princessanneftw · 5 months
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Princess Anne and her godson Crown Prince Haakon visiting Norway's Resistance Museum on 22 May 2024 🇳🇴
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takethebodymarc · 8 months
acau taming his horse immediately,, it was meant to be<3
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stargirlstabber · 28 days
oh my god
your König posts changed my brain chemistry thank you so much (also, your blogs color scheme is immaculate)
thank youuu, that's so sweet of you my love🥹 ah yeah, i worked over an hour to change the colors of pretty much everything (not my posts tho), glad you like it🌸🫶🏻
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fangomango · 11 months
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Truly I'm an icon when it comes to cupcakes
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I made 1 Lil dead guy Cupcake, 1 cupcake inspired by Coraline :3, and one spooky river
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And then a Frankenstein monster cupcake, a cat (yes I've seen a cat before i know what they look like, I took...artistic liberties...totally) and a spoooky field
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diaperpete · 9 months
It sure looks like a good morning!
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murdering-time · 2 years
"the answer is a coin! and do you know what coins do?"
|| the voice on the other line doesn't give alice a chance to speak, answering their question themself.
"they roll. coins roll, and they roll, and roll, and roll, until gravity or another force decides it shan't no longer."
-- ☎️
Alice could only slowly nod though quickly realised that the other down the line mayne definitely couldn't see her.
A little uneased, she decided that perhaps this was who Jervis spoke to so much too. The rats. The phone. It made sense. But he really ahoildn't have been taking personal calls on work time.
She remembered beinf chewed out by Cates for that. "Who -- Why? What?"
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prossima-nebulosa · 1 month
I've been reading Ai no Kusabi's novel and let me tell you the rollercoaster of whatever the fuck is happening between those two is totally above me. They're balancing on a thin line between toxic, fucked, wicked love and well it is so morbid and fascinating I love it.
I love it even more because the lore totally backs whatever the fuck goes on
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pirrrratte · 6 months
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this dog is VERY similar to mine, By the way, my dog is like an aunt to him, idk
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My son wanted to be cannibal buddies with you. He told me to send proof of his cannibalism
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Welcome to the club!
I eat human children, check my freezer.
there’s your proof.
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whatsabouttohappen · 4 months
josh just eating his new snacks while tyler is crying next to him, amazing livestream<3
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highdreaming · 2 years
just passing by, i love your page and your works!! hope you’re having an amazing day 🫶🤍
Thank you so much!!!! 💖💖 have a great day yourself!
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undermine-the-instinct · 10 months
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!!!!!FUCK MY HEART!!!!!!!!!!
Lol never mind the fact he stole these flowers from an old lady's garden then out ran her when she chased him down
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whewchilly · 1 month
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Carlos via IG Stories | 29 August 2024
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sunarinscat · 4 months
Hi! I just read your waves one shot and I really thought it was adorable. I’ve been craving some fluff with Kirishima x Reader so If you have a time please write it! 🤗
Of course lovely, here you go..
4:26 am Eijiro Kirishima
The world thinks kiri is rough around the edges but you know he’s a big softie
When Eijiro Kirishima flashes on tv the public sees him as a rough and rugged hero. From his spiked hair to his hardened quirk he is anything but soft. You’ll watch interviews where he walks on screen all big and manly and he’s pestered with questions like:
“how do you stay so sharp?” Or “how are you so strong all the time?” “What motivates you to keep going?”
He’ll smile into the camera and give a general answer about saving people, but then his eyes will twinkle and he’ll mention that he has someone at home waiting for him who keeps him motivated.
You can’t help giggling like a school girl and kicking your feet a little. He’s reluctant to hard launch you because he doesn’t want every villain around to know who you are and use you to get to him, but if he could scream your name to the world he would.
After a long day your rough and rugged man will come home soft and dopey. He’s anything but rough to you. His words drip off his tongue like honey..
“How’s my baby’s day been? Did you miss your manly hero? All pretty in the kitchen makin dinner f’me..”
He rests his hands on your hips and rubs circles across your skin with his thumbs. He latches onto you until your ready to sit down and eat with him. He’ll coax you to tell him the details of your day before he talks about his. He nods as you speak, watching the words leave your lips. An occasional:
“Yeah? Tell me more..”
Then he’ll tell you about all the things that reminded him of you today, before he finally tells you the details of his day.
“I saw the prettiest flower. It looked just like you.. woulda brought it home but that villain got me distracted and I dropped it..”
“Eiji tell me more about the villain, how was the fight? Are you hurt much? Did he get away?”
“No it was all fine, we got him… but that reminds me of this thing I saw…”
When the food is gone and the dishes are washed he whisks you off to take a bath with him. He loves baths, especially with you. He’s got one of those bath trays and you two will relax and watch an episode of “your show” while you shampoo each other’a hair, the bubbles making Eiji’s hair look like an Oompa Loompa. He massages your back with calloused hands and you lean into his touch. You rest your head on his shoulder and trail kisses along his jaw until your fingers are prune-y and its time to drain the water.
You’ll giggle and talk as you go through your nightly routine. You brush your teeth together and he’ll look at you like your an angel. No make up? A baggy T shirt, and foam on the sides of your mouth? He’s in love. He’ll try to kiss you while your still brushing your teeth and you have to bat him away with your hands while you spit and rinse. Once your done you stand on tippy toes and wrap your arms around his neck giving him a gentle kiss.
Finally you sleepily stomp off to bed, eyes heavy. Your head is fuzzy and content as you slip under the covers with Eijiro and dim the lights. He sets an alarm while you play with his hair. He pulls your body flush against his and curls around you. You can feel his chest rise and fall.. rise and fall. You can hear his breath in your ear. You crane your neck to see his red hair (unstyled) falling softly around his face. Your hero is by no means rough or sharp to anyone but his enemies. Even then he’s probably a bit too nice to them… You fall asleep to his heartbeat, knowing your safe and sound with your softie hero Eijiro Kirishima.
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rickeajacksons · 14 days
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texasbama · 7 months
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Awwww 🥹❤️
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