#svdndhsv. this is what happens when ive been on and off asking for pokemon plushies for birthdays and christmases since i was like. 10
forffax · 1 year
hi sorry now im curious 👀 what are some of your fave pokemon plushies that u have?
NEVER APOLOGIZE I love talking abt my children <3 these r the ones I have with me at college!!
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from left 2 right we have omega the ledian, minami the girafarig, ally the servine, TDM the chesnaught (no relation 2 that youtuber he's named after a childhood oc sgfjsh), duckie the porygon2, MIDI the porygon, momo the nidoran, substitute doll, and ditto! gshdgs me n my bf actually got each other the exact same ditto as a gift :] very squishy
ALSO have these two on my shelf :] no names but I love them
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Also also. Got these two on my backpack! Don't remember where I got the bulba but I was SO happy when I found the dragonite being sold at like a state fair or smthn svdhsb
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(not plushies but these guys are also on my shelf :] silvally and sevine were gifts from bf, rhyperior was from a set of bootleg figurines I got as a kid I think?)
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