurt her to hear the word “if”, but it wasn’t about her feelings right now. Y/N grabbed her suitcase and stood it up and then grabbed her other bag. Neither one of them knew what to say so Y/N just decided to make her way to the door.
As Y/N reached out for the door nob, Toni couldn’t help but grab her hand and make them become face to face. “I don’t want you to go baby.” Y/N shut her eyes as the tears poured out from her words. It broke her heart even more to see Toni so distressed and emotional because of her. “I have to.” Was all she could manage to say before kissing Toni on the cheek and making her way out the door.
Shoving her bags in to her jeep, she knew Toni was watching her. Before Y/N got in to the jeep to drive off, she took one last look at Toni who was disheveled and full on crying. Immediately looking away, she jumped in and drove off. And for some reason, her mind managed to get her to drive in an all too familiar path.
When Y/N reached where she was going, she gathered her things out of the jeep and went to the door. She couldn’t help but be in full hysterics by this time. As she knocked on the door, she couldn’t help but worry that she wasn’t want here. After all why would her ex boyfriend want her here? A shirtless figure opened the door, “Y/N?”
“Pea.” Y/N hyperventilated in between words. “I. Need. Somewhere. To. Stay.” Sweet Pea was fully awake by now and ushering Y/N inside, swearing to himself that if Toni was the one to do this to her, there was going to be a huge problem.
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fawnnandfable · 6 years
I’ve been wanting to get back into writing, I stopped a little while ago and just never got back around to writing anything. My inbox has been cleared and I’m ready to start again! so please feel free to hit me up with request! (I do write smut)
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foureoreos · 7 years
Through a Window
A short I wrote in place of chapter for my ongoing FanFic on FanFiction.Net called Unlikely! I wanted to share it on here too! And TBH, you don’t have to even have read my ongoing FF to read this! Anyone can read this and nothing will be different - I mean, it’s an AU after all.
All of this is strictly platonic :)
I like to write about friendship.
“Hey! My name’s Jay! Wanna -”
The young teenager got cut off as the kids stood up and left the table. Jay stared down at the table before turning around to shout at the kids walking away:
“That’s okay! Maybe next time!”
He stood up himself as well and walked towards his fourth period class, clutching the straps of his backpack nervously while looking down. He spotted the small round table sitting by the classroom and took a seat, pulling out his lunch.
“Eh, eating up here isn’t a bad thing,” he started, trying to convince himself. “At least it’s quiet, and I mean, I get the entire table to myself…” Opening his lunch sack, he lifted the sandwich from the container and took a big bite out of it. Jay nodded with satisfaction.
“Yup… nothing better than eating alone… upstairs…” Jay murmured and put his sandwich inside the container, faking a smile on his face when he saw a teacher walk by.
As soon as the teacher went around the corner, Jay stood up from his seat and shuffled into the nearest bathroom.
Sometimes he thought to himself: would anyone even notice if he left? After all, everyone thought he was ‘weird’ and no one even tried to strike up a conversation with him without him approaching them first.
“Nothing better…”
Two years later
“Thanks, Kai!” Came Cole’s voice from the other side of the door. Then, Cole opened the door, humming as he entered the room. “Ah!” He screamed and placed a hand on the wall to steady himself.
In front of him sat his roommate, drowning in tears. His entire face was red, his lips quivering, and his whole body shaking.
“Jay! What’s wrong?” Cole ran and sat down beside Jay on the bed, resting a hand on one of Jay’s thighs. “Jay, what’s going on?”
The ginger was sitting with his back hunched and his head hanging down. His arms hugged himself, tightly clutching the fabric of his shirt.
“I-It was horrib-ble…” he choked out.
“What was horrible? Your visit to your parents? Jay, I couldn’t imagine that going horribly! … How did it go wrong?”
Jay didn’t answer. Instead, he ignored Cole’s question and continued to cry, frantically wiping at his tears using his sleeves.
“Jay… I can’t help you if you don’t tell me what happened.” Jay put a hand over an eye and sniffed, shaking his head. Cole nudged Jay gently, but he continued to shake his head. “Jay…”
“He u-used me, C-Cole…”
“Used you…? Who did?”
Jay wiped the tears again. “M-Morro…”
“Morro? Who’s -” Cole stopped himself from finishing that sentence. “Was he your high school buddy?”
Jay nodded his head. Lucky guess, thought Cole.
“Jay, what happened? I can’t help… if you don’t let me.”
“Hey, Mom! Hey, Dad!” Jay yelled into the house as he closed the door. He set his duffle bag on the floor and glanced around the house, looking for any sign of his parents. “I came to visit…”
He moved slowly and silently towards the kitchen, peering around the corner. “Guys?”
There, at the dining table he saw his dad sitting at one end and his mom bringing out the dishes. “Mom! Dad!” Jay cried once more and rushed in, hugging his dad tightly.
“Jay? Oh, Jay! What’re you doing here?”
“I came to visit, even if the school year is almost over.”
“That’s so sweet of you, dear. You really didn’t have to.” His mom told him with a gentle smile and walked back to fill up the cups with water.
“Heh, what’s all this?” Jay fell into a seat as his eyes followed the steam from the food.
“Dinner, Jay, honey.” Edna said to him before setting a plate in front of him.
“Wow, everything looks so… fancy! Did you guys know I was coming home for a visit? Aw, I love you guys!”
“Uh, no, son, we’re actually having a visitor over.”
Jay’s blood ran cold.
“Wait, what?”
“You remember, Morro, right?”
Jay blinked.
“He’s coming over to have dinner with us. And I guess since you’re here, it just makes things better! Ay?”
“What - what? No… Ma… Pa, but it’s gonna be so awkward! I haven’t seen him in two years!”
Edna looked to Ed. “He’s right, dearie. He and Morro split the last few weeks of high school.” She walked up to Jay. “Oh, Jay, I’m sorry - you don’t have to be here when he’s over. You can wait upstairs.”
“Thanks, Ma,” Jay said with a heartwarming smile. Edna smiled back.
Just then, there was a sudden knock on the door, startling all three of them. Jay couldn’t move from his seat as he watched his mom open the door.
“Morro! Glad to see ya!”
“Hello, Mrs. Walker.” Morro stepped into full view and Jay shrunk back in his chair. “And hello to you, Mr. Walker.”
Ed waved.
Morro came closer to the dining table and noticed Jay, slumped in the seat. “Jay?” Jay bit his bottom lip.
“Morro!” Jay said loudly, popping up with his arms in the air. “Ha, ha! How’s it been? Good? Good, good! Why don’t you take a seat?”
So Morro did as Jay said and took a seat right across from him. He smiled back when Jay smiled at him. While waiting for the rest of the food, they stared silently at each other, trying hard to fight their smiles from turning upside down.
“So! How’ve ya been, Morro?” Ed asked, breaking the uncomfortable silence between the three men.
“Good, thanks for asking. How about you, Mr. Walker?” He glanced at Jay. “And you too.”
Jay fought the smirk creeping up his face.
“I’m doing just fine,” Jay answered calmly.
“That’s really nice,” Morro said back.
“So, uh, what’s the occasion? You just show up to my house after two years and decide to eat dinner with us, acting all formal with my parents?”
Morro shrugged carelessly. “Oh, no, reason, just wanted to stop by and say hi after all these years.”
“Dinner’s ready!” Edna chimed as she set the last, steaming, hot, dish in the middle of the table. “What’re you boys talking about?”
Before Jay could say anything, Morro raised a hand and spoke. “Juuust how lovely you’re looking today, Mrs. Walker! And Mr. Walker you look the same as when I last saw you! Haven’t changed at all!”
Jay gritted his teeth.
“Hah, boys, I didn’t get to answer yet! …” Ed said, trying to come between the obvious tension between Jay and Morro.
Morro’s mouth shaped an ‘O’. “Oh my gosh! I am so sorry, Mr. Walker. How are you doing?”
“Hah, it’s okay, you two. I was just tryna fix all… This…” He told him, waving his hands in the space between the two younger ones. “Yanno.”
“Alright! Let’s eat then!” Jay declared and reached for the bowl of biscuits.
Morro dove for the shrimps and added buttery mashed potatoes on the side. Ed and Edna just exchanged a shrug and waited to get their own food.
Next to the biscuits, Jay added a drumstick of the roasted chicken and a scoop of peas right beside it.
Through the rest of dinner, Ed and Edna tried to start a conversation with all four of them, but either Jay or Morro would somehow find a way to steer the conversation in the other direction.
“Funny story, actually, I ran into some of my old friends yesterday -”
Interested to see where this was headed, he continued to eat but told himself not to interrupt and just listen.
“They grew up to be such jerks! Well, actually, we were all kinda jerks in high school. We would skip class, tease classmates, and dare each other.” Morro popped a shrimp into his mouth.
Jay nodded, pretending to look fascinated. “So did you ever get dared?”
“Once, actually. It was my first year and sometime around the end of second quarter - I was dared to hang out with you. I mean, the entire school thought you were weird, so they wanted me to see if that was true.” Morro said without even thinking twice about the words that came out of his mouth. Jay dropped his fork.
“Excuse me?”
“What… What did I say?”
Jay faked a smile and turned to his parents. “Um, Ma… Can Morro and I talk privately​ in my room for a bit?”
Edna sensed the hurt in Jay’s voice and nodded without saying a word.
Jay shut the door and locked it before spinning around to meet Morro’s eyes. “What?”
“Everything you said back there… was it all true?”
Morro shook his head, confused. “Huh? Well, yes - I mean not exactly… kinda?”
At that moment, the world around Jay stopped moving. Everything fell silent and all he could hear was the sound of his beating heart and his own breathing.
“Jay? You okay?” Morro asked, his voice echoing in Jay’s head.
Jay drew in a shaky breath. “You… used me?”
Morro stared at him with large eyes, unable to move.
“You… I thought when you came over and you saw me, you would’ve wanted to be friends again! … but… you used me…” His voice lowered and he shut his eyes, feeling them beginning to tear up. “You only became friends with me for a dare? And for four years? What was going on?”
“But Jay, I do want to be friends again…”
There it was. Morro didn’t mean that at all. He meant it to sound convincing, but Jay could tell it was all just a lie.
His vision started to blur.
“No you don’t! I know you don’t! You’re just a liar! …Y-You were ne-never my friend! I don’t know why I th-thought you were in the fir-first place…” His eyes found their way to the doorknob. “I sh-should’ve known… N-no one wants to become fr-friends with me…” he added with a whisper and ran out of the room.
Quickly making his way down the stairs, he passed by his parents in a blur and picked up his bag by the door. Hefting it over his shoulder, he gripped the knob and let out a shaky breath. “I-I have to l-leave early…” And he left the house, the door slamming to a close. He jumped into the car, clenching his fingers around the steering wheel tightly. He sat there for a few minutes before he let his head fall forward against the wheel.
And he broke into tears.
Starting the engine, he left for college.
Cole sat quietly with his mouth halfway open. He didn’t know what to say. He tried to imagine himself in Jay’s shoes and what it must have felt like during that dinner, but all he could think about was how heartbroken Jay must’ve felt. The guy came over for a surprise visit for his parents and it all ended in a disaster. A disaster that left Jay in tears.
And to spend your first years of grade school, teased and alone. Then to finally meet someone in high school, only to find out later on that they only became friends with you for a dare and to prove something. It was hard to imagine Jay being one of the most disliked students in high school - to be the excluded from groups and activities.
Not to mention, having someone become friends with you just to prove you weren’t a ‘weird’ person?
Cole’s shoulder twitched when he heard Jay still crying. He looked to his friend, and seeing how miserable he was, he slung an arm around Jay’s back and pulled him closer.
“It’s - It’s gonna be okay, Jay…” He spoke softly, “you’re not gonna lose us…”
Jay choked on his tears.
“How do I k-know th-that?”
Cole’s head snapped up. “…Hey. That’s just your past-self talking. The old you went through things that I’m telling you would never again happen to you today. And if I was near, I wouldn’t have let it happen.”
“B-but… they th-thought I was w-weird… is there s-smething w-wrong… with me? Maybe th-they left because I did s-something wrong. Wh-what did I do wrong?”
“Jay you did nothing wrong. So what if they left? Their loss… you’re an amazing person, Jay, why would anyone ever want to leave you?”
Tears continued to fall from Jay’s eyes.
“E-everyone ignored m-me… It’s l-like I-I wasn’t ev-even th-there…”
It was then Cole realized why Jay was always the way he was. He did that to cover up everything that hurt him, even if it was all in the past. The past was the past, yes, but, how could you forget the past when it left you with a painful scar?
Jay’s smiles… they were all to hide the scars from the past, to keep the broken pieces of him hidden from everyone. He wondered about the times Jay was actually in a good mood - were they all just an act? Or did he really mean it?
Without even realizing it, Jay had wrapped his arms around Cole and buried his face into Cole’s shoulder, the thought of getting Cole’s shirt damp slipping through his mind. Cole’s eyes opened wider when the crying hadn’t stopped. He hugged Jay back.
“Listen, Jay… I’m sorry you had to go through such a rough past, and… trust me, I know how that feels, I was just like you when I was younger. But… if you thought nobody wanted to be your friend, why would you have drove all the way back here? Waiting in the dorm, but still torn?” Cole paused for a moment as Jay’s breathing began to fall back to normal. “You got friends, Jay - real friends who will never leave you.”
“But I-I’m scared… Cole…”
“Don’t be.”
“Don’t be…?”
“Jay…” Cole stopped and swallowed, “You’re… you’re a great friend, and, I Iove you.”
He suddenly felt Jay’s body stop shaking and his shoulders relaxing.
“You… do?”
“Of course I do… you know the reason I quickly accepted to being your roommate next year? It’s because I love hanging out with you. Meeting you changed everything for me. I used to have my nose in a book everywhere! You changed that and signed us up to volunteer at the shelter, then we played paintball, went to the carnival, and even Monty! You would come up with all these crazy excuses and stories for almost every problem you tried to get out of. Everyone you passed by, you handed out a smile, even if they didn’t return a friendly gesture.” Cole sighed. “I know it sounds stupid, but, you taught me… To have fun. Before all of this, I made sure to focus on everything that would help me in a better future, but I rarely put aside the time for video games and such. I loved them, I just… Didn’t care much.
I’m sorry if it never looked like I enjoyed the company, but I do. And the truth is, I don’t know what my life would’ve been like if we weren’t assigned to be roommates.”
Cole’s shoulders raised when he felt Jay clenching the back of his shirt. “Hey, hey - you still crying?”
Jay shook his head with a shaky laugh, keeping his face down. “N-no… I just -” he hiccuped, nearly hitting Cole’s chin with his head - luckily Cole inched his head away. “I’m t-tired.”
“I guessed so,” Cole chuckled and leaned back on his hands while Jay continued to hiccup softly.
At last, Jay looked up, his cheeks a bright bright pinkish red color from all the tears. He cracked a smile and sat up straight, dragging his arm across his face to collect the remaining tears. “Life is hard…”
“Yeah, it is…”
“But, I guess that means, you shouldn’t stop trying…” He sniffed.
“Never, stop trying.”
Jay nodded.
“Hey, um… love you too, Dirtclod.”
I’ve actually never read a fanfic before or heard in the show where the characters use 'I love you’, but not in a romantic way. Specifically talking about Ninjago. I’ve heard it in MLP FiM, Steven Universe, Gravity Falls, and SVTFOE plenty of times but it seems rare with Ninjago.
It’s not a bad thing, yanno? In fact, it’s actually sweet to hear friends say it to each other as well… So, yeah.
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whyiwrite · 6 years
Partners In Crime (Sweet Pea x Female!Reader)
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Sweet Pea x Female!Reader
Warnings none.
Based off of Partners In Crime by Set It Off Fet. Ash Costello
I recommend listening to this while reading: 
Sweet Pea and Y/F/N Y/L/N grew up together since they were born. Best Friends in their youth, lovers in their teens. They were partners in crime. If Sweet Pea was somewhere Y/N was bound to be right behind her. They were tough and badass. And death would do them part, and that was going to happen much sooner than they thought.
Sweet Pea was tired of living like trash so, with some Serpents and his girl by his side he began a crime spree, he didn’t want to hurt anyone. He just wanted the money, and he wasn’t afraid. He refused to hide his identity, he wanted them to know it was him who did it. Made it more fun, right? All the running and always being with his girl. Life was perfect for him, until today.
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They were robbing a Jewelry shop, something they’ve done a million times it felt like. Easy job. Or so he thought. It started like this, “Everybody freeze, nobody move.” Sweet Pea yelled as he pointed his gun at the store owner. “Put the money in the bag, or we will shoot.” You said walking behind Sweet Pea with your gun raised. The other Serpents started grabbing the jewelry and throwing it in a bag as the store owner emptied the register into the bag Sweets was holding in his hands. “Go, Go, Go.” Sweet Pea yelled as you guys took off out the building, you right in front of him. But you weren’t prepared for what would happen next.
The store owner was armed and he wasn’t afraid to shoot. He aimed at you two and hit Sweet Pea's arm, sending him flying to the ground. You yelped in fear grabbing Sweets up and pulling him to the van. But it was too late, you could hear the sirens and see the police cars pulling into the parking lot. You hopped into the back of the van and take your seat with all of the other Serpents, while Sweet Pea reloaded his guns, looking up towards his crew. “Guys, we knew we weren’t going to live forever. We knew this was going to end at one point or another. Now I don’t know about you, but I’m not gonna go back,” Sweets says turning to look at you, “I’d follow you into the ends of the earth, I’m asking for you to follow me right now.” He ends hopping up and jumping out of the van, you behind him and the serpents behind you.
The Serpents were loyal, it was one of their rules after all. They went out fashionably. The way this was going to end for you and Sweet Pea. It was kill or be killed at this time. You watched in horror as each one of your crew was brutally shot by the four police blocking your van in as you and Sweets stood behind the van hidden from the cops. “Come out with your weapons raised, we have you surrounded.” Yelled one of the cops. You looked over at Sweet Pea worried. He grabbed your hand and told you, “It’s okay.” You shook your head, “Where we gonna go?” “He’s got us pinned,” Sweet Pea says to himself shaking his head. “Baby, I’m a little scared.” You say looking over to him. “Now don’t you quit.” Sweet Pea says shaking his finger in front of your face.
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Sweet Pea hops up off the ground and hides behind the passenger side door that was open, He raised his gun and fired off a shot towards the policemen, causing the policemen to fire shots back off at him. Scaring you. You watched Sweets as he continued to shoot, covering your ears. He fires off three more rounds before he returns to your side, looking down at the gun he opens the chamber (I think that's what its called) ( I don't know) and realizes he’s empty and doesn’t have any more bullets. Great.  He sits and thinks for a second before standing up and helping you up. “Remember or moto?” He says looking into your eyes. “You’ll never take us alive” You start, “We swore that death will do us part, they’ll call our crimes a work of art” Sweets says with you, “You’ll never take us alive” You say a little louder, “We’ll live like spoiled royalty, lovers and partners” He says as he takes both your hands, “Partners in crime.” You both say together. Sweet Pea gives you a quick kiss before he pulls you along. “Do what I do, okay?” He says to you.
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You two walk in front of the van, stepping in between the bodies of your crew. Them now dead, which you’ll soon be joining them. The cops trade looks at each other. Not expecting you to surrender. Sweet Pea gets a smile on his face and starts to laugh. You turn your head to look over at him and that's when you see the gun sticking out of the waistband of his pants. “ I love you,” He says before pulling the gun out of his waistband and aiming it at the officers. Before you could react or Sweets could fire off a shot, the cops had pulled the trigger and shot Sweet Pea through the chest. You screamed lunging for Sweet Pea but not before another cop managed to shoot you fatally through the chest as well.
You both laid out side by side in the gravel parking lot of the jewelry store of your last rob. You both had said that they wouldn’t take you alive, and they didn’t. You both had died, beside each other, with each other. The way you guys wanted to. The people who continued to hear the stories years after you and your crew were killed continued to call your crimes a work of art. As Sweets predicted. You were one of the worlds worst crews, by worst they meant best because it took them two years to finally catch you. You two were dead, there was no denying that, but your spirits were still alive. And to this day you continued to haunt the four cops who ruined your heist. Which would continue until the day they all die, so you can rest peacefully with each other. You two were the new aged Bonnie and Clyde. You guys were buried next to each other, Headstones reading “Partners In Crime.”
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whyiwrite · 6 years
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Yellow Sweet Pea Headers 💛🌻
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whyiwrite · 6 years
Fangs Fogarty x Sweet Pea x Poly!Reader
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Requested by: @c-ly-g
“She was seeing someone else behind my back.” Moose told the boys, Archie Andrews, Reggie Mantle, and Kevin Keller. “Who?” Asked Archie and Kevin. “It was a Serpent.” Responded Moose. “What?!” Reggie asked.
While reading listen to https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FkCWPZetwvA
Fangs Fogarty and Sweet Pea were a package deal. You want one, you’ve got to take both. Which was totally fine with you. The pair were some of the hottest boys in town, and they were both very attractive. Sure you were dating Moose at the time, but it was Moose. He wouldn’t need to know. So one night you got a bit to drunk and frisky on the wrong side of town, which led to today, hungover in a certain Serpents bed with two certain Serpents.
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This continued for months, once you tasted the Serpent water that was all you craved and wanted. Behind Moose’s back, you would see Fangs and Sweet Pea, the safest meeting place, Sweets trailer. Knowing full well that if you showed up at The White Wyrm there was a chance Jughead would see you and tell his friends and then Moose would find out. Yes, you felt bad for not telling Moose or at least breaking up with him. But it hadn’t been long since he lost Midge, and you didn’t want to hurt him any more than he was already hurting.
It was a Tuesday night, you had told Moose that you were studying with Betty and Veronica at Pops. A believable lie seeing as how you guys study there all the time, and the boys had football practice till late. Fangs, Sweet Pea, and you lay curled up on the couch in Sweets trailer watching a movie on your laptop, completely into the movie that you didn’t notice the rain.
Moose headed to Pops to meet Y/N since the practice was rained out. He wanted to relax and drink milkshakes with his girl for the first time in forever. What a shock it was when he walked into Pop’s Chocklit Shoppe and saw Betty and Veronica sitting in a booth with Jughead but you were nowhere to be found. That was unusual, if something had come up you would have told him, right? He approached the booth Bee and Vee was sitting in. “Have you guys seen Y/N, she told she was studying with you guys tonight?” Moose asked the girls and Jughead. Veronica and Betty shook their heads, “No, we haven’t seen or heard from her today really. Sorry.” Betty told Moose. “Thanks,” Moose said as he left Pop’s heading to your house.
Moose wouldn’t find you at your house. Your parents not having seen you since you left for school that morning. He had tried to call your phone several times but you weren’t answering. With the black hood running around killing people he began to worry. He called in some of the Bulldogs, Betty, Veronica, Archie, and Jughead to start a search party for you. But what he found wasn’t what he was expecting.
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They had searched everywhere it seemed like. No ones spotted you or your infamous red mustang. The Bulldogs, Archie, Veronica, and Betty all headed home as it began getting late and dark. There was one place they hadn’t checked yet. The Southside. With Jughead by his side, they head there to search for Y/N.
After looking at the Whyte wyrm and every hidey hole in town, Jughead lead Moose to the last place left to look, Sunnyside trailer park. There they would find Y/N’s red Mustang parked out in front of Sweet Pea’s trailer. “Man, I’m gonna let you handle this.” Jughead said heading towards him and his dad's trailer as Moose headed towards Sweet Peas.
Moose found it rude to just barge in, so he lightly knocked on the door. “I’ll get it.” He hears someone say. Opening the door Moose is met face to face with a shorter Serpent tan boy. “Can I help you?” the boy says looking at Moose amused. “Yes, actually I’m curious as to why and where the Red Mustang in your driveway came from?” Moose asked slitting his eyes towards the boy. “Oh yeah, that? You like it? It’s a friends. Now look I gotta get back to this movie but thanks for stopping by.” The boy said closing the door. Before it shut Moose stuck his foot into the door and barged into the trailer.
“Y/N?!” Moose said as he spotted you curled into Sweet Peas side, a shocked and hurt expression on his face.
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Part 2 coming...
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whyiwrite · 6 years
Sweet Pea x Ghoulie!Reader Part 2
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About:You are Malachais little sister and are a part of the ghoulies due to the bloodline, one day you catch the eye of a certain serpent. Part 2
Warnings: nothing new tbh
“Being related to the leader of one of the gangs of the Southside seems like fun, right? Well, it’s hell.”
After the race, Southside High seemed empty. With your brother and his friends behind bars, there were just a few of you ghoulies left free walking. You kept your head down and stayed out of trouble. Sure you were pissed that Jughead Jones’s redheaded friend got your brother arrested. Who does something that stupid? But you weren’t the type of person to act on your anger. You’d leave that job to the others and your brother.
“Keep your head low, go to class, go home.” You say in your head walking down the hallway hoping to avoid all attention. The other students of Southside High knew that with your brother gone you were vulnerable. It’s not that you couldn’t defend yourself, you’re a great fighter. But you grew up around violence so you felt the need to never have to use it unless absolutely necessary.
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Getting home you decide to clean up the place. With your brother and the ghoulies not being there 24/7 you knew you’d be able to get the place clean and keep it that way for at least a little while. You already missed all of them being there and it's only the first week. You did have something to look forward to, Sweet Pea’s call. You thought he would have called you by now. It’s been a week. You know not to get your hopes up but you were looking forward to it anyways. Surely he saved your number before it washed off.
You had been cleaning for two hours now and finally, the place was starting to not look or smell like a bunch of teenage pigs lived there. You were pretty sure you picked up enough Jingle Jangle containers that could supply the whole Northside if they weren’t empty. As you turn to go head to grab a new bag to put more trash in your phone rings making you jump. Excited thinking it might be Sweet Pea you run over to grab your phone answering it. “Hello?” You say hopefully. “This is a collect call from Greendale prison, if you would like to accept this call please press one.” Groaning you press one all hope gone over the fact that it's not Sweet Pea. “Hey little sis, great to speak to you. Heres the thing. There's this place in my room, you know the one where I hide things. I need you to get in there and you know what to it, this is a code red situation. Thanks, Y/N/N it really means a ton. Be careful without me around and don’t do anything stupid. K?” Malachai says quickly in a hurry. “Got it Mal. Be safe in there. You know you're not liked by many of those prisoners.” You say as he hangs up.
“Take care of this Y/N, it's a code red.” You mock him as you march towards his room aggravated and annoyed. You reach his room and instantly slide the floor panel over to view 100’s of bags full of Jingle Jangle, grabbing the bag you go out to the backyard and dump them in the firepit your brother and his friends had made years ago. Grabbing the lighter and lighter fluid you soaked all of the product with the fluid before setting it ablaze. “He’s going to kill me when he finds out I just burned about 25,000 dollars worth of product. He deserves it tho.” You say tucking the lighter in your pocket and going back inside.
The Next Day
You had gone to bed that night disappointed in the fact that you hadn’t heard from Sweet Pea still. He probably never intended to even contact you. Waking up with these same thoughts you were irritated, you decided it was time to make him pay. Getting dressed that morning was easy. You had a hidden closet of outfits your friends had given to you behind Malachais back. It felt nice being able to break out things that made you feel sexy. Once you were dressed and made up you walked out your place with an attitude knowing today would be fun.
Walking into Southside High you could feel all the eyes on you. Even the Serpents were staring. You heard the few ghoulies around their lockers whistling and yelling “Damn!” at you. You chuckled to yourself lightly and looked towards Sweet Pea, making eye contact seductively. You watched as he tried to break eye contact with you instantly failing when a sexy smirk appeared on your lips. You walked over to the ghoulies and whispered into one of your brother's friends ear, “Wanna have some fun?” The ghoulie nods eagerly as you grab his hand and pull him off to a janitors closet.
As you round the corner you run into a chest that looks familiar. You look up at him questioningly, “Sweet Pea?” He looks down at you and then over at the ghoulie your holding hands with, “I don't think your brother would be okay with this, Y/N. May I speak with you in private?” “Fine,” you say dropping the ghoulies hand and walking towards the janitors closet.
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“Look, your number came off before I could save it. I didn't think it was going to rain and it did and it came off.” Sweet Pea says as he pulls you into him, “I love how you dressed like this just tease me.” Sweet Pea looks into your eyes before crashing his lips to yours. You were shocked and surprised gasping as his hands lock onto your hips. When you gasp he slips his tongue into your mouth and you two fight for dominance, Sweet Pea ends up winning. Of course, he does. You run your hands down his shirt covered chest and stomach stopping right over his nice bulge. An idea pops into your head and you begin to stroke his bulge through his jeans. He moans and bites down on your lip hard before pulling away. “If you continue to do that I will take you right here.” He growls seductively in your ear.
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