#suzume (shiro-4’s ghost)
the11tailedwrites · 9 months
Day 9: Polaroid
Character(s): Shiro-4, Cayde-6 (mentioned), Andal Brask (mentioned), Lord Saladin
Shiro-4 discovers an old picture he, Andal and Cayde took with a pre-golden age camera they had found, Saladin is there to pick up the pieces when Shiro breaks.
It had been months. Months since The Guardian returned to the Vanguard with Cayde-6’s corpse. Shiro-4 had been trying to pretend that it didn’t hurt. It seemed…easier somehow. He was good, he was fine. Everything was fine.
Until he found the picture.
The pre-golden age camera they had found on a mission still worked. Cayde had laughed about how its durability was a perfect symbol for humanity. It was his idea to take a picture of all three of them with it. The film had poor quality at first and they had all been disappointed. Then their faces began to appear, slow at first, but it was there. Cayde had laughed once the film fully developed. All three of them, grinning, no care in the world and their ghosts hovering at their shoulder, posing for the camera with their guardians.
Shiro gripped the picture tight. This wasn’t the real original one, only a copy. Cayde had the real one. He had had it with him when he died. He always carried it around with him.
Shiro sobbed and fell to his knees, clutching the picture tight against his chest. He sobbed and wailed as months long worth of tears and pain spilled out. He couldn’t breathe, his eyes were too blurry with tears and he swore his wails were so loud they would alert anyone nearby that something was wrong. He couldn’t stop. He wanted to stop. Somebody please, help. He wanted to stop.
“Shiro?! Shiro are you alright?” cried a familiar voice.
Shiro blinked fiercely until his tear filled eyes were clear enough to see Lord Saladin, on his knees, face knitted in concern. The wolves, ever at his side, cocked their heads at him, letting out soft worried whines.
“I-I’m so-sorry,” sobbed Shiro, “Ma-make it it st-stop!”
Saladin gently lifted up Shiro’s face as the wolves trotted over and plopped down beside Shiro, laying their heads on his lap. Saladin pulled Shiro into a fierce hug.
“Just cry, Shiro,” mumbled Saladin, right by his ear, “You have ignored how you felt about Cayde’s death for too long. Just let it out,”
And Shiro did. He sobbed and wailed in Saladin’s arms, comforted by the Iron Lord and by the wolves always at his side. Eventually, he wore himself out and fell asleep and so Saladin picked him up and carried him into the temple, his wolves trotting at his heels. Suzume floated out from where she had been hiding.
“Thank you for alerting me,” said Saladin
“I’ve never seen him like that before,” whispered Suzume, hovering over her guardian, “I’ll admit, it scared me at first,”
“He likes to keep things bundled up, huh?” said Saladin
“You have no idea,” muttered Suzume
Saladin placed Shiro on his bed and the wolves wasted no time hoping up and laying down on top of him. Saladin smiled softly. It seemed the wolves were very worried for one of their pack mates.
“Keep an eye on him, yeah?” he said to one of the wolves
He lifted his head and barked in understanding before laying his head back down on Shiro’s chest. Suzume flew back into her guardian’s light as Saladin left the room.
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hellkitten813 · 1 year
I want to color her, but I left my colors at home..
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(Ghost Shell 2/2)
It's later!
I've never seen a picture or read a description of how Suzume, Shiro-4's Ghost, looks. So, my imagination has no limit!
She looks happy 💜
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