#suzu is there because she's their third member --
starryc · 2 years
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laurant shrine division
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urfavcoed · 2 months
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insp. by @venusvity <3 The girls are also mentioned at the end of the post. Feel totally free to have your ocs attend their show or to have OPEN MIC at your oc’s.
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🎙️‧₊˚ ⭑.ᐟ ⋅ 𓂃 THE OUTFITS!
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— For such a special event, they were given full control over their appearance on stage. So after a week of planning, the members settled on wearing silly shirts and denim for funsies. It was really on brand with the group’s fun and carefree image, so fans went absolutely feral over them.
— Hada’s t-shirt was literally a joke! Like he literally got it made specifically for the festival. It was supposed to stay as a cute memory within the members, but ended up going viral and having to be added to the group’s official merchandise.
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🎙️‧₊˚ ⭑.ᐟ ⋅ 𓂃 THE SETLIST
— Suzue’s ment.
"My dear Chanters! Welcome to our show. We’re beyond excited to be here; you guys have no idea. We absolutely love Waterbomb, right?" She turns to her group mates, who nod enthusiastically. Hada and Diwa, already armed with water guns, approach Suzue and aim their guns at her playfully.
"Oh, no. Don't you dare! Not just yet, please. This makeup took forever. See, Chanters? This is what I mean. Waterbomb is always so much fun, and we love having fun in our performances. You guys were the loudest crowd last year, but I expect you to top that today. We will too, promise! If you know this next song, sing along. It's SOUR CANDY! So sweet, then I get a little angry." She giggles cutely as the music kicks in.
— Diwa’s ment.
"Yass, I love this song! How’s it going, Waterbomb?" The crowd roars back. "Sounds like you’re having a blast. Today’s show is packed with surprises. I don’t want to give too much away, but I might just…spit it out." Diwa pauses, giving a cheeky grin like she's up to no good. "I could really use some backup vocals, Chanters, so everyone sing along!"
— SPIT IT OUT! Diwa’s solo
— River’s ment.
"Yo, Waterbomb! How was Diwa’s performance? I'd say she fucking killed it!" The crowd screams in agreement, and Diwa takes a dramatic bow before running to one of the big water guns on stage. "Man, I don't know if I can top that. But I hope you guys will help me out too. I've been thinking about how to make this performance unforgettable. What if we...record a TikTok together? Hey Suzue! Bring your phone." Suzue briefly leaves the stage and returns with a phone in hand. After a couple of minutes of prep, everything is set to record. "Alright, let’s do this, Chanters. This is ANY SONG? I hope you know the dance!"
— ANY SONG? River’s solo
— Hada’s ment.
"Chanters… We’re nearing the end of this amazing day. It’s been a pleasure to be here with you. I hope you’ve had as much fun as we have, you guys are the best crowd anyone could ask for. Really! We’ve got one more song for you. It’s my favorite from our latest mini album and it’s super special to me because Diwa and I wrote it together. Please, Chanters, sing as loud as you can with us. This is TASTE TEST!"
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🎙️‧₊˚ ⭑.ᐟ ⋅ 𓂃 THE SHOW!
— OPEN MIC’s third Waterbomb! The hype was real, guys! Everyone was crossing their fingers for the group to be confirmed for Waterbomb Seoul. When it finally happened, fans lost it.
— Usually, OPEN MIC is known for their epic live shows. It's so much fun seeing the members doing their thing on stage and having a great time, hitting every note flawlessly. But let me tell you, Waterbomb was on another level!
— For the setlist, they chose all of their forever fan favorite tracks together with their most recent trendy songs like TASTE TEST, featured in their last mini album.
— From all of the member’s solo songs featured in both their mini albums and OPEN MIC PARTY series, only two of them were chosen to be performed. Fans were a tad upset about Suzue and Hada not performing one of their songs, specially Hada’s </3 GIRL, a fan favorite.
— Diwa’s choice of song was also…unexpected! Everyone was expecting her to perform her latest solo release, GOOD LUCK XO, which was even trending on TikTok at the moment. Our girl did not speak a word about the reason behind the decision, which made everything even weirder!
— Two words: blonde River. Long-haired blond River, actually. Which is even better, if you ask me. It was so unexpected, given the fact that he likes to keep his hair natural or in some dark color. So yeah, his choice for the festival was not on people’s year bingo cards. But everyone went crazy over it!
— River recorded a TikTok while performing his solo ANY SONG?, doing its little trendy choreography with the crowd behind him all while Hada soaked him with one of the big water guns.
— This little trip down memory lane resulted in the song re-entering the charts at #4, and Chanters bringing back the trend with a new twist under the hashtag #ANYSONGSummerEdition.
— After their show, the group was spotted in the crowd at WayV, Taemin and Venus’s shows. Diwa and Suzue also went to see Nayeon, while River and Hada popped up by Loco’s show.
— They took over Instagram with pics and vids from the shows plus then just genuinely having a good time, singing and dancing along to their favorite artists. One of Suzue’s clips of Ten from WayV went viral, and now it’s one of the most used fancams on Twitter.
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🎙️‧₊˚ ⭑.ᐟ ⋅ 𓂃 THE STILLS!
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from left to right: Diwa, River, Hada & Suzue!
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pinehurst · 4 years
My Take on the First 3 Episodes
Let’s talk about Fugou Keiji for a second because I’ve been dying to talk about it. 
After waiting practically 5 months, the long-awaited third episode finally aired. I remember back when Fugou Keiji was first announced the hype over Daisuke took over the internet. Good looking? Check. Rich? Check. Parted black hair? Check. Nonchalant? Sign me up. I also gave into the hype; heck, who wouldn’t? He’s practically the whole package; my dream man so to speak. The Jumin Han of another dimension.
Disclaimer: This discusses the only 3 episodes out at the moment and as new episodes come out I’ll most likely just create new posts so everything here isn’t really definite so to speak? My theories and beliefs are just based on the first 3 episodes so they may not be the most accurate thing out there.
Disclaimer #2: This is me just rambling on so things may not be in the best order so please bear with me (it’s mainly just my thoughts on how our 2 main characters have developed so far and any theories that I have)
Once the first episode aired, I was absolutely hooked on both the synopsis and the characters. Two detectives working together despite having completely different beliefs? Imagine the drama that would unfold! 
Haru Kato, our main detective, would put his life on the line in the name of justice, taking extreme measures to uphold his humanistic values. The first episode heavily emphasized this idea. He insisted he take part in the entire bomber mission even though he wasn’t apart of the First Division. Ranks mean nothing in the face of human lives. Once he and Daisuke, the richer half of the duo, closed in on the van bearing the bomb, without any hesitation he jumped onto the van only to warn the driver inside, who happened to be a thief. This seemingly innocent civilian’s life was in danger: they had no right to die from a terrorist attack. He knew well of the dangers as there was only a minute left until the bomb detonated, yet his morals took over. If nobody is going to save her, he must do it. Would he have still done this if he knew that the driver was a thief? We can’t be so sure yet.
Even in episode two Haru’s traditional values prevail as he continued to pursue Isezaki, the smuggler in question, despite being exhausted and practically lifeless. The first two episodes really painted Haru as this character who is willing to go to the extreme and literally kill himself for the sake of others. His work method basically revolves around these old-school techniques.
Kanbe Daisuke lies on the opposite side of the spectrum though. He is far more materialistic and uses his wealth to buy his way through every situation. In need of a car? Just buy it from the prince of the Abura Emirates. A tower is affiliated with a smuggler? Just buy the tower and do whatever you must. He marches to the beat of his own drum, refusing to cooperate with Haru and even ignores his complaints. Haru is very clearly repulsed by Daisuke’s ways as he views it as though he’s cheating at life. Using money instead of working hard? Pathetic. Daisuke, on the other hand, just doesn’t seem to understand Haru’s views. Why go through all that trouble when you could easily solve it through a few million bucks? He doesn’t necessarily value human lives in the same way that Haru does either. As seen in the first episode, he almost ran over a mother and her son if Haru hadn’t intervened. But Daisuke’s character is far more complex in my opinion.
This is where my theories come into play. I suspect that something happened in Daisuke’s past that caused him to lose trust in others or even respect for other humans if we could go to that extreme. The series began with Daisuke playing the piano while saying:
“I had a father, and I had a mother. I believe I had a happy childhood. However, ever since a certain day, everything had changed.” 
This led me to believe that maybe possibly his parents died from a tragic murder or anything that would cause him to lose sympathy or care for others. Or any type of sad backstory for that matter. Maybe this is why someone of his rank and wealth even decided to join the police/detective force in the first place rather than selfishly indulge in his wealth.
Anywho, the first episode really helped build my theory. This is especially notable at the end as Daisuke is driving the prince’s car up the bascule bridge to push the cleaning van with the bomb. He smirks that devilish smile that we all swooned over the first time we saw it as the van crept closer to the edge of the bridge. Once Haru jumps out of the car to save the “civilian” inside, Daisuke’s facial expression changes to a much more soft, almost confused expression. A few minutes later when Haru is hanging off of the bridge, Daisuke watches Haru helplessly hang. He’s the one who decided to help the civilian, now he’s suffering the consequences. Why help him? 
Episodes 1 and 2 really helped to establish the contrasting personalities and mindsets between Haru and Daisuke, which I really enjoyed. The fact that our two main characters are as different as night and day made the show much more comedic, which I absolutely enjoyed! The subtlety in the expressions too: stunning. *chef’s kiss*
The third episode elaborated on their personalities and really added a sort of “depth” to them. Oh boy was this episode chaotic and full of new information. This is the episode where we see their first step towards true partnership, Haru’s backstory, and even met grammy Kanbe. Let’s dive into it.
The episode started off with Daisuke, Haru, and Suzue visiting the Kikuko, or Daisuke’s grandmother. As of right now, it’s still unclear whether Suzue is Daisuke’s fiancé or sister, but either way she was in no way the focus of the episode. Daisuke seems much more submissive towards his grandmother, a side of him we’ve yet to see. This is even prominent in the opening song as Daisuke is seen smirking alongside the other members of the Modern Crime Prevention Task Force (MCPTF) yet he has a much more neutral face around his grandmother. Is it out of respect? Quite possibly. He is much more composed (even though he always has been) and compliant, furthering my case. Back to my theory, maybe his grandma raised him after his parents died and that’s where his respect grew from. The possibility is always there.
It’s also noticeable that Daisuke seems much more irritated towards Haru as in practically any screenshot from these first few scenes you could feel the pique radiate from him. Daisuke even gave Haru the stink eye a few times before Haru ratted him out to his grandmother (harsh). Whatever happened in Hong Kong must’ve been brutal, but it really helped throw a curveball in their relationship. 
After that bop of an opening, it’s revealed that Haru is sitting next to a student facing lots of difficulties early on ranging from his sister’s bad health to failing his college entrance exam. Haru very clearly sympathizes with this kid as he also failed his first college entrance exam, and heck who wouldn’t feel bad for a kid going through this much stress? Imagine the absolute grief Haru felt when he found out that it’s that same kid who held a woman at gunpoint later on. When calling Kamei later on, Haru shouted:
“No! Don’t tell him. Absolutely not.” 
Considering his relationship with his fellow peers, we can safely assume that he’s referring to Daisuke. At this point, we know that Haru doesn’t trust Daisuke at all. Like not even a sliver. That rich boy help him? No sir. No thank you. 
This scene also unveiled the tension between Haru and the First Division. Haru and Hoshino are clearly not on good terms as they speak formally to one another, almost as though they weren’t partners a few years back. A flashback plays soon after and its revealed that all went downhill when Haru misfired and ended up wounding one burglar and killing one innocent civilian (who held a gun at Haru most likely out of fear; I mean, who wouldn’t be scared in such a situation). This ultimately led to his demotion to the Third Division. Lots of drama. Lots of tears. This backstory revealed exactly why Haru is unable to shoot anymore: his past trauma is to blame. 
Haru still clearly cares for Hoshino though. When he and Daisuke listened in to the First Division’s call line, Haru practically prayed that the perp wouldn’t get shot, for both the sake of morals and for his friend. His “friend” is mentally incapable of shooting anyone and the perp just “isn’t a bad guy.” Haru is revealed to be an even greater advocate of morality and humanism than we previously thought. Even though this college student was hosting a stand-off, Haru refused to believe that he was any less human and hoped to find a way to prevent him from approaching death’s doorstep. So, to answer the question from earlier: yes, Haru would still save the thief if he was aware of it. He values human lives to the point that the First Division had the audacity to say that he “has no right to be a police officer.” 
Daisuke listened closely to Haru’s wishes and worked to make them come true. He worked to find a way to bring the perp down without any bloodshed and practically did anything to conform to Haru’s wishes, ranging from allowing him to use HEUSC to setting off smoke rockets to prevent the perp from getting shot by the police. When the First Division chief insists that Haru shoot the perp, Haru is clearly hesitant. What if things go wrong again? No, why should he shoot him when he wants him to live? Should he just throw away his morals in the midst of panic? Haru is shown to try to reason with the perp and just couldn’t bring himself to shoot him. Maybe there will be some development in the future? Who knows. 
Daisuke later on bribes the perp by stressing he’ll pay for his sister’s surgery in order to resolve the actual reason he decided to host the stand-off in the first place. Daisuke obviously did it for the mission and maybe he didn’t feel remorse whatsoever (heck who can tell what Daisuke is thinking) but I have a feeling that as the series progresses Daisuke will start to do these acts of kindness not only for the case but also out of authenticity. The perp seems intimidated (possibly by Daisuke’s lifeless expressions) and gives in and the day is saved! The third episode formally wraps up with another unforgettable bop. 
The takeaway from the entire episode is that Daisuke started cooperating with Haru and even allowed him to use HEUSC. Was this because he had a change in mindset? Or was he just following his grandmother’s wishes? Personally, I believe it’s both but leaning towards the latter. Daisuke, as mentioned before, has a different kind of respect for his grandmother and would submit to her wishes. Since she said “don’t trouble your coworkers,” he decided to work with Haru rather than just alongside him. She also insisted that Haru help coach Daisuke, so once again, he’s following her orders. However, I do believe that Daisuke is rather curious about Haru’s lifestyle. They are quite different as a matter of fact. He wanted to understand how Haru could easily put his life on the line for other people and maybe even wanted to change himself. That’s unlikely considering it’s only the third episode, but that possibility is still there. 
But I strongly believe that Daisuke had a change in mindset, even if it may be small. He jeopardized his life and walked towards the perpetrator only because he trusted Haru’s words: “He isn’t the type of guy to kill.” Maybe Daisuke did this only to follow his grandmother’s wishes. Maybe he did this out of sheer trust. Maybe he did this to try to better his relationship with Haru (the chances are, yet again, a bit low). Nonetheless, he still put his life at risk and this was one small step in their partnership (and one giant leap for fangirl-kind). That’s not to say that their relationship isn’t still iffy. Whenever Haru starts to speak in the car, Daisuke just puts the pedal to the metal and drives off into the distance.
Personally, I enjoyed this shift in character in Daisuke in the third episode. I've seen many comments regarding how it's sudden that his character changed, but I felt as though it made sense (as explained above). I see where they're coming from as we were robbed from the Hong Kong trip, and it’s evident that something happened in Hong Kong that caused a shift in their characters; however, I felt as though the third episode put emphasis on the fact that Daisuke is changing whether it be by his free will or his grandmother’s, or both. 
In conclusion: I cry over pretty boys so much to the point that I wrote an entire review on them.
EDIT: So it’s been confirmed that we’re going to learn about what happened in Hong Kong in a drama CD. All I can say is yes
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venus-says · 5 years
Kiratto Prichan Episodes 59-64
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Welcome back, Meltic StAr!
I bet you thought I forgot about Prichan right? This gonna sound like a lie but I didn’t, for real. XD
The problem Prichan has is basically the same one as AiFure, the subs come out late and things just pile up. Last year I used to watch Prichan without the subs as normal because I wasn’t as invested in the story and if I felt like I was missing out on something I could check on tumblr and see what actually happened. But this time around I actually wanna know what's going on with these characters, especially for this batch of episodes that give major focus to my favorite members of this cast.
But anyway, I got a lot to cover so let's get right into it.
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Episodes 59 and 60 are pretty boring. 59 is one to try to promote the new rarity in the game while 60 is to promote the new toy, and I didn't really care for neither of them.
59 had some cute moments on it, specially Daia she was pretty adorable on this one. The owners of that bookstore were also fun sometimes, and I do like the idea they came up to save their business. But the rest of the episode I just couldn’t care less, boring stuff from left to right.
Episode 60 I had quite a lot of problems with it. First I don’t like how they made Mirai so over-obsessed about the palette thing, as far as I know, she never showed signs of being crazy over something at this level before and is just awkward. Second, I don’t like how they make the design palette be such a big deal when we probably won’t see it again after maybe one or two months, also if it’s such an important and rare thing why would Aira give it to Mirai? It makes no sense to me. And in overall it’s just not an interesting episode at all. IF only IF, the new Prism Stone uniform was good I think I could give it a pass and say at least something good came out of it, but these new ones are nowhere near the ones from S1 so...
I think I would've liked 59 more if instead of a repeat performance of Rinka we got one in that Snow White coord. If they still wanted to use Yumeiro Energy it'd be fine for me, I've come to accept this song more from the last time I did one of these, but still I don't think that Miracle Idol coord fits neither the song or the stage and is just a generic group coord because they were lazy to make new performance coords for each new song. But nothing could save 60 for me, not even Super Cutie Super Girl.
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Episode 61 is when things get interesting again because MELTIC STAR!!!!!!!!!
The first episode of this mini ark is great, I was surprised by how much I liked this one since it was very focused on Emo and Oshama Tricks was a big part of it as well, and these are normally two elements that if put together could make me go crazy and bored because I don’t like neither of them. But in this one, it worked very well and I enjoyed this episode a lot.
They’ve made a very good job showing how important Anna is for Emo even though they drive each other crazy, and because it was so well done that you can really feel both Emo sadness for thinking that everything was just a lie and her happiness right after as soon as the girls introduce themselves on stage.
If there’s only one thing to complain about this episode is that Meltic StAr’s new unit coords are weird as hell, I really dislike them and I don’t get why they would go with this aesthetic for them. Maybe if these were introduced with a new group song that had this Circus vibe to it I wouldn’t dislike it as much, but since that’s not the case I can’t like them, at least not yet.
I also don’t understand why they would have to announce they’re taking part in the Jewel Auditions since I though everyone doing prichan was eligible for it, but this is honestly just a minor nitpick and not a problem per se.
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The next two episodes are used to finally cement Meltic StAr as active parts in this season this gets evident by looking at the opening that features them on it.
I think that, to me, the best that episodes 62 and 63 do is creating bonds between Meltic and Ring Marry, and I’m not saying this just because the 5 of them are my favorites and I love to see their interactions. I promise. I think it is just natural having the two groups together when you consider that Kiratts and Daia have a strong relationship and this has left Maria and Suzu behind for a little.
And honestly, both groups work really well together. Even though both episodes are mainly focused on Mel and Suzu, they still add some other nice little touches to it like for example, saying Sara knows Maria’s channel. Sara loves cute things so is just natural that she’s aware of Maria’s channel. Are small details like this that make me appreciate and enjoy these episodes a little more.
These episodes are so well constructed that they alone made me raise Suzu in my faves list, I really enjoyed seeing her with Mel and seeing how they’re very different from each other which makes possible for both of them to learn a lot from their time together. Given that in both episodes Suzu basically was the one in charge of learning rather than teaching, I believe Mel was able to extract some good this from this experience as well.
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Talking about 63 more specifically, I have two problems with it. First is Mel getting jewel chance in the first episode she performs alone in this season, I already mentioned that I don’t like this but since it seems this is the trend for all idols who were already a part of the original cast I can let it pass, also Universe Queen jewel coord is gorgeous and probably my favorite of all we’ve seen so far so this makes me even less mad about the whole situation.
The second is that part where Mel insists for Suzu to sing, I know it’s a minor moment, it goes very quickly, and it’s there just to consolidate even more the fact that Suzu doesn’t want to sing yet. I also know that Mel had good intentions there, but I still don’t like it. As someone who constantly has people trying to force me into doing things I don’t like/want, I can’t stress enough how bad this is.
Thankfully this episode does so many other great things that in the end they overcome these bad points and results in a good episode. My favorite bits being all the moments where Mel was the most hyperactive kid on the planet. Gosh, I love her so much. ALSO, Mel promoting education and saying that learning is fun is very valid.
The highlight of this episode is definitely Mel’s performance!!!!! What a great song it is!!! I have the same problem as before where the Circus Ringmaster Coord doesn’t fit the song and the stage, but I still enjoyed every single bit of it. Even using the repeated stage was good, I think the Amusement Park stage works better here than the palace stage and the sweet shop stag does for Mirai and Rinka’s song. I must say, I didn’t expect Mel’s song to be like this, I expected it to be more like Cometic Shilouette, but I really like it and it fits Mel PERFECTLY. I also think the Meltic StAr generic Yattemita for this season is better than the Kiratts generic one so that’s another plus for this performance.
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Closing up this batch the show goes down again in Episode 64. I really don’t like this episode, I really don’t see the point of it and the execution of the thing was kinda wonky.
This Daia Fest was very confusing. First, I don’t get the concept of going through a competition to win a single piece of a coord. I know this is something they do since the Pretty Rhythm days but still, I don’t get it.
Second, I don’t understand why the only two participants are Mirai and Mel, I’d think that more idols would get jewel coords as well, it’d be a good way to showcase in the show that the jewel coords come in various colors in the game. Making the two of them the only competitors make the competion even more pointless.
Third, I don’t get how someone could come out victorious of this thing, they’ve done the exact same thing with nothing different being added to spice things out. Yeah they performed in their Jewel Coords, but in general they share the same value so, is not like they’ve done anything special.
Fourth, Mirai’s victory feels empty. They tried to set up a conflict with Mirai not knowing what her dream was but they don’t do anything with it. If they made Mirai lose they could give her an ark about finding herself, and finding a dream for her and make the culmination of all that be really amazing. But no, she’s the main character so we have to give everything to her very easily.
But to not say I dislike everything this episode has done, I liked the excuse they came up with to why Rinka didn’t got in, I think this thing she has with her mom is very funny and probably the only thing I REALLY like about her.
Oh there’s also Naru who’s in the middle of love and hate. I do like her character here but since I never watched the PR season she’s from I have this sensation in the back of my head that i’m already loosing lots of information about this character, even though like Aira she’s not the same naru from Pretty Rhythm and technically all we’re seeing here is new.
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And this is it for now! It took me way longer than I wanted to write this down but I’m finally done.
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Maria is very relatable.
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Despite all the bad things I had to say about these episodes, I can’t deny that we got some very adorable shots from them. LOOK AT IT, THEY’RE SO CUTE.
Now that’s everything I had to say.
I’ve already watched Episode 65, but I’m leaving it for its own post because I have lots of things to talk about and this post is already long enough as it is. I’ll probably post it later today by itself or tomorrow with Episode 66, it will depend if Aikatsu subs will be coming out today or not. Regardless, the symphoger review will be out very soon, I’m finishing up some things here and I’ll be watching the episode in no time.
See yall soon (very soon this time, I promise).
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kayasu-memo · 5 years
[trans] 「なつぞら Special インタビュー」 Natsuzora Special Interview
Kiyohara Kaya as Okuhara Chiharu
Even in the shooting site I haven't met Hirose and Okada yet.
I believed in the cast and the staff, and I thought that I should let myself to go on.
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一It's a continuous Morning Dorama since "Asa ga Kita", but what do you think about your appearance?
I'm an actress who's made a debut in "Asa ga Kita", and it was a really big piece of works that moved my actor's life greatly. I also learned about the difficulties and enjoyment of the play, and I felt that it was very rewarding for me to create a single work with the cooperation of various people. It's such a thing, and I'm genuinely happy to be able to participate in the morning dorama again. I feel that I have to be careful in performing because I want to be able to move the story by playing the role of the heroine's younger sister, Okuhara Chiharu.
I thought that it was a role that had a big impact on Natsu (Suzu Hirose), so I wondered how I should fit into the story, but in the end, I decided to trust the cast and the staff and let myself to go on.
Those who don't know would be able to play Chiharu purely.
一Chiharu has been missed you for a long time, but have you devised a way to make a role in that regard?
I didn't dare to watch the on-air of "Natsuzora". Of course, I read the script, and I saw a few scenes of Chiharu's childhood, but I did so because I thought that those who don't know what kind of lives that Okuhara Saitaro (Masaki Okada) has been actually living and how he lives, would be able to play Chiharu purely. In addition, I haven't met Hirose and Okada in the field yet, given the consideration of the staff. Even if it was behind the scenes, I thought that if I met them, the realism of the performance would fade, so I adjusted it so that I wouldn't see both two.
一You were having a talk with Saitaro on the phone, can you tell us about your feelings during that shooting?
"Please do not shed the voice of Hirose and Okada until the actual production," I asked the staff. The staff made an environment that made it easy for me to play. Thanks to that, I was able to concentrate and perform, and I was able to feel a big sense of sadness that I want to meet. I'm grateful for the cooperation and the careful and thorough role-making.
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Even after the cut, there was the cast who still eating.
一How was the scene with the Shibata Family and the team?
There was a scene surrounding the dining table in the living room of the Shibata family, but even after the cut, there was a cast who was still eating, and everyone was having fun until the start of the next scene. Neither the team nor the family, I thought that it was a site with such a warm atmosphere. I also participated in it, it's like the strength and the whole hard work that the staff, as well as the cast working on this work, have been transmitted. I have also thought it's nice I was able to exist as Chiharu, so as not to interfere and so as not to lose.
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I'm wearing the same costume! (laughs)
一What is your impression of Suzu Hirose and what do you think about your role as a little sister?
The first time I met Hirose was in the movie "Chihayafuru - Kizuna" (2018). This was the third movie in the movie serialization and there was already a circle between the cast, Hirose and the cast members pulled me into the circle. I have the impression that Hirose is a reliable, powerful, and gentle sister. She gave me a consultation, and when I became an exclusive model for the same magazine as her, she sent me an e-mail that it's saying “Congratulations” I think I have to do my best to play Hirose's sister.
一There was also a scene where Chiharu wearing the same costume.
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Because it was the costume that Hirose wears on the poster of “Natsuzora”, and I'm wearing the same costume as her (laughs). The director, the hairstyle, and a makeup artist said, “It's nice that the sisters' hairstyles are a bit similar”, and Natsu braids it in the back, and Chiharu braids it sideways. It became a scene where a sense of the sisters was seen through the visual.
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Additional interview from Real Sound.
一How was the location in Hokkaido?
First of all, I was surprised by the size of the land and the number of greeneries, and I was excited because I could not see the cattle grazing in the city after all. The air was also very clean and comfortable, and I was able to face shooting while being boosted by the wonderful atmosphere of Hokkaido.
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gocchisama · 7 years
Toward the Zenkoku tour final, in Makuhari Messe : Another Keyakizaka story
Keyakizaka was already known for releasing their tracks at a fast pace. But what could be a bigger announcement than their 5th single? Many fans were caught off-guard when the official website introduced a whole album to be released the 19 July, 2017 with more than 16 original songs. It could have ended there, but the hype was even more building up as this album would be promoted by a zenkoku (nationwide) tour in many big cities like Nagoya, Fukuoka, Kobe or Sendai. The opportunity to witness the new songs live couldn’t be missed, and after 2 concerts in FujiQ, i tried my luck once again. Lottery allowed me one performance in Sendai, and one in the most wanted, in makuhari. It is the tour final and also the biggest venue (in tokyo). So many questions ahead : Will they step up on another level of performance? Which songs sounds okay studio but awesome live? Will Zuumiko return? One thing sure, this tour is bringing a new flavour to the already defined Keyaki style.
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“A momemtum that was becoming more and more time-consuming...”
You can see a group popularity by their amount of activities, and their scale. At AKB’s peak, the group could do a summer dome tour. There wouldn’t be a 6 cities zenkoku tour if management wasn’t confident of Keyakizaka momemtum. But that’s not all; and probably more impactful, they took a chance in booking performances in rock festival like rock in japan and Summer Sonic, something that only few idol groups would dare do. Rock festival attendees are most of the time not interested in idol music, and it was a gamble for the girls to convince them they are legit. For keyaki fans themselves, this summer tour was welcomed with bliss but also anxiety. As you can see above, this is an hectic schedule that only give room to one day rest. But is it really a rest when we count the rehearsal time and commuting? For sure the members endurance would be challenged. All dates were sold out except of Niigata.
I think there’s a lot of discussion about how management handle things, even in japanese fandom. Are they inconsiderate of the girls health? Are they forcing them into a situation they don’t want to? Without context, we don’t know. But what i know however, is that many young fans can’t afford to go straight to Tokyo for a keyakizaka performance. Many have missed the FujiQ because the venue was hard to reach. To have date in Sendai (mid north) and Fukuoka (south) is a gift to the fans. It can’t be all about Tokyo, and if we want the group to grow beyond local, girls knows that it give a stronger impact if they come to far away places themselves. the group need to take risks in order to get better results than other idol groups. On how zuumin issue got handled by management (extended hiatus), i do think management knows when to stop.
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“Tower Records Shibuya is a wonderful place that promote artists from a personal standpoint. Clerks write the reason why they liked the album, and which girls caught their eyes.”
After a few observations of the field, i would say Keyakizaka has benefited from a great promotion. Even though modeling magazine is Nogizaka territory, i was impressed by the covers of either members as solo or the group. There’s fashion magazine, gravure, but also computer magazine (???), travel and culture. There’s also indirect promotion with celebrities covering keyaki songs (fukyouwaon by a theater actor, eccentric by a comedian) or just mentioning the group (hirose suzu, maeda atsuko, yoshihiro togashi author of Hunter x Hunter). Not long ago, 5 members were announced for the rakuten fashion award to walk as models. All those little things build the image of the group in people’s mind. Not only idol fans, but overall japanese people. Silent majority being a hot song in karaoke’s ranking is probably a better proof than handshake results that keyakizaka is making his way outside the idol range. We also have to take notice of Showroom which is also a game changer that idols of the previous generation didn’t have.
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“The Keyaki truck was very popular, as it symbolize the zenkoku tour. You couldn’t take photos inside the venue.(Sendai venue) Yuipon family sent her a standing bouquet too.”
Short comment, as it is the similar to FujiQ : A lot of young fans waiting outside, trading photoset and discussing on fresh keyaki news. Very strict security. You have two choice of seat : Arena (close to the stage) and stand (upstairs). Both have their pros and cons, i was far away but thanks to the elevated view, i could see everything, and didn’t needed to watch big screens. Sendai was much more intimate than FujiQ, i think we were less than 5000. Perfect to see the girls close. Moriya akane was the kage (shadow) speaker since she’s from sendai area and asked in a sexy way to not use penlight during the ouverture. It was amusing to see some fans fooling around to kill time : Some were shouting “berika doko???” (where’s berika?) and someone else at the opposite would shout “manaka doko????” making echo through the venue. Or another game was, “my oshi is the cutest” then someone answer “ iya iya iya, mine is the cutest” then it would go on indefinitively as long as someone join the joke. A berika oshi stood up and said a rather abrupt “kimi no heart ni!!” and all the crowd would shout “revolution”. Then he would say “mou ikkai” (one more time!) to hype the crowd before the concert. It was all in a friendly atmosphere and i’m glad people were having fun.
PART 1 : Contemplation
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“Keyaki pushed Makuhari to the utmost limit, bringing the venue to a 18 000 people capacity. Both days were sold out.”
I’m gonna criticize, Sendai was much better in term of viewing than Makuhari. Granted, this place is legendary, but all the seats are arena and second half seats are too far from the stage to see anything (stage is bigger than in the picture though). I had a bad feeling about it, and well, i got G1 seats. there was the screen viewing above us, between E1 and F1. All i could pray of was a good atmosphere and an original setlist. There was a special notice where staff ask us to not use penlight during the first song and ouverture. The reason is simple : Eccentric is using the transparent curtain for the choregraphy, and the venue needs to be dark.
The concert start with an heavy clubbing track to hype the crowd. People can like it or not, but it worked pretty well during the concert. Behind the curtain, girls appear one by one with their solo dancing. It’s like seeing their shadows moving, with their name showing on the curtain. Techi is the last one. Eccentric is like a glass of wine; it gets better over time. Being the Tour final, you could see the girls being comfortable with the unique choregraphy. The transparent curtain is a part of the song, Kanji and words are bursting everywhere on the screen as the song run in. Very powerful. But what really caught my eyes is the transition between eccentric and skirt ga kirareta, with a slow, melancholic piano tune. Techi is drifting away from the formation. She steps on their back (the girls were on their knees to form a ladder) and thereafter walk down the upper stage to the lower stage. The group join her and the curtain fall over the beginning of Skirt ga kirareta. When i say contemplation, it’s because the whole crowd was silencious between the songs. It was like we were watching a piece of art that shouldn’t be disturbed.
From skirt ga kirareta to kimi wo mou sagasanai, the transition is getting a faster pace, and the melancholic piano make way to an symphonic orchestra. The girls are dancing around a lost Techi, staring at the immensity of the makuhari crowd. Yes, the first part is build on Techi. I feel like this whole choregraphy represents a young girl fighting the demons inside of her. Each battle hurts her, thus the sadness in the beginning. The third transition, from kimi wo mou sagasanai to Kataru nara mirai wo is when Techi fights back, entering some sort of transe and releasing her rage. The powerful dance track can be compared with the one during Ariake between otona wa shinjite kurenai and kataru nara mirai wo.
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I really like how coherent the songs are between them thanks to those artistic transitions. It’s like telling a story; the crowd doesn’t take part with wotagei but is suffocating from the melodramatic atmosphere that is taking place. Keyakizaka is the only group who’s going that far in creating a style. It’s not new, the closest would definitively be “emo” or “i’m in pain but fuck the adult” rebellious idea. The way the group express it through the stage, there’s nothing you can do aside from watching in awe.
I’m most of the time offended that people judge idol as not being artist, but as marketed product of a sub culture based on middle aged male fantasm. But i have to admit the way Keyakizaka is produced right now, they are building an edge between them and usual idol group like AKB48. An edge that are making them closer and closer to the definition of “artist”. While FujiQ was a really standard concert, this Zenkoku tour is investing a lot on creating an Opera-like kind of group. It’s all about sending a message.
Part 2 : individuality
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The first part was running so smoothly i was actually wondering how they could switch from kanji to hiragana without killing the mood. It seems that a formal MC did the job. The MC was very standard, nothing to say much about it. Yuuka being captain does the usual “let’s have fun together” to cheer up the crowd, but it would say Sasaki Kumi from hiragana became better at this than her. Neru solo had the particularity  to have her fly a small and cute ballon ahead of makuhari crowd. There’s staff below to redirect the balloon with cables. Neru is really cute and do a lot of interactions with fans. In sendai, her nest was so close i could actually touch it since i was in upper stand seats. Luckily for staff that Neru is not afraid of heights, because that was actually pretty high. The balloon was a very nice touch to make the zenkoku tour original.
This part focused on sub-units of the album, starting with AM 1:27, trio of suzumon, techi and yuipon. It was referred as a dance track so i was expecting something very difficult knowing takahiro sensei, but after all it was more than doable. The girls were dancing inside of a enlighten pyramid, with hoodies that had LED on the sides. Techi and Suzumon were on point, being serious and fluid on their dancing pattern. Yuipon proved that not only she can sing, but can perform a convincing pop lock dance. I realized that since Zuumin hiatus, she quickly been used as an emergency front member and did it without flinching for the sake of the group. In an interview, it was said she let Zuumin focus on lead singing because she knew that’s what she likes the most. Yuipon is the kind of girl that is caring over others, and a member we can rely to when having trouble. She’s the hidden MVP of the tour.
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Ballet to shounen is noteworthy for being a story by itself. The song of Nagasawa nanako, koike minami, yonetani nanami, uemura rina and harada aoi has this “billy elliot” feeling, or the french streets in 1920′s or so. Keyakizaka trade their uniform for something more unusual and it is more than welcome. It’s a incredible opportunity to showcase member that are not pushed as much as other, especially harada aoi or nanako that i admit i don’t know much about. Since keyabingo 3 and some keyakitte episode, i feel koike is having some momemtum and seeing the girls so expressive in ballet to shounen is marking people’s mind. Aoi, the aristocrat girl, is in love with the poor boy from the streets (koike), but the impossible love makes the boy leave her side...
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Shoujo ni wa modorenai showcase other “end row” members like Saito fuyuka, Oda nana, Habu mizuho, Nishimori nijika and Satoh shiori. this is another strength in Keyakizaka. From the center pattern, keyakizaka can be seen as a one person group but how the concert is built, they really do an effort to highlight all girl’s skill. Satoh shiori is absolutely stunning in this, and the other girls dance are very sharp. Oda nana who has a comic character in variety is really pulling her cool side here. They can just split The group to yuichanzu as singing, Aozora as sexy, Five card as weird but instead, they even switch style in sub unit. The song is not as sexy as wareta smartphone, but is rather cool.
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“Aozora to Marry has steadily become the most popular sub unit, and being in charge of the visual of the group.”
koko ni nai ashiato is a very standard idol song that could be given to Nogizaka as it is similar in style. But it takes another dimension when we talk about the members of Aozora to Marry. The call, the atmosphere. The five of them is probably 1/4 of all wota in the crowd. That’s how powerful this unit is. Wherever it is in FujiQ, Sendai or Tokyo, they always have the biggest cheer. The choregraphy is at a minimum, but their long, elegant casual clothes makes their appeal explode. The girlfriend material meter is tingling nervously.
Since the song is about being a cool beauty, Shida manaka didn’t really have expressions. But over these 2 years, i think she’s the one who came out of the shell the most. She’s so expressive in variety, making seiyuu saying embarassing quote, or making fun of other members during location shooting. In concert, thanks to abunashii keikaku, she improved her interaction with fans. With members, she looks for others well being. Like Yuipon, Shida is a hidden jewel that helps the group stick together. Another moodmaker is born! She isn’t afraid of showing she’s having fun in Keyakizaka. 
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“After the concert, you could see Imaizumi Yui fans hugging each others,  celebrating the return of their oshimen”
But talking about individuality... if there’s someone that people have missed so much, it’s Imaizumi yui. One of the most quirky, cutie figure of keyakizaka has been missing for almost 4th month due to health issue. Her hiatus has been covered by the utmost effort of her comrades, in fukyouwaon promotion and Zenkoku tour. After singing the song Neko no namae, Akanen and Yuuka teased the next song as “the moment we were waiting for” and i perfectly remember our reaction : “it can’t be, finally?” and when Natsu no hana wa himawari dake janai started playing, people couldn’t believe she was back. Barefooted, Zuumin appeared with her new haircut and sleeve less dress in front of 18 000 fans on the verge of a mental breakdown.
In the beginning, she was quite anxious i must say. She was all alone on stage, in front of a sea of yellow penlights. It was a ballad, so no cheer or anything. She didn’t hit the low notes, you could feel she was trying to not cry. But as soon as the melody kicked in, she closed her eyes and let herself go with the flow of the song. Such a shame there was her voice recorded in playback because her live singing was great. What happened next was really awkward. Obviously we did as much cheering as we could, but people were split between crying or cheering up, ending up in a big mess. Also, she quickly gave a speech, and people didn’t know if they should shut up to listen to her or cheer her up because she said she felt unworthy to stay on the stage she didn’t take part from the beginning while crying. I wish i had started a zuumiko call but i didn’t have the balls to do so. Still everyone were glad to see her back after those “restoration” gravure shoot we had on BLT graph.
Part 3 : Soul of Keyaki
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“Something i felt was leaving slowly from AKB fondation, is the bond between members. In opposite, Keyakizaka members evolve and support each other in small numbers.”
Tokyo Tower wa doko kara mieru? is probably the song that made the biggest impact on me during the tour. It highlights everyone in small dance part, like all of them are centers for a brief instant. I could feel members personalities, like Akanen sexy move, Suzumon technical dance, Berika  slowness, and of course Techi’s stare. The choregraphy was dynamic and sharp, i can easily put it on the same level as kataru nara mirai wo (my favourite choregraphy). It raise awareness on how management deal with Keyakizaka right now. “Yes it’s a center oriented promotion, but we won’t let anyone down”. I don’t repeat enough how important it is to fuel the girls with hope. Nishimori Nijika being 4 times last row, sometimes your willpower is on high tension. But with individual PV, balanced sub units, and those songs like Tokyo tower, there’s certainly room to grow a fanbase. On your own.
Sekai ni wa ai shikanai and abunashii keikaku felt like the essence of keyakizaka. Both represents the wind of change and the effervescence, freedom of teenage days. The pain, sadness of being misunderstood (first part) made way to an heartfelt celebration of friendship. This sounds sugar heavy but people were having so much fun, waving our oshi towel. The allegory of the plain white screen coated with colorful drops from the official picture of the tour, is exactly this storm of emotions keyakizaka is bringing to us. the wide range of songs and style that keyakizaka do are the drops. Keyakizaka is not one dimensional, instead it is the opposite.Balance between Kanji (cool) and hiragana (cute), Singing (yuichanzu) and dancing (AM 1:27) Keyakizaka manage to find harmony in the storm. So much energy from passion, but without the messiness, chaos that implies a storm.
I feel like the setlist order influence how you appreciate a song. In FujiQ, all A sides were played first, and their power to hype the crowd was questioning. But having them in last, like Ariake, gives this feeling of “best for the end” to Silent majority and Futari saison. It is coherent with how the concert was build: first part focus on the style/flavor, second part on individuality, then the last we finish as a group. What’s better than A-sides to represent keyakizaka as a whole?
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We’ve come a long way. I told you it was awkward when Zuumiko came, to be honest we didn’t realized she was really back. But when the encore started with Silent majority and the monitor focus on Zuumin finally being on the left of Techi in the line up, fans roared in Makuhari. She was with her teamates, and had a big smile on her face, to be able to perform once again. We didn’t really know if her health condition would allow her to do difficult choregraphy. But to see her there, was both a relief and a huge moment of joy. At this moment, i realized Keyakizaka was reunited at last and got emotional too. In futari saison, to have Yuichanzu holding hands again, a sense of plentiness filled everyone who warmly watch over them.
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“An untameable spirit.”
I can’t end this article without talking about Techi. Since FujiQ her fans have been witnessing such high and low during the Zenkoku tour : first news came from her almost collapsing during Kobe concert and being absent from the encore. Tokyo Idol Festival was a shock, as she was expressionless, hiding her face with her towel. Even worse, she plainly wasn’t participating in Nagoya first day. People were concerned, and Sugai Yuuka captain wrote messages for fans to adress the situation : We are a group that is struggling, but we support each other. Even Aki-p give his take saying “there will be always difficult situation to handle” implying Yurina’s health is taking a serious turn. Can Keyakizaka endure another blow after Zuumin hiatus?
It’s unfair to say Keyakizaka is pretty much doomed without Techi. From what i’ve seen, the girls are doing their best to compensate her weak condition. Hell, they even show a part of themselves i’ve never seen before. I’ve witnessed numerous time members checking on techi during performance (Shida manaka), hugging her (koike), playing games (aoi) teasing her (oda, saito fuyuka). It warms my heart to see them so close and supporting. Probably the reason why Techi doesn’t want to give up the hectic schedule even though it’s tiresome. She doesn’t want to be a burden to her comrades.
But that doesn’t explain everything. There’s things i don’t understand. In Sendai, it looked like she physically recovered. Her performance were sharp (her futari saison solo was good) but her interaction with fans were lacking. Why doesn’t she even lay eyes on the crowd when comes the time the girls wave at fans? Why doesn’t she ever smile in cheerful songs? Was she still down somehow? Because in FujiQ, she was lively, full of smile and grateful during the whole concert, especially in abunashii keikaku. What makes this sudden change?
Then unexpectedly, just before makuhari date, she attended a cross media event of school of lock in tokyo, where she is cheerful and lively with a guitar. She even goes to see fans outside the venue, playing with the mascot and accepting video. The Techi that i know came back. I was now seriously wondering if all this tsundere/saltiness during concerts were an act asked from management.
I haven’t experienced it, but last day of Makuhari they performed her third solo and another version of Fukyouwaon. People reported that this version is scary and wild, with the loudest “boku wa iyada” ever done, beyond FujiQ. Techi end the show with a mad smile, her face dripping in blood. How sick is that?
I feel defeated by Techi. I can’t guess what’s on her complex mind. An unfathomable character, unpredictable. She reminded everyone from this Fukyouwaon performance that madness is a part of her and she enjoys it. When she’s low, she’s low. If she wants to have fun, she has fun. It’s disturbing how she can switch from being expressionless to the most powerful fukyouwaon performance...and yet she does. It’s useless to explain in a logical way what’s going on, because she express herself with raw emotions.
Conclusion : A still growing Keyaki tree
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“Takahiro sensei did not only the choregraphy but the stage play (part 1). He has been, with the sound engineer, the architect of Zenkoku tour success.”
Keyakizaka46, as a fan, made me greedy. I’ve put them so much on top to the point i thought of Fukyouwaon as a “subpar” A-side, listening to B-sides instrumental complexity or scruting members expressions during live, criticizing without hesitation. I always wanted more : More Yurina solo, more Yuichanzu songs, more A side that blowed me away like Sekai ni wa ai shikanai. 
Damn, how little i am compared to the Zenkoku tour. Hundreds of organization staff, dozen of truck filled with million yen light and sound gear/equipment, months to prepare choregraphy and stage play, days of rehearsal, to give the opportunity for all fans of japan to enjoy Keyakizaka performances. I was a mere pixel in a sea of green penlights, overwhelmed by the raging beat of the group setlist. Those same b-sides that i casually listened in the subway became memories carved into my body and soul. The goosebumps of Zuumin return, the breakdance of Habu mizuho during tokyo tower, the mad shout of Techi in fukyouwaon gave another meaning to keyaki songs. The Zenkoku tour gave life to the album.
Even though i’m short describing part 1, it’s probably the most important part of the concert. The 4 first songs represent the future keyakizaka in my opinion. The meaning behind this act is tenfold the script of keyaki second drama, “cruel audience”, and i don’t think they can switch style that easily, especially when hiragana is in charge of the cute side. That also means they can’t replace Techi since she fits this style the most. I have no idea what the second chapter of keyaki will look like after the tour, but i’m thrilled to see them becoming “artists”.
It was a hell of a summer for keyaki fans. This tour has definitively strengthen the bond between members, but fans as well (you associate memories of the tour with the songs). As a said before, i’m not craving for more, instead i only feel gratefulness for joining the frey. 
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“After so long, W-Keyakizaka no uta was finally performed with all the members”
This is probably the last live i will attend for a while. To live the real deal compared to our lives as foreigner fans, feeding from reports on the internet or music video posted on youtube, i know it will be difficult to come back to reality. But with this article i want you to know that if you plan a trip to japan in order to see Keyakizaka, it’s worth it. It’s true that this journey might look lonely, but through this write-up, it’s like you guys were accompanying me. The colorful stage, the sea of green penlights, can you see it? You will probably know what i mean when the DVD box will be released. But the emotion rushing through your body, the tears on fans cheeks, you have to witness it by yourself. I’m confident Keyakizaka can achieve a Tokyo Dome concert, so let’s be there together!
Humility, Kindness, bond. I climb the hill, toward the Keyaki tree.
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fragmentedshards · 5 years
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Keeping Up Appearances, Chapter One
Actors and Actresses, Part One
Tsubame’s POV
Yoshio Ootori walks in front of me, and two members of The Black Onion Squad are on either side of me, their footsteps in sync with mine. The carpet is so thick we barely make any noise on our way to Music Room Three. With every step, I fight the urge to run in the opposite direction. I’ve felt this urge before, in the few cases when I suffered stage fright; this eleutheromania making my heart beat in my ears and my blood pound through my body. And yet, I have no choice. I have to keep marching forward, keep my head up with a stiff upper lip, for the good of my family. I have to act offstage now, as well as onstage.
There is a strange feeling in the air around us, like Mr. Ootori’s mood is palpable. I can tell that he is acting as well; acting confident. He accepted my father’s idea of arranging this marriage with his youngest son, because he knows my fame will benefit his family, but there is something else within him. Perhaps he truly does care for his son’s happiness, and does not know if I will make him happy, I conjecture. But whatever his thoughts, they are inconsequential to me at this moment. We stand merely steps from the door of Music Room Three. Mr. Ootori, in his practically monotone voice, commands us to “Wait here,” entering the room alone before returning with a young man who can only be his youngest son.
“Kyoya,” the patriarch begins, “meet Tsubame Kinoshita. She has enrolled at Ouran Academy and will be your fiancée until you graduate Ouran, at which time the two of you will become husband and wife.”
I inhale deeply and will myself to look at him. Kyoya Ootori is a tall boy with dark hair and glasses, casually holding a black notebook in his left hand. He stares at his father, clearly shocked, before uttering a robotic “Yes, father,” and bidding him farewell as he and the police escorts leave us behind. We stare at each other, momentarily stunned, until Kyoya seems to recover himself. He smiles cordially and extends his hand to me in a welcoming manner, but I can see through him. Acting.
“Well, Miss Kinoshita,” he says, and his voice reminds me of silk. “I suppose you should follow me and meet the Host Club.”
I nod my head, speechless. What is there for me to say?
Kyoya opens the door to Music Room Three, and a flood of roses and light meets my eyes. A group of male students is sitting together in the center, each one carefully placed so as to show off both height and rank. A tall tan boy, a short blond one, a feminine-looking brunette, and two redheaded twins surround a golden-haired student, who is the only one actually sitting down. “Welcome,” they greet me in their various voices.
The blond boy in the middle, clearly the leader, tilts his head to the side and regards me with a smile. “Kyoya, who is this lovely young lady with you?”
“Yeah, and does she have anything to do - ” one of the two redheads begins, but before he can finish his twin takes the reigns; “With what your father wanted to tell you?”
Out of the corner of my eye, I see Kyoya’s chest rise and fall as he prepares to give the Host Club the news. “Everyone, meet Tsubame Kinoshita.”
“Hey, I know you!” the smallest boy exclaims, appearing suddenly quite close to my face. “You’re famous!”
“Wait a minute,” the brunette puts a finger to her - his? - lips and thinks. “I’m pretty sure I’ve seen you in a movie poster or on the cover of a magazine or something.”
The tall blond snaps his fingers. “That’s it! You’re that actress!”
Kyoya smiles coolly. “Tsubame Kinoshita, the famous teen actress. She started her acting career at age nine, and to this day still works primarily onstage rather than onscreen. Still, she has made cameo appearances in various dramas and films, and even starred in one or two. Not just in Japan either; her foreign work expands to South Korea, France, and even the United States. As I understand it, she has recently taken up songwriting. Miss Kinoshita is the only child and heir to the KinoAsobi Entertainment Group, which is why she can easily fit in among Ouran students.”
“Hang on,” the twins interrupt in unison.
“That company just recently went under,” one of them points out, rather tactlessly.
“Yeah,” the other one continues, equally senselessly. “It’s been in all the papers and all over the news.”
I feel my face flush, and I am grateful to the brunette for growling at the twins, “Don’t either of you two have any discretion? I thought being rich would have taught you some manners.” At this remark, I remember hearing about the infamous honor student Haruhi Fujioka, and recognize in an epiphany that the brunette is really a girl.
“Ah, that brings me to my next fact about Miss Kinoshita,” Kyoya resumes, surprisingly tentatively for someone so confident. “As of a few moments ago, she is my fiancée.” Each and every host is speechless, and Kyoya takes advantage of their momentary catatonia to name them for me, one by one. “Miss Kinoshita, meet third-year Tamaki Suoh;” - he indicates the tall blond - “the second-year Hitachiin brothers, Hikaru and Kaoru;” - he gestures at the twins - “second year honor student Haruhi Fujioka” - he waves his hand at the brunette girl - “and former members Takashi Morinozuka and Mitskuni Haninozuka, here for a Host Club Reunion.” - he points out the tall boy with the small blond on his shoulders.
Haruhi recovers first, giving me a welcoming smile and saying “Well, welcome to Ouran Academy, Miss Kinoshita! I hope you’ll be a frequent visitor to the Host Club.”
For the first time today, I speak. “Thank you Haruhi, and you can just call me Tsubame. I’d like to spend some more time with the club, it seems interesting!”
Tamaki stood up, gesticulating flamboyantly as he spoke. “Well, in that case: Haruhi, find a spare girls’ uniform so Tsubame can change clothes! Honey-senpai, Mori-senpai, go get some tea and cake! Hikaru, Kaoru, set up a table for all of us to sit together! We have a true star in our midst, we must entertain better than we ever have before!”
I cover my mouth to keep from laughing at his antics. The hosts rush about, completing the orders with lightning speed. Moments later, I sit at a table in a new school uniform, with a cup of darjeeling tea and a slice of strawberry cake in front of me, surrounded by eager faces.
“So tell me Tsubame,” Tamaki leans an elbow on the table and rests his head on his hand, glancing sideways at me flirtatiously. “What is the one production that got away?”
“What’s your favorite part to play, Tsu-chan?” Honey beams, and I almost think I can see pink flowers surrounding his aura.
The twins, tilting their heads back and forth like a metronome, ask me in unison: “Do you think you’ll join the Ouran Drama Club?”
“Ah,” I laugh softly, trying to make sense of the steady influx of questions. “Well, let’s see... I really wanted to play Tsubame Haruna in the television drama The Girl’s Speech, mostly because the character shares my name, but Suzu Hirose got the part instead. I think my favorite role to play is Rosalind from Shakespeare’s As You Like It, but I adore playing Fantine in Les Miserables. I absolutely intend to join the Ouran Drama Club, and frankly” I look at Tamaki with a smile - “I think you should join as well!”
“What?” he exclaims. “Moi?”
“Of course,” I encourage him, happy to for once not be acting in false flattery. “I can tell you have an actor’s heart and just the right spirit to be onstage.”
Tamaki hugs himself and shivers, looking away from everyone, before bringing a hand to his forehead as if preparing to faint. “Do you really think so? I’ve always thought I was composed of the perfect combination of drama and sincerity, and with my amazing beauty and impeccable manners I would be perfect for the stage! And now, with the approval of a real actress, there is no longer any doubt in my mind!”
“I wouldn’t exactly call your manners impeccable, Senpai,” Haruhi grumbles.
“Oh, you can’t fool me, Haruhi,” Tamaki swirls around, winking at Haruhi before locking her in a tight hug. “I know you love me. And as of today - ” he uses a free hand to point at the other hosts - “I decree that all members of the Ouran Host Club will join the Drama Club!”
Kyoya, who has stood behind my chair this entire time, sputters in complete surprise. “Tamaki, hold on a minute,” he finally laughs nervously, holding up one hand. “Are you sure you’ve thought this through all the way? We are all very busy - ”
“Yes, but what the twins neglected to tell Tsubame is that the Ouran Drama Club is close to dissolving altogether because there are not enough members!” Tamaki interrupts, earning grouchy looks from Kyoya and the Hitachiins. “Even though her presence in the club will draw much more publicity, it still needs members. It is our duty as hosts to ensure the happiness and enjoyment of our guests, and what better way to do that than by sharing our talents with the student body onstage as well as in the Host Club?”
“Boss, I think you’re forgetting something,” Hikaru pipes up, bringing Tamaki down out of his theatrical state.
Kaoru continues; “We don’t even know if any of us have enough talent.”
“I know I don’t,” Haruhi mentions, but then I saw her face change to a more pensive expression. “But...” she says, softer. “I guess I would be able to work as a stagehand, or even in a small role.”
“Yes!” Tamaki leaps into the air in excitement, pointing at Haruhi. “That’s the spirit, Haruhi! You truly are a natural host!” Haruhi merely glowers at her senpai.
“I’d like to be in a play, wouldn’t you, Takashi?” Honey smiles happily at Mori, who gives him a grunt of agreement.
“Then it’s settled,” Tamaki stands up to his full height, raising both hands. “Today, we will join the Ouran Drama Club and support Kyoya’s fiancée!”
At this decree, I hear Kyoya groan behind me.
0 notes
shazzeaslightnovels · 4 years
Kyoukaisenjou no Horizon 1-2
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Author: Minoru Kawakami
Illustrator: Satoyasu (TENKY)
Label: Dengeki Bunko
Release Date: 10 October 2008
Art Notes: I don’t particularly like the covers for this series. There are some good ones (volume 4-3 comes to mind) but, for the most part, the balloon boobs are a huge turn-off for me. This is one of the better covers in the series, thanks to the absence of balloon boobs but it’s still not really to my taste. That being said, the insert and colour illustrations are far more appealing than the covers and are done in a very different style. I really love the 3-page long monochrome group shot illustration of the gang as they set out to rescue Horizon. I’m especially fond of how everyone looks badass and determined... except for Margot and Naruze who are just flirting with each other in the sky lol.
I’ll repeat what I said in my volume 1 review: I have loved the anime for this for many years now and, while I do acknowledge all of it’s flaws, it’s very special to me and there is no way for me to be unbiased about it. And please know that I really will just be scratching the surface of this series, both with regards to what it has to offer and what it doesn’t do so well. These volumes are too long for me to really cover everything but I hope my talking about it gets you interested in the series.
THIS REVIEW CONTAINS SPOILERS and it’s not even really a review, it’s just me talking for 1600 words about how much I love this series.
Okay, so, I guess I’ll start this thing by talking about the scene that I really hate to talk about because it’s so bad and it’s one of the reasons why, even though I love this series, I don’t really recommend it to others. Let’s start off with Masazumi’s backstory. Masazumi was assigned female at birth but she underwent sex reassignment surgery in an attempt to promote her family’s status but some things changed before the surgery was completed and she was no longer able to promote her family’s status so the surgery remained incomplete. She had her top surgery done but not her bottom. Due to this, she tends to wear masculine clothes so everyone thinks that she is a guy. In this volume, she’s having a debate with Toori on live TV about whether they should rescue or Horizon or not when a third party outs her as female in an attempt to shake her confidence. To confirm this, Toori pulls down her pants without her consent (again, this live TV). You’re not meant to read Toori’s actions here as harmful or anything and it does end up helping Masazumi’s confidence. But it reinforces the harmful idea that, no matter how someone identifies or presents themself, their gender all comes down to genitalia in the end and the scene is even worse if you read Masazumi as trans and/or non-binary (which is why I don’t). I don’t think that the author had any bad intentions with this scene but I completely understand if this scene turns you off from the series.
Now that that’s out of the way, let me talk about the volume proper. It’s even longer than the first part - BookMeter puts it as 771 pages and it’s almost 900 pages on my iPad. I took me 9 days to get through and it was worth every second for me because I just really fucking love this series but it was hard to get through due to Kawakami’s writing style and all of the politics and consumed most of my brain power while I was reading it. I mostly just want to talk about the scenes that I really loved in this volume so let’s get to it.
The volume starts right where the last one left off: the automaton P-01s is revealed to hold the soul of Horizon Ariadust, a girl who was thought to have died years before the start of the story, and is arrested and sentenced to execution. A lot of the volume focuses on the characters deciding whether to save Horizon or not. While some people might get bored by this long process, I love that the story explores the consequences of such an action and I love that the characters talk about the pros and cons of rescuing Horizon.
The scene where Class 3-Plum think about what they want to do about Horizon is the early highlight of the volume as they are given paper and are told to write down what they want to do. Asama thinks about Toori’s and Horizon’s reunion and ends up writing smut (lol) but the real highlight of the scene is when Asama reads out Suzu’s answer. Suzu writes about her first meeting with Horizon and Toori and how they supported her when she had to climb up stairs on her first day of school and how they reached out their hands to her when she was crying. It’s a really emotional scene that shows off a lot of the series’ strengths when it comes to portraying disability and supporting people who have a disability and how important kindness and compassion is.
Another highlight of the volume comes when the class have to convince others to rescue Horizon and the matches are so good but I especially want to focus on the Suzu vs. Nate and Kimi vs. Futayo matches. Nate’s a knight and her battle with Suzu is really a battle of ethics and values. Suzu is someone who Nate is supposed to protect and to fight her would be going against her knightly values. The fight is over before it even really begins but it’s a great scene that shows what Nate values and what the strengths of several of the members of the class are as they discuss the best way to take down Nate.
The Futayo vs Kimi match is a bit more complicated and definitely longer. Futayo fights with Tonbokiri, a spear that can cut through anything, regardless of whether it is a physical thing or more like a concept, given to her after the deafeat of her father last volume while Kimi fights using erotic dancing (yes, really). While this may seem like a bad match-up for Kimi, it’s actually brilliant. One of Kimi’s spells makes her untouchable by anyone that she does not want to be touched by so Futayo tries to use Tonbokiri to “cut” Kimi’s name instead but such a thing does not work on someone like Kimi, who changes her name as often as she changes her clothes. Kimi is her birth name but she’s happy to go by Josephine one week and Bel Fiore the next. Kimi does not consider her name to be a part of her identity so this tactic is completely ineffective on her and she wins. It’s a wonderful scene that’s made even better by the use of a remixed version of “Toorimase (Song of Passage)”, the in-universe equivalent of a nursery rhyme, for Kimi’s erotic dance. We also get to see a glimpse of the state that Toori was in after Horizon’s death and how Kimi dealth with that and it’s just so GOOD. Ah, I just love Kimi!
That also brings me to another thing I love about the series: the characters are OP but not undefeatable. The series often introduces the fact that a character has an awesome battle skill but then shows you soon after how said skill can be beat. This happens a few times in this arc, like in the first volume when Asama shows how she can use a skill with her bow that guarantees a hit on someone but Oritorai defeats it by using her hair as a part of her “self” rendering the skill useless, and I love that the series does this because it makes everything more interesting when you know that the characters can be defeated.
And then we come to the big final battle to rescue Horizon and Toori make a huge sacrifice. Toori, in exchange for having the ability to power up his forces, Toori gives up his ability to feel negative emotions. From here on, if Toori feels sad for even a moment, he will die. This is a big sacrfice and the series acknowledges it as such. Scenes like this are why I’m still able to enjoy Toori as a protagonist, despite how annoying he can be.
So, then, Toori reaches Horizon and you’d think that would be it, right? That Toori would save Horizon and they’d ride off into happily ever after? Well, no. While Horizon may not have any emotions, she is her own person with her own thoughts and feelings and she judges that it would be better for everyone if she is not rescued. She doesn’t even remember Toori and she sees herself as a burden and that things would be better for everyone if she did just die. But, in the end, regardless of what she thinks is best for everyone, she still wants to live and Toori convinces her that her feelings are important. And I love, love, love that Horizon cannot be “saved”; Toori is there to support her, yes, but Horizon has to make the decision to live herself.
And then it’s time for Horizon and Toori to conquer their past. Where Horizon is being held, there is a wall that seperates her from the outside world. This wall, if touched, shows a person their greatest sin and the person must conquer this sin in order to get past the wall but most people are unable to do this and die as a consequence. Toori and Horizon touch the wall and the two are transported back into the past to the day that Horizon died. That day, Horizon cooked Toori breakfast but he said it was disgusting and she ran off in tears, only to be run over by a carriage and be killed from it. Toori’s sin is not running after Horizon and saving her that day and, together, Toori and Horizon are able to conquer it and, again, I love that the series shows how important having support is because there is no way that either of these two would survive this on their own.
And so Horizon lives and regains her first emotion: envy and Class 3-Plum are off to save the world from the apocalypse. If it wasn’t obvious yet, I love this series and I’m so excited to talk about the second arc.
Adaptation Notes:
While the anime is very close to the light novel, there are some scenes that are shortened or cut. For example, the anime cut some scenes of Horizon waiting for her execution and the light novel gives us more details on many other things as well. That being said, I love a lot of what the anime brings to the table and I’m especially appreciative of the Futayo vs. Kimi fight and I love the remixed version of Toorimase used for Kimi’s dancing. I also appreciate that they not only left the kiss between Naruze and Margot in but also animated in a way that doesn’t feel vouyeristic or anything. It’s just two ladies in love, kissing after they’ve done their bit for the final battle. The voice actors really nail every single scene and are very memorable and the animation is fantastic.
Like I said when I talked about the first volume, I’ll be going really slow on this series. It really is quite taxing on me to read but I always enjoy my time with it regardless and I want to savor that.
0 notes
momorabu · 7 years
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Viidog Code Main Story - Episode 3 - 消えた人たち / The Missing People
It’s a new month and I realised that I have not translate anything for Viidog Code for the month of June so here is it~! Sorry for the late update for this, I was quite busy thins
As always, the summary of the story can be found below. Translation may not be 100% accurate due to my poor Japanese skills~
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Chapter 1: さまよえる幽靈 / The Wandering Ghost
After dinner on another day, Yu wanted to return to his bedroom straight away, but Ryohei asked him to stay around for awhile longer since from what his grandma had said in the past, if one moved around too much after eating, their stomach will get a shock XD (This reminds me of Hokuto talking about his grandma~~ ^^)
Chihiro looked around the living room and commented that there seems to be more people from the other classes here with them, though for Class 7 it’s just “me” and Shiro. (Since it’s kind of rare that Tsubasa was actually missing here OWO”)
Suddenly, Chihiro went into spooky mode, talking about there’s “people who doesn’t exist in this world anymore” among them, and that made Yu started to get really scared as he told Ryohei not to listen to it too. Turns out that Chihiro was talking about one of the case which the detective agency was looking into, which is the missing person case in this town. Chihiro mentioned that he has discovered something strange while he was on the trail to track down these missing people, and that is… before they disappeared, it seems that their last sighting were all at the same place. After they were spotted at that place, any further traces of them were gone, just like a gust of wind.
Chihiro wondered that perhaps these missing people were actually ghosts, but Shiro immediately shot down that idea, saying that ghosts won’t have legs and people have heard their footsteps. It ended up making Ryohei interested and Yu even more scared by screaming that he doesn’t hear any footsteps at all. (Poor Yu is really treating this as a ghost story OWO”)
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Just then, Class 5 appeared~ But upon seeing the crowd of people here, Naoto proposed to Suzu-kun that they switched place since it’s noisy in here. Apparently Hina appeared when a few of them were scared, making them jump even more… and that cause Yu to hide behind Rudo by accident. Yu apologised while Suzu-kun remarked that it’s rare to see Yu hiding behind someone else other than Hijiri actually~
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Both Shiro and “me” were shocked / scared to the point that we were frozen though XD However, Shiro denied that he’s scared and hurried off while saying that this was a boring / lame topic to talk about. (Why are you rushing off Shiro~ Are you sure you’re not scared? XD)
Naoto asked Suzu-kun where is his omelette, but “I” informed Suzu-kun that the kitchen had just ran out of eggs actually. Even though Suzu-kun claimed that “I” didn’t have to apologise since he could still cook without eggs…. but Naoto insisted on his omelette so Suzu-kun decided that he shall head out right now to purchase them. Naoto didn’t want Suzu-kun to go shopping for eggs, claiming that “I” should go since “I” was the culprit who finished all the eggs =w=“ (Woah, Naoto, did you just blame “me” for using something that everyone could use in the agency? o.O) In the end, Suzu-kun proposed to “me” that we shall go together instead, as Naoto whined to him whether he is going to let him starve to death here XD (Naoto,if you would just choose to eat something else other than omelette then probably you won’t starve to death XD Even Suzu-kun dissed him that he won’t get starve to death just waiting for an additional 10 mins XD)
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Chapter 2: 大きな拾いもの / The Big “Object” that was Picked Up
Just nice the supermarket had the eggs on sale at 1 pack for 98 yen~ So Suzu-kun was glad that he had made the right choice to come with “me” together, since the eggs were limited to one pack per customer and we managed to get two for two of us~
Along the way, we spotted someone who had collapsed in the middle of the road. Suzu-kun rushed towards the person and upon realising that he seems to be still conscious, he asked him whether he’s hurt. Suzu-kun got scared when the person hugged onto him and said “I’m hungry….” (So… I take it that he’s too hungry to the point he collapse? OWO”) Suzu-kun decided to bring this unknown person back to the detective agency, since he can’t bear to leave him behind unattended like this.
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(It’s funny how Suzu-kun was kind of relieved that the unknown person was quite small sized, since at least he could still carry the person back via piggy back~ XD)
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Naoto was displeased when Suzu-kun arrived home with the unknown person, asking him what he had picked up and they can’t rear him. (Why is he referring him like a pet dog or something ^^;?) Hina was very interested in the new person, that he wanted to dissect it but Suzu-kun quickly stopped him from doing that as the person was still alive OAO” Suzu-kun decided to make some food for the unknown person while letting him sleep for awhile, and of course, he would make Naoto’ share as well ^^
The unknown person woke up and rushed into the kitchen just as Suzu-kun has just finished making the omelette. He assured the new guy that there’s still some more and asked him to eat up. Naoto got jealous that Suzu-kun had actually drew a picture of a dog on the omelette for the new guy with ketchup whereas his doesn’t have any. Suzu-kun reminded him that it was Naoto who requested that he doesn’t want any ketchup on his omelette =w=“
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(Look at Naoto claiming that he’s not jealous of the new guy, he just want a fair treatment between the two of them XD I especially like Suzu-kun’s expression here XDD)
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In the end, Suzu-kun told him that he would draw on the omelette with ketchup if Naoto asked for a 2nd helping later on~
The new guy finally spoke up, complimenting that the vegetables were really delicious since the ones he usually eats were disgusting. Suzu-kun was all proud as he told him that they were special dressing made by him, so that Naoto will eat the vegetables. (I guess Naoto is a picky eater ^^;)
Suzu-kun asked the new guy why was he out on the road at night, wondering if he was lost. However, the new guy answered that he was actually looking for his younger brother, and had lost his strength when he decided to head home. (He really wait until he has like 1 HP left though =w=“…) The new guy said that his brother - Ru, was small that it was hard to find him, that Naoto actually dissed whether the missing brother was a mouse =w=“ (He’s definitely not THAT small, Naoto ^^;)
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They asked the new guy to provide more information about his brother, but what they could get were very vague details like he has large eyes and he’s really smart. He even emphasized that his brother was really smart like a genius when he’s an idiot himself… (Erm, you don’t have to diss youself like that just to praise your brother… ^^;)
The new guy finished his meal, and Suzu-kun was glad that he enjoyed it so much, saying that it’ll be good if Naoto had ate the same as him. Naoto asked Suzu-kun whether he was joking, since the new guy actually ate 5 omelettes and 10 bread altogether… (and there’s no way Naoto could eat that much XD)
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The new guy thanked them for the meal, and told them that if they need any help, they could call for him as gratitude to them. He headed off since he might get scolded if he stayed out for too long (scolded by… who?). Suzu-kun said he would clean up after that, and asked “me” to head back to my bedroom first. (Aww, I wanted to help him clean up though =3=“)
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Chapter 3: 亡靈の奥さん / The Wife of the Dead Spirit
On another day, the detective agency had a visitor. It was an old lady who was crying, so Kaname, being a gentleman, handed her a handkerchief while he comforted her. Sousuke was clueless on what he should do at this time so he asked Rudo for suggestions. He wanted to go for a run but knew that it won’t help her at all. Looking at his class members, Sousuke asked them if they had wanted to give a hand to help the poor lady to stop crying, but Kotetsu couldn’t do anything as he stood faraway. (Ahhh… his phobia for females had act up again D:)
Finally, it’s still down to Kaname who managed to make the old lady smile again. She calmed herself down to start recounting. Her husband hasn’t returned since a month ago, and since then she felt unease about it everyday, till she heard that there’s a good detective agency here and thus decided to come here. She described her husband as someone who is really hardworking and works at a bank, and has never stayed outside overnight. He just disappeared on a night a month ago without leaving any messages or hints.
The members made several guessed on what kind of scenario that might cause him to disappear. Did he ran away from home? Or is it because of a woman?(Why are you suggesting that he has a third party, Kotaro? =///=“)
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Chapter 4: 行動開始 / Operation Start
After the old lady left, Sousuke remarked that thank goodness she stopped crying in the end. (If not they won’t be able to get any information from her at all =w=“) They praised Kaname, but he showed a weak smile and said that it’s his duty since he’s a man afterall.(Aww, Kaname is such a gentleman~) Rudo commented that the missing husband’s seems to be similar to the other cases of the missing people, as he had been spotted at the same place as the others before they disappeared. Sousuke guessed that perhaps they were all ghosts but Kotaro said that’s a deduction without any evidence or logic ^^; (Guess Kotaro really doesn’t believe in ghosts at all ^^;)
Kaname was interested in the fact that the husband actually came from quite a rich family. The husband actually had a yearly income of 30 million yen (woah, that’s around 250+K USD… OAO), so the police initially suspected that he might be kidnapped because of his money. (But since there’s no phone call from kidnappers so… ^^;)
Rudo decided that they should start by investigating about his social circles first, to check if there’s anyone suspicious. Kuki and Tsubasa appeared, handing over a list of people to be investigate and a map where the missing husband was around on the night before he disappeared. Kuki announced that Class 7 is going to team up with Class 3 for the investigations, and that includes “me” too, being their assistant. Obviously Kotetsu got a shock knowing about it that Kuki had to assure him not to worry since “I’ll” be pairing with Shiro instead. Shiro isn’t happy about this arrangement as he complained that why does he has to pair up with a “baggage” like “me”. (That’s mean, Shiro TWT TWT)
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Kuki didn’t like how he himself always seems to pair up with Shiro recently, and if Shiro pairs up with Tsubasa the two of them will end up bickering instead. (I don’t remember Tsubasa quarreling with Shiro though, it seems more like Shiro getting angry by himself ^^;) For the sake of preventing Shiro from going on a rampage and also for “me” to gain some experience, Kuki thought that arrangement would help to achieve these two goals together.
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In the end, Kuki even had to use his “class leader’s rule” just so Shiro would listen to his instruction. Shiro didn’t like that and grumbled that Kuki is “acting as a class leader” only at this time, which Tsubasa corrected him that he’s not “acting at this time”, he’s always “acting as the classleader”…. Kuki really wonders whether Tsubasa was helping him when he gave such a statement though ^^;
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Rudo announced that he would continue to gather more information and would also give instructions to the rest of the class members on what to do next. He instructed Kuki and Tsubasa to investigate about the old lady who had asked them to investigate the case, and that made Kaname mad since he doesn’t like the fact that Rudo was actually suspecting her. Kotaro gave out a reasonable possibility, even if she was crying so pitifully just now, they can’t rule out the possibility that she might be acting. Sousuke didn’t thought of that at all, so Kotaro dissed him that it seems that even his brain is only full of muscles, but that seems to be dodged by Sousuke as he wasn’t affected by it all ^^;
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Rudo instructed Kotaro and Sousuke to investigate on the people who were related to the missing husband, handling them the list of people which Kuki had brought just now. Kaname and Kotetsu were given the same task too, so Kaname encouraged Kotetsu to buck up and work hard, even if the person they investigate might be a female ^^; (How can this guy work if there’s a possibility that he would need to investigate or interact with females?… =w=“)
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Chapter 5: あべこべコンビ / Vice Versa Combi
“I’ accompanied Shiro to the train station and he was pissed that “I” had no idea how to tail someone. He decided to teach “me” how to do it, though he warned “me” that he shall only teach “me” once. He explained that one would need to “blend” into the background when tailing someone, and scolded “me” being an idiot when “I” thought it meant blending into the ground. He continued that other than people who already suspected that someone’s monitoring them, usually people don’t take much notice of their surroundings. He warned “me” not to follow someone like hiding behind the lamp post and staring at the person “I’m” tailing, saying that such an attitude from “me” even made him being thought as suspicious since we’re together ^^;
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He explained that even though it will be hard to lose track of the person if you’re monitoring / tailing her really closely, it would also be easy to get suspected and discovered by the person easily. “I” thanked Shiro for his lesson but that only triggered his “tsundere” side as he claimed that he’s not teaching “me” specially ^^;
On the other hand, Kotaro and Sousuke had taken a wrong route. They were tailing a bank worker to work and it seems that the person seems to like walking routes that aren’t really routes, like cutting through people’s garden, that Kotaro complained that it seems more like an obstacle race instead ^^;
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Sousuke noticed “me” and Shiro and decided to wave to us while Kotaru noticed that we were actually in the midst of tailing someone ^^;(So in a way, Sousuke is interrupting us…?) Sosuke realised that he had made a mistake, but since he had already waved, he decided to just head towards us and talk to us instead ^^; (Since the person we’re tailing has headed into a coffee shop anyway)
Shiro knew that they had just came over to help cover up the fact that we’re tailing someone, so as to make us seems less suspicious in a way. “I” commented that both Kotaro and Sousuke seems to be getting along well together, that Shiro really wonder how did “I” see their relationship that way XD (Since from the outside, one won’t really think that way as both Kotaro and Sousuke were opposites of each other ^^;)
After Kotaru and Sousuke had left, Shiro noticed that the person seems to be heading somewhere in her lunch hour, and wondered where on earth is she heading towards…(Let’s tail~!)
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Chapter 6: たどり著いた先 / The Place that was Arrived
Kotaro and Sousuke walked along the residential area, as Sousuke handed Kotaro a cup of coffee that he had commented on wanting to get earlier. However, Kotaro said that he had talked about it as part of a make-up conversation just now and told Sousuke to drink it himself instead ^^; Sousuke still forced him to take it in the end though =w=“ He felt weird being the person who stood in the middle of the road while drinking a bottle of coffee milk… (So Sousuke didn’ even bought coffee in the end, it’s just coffee flavoured milk =w=“)
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Shiro and “I” started tailing behind the person as she walked down the streets, as Shiro wondered where on earth is she heading to during her lunch hour. Even when we were quite a huge distance away from the lady, Shiro was confident that he won’t lose track of her since he had his good sense of smell ^^: (They could still track down the person through scent even if they can’t see her anymore XD)
Shiro remarked that the lady had a really strong perfume smell that it was easy to trace as a marking. He found it pungent though and claimed that he’s not being rude and just saying the truth anyway, since at least he knew better than to say it in front of the lady herself. (If he really did that, it’s going to burn pretty bad =w=“…)
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Just then, the lady seems to noticed that she was being followed by us, and started to run away in a hurry. We started chasing after her while Shiro told “me” to hand over the map that Kuki had sent to us to “my” phone. Looking at the map, Shiro realised that the path on the right would lead to the person exiting on the left, but he still decided to follow the lady down the path instead of waiting for her on the outside.
We chased her until we reached a dark alley, and Shiro found a door over there. He asked “me” to take a photo of the area, and deduced that the lady must have headed inside the building through the door, wondering that she might have a key to unlock it.
Suddenly, we were surrounded by a group of men, who decided to capture “me” instead and leave Shiro there instead. (Why just “me” though? TWT) Shiro get pissed by what the men were talking about among themselves, and asked them to get away from “me”. (That seems quite a doki doki moment actually >///<)
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One of the men remarked that females, unlike males, have a use for them. He decided to use “me” as a product. (That sounds really creepy from the hidden meaning of it… D:) He took out a gun and tried to shoot at Shiro, who dissed at him that he might end up hurting the “product” this way. However, Shiro was knocked out in the end, and the men decided to capture him too since there’s a possibility that Shiro might knew something that they didn’t want him to know actually. And thus, both of us gets captured and taken away…
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Chapter 7: 暗い部屋 / Dark Room
Shiro and “I” were captured and taken to a jail cell, and when he awakes, “I” apologised to him, but that only made Shiro confused on why am “I” apologising. He claimed that he’s not shielding “me” specially just now (guess he tried to protect “me” just now T///T), and that it just happens to seems that way. (Shiro… your explanation… just doesn’t really make sense =w=“) He assured “me” that he would treat his injury later on and asked “me” not to get so bothered about it. (Is it me or somehow Shiro seems alot nicer than initially? ^///^)
(At one point, Shiro seems to get worried about “me”, but flustered later on and claimed that he’s NOT worrying about me XD Keep trying to deny it, Shiro… ^///^)
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Shiro explained that he had a feeling that Kuki would definitely nagged on him alot if anything would to happen to “me”, so it’s why he’s protective of “me” at that time ^^; Shiro realised that nobody has even came to the cell even when they’re talking like this, and wondered that perhaps there isn’t any guards around. He was fed up when he thought that we would just have to wait until our help has arrived, since there’s also a possibility that the enemy would arrive first before our help does TWT He started to ponder what we should do by ourselves first, but upon looking at “my” worried face, he asked “me” to stop worry about him instead and worry about “myself” first ^^;
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In the end, he made a promise with “me” that he would definitely escape with “me” when we get out of this place. (Yeah, “I” won’t feel good if “I” have to abandon Shiro here TWT…)
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“I” told Shiro that “I’ve” noticed that the men were all wearing hoods with weird dog ears under it, that Shiro realised that those people might be after “me” because “I’ve” picked up the pin badge. (From episode 2) “I” tried to deny it but Shiro said that it was just a possibility but we should not ignore it anyway. Since there’s no guards around who came to us even when we’re talking, Shiro said the time that we could make a break through is only when someone comes to us in the end. (Which means… we’ll have to wait…? OWO”)
Just then, Shiro heard that there’s are sounds of someone, and deduced that there’s someone nearby on the same floor as us, even though it seems far away. He guessed that they maybe people who were captured like us or someone who has unknown motives. Upon listening to it even more carefully, Shiro realised that these are sounds from a casino, as these were sounds made by the slot and card machines. He realised that there seems to be a hidden casino that were unknown to the public.
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Shiro asked “me” to turn around as he untied “me”, and when “I” asked him how is he going to do it, he answered matter-of-factly that he’s just going to bite the ropes off OAO” He explained that some of the descendants from the “Kenrouzoku” have well-developed teeth, and one of them is Shiro, so he could bite through these types of ropes as long as they’re not too thick. He assured “me” that he won’t bite “my” hands though and asked “me” to just turn around XD
Shiro had just managed to untie “me” when he heard footsteps approaching our cell. He asked “me” to put “my” hands behind “me” and pretended that “I” was still tied up. “I” seems to be worried that Shiro is going to ask “me” to run away first but he assured “me” that he would definitely keep his promise and escape together. (Aww~)
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Listening closely to the approaching footsteps, Shiro guessed that there’s around 3 people approaching us. However, the 3 people aren’t our enemies, but instead our comrades from Class 3~! Kaname held out a hand to “me”, asking “me” whether “I’m” injured. He admitted that he had worried for “me” when he had heard that “I” was captured by the enemy, that he had felt that his heart was going to stop… >///<
Shiro was relieved that our comrades had finally discovered that we were being captured. Kaname explained that this was because Kotaro and Sousuke were walking around in the same area and realised later on that we seems to be missing. Rudo continued that when they waited for our scheduled call and it didn’t came, they knew that something was definitely off and started to search for us by then. And that’s how they managed to locate us~ ^^
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Chapter 8: 脫出 / Escape
Kotetsu appeared and informed Rudo that he had found an unknown person being captured underground. Since both Kotaro and Sosuke were handling things up there at the casino, Rudo decided to go up there and helped them. He instructed Kaname to lead Shiro and helped the person that was trapped below this level… and that left with Kotetsu and “me”. Kotetsu was flustered because of his allergy to female, and while Rudo would want to bring “me” along with him, he knew that it would get dangerous upstairs and didn’t want to do that.
In the end, Kotetsu decided to bear with it, asking “me” to grab hold of his hand as he brought “me” to the detective agency. (Aww~ Even though when he did that, he gets goosebumps all over him, he asked “me” not to worry about it ^///^)
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Kaname and Shiro headed to the cell the unknown person was locked in and managed to lead him to safety, as Kaname calmed him down with his words. When Rudo had went upstairs, Kotaro informed him that the guests had escaped from the casino, and the staff denied to reveal any names about them. Sosuke appeared and alerted them that the staff had brought some help (more men) and thus Rudo thought that it’s best that they escaped from the situation now.
Back at the detective agency, Leo asked Shiro whether he wanted some recovery juice (the very sour lemon juice) and informed him that “I’ve” came back safe and sound by Kotetsu’s help. He also told him that Rudo they all were interviewing the missing husband (seems like the unknown person locked up in the cell was actually the missing husband), and asked him whether he would want to take a look at the situation.
In the meeting room, Rudo, Kaname and Kotetsu were trying to get more information from the missing husband on regarding how he had managed to get himself locked up in there. Kotaro and Sosuke had gotten some minor injuries and thus treating them in a different room.
The man revealed that he was being approached by someone to join the hidden casino, and the hidden casino was one where larger bets were being made and were suitable for people who were very rich and had lots of money. The man actually goes to the normal casino everyday after work, and this was a secret that he had not told his wife about, and was later invited to go to a “more thrilling” casino - the hidden casino not known to the public. Rudo deduced that it must be an illegal casino, since the amount of bets were larger than what was allowed by law.
The man continued by saying that though he had won initially, he started losing consecutively after that. And before he knew it, he had landed himself in debts. Rudo wondered why he had not asked his wife for help in repaying the debt since his wife’s family was actually quite rich, and Kaname had felt that it maybe abit too much that the man was thrown into prison and captured like this just because he had landed himself in debt. Upon noticing the expression on the man’s face, Rudo guessed that he had more that he had wanted to say.
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Chapter 9: 迷の組織 / The Mysterious Group
The man revealed that he had heard a name, but he had no idea whether him overhearing about this name had much to do with why he was being locked up. The name he had overheard was called “Beto”, and Kaname commented that he had never heard of this name, wondering whether it was a person’s name. The man said that rather than a person’s name, he had felt that they were referring to a group or a guild instead actually. Kotetsu said that they had only managed to locate this missing man and their missing comrades (Shiro and “me”) at the underground prison, so the other missing people were still missing. Kaname tried to assure the man that perhaps it’s just the other people had stopped coming to the casino (but from his expressions, it doesn’t seems so though…)
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After the man left, the three of them continued their discussion as Kaname pondered whether the illegal casino was operated by a company in the background. He also wondered why by just overhearing the group’s name was enough to land the man in prison. Kotetsu guessed that if the other people had also been through the same scenario, they would have been captured too, but there’s no sight of them. The case came to a standstill yet again, though Rudo tried to encourage them that the enemy would definitely commit a mistake in the end, and that would be their chance. However, since they guessed that the enemy seems to have a large number of man, they decided that it’s best the whole agency regroups in the morning and head towards the illegal casino.
Kaname decided to send “me” back to “my” room, since “I’ve” been through quite a hectic day, but Kotetsu started to diss him saying that “my” room is actually just downstairs. Even so, Kaname had his own ideals and claimed that it’s a must to escort the “princess” (Woah! Somehow I’ve become a princess? +W+), and he asked Kotetsu whether he wanted to send “me” back instead.
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Kotetsu obviously rejected that idea, but assured “me” that it’s not my fault, but more because of him still being unable to interact with females. Kaname thought Kotetsu was alright when he was escorting “me” back to the detective agency, but he admitted that it was not alright as there’s goosebumps all over him when he did that just now. Kaname had thought that Kotetsu would have get used to “me” by now since it has been awhile since “I’ve” arrived at the detective agency, but since he’s not… Kaname thought it’s best that both of them escort “me’ together so as to get Kotetsu used to being with “me” XD (Kaname, I really like how you think about things XD *thumbs up*)
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The next morning, Shiro, Kaname, Kotetsu, Rudo and “me” arrived at the hidden casino. However, when they reached there, there was nothing at all at the venue! Even all the tables and chairs which were there a day ago were all gone…
Kaname guessed whether the staff had thought they were the police yesterday and had escaped in the middle of the night as they knew that they might be in danger. Kotetsu asked Rudo what they should do now and suggested to look for guests who had escaped yesterday. Rudo agreed and said that Shiro, “me” and him would look around the venue for more clues before we returned.
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Chapter 10: 闇夜の密談 / The Secret Talk at Night
Over at Cyan cafe, Kuki complained to Senri why does he only gets plain water when Shu gets tea instead XD (Look at the double standard that Senri is setting XD) Kuki thought that it’s okay if him and Mashiro had the same treatment of not getting any tea, but Rui who was in the same class as Senri also gets plain water too, so Kuki felt that the most Senri could do was to pour him a cup too. However, it seems that however much Kuki had said was useless, so Kuki decided that he shall just make some coffee for himself instead.
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They talked about which company might be operating the illegal casino, and Mashiro piped up that he had a very good idea which company was the one, saying that the company was even a very big and well-known company. However, instead of really operating and managing the casino, Mashiro had felt that the company seems to be just funding it instead. He also mentioned about “Beto”, which was the group that was operating the casino, and asked Shu whether he had heard about it.
Rui also revealed some new information, even though they had no idea who was operating the illegal casino, Rui had done some research on the landowner of the venue, and also the building that led towards the illegal casino, and they deduced that once they managed to track down who the owner is, they’ll be able to reveal who was the culprit.
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Mashiro asked Shu whether he should investigate more about this “Beto”. Kuki warned him that they have a fast speed of escaping though, since Shiro had told him that there was nothing left at the venue when they had arrived there earlier on. Senri said that he had received the report and it said that not only the furniture of the casino was gone, even the wallpapers and carpeting of the venue was removed. Mashiro was shocked that even the carpeting was gone since they had found the casino yesterday and the time now was today’s morning… (How is their speed so fast? And they did everything so clean too… even removing the wallpapers and carpeting… OAO”)
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Somehow the conversation turned towards them suspecting that there might be a spy among the members at the detective agency. Kuki was mad as he doesn’t believe that there would be a person who would do such a thing among them. Senri said that though he understood Kuki’s feelings of not wanting to suspect anyone, he felt that it was all too suspicious that the group had escaped so fast this time. Shu guessed that the enemy must have knew that they were detectives, which is why they retreated and escaped so fast this time.
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Kuki still didn’t want to suspect anyone, while Mashiro suggested to do a background check on all the members in the agency. Rui agreed since if they do not “pluck” out the suspicious seed now, it might become an obstacle in the future for them when they carried out detective work (since the person could be obstructing them again and again). However, Shu felt that it’s too early to get suspicious about anyone, and thus tell Mashiro not to do that for now. Shu had felt that if they started to suspect anyone, as it would cause mistrust among the members and he wanted to avoid that currently. (Good thinking, Shu! It’ll be bad if everyone doesn’t trust each other…)
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Chapter 11: 迷多き情報屋 / The Mysterious Informant
The next morning, “I” helped out Leo in washing the dishes, and he felt apologetic about it actually. It was supposed to be Shiro and him doing the dishes today, but it seems that Shiro had not realised it at all, and Leo guessed that he must have forgotten about it, since he believed that Shiro won’t be someone who purposely skipped out on his duties and make it troublesome for others.
(It’s so cute how Leo realised that “I” actually had household duties of washing the clothes today yet “I’m” helping him. He decided to help “me” in washing the clothes together later on~ ^^) It seems that Leo had a new invention that could help in washing clothes so he was actually very willing to help “me” out with it ^^; (Let’s hope his invention works~ *cross fingers*)
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Leo also revealed that he’s a part of the “Kenrouzoku” and had really good hearing actually~ He revealed his invention called “The person who could differentiate the clothes!” (I guess it’s machine that could help to split clothes into different colours or something?) However, the machine ran into mishap as it started spinning too fast and ended up being a failure later on… Leo was disappointed but later on he had yet another great idea for an invention. “I” decided to let Leo work on his next invention, which Leo was thankful for, but was kind of unwillingly to go off initially since he knew it would be hard for “me” to dry the remaining the clothes by myself. (It’s okay Leo~ *pats pats*)
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At the top of building, “I” saw a new guy which “I’ve” never met before. (But if you have read the earlier episodes, you’ll know that he’s Izana.) He approached “me” and commented that he had deduced correctly that he would definitely be able to meet “me” here. He introduced himself as Amo Izana and he’s part of Class 4 of the detective agency.
Izana expressed that he had a very strong interest in “me” and had wanted to meet “me” much earlier. He asked “me” whether “I’ve” heard about him from other members in the agency. (Why is this guy behaving kind of weird… You seems kind of creepy Izana…=w=“)
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Izana was more interested to know more about “me” rather than talking more about himself though. He said that he had come to know that “I” had arrived here at the detective agency as “I” had nowhere to go to, but this was still a detective agency meant for “Kenrouzoku” in the first place. He felt that “I” seems to have gained entry in here abit too easily, and asked “me” a weird question. “Do you know anything about Viidog Code?” (What is this? Why is he asking about the title of the game? OWO”)
However, Izana’s questioning got stopped short when he realised that Shiro had came and found “me” here.
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Shiro was shocked to find Izana here, and asked him what on earth is he doing here. Izana gave a weak smile as he remarked that he was just talking with “me” happily over here (I do not think it’s happy at all though =w=“), and Shiro dissed back at him that that’s why he’s asking because he doesn’t sees it that way (High five Shiro!), and hoped that he isn’t trying to brainwash “me” with something that he’s saying.
Izana knew that it’s best for him to leave the conversation, since he guessed that he might get chewed out by Shiro if he stayed here any longer XD
Shiro asked if anything happened to “me” while Izana was gone. He cautioned “me” not to believe Izana easily as this guy doesn’t have a trustworthy reputation around here. (Aww~ Shiro seems really protective of “me” here >///< But why is Izana so not trustable? OWO”)
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Chapter 12: 一步一步 / Step by Step
Seems that the reason Shiro had came for “me” was to call “me” to have lunch with them. Upon arriving at the dining room, Shiro complained that why does the whole class had to have their lunch together. However, Kuki dismissed that easily and said that he had been waiting for us so that we could eat together.
Shiro explained that today’s lunch was actually some sort of lunch gathering to commemorate that both Class 7 and Class 3 had managed to close a case. Since Class 3 was joining us for lunch too, the lunch looked even more extravagant than usual. Shiro said that he had initially planned that he won’t eat if “I” had said that “I” won’t be eating but since we’re here, he asked “me” to quickly sit down and eat with them.
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Shiro noticed that both Tsubasa and Kuki seems to be giggling among themselves as their shoulders were shaking. Kuki remarked that he was just touched, and Tsubasa helped Kuki to explain that it’s a rare scene since no one had expected that there would be one day where Shiro would gentle to “me”~ ^///^ (No wonder their reactions are like this, I feel flattered too that Shiro is actually treating “me” very gently this time ^^)
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That only ended up making Shiro blushed, as he went into his tsundere mode saying that he’s not being gentle XDD (Keep trying to deny that, Shiro~) Kuki scolded Tsubasa that he shouldn’t be so direct since that would made Shiro embarrassed XDD (Look at them teasing Shiro that way XD)
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Rudo and Kotaro appeared and commented that Class 7’s members were still in a good relationship with each other as always, but Kotaro remarked that he just only sees Shiro being teased actually XD (or “bullied” actually if you take Kotaro’s words literally ^^;)
Kaname and the others arrived, and he noticed that Kotetsu had maintain a shorter distance away from “me” than usual. Sosuke noticed it too and commented that it was only a metre apart, and this was actually an improvement~! (Yeah~!!) Kuki was impressed that Kotetsu had actually taken steps to get used to getting closer to “me”, and that made Kotetsu quite embarrassed.
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Kuki was proud and said he shall let the next newcomer to come to our class next time so that he could rear him up ^^ Even though Shiro complained that he doesn’t want to look after newcomers, Kuki said that he had still taken care of “me” even though “I’ve” created troubles for him ^^; Shiro answered that he just does it because he had no choice XD
Kuki was interested on who might be the one taking care of others in Class 3 since they were always split up into pairs to work together, and made a guess on it might be Sosuke actually. He later guessed that it might Kaname, or maybe even Rudo himself. (Since he was the leader afterall~) Kuki was shocked when Rudo suggested that it was actually Kotetsu, whom Kaname agreed since there’s alot of times which Kotetsu had actually taken care of Kaname as his partner~ ^^ (Glad that these two were getting along well~ XD)
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Seeing how united Class 3 seems to be, Kuki said to Tsubasa that they’re going to work hard to be like that. However, Tsubasa was missing when he had turned around, with Shiro commenting that Tsubasa was gone when he had noticed it. Kuki started to feel abit weird that Tsubasa seems to just go off and disappear suddenly at times…
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And that’s it for Episode 3~! If Episode 2 focus more on Tsubasa, then Episode 3′s limelight is definitely on Shiro~ Aww~ I like Shiro so much after that, he maybe a tsundere but he’s really quite adorable when he gets embarrassed like this XD Kotetsu is another one, I’m glad that his “allergy” is getting abit better though~
This episode is also one that Class 3 members get to shine abit more, since other than Kotetsu I get to see more of the other members like Rudo, Kaname, Sosuke and Kotaro too~ However, I feel that we still need more scenes about Kotaro though, I felt kind of a pity that I didn’t get to know more about him as much as the other members =w=“
The main mystery is still yet to be solve though we managed to close one sub case of the missing people now~ What exactly is going on with the casino, or say the illegal casino? Who is Beto? And who is the mysterious new guy which Suzu-kun and “me” gets to befriend, is he related to this story? (Since if not why would he appear XD) Hopefully, the next episode would be able to reveal more about it~! +W+
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gocchisama · 7 years
Normal is the new beautiful : Story of Nagahama Neru (長濱ねる)
Have you ever fell in love with one of your classmates? Peeking at her desk, hoping she doesn’t notice you, so you can keep looking at her. Someone you want to start a conversation with, but you’re too shy to do so. Japanese high schooler are often on the romantic side, thanks to this huge culture carried through manga and anime. Neru has this perfect image of lovely girl next door that you often see in shoujo or shonen. But it isn’t fiction. Sometime life doesn’t go the way you wanted, and you have to force your way through, building this such needed resilience to go forward. Behind this sweet smile, stand a girl who search for answers. Is Keyakizaka one of them?
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“A girl in search of her honest feelings”
Let’s talk about the girl herself for a bit. Someone who’s into Keyaki most surely knows her unusual introduction to the group. Like Shinoda Mariko before her, Neru joined as 1.5 gen member because she didn’t went to Keyakizaka final audition. Her parents forbid it, even taking her back to Nagasaki. But seeing Neru’s potential, Keyakizaka staff invited Neru’s parent to attend a Nogizaka concert, and it eventually changed their mind. She then joined as Hiragana Keyaki (under-like members of Keyakizaka) and Kanji Keyaki kennin for the second single, Sekai ni wa ai shikanai. It was though for her; she couldn’t mix as well as the other kanji keyaki because she started late (she wasn’t in Silent majority senbatsu), but she didn’t took part in hiragana lessons either because she was busy in kanji keyaki promotion. Question rised: where did she belong to? Up to this day, we still don’t know. But don’t let her choose between kanji and hiragana, it’s impossible.
Most of pessimistic fans would say it’s a staged scenario to push her. Because she’s having an hard time, fans start feeling sympathy toward her. Well yes, she is popular (because of this romance affinity japanese have) but struggling to know her place in Keyakizaka was real. Yonetani nanami confessed in a Keya Room episode that she didn’t accepted Neru right away. It’s only natural, right? When someone is a newcomer in your close circle of friend, you can’t immediately be comfortable like you are with the others. However Neru won member’s hearts with her natural joy, easy going character, and light sense of humor. Members were fast to realize she just wanted to get along with everyone, and not taking someone’s else place. Being Hiragana instead of Keyaki didn’t matter anymore.
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“Neru, like Yurina, was given a Solo in Keyaki second single”
With that issue resolved, Neru started to work on her individual skills. Fans started to notice her thanks to her weird and lovely individual PV, where she sang all names of the periodic element board, and thereafter all irregular english verbs. To see Neru doing a moonwalk while chanting uranium, or spelling sleep slept slept while headbanging, you have to admit it marks people mind. In her third attempt, it was a regular short film about “rules”, where she displays great acting skills, feeling very genuine and natural. Furthermore, she took part in Japanese variety show, answering quizz in order to earn 1 million yen for her team, something that only a few idol of the 48group could. Before being in Keyakizaka, she won a special prize in a cooking contest, with innovative kebab style sugar crepe.
Neru is smart, cute, funny and talented. She gets closer and closer to this “shoujo” ideal fans yearn for. It didn’t take long before she claims top position in member’s popularity chart, even being number one in Twitter most mentions in the group. Neru profile has high standard, but as a matter of fact, it isn’t something original. We have seen many other idols who are good at everything, like Yamamoto Sayaka. So why is she exceeding observers expectation in term of popularity? Because it is Keyakizaka. By contrast, something cool will always shine in a pool of cute, and vice versa. Because Keyaki is about rebellion and willpower, Neru orthodox image comes out amplified. Management is fully aware and try to develop it, by giving her a slow paced, cute song as solo. Neru presence and importance in Keyakizaka increased as her personality balance well with the style of the group.
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“high socks, pink cardigan and silver ribbon; Japanese uniform aesthetics bring out the best of japanese girls feminity and youth”
Neru’s situation can be seen as very propitious to a success in Keyakizaka. But it isn’t the case, and she had to deal with a lot of pressure in a short period of time. People are often worried of Yurina hectic schedule, but Neru’s has nothing to blush from it : Not only she participates in all Kanji A and B side, but she also has to learn Hiragana B-side songs. Not counting her 2 solo and duo/quatuor with Yurina and Yuichanzu. Despite her hard work, she had to compromise. It’s quite cruel to put her in Yurina’s place in hiragana first showcase for their silent majority performance. You could obviously feel the lack of training, and beyond that, the gap of character between Neru and Yurina. It was management mistake to think Neru could manage to do a decent performance with such little time. And it affected her image. That her dancing is subpar of other members, or keyakizaka standard.
Can you imagine it? She was 17 when joining Keyakizaka (like Akanen) and was at the end of crossroads, where you choose to continue college. She’s a diligent student, but chose to be an idol. This same world that sometimes shows a cruel side, like asking for a perfect performance with minimum of preparation. An unfairness that could waver anyone’s determination to reach their goal, because they are not capable. Japan is still a society that hugely rely on academic background, and to choose the idol path instead of college is understandably contested by her parents. This is something that contrast with her overall sweet side. She went as far as confronting her parent to do what she wants to do. She’s not hesitant like those shounen female character who are often painted as weak and dependable to the male hero.
It’s not about being all sweet, or all cool of a character. Even though Keyakizaka staff built Neru character to be sweet, it doesn’t exclude the fact that each person hold a complex personality, that you need to cover as a whole to understand someone. Neru didn’t dislike studying. She likes subject like Philosophy, or science. But she wanted to try something new, something she decided for herself, and not what her parents told her to do. Despite her sweet character, she was actually the first to do an act of rebellion.
“Nagahama Neru is in fact a very entertaining girl, very connected to her fans”
It would be pretentious of me to know what kind of girl is Nagahama Neru. But there’s few hints scattered on all the data available. First, her blogs. She talks a lot about her relationship with the members. Probably because she was in a delicate situation of not belonging to kanji nor hiragana, becoming an important member on both side is now her biggest strength. She entrusted herself the mission to help the members get closer, like W-Keyakizaka no uta song. To break the distance between generation, is a harder task than we think. For example, Yukirin confessed she never was close to Kojima Haruna, despite many concerts, senbatsu promotions they did over the years. It’s hard, but it is also essential to build the group unity. The girls need to learn to open their heart.
In variety, she shows that her intelligence isn’t all about having good grades. There’s also how she use her screentime to get noticed. When to make cute face, react to host pun or joke, give sassy anecdote of other members. She’s also aware it’s good to show her emotions, when being overjoyed by other members reaction when joining the 2nd single senbatsu, or when Watanabe Risa read Yonetani nanami’s letter apologizing to her. How she juggles with those opportunities helps her not being a one-dimensional idol. Watanabe Mayu was much more of the orthodox style, but her image of cyborg idol was too strong and she had a hard time to graduate from it. 
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“In Keyakizaka 4th single, she was next to Techi. Will she be center in the 5th?”
With all the opportunities brought by management, her good image as an individual (the others are more known as pairing, like Za cool, Yuichanzu), and the necessary change of Keyakizaka type of song makes me think she will lead the A-side of the next single. Neru never showed the ambition to take the 0 position, but if it’s the need of the group, she will gladly take it on. Because Neru has a great sense of responsability. When we think of reliable, mother figure-like character, we tend to think of Fuuchan or Oda nana. Neru is more like of a “i will do my best” responsible type. She doesn’t want to let people down.
In the future, we can expect her to break through in variety. This little sister character is loved by japanese audience, like Hirose Suzu or Arimura Kasumi before her. Her presence in variety is Key for Keyakizaka to get national recognition. But as said above, she’s also the key to tie kanji and hiragana keyaki together, and ensure the group unity. Without noticing, Neru became an irreplaceable existence for Keyakizaka outside and inside. You don’t need to read manga to follow exciting stories. You just have to follow neru’s normal life. I wish i could live such an exciting life, but unfortunately, pink cardigan and cute skirt doesn’t suit me as much as they suits her. 
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