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amilliiondreams · 8 years ago
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My Tumblr Crushes:
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tryingmother · 8 years ago
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          “NO. it’s my turn, hermione.” the words are harsh, as she puts a hand on the others shoulder to stop her from going anywhere. “i’m sure that pop can handle himself for ten more minutes. but you and i need to have a serious talk. RIGHT NOW.” they still had some differences, not entirely friends but not downright enemies like they had been before. neutral ground, she supposed. but there had been a time when they were glued at the hip before hiram came along. and alice had finally had enough of that rich bastard.
          “you’re being treated like the dirt on his heel, you know that right ?? hiram doesn’t give a damn about you, or veronica, or anyone but his own self. do you really want to be trapped in that kind of relationship, hermione ?? because i don’t think you do. you need to get the hell out of it while you still have the chance.”
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junkyardrejects · 8 years ago
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“Clary...” Jace stopped her and held her hand loosely as he faced her, “You don’t have to do this.” He spoke in hesitation, knowing they were due in the courtyard for a show of their ‘special powers’. He’d agreed to it, of course, because Clary had, and he would always be with her. But that didn’t mean he liked it. He didn’t, not one bit. “You can change your mind. Whatever you want to do Clary.” @svnsorium
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@svnsorium 5/5
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She had taken off to save him and it felt like everything that they’d had while he had been gone was just that--gone. She’d been so close to happy with him. If he hadn’t been in trouble, he could have made her happy, and he knew that. The familiar voice pulled him from his thoughts and he wasn’t in the mood for it. He wasn’t in the mood for her to tell him that she was going back to Edward of all people. “I can’t, Bella.”
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stcndcll-a · 8 years ago
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         “jessica..” there was hesitation in his voice. though she was there. sitting there across from him. arms folded as normal. resting bitch face staring at him, waiting for his answer. but his tongue was tied and his words were shot. what was he to say to a girl that has already been said. nothing could be said to her that she wouldn’t accept. 
@svnsorium || sc. 
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dulhaan · 8 years ago
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                               EMOTIONS  ARE  RAMPANT  AS  SHE  STORMS  BACK  INTO  HER  OFFICE.    slamming  the  file  on  her  desk,   she  takes  a  seat,   chest  rising  &  falling.    the  taste  of  betrayal  is  fresh  on  her  lips.   hues  dart  back  &  forth,    trying  to  come  to  terms  over  how  it  is  OK  for  rajan  to  allow  this  sort  of thing  to  happen.    moreover,   she’s  upset  at  HERSELF  for  not  recognizing  this  earlier.   she  loves  her  job,   what  its  set  out  to  do,    that  is  to  HEAL  people,   but  this  is  the  complete  opposite.    (    is  this  good  thing  in  her  life  another  thing  that  has  blood  on  it  ?    )    strands  of  curly  hair  escapes  behind  her  ear,    obscuring  her  face  as  she  tries  to  calm  down.
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iilived-blog · 8 years ago
svnsorium replied to your post
uM do it
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amilliiondreams · 8 years ago
@svnsorium liked for a wyatt starter
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“I heard your mom threw out your dad.” Her father who just so happened to be his older brother. It was a small town and word traveled quickly. He had been surprised when he had first heard about it and then? Well, then he’d thought about it, and he was surprised that it hadn’t happened sooner. “How are you dealing with all of this?” Hands wave in a general area. “Because, I’m sure everyone wants you to be fine and it’s fine if you aren’t.” Fuck anyone who said otherwise.
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agonygiven-a · 8 years ago
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            “  i  APPRECIATE  the  help,  honestly.  but  maybe  you  should  just  let  me  focus  on  the  lyrics.  you  can  do  something   e l s e.  “
@svnsorium // sc
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tryingmother · 8 years ago
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          she knocks twice before she enters the house. a promise sh may regret, but the teenager can’t be forced to give up his entire break to look after his healing father. she had the time, and there had been a point in history where her and fred andrews had actually been friends. and maybe it was time to start rebuilding all the relationships she’d discarded over the years. she walks into the living room, shaking her head slightly as she sees the man on the couch. it’s an upsetting site, the bandage around his waist, the clear pain that he was in. he may have deserved a good smack across the face sometimes, but this was taking it way too far.
          “i don’t want to hear a single complaint out of you, fred. i’m your babysitter for the day, get over it. now... what do you want for lunch ??”
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@svnsorium 4/5
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“Hey,  Betty.” A smile spreads across his features at the sight of the familiar blonde and he really can’t hide it. “What are you doing tonight? You want to see a movie and go to Pop’s after?” He asked, leaning against the set of lockers they were currently occupying.
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shrinemade-archive · 8 years ago
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   ❝ jasmine, right? ❞ a small grin came to his lips as he shifted slightly in his spot by her doorway. ❝ sorry, the door was open. i can leave if you want. just thought i should stop by and say hi. ❞ archie was at first the last of them adopted, that was until the blonde had waltzed ( that’s how graceful she came in, like she was dancing ) into their home and been introduced. ❝ but yeah, i can go. ❞
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amilliiondreams · 8 years ago
svnsorium replied to your post: Heads up–so random pen name update thing I’m...
i wanna be extra and say that i wanna be called rosalie now ��
i should make a list tho and then when we have everyone make a giant ass promo train.
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tryingmother · 8 years ago
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My Tumblr Crushes:
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@svnsorium 3/5
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“Ronnie, what are you talking about?” It wasn’t like he hadn’t been listening because he had been. It was just that none of what she had been saying was making any sense. Things between them had been good for awhile. It was so out of the blue for them to have a problem now. “What’s going on in your head?”
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svnsorium · 8 years ago
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svnsorium - mostly canons mumu ( canon divergance in most of them, headcanon based ) - main / medium activity
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victimdenial - jessica davis from 13rw - main / high to medium activity
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girlchaosed - cheryl blossom from riverdale - secondary / medium acitivity
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bravehoused - godric gryffindor from hp ( headcanon based ) - secondary / low activity
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recklesshadow - rosemarie hathway from vampire academy ( book/movie based ) - seconday / medium activity ( wip )
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girlelectified - kira yukimura from teen wolf - secondary / medium to low activity ( wip )
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guntaken - nancy wheeler from stranger things - secondary / low activity ( wip )
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