#sw resistance round 2
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#star wars#star wars resistance#the missing agent#the voxx vortex 5000#sw resistance#star wars resistance season 2#star wars polls#sw resistance season 2#sw resistance round 2#round 2i
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October 26 – Senior Prep
25 – k on side
25 – uw BR sw
25 – dolphin dives
25 – ch. sw
Lunge to OH hold x5 ea.
16x25 Br w/ dk paddle knuckles fins @:35
25 – small outsweep
25 – medium outsweep
25 – Big outsweep
25 – just right
25 board resistance/25 regular @1:30
Sequence Drill @1:10
Hold SC G3 @1:05
Hold SC G4 @1:00
8x100 BR k @ 2:00
Count Strokes @2:10
Hold SC @2:00
AO @2:00
12x50 @1:10
Round 1 FR
Round 2 + 3 choice
300 FR OTB
200 IM OTB
100 #1 OTB
0 notes
So, in part to get myself writing Regularly again (instead of in random spurts at Inconvenient Times like The Middle Of The Night or While I’m At Work), I’ve decided to do this OTP prompt list. And because Why Stop At One, I’m doing a few different sets? But limiting myself to one for each fandom/verse. Which are specifically going to be BSG, Star Wars, and my three primary original ‘verses. (While there are others I considered--including saying ‘well different eras in SW are kind of different fandoms’--five is a nice round number, so that’s where we’re headed.)
I already know who (and most of what) I’m doing for BSG; Star Wars I’m either doing Anidala or Obianidala; but for my original stuff I haven’t settled, and so I am seeking Opinions! (Also still seeking opinions on SWBB, but I’m currently leaning towards option 2 there, based on feedback I’ve had so far)
List is below, with additional details (for those of you who are unfamiliar) behind the cut.
Farglass Cycle:
Go platonic with the Horsemen
Untitled Intrigues Story:
Sef/Del and Sef/Tahnrin
The Farglass Cycle is a swords-and-sorcery type more or less traditional fantasy; the time period I mostly write in (and from which all these characters come) is centered around a war between Feredar (and its allies) and a coalition of other nations, the most prominent of which are the City of Glass, Asendar, and the Islands. The magic system is based on elements (water, fire, air, earth, lightning/magnetism, metal, sound, and blood). The level of tech is probably comparable to the 16th century. Feredar is the bad guy here, although the crown princess of Glass probably would be in another version of this story.
Taz Hantree is a Captain from the Islands. Sometimes a pirate, sometimes a legitimate merchant; she smuggles things (and people) in and out of Feredar; one of the main characters. She is also kind of a chaos gremlin (it’s the Pirate Captain in her XD) and also a water-mage.
Dallu is her partner and navigator; he comes from the North, which has a longstanding relationship with the Islands. He’s a lightning-mage, and can therefore read and manipulate weather. Generally a pretty chill dude.
Nolani is the eldest daughter of the Crown Princess of Glass. She’s very close to her younger siblings, especially her brother. Kind of a Mom Friend at heart; also a hopeless romantic. She has a string of generally brief relationships during her wildfire years, eventually settling with Lonura. Like all members of the Glass royal family, she is a fire-mage.
Lonura is a noble from one of the mountain borders of Glass. She’s a sound-mage, and has been hopelessly in love with Nolani for a while. She tends to be a fairly quiet person, more content with backing people who are in the spotlight than being in the spotlight herself.
Sorell is the King of Feredar when the story opens. He’s generally the lesser of two evils when compared with his eldest son, but when you’re comparing a guy to a genocidal warlord, that’s. Not saying much. In his personal life/with his family, he’s generally a decent man. Very devoted to his wife and children; he came to the throne after his parents and four older brothers were assassinated when he was fifteen.
Nida was initially sent to seduce and marry Sorell by her mother, who is heavily involved in resisting the structural problems that later allow Kellom to do what he does. As is often the case, she falls for her own honey trap, and ends up balking when asked to murder her husband after their fifth child/second son is born.
There is a question mark on this one for a reason.
Kesshare is the Crown Princess of Glass (again, would be the villain in another story). She is an extremely self-aware sociopath. She’s incapable of empathy or love, but she’s aware of it and makes sure to compensate in the areas where it matters (with her husband, with her children). She married someone who would make up for that and be a better parent than she’s capable of, and she made it very clear that she would never love him. That being said, their relationship is a close one, and one of the longest and most successful in the story.
Ineku is from a merchant clan, and a non-mage. He’s a doctor by training, and loves Kesshare, knowing full well who and what she is. He spends a lot of time with their children, and is just...a very kind person; also not afraid to tell Kesshare when she’s crossing a line (which, to be fair, is part of what she wants from him, so).
These two are minor characters, involved with the serial killer sideplot.
Deshell is investigating the murders, and eventually mayor of the Asendar port town he lives in. He and Fesha are the other very long and successful relationship in this canon; while they do have a period where they almost fall apart, but they work through it Like Adults.
Fesha is a nurse, she met Deshell when she was working for her uncle. They have two biological sons and one adopted--a street kid who witnessed one of the serial killer’s murders. Deshell didn’t exactly Ask before bringing the kid home, which Fesha wasn’t thrilled with (the not-asking, not the bringing the kid home). But, again, they worked through their communication issues and had a long and happy relationship after that.
Lux is basically the Apocalypse In SPACE.
Lux is Lucifer. That’s...yep, she’s Lucifer. Currently presenting as female (angels have a different relationship to gender than humans do); she was freed from her prison before she was ready, kicking off the Apocalypse. Did not intend to have Feelings for her human and yet.
Mariko is a human translator; she met Lux when she was working for the human/earth delegation to the Space UN, and fell in love with her there. Things went very far south when Lux located the people who had raised her (the reason she was on the station in the first place) and murdered them; Mariko walked in on this; there was fire involved and Mariko was badly burned; and then they don’t see each other for ten years. Lux came clean when they reunited, and they slowly rebuild their relationship from there.
Simon is immortal. Technically a nephil, though he almost never knows that. His memories get periodically erased by the angels for reasons that made sense at the beginning, but make less and less sense as time goes on. When he met Ruth, he was in a fairly blank state, and had been given the name David Gilboa; he had his name and he was working as a math teacher.
Ruth met Simon, then known as David, when they were set up by a mutual friend. It was a kind of awkward first blind date--a lot of the usual questions get Awkward when the person you’re meeting only has four years’ worth of personal memories--but there was enough of a connection that she agreed to a second. They built a life together, and got married. When he was pulled away/had his memory erased again by the angels, she was pregnant, and had a son. Their relationship is generally pretty sweet and low-key until it’s Tragic (there is an AU where he contacts her again once he remembers her; but in canon he decided it was kinder to her to stay away, rather than risk being pulled away again, especially since she’d had ten years to grieve him at that point).
Alejandro is the head of the Family, descendants of Simon and Ruth’s son, who keep track of the angels and whatever information they can find about the Apocalypse and their role in it (all the major human characters come from the Family, they know that much). Roughly a thousand years later, there are Many cousins to keep track of, some who barely even really count as related.
Laura is a reporter; she’s not part of the Family. Her father was a diplomat, so when Al read her in on some of the more. Uh. Supernatural aspects of what it is he does, she took it fairly well. They get married, and have a couple kids and grandkids. She’s actually working on a story on the CSP (Space UN) station when Lux sets it on fire. When Al is later abducted by the Horsemen, she more or less bullies an angel into helping her track him down. Not someone to be trifled with.
Mariko’s parents.
Tsuna is a retired professional ballerina, and now a ballet teacher.
Evan is an accountant.
There’s...not all that much else to say about them, lol. They’re fairly normal. They met when the company he was working for--a toy company--did a benefit featuring the Nutcracker as performed by Tsuna’s ballet company. His long-time best friend and sister in all but blood Cecily worked in marketing at the same company and dragged him along, and they’ve been together ever since.
Go platonic with the Horsemen
Kind of four sisters, kind of three women coparenting a twelve-year-old. All are part of the Family.
Rubika (Death) is in her mid-twenties when they’re activated; she’s the nominal leader of the group. She worked for the Family as a messenger (gathering and distributing news of births/marriages/deaths/etc.) Her mother is a farmer on Charon. It was her idea to kidnap Al.
Shane (Famine) is in her eighties or nineties when they’re activated. She was married once. The marriage ended in divorce when Alex cheated on her. She’s the only one of the Horsemen who met Simon before they were activated, on a couple of different occasions.
Dimana (War) is in her forties when they’re activated, a con artist and professional gambler. She thrives on competition, and has absolutely zero shame about the life she’s chosen to live.
Imi (Pestilence) is about twelve when they’re activated. Her father was part of the Family, but died while her mother was pregnant. She was raised by her mother and grandparents, who hated each other. When her mother died, her grandparents weren’t interested in keeping her, and she was brought (by Rubika) to stay with one of her father’s distant cousins.
Untitled Intrigues Story is a hard-fantasy political intrigues story. Two of the most powerful nations on the map, Elanhe and Nandere, have a history of rivalry, occasionally breaking out into war. Thirty-five/forty years before the story begins, the High Priest at the time brokered an uneasy peace between them. As part of that peace, the sister of the King of Elanhe married the King of Nandere, and the sister of the King of Nandere married the King of Elanhe. While this treaty did more or less stop the open war, it didn’t really do much to ease the tension between the two kingdoms. In the present, the Kings from the original treaty have both died within about six months of each other. Their respective eldest sons, Malue of Nandere and Larien of Elanhe, have inherited. The current High Priest, Jemairin, has sent his children to try and maintain and strengthen the peace before it collapses completely, which is considered Likely without further intervention. His eldest, Ahnrel, is sent as envoy to Nandere; his second, Sefalin, is sent as envoy to Elanhe; and his youngest, Neiali, is sent to track down Larien’s full brother Idan, who befriended Malue when they were children, but disappeared a few years before the story proper opens.
Sef/Del and Sef/Tahnrin
So this isn’t technically an OTP. It’s also not really an OT3. It’s a vee, not a triad, in part because the metamours are, in fact, related.
Sefalin is, as mentioned above, the middle child of the High Priest (priests in this world are allowed to have children but not married; they’re not supposed to have relationships that can compete with their relationships to the church or the gods; and while your kids are always your kids, the time period when that is a Primary relationship is at least in theory by its nature finite, children grow up and have their own lives; not so much with a spouse). He’s fairly good with nuance, but also tends to sort of...get swept along by events, and while he is mindful of his primary mission here, he’s gotten as much involved in helping to balance Elanhe’s internal politics as keeping Larien from escalating things with Nandere.
Landelye is the elder daughter of King Larien. Women in Elanhe are not allowed to inherit titles, but since her father has no sons and his legitimate brother is missing, there’s a chance the rules might be changed for her. She’s serious, and a little devious; she set out to seduce Sefalin to get him on her side, but she found out he was charming and funny and oh no I have a problem. She loves him enough to be willing to share him, which brings us to...
Tahnrin is Larien’s bastard half-brother. He’s the other primary candidate to be declared Larien’s heir in Idan’s absence, and is fighting a war of intrigue with his niece accordingly. He was initially interested in Sef for the same reasons Del is--and fell into the same trap she did.
Sef is very careful to balance his relationships with his lovers; he loves them both, and even if he wanted to choose between them, he’s aware that that would have political as well as personal consequences, and if he help keep them balanced and prevent Elanhe from spiraling into a civil war...well, that can only be a good thing, right?
Larien is, as mentioned, the King of Elanhe. He’s a subtle and dangerous man; he’s not going to start a war (that would cost him more than it would gain him) but he is damned well going to win it if his cousin of Nandere causes Problems. Probably the only impulsive, non-calculated thing he’s ever done was marry Metanrye, when they were both teenagers. And even that, he weighed the costs and benefits before doing it. He does love her, truly, and while they’ve occasionally engaged in some bedroom diplomacy (not an uncommon practice in Elanhe), he’s extremely loyal to her. They have two daughters, and she can’t have more children; but the idea of divorcing her in hopes of having a legitimate son bothers him more than upending centuries of law and tradition to name either Del or Tahnrin as his heir.
Metanrye is a firmly--almost ruthlessly--practical woman. She loves her husband deeply, and has from the moment they met. She was not expecting him to marry her. Very Elanhean, very used to wielding subtle power in the background, she is completely behind her husband in public, but willing to argue or influence him in private. She’s hoping he’ll name her daughter as his heir, of course, but is staying on the fringes of that contest.
Ahnrel is Jemairin’s oldest, and sent to Nandere. He’s much more straightforward than his brother. He tends to dive into problems and work them out as he goes, and is doing his best to moderate that tendency/wait to act until he has all the information he needs so he can fulfill his half of the deal and maintain the peace. Nanderese politics are--at least on the surface--much more straightforward than what’s going on in Elanhe; Malue is unmarried and has his younger brother for his heir.
Kamer is a palace guard, assigned to guide and protect Ahnrel. Kamer is a fairly rigid person, almost painfully upright and devoted to his duty, which currently is both to Ahnrel and to Nandere, and he’ll protect them both from everything he can. Including his own, increasingly intense feelings for the envoy.
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HC reading
DISCLAIMER: If you will send me an Anon, I will answer the same tone as your ask, opinion is written.
All information and statements made in this reading or any other post of mine are all alleged until proven to be fact and for entertainment purposes & usage only. All information stated is based on my intuition and my tarot cards. Opinion only. The readings have no intention to cause any harm to the individuals, people featured in it.
Cards pulled on 19th September
I barely thought about the question The Moon and the 2 of Pentacles felt out. I was thinking a little because I haven’t thought about that question deeply yet, but I decided to keep that 2 cards as a summary of the reading and go back to it if I don’t understand something and the very end of the reading.
My question was how his next few weeks will look like.
Queen of Cups rx, Death rx,( clarified by the King of Cups and the Devil rx - both fell out so I kept both) 5 of Swords, 3 of Swords rx, 10 of Swords rx, Knight of cups rx
What I see is a lot of balancing, wanting something but resisting the change at the same time. Inner and outer battles.
Death rx could be many things one of it is resisting to change, something couldn’t come to its end. For example, a relationship is over but they cannot move on, stuck in. And I think they cannot really move on because they have some codependency between them (QofCrx). If this card represents a person, they are someone who cannot control their emotions, mood swings, hypersensitive to criticism etc. This also could mean heartbreak. I think the truth is the blend of this. There is this emotional insecurity and neediness that is not let something reach its end. Denying your own feeling to make someone else happy. New energies, new impulses don’t reach him and he is operating on those old ones that should be let go. He is somewhat lying to himself that he can juggle between new and old, that he can grow but can remain the same. On a physical level that could mean depression, sleep deprivation.
However, these two-card is facing each other like in a battle when the oppositions are ready to attack. So I think before he can move on or he can battle for some change he has to face the forces that don’t let him choose or move on (QofCrx. It could be another person or one part of himself) The next card is the 5 of Swords. 5 of S is a change, a battle, a battle coming to an end card and top of that his card suggests very strongly a bulling person or situation. Ungraceful win or mental suffering. With this card is very important that who you identified yourself with on the picture. The bigger figure, who won, who has a smug smile, who probably a bully and won unfairly, or the 2 little figures, who are defeated, humiliated, bullied.
5ofS is losing the moral compass and integrity and I feel this could be a realization of his that he reached that point. He lost those things, his moral values and wants to break free (Devil rx) but he is stuck. Maybe he has to balance between his own mood swing or someone else’s.
With those conflicting emotions, thoughts, I feel he is in an early phase of transition. This King (King of Cups) is emotionally responsible and with the Devil rx maybe he wants to break free from some emotional attachments. The King of C is the pleaser, the father figure, the dominant one so maybe somehow his father is playing some role in it.
Death rx is a very interesting card because if we think the upright is about rebirth the reverse should be about being stuck, not remain the same but Mary K Greer is saying this card could mean “emerging from the death” coming out from a stagnant period. (keep this meaning in your mind it will be important at the end!) And I think the Devil rx is supporting this meaning but those cards as a whole suggest for me such an inner conflict, battling with yourself, what to do, what to decide. As the song says “ Should I stay or should I go”?
5 of Sw, 3 of Sw rx, 10 of Sw rx, Knight of C rx
In this whole spread, there are cups and swords. Heart vs mind, emotions vs logic and a clear head
Both 3 and 10 of Sw rx means healing, escaping from something fatal (NOT necessarily in a death-life situation!! more like on an emotional, metaphysical level as Death card doesn’t mean physical death ), the swords are falling out. But that doesn’t mean the experiences or the process is not painful. Oh boy… it is, it is painful. but instead of the light end of the tunnel is a train it’s like��. we can still have hope it’s not a train.
What a little worries me is the Knight of Cups rx because this is again, juggling, mood swings between seeing the positive aspect of this or feeling sulky and moody. With this RX knight the problem is that he is overly romantic, daydreaming or the opposite, he feels everyone is leaving him and reject him. He is in emotional turmoil. And I feel even he won his inner battles and start to heal he will check back to the past. Not necessarily reconnect with an old flame but starting to live in the past and asking “what if…?” and starting to replay the past decisions, emotions and those are not healthy. I think all of those will leave him emotionally insecure and confused.
The relationship now (at the time of the reading)
2 cards felt out face down and when I flipped the first it was the Lovers. And I was WOW that is something new, how exciting, second was the World rx. I pulled 2 clarifications on the Lovers: the Empress rx and the Strength. First, let’s see these 4 cards.
When I was thinking about the Lovers card’s sudden appearance after 6 months in the first time I felt (because of the other cards) that some seducing going on like they were doing it when I pulled the cards or some other games were going on like she was trying to convince him about something and she was seducing him to get what she wants.
The World rx is unfinished business, no closure, something is not finished yet, unfulfillment.
I think she (because Emprx is always her in my readings) feels that this relationship is not dead yet or she is not ready to give up. Look at the Strength card. There is a woman, taming a lion, a beast with her, kindness, will, determination etc. This card is also the first card in the second set of sevens we can separate the Major arcana (1-7, 8-14, 15-21), so it could mean a new chapter too. I feel this is what she wants very badly. However, in this situation, the question is who has the real strength? Maybe she is on her way to use convincing tactics but in real life, she wants something HC has or something that she cannot get if he doesn’t want to give. And I think this is the relationship itself or some aspect of it.
The World rx is still not a bad card could mean success but that success is not what you wanted or how you imagines it. There is a serious anticlimax here. And it’s a very short-lived success, if at all. So no matter what female tactics she uses for keeping alive the relationship if HC doesn’t want to give the relationship another round, she can do anything, she won’t succeed.
On a very direct level, it could mean that the whole world is watching them and she feels the pressure of it “the world’s burden on her shoulders” Maybe there is a lost connection and she wants to make up this with sex or being physical.
With the Emp rx and the Strength, I see a serious manipulation going on.
The rest of this spread is The High Priestess, 2 of Swords rx, Ace of wands rx. If you want to imagine the “spread” it’s 5 cards, HP in the middle, on the left the Lovers ( without signifiers) and the World rx, on the right the 2ofSrx, AceofWrx .
Why is this important? I am studying the HP atm because for me this is the most fascinating card, I always have a hard time interpreting. Many people saying this is a secretive woman, someone with secrets etc...I think this is such a simplifying way to handle this card. HP is not secretive in a gossipy, mean girl way or someone who is cheating etc. She doesn’t share her knowledge because we are not ready, not because she is enjoying that she knows something we don’t. She is a gatekeeper. On the card, she is sitting before a veil (veil between the worlds), she has some sacred text in her lap. In the RWS deck, this is the Tora, in my personal deck, this is the Book of Shadows. She is aware of those deep truths, ancient knowledge. This is not some simple secret or gossip.The High Priestess wisdom in the light in the Hermit’s lamp that separates him from the complete darkness and shows him the path he has to choose. On the veil, there are pomegranates that link her to Persephone whose faith was living between two worlds. She keeps those worlds apart. (this was my short essay on The High Priestess for you,welcome :D )
So what is the significance of all of this? That I think in the spread THP separates the thing NV wants to achieve and the truth or the thing she wants to avoid. On the left there is the manipulation, the seducing, trying to tame the beast, trying to make it sexual again on the right distance in a relationship, cold heart, love cannot come through because of the crossed swords, no sexual desire (Ace of Wrx). A of Wrx is infertility, impotency or not wanting the other sexually anymore. This card upright is a phallic symbol that’s why it is connected to sexuality, fertility, pregnancy, in reverse not just the lack of this but a thumb down too. It’s like giving a thumb down to the relationship and this is not just an “ I don’t like something”.In ancient times that means a death sentence to gladiators. It’s like the death sentence of this relationship. And I feel very symbolic that the first card was the Lovers and the last is this in this spread. A polar opposite in meaning that is separated by THP. The HP is not passive, he is the epitome of eternal stillness, the boundaries between two extremes. I feel this relationship like the whole reading is about duality ( 2ofPent, 2ofSw, THP, Judgment) as the first row of this reading, swords vs cups, mind vs emotions. These two things are battling in him.
The outcome of this relationship
Judgment, 3 of cups rx.
Numerologically the Judgment (XX 20=2+0=2)
On the Judgment card, an angel blows her trumpet and people rise up from their coffins. Do you remember what I said about the Death rx? That one meaning of this is “emerging from the death”. Clarity, decision made, realization, powerful understanding. Also means huge transformation. In a relationship could be a Karmic connection. With the 3ofC rx is the realisation that the relationship is no fun anymore. More work than joy. I don’t mean “it’s a pr “, I mean their time together is less fun more work in the relationship. Or no matter how much they try the fun is just lost.( for example they can have sex, the real desire is gone) Also, this is the drinking card so maybe the realisation they over partied and drank way too much in this relationship and they don’t like each other that much if they are sober. Also could mean infidelity or a third weel in not necessarily a cheating sense, for example, one of them has a friend/parent etc and that person is so involved and present in the relationship that the other feels it’s a third party in this. This card also means no reconnection, mistrust.
I think the theme of this relationship and his next few weeks is balancing and trying to conquer himself. Battling between mind and heart, logic reason and emotions.
This reading has a 2nd part, I pulled some cards on 30th.
For now, I will only reveal from that reading one thing. I asked about timing and breakup. I got the 5 of Swords. So this card means October 3 times. How is this possible?
1.Methond - days, weeks, months, years
Swords are weeks, so this card means 5 weeks from 19th September
2.Method Seasons
Swords means Autumn. October is Autumn.
3.Method Astrological corresponds
Swords : Air signs. Gemini, Libra, Aquarius.
Libra is September 23 – October 22.
However, I felt I need a 2nd card, a clarification. It was the Hanged Man. This means, delays, no time period available. I interpret this as the break up will happen in October but we won’t know about it for a while. And yes, I am prepared that she or someone maybe reading this and they will organize something in October, but this doesn’t change the fact that I am getting October SINCE April. That’s why I said in a previous ask that, this is a joke from Universe if they won’t break up in October.
I hope you enjoyed this reading.
Be blessed. :)
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Saturday 18 June 1836
no kiss at my desk at 8 - wrote and sent off by John Booth note to ‘Mr. Mackean Yorkshire District Bank, Halifax’ for £50 by the bearer and wrote and sent off letter to ‘Messrs. Rundell and Bridge’ enclosed in small wood box containing my maclean watch that will not go at all - whatever repairs wanted to be done, and to let me have the watch back and the bill by the 6th of July and I will immediately send an order on Messrs. Hammersleys for the amount - the box directed to ‘Messrs. Rundell and Bridge, Ludgate Hill, London per mail Saturday 18 June 1836’ - breakfast at 9 - sat talking to A- off at 10 ½ (up Pump Lane) to upper Place quarry and there in ¼ hour - Messrs. Hainsworth and Dobson and Washington there measuring the last baring – SW- coming here - I went with H- and D- to look about where to make a hole to shew the marsh farm stone - they to make me a hole on the same sort of terms Mr. Freeman did - i.e. pay wages and look after the job, and then value the stone and make me bid if they chose, but I to be at liberty to let by ticket or not - or do as I thought right - this understood, I went to Joseph Hall’s - ¾ hour there - the poor old man would leave the house if I wished it - the widow of his son Thomas (too) civil and accommodating, and more inclined to fret than talk of making resistance to giving up the land - agreed she could not make it pay - I said I wanted to let the stone to get - told her not to fret - I would do what I could for her - I should like to let the farm to someone, I said, who could let the old man remain in the house, and have her (his sons’ widow) to take care of him - I would not hurt him with rent - asked what she could make up to live upon - she has 4 cottages let for £3.15.0 a piece - and the old man has 3 cottages - his at his death will be divided among his 5 children - said if her father would take one of her 5 girls (and a boy and in a family way) I would ask A- to let her go to Knowl top school - much obliged - will give up the land anytime - her brother Abraham Hemingway of Southholm said he thought she had £20 in the land tenant-right - they had paid old Joseph £10 on his giving all up to them - I said I knew nothing of this - Joseph was my tenant - in going from Upper Place quarry to Joseph Hall’s saw that Mr. Haigh was building a wall and shewing symptoms of taking in the bit of waste opposite to my land - asked Messrs. Hainsworth and Dobson to look after this for me - I would not be blocked out from the road - would not allow the waste to be taken in - H- and D- promised not to let it be taken in –
returned from Joseph Hall’s along the old Highroad and by Whiskum and home at 12 50 - A- had her schoolmaster and Henry Ingham the waller was waiting for me - paid him for walling at Mytholm farm - for Aquilla Green - and told him to look at the bit of walling to be done for John B- at the top of Whiskum quarry -sat with A- at her luncheon after having had Holt for ¼ hour - who brought me the measurement of what pit-pheying stuff Mark Hepworth has brought down to opposite the house - 141 yards at the same price Pickells brought it down or at less - i.e. at 1/. per yard or at 10d. - vide - 25 yards pheying out of 58 towards the top of the hill - have been 3 weeks and 2 days doing this = 20 days in doing 25 yards - in about 3 weeks more we shall be at the turn round ‘the nook’ and by Xmas shall know whether Rawson has trespassed or not - A- and I talked over the establishment - George wanted to speak to me - afraid he was all wrong and that it would end in his giving warning - had him in my study about (above) ½ hour - agreeably surprised to find not much the matter - he thought it right to tell Mrs. Briggs had been crying at dinner and Miss B- fretting to see her mother fret because Miss Walker spoke to her Mrs. B- in such a way she could not bear it would leave at an hour’s warning but her own house not ready I was silent a moment or two then gently said this was not the right away for Mrs. B- to go on it was at least unlucky all mistake nobody kinder in reality than A- said I could take no notice of what George told but could easily set all right if Mrs. B- spoke to me I much obliged to her etc poor George saw that there was no good to be done against A- but I see they all dislike her - A- came to me turned all off very nicely and all seemed satisfied - A- off on her pony to Cliff ill at 4 - I gave Mallinson the joiner a check for £300 in a/c of Northgate and ordered Charles H- who came about the ladders to make 2 (7 yards and 4 or 5 yards long) at 1/. per yard of length afterwards asked M- he said it was not out of the way - if no steps made (all the steps made) 5d. per ft. i.e. 1/3 per yard of length a common price - out from about 4 to 6 1/2 - with Robert Mann + 4 at the great main drain - and about - Robert Schofield and Joseph Sharpe not here today - too wet among the young oaks after the heavy rain of yesterday and last night - paid them (Robert came at 7) by George up to last night in full of everything, wearing the brook in Dodgson’s land and everything - Paid Mawson (too) for carting stone for meer clow and soil to the hollow between Godley Ing and Sour Ing - dinner at 7 - coffee - no French - out from 8 ¾ to 9 ½ - then with my aunt till after 10 - then till 11 5 wrote all the above of today - fine day after 11 am tho’ dull - a little rain in the morning till about or after 11 - went to the quarry in my red tartan cloak - F50° now at 11 10 pm - John took this morning and left at Smith’s warehouse the box of old Yorkshire gazettes and old H-x papers belonging to Marian and which she ought to have on Tuesday night at Market Weighton - carriage paid
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Too Good To Be Wrong - Part 3

Summary: No matter how much you tried, you couldn’t resist Park Chanyeol, even if you knew it would test everything that you thought family stood for.
Genre: childhood friends & “siblings” to lovers au / forbidden romance / older woman - younger man au
Characters: Park Chanyeol x female reader
A/N: This is a series about falling in love with your “brother” Chanyeol - your family took him in when you were younger. It will contain mature content in later parts, but for the majority of the story it’s about reconnecting as adults and discovering feelings for each other.
I am expecting Too Good to be Wrong to be around 10 parts long, but this could change depending on how the story progresses in further parts.
Too Good To Be Wrong will be posted every Tuesday at 10am NZST.
Prologue | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10
If things hadn’t felt awkward that night, they definitely were in the morning. Not that you really allowed yourself to be around Chanyeol. You hadn’t slept much overnight but one thing was certain, you weren’t going to push the snooze button like you had been on your alarm lately. And when it went off precisely on time, you sat up, blearily pulling yourself up from what had barely amounted to any rest and began getting ready for work. You skipped having a shower, you focused on your makeup too much and then pinned up your hair. Knowing that if you left now you could stop off for a coffee and bagel for breakfast at the café next to your work, you picked up your bag and stepped out of your room.
Chanyeol had just exited his own and blinked a couple of times at your made up appearance, looking far too alert for someone who usually struggled in the morning. “You’re ready early. Just give me ten and–”
“Uh, I have an early meeting; I’ll just take the subway.”
“Oh.” He nodded slowly, his eyes now avoiding yours. “Well, have a nice day.”
“You too.” You sounded too chipper and fled to the door, groaning internally as you stumbled to get into your heels. Your feet were bound to hurt after this shift, but you didn’t care long enough to grab a pair of sneakers, just wanting to escape before things got awkward.
Or, more than it already was.
You internalised your problem all morning, barely eating or concentrating on your tasks. And then your mood changed to overdoing it on everything and snacking constantly on chocolate. You had decided to avoid it until it all went away and you and Chanyeol could look back on these times when much older and laugh.
Right now though you felt ridiculous.
You hoped he would find an apartment of his own. And when you arrived home that evening, Chanyeol was doing just that, searching online at the small table, greeting you with a strained smile. You had been hoping for this all day and for a moment your face broke out happily, he had done well to understand your feelings. And then you sighed, wondering why it felt so wrong to be this happy. You went over to the refrigerator and looked in to see what you could make for dinner.
“Don’t your feet hurt?” he asked and you glanced at down at your slippers, thankful they covered your painful toes. You had to run for the subway on the way home and your feet were still protesting about it. “Maybe we could order in?”
“If I keep eating takeaways, I’ll get too fat.”
“You’re not fat at all,” he assured and for a moment you smiled, feeling at ease with Chanyeol’s words. Then you met his gaze and snapped your focus away immediately.
It was still uncomfortable.
Pulling out some side dishes and chicken, you mindlessly started cooking for you both. It was mostly silent, Chanyeol humming or muttering under his breath at the apartments he was still perusing. And when you placed a plate in front of him, he thanked you but didn’t put the computer away. For some reason, it irked you to sit down with him so distracted from having a proper conversation with you.
“My boss needs me to start coming in to work earlier from now on, so I’ll just take the subway,” you said after five minutes of waiting to see if he’d close the laptop lid and join you for the meal.
“Thank you for taking me so far,” you continued and he nodded lightly. You were stupidly hurt by his lack of conversation and glared at him for a moment before stabbing at your meal with more force than necessary.
After dinner, Chanyeol went to wash the dishes and you stood beside him, drying the utensils as he placed them down.
“I might have found a place,” he told you and you paused in picking up a bowl, glancing up at him to gauge his expression. Chanyeol didn’t look at you; instead he kept his eyes on the soapy water. “I’ll go take a look this weekend at it.”
“That’s good.”
“Mm, if it’s nice enough, I’ll move in then too.”
You didn’t know what to say back and just carried on drying the bowl in your hand slowly.
“But if you need anything, like a light bulb changed or something that your adult friends can’t do-”
“I’ll be fine; I survived here by myself all this time.”
“Of course you did,” he agreed, and then all of a sudden the lights went out.
There was screaming and a shattering sound as the room plunged into darkness. And then it was eerily silent.
“Chanyeol, you’re still there right?” you asked tentatively and then squealed when his hand brushed against your arm.
“I’m right here. They said it was going to storm tonight but I didn’t hear anything so why did the power go out?”
You trembled, you hated storms. As if he remembered, Chanyeol instinctively shifted closer and then let out a whine. “Are you okay?”
“The bowl,” he muttered in pain, and you looked down to see what you had been holding was now in parts on the floor. You went to reach down to pick up the shards you could just see now that your eyes had adjusted to the lack of lighting but Chanyeol’s hand gripped at your upper arm. You glanced up into his face. “Don’t, you’ll hurt yourself too.”
“Let me find my phone,” you murmured and turned slowly to the island counter that sectioned off your kitchen from the rest of the living area. Rounding it, you moved to the table and felt for your phone. Once it was in your hand you quickly turned on the torch feature, spinning it around and blinding Chanyeol with the light. You cringed. “Sorry.”
“Just light up the ground so I don’t step in any more. This will teach me for not wearing slippers tonight.”
Doing as he instructed, you assisted Chanyeol getting away from the mess in the kitchen and onto the chair at the table. Gesturing for him to lift his foot up, you held your phone close to inspect the small wound and then patted his leg gently. “I’ll just go get the first aid kit.”
After making your way into the bathroom, you returned with the kit in hand, right as a loud rumble came from above. You shrieked at the sound and fell onto Chanyeol’s lap, his own yelp now being deflated by your sudden weight. Of course, it would storm after all.
“At least we know what took out the power,” he mumbled as you jumped back up, cursing your weakness during storms. You knew he frightened easily as well, but for some reason, he looked more composed than you felt. Perhaps, because he knew just how bad you could get. Prying the phone out of your hand, Chanyeol held the light out over his foot and this gave you enough direction to start treating the wound. It wasn’t deep thankfully, but it was a little longer than it initially looked. You sterilised it with an alcohol wipe and then began bandaging it up, flinching with every boom now happening in the angry skies outside. Chanyeol’s soothing encouragement helped you get through bandaging his foot up, his voice deeper now in the otherwise silent room when the thunder wasn’t rumbling.
Once you were done, you looked into the kitchen but Chanyeol shook his head, the action catching in your peripheral. “We’ll clean up tomorrow, how about we turn off everything in case the storm gets too bad and then go to bed?”
“Good idea.”
After making sure everything was switched off, you said goodnight and went into your bedroom. The storm was still brewing outside and whilst you had gotten used to the grumbling of the clouds, you couldn’t take the flashes of lightning illuminating your room. Burying under your blankets in hopes it would soon stop, you shook with the anxiety from the storm, letting out little cries when the rumbles started turning into loud crashes.
The night sky sounded angry, warning all those below of trouble looming.
After another bang, you shrieked, vaguely hearing your door open and then felt arms encasing you. “Noona, it’s okay, I’m here.”
You gripped onto Chanyeol through the blankets, soon shifting them away so you could breathe from how entrapped you felt. His arms moved in to hold you again and you buried into him instead, clamping your eyes shut as more lightning brightened the room.
After some time, the storm moved into heavy rain pounding down on the roof loudly. You eased your grip on Chanyeol, though his arms didn’t shift as quickly as yours did. Lifting your head up, you wiped away your tears and turned away from him. “Sorry.”
“I didn’t mean to, I mean your shirt is all wet now,” you mumbled and Chanyeol chuckled.
“You always used to come running into my room and hide under the blankets with me when we were kids. Don’t you remember?”
You smiled weakly, looking back over at him and nodded. “I scolded you for being frightened easily at everything but insisted the one thing you couldn’t be scared of was thunderstorms.”
“Because you needed me.” It was the right answer, but in this atmosphere it seemed to hold a lot more meaning than a juvenile promise made when you were younger. Chanyeol was staring at you and despite the lack of lighting, you felt yourself falling hostage in his gaze. He heaved a deep breath. “You need me, right?”
“I’m a big girl now, Chan.”
He scrutinised you silently and you turned to look away, his hand soon drawing your face back to his. He was too close and you were both too old for sleepovers after storms now. Swallowing roughly, you averted your gaze to his chest, watching it rise and fall under his sleeveless top.
“Y/N.” You couldn’t help but look up at the way he said your name, and for a moment he looked scared. His eyes were wide with whatever he was processing inside his head and you chewed at your lip anxiously. The action drew his attention to your lips and he heaved another breath. “Remember when you were fifteen?”
You nodded softly, that was the year he had been the hardest to deal with. It was also when his parents died.
“You had your first boyfriend then,” he told you and you blinked, wondering how he remembered that. Chanyeol seemed unsteady in his breathing and his hand on your jawline shook. “I was ten years old and so mad at you.”
“Because I was dating and you weren’t? Wasn’t that the age you should have been scared of catching cooties or something?”
“I would have taken all your cooties,” he admitted and your eyes widened. “I was mad that you weren’t dating me.”
“You were ten!”
“You were all I saw,” he continued and you froze in his arms, Chanyeol’s eyes no longer staring at you. He looked over your shoulder, your hard gaze making him feel weak within his odd confession. “And then we became family-”
Chanyeol sighed heavily. “Can’t you let me tell you?”
“I’m scared where these thoughts are going,” you admitted and he nodded.
“They scared me for years.”
“Chan, we’re family.”
“I didn’t want to be family like that with you,” he told you, and you pushed him off, shaking your head rapidly. “I wanted you to need me. Like this.”
“You’re just soothing me from a storm, don’t get it mixed up.”
“So you don’t need me then?” he asked and you glanced back at him, noting the vulnerable state of his expression. He was watching you carefully and slowly he moved in closer. It made your breathing hitch in your throat. “Do you need me or not?”
Part 4
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Port St Lucie, Lake Forest Pointe gated community features a beautiful and well-maintained home with 2 bedrooms & 2 bathrooms plus Den that can be used as 3rd bedroom or office. 2 car garage with pull down stair & attic space. The property includes impact glass windows throughout and a whole-house generator. High-rated water-resistant wood-based laminate flooring throughout the home. Updated spacious kitchen with gas stove, and stainless-steel appliances, quartz countertops, 42'' white cabinets, pullout drawers, two pantries & breakfast nook area. Laundry room with washer, dryer & storage space. Extended open patio with covered area overlooking the wide lake with hurricane screen and additional accordion shutters throughout & more! Price $383,500
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September 20, 2022 –
- 25 – Broad Jump turn swim to bottom torpedo scull
- 25 – 5 pressups/outs ch. sw
- 25 – 10 seated back extensions reverse fly
- 25 – 30 sec plank ch. K
1) 2 BOBs to reverse flip to streamline hold 5 sec. to open turn to boat scull @ :50
2) 25 – uw pullouts FAST @:45
3) 25 – surface push + streamline hold to 10m into pause drill (IM order no fr) @:45
4) 25 – Build to FAST (IM order by round) @:40
2x25 – eggbeater k @:45
2x37.5 – breast k w/ fly arms @1:10
2x25 – partner resisted br for 5 strokes + let go + MAX EFFORT @:45
2x50 – DPS desc SC by 1 @1:10
2x100 Fr lowest SC @1:20/1:125/1:30
4x50 desc 1-4 where last one is Max Effort Fr (no more than 2 sec drop) @1:10
8x25 alt. 1 Max Effort/ 1 Recovery ch stroke@:45
100 recovery @2:30
Warm Down
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