#swallowing an ear beforehand too as a little surprise for my dentist
grahamcore · 17 days
getting my wisdom teeth out tomorrow and this is how i’m posting up in that chair
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thechocoboos · 6 years
Scenario: Reader’s Wisdom Teeth Are Removed
Just got my own taken out this morning; figured it would be fun to write how’d they take care of their S/O (it ended up being longer than I thought it would, whoops)
You had not been looking forward to your wisdom tooth surgery. You knew it had to be done, but honestly, you were terrified. Even so, on the morning of the surgery, you showed up right on time, thanks to Ignis, and despite Noct’s incessant whining.
Noct was asleep on car ride to the orthodontist. He was barely awake when you left them for your surgery, only managing a sleepy, “See ya later babe.” He did, in fact, see you later, although you were high off of laughing gas and couldn’t stop giggling. Admittedly, it made Noct smile, although he did tell you gently to shut up whenever you tried to talk through the heavy gauze in your mouth (which you tried to do, a lot). “Half I fol’ oo Iofe oo?” You tried saying through your giggles and hiccups. Noct sighed, pulling you closer, “Yes, you have, and I love you, too. Now shut up, babe.” He mumbled. You complied, despite your new fit of giggles. Noctis single handedly carried you to your room, as you were still quite loopy on your feet. With the laughing gas wearing off, you weren’t trying to talk anymore. After the prince gently placed you under your blankets, he swiftly kicked off his own shoes and laid down next to you. Moments later, the two of you were both asleep. Noct always did as you asked (usually you mimed things or wrote them down, much to the bros’ amusement) while you were healing, though usually he wasn’t sure what to do on his own (Ignis often advised him in what he should be doing). Noctis would often remind you about small things, telling you to brush your teeth or that you hadn’t taken your antibiotics yet (it was actually Ignis who reminded him to remind you).  Admittedly, Noct wasn’t sure what to feed you, in fact, he tried to feed you nothing but ice cream and applesauce for three days. You were relieved when Ignis swooped in with some soup broth to break the steady diet of ice cream and gave Noctis a list of what you could and couldn’t eat. Noct had listened to Ignis with a sigh, knowing he couldn’t feed you his favorite ice cream flavors and applesauce forever. Normally Noct was fast asleep next you or watching TV, only really getting up for food and bathroom breaks. He pretty much stuck by your side the entire time, and Prompto admittedly took a few pics of you two passed out in front of the TV, gauze sticking out of your own mouth. Noctis continually stuck by you as you recovered, snuggling and cuddling even when you felt nauseous. He was always calm and always by your side, providing a hand to hold and someone to suffer with.
Prompto would almost be more worried than you about everything. He asked an insane amount of questions, most of which you weren’t even sure about their answers. During your surgery, he nervously waited with the bros, anxiously shaking his leg and twiddling his figures. By the time you were ready for pick up, he had resorted to pacing around the waiting room (Gladio was ready to strangle him by the end of it). Prompto eagerly switched seats with Noctis on the ride home, just to sit next to you and all your giggles. He had to admit, he was smiling and laughing with you as you giggled and hiccuped, finding it to be the cutest thing in the world (he took more pictures than he could count, despite the gauze hanging from your lips). Once the car ride ended, Prompto carefully led you to your room, making your bed as comfortable as possible and helping you as you sleepily changed into your pajamas (he was rather careful not to look). However, just like Noctis, Prompto wasn’t 100% sure how to care for you and often resorted to asking Ignis and consulting a long list of instructions from the dentist. However, unlike Noctis, Prompto tried just a bit more. He was always flitting about when you were awake, making sure you got your pain medicine (after double checking with Ignis), had a bucket in case you swallowed some blood or had to spit out drool, and he always, always had a bowl of lukewarm soup ready for you “just in case”.  Prompto also took pictures. Lots of them. He never took any of you in humiliating moments (ahem, drooling or spitting), but he did take them in moments when you were doing better (and sometimes when you were sleeping). Of course, many of them were selfies, and he was beaming in every single one despite your swollen jaw and consistent lack of smiles. When he wasn’t running about, desperately trying to make you feel better, you two were cuddling. Sometimes he would just lay in bed by your side, arms wrapped around you, give you a light, lingering kiss on your forehead. Prompto may have been all over the place as you recovered, but he always made you sure you had everything you needed, reminding you just how much he cared. 
Ignis would be much calmer than Prompto. He knew what he was doing. He had researched everything beforehand and clung to every word the Dentist had said. Ignis was so calm, he remained perched in the waiting room chair, one leg slung over the other as he read a magazine on healthy foods. He admittedly cracked a smile when he picked your giggly self up after the surgery, kicking Prompto into the back seat between Gladio and Noct so you could sit in the passenger seat. He held your hand over the console, only making your giggles and hiccups increase in frequency and making him smile again, although the moment you tried to speak he interrupted with a soft warning, “Darling, you mustn’t speak for at least half an hour.” His soft words didn’t stop you from trying though. Much like Noctis, Ignis carried you to bed and tucked you in, although he didn’t join you, instead choosing to make sure everything in the house was cleaned and comfortable for when you woke up. Ignis was there with medicine before you ever asked, and he always had tasty food (that you could actually eat) ready whenever you needed it (he also had to spoon feed it to you but, hey, you loved him and he loved you so it was all good). Whenever your swollen jaw got just a bit too painful, he was there with an ice pack and a single pain killer. The man seemed to have a sixth sense for your needs and you loved him even more for it. Ignis was even more gentle with you during your recovery; his touch was so soft and light that sometimes you didn’t know it was there. When you managed to convince him to play a game of chess with you, he was gentle even then. He may have led an intense game, but in the end would he let you win, much to the whining of the other bros. Whenever you felt well enough to walk around, you’d find yourself perched on the counter of the kitchen, watching Ignis make homemade soup for you while cooking dinner for the bros. He would keep an attentive eye on you and a soft smile on his face. Occasionally, he would even give you a spoonful of the sauce he was making, knowing that you missed whole meals. Overall, Ignis was strict during your recovery, but still gentle, and each soft touch and attentive action was a reminder that he loved you just as much as you loved him.
Gladio was calm, much like Ignis. However, he hadn’t done any insane research or anything like that. Part of him was just a little worried, even though he knew that you would be just fine. In fact, he took a page out of Noctis’ book and laid his head back in the waiting room chair, ears filling with the soft jazz playing overhead and took a cat nap while you were in surgery. When it came time to take you home, he picked up your giggling form and gently place you in the Regalia, sliding in beside you. You continued to giggle and cuddled up to your warm lover as Ignis drove you all home. Even Gladio found your uncontrollable giggles adorable, his own chuckles sliding out of his mouth as he slung his arm around you.  Upon arrive home, Gladio would lift you up in his strong arms, causing more giggles and hiccups to bubble from your gauze filled mouth, and walk you up to your room. However, much to your displeasure, he only stayed long enough to make sure you were comfortable and drifting off to sleep before he left your room. Gladio did very subtle things to make you comfortable during your recovery. He would empty your bucket while you weren’t paying attention, place your medicine nearby with a glass of water, and you noticed that a certain someone was also leaving your most comfortable pajamas out for you to change into every morning. Gladio wasn’t as good of a cook as Ignis, but he could make basic things. The first day, he had applesauce and lukewarm soup broth for your meals; he always, always made sure you ate, even though you didn’t want to. As your recovery time progressed, so did the food, and you had to admit Gladio’s scrambled eggs were surprisingly good. He starting splitting his cup noodles with you, cutting the noodles up into tiny little pieces and giving you all of the broth (Noctis and Prompto complained in the background the first time it happened, whining about how he never shared his cup noodles with them). Sometimes, whenever you were laying in bed and couldn’t sleep, Gladio would slide into your bed beside you, and pull out a book he knew you enjoyed. He would gently read you to sleep, using surprisingly diversified voices (everytime he read women’s dialogue in squeaky, high voices, making you giggle). It was almost surprising that someone with such a rough voice could read so smoothly. Gladio’s subtle actions and loving warmth was comforting as you recovered. By the end of it, you found yourself only loving him even more.
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