#sweaty johnson
kiwi-peep · 6 months
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Ghostface is drenched coming back from a trial
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ratking369 · 6 months
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No swirls 👇( ignore watermark, it’s my other twitter)
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exiitiosus · 5 months
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❰ danny johnson's personal files ❱ endless edits. duality.
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interacting with most sally face fandom feels like
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theaestheticmodels · 1 year
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hoe4sports · 1 month
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Alessia Russo x Leah Williamson x child
A note from the author: Once again, another fic based off my life. This is a part of a potential series called “Found family”. Enjoy!
Warning: Fostercare, anxiety, long fic
Summary: You are moved into yet another foster home, and you spend your first 12 hours with Alessia and Leah. Oh, and their little companion.
You sit in the social worker’s car while she talks about your new home. She says that this home is a good home, but she said that too about the Johnson family and the Sussex family. You shrug your shoulders as a respons before gripping the ear of your plush cat tighter. The kitty is white, or he used to be white until your last foster father spilled his coffee all over him. You tried to rinse him in the sink, but your foster sister got upset with you. He is patchy brown now, and he smells of coffee. You don’t even like coffee. But he is the last piece of home you have left; your parents had no family. No grandparents and no siblings or cousins. Just you.
The houses are passing by your window, and you see the car moving from lower class areas to middle class areas to upper class areas and back to lower class areas. All your bad experiences are sadly linked with lower class families. The families where money is tight is statistically speaking where abuse is more likely to happen. The big raindrops rolls down the windows and you watch two raindrops to see who is faster. The answer is none of them; because a big truck splashes the window and vanishes the raindrops.
“The new family is excited to welcome you. They don’t have any kids, but they do have a friend for you”
“A friend? Like a chicken?”
You feel excited. You like chickens, they are friendly and they don’t bite.
“No silly, a kitty!”
Your eyes widen at the thought of living in the same house as a cat. You used to have a cat, back in your real home and the memory of him makes you miss him every day. You loved your cat. You love your plush cat. It sparks a tiny excitement in you, but then again you worry if you are allowed to touch the cat. Sometimes, foster kids aren’t allowed to touch certain toys, animals or even parts of the house. Tears forms in your eyes of the thought of him, and you clutch your hand tighter around the plastic bag of personal items that you own. It’s weird, you decide. You used to have puzzles that mommy would puzzle with you, and books that daddy would read to you. You used to have Barbie and dolls. And mommy would buy you so many dresses. You don’t have any dresses anymore. No puzzles. No books. No Barbie and no dolls. It’s only you, your teddy and a few pairs of pants and shirts. It used to make you feel sad, but you are just thankful for getting out of the last foster home.
The car suddenly comes to a stop in front of a big white house. It is a fancy house made out of wood and you can see what looks like handrails on the top of the house. There seems to be a garden, and there is a nice front porch with flowers on it. You blink as you look towards the door. It has a cat door. It resembles your real home. Where your mom planted flowers in the garden and your dad would cut the grass. It was only last summer, but it feels like a lifetime ago. The sudden onset of dejavu makes you smile. But then, you suddenly don’t want to leave the car. You don’t feel ready to disappoint yet another family. Perhaps, this family have more rules than draw others. There are always so many rules. Rules about what you are allowed to eat to what soaps you can use. So you let go of the plastic bag and clutch your fists to the seatbelt. The social worker opens up your door, and you shake your head. She tries to grab your hand, but you refuse. You really do not want to come out of the car.
She gives you a sad smile.
“Okay, how about you sit here and I’ll go get your new fosters?”
You shake your head rapidly and your little heart feels like it’s about to beat out of your chest. You feel warm, and sweaty, and stressed, and scared.
“I cannot let you sit in the car forever, I’m really sorry. I’m gonna have to lift you out of the car now.”
You close your eyes while your hand unbuckles your belt. The last family made you buckle and unbuckle yourself, so you are no stranger to helping yourself. You unwillingly hop out of the car and hold your kitty tight to your chest. The plastic bag comes along, but it’s too heavy to carry so it ends up dragging behind you. The social worker would grab it, if you would’ve let her; you don’t trust anyone with your things anymore. One family threw away your favourite dress and another lost the last picture you had of your mom and dad.
You find yourself In front of the big front door when the social worker presses the doorbell. It’s late, close to bedtime and the rain is pouring down. You yawn. The door swings open after a few seconds and you get caught off guard. You drop your plastic bag and hide behind the social workers leg.
“Hi! Welcome, please, please come in!” A blonde woman says. You peek at her from behind the social workers leg while trying to decide what category to put her in. She has kind eyes, like your mommy and she is smiling. Your social worker steps forwards which leaves you stumbling a few steps forwards. The embarrassment shows up on your face, but before you say anything; you see the woman reaching for your plastic bag. You know the drill, so you quickly snatch it from the ground before slowly moving yourself to the inside of the home.
You scan the entrance. There is a white built in bench with shoes underneath. You see a coat rack and there is some decor. There is even curtains and blinds on the windows that faces the entrance. It smells like warm cookies and milk, like your mother would make when you were little. Then, you see the other woman. She looks stricter than the first woman. She’s not that smiley, but she dosent look mean. A piece of her hair hangs in front of her eye before she quickly brushes it to the back of her ear.
“Y/N, that is Leah and this is Alessia. Say hi to them, please.”
You can’t say a word. Like all the words and letters of the English alphabet have left your mind. You shake your head rapidly. All the bones in your body freezes and your tears starts pressing in your eyes. You don’t know what to say or how to say anything. You don’t wanna sound dumb, and you don’t wanna sound sassy. The social worker looks down at you and sighs.
“Thank you for taking her in at a short notice. Things weren’t exactly good, and I had to move her quickly. She’s a good kid.”
One of the women squats down to your height.
“Hi, I’m Alessia. Who is this?” she asks. She points to your kitty, but she dosent touch him. You clutch him to your chest, and a silent tear rolls down your cheek. You feel terrified, maybe you aren’t allowed to have him?
“Uh..His name is Meow” you mumble, barely giving her a second of eye contact. Even though you don’t look at her, she looks at you. She waits and she seems to be patient.
“Im happy that you and Meow came to stat with us. We are happy to have you stay here for a while”
You feel scared. A while. How long is a while? It’s one of those adult’s acronyms that you don’t understand. Maybe, if you are good; they will let you stay for more than a while. You decided that you need to be polite, and kind, and helpful. You offer Alessia eye contact, and she smiles warmly at you.
“Oh look, there is someone else excited to see you” Alessia says as their white cat appears. He has white and brown fur, and he has blue eyes. He looks exactly like your old cat. The cat that used to live with you and mommy and daddy. Your eyes widen at the sight of him, and the cat trots its way over to you.
You reach out your hand, like you mother taught you. He sniffs it before instantly bonking his head into your had. Then, her purrs loudly.
“His name is Musli, he is a ragdoll, and he is 4 years old: just like you.”
“Musli” you parrot quietly while looking at the cat. You decide that you like musli and for a second, you feel calm.
“Alright, Y/N, I have to go now. Be good, okay? I’ll be back in a few weeks.”
She pats your head.
“Thank you once again Mrs. Russo and Mrs. Williamson. Call me if any issues or concerns.”
And with that, you are left alone. You, your kitty and your plastic bag is left to yourself. Tears swell in your eyes, and Musli rapidly rubs himself on you. You look down at him, and a teardrop lands in his fur.
You look up and you gulp. Time to be good. You nod your head while wiping your eyes on your sleeves.
“We were about to go into the kitchen to have some cookies, do you like cookies?” Leah asks while looking at you.
You nod again as your stomach rumbles. The last time you had something to eat was this morning, when you had a few pieces of carrots.
“Let’s bring meow to the kitchen with us, so he can have a treat too”
Alessia winks, and it makes you smile shyly. You follow the two women to the kitchen; meow in your right hand and the plastic bag dragging behind from your left hand. The bag leaves a stream of water from underneath it, and it makes you feel embarrassed.
“This is where I sit, and this is where Leah sit.”
Alessia points to a table with four chairs. You nod while scanning the kitchen. It’s big, and white. It’s pretty, and there is a gigantic fridge with a tap in the door. You shove your bag next to the wall, careful to not leave it out for anyone to trip on. That way, nobody will get mad at you.
Leah drags out a chair, it’s pink and it has a little step, a little place for your feet and a seat. It’s a children’s chair and you feel confused. Did they have a kid that you don’t know about? It scares you, because that means that there will be a competition and normally, you lose them.
You stand there dumbfounded while Alessia gets the out the plates. Leah gets out the glasses. They are high up, in the cabinets over the kitchen sink. It makes you sad because that means that you can’t help out with the plates.
Soon, everything is set and you are still frozen in the middle of the room.
“Come here, Y/N” Leah says before patting the pink chair. You slowly walk over to her before looking at it.
“Whose chair is that?” You whisper.
“It’s yours, you can use it for however long you want” Alessia says while smiling at you.
You climb up carefully, and you place meow next to you. Alessia puts forward a little bowl of milk, which leaves you confused. Are you supposed to drink out of the bowl? You don’t mind, really, all you want to is to be good. Your hands grab the bowl and you lean forward to drink the milk.
“For meow” Alessia says, and it makes you feel embarrassed. Leah quickly fills up your glass while Alessia puts the bowl infront of your plate. She pats the table, and you put meow infront of it.
“See? He likes it” Alessia says which makes you smile. Then you eat your warm cookie quietly. Alessia tells you about her day, and Leah answers. You just nod along, busy eating your cookie. This feels nice, you think. They seem kind. But you worry that they will be extra mean once you make them angry for being disrespectful, bad or dumb.
After finishing the cookie and drinking the milk, Leah clears the table.
“Thank you Mrs. Russo and Mrs. Williamson” you mumble, scared to say their names wrong. The pair of them shares a sad look before looking towards you.
“Please love, Call us Alessia and Leah. We aren’t your mom or your dad, but we are here to take care of you”
You nod.
“Should we find the bedroom?”
You nod, again.
“This is the bed. I didn’t know what colors you like, so I grabbed what we had. We can go out tomorrow to get you a few things. Where is your bag?”
Alessia says. You lift your bag up, and Leah reaches for it.
“Can I help you put your clothes away in the dresser?”
You nod.
“Thank you, Mrs. Leah”
The pair of them frowns, and you don’t understand why. Then Leah takes your clothes out; one by one until they are all taken out. The clothes are all wet from being dragged on the ground, and the pair of them shares a sad smile.
“Im gonna have to wash your clothes, they are all wet and dirty. Is that okay? Then tomorrow, we will get some more clothes” Alessia says while looking at the small pile of clothes.
You nod, but feel confused. Who are we getting clothes for, you wonder. Perhaps they need you to help carry the bags home. You are either way grateful for getting to come along instead of being left home by yourself.
You let out a big yawn, and drop meow in the action. Alessia instantly picks him up and reach him towards you.
“I think that maybe mr.meow needs a bath? Do you want to grab your toothbrush, hairbrush and pj so you can both get ready for bed?”
You look at her in confusion. You don’t own a hairbrush or a toothbrush anymore. It makes you feel dirty and uncomfortable, so you look down at your socks.
“Mrs. Alessia.. I…uh.. I don’t have a toothbrush or a hairbrush” you stutter out. You don’t see it, but Alessia and Leah shares a heartbroken look.
“Okay little miss, you can call me just Alessia and her just Leah. Whatever you want to, ok?”
You nod.
“We will put down toothbrush, toothpaste, hairbrushes, hair ties, hair bands and knot spray on the list for tomorrow. Do you have a pj?”
You shake your head.
“That’s fine, Leah will find something for you to wear. Let’s go to the bathroom to get mr.meow cleaned up”
You smile at Alessia while nodding.
“Okay” you mumble out just loud enough for Alessia to hear.
Mr.Meow sits in the bathroom sink in a bubble bath. His whiskers are pointing downwards because of the weight of the water. Musli sits next to your feet, and you find yourself feeling safer around him. Your mommy would always say that a cat knows a good person; so if you ever needed to know how to categorise someone; see if a cat likes them. The memory makes you smile. Alessia hands you a tiny brush and smiles.
“Do you want to give him a little scrub?”
You smile and nod rapidly. Then, you get to scrubbing. You scrub, and scrub and scrub. Then Alessia scrubs, and scrubs and scrubs. Everything from his tail to his ears and paws. Soon enough, meow is white again and he goes into the dryer for a few minutes until he is dried enough for you to cuddle him.
Leah steps into the room while you are hugging him tightly with Alessia sitting on the toilet lid.
“Here, I have a little cousin that is the same age as you. She said that you could have this!”
Leah pulls out a pink pj. It’s a set with flowers on the pants and a princess on the front of it. It makes you light up. You nod your head before crashing into Leah’s legs in excitement. Leah looks surprised for a few seconds until Alessia nudges her to have her put her hand on your head. It feels safe.
“Thank you, Leah”
After washing meow, brushing your hair with Alessia’s brush and putting on the new pj; Alessia and Leah put you to bed. Or, rather they followed you to your bed while you put yourself to sleep. They turned on the little nightlamp on the nightstand before they said their goodnights. You found yourself laying in bed listening to the sounds of the house, much like you did at the old foster homes. Always waiting for someone to be disappointed with you.
The bed is soft just like your bed back at home. Not your old temporary home, but your old real home. The home you were born into. Where you took your first steps. Where you learned to put the cereal in the bowl before the milk. Where you learned to say please and thank you.
The bedroom is big. It has been painted a calm pink color, and there is a bookshelf with a few books. A few of the books are books you recognise, like the pink glittery one with Pappa pink. There is some toys and what you seem to recognise as Lego. You are not sure if you are even allowed to use the toys, but you appreciate being able to look at them. You don’t really know who they belong to because you arrived so late that you couldn’t think of asking. Your hand presses down on the mattress you have found yourself laying down on. It’s soft, and it’s comforting in a weird way. It feels like what used to be home. Before mom and dad and you took the trip to the local beach. Before one drunk driver changed your life forever. Before your life become something that you couldn’t even recognise anymore,
But the bed isn’t like home. It’s probably the most comfortable bed you have ever had, you decide. Even nicer than the one you once had. The frame is white with butterflies. The pillows are fluffy and the duvet is warm. You like the print too, it is pink with little purple flowers. Even though your new foster parents have spent a ton of money and effort on making this bedroom feel cosy, you end up sleeping on the ground. Not directly on the ground, but on the big thick fluffy rug in the middle of the room. It’s pink too, so you decide that it is perfect to sleep on. This way, you won’t get too comfortable in Leah and Alessia’s home. If you get too comfortable, then it will hurt even worse when they decide to kick you out. That’s why your hands softly pull the duvet and one pillow down to the floor, before laying down on it and wrapping yourself in the duvet. It feels strangely safe to be in this bedroom, in your temporary house. The feeling is new, and you are not sure whenever to regress the feeling or embrace it. You close your eyes slowly, listening to the soft hum of your two new foster moms chatter soothingly downstairs. It leaves you feeling like you are in a state of bliss that allows all the cells in your body to, for once, relax completely. It feels like you are floating, like you are at peace. Meow is in your hand, and musli comes to lay down next to you. He purrs, sending vibrations through your heart making it feel calm. Soon enough, you see your mom and you feel yourself drifting away.
The next morning, you wake up terrified. Did you oversleep? Why don’t your foster moms wake you up? You feel anxious. Perhaps you were supposed to wake yourself up? Irresponsible. That would already be one shot. You only get three. That’s what the other fosterfamily told you. Three shots and you are out.
You are only four, so it isn’t expected of you to wake yourself up. But you don’t know that. You drag yourself out of bed, and then it hits you: oh god. You fell asleep on the ground, but you woke up in the bed. Was it wrong of you to sleep on the floor? Did Leah or Alessia put you in bed? Maybe they are upset with you? It scares you to the point where you feel yourself shiver like a chihuahua.
You stumble out of bed before making a silenced run to the door. You shuffle down the hallway until you see the staircase and you peek out from behind the handrails. It smells like coffee, and pancakes. You find a place to sit in the staircase where you can look into the kitchen, but still be partially hidden by the shadows of the dark hallway.
Leah and Alessia is in the kitchen. Leah is reading something from her phone out loud and Alessia is listening while making pancakes. You can see orange juice on the table as well as jam, cheese and milk. Leah has a cup of coffee with milk in it. It’s light brown, and you recognise it because your old foster mother would tell you to put milk in her coffee for her.
You can feel the hunger growing in your gut, and you hold meow close to you while closing your eyes hoping that it will disappear. Then, Musli hopes downstairs. He sniffs your arm before meowing at you. You quietly try to shush him, but it doesn’t help.
“Y/N? There is breakfast for you in here love”
Leah says while smiling at you from the kitchen. You look back at her with wide eyes. Musli is still rubbing himself on your shoulder, and you force yourself to stand up. You quickly go to the kitchen, not wanting your new moms to wait. Waiting isn’t a good thing, especially when they are waiting on you. It can cause them to be upset with you. You don’t want that.
You hop up on the chair you sat in last night, and your eyes widen when Alessia places a pink princess plate infront of you with a few pancakes on. Are all of these for you? You feel confused. She hands you a fork, not an adult fork. A tiny fork with a bunny engraved into it.
Alessia sits down, and you look at her. She is now eating, and you look over at Leah who is pouring herself juice. You feel conflicted; if you ask if it is for you then they might take it away because you seem ungrateful. But if you don’t ask, then they can get upset with you for eating everyone’s breakfast.
“Uh, Alessia? Can I eat this?”
“Huh? Are you allergic?”
“What’s allergic?”
They both share a sad look, but to you; it looks like disappointment.
“It’s for you baby, just eat however much you want”
You look at Alessia and Leah. Sceptical, yet grateful. You nod before you start eating. Then you realise that you might need to eat everything; because you don’t know if you are gonna get another meal today. It feels strange to sit here with two adults eating pancakes. Musli is sleeping by your chair. It almost feels like a dream. Like something that is taken out of a movie. But it’s a movie that you don’t want to end. That’s the thing about movies; they always have an end.
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xxbimbobunnyxx · 3 months
Hi dolly!!
This is my first time asking for a request and i hope it’s okay… but is there anyway you can write something smutty for Eddie?
Bully Eddie x shy reader? Eddie is surprised she got detention so he teases her about it the whole time ! When it’s over he “rewards” her for being good and taking the teasing ??
Pretty please 🥺🥺🥺🥺
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So I took a lil tiny bit of a different approach with this, Reader isn’t as shy as I set out to make her because I’m not the best with shy reader but I hope you still like it, my love!! Also not so loosely based on “good girls” by 5SOS.
Warnings: All characters are 18+, Bully Eddie, “good girl” reader, hair pulling, teasing, unprotected sex, edging, a lil choking, clit slapping, pet names, fluffy ending. 18+MDNI! Wk: A lil over 2k
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Everyone labels you as a “good girl” but the funny thing is, that you aren’t really. You sneak out. You party. You’re no stranger to skipping class. But when you sneak out you just go on night walks for some peace and quiet. And when you go to those parties you tend to keep to yourself, find a nice dark corner to hide in while you sip your drink and observe your peers, hardly noticed. Everyone thought you were a prude virgin, but that wasn’t true either. Thanks to Eddie Munson.
Eddie probably knew the real you better than anyone. The first night you hooked up he happened to be walking through the park you always stop to swing at on your walks and offered you a ride. At those parties he would always find your dark corner and slither his way into it, offering to pass joints back and forth, inevitably ending up with you both sweaty in the back of his van. But that didn’t stop him from calling you things like “Angel” and “goody two shoes” you would always disagree but he would always retort that with “bad girls get caught, and you’ve never been caught, so as far as everyone else is concerned, you’re a good girl.”
So he had this obsession with keeping it that way. He would talk to you at school and parties, but only for so long. He never gave any indication that you guys were hooking up on a regular basis to anyone and he even went as far as to tease you in front of your classmates. He was always tugging on your hair, knocking your books out of your hand, throwing little balled up pieces of paper at your head in the middle of English. You always just roll your eyes, maybe flip him off, tell him to fuck off. But in all honesty? It kind of hurts a little, because you’ve come to really like Eddie, even if you never meant to. That’s why when you heard girls in the locker room talking about how Eddie is probably “an animal in bed” but “they’d never touch him with a ten foot pole because he probably doesn’t shower” you might have seen red.
Not only did you feel territorial of him but you felt protective. So you might have grabbed Nina Johnson by the back of her hair and punched her directly in her nose. The entire locker room went silent aside from the sound of her groans as blood started to drip down her nose. If every single person in the room hadn’t unanimously agreed your gym teacher probably would’ve never believed it was you.
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“Sooo you really aren’t gonna tell me why you’re in here?” Eddie is turned sideways in the chair next to you with his legs spread. His thick ringed fingers tap on the chipped wood of the desk and his boot clad foot shakes against the cracked linoleum as he gives you a pointed look.
“Nope.” You glance over at him with your lips formed into a pout, your eyes wide while you bat your lashes at him innocently.
“C’mon, angel, don’t be like that.” His tongue darts out to wet his plump bottom lip as his eyes roam your figure. “Tell me what my good girl did to land herself in detention with the likes of me. I’m dying to know.”
“Nice try. But still no.” You roll your eyes as you turn back to your book.
“Oooh, she’s sassy today. Why not? Was it something really bad? Did you go to the bathroom without a hall pass? Maybe you stole a book from the library? Wait, wait, don’t tell me you skipped class, angel? Thought you were a good girl.” You know he’s teasing you, trying to get you worked up, in more ways than one and you hate that it’s working.
“Shut up, Eddie, can’t you see that I’m reading?” The next thing you know your book is being ripped from your hands and held in front of Eddie’s face.
“What’re you reading, anyways? Oh - shit, this is kinda dirty, isn’t it sweetheart?” Eddie’s chocolate mischief filled eyes peek at you from over the cover as he wiggles his eyes eyebrows at you. “The knight did what to the princess now?”
“Eddie!” You feel your entire body warm with embarrassment. You reach out to try and grab the book back but he holds it above his head as he chuckles. “Stop being a dick! Give it back!”
“Don’t be greedy, princess, what if I want to know what the knight does next?” You shoot up from your chair and try to reach for the book again but Eddie easily moves it behind his back before you can get it in your grasp. “I think I’ll hold onto it until detention is over, and maybe if you act like a good girl for the next thirty minutes I’ll give it back after.”
“Whatever.” You huff, flopping down in your chair with your arms crossed.
You don’t look at Eddie for the rest of detention, deciding instead to stare out the window and pout while he continues to try and pester you. You were frustrated and tired of his teasing. You immediately grab your backpack and head for the door when the teacher comes into the room to dismiss you, totally ignoring Eddie as he calls after you. You roll your eyes when you hear his chains clanking behind you.
“Hey, princess, wait up! Don’t you want this back?” He catches up to you easily, his hand grasping onto your wrist to get you to stop walking. You whip your head towards him with your eyes set into a glare.
“Honestly, Eddie? I don’t really care anymore. I just want to go home.” You pull your arm from his grasp and try to walk away but he steps in front of you with a concerned look on his face.
“Hey, are we good? You know I just like fucking with you, right?” He holds your book up between you, offering it to you.
“Yeah, that’s just about all you like.” Eddie’s face drops at your tone. You're never like this. You usually get all giggly and embarrassed when he messes with you but he’s never seen you genuinely pissed off at him. As much as it unsettles him it also makes his cock twitch a little.
“You’re kind of hot when you’re mad, you know that?” Eddie bites his lip and gives you that look that makes you swoon for him every time. He reaches his hand out to cup your jaw, his thumb running across your pouty lips. “Quit pouting, let me drive you home.”
“No.” You whine, pouting even further as you look up at him through your lashes. He has you and he knows it.
“Alright, fine then.” Eddie shrugs, giving you a devilish smirk before turning to walk away, he only makes it a few steps before you’re calling out for him. “That’s what I thought, there’s my good girl.”
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“Yeah, fuck, taking me so well, angel.” Eddie is pounding you from behind, your cheek is squished against one of the pillows he started keeping in the back of the van while one of his large hands is laced through your hair. The other roughly grabs onto your hip for leverage, his hips slapping loudly against the fat of your ass.
“Maybe you’re not a good girl after all, huh? Getting dentition. Giving me an attitude. Letting the freak fuck you in the back of his van a block away from your house? Maybe you’ve just been a naughty girl this entire time?” That has you clenching around him, loud moans leaving your lips as you cum hard on his cock.
“Fuck, Eddie, fuck!” He continues to fuck into you hard and deep, using his grip on your hair to pull you up so your back is flush against his chest.
“Tell me why you got detention.” His lips brush your ear, his voice rough.
“Uh-uh” Your eyes roll back when his finger tips brush across your puffy wet clit. He pounds into you a few more times before stilling inside you.
“Tell me, or I’ll stop. I’ll make you lay there and watch me while I jerk off on your pretty little face.” His teeth sink into the nape of your neck, causing you to throw your head back, your walls constricting around his thick cock.
“I don’t know why it matters so much - fuck Eddie -“ you gasp when his hand comes down on your clit, smacking it.
“Tell me.” The hand in your hair grabs onto your throat, adding just the right amount of pressure.
“I punched Nina Johnson in the face, okay!?” You whine when he pulls out of you completely, flipping you on your back. He leans over you, with his hands on either side of your head and a smile plastered on his face.
“Princess, you what!?” He chuckles.
“You heard me.” You pout, avoiding eye contact.
“Did you really? That’s so hot.” He grips onto your chin, forcing you to look at him. “Why’d you do it?”
“Eddie, you said you’d fuck me again if I told you why I got detention I don’t think it’s really fair that you’re asking more que -“ You’re cut off when he takes his cock in his hand and slams inside of you, he doesn’t even give you time to think before his cock is bullying your sweet spot.
“Guess you're officially a bad girl now, huh? Since you got caught?” Eddie chuckles as one of his hands snakes down to rub circles on your clit in time with his thrusts. “But you’re still gonna be a good girl for me, right?”
“Yes, yes, I’ll be so good for you, so fucking good. I’m close, I’m gonna -“ His thrusts and the circles on your clit stop simultaneously causing you to gasp.
“Then be good and tell me why you punched her and I’ll let you cum.” He slaps your clit again and it has your eyes rolling back. “You a little pain slut too? Guess we will have to explore that later. Now answer the question.”
“I just did, okay? I don’t know why it matters, she’s always been a bitch to you anyways.” You whine, any and all fire you had gone, all you want is to cum on Eddie’s cock. “Please, please let me cum Eddie, wanna cum.”
“There’s an easy solution here, princess.” Eddie chuckles as he lands another slap on your clit. “Why’d you do it?”
“She said something fucked up about you, okay!? Now can I please cum? Please?” Eddie’s eyes widen, his heart warming a bit at your words. You got detention for him? He’s going to rock your fucking world.
“Oh, angel. I really have corrupted you, haven’t I? Punching girls in the face for little ol’ me?” He grips onto your calf, throwing it over his shoulder so he can fuck into you deeper, his fingers find your clit again as his cock bullies your sweet spot over and over again. “Cum for me.”
“Fuck, Eddie, want you to cum too. Want you to fill me up.” You’re usually pretty shy with dirty talk but Eddie is seeing a whole new side of you today and he really fucking loves it.
“Yeah? Want me to fill this pussy up? Paint your walls with my cum? Maybe I’ll mark you up so everyone knows what a bad girl you really are?” Eddie leans down, letting your leg fall so he can bury his face in your neck. He sucks on your skin, determined to leave his mark.
“Oh god, I’m gonna cum, Eddie. I’m gonna fucking cum, please mark me up, want everyone to know who I belong to.” Your tight wet pussy constricts around him, sending him over the edge with you. He cock twitches inside you as spurts of his cum fill you.
“Yeah, fuck, that’s it. Naughty little pussy taking all my cum just like she was made to.”
Eddie fucks you both through your highs before flipping onto his side, pulling you against him. You lean up so you can bury your face in his neck and give him a mark of your own causing him to let out a groan.
“You’re gonna get me going again if you keep doing that, baby.” He chuckles, running a hand along the back of your head to encourage you to look at him. When you do, he’s looking at you in a way he never has before. Almost with adoration. “You’re really badass, you know that?”
“Yeah? That’s a high compliment coming from you, fair knight.” He lets out a loud, signature Eddie laugh at that.
“I am but your humble servant, princess. I am indebted to you for defending me from the evil witch of the locker room.” You both burst into a fit of giggles. “But really though, you should let me read more of that book, maybe we can act it out one day.”
“Oh my god! You’re so annoying.” You snort, playfully slapping his chest.
“Yeah? And you’re my certified badass girl.”
“Yours, huh?” You look up at him and he cups your jaw, rubbing circles along the apple of your cheek with his thumb.
“Yeah, if you’ll have me.” His cheeks turn a tinge pink as he looks down at you bashfully.
“Duh.” You connect your lips with his in a tender kiss that feels different from any other kiss he’s given you. You were Eddie Munson’s girl and that’s all you ever really wanted to be.
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Divider is by @strangergraphics
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han-solo-cant-dance · 2 years
Its election season right now and I get flyers in the mail every day for someone running for senator who's spearing the other guy for "allowing non-citizens a driver's license and state funded college tuition" and wanting to abolish ICE...like dude I'm literally dating an immigrant you skank
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angelbarelywrites · 6 months
♡ slashers scenarios | sharing a bed (part two)
♡ fandoms; Friday the 13th, House of Wax, Black Christmas, Scream (kinda), Hannibal (TV), Dead by Daylight, slashers (general)
♡ characters; Jason Vorhees, Bo Sinclair, Billy Lenz, Danny Johnson, Hannibal Lecter
♡ reader; gender neutral
♡ cw; heavily suggestive content, implied smut, unhealthy power dynamics, references to stalking and kidnapping, violence
♡ notes; still kind of figuring out characterization for Jason and Danny tbh
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Jason Vorhees
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> mama always taught him that sharing a bed with someone was wrong
> it could so easily lead to sinning! and the woods tended to be humid anyway, so it’d get sticky and sweaty
> but Jason likes keeping you close, very close
> the only time he’s not by your side is when he’s “working”
> and even then he’ll check up on you throughout the evening
> one day you get worried, though
> he’s usually back by the time you’re about to go to sleep- he drinks tea with you and usually cuddles for a bit even though he’s convinced staying would be bad
> on this night, the tea is getting cold, and you’re getting grumpy, so you step outside to call for him
> it’s just a moment- a split second that you feel a hand on your shoulder- too small to be Jason
> then there’s a sickening squelch, a scream, and a couple more wet thumps and groans before silence
> you don’t need to turn to know what happened, instead letting Jason come to you (he doesn’t like seeing you sad from his messes- and you don’t like seeing them period)
> he’s got the blood of the man who touched you splattered all over you but you just frown softly “…it’s bedtime.”
> he wordlessly nods and scoops you up quickly, seeming scared that you were somehow hurt
> you quietly reassure him but he gets you the tea and pets your hair until he’s satisfied you’re okay
> you relish in the affection and get an idea
> “Jason baby? can you sleep in my bed? just tonight?”
> you can tell he mulls it over a long while before he nods
> he looks comically large in your bed, holding your teddy bear for you while you change into pajamas
> you let him be the little spoon, wrapping around him happily
> surely something this comfy can’t be wrong, he decides and falls asleep peacefully
> but when he wakes up, holding your soft, barely clothed form tight against him…he realizes he doesn’t care what’s wrong and right when it comes to you
> because you make him want to do all of the things mama said not to - and he just loves making you happy
Bo Sinclair
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> you like your personal space- that’s something you made clear when you started living there
> back then you were still a victim, but the point stands
> so once they trusted you you got your own little room and let you decorate
> and you like your arrangement. you have your bed, your boyfriend has his, and you don’t ever sleep in the other’s on purpose
> why would you want to sleep next to Bo anyways? he snores, he’s always splayed out in weird positions and he sweats like a motherfucker
> maybe it had to do with the way you can always hear him screaming when he wakes up in the middle of the night.
> or how it stings whenever he leaves after you fuck, even though you never really ask him to stay
> okay, fuck it. you love the idiot and you want to sleep next to him.
> that shouldn’t be too hard to say
> except it is, because your stubbornness is almost as legendary as Bo’s
> you’re still actively putting it off when you manage to sprain your ankle in the house
> after thanking Vincent for patching you up, you spend the afternoon in the living room, sulking as you wait for Bo
> you know it’s not his fault you slipped, but you’re irrationally mad at him and getting worse the later that he is
> you can tell Vincent got to him first because he’s already frowning when he walks in to the living room close to midnight
> “what happened to you, little darlin?”
> your anger immediately melts away and you give a pathetic little pout as he hugs you tight, cursing for not checking in
> he babies you throughly and eventually takes you to your room
> he’s giving you a goodnight kiss when you grab his sleeve
> “…stay?”
> he can’t hide his smug smile
> “…you want me to?”
> you grumble but he’s happy to strip to his boxers, whistling
> “what’re you so smug for?”
> “you finally asked me to stay.”
> “…well duh.”
> he falls asleep with your whole body laid on top of him, hand lazily stroking your hair
> for once he doesn’t have any night terrors, and he’s grateful
> so grateful in fact, he’d like to repay you..
Billy Lenz
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> you don’t love the idea of billy spending the night
> it’s not that you don’t love him, or being around him. he’s your boyfriend, of course you like his company
> it’s just that the sorority girls don’t have the greatest track record of giving you privacy
> they don’t cross boundaries, or enter without knocking- you lock the door anyways
> but they like you enough that usually they’re knocking on your door by eight, inviting you on a shopping trip or to breakfast or even asking for help studying
> it can be stifling, but it’s sweet, and it’s not like they’ll know you have a guest. they’d be more courteous if you could tell them
> and there’s the second reason, the one you can’t tell Billy
> you know the walls are paper thin, and you know just as well he’d take that as a challenge
> but it’s spring break, and only a couple of students are still about
> so you quite casually ask him if he’d like to stay the night
> you’ve never seen this man smile wider in your entire time with him
> and he’s surprisingly PG as you make plans
> he’s excited to eat popcorn and get his nails done and cuddle - you paint his hails black and get the snacks ready
> you rent a horror movie for the occasion, and he’s giggling the whole way through it
> he thinks it’s just adorable that you get so scared, hiding your face against him
> “Billy’s pretty baby is so silly- maybe he should distract his baby….-“
> luckily, you’re able to turn being as quiet as possible into a game when you mention how sound carries through the house
> and he’s ecstatic when he gets to stay next to you, tangled in the sheets and clinging to you for dear life
Danny Johnson
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> you’ve never been to his place
> he started as a stalker, so it seemed natural he’d just keep going over to your apartment
> and since he’s always busy with the paper, and continuing his current murder spree…
> well most nights you just let him go, and when you don’t you wake up alone
> but on a particularly boring evening you decide to reverse the roles just a bit
> you figured out his address some time ago- and you picked up a thing or two about picking locks from dating Danny
> so it’s not a problem getting into his penthouse and making yourself comfortable
> you make sure to send a vague text that you knew he’d be able to figure out
> after all actually being sneaky around Danny was probably dangerous- you’re about the only person he wouldn’t stab on site
> you can’t help your huge grin when he stalks into his bedroom
> he’s acting pissy but you see the way his eyes survey your nearly bare body
> “You little brat…”
> he’s the fun kind of angry
> after a through lesson in asking permission you shower and collapse into bed together
> you cuddle close and fall asleep in his arms as he traces all your new bite marks and bruises
> he seems to get the message about staying - when you wake up it’s to him kissing your neck and purring your name
> apparently he didn’t finish last night’s ‘lesson’…and he’s eager to continue
Hannibal Lecter
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> he’s eager for you to spend the night, in all honesty
> he likes being in control, utterly and completely
> if he had it his way, you’d move in within the month
> but even though you’ve brought a bag, and are all pj-ed up, he’s distracted
> maybe the one thing that can distract him from you is work- he’s a perfectionist
> and he doesn��t have to prove himself to you like he does clientele and state boards, and practically everyone else
> “y’know you said ten minutes ten minutes ago.”
> “yes my darling- i’ll be there shortly, just- go lay down-“
> you roll your eyes and instead stand behind him, wrapping your arms around his shoulders and beginning to kiss his neck
> he tries his damndest to keep focused
> “…if you don’t come soon, i won’t be awake enough to help you…unwind,”
> that gets him up- you 1, work 0
> you’re surprised when after you’ve both gotten nice and relaxed, he pulls you flush
> usually you have to ask for affection
> but he spoons you, face buried in your hair as he dozes off
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bluecollarmcandtf · 10 months
Yes Coach!
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The second the basketball team heard their coach blow the whistle, something clicked in each of their minds. They didn't actually know what was happening. All they were aware of was the uncontrollable urge to drop to their hands and their knees and listen. So, in the middle of practice, each of the sweaty jocks crashed to the floor in a series of loud thuds.
"Listen up, boys!" the Coach's voice blared loud and robotically, "You're all a bunch of weak pansies! Aren't you?"
"Yes, Coach!" each and every one of the basketball players yelled back.
"Tonight, we have some real men stopping by to show us a thing or two," the Coach continued to yell at the top of his lungs, "You need a real man to show you how it's done, don't you?"
"Yes, Coach!" they all barked again in response.
"As we know, these men are to be obeyed to the letter!" he sprayed his words with artificial rage, "They deserve our respect and gratitude for the mental re-conditioning they gave us last week!"
"Yes, coach!"
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"Andre!" the Coach suddenly whipped his head towards the point guard, "You remember what you learned last week, son?"
Andre's stomach dropped as the Coach's steely gaze scorched down at him. For a second, he couldn't remember what the man was talking about. Andre barely even remembered last week's re-conditioning session, but then it all came flooding back.
"Yes, Coach!" Andre reported, "I'll be the men's foot slave."
"Good boy," the Coach's lifeless voice replied, "And what does that mean, maggot?"
"It means I'll be taking care of the men's foot related desires. I'll clean their shoes, massage their feet, and that kind of stuff."
"That's right, boy, and don't forget that the men said you'll be using your tongue!"
Andre couldn't believe he'd forgotten that little detail. He cringed at the reminder, but as he thought about it more, he began to wonder what a real man's foot might taste like.
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"Now, who's next? Nicholas!"
"Yes, Coach?"
The tall and lanky forward glanced up nervously. This whole ordeal just didn't seem right to him. Mr. Johnson never yelled at the players like this, and that deadpan expression on his face only added to the eeriness.
"You remember your job tonight, maggot?"
"Yes, Coach," Nicholas grimaced at the thought, "I'll be in the corner, face down, and ass up."
"That's right, son. Why don't you go get a head start on it!"
"Yes, Coach," the athlete grumbled and crawled away to the corner of the gym.
Nicholas couldn't shake the feeling that something was off, but he knew that whatever it was could wait. It was just best to plant his face on the floor and prominently display his rear end. It was a really uncomfortable pose, but he sort of zoned out after a few minutes.
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"The twins are next!" Coach barked, "Lance! Kyle!"
"Yes, Coach!" the identical athletes answered together.
"You two idiots remember you're jobs?"
"Yes, Coach," Lance answered for them, "We'll be stripping down to nothing to stand by the door like identical coat racks."
"That's right, and make sure each one of your extremities is rigid. The men will be expecting you to keep all their clothing off the ground," the Coach added, "Now, get on with it! Our guests should arrive soon."
"Yes, Coach!" the twins answered and hastily pulled off their sweaty jerseys.
The gym fell quiet for the next half hour or so as Lance and Kyle took their positions on either side of the main entrance. They silently extended each body part they could like a pair of awkward mannequins. Meanwhile, Nicholas snored away in the corner with his ass high in the air, while more and more drool leaked from Andre's mouth as he anticipated meeting some real men's feet.
"We're heeeeeere!" a distant squeal broke through the still quiet.
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Suddenly, the "men" arrived, and a small crowd of overtly nerdy guys rushed into the gym and all hell broke loose!
Clothes were excitedly ripped off and tossed carelessly onto either one of the petrified coat racks. The basketball team's point guard got busy tongue-polishing each of their guests' worn loafers. A pair of geeks ran straight for the jock in the corner, already pulling his shorts down and slapping the hairy ass beneath it.
Tim, the scrawniest of the new arrivals surveyed his friends. They were all busy fighting over which athlete they wanted to personally boss around, but he was more interested in confirming that his science project was still running smoothly.
"Coach," Tim asked calmly, "You successfully delivered the trigger. Your work is done here."
"Yes, sir!" Mr. Johnson yelled in Tim's face.
"Geeze, stop yelling!"
"Yes, sir!" he repeated quietly.
Tim shook his head at his imperfect work. Mind control was a finicky science, but he was still proud that he'd managed to pull it off. Every single one of the basketball jocks seemed totally under their control.
Tim turned back to the Coach, "You remember what you're supposed to do next?"
"Yes, sir," the Coach's voice was as monotonous as ever, "I will reward you for conquering my team with a blowjob."
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"That sounds perfect, buddy," Tim giggled, already placing a hand on the back of Mr. Johnson's head.
"You'll stay late tonight," Tim instructed the guy between moans, "My friends will want to take most of the jocks home, but whoever's left can be on clean up duty with you."
Coach began to pull his mouth away to answer a submissive "yes, sir," but Tim just grabbed his head and shoved it back down.
"Enough with the affirmative phrases already," he rolled his eyes, "Just say it in your head!"
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g4yforethan · 1 year
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pairing: tangerine x male!reader
summary: while on a train ride, tangerine and reader have a little too much fun in the back seat
warnings: cursing, smut, top!tangerine, bottom!reader
a/n: can you tell i'm obsessed with aaron taylor-johnson? ;)
you were impatient. the train was going at a tremendous rate but it still was going to be another hour before you and your boyfriend, tangerine, reached your destination. you were getting bored and he took note of this. "aww i know love it's just going to be a few more and then we're there." he gave you a kiss on your head and massaged your shoulder. you two were seated in the back of the train where barely anyone was seated next to you both. you grew more and more impatient which suddenly changed into a desire. a desire for tangerine. you looked at him and gave him a devious grin and he knew what you had in mind.
you started to kiss his soft lips and slowly trailed your hand from his chest down to his crotch. he moaned and bit your lip as you started to massage his bulge. you kept teasing him by massaging his already wet bulge and unzipped his pants. you stroked his long dick while he left hickies on your neck. "please suck it baby." you listened. you licked his dick and left kisses on it before putting it in your mouth. his moans became louder and louder as he grabbed your hair and nearly had you choking on his cock.
“stop baby i’m gonna.” you stop and wipe your lips. “put in me baby.” tangerine was surprised by your request but he was turned on and wanted you. you stand up and tangerine pulls your pants down and starts to lick your hole. he leaves several kisses on your ass and hickies as well. “fuck baby fuck me please.” he takes his dick and puts it inside of you. he goes slow at first but then starts to pick up the pace. his hands are around your neck as each stroke becomes more and more ínstense. “you like that baby boy?” “yes daddy.”
he continues destroying your hole as his hands are now around your waist and doesn’t let you stop to take a break. he kisses your neck and bites your ear as he goes even harder. he starts to stroke your dick to increase your pleasure. “fuck i’m gonna cum.” “me too daddy.” the both of you cum as he cums inside of you and fills you with his white fluid. the both of you pull your pants up and sit back down. you both have sweat all over your face and neck and try to settle down.
“did you like that baby?” tangerine gives you a kiss on your forehead. “yes didn’t think you had it in you to fuck me on the train.” he blushes and has a grin on his face. “anything for you my love. you know how to turn me on.” you kiss him again and a attendant comes to you both. she notices that both of you are sweaty and ask if everything was alright. “oh yeah it just got a little hot back here.” you reply back. she smiles and hands you both towels. she leaves and the both of you laugh and give each other another kiss.
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skz-streamer · 1 year
Yes love?
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Simptober Small Things You Do M-list
Pairing: Hyunjin (skz) x fem!reader
Genre: Fluff, suggestive
Warnings: a lil baby bit suggestive ig
Notes: I WANT HYUNJIN >:((((((
-please read responsibly, and remember that this work is fiction and meant strictly for imaginative fun. the idols used in fics are more accurately faceclaims and personality outlines for imaginary characters, and should not be interpreted as factual representations of existing people
Word count - 547;)
The room was steeped in a tranquil silence, save for the gentle rise and fall of your breaths. Hyunjin and you lay atop each other, both tired from the passionate events that had transpired just moments ago. It was in these quiet moments of afterglow that you cherished the most – the sense of closeness and intimacy that came from sharing your love so intimately.
With a soft sigh, Hyunjin stirred beneath you, his strong arms carefully lifting your body from his. He placed you gently by his side, and as he looked at your beautiful face, a warm smile played on his lips. The way you looked at him after moments like these always melted his heart, and he couldn't get enough of it.
His gaze settled on his favorite feature – your eyes. They were filled with a unique radiance, a look you reserved only for him. But what captivated him the most was the way he saw himself reflected in your eyes. It was as if you saw him as the sweetest thing on the whole planet, a side of him he thought no one else could see, but you. And that made it all the more precious.
His dark eyes, usually filled with playful mischief or determination, now held a different quality. They were soft, deep pools of chocolate brown, gazing at you with an intensity that was both sweet and loving. It was a side of him that he reserved just for you, a side that no one else would ever get to see, and that made it all the more special.
"Jinnie?" you whispered, your voice a tender melody in the hushed room.
He responded in kind, his voice low and affectionate, "Yes, love?"
With that simple exchange, you bared your heart to him, expressing what you felt in the depths of your being. "I love you," you confessed, your words carrying the weight of your emotions.
Hyunjin couldn't help but smile wider, his heart swelling with affection. He pulled you close, enfolding you in his arms, and the two of you became one. Skin to skin, it was as though nothing in the world could harm or hurt you. In this embrace, you felt safe and cherished, your love cocooning you from the outside world.
Hyunjin's fingers gently brushed away the tangled strands of your sweaty hair, exposing your neck, which he adored. It was his favorite place to be with you, where he felt closest to your heart and soul. He marveled at how pretty you looked, even in this disheveled state, and he couldn't help but think that you were his in every way possible.
In return, you held onto him, feeling the warmth and security of his embrace. It was moments like these that made you realize how fortunate you were to have Hyunjin by your side. In the quiet intimacy of your connection, you found a profound love that transcended words, a love that filled your heart and soul, making you feel complete in every sense.
As you lay together, intertwined and content, you knew that this was where you belonged – in the arms of the person who cherished you as the most beautiful thing in the world, a side of him that was reserved only for you.
Tags:  @eee5533 @mixtape-racha @cherry-edibles @ren0325 @felixvsp @hwangrimi @sanriiolino @painstakingly-juno @herarcadewasteland @dabiscrustyfeet @kai-jilee  @sungiesoonie  @slvtty4channiee @revelaffee @buckys-pillow, @staygirl86 @chlodavids @jinnie-ret @bbygrlhannie @rebecca-johnson-28  @turtledove824  @interstellarairwaves @yearofthetiger25 @minhos4thkitty @fiqire @backintomykpopphaseagain @liknws @tinyelfperson @aaasia111
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jaidens · 1 year
hi! could you write something where daniel larusso is at soccer practice & his girlfriend is there watching him, and then afterwards when practice is done, they sneak off under the bleachers and talk & hold hands and kiss? y'know, just typical high school stuff 🫶🏻 thank you!
You've Got A Smile That Can Light Up This Whole Town — Daniel Larusso
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pairing [s] : daniel larusso x reader
warning [s] : none
a/n [s] : thank YOU for the request! I hope this fulfills what you asked.
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You sat on the bleachers, doing your homework two classes before. The hot sun beams down on you as you stare at Daniel. In all of his glory, he passed the ball through the green grass on the field. His coach is yelling at the team to “get themselves together” because they had choked the scrimmage.
The coach says they're off for the day and you see him running his sweaty hair back. Daniel picks up his stuff from the ground, takes his water bottle out, and takes a chug from it. You hear his Long Island accent ring out as he talks to one of his teammates, Josh. You were never quite fond of his team, as some of them had messed with your best friend.
A couple minutes later you finished your homework and put it in your backpack. You continued staring at Daniel. It was hard not to. His gorgeous tan skin was shining in the sun. He was slightly sweaty, shaking out his dark-brown hair. Daniel walked around the bleachers and up the stairs, carrying his soccer bag. You smile at him as he drops his bag next to yours and sits down. “Hey, Danny! How was the practice? You smell like sweat.” You teased and he put his arm around your shoulders. “Hey there.. the practice was good. Coach just will not get off of us over a scrimmage.” He says groaning.
“So dramatic aren't you? Wanna go under the bleachers? This heat is killing me.” You say, picking up your backpack and standing up. “And I'm the dramatic one?” Daniel says, grabbing his stuff and following you as you race down the stairs and to under the metal bleachers.
There's a couple people, mostly you and Daniel’s friends that are relaxing. You wave at your friend from chemistry and she smiles at you, just before her obnoxious boyfriend starts eating her mouth again. You make sure there are no teachers and pull Danny’s hand to get him closer to you. It provided a secret hiding place for you and Daniel to spend time together.
Daniel takes his jacket from his bag and puts it on the ground for you two to sit on. “Such a gentleman aren't you?" You said, grabbing his jersey to pull him down to the ground with you. He pulls out a couple of snacks his Mother packs for him whenever he has practiced. It's an assortment of finger food, crackers, and pretzels.
“How was class?” Daniel asks eventually, swinging his arms around your shoulders once more pulling you into his side. You remember, one day, his mother said you fit together like puzzle pieces and you almost cried. He was your best love, the sweetest and most caring boy ever who was completely fearless. “It was good. Mr. Johnson was yelling at this girl today and it was so hilarious.” Daniel laughs along with you as he stares at you while you speak about other classes you've had today.
Daniel was always a romantic after being raised extremely well by Lucille. He would never let you open a door if he was there, even if it was your bedroom door. The way he wrote notes for you and hid them in your books for every class. You always wondered how you were able to catch him. The star of the soccer team and the star of the Miyagi-Do Karate dojo. Even if he was the only one in the dojo.
“How was your day Danny? How was class?” You ask, taking another handful of snacks to eat. He starts talking about an annoying teacher, and a random thing that happened with Johnny. You can't help but admire him, the way he always has a small smile on his face when he explains stuff. His nose squeezes together whenever he eats a super salty pretzel but he continues explaining.
“Are you even listening baby?” Daniel says a few seconds later, after seeing (what he calls it) “your head in the clouds look”. You shake your head out of your daydream. “No! No, I'm listening. You were talking about Ashley Henderson!” You spout out, not sure if you were exactly right. You lay further on his shoulder and you smell his cologne. “Yeah alright." Danny’s Long Island was thicker whenever he was slightly tired. After practice, he would be almost unintelligible as you heard the way his words would stick together.
“Y’know. My Ma asked if you wanted to come over for dinner tonight. We're having her famous lasagna I think. My Nonna taught it to her.” Daniel asks, running his fingers down your spine, something he did unconsciously whenever you laid on him.
You sat up slightly, looking up at his baby browns and his jaw. He has a small scar on the edge of his face from falling when he was younger. You always liked to kiss over it whenever you were alone. Secretly, Daniel loved it too. You let your lips fall on the scar, giving a small peck onto it. "Yeah, I'll come. Lucille always makes the best food. She could serve me mud and grass and I think I would still eat it.
“She does make pretty good food doesn't she?” He says, giving you a small smirk before holding his hand out for you to take. It was something he did after he got punched in the lip and you said he couldn't talk just in case he'd hurt his lip and to “hold out your hand if you want me to hold it.” You grabbed his hand and interlocked your fingers together with his. He smiled at you before leaning close to your face.
You connect your lips with his, giving a slow kiss to him. Daniel slowly reaches his hand to your face, holding it as you continue kissing. Some of Danny's teammates walk up behind him and smack his shoulders before saying, “Get some!” You had to pull away to laugh as he turned away embarrassed.
“Your teammates are crazy Danny.” You say, pointing out the obvious as Daniel runs his hand down your arm. “Yeah I know. I gotta’ play with them baby.” He says sarcastically throwing his head to the side. You laugh at him as he readjusts his hips, slowly pushing them up to fix his back.
You grin as you lay back down on his shoulder. After it got hurt during the karate tournament, you were always careful about putting too much pressure on it. Daniel told you it was fine, but you were still worried. Danny stares up at the clock that sat outside and looks back at you. “We have five minutes until our next class. What do you wanna do for the rest? Jus’ relax or am I thinking what you're thinking..?”
You push yourself up off the ground and stare into Daniel’s eyes. After dating Daniel for a year, you always notice his eyes have a sense of mischievousness in them. Lucille would always point it out too, how whenever he would look at something, there would always be a look in his eyes daring himself to do something.
"Oh, Daniel! No… I'm gonna get to class before I'm late. You know I have Mr. Thompson." You said, gently slapping his shoulder. He always knows you're joking, but you see him pretend to be upset and pout his lip out. You grab your backpack off the ground and his jacket. He grabs your arm and pulls you into a hug. "Hey, I'll see you later," Daniel says. You smile before hugging him again and kissing his cheek before walking off to your class. He waves you off, staring at you and you walk away.
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idanceinthegraveyard · 9 months
First post no way! Time to listen to junkie brush
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Ghostface/Danny Johnson x gn reader
Warning; Slightly obssesive behaviour, blood, stabby stab stab
You look pretty in red.
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The stress that came with every single match was unbearable. Every single time your body was enveloped by smoke your heart sank, and your head felt light. The worst part of this whole ordeal is; you won’t know the killer before the match. You can count yourself lucky if you see them in the first minutes of the match and they don’t see you. It helps you, not much but enough to know how to deal with them when the time comes.
Gideon Meat Plant was the worst map you have found yourself in. Even though it had many rooms you got lost very fast. The concrete walls made you feel small, stuck and the smell, God the smell! The air was moist, suffocating, a light hint of copper mixed with the sweet scent of death and rot hung in the air. The first time you got here you choked and gagged.
Your hands clumsily fumbled with the broken generator in the edge of the map, your head was buzzing, heart in your throat as you tried your best not to mess up. One small mistake would lead to it exploding and the killer finding you. You haven’t run into the killer, but the other survivors were not so lucky, you could tell by how loud Jake screamed. It echoed through the halls sending a shiver down your spine. You hoped the killer wasn’t Ghostface, you two had some kind of beef. He likes to start chasing you first, just to scare you, then before you even know or notice you are the last person to be alive and the real game of cat and mouse begins. The worst part is he didn’t even say a single word.
Ghostface liked to torture you, watching how you would cry and bleed out crawling in the mud, only to pick you up and hook you.
Ghostface also had a fun habit of watching you, stalking, and taking photos. At first you didn’t notice a thing. He was one sneaky bastard, he seemed very happy and content with that, after some time he appeared to get bored of you being unaware of his existence.
He left you photos, a whole bunch, some of them had something written on the back. They were usually hearts, written in drying flaky blood. He scared the shit out of you and he liked that oh, too much.
You hate him with your whole heart.
Suddenly the generator explodes, hissing in pain you hide your hands and get on your feet. It was loud, echoing through the halls only to fall into silence and then nothing. No loud heartbeat, no chase. Nothing. Swallowing the lump in your throat, you bring your slightly sweaty and burnt hands to your chest. Out of instinct For a second a wave of comfort overwhelmed you, you were safe. Well, as safe as you could be in the Entities realm. “Boo” Your eyes widen and before you are even able to open your mouth to scream you are stabbed in the back and kicked onto the floor. White warm pain blossomed in the places he stabbed you, vision blurry from the impact that your head made with the floor. He sat on your back, stabbing you more. Ghostface grabbed your head, pulling it back to take a photo. A coppery taste filled your mouth, you coughed and it spilled onto the ground.
He took a few more photos, and when he felt satisfied he got off of you. Your mind was blank, the hot pain in your back made it impossible to think or scream.
You could only let out low whimpers, it made him chuckle. He lifted his mask, you could see his blurry smile and before you knew it he gently kissed you. You didn’t kiss back, your strength leaving your body as quickly as your blood. He licked the blood of your lips. He watched the light fade away from your eyes, oh how he adored the sight. His smile got wider.
Before the fog had the chance to take you away, you heard him chuckle and say;
“You look pretty in red”
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Hi. May I request an early 60s Elvis x female reader in which they are getting intimate after his return from the army but she is insecure of her body. Just as they are nude, she gets scared and tries to cover herself, Elvis tries to reassure her. Sorry it's long, you can end it with smut if you want. Thanks
fools; early 60s elvis x reader ☁️ ‼️🫣
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summary: it’s been two years since the last time you’ve been intimate with Elvis, and you’ve gotta admit that it’s took a toll on you and your feelings about your appearance. Elvis stirs up the right remedy just to ease your mind.
Author’s note: lol it’s funny how this fits all genres I write, angst, smut and fluffy. I could NOT resist the temptation of writing smut or thinking it…so ha, smut requests are back on. Thank you for your request btw! WARNINGS: insecurity of stretch marks, weight, appearance and smut
All those long lonely nights, while you were tucked away in bed and your man was in the army. Training and disciplining himself along with other boys that were turning into men. You had time to really take a good look at yourself.
To look at the stretch marks that were mapped across your thighs, the pouch you’ve put on above your belt, anything on your body, you happened to find something wrong about it.
But you never had these thoughts around Elvis, of course that was before he was drafted. You felt perfect and all precious, because he showed you all that you deserved.
You and your doubtful mind just had to ruin an intimate moment, with your husband that’s as finally back and awaiting.
As he peeled off his pants, panting softly above you he noticed your sadden demeanor. He immediately pulled back, and there was a dead silence.
He was already aching hard, with this delicious bare sight in front of him, but that subsided as he looked into your worried eyes and insecure soul.
“B-baby? What’s wrong?…” he spoke out so gently, those baby blues softened from the dark lust clouding his want and mind. And you felt so guilty that he was so concerned and that you’ve ruined everything just by not thinking your worth.
You shrug and shake your head, reaching for a blanket besides you against the silky white sheets you both lay, “n-nothing, it’s stupid.” you spat at yourself, furrowing your eyebrows and looking away.
He frowns, shaking his sharp jaw and taking a gentle caress to your chin. He ushers you to look into his eyes, and he instantly senses your rush of insecurity and pain. He can feel himself soften lightly, and he clicks his tongue. “Nah baby, if something’s making my doll worried, and you’re calling it stupid, then you’re acting a fool. But if I were to follow that lil frown of yours, we’d both be damned fools.”
He smiles gently and nudges you to speak your mind, and you can’t help but flutter with warmth at his care. He never changed in or out of that army, no uniform or hairstyle could ever fix him out of this sweet, gentle side.
“I-it’s just…Elvis take a real good look at me.” You huff softly and pout. And that’s exactly what he does.
Scanning your bare breasts that heaved along with your frustrated breaths, that cute tummy that carried all the delicious food he made sure nurtured you just right, the thighs that would hopefully soon be wrapped deliciously around his head, that ran along to your pretty sooties.
He draws in a sharp breath, feeling his manhood twitch alive in his burdened slacks, reaching out with a sweaty, needy palm to knead your smooth side. “I see alotta woman.” He breathers out heavily, needing to shake his head a little to process right.
Doubtful and still not amused, “e, I mean real good, look at me closely.” He just shrugs and you swear you see him slurp back drool that’s running a glossy line down his chin.
“like I said baby, I see a whole lotta woman, that’s all mine.” He growls playfully, his hands kneading a little firmer now. But you sigh and shake your head, “Elvis…look, don’t you see these ugly lines across my legs, o-or the weight I’ve put on. You don’t see any of that?” You quip, quite upset that he ain’t on the same page.
He only shakes his head clueless, but draws a fist to his puffy lips to bite down on a knuckle, suppressing a moan.
As you open your lips again to protest against anything, he’s had enough of this. So he just gruffly places you on the edge of the bed, still bare and naked, while he seats himself across in the velvety red, smooth, wooden chair. Truly made for a king.
Unzipping his slacks, he huffs as he yanks them off and your eyes widen to just see how being naked has done to him.
He’s almost purple at the tip, his foreskin peeling back to stream precum down his tight balls, his manhood twitches and pulses with his panting.
“I-imma show ya just how much I dig ya, ya head baby?” He whispers out in a strained voice, looking up to connect with his baby blue pupils. You only nod in return, and glance back.
It’s almost immediate, as he clutches both hands to the arm handles and thrusts into the air. His cock wagging pathetically that drips more sticky arousal. He throws his head back and whimpers so prettily, “b-baby, you see them beauties that map on yer legs? F-fuck, I could jus’ ah!” He lets out a stream of profanities at just the thought of rubbing his swollen, purple tip against your stretch marks.
“Look atcha, j-jus sittin’ there, and I-I’m over here like a bitch in heat.” He heaves out heavily, stomping his feet to plant onto the ground and ruttting into the air.
The sight is truly breath-taking. No hands, just hips and sudden movements. All because you’re yourself and bare.
His eyes dart to your stomach, that has gentle rolls and your jiggling breasts. Immediately, his eyes roll to the back of his head, hips stuttering into the stuffy, room air. “A-ah shit, y-you see, hah, that precious belly you’ve got on? Oh, y-you just wait til ah’m oh a-ah” he can’t even form a proper sentence. His eyes shut close as his length flickers and produces wet juices down the seam of his balls and the girth of his swollen cock.
At the mere thought of seeing you bigger. Not because of delicious treats, but full of him. Of his sperm, round and swollen, carrying his baby. Permanently marking you his by the twitch of his cock. All’s gotta take is a smudge of his acorn tip into your cervix, his manhood jus’ gotta pulse real good into that beaver, and his seed’ll catch.
You would think that he’d be done for by just seeing your body, but it’s when he sees your blown out pupils, is when he boils over the top.
His hips shake and he grips at the wooden arm handles, growling and chomping at the air as his cock pulses wickedly into the air, spurting out hot, thick creams that lands on his own juicy thighs.
Face scrunched in absolute pleasure, lips puffy, while his cock swells to waste more of his semen that drips down onto the carpeted floor. All insecurities are out the windows
your cheeks burn crimson at what had just happened when he finally sits back and his bare chest catches his breathing, he had just gone off of the image of you. No hands, no touch, hell, you didn’t have to speak.
“Ya see baby? I guess we ain’t fools, huh,”
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reareaotaku · 4 months
Masterlist IV [Complete]
Masterlist V | Masterlist III | Masterlist II | Masterlist I Updated: Aug. 28, 2024 [9:39 PM CDT] * = Slight Nsfw/Nsfw Content
Beetlejuice & Lydia Deetz Headcanons
Lydia Deetz
Beetlejuice & Lydia Deetz Headcanons
Goofy Movie
Max Goof
She Said See You Later, Boy [Pt. II of He was a Skater Boy] Birthday Celebration Max Goof Headcanons Max NSFW Headcanons* Max Dating Headcanons
Bradley Uppercrust III
Bradley Headcanons Birthday Celebration Bradley NSFW Headcanons*
Peter Pete Junior "P.J."
Birthday Celebration
Bobby Zimmeruski 
Birthday Celebration Bobby Headcanons*
Birthday Celebration
Birthday Celebration
Teen Mutant Ninja Turtles
Michelangelo 'Mikey'
Mikey Headcanons
Sweet Pretty Thing
Stranger Things
Mike Wheeler
I Wanna Be More Than Friends
Tori Vega
Victorious Main Cast Headcanons
Andre Harris
Victorious Main Cast Headcanons
Cat Valentine
Victorious Main Cast Headcanons
Robbie Shapiro
Victorious Main Cast Headcanons
Beck Oliver
Victorious Main Cast Headcanons
Jade West
Victorious Main Cast Headcanons
Miles Morales
Miles Morales Headcanons Another World
Gwen Stacy
Yandere! Gwen Stacy Headcanons
My Babysitter's a Vampire
Ethan Morgan
[Yandere] Ethan Morgan Headcanons
Richie Tozier
First Kiss
Emperor's New Groove
Male! Yzma Headcanons
Miles Fairchild
Impress a Crush New Girl
Dork Diaries
Mackenzie Hollister
Mackenzie Hollister Headcanons
Malcom in the Middle
Reese Wilkerson
Reese Wilkerson Headcanons
The Middle
Axl Heck
Love Thy Sister's Friend Axl Heck Drabble
Kim Possible
Kim Possible
Being Friends w/ Kim Possible [& More]
The Goldfinch
Theo Decker
But I Love You
Boris Pavlikovsky
Yandere! Boris Pavlikovsky Headcanons
Diabolik Lovers
Kou Mukami
Yandere! Kou Mukami Headcanons
Azusa Mukami
Yandere! Azusa Mukami Headcanons
Carmen Sandiego
Graham Calloway
Yandere Crackle Headcanons
Inside Job
Brett Hand
[Toxic] Brett Hand Headcanons
Gravity Falls
Bill Cipher
Bill Cipher Headcanons Bill in Prison Equally Obsessed Reader Hate, Hate, Hate Yandere Bill Cipher Headcanons Yandere! Ford vs Yandere! Bill Jealous/Yandere Bill Headcanons
Reverse Pine Twins
Rev! Pine Twins vs Pine Twins Keep You Here [Pt II]
Pine Twins
Rev! Pine Twins vs Pine Twins Monster Fall AU Monster Falls [Pt II]
Dipper Pines
Aged Up! Dipper Pines Romantic Headcanons Reader who can Jump Dimensions
Stan Pines
Teen! Stan & Ford Pines Headcanons Monster Fall AU Lost in Town [Pt I] Stan Pines Headcanons Yandere! Stan Pines Headcanons
Ford Pines
Teen! Stan & Ford Pines Headcanons Monster Fall AU College Ford w/ Painter Reader Yandere! Ford Headcanons Yandere! Ford vs Yandere! Bill Stanford Gleeful Headcanons Enemies 2 Friends to Something More* Hot & Sweaty * [^PT II] Good Morning I Can't Have You*
Schroeder Headcanons
Phineas and Ferb
Jeremy Johnson
Jeremy Johnson Headcanaons
Ferb Fletcher
Ferb is quiet as a mouse
Fairly Oddparents
Periwinkle 'Peri' Fairywinkle-Cosma
Peri Headcanons Human Reader More Peri x Human Reader Headcanons Peri x Toothfairy!GN! Reader
Billy Loomis
Prank Call
Game Of Thrones
Daenerys Targeryan
A Knight
Bran Stark
Yandere! Bran Stark Headcanons
Jon Kent
Apple of My Eye
Damian Wayne
Apple of My Eye
Dick Grayson
Watcher or Stalker?
Tim Drake
Tim Drake Headcanons
The Umbrella Academy
Five Hargreeves
True Hate-filled Love
Mean Girl
Regina George
Regina George Headcanons
Own Characters
Rich Boy Lucas
Kidnapping Lucas
Yandere! Jinx Headcanons
Miguel Rivera
Miguel Headcanons
Avatar: The Last Airbender
Prince/Fire Lord Zuko
Yandere Zuko Headcanons
Katara Headcanons
Avatar Aang
Avatar Aang Headcanons
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