#sw heacanons
showstopper35 · 7 months
HII this is my second time using an ask box so,, here goes!
could you pretty please do the tfp cons n how they'd like act w/ a neurodivergent masc person? your stuff is really cool btw!! keep up the good work :D
thank you so much, darlin'! i hope i did alright with this request! I only decided to do these few, sorry!! I wanted to finish it 😅
-He's quite busy (being intimidating is a full-time job, after all), but he doesn't mind if you accompany him on his bridge, chattering away about your interests or quietly entertaining yourself in some corner of the ship while he commands his troops.
-He does ask questions from time to time about your hyperfixations and special interests. If it's something he happens to like or be knowledgeable about, he will gladly talk to you about it and share a lot of information on the subject.
-He mostly leaves you alone during a meltdown or if you are overstimulated. It's not to be rude, he just doesn't really know what to do. He will be a bit more kind to you afterward, though.
-Like Megatron, he mostly just listens to you ramble about things you like. He replies sometimes if it's something he happens to have an interest in. These conversations mostly happen when he takes you on flights.
-Privately does a bit of research with Kockout's help so he can better understand neurodivergence. It actually helps him better understand his own mental state and his brothers' as well.
-If he notices you are struggling, he might take you to a quiet room. He doesn't say anything if you thank him, but he is secretly glad he could help someone.
-The perfect partner to ramble to. He has recordings of all the times you've info-dumped to him, and he listens to them often when he's alone.
-Sometimes fidget toys or plushies of things you like will randomly appear. He doesn't mention it, and neither do you. You don't even know how he got them, but you appreciate it.
-After an outburst or meltdown, he lets you play with Laserbeak and plays back a recording of a time when you talked to him about one of your interests. It helps surprisingly well.
-Dissociates with you.
-Literally showers you with fidget toys, sensory items, anything related to your interests, any physical affection you need, and literally any item you may ever need.
-Kind of gets upset if you don't make eye contact with him, but then jokes you are blinded by his finish and that's why you aren't looking at him.
-Seems to be always judging your haircut. Makes low-taper fade jokes. You don't know how he knows what that is. You threaten to give him a low-taper fade. He does it in a joking manner, though.
-Be ready for his golden retriever energy, because he can be a lot. He will respect your boundaries, but you might have to remind him a few times.
-Creates a sensory-safe place for you on the Nemesis. Lots of soft pillows and blankets, a few fidget toys, and even a pair of noise cancelling headphones. You’re still not sure how he even got ahold of them. -Has already fought anyone who even looks at you the wrong way or is too loud. He will do it again.
-Honestly, he’s probably nuerodivergent himself. You take turns talking about your interests. He shows you his weapon collection and starts training you in the art of explosives, whether you like it or not.
-Often, if you need calming down or just want someone to talk to, he tells you stories about his twin. You are positive you know more about Skyquake than you do himself.
-Entirely picks you up and moves you to a quiet room during breakdowns and just sits with you and waits.
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knightotoc · 4 years
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I drew the Knights of Ren without their helmets 🖤
Only after I finished did I actually look up what the actors look like 😅 imo they could each pull off these looks tho!
Here are the ridiculous headcanons I came up with based on the research of my sister @waiting-for-ciena-ree��� and our excessive love for the boys (please forgive any inconsistencies with the new Kylo comics):
Trudgen was Kylo's best friend at Luke's school; he is a Zabrak who pulled out his own horns and one of his hearts (according to "Maul: Lockdown" Zabraks have 2 hearts) to get into the KoR; he's the Treasurer and sometime VP.
Ushar is a really scary but really sexy new species of alien; he was Kylo's old rival from Luke's school, so Kylo had to win him over and they have a lot of gay tension (I mean, they all do); he's usually the VP but always the Bad Boy.
Kuruk is an Anakin clone that Kylo cooked up in his room (I accept full responsibility for this truly stupid headcanon); he is the Quiet One and the pilot (of course). He has a lot to think about.
Cardo is a Viidaav who just appeared one day with the monkey, Albrekh. IMPORTANT NOTE: Every knight would die for the monkey. Cardo is the Loud One, the only one with an ounce of responsibility, and the Dungeon Master.
Ap'Lek is the zombie of a mysterious Sith Lord (?) that the other boys accidentally resurrected. He's a chill hang and a magnetic personality, and he can lurk and brood with the best of them. (He may or may not actually be our Dark Side Jedi Exile from KotOR II; he is definitely our favorite.)
And Vicrul is just here for a good time 😎 He's a poet, but not a very good one; he's been burned by love before, and led the charge in trying to convince Kylo to get over Rey (it's a musical number).
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callmedarthrevan · 7 years
Sometimes I see a picture of Rey and I just start crying because I can't believe that a woman is the main character of a Star Wars movie. Rey is everything I wanted to be when I grew up. I wanted to star in my own Star Wars movie and be a badass Jedi saving the galaxy, maybe with Luke and Leia, maybe not. She is an icon and no matter what problematic things people may bring up about her character, I love her and burst into tears whenever I see an action figure or fan art or a video game featuring her. It's hard to believe that fetus!Me had some pretty solid ideas that ended up being integral to the plot of the new series.
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prue84 · 2 years
Summer '22 goals review: 👍👍👍/👍👍
In depth analysis under the cut.
Wordcount on WIPs: 13.500~/20.000
- TOS headcanon/ficlet about Tarsus (1700~ words / complete). - Warren ascension headcanon/draft (1690~ words written / WIP). - Warren/Betsy canon fix (2500~ words written / WIP). - Betsy/Warren Fantasy AU (7.600~ words written / WIP).
Developing detailed drafts: 20~ ≥ 20 pages
Subdom Spirk AU (worked on different chapters, count ext.)
Working on headcanons
Discovery/SNW headcanon, Warren’s powers.
Graphic artworks: 12/3 (7 published)
Genis-Vell, Genis-Vell (variant), Trek/SW OT #1(x2), Trek/SW OT #2(x2), Trek/SW Prequels(x4), SNW’s Enterprise seal,Arthur’s IG on Queen Elizabeth.
Revisiting NCIS/Trek Crew
Written 12 bios out of the 19 missing at the start of the season.
Revisiting Merlin/Trek Crew
Manipped 0 characters out of the 11 missing at the start of the season. Written 0 bios out of the 19 missing at the start of the season.
Manga editing: 0 (100 = project complete)
Season 1-per-Month post goal: 4/4
- Do and/or finish one fanwork per month [✔]
June: - By June 20 I got some of my mojo back and managed to give the Subdom AU big monster draft a go. By the end of the month I had churned out 7 pages (this draft is written in dense Arial 8, long paragraphs that end only with a change of scene).
July: - Revamped the very old manip of Genis-Vell/Cap.Marvel, and managed to make a (more satisfying) variant while at it. - Finished the old movies!era female!Kirk wip that had been on hold since ages (can’t share without completing Spock). - Continued the Subdom AU draft with uncounted pages on open chapters (as I count the pages only when I finish a chapter).
August: - Written 11 characters bio for the NCIS crew (Keates, Cassidy, Grady, Burley, Wolf, Cranston, Yates, Langer, Lee, Hart, Mann). - Started and finished 7 insignia for Star trek/Star Wars. - Started the TOS Mirror and SNW crews edits. - Continued the Subdom AU draft with 12 page in finished chapters plus some other pages on open chapters. - Written the Discovery/SNW headcanon. - Started the SNW Enterprise badges. - Written a TOS headcanon/ficlet about Tarsus (1700~ words).
September: - Written 1 characters bio for the NCIS crew (Shepard). - Finished the SNW Enterprise badge (seal version) - Published an heacanon for Archangel. - Started to the big arch/idea of Warren ascension. - Started the Warren/Betsy canon fix. - Started to develop a big idea for a Warren/Betsy medieval AU and, a couple of days later, actually started to write the actual fanfiction from it, churning down 13 pages (times 10) in four days. - Rushed an Arthur Pendragon’s IG for Queen Elizabeth’s death.
- Finish & post some old graphic WIP ❌
- Post some finished graphic that was held back [✔] [ 1]
It was actually revamped, but it's still something I was stuck with since 2013 or even before
- Finish Chronicles of Camelot’s retouch ❌ I actually added more to this series. *facepalm*
- Finish that 90% done 2015 Spirk one shot ❌
- Finish the Royal Eagle fic that’s 90% done ❌
- Return to write actual fics ✔ Although I didn’t return to already existing WIPs, but started new things.
- Finish with all Kirk’s headcanons series ❌ Actually added more.
- Complete the Trek characters headcanon two series ❌ - Post that Le-matya headcanon ❌
- Finish to develop the “Modern Times Merlin” AU and made this AU edit ❌
- Work on some Merlin / Star Wars AU content. ❌ - Finish and post the Sea Patrol Trek crew ❌
- Post some other Trek crew AU ❌
- Five Genis Vell manips, one for each of the five issues of the miniseries, in the date of the issue release (July to November). ❌ Reached the target for the July and August releases. Failed for September.
- Rush a BBC’s Merlin post on Queen Elizabeth’s dead. ✔ Not that it was worth it, apparently...
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janiedean · 8 years
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cafeleningrad ha risposto al tuo post “Theon and Robb doing Cosplay together. Sansa and then are dope at...”
I've to draw that! Heacanons for the rest of the Stark crew, Ygritte, and Asha? Like a group cosplay?
*rubs hands* okay this has a lot of possibilities let’s see
marvel group cosplay
robb is cap, theon is bucky, sansa is natasha, ygritte is hawkeye (hey there also was a female one so what), asha is maria hill, bran is charles xavier, rickon is hulk or thor, arya would probably be magneto because she can and jon would probably take one for the team and be loki even if he’s not that fond of the character (but he has the looks down or so everyone says XDD)
SW group cosplay
robb and theon as finn and poe because they’d have the same clothes and everyone finds it uber-romantic, arya would prob be rey, sansa either leia or padme depends on what outfit she wants more, rickon could be episode one anakin, bran would be obi-wan, jon would be luke, ygritte would play false cards to go as han because who cares for gender norms again and asha would follow the example and go for lando probably. alternatively if we count rogue one people she might go for jyn as well.. in this case if we count ned and cat who probably were into SW back in the first trilogy days they’d dress up too, like ned can be qui-gon and cat could be anakin’s mom xD
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actual-leia-organa · 9 years
For the character meme thing could you do Han for number 6 or number 20?
Sure, I’ll do them in separate posts though-
#20- AUs / what ifs?
AU that Han was born into a loving familyAU that he had living parents who loved himAU that he never slept on the streets of CoronetAU that he never went hungry, and was tucked into a warm bed every nightAU that someone kissed him goodnight, and nursed him when he was sickAU that he never had to lie, cheat, or stealAU that he knew when his birthday was, and it was celebrated every yearAU that he went to school, and had his intelligence nurturedAU that he met Chewie- a free wookie- whilst happy on his travelsAU that he and Chewie didn’t have to help each other through their painAU that he never had to smuggle spice to survive, or fear for his lifeAU that he met Luke and Leia under better circumstancesAU that he didn’t hide his feelings from Leia for a ridiculous amount of timeAU where Han and Leia weren’t torn apart at Cloud CityAU that Han and Leia didn’t have to hide their relationship from the Alliance leadersAU that he didn’t have to help Leia through more trauma than any person should ever haveAU that they settled down on Yavin 4 whilst Luke established the New Jedi AcademyAU that they had a steady and loving marriage, made even stronger with Ben’s arrivalAU that they didn’t rush into parenthoodAU that Ben never fell to the dark side, and that Han and Leia stayed togetherAU that Han lived happily, and died peacefully
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