#suzy snowflake x reader
frostcorpsclub · 2 years
Are you taking Suzy x reader reqs?
If so, Suzy x fem reader?
I’m assuming by fem you mean like a femme lesbian? Anyway, this would fit best with a human Suzy. Hope you understood who she was before you asked for this lmao
The two of you would most likely meet at a party, whether you were a member of high society yourself or snagged an invite through a friend of yours. 
As you rubbed elbows and networked around the party you might notice her watching you from afar. Her eyes would slowly trace you up and down, taking in your behaviors and mannerisms, but most importantly your stunning gown and painted face.
If you approached her you’d find her very probing albeit withholding if you were to ask any questions in return. 
Having another rich friend would be fun and easy but she’d be even more excited to find you have no connections to the world you found yourself in that night.
She’d invite you up to her bedroom and if you accepted you’d be greeted by your femme dream. It would seemingly not have been changed since she was a little girl, elegant but pink and princess-like. 
Suzy would stay quiet for a moment, observing you again and waiting to hear what you think of it. 
Happy with your reaction you’d be dragged over to a walk-in-closet, Suzy turning to you with a beaming smile but piercing and stiff eyes.
“Would you like to try something on?” 
Your response to the question wouldn’t exactly matter, you’d end up in something either way. If you were fat like Suzette you might find yourself feeling incredibly comfortable, she’d find as much joy in your newfound options as you, a little like finding the perfect outfit for your doll. 
A skinnier person wouldn’t be as comfortable in her clothes but this is only an opportunity to get close to you. 
Holding up fabric, pinching, pinning, etc. 
On top of all this if she found you to be especially grateful she’d let you take whatever you want home with you.
It would more likely than not cut largely into the party, Suzy subtly having some of the hor d’oeuvres sent up the dumbwaiter so you have no reason to stop the fun early. Eventually though the time would come, you couldn’t stay there all night.
Her tone would change rapidly. At first it’d just be a nudge, you didn’t even get to the shoes or hair and makeup! 
Then outright frustration, you may even hear her whine. She’s not very used to being told no and like any normal person you’d be smart to get out of there as quickly as possible.
Enough time would pass that you may even forget the incident, but not completely, especially if you kept the dress. You may feel so inclined to go on a shopping trip. 
It would be nice to get some makeup to match it!
Once you browsed for a few moments you’d feel a tap on your shoulder, shocked to see Suzy there with that same expression. 
She’d notice your unease and swiftly turn on the charm. Taking one of your hands between hers she’d softly explain how she had only “noticed” you here and wanted to come over to apologize. 
Her birdsong voice makes her explanation very convincing, she doesn’t meet someone like yourself very often, someone she wanted to get to know so well. 
Against your better judgment, the way Suzy bats her thick doll lashes is just so alluring. Her chubby hands are soft and warm around your own. You’d be perfectly primed when she asked if you wanted to hang out, to give her a second chance. 
“I wouldn’t want to cut your trip short.”
She’d move on from the subject quickly, putting stuff in your basket you might not be able to afford and chuckling at you if you ever brought it up. 
Besides her practically buying out the store for you and drowning you in compliments on the way, you might become even further endeared to her after taking up her offer to spend time together. 
She knows how to charm someone but in more genuine terms Suzy truly didn’t have the opportunity to speak to someone who wanted to hear what she had to say. 
Willingly, not because they were paid, not because it was what the social hierarchy demanded. 
She would be genuinely interested in hearing about your favorite music, when she explained what she thought of it, it'd be the largest vocabulary you’d hear from her. That being said, her cluelessness is always good for a chuckle.
One moment she’s a few steps ahead of you at every turn and others she bumps into head first when you both reach for the same donut. 
Despite her instability she did pick out a very flattering dress for you, it makes sense to trust her when you finally get around to the makeover she wanted to give you! Her touch communicates a closeness that her words and expressions do not.
The way she rests her palm against your cheek to do your eyeliner, her plump lips only inches from yours, sends a chill up your spine. A single twitch and you’d end up accidentally touching lips.
She’d smirk like it was a completely normal accident and go back to what she was doing, emphasizing how each color and stroke of glitter brought out your natural beauty.
If you ended up going back home with Suzy consuming your thoughts then her goal is achieved. She had you right where she wanted you.
When you arrived home you’d see a large box wrapped with ribbon, ornate and embroidered like it was part of the gift itself. The tag is small but the cursive handwriting makes it clear who left it.
The thoughts of how she found out where you lived would be almost as worrisome as the thoughts of when you’d get to see her next. 
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frostcorpsclub · 2 years
Ohh i just love your blog and characters! If its not too much trouble could you write Suzy with a pregnant genderfluid partner?
This was really interesting to do considering usually Suzy’s the pregnancy expert but this is an entirely different universe! I’m having so much fun with these!
When you told Suzy you wanted kids she just sort of sat there. 
Staring quietly, unblinking. 
The thick silence would sit in the air as visions of children fleeing in terror danced in her head. Yet she couldn’t bring herself to ask why, to put up a fight, you’re her Y/N! She spent every day fulfilling any whim and desire you had this was another she was just going to have to do. 
She isn’t the most expressive when she’s alone and comfortable with you. You very well may not find her reaction suspicious at all, but if you did Suzette would simply do what she does best, lie. 
She would bring you a catalog of the most elite sperm donors money could buy expecting that- but hoping you wouldn’t- brush her off and say you didn’t care, you just wanted a healthy baby! 
If you did Suzy would simply smile and then go off and pick the best astrophysicist surgeon lawyer spunk she could come across. 
Then after many trials one day you’d come to her overjoyed at finally getting your positive result. Suzy would definitely be relieved, mostly because she had to be running out of ways to fake disappointment at that juncture.
 She would begin warming up to the concept when the two of you went shopping for alternity clothes.
With your budget you’d have plenty of options for whatever gender you felt most aligned with that day. 
Pregnancy comes with its ups and downs of course, genderfluid or not you still have hormones. 
She’d be right by your side when certain things happening on the wrong day, a seam too tight, a shirt cut oddly, made you incredibly dysphoric. 
Suzy may not be the best with emotions but she can fix problems as they crop up, you don’t just become an incubator when you’re pregnant you’re still a person with a fluid and colorful identity. 
As she looked at their sizing she couldn’t help but think about how real this all was.
 There was going to be a little mixture of your genes and someone else's, growing until it could breathe outside your body, becoming its own person. 
She would struggle with that first part for some time. 
What if she wasn’t able to bond with it? Her mind would go to some dark places, about you, the “parasite”,  and for the first time ever it would scare her. 
Suzy would hold you as you walked down the stairs, lovingly rub lotion on the stretch marks that begin to show, lay in bed with you and give you foot massages despite having professionals who could do that for you.
It’d bring out the little pearl of selflessness within her. 
As you grew and became more reliant on her she’d come to see the baby in a different  light. 
Randomly and without warning one day, as she’s snuggled up with an ear and a cheek to your stomach something would happen. She might hear a gurgle or feel the baby kick and she’d realize.
“This is my Y/N’s baby….this is my baby?” She’d think to herself. 
From that day on you’d notice more of a pep in her step. She’d want to talk about your plans for the future, what you'll want the kid to call you. 
Your baby (the two of you not just you this time, HER baby, was going to be perfect in every way.
When she was getting you to do enrollment paperwork for a prestigious school that the kid wouldn’t be attending for another 10 years…
Scheduling a doctor's appointment for you every other day…
Making reading pregnancy and parenting books a nightly tradition…
You might be a little stressed out. 
But you could relax and be comforted by the fact that your baby would have every door open and the ability to explore any path they wanted. 
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frostcorpsclub · 2 years
Suzy with a transmasc s/o? (If you haven’t already)
I’m trying to branch out writing Suzy with lgbt partners that stretch beyond her validating them through clothes while still, of course, keeping her in character. So I hope you enjoy it. 
Suzette is bisexual but she has a bit of a leaning for masculine people so she’d thoroughly enjoy your pairing. 
Perhaps a little too much. 
You’d see a side of her that most wouldn’t, a personality that normally coldy glib becomes saccharine and almost….generous. 
She would sit there after dragging you to a luxury suit fitting, swirling a glass of champagne and biting her lip. Suzy has a dream man in mind and she’s set her heart on you being it. 
You’d end up being in the fitting all day but you would come out comfortable and dashing, a pinnacle of wealthy masculinity. That being said she would also expect you to work, you wouldn’t be doing it all on your own though, she’d get you a position of some kind in a company her family owns or one they’re allied with.
More money makes that a very lucrative offer but more so the way she’d treat you after. 
Despite your own background meaning you may have started with no money at all or an equal amount to her own she’d start seeing you as the provider.
The cooks would still do the cooking and the maids would do the cleaning but she’d act like she helped! She’d even tuck your napkin into your collar and stare at you while you ate, absolutely obsessed with you.
She would kneel down on the floor next to the couch and rub your feet while she asked about your day. 
Honestly some of the things she does that are ways of showing affection to you are just straight up silly. 
“Oh my goodness! I can’t seem to lift this box! Whoever will be my knight in shining armor!”
She says about an empty box, in a house full of butlers.
This all fine and dandy but it would really depend on your preference. Maybe you’re the kind of trans masc who doesn’t mind masc terms like Sir or Mr. and enjoys dressing primarily in “manly” clothes.
If you’re not however….
Suzy wouldn’t understand the difference. She knows what a transgender man is and assumes that trans “masc” is just another word for that. You'd have to explain to her whatever exactly the term means when applied to you.
Many of her behaviors wouldn’t change as there is still that masculine aspect to things. 
She would shift her words and the clothes she helped pick out for you though. Suzy would slowly but surely come to understand that masculinity is just one aspect of who you are.
You can be her strong provider and the person she wants to spend the rest of her life making happy no matter where on the gender spectrum you may be feeling.
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frostcorpsclub · 2 years
suzy x nonbinary reader (not because i want to kiss her or anything.... )
TY for giving me some of the finer details in DMs! I’m sorry if this is a little bare. I don't have much experience with how one would go about validating a non-binary person but I tried my best. <3 
Suzy takes her beauty sleep very seriously. She practically drowns herself in blankets and her frilly pink eye mask is super glued to her face, even the tiniest amount of light getting through would just ruin her day.
That is to say, this probably wasn’t the best time. 
Her body registered your crying but not quite enough to wake her up, making her toss and turn until you finally grabbed her to shake her awake. 
She shot up and spat her words out with a venom, taking a second to register what was actually going on, eye mask still on. 
Suzy removed it slowly and turned to you, instinctually reaching out a hand but unable to look directly at you. Yet, as years of emotion spilled from your mouth her eyes and hands made their way to your wet cheeks. 
She just stared blankly as you spoke.
Suzy wasn’t completely aware of the reason you were so scared and upset, despite your assertion, but there was one thing she knew would be true no matter the context.
“I am never going to leave you. I worship you. We’re going to be together forever.”
She finally began to smile wide, slightly applying pressure to your cheeks out of excitement like one would want to squeeze the life out of a kitten. 
“We are both a little eccentric darling...what do you mean that’s not what you’re talking about?”
You have to think about her tendency to misunderstand but mostly what she does in her free time.
Even if she wasn't on board she'd rather not have to silence you for other reasons, breaking up is off the table.
That night she pushed you back down onto your back and tucked you in, deciding that it’d be better to deal with it in the morning. 
You can’t handle an identity crisis without getting any sleep and neither could she. 
When you first explained to Suzette what being non-binary actually meant she probably asked a lot of stupid questions. 
Bear with her, before you she was probably only used to binary trans people with a straightforward path, she’d have plenty of time to learn about the whole spectrum of identity. 
Getting used to your pronouns won’t be difficult though. Believe it or not she CAN read! 
They/Them pronouns have been used in literature since the 14th century. 
She would actually quite like them, it reminds her of the “royal we.” 
Coming out to others  was going to be a double edged sword no matter which way the cards were drawn.
On one hand if coming out to your family didn’t go well you’d always have a very luxurious safety net, but either way you’d have to explain to anyone who was anyone that you’d often be interacting with from then on.
Those who weren’t already open minded would be swayed in your favor very quickly. 
Assuming Suzy’s bitch of a mother had passed at this point and she was the one in charge of cutting off trade deals and ceasing bail outs.
When it came to preparing you for coming out to your own family she’d be far less equipped. There isn’t much she can do or say but she understands that this is something you need to do.
She gives you as many chances as you need to practice what you plan to say. 
Suzy may not know your family but practice makes perfect. She can generally guide you in the direction she feels may end up in a better outcome for you. 
Whether this means leaving you with an immediate out or giving them as little ammo for vitriol as possible. 
When the time finally came she tightly gripped your shoulders and rested her forehead on your cheek, she wanted you feel her warmth.
That hot spot on your cheek a piece of her to keep with you no matter how your day goes.
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frostcorpsclub · 2 years
Hello Glam~ may I request some platonic imagines of Suzy with a very affectionate friend? As in the type to give lots of hugs, hold hands and even cuddle with the friends they trust deeply? 💝
The first time the two of you held hands was most likely an accident. 
A walk back to her house through the woods is bound to have some large rock or emerging tree root.
And with the two of you engrossed in conversation about your favorite songs one of you is bound to trip! 
If it was you she'd immediately go to grasp your hand, firm and warm not in temperature but in intention, despite it really only being a force of habit.
Additionally, out of habit she might not let go. Next thing you know your hand is the last item to grab before you can finally head out together for hangouts! Sure enough it would come to feel very natural for her and your natural inclination for affection is something she’d be incredibly happy to get used to.
Her greetings were always very loud despite her efforts but being able to have a good ol running bear hug with you definitely helps relieve some of that built up excitement! 
She usually has some small box to give to you, a gift or a snack, a loving forehead touch as you take it from her and open it. 
This kind of deep closeness with genuinely pure intention is a rare thing for her but an immensely cherished one, you might even get her to break out of her usual routines.
“With me Y/N? Right Now?” 
And the next thing you know your favorite movie is on the tv and the curtains are pulled together to imitate night. 
You and are Suzy are cheek to cheek or head to chest depending on your height, a weighted blanket making the wackiest cuddling poses as comfortable as any. 
She’s still herself though, most of all with those she’s closest with in fact. So there’d probably be a few off putting jokes to worry about.
“You’re wrapped up in that blanket like a pea in a pod! I could just throw you right in the pot!” 
“What did I say something wrong? You’re the one who's been so sweet to me lately!”
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frostcorpsclub · 2 years
Suzy is the bimbo queen of course but she's also shown a tendency to be..i guess cause she's so dumb manipulative isnt the right word but um yeah
If I'm interpreting this right that's a wonderful question!
It's simple really she's not manipulating in the sense of pre-meditated planning in order to get from a to b, like James or Jack or Santa may do for example.
She's learned how to socially manipulate by mirroring and faking it most of her life, these skills leveling up for lack of a better word once she matured and had children. Besides this though, she's acting purely off of what will get her her way, even if she has to scream and bite and claw for it, or if she has to just go along with whatever the other person is asking her to do.
That all is to basically say she's not a cunning genius but she adapts, evovles and goes off of instinct similar to an animal which is why she may appear smarter than she lets on at times.
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frostcorpsclub · 4 years
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This blog is not about Jack Frost from Rise of the Guardians.
Imagine (and other things!) Requests OPEN
Hey there everyone, so I didn’t see much content for these characters so I decided to do it myself! I write for: 
-Jack Frost from Jack Frost the Mutant Killer Snowman
-Santa Claus from Santas Slay 
-Lubdan from the Leprechaun series
I also take general asks and sfw/nsfw or soulmate au alphabet asks
I reserve the right to decline any request I'm uncomfortable with or just don't want to do
If requests are closed you can still send them, just expect to wait
If you want me to tag a trigger please let me know! An anon ask is ok if you're uncomfortable dming
Current To Do List:
Santa Claus NSFW alphabet request
Jack Frost sfw alphabet request
Santa Claus sfw alphabet request
Kaiju Jack x reader (NSFW)
Jack Frost with an S/O who loves all things snow
What its like to date Jack
Touch-starved Jack
Jack with a pregnant S/O
K and B from nsfw alphabet (NSFW)
Jack with a plus sized S/O
Jack with an S/O with a voice kink (NSFW)
Jack with a gift giving S/O
Jack with an S/O with ADHD
Jack Frost Moodboard
Wrecking Ball Gif Edit
Boogie Woogie Wu Gif Edit
Everybody Wants To Rule The World Gif Edit
Jack baking cannibal pie stimboard
Cock Headcanon feat. Image (NSFW)
Jack with female S/O with a breeding kink (NSFW)
R and D from nsfw alphabet (NSFW)
Jack Frost the Mutant Killer Snowman stimboard
Santa with an S/O who's equally as evil as him
What it's like to date Santa
Santa with an elf S/O
J and I from nsfw alphabet (NSFW)
Santa with a plus sized S/O
Santa with a mythos obsessed S/O (NSFW)
Santa with an insecure plus sized S/O (NSFW)
Santa Claus Moodboard
Almost Human Gif Edit
Cock Headcanon feat. Image (NSFW)
Santa's Slay stimboard
Lubdan with a luck based cryptid for an S/O
Lubdan with a pregnant S/O
What it's like to date Lubdan
Lubdan with a short trans male S/O
Lubdan with a Fashionista S/O
Lubdan with an S/O who flirts back
Lubdan spending new years with his S/O
Lubdan Moodboard
Suzy Snowflake (Slasher OC)
Frostbitten Suzy
Suzy with a physically affectionate friend
Suzy Snowflake kills and maims you stimboard
Clowncore Suzy stimboard
Suzy Snowflake Moodboard
Human Suzy
Suzy with a Fem reader S/O
Suzy with a pregnant genderfluid S/O
Suzy with a nonbinary S/O
Suzy with a transmasc S/O
Suzy with a medically aligned goth S/O
Virginia Claus (Slasher OC)
Virginia Claus stimboard
In addition to these imagines, I also do custom playlists and moodboards! I'll post any non Jack Frost/Santas Slay/Leprechaun (or adjacent OC) ones on my @prettyputrified blog!
SFW and NSFW requests are allowed. Limits under the cut.
I will NOT write
-Break Ups
-Toxic/ 'saying hurtful things'
-Super super specific reader prompts
-Scat/Gas (Pissplay is ok!) no judgement towards either of those ofc
-Jack or Santa as a fully submissive sub, (power bottom or service top or something like that is fine though. This one is just a personal preference)
Send me a message if you aren’t sure if something would be okay and isn’t listed here. I'm not going to yuck anyones yum so don't be afraid to double check
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