hirokiyuu · 2 years
19 for the ao3 wrapped!
19. What’s one pairing you want to explore next year?
HM this is an interesting one for me because i never Plan to think abt pairings more it just happens to me tbh. oh i would like to get more sol/tammy brainrot i think they have a lot of potential and i think i end up overlooking that in favor of other pairings sometimes LMFAO also maybe platonic dys+tammy?
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I need Suvi and Indri to get together now
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beedreamscape · 8 months
I hope Suvi does get over the Citadel's influence but I hope that by the end of it, she's still an ass because why can't a woman be a little unlikeable ffs
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enlichened · 1 year
Me, insane: I don't understand why people dont like mass effect andromeda didn't they see the wild family issues that drive the whole thing?
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xeansicemane · 4 months
Like this episode ruled ruled, but the part I really loved?
Aabria fully working out how Suvi would express her Geas in that moment. It wasn't duty, it wasn't sneaky, it was awe.
That's the thing the Citadel stole from her - her awe, her joy at a world beautiful and beyond grasp. They took it, twisted it to their needs, and handed it back to her.
Because yeah, that's the insidious part of these systems - they take the thing you hold most dear and fuck with them. If you love to fly? Oh you'd make a great bomber pilot. If you love to explore? Scout's just right for you.
I'm very looking forward to the confrontation in this arc. Because if Suvi dies I will be u n h a p p y.
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wolfiihoney · 3 months
Drama king Gojo.
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Hiii! Please enjoy this fluffy little piece. Btw I found the name (daughters name) suvi from a “kid’s try” video and thought she was the cutest thing.
Reblogs are definitely appreciated! <333
Genre: fluff
Charters: Husband Gojo x Reader
Word count: 1800
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Gojo flops on the big queen-sized bed of your shared dim room after successfully putting Suvi, the baby that you both share, to bed. You can't help but giggle at the sight of the big dramatic man sprawled out in front of you, looking like he's just run a marathon. He always loved to make a show out of everything.
"Hi there," you say, a teasing lilt to your voice as you rub your hand over his hard-working sorcerer's back.
"You chuckle at his whiny response, knowing that he loves to exaggerate just for your attention.
'It was tough, Y/n!' he continues, pouting playfully as he enjoys the feeling of your hands massaging his sore muscles.
"She doesn't like me much when it's time for bed," he complains, his voice now purring with contentment as your fingers work their magic on his back. "She only seems to enjoy my company when we're playing during the day."
"You smile gently, trying to reassure him, 'Sweetie, she's a baby,' you say. 'She can't just decide to dislike you.'
Gojo pouts even more, but a hint of a smile begins to play at the corners of his lips.
'Mmm, yeah, I guess,' he grudgingly admits, his eyes closing in pleasure as you continue to massage his back."
A comfortable silence settled over the two of you, as it often did when you were together.
'Remember when it was just us?' he said, breaking the silence.
You laughed and replied matter-of-factly, “Of course, it was only nine months ago.” You said.
Gojo playfully pouted in response, sitting up straight and exaggeratedly huffing.
"He continued to pout dramatically, crossing his arms over his broad, shirtless chest as he sat up. You can't help but giggle at his exaggerated expression and know that he loves to play up his emotions to get a reaction out of you.
“I know, that silly girl!' he adds a hint of mirth in his blue eyes. “But do you remember when it was just us? When I came back from school and headed straight to our bedroom, just to see what my lovely angel was up to?”
Gojo leaned forward, resting his muscular forearms on his thighs as his intense blue eyes remained fixed on your face. “I couldn't wait to see you and hold you in my arms,” he said, his voice soft with a hint of vulnerability. “I feel this way all the time, but still...”
You blushed slightly at his words, feeling that familiar flutter in your chest that never seemed to fade, despite being married for two years. Even after all this time, he still had a way of making you feel like a nervous schoolgirl.
Gojo's words resonated deeply within you, expressing his newfound happiness with your family life now that you had become parents. His devotion seemed to have grown even deeper with the addition of your little girl.
“I know what you mean,” you said, reminiscing about how life had changed. “It was pretty fun, wasn't it?”
Gojo chuckled at your remark, his blue eyes crinkling at the corners. “Yes, it was, but... I'm even happier now.” he emphasized, his voice warm with affection.
Gojo shifted closer to you on the bed, wrapping his strong arms around your waist and pulling you against him. His touch sent a shiver of pleasure down your spine, and you couldn't help but melt against him as he spoke tenderly in your ear.
“Now I have two people to adore and obsess over,” he whispered, his voice filled with a mix of affection and amusement.
His fingers began to tease the sensitive skin just underneath your tank top, tracing small circles over your stomach and hips. With each pass, you couldn't help but gasp, your body reacting
After a while of comfortable silence, Gojo spoke up with a suggestive tone.
“I bet baby will get bored soon,” he said, his voice hinting at what was on his mind.
You raised an eyebrow at his words, a small smirk playing on your lips. “And how exactly will she be bored, Gojo?” you played along, pretending to be oblivious.
Gojo raised his eyebrows theatrically, his hands still wandering under your tank top. “Well, who will she play with when she's a bit older?” he replied dramatically
He continued emphatically, “She'll need a little brother to play with!”
You chuckled at his dramatics, knowing how much he enjoyed playing around.
“Come on, don't you want to give her a little brother to play with?” he teased, his eyes sparkling mischievously. “He might even look like you.”
And now you were reminded of the day your baby girl was born and how shocked you were at how much she resembled Gojo, from her big blue eyes and snowy white hair the only thing she had of yours was skin tone.
"Ha ha, very funny," you replied playfully, a smirk playing on your lips. "For that comment, I think she can wait a bit longer for a little brother. How about that?”
You turned your back to him, dramatically pulling the comforter up to your shoulders, feigning irritation.
Gojo chuckled at your response, well aware that he was successfully riling you up. He could see the hint of a smile on your face, knowing that you were secretly enjoying the banter.
"Aww, don't be like that," he replied, pretending to be disappointed. "Surely you can't deny our daughter the pleasure of having a baby brother to play with."
Gojo smirked, knowing full well that your daughter was the spitting image of him, save for her skin tone. "Who knows, he might actually end up looking like you."
Gojo kept pestering you, unable to let go of the idea of giving your daughter a playmate. He wrapped his arms around your waist, pulling you closer and nuzzling his face into your neck.
"Look, I know Buttercup looks like me," he teased, his voice laced with playful humor, "but those big round eyes of hers are all yours."
You swatted at his arm, playfully resisting his attempts to get you to face him. "Gojo, my eyes are not round, they're almond-shaped!"
"Oh, please," Gojo retorted, feigning exaggerated annoyance. "They're totally round. Just accept the truth, darling."
He persisted in attempting to tickle you, his hands roaming up and down your sides and targeting those sensitive spots he knew would get you giggling.
"And why are you resisting so much, huh?" he continued to tease, his voice becoming even huskier as he leaned closer, his breath tickling your ear. "Don't you want to face me?"
Gojo chuckled as your body convulsed with giggles, his slender fingers expertly finding every sensitive spot on your body. Despite your best attempts to maintain a serious demeanor, you couldn't help but laugh heartily at the delightful sensation.
"See? I told you you'd laugh if you just turned around," he said triumphantly, his voice slightly muffled as he nuzzled his face into your neck.
A shiver of pleasure and excitement coursed through your body as you felt his warm breath on your skin.
Caught up in the moment, neither of you realized that your playful banter had become loud enough to wake up the baby, who could be heard stirring in her crib.
Hearing the soft cries of your little girl waking up, Gojo suddenly halted his efforts to tickle you, a look of realization dawning on his face.
"Oops," he said sheepishly, pulling back a bit, "I guess we got a little too loud, didn't we?"
You smirked at him, raising an eyebrow in a playfully sassy manner. "Yeah, 'we got too loud,' you repeated sarcastically. "No, you got to loud, woke her up now You have fun putting her back to bed."
Gojo chuckled sheepishly, recognizing that he was about to face the consequences of waking up the baby. He knew that it was probably his fault, given his earlier exaggerated theatrics.
"Ah, come on," he protested, feigning innocence. "You were just as noisy as I was!"
You rolled your eyes, refusing to let him off the hook that easily. "Oh, please. I wasn't the one who was loudly suggesting we have another baby just so Buttercup could have a playmate."
After 20 minutes of failed attempts to put the baby back to sleep, Gojo re-entered the shared bedroom, carrying the small crib with one hand and delicately holding the baby in his other arm. Exhausted but still managing to exude cuteness, he spoke in a tired yet adorably childish tone, mimicking the baby's voice.
"She refuses to go back to sleep and throws a fit every time Daddy tries to leave the room," he explained, feigning frustration.
You chuckled softly, rolling your eyes once more at his attempt to mimic the baby's voice. Despite his exhaustion, there was still a glimmer of playfulness in his eyes.
"Oh really?" you teased him, amusement evident in your voice. "The great Gojo Satoru, conquered by a small baby who insists on sleeping in here with us?"
Gojo dramatically pretended to swoon, leaning against the wall, putting on a show of being completely overwhelmed.
"Don't remind me," he replied, feigning helplessness. "She has me wrapped around her little”
You smiled affectionately at Gojo's theatrical antics, feeling a strong surge of fondness for him despite his occasional childish demeanor.
"You're such a drama queen," you teased, gesturing for him to sit beside you on the bed.
Gojo acted offended, feigning shock at your comment.
"Me, a drama queen? Never," he responded, feigning denial.
With a dramatic sigh, he carefully placed the baby's crib next to the bed and then climbed into the bed beside you.
You chuckled once more as Gojo settled into bed beside you, drawing the blankets over the both of you. The baby, who had been quietly observing Gojo's antics, commenced making soft baby noises again, seemingly delighted to be in the same room as both of you.
Gojo encircled his arm around your waist, pulling you even closer to him.
"I'll have you know," he stated a playful tone in his voice, "I'm not dramatic. I'm just... expressive."
You rolled your eyes playfully, well aware that Gojo's theatrics were just for your amusement.
"Mhmm, expressive, right," you retorted sarcastically, resting your head on his chest.
He chuckled softly, his hand tenderly rubbing up and down your back.
"You know you love it," he teased, his voice lowering to a gentle murmur.
"Of course I do," you responded, unable to hide the affection in your voice.
Baby Suvi let out a tranquil sigh, snuggling deeper into her crib, blissfully oblivious to the playful banter
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Reblogs are definitely appreciated! ♡
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owlbees · 1 year
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Ame always seems to run into trouble, whether she finds it or it finds her.... Thought it would be cool since she does so much hand craft if she would have woven her hat with charms n stuff.
Done in Jules Charet art nouveau poster style. Don't know what color I like best???? Also want to polish it more.... the struggle.
Suvi's version X Eursulon X
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gamerwoo · 1 year
[Tales from the Pack] Soonyoung: Imperfect (Epilogue)
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Characters: Soonyoung x female reader
Genre/warnings: werewolf au, fantasy, fluff, mentions of smut but nothing explicit
Word count: 980
Summary: Soonyoung has always been desperate to find his mate, often going out into town at night to fill the void of imprinting that he craves so much. Then suddenly, you (quite literally) appear in front of him. He’d always dreamed and fantasized about what having his mate would be like, but the reality is nothing like he expected.  
a/n: dialogue in bold is meant to be english and whenever someone says reader’s name it’s meant to be reader’s surname
Previous | Imperfect Masterlist | TftP Masterlist
"Love of my life, can you grab the other carton of eggs from the fridge for me?"
All the wolves loved using terms of endearment for their mates, but everyone could mostly tell who was being called to based off of the voice. Jooyeon only pretended to get confused to annoy Seungcheol, rushing along with Arinya or Suvi and claiming "you call me baby, too" when he'd pout she didn't know it wasn't him. But you found it easy to know it was Soonyoung not just from the voice, but from the too-cheesy pet names he gave you.
"Honey bun, can you come here?"
"Peach cobbler, where are you?"
"Princess of my heart, I need you!"
Another thing was Soonyoung loved to flex his English now that he was essentially fluent. You both were doing well, only not understanding or remembering a few words here and there. But Kyung and Hansol reminded you both that even they needed refreshers on some words sometimes, so you were 'basically fluent now'. Soonyoung loved to switch languages in the middle of a sentence just because he knew how to now. Sometimes it confused you but he let you take a second to process what he was saying.
When he'd called for you after he'd noticed you enter the kitchen, your brown eyes met his golden ones with a raised brow. He was standing at the stove, throwing you a warm smile over his shoulder before he went back to talking quietly with Mingyu beside him.
You had been at the market with Felix, and the younger wolf was currently babbling excitedly to Kyung about the colorful woven-string bracelets he'd spotted.
"Friendship bracelets!" he'd gasped when he saw them, running over to the booth.
You loved hanging out with Felix. As soon as you got to properly meet him and his alpha, Chan, you immediately hit it off. It gave you a similar feeling as to when you would be with Luka. It felt safe and like home. It felt like you were hanging out with your brothers again.
But you were no longer paying attention to the bracelets Felix had bought the two of you -- and one for Chan, of course. You were looking at your mate's back with a raised brow.
"Are you...making breakfast?" you asked slowly.
Soonyoung turned again to face you, "Yeah, why?"
"You're cooking?" you asked, sounding more worried now. "You're being allowed near a stove?"
You heard Joshua off to the side of the kitchen imitate your accent when you said the word 'cooking' but you only threw him a short glare before looking back at Soonyoung.
Mingyu turned to look over his shoulder, promising, "I'm supervising."
Soonyoung just pouted and loudly whined, "I'm not that bad at cooking!"
"I love you, but you absolutely are."
He seemed to have not heard anything you said after the first part, because he grinned widely and chirped, "I love you, too!"
"I'm sorry, but can you fight about it another time?" Suvi whined. "I'm hungry."
"Don't tell them that," Jeonghan quickly snapped. "They will fight about it, and nobody wants to hear it."
You immediately felt your cheeks get hot. You knew everyone in the pack did things like that and never really minded when people heard, but whenever it was brought up, you always got embarrassed. You were always a pretty quiet person when it came to that -- especially in comparison to your counterpart -- but you always forgot in the heat of the moment that at least half the people in the house could hear everything.
Something else about Soonyoung was he was...well...insatiable for lack of a better word. Not that you were against it because you liked doing anything with him and he was always great to you, but you felt like the two of you were getting teased even more often than Joshua and Arinya now.
To be fair, the guy was a hopeless romantic who had been looking for his mate for the last 50 or so years, so you couldn't blame him for being a little excited.
"Give them a break," Soomin sighed, standing up for you, "we all do it. We all hear each other. It's not just them."
Seokmin sat up straighter, turning away from where he was listening to Felix and admiring his bracelet to look toward the conversation, "I beg to differ."
As the pack began to bicker among themselves, Felix turned to look at you, wanting to ask if you wanted to go hang out outside or something and wait for breakfast. Instead, he was met with an empty space, which he found odd since he hadn't heard or sensed you leave. He whipped his head to the other side and then scanned the kitchen, wondering if you'd just moved your location.
"Where's _____?" he finally wondered.
The pack slowly died down and searched the kitchen for you, but Soonyoung burst into laughter. He weaved through bodies packed in the kitchen, effortlessly finding you still in your spot next to Felix as he put his arms around your waist perfectly like he could still see you.
It didn't matter how far out of your shell you'd come since he'd met you, your old habit of unknowingly disappearing when you were embarrassed never seemed to die.
"You'll always be my shy little baby," he giggled before placing a big, dramatic kiss to your cheek.
You faded back into view, face still hot and a shy but grumpy look on your face, "Thanks, I think..."
He placed his fingers under your chin and turned your head to look at him, pressing a sweet kiss to your lips that lasted maybe a little too long for being right in front of the entire house, plus Felix.
"Get a room," Junhui coughed.
And just like that, you were gone again, making Soonyoung laugh even louder.
»»————-  ————-««
Tag list (italics are unable to tag): @choiminjae0325​ @dumbasslonelybisexual​ @yoonbabe-d​ @exuwu​ @lets-get-1t​ @vintageot5​ @sehunnies-hunnie96​ @childfmoonn​ @ash-is-psychotic @haoareyou @wobwobkpop​ @dirinast​ @joshwoah​ @wreckedbytae​ @salty-for-suga​ @xu-miseo @uglyratlmao​ @onewoowonderboy​ @xxbluestrifexx​ @artistic-rendition​ @mrsfandomz​ @psshwa @peachy-hoon​ @chaseyui​ @haven-cove​ @belledamsceno​ @saxtaee​ @k-pop-ology​ @uglychildd​ @eclvpe​ @killcomet​ @coupsiekkuma​ @sunlightwoo​ @jelly-fishy-babie​ @valtxy​ @birthday-prinxess @sooooofrench @seungsanhun​ @svtbubs​ @ada-lucia @queenofhimbos @soonwoosz​ @babyminghao​ @hao-are-xu​ @onefinecarat @patat-boi​ @shawkneecaps @dinosvvrs​ @apple-m​ @cheolliehugs @jisungsdreamy @imtaehyungry​ @superheros-and-others​ @semicolorn​ @gyaaah @whimsicalwoodlands​ @aunty-tiger-potato​ @sbnchaos @seventeensdaesang​ @sleeplessdailyhours @junuoyi @yiyi4657​ @randombandit77​ @restless-nights-thoughts​ @allpiecesofmybrokenheart​ @charlieshelves​ @allie-mcginn​ @peachescherryheart @brattybunfornct​ @henloiamaweirdobye​ @anissanightyoung​ @babyminghao​ @mythicalamphitrite​ @caratluvie​ @nokachiki​ @liendoesja​ @sunoosult​​ @heolykpop @henloimaweirdobye @janellxu @kwanseo @haoareudoin @dinoararw @bang-me-bangchan @sakura-uji @meowtella​ @nizza12-blog​ @multiplums​ @starrysungie @l33j3n8​ @angel-ishere​ @cyberpunksunwoo​ @jadeblackwoll @smilefordongil​ [if you’d like to be added to the tag list, please fill out this form!!!]    ​
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where are you at in worlds beyond number?
After today’s commute, I am at the very beginning of Episode 11 and things are *T E N S E*
Love the show, though. I’m currently bouncing back and forth between this and Murder She Rolled, and they’re both very different actual-plays in terms of setting and style and vibe, but in both instances the players and DMs bring the whole thing alive in a very fun and engaging way where it’s both sitting at the table while these people all have a ton of fun playing DND, and also a very immersive story that you get attached to very quickly.
Sorry I’ve been flipped into Gush About Stuff I’m Listening To Mode, I’m gonna ramble and gush about these podcasts for a bit now.
Alan Seawright in MSR is great at bouncing off of everyone at the table and flipping the switch between being the action hero in a serious way and an action hero in a comedic way, and basically everyone else at the table has picked up on that seemingly from the beginning, and it’s great. If you like…dark comedy and eldritch horror, it’s very fun.
Worlds Beyond Number is four heavyweight DND champions (both in actual-play settings and in terms of DND advice and design and generally being people present in the culture).
First off. @quiddie is a genius. Because she did something I now desperately want to try in the future, which is create inter-party tension by creating Suvi as a character that is intensely devoted to both her friends/adoptive family, but also to this place that she has now been raised and shaped by for the majority of her formative years that is set in opposition to what sort of ways Ame and Eursulon come from.
Second off, Erika Ishii as Ame is amazing, and a very fun way of playing…what I think is a Druid with some tweaks? It’s such a fun way of approaching what feels like the same class set but from a direction I absolutely would never have thought of and it’s amazing, I wanna try it now in a future game if I get the chance. Also Erika’s great, they’re amazing at interacting with everyone and keeping the lighthearted stuff lighthearted but also being able to drop into drama when needed (as has happened in the last few episodes quick specifically).
Lou Wilson as Eursulon is the sleeper hit of the show. For sure. And I am astounded by how well Lou managed to make it happen naturally. Because early on the episodes focus more on Suvi and Ame finding each other and going to find him with a quest focused on Ame and a lot of tension from Suvi’s background coming into play and being utilized to get things rolling, and then…Port Talon happens. And you realize he’s not been playing this dude that’s seemingly hit rock bottom and is ashamed of being taken advantage of as the new guy in town one too many times despite trying to live up to this *impossible* ideal, and he pulls out all these great character moments that build right to where I’m at where he’s been shamed by this great spirit for what he wanted to be and leaving his old world behind, and having finally clawed back what he could to reach what they set out to do he has to make a *choice* now, and he’s clearly struggling with what that choice is in the face of his friends’ lives being in danger and his old ideals coming back to give him pause about what he’s been doing and just…*gods* he’s possibly going to be my favorite at this rate? He’s playing a very similar character arc to what I wanted Jace to have when I played him in the campaign I played in with @charlezarrd, only…*way* more, and it’s amazing.
Also BLeeM’gan is an insanely good GM, this probably doesn’t need saying given his reputation, but it bears mentioning anyways. He’s crafted an insanely deep world that’s immersive and feels alive in a way that is…not easily describable.
And also him as the Fox is the best. The Fox is my other favorite character. He’s so good.
(Also Will Gallows might be my new favorite criminal mastermind, TBQH)
Anyways yeah Worlds Beyond Number is great! The only reason I’m not fully caught up up yet is because Murder She Rolled is also great!
(TBQH I would love to see Alan Seawright and the e rest do the MSR crew get thrown at the WBN crew, because I think it would be total chaos in the best way)
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Can u tell more about Tangelo's, Pardalote's, Miu's, and Suvi's personalities and their relationship (like how they know each other (if they do), and what's the dynamic between them like)? ^_^
Sure can!
I made a little bit of a non-spoilery relationship chart for the basics of what they all think of each other
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In terms of personality, here’s a summary for tangelo and suvi under the cut bc it’s kinda long.
She’s a very chaotic and messy person and a master procrastinator, but generally very cheery and positive. She remembers every small thing anyone has ever done for her and cherishes everything. She grew a pot full of just plain regular grass because she’d never seen it before and thought it was amazing. She’s a very hands-on person and likes trying lots of different things, as she gets bored doing the same thing over and over and struggles paying attention. As long as she’s having fun, she doesn’t care if she isn’t very good at whatever she’s doing.
She hates anything ‘perfect’ or organised, and if she gets something brand new she usually dents it or sun-bleaches it to give it character because she finds things ‘heartless’ if they’re left untouched. She prefers hand-me-down clothing rather than new stuff because it has the air of something that’s been loved. She loves whimsical things, music, and bright colours.
Suvi was the first person to ever really give a shit about her so she’s very attached to him; not only because he cares about her, but because he’s very willing to encourage her endeavours rather than just say it’s a stupid idea. She does most things on a whim and doesn’t ever really plan things, but she’s willing to follow the plans of someone she likes spending time with.
Because of where she came from originally, she doesn’t know what laws are, so has no concept of things like trespassing because she’s used to just going wherever. The only ‘law’ Tangelo follows is the justice she philosophies in herself (and what Suvi thinks as well). She’s got a lot of old scars along her arms from fighting because of it. She wields a stop sign with ‘never’ spray painted on it so it reads ‘never stop’ which she thought was very clever, and it’s pretty much the only thing she carried over from her original world.
In the words of Outside by Bill Wurtz; ‘I can’t go back to where I come from, cuz im not *welcome*, and it’s not *fun* there.’ (She probably relates a lot to that song)
Saying too much abt his past would be pretty spoiler-y (same with Miu and Pardalote) but like Tangelo he’s been lonely and starved for affection for a long time. Regardless to say, he’s happy to have a new little sister. He’s also quite a tactile person, but due to the fact that he’s blind that’s pretty to-be-expected. He’s got some chickens that tangelo doesn’t like, and grows a bunch of fruits n grains n vegetables. He’s got a beautiful plum tree so he makes a lot of jams and plum pie which tangelo is a MASSIVE FAN OF. He likes carving into things too, and he can sell those at markets too, and teaches tangelo how to make stuff as well.
After being blinded, Suvi no longer cares about his own safety, so he only wears what’s comfortable, even when operating machinery he really shouldn’t. He’s a talented cook though, and despite his short and wiry stature from malnutrition growing up, he’s surprisingly strong from climbing and manual work in the gardens.
He has a bad history with dogs, so instead of a guide dog he has a temperamental albino lynx named May (short for Mayonnaise). She certainly makes sure nobody takes advantage of him.
Suvi likes to sit outside in the rain a lot, but he gets quite sick when the air gets dry in the middle of winter or the middle of summer. He usually makes lots of soup in advance.
I don’t wanna bother too many people with a post that goes on forever so I’ll post some stuff abt Pardalote and Miu tomorrow :> however I do love all these asks, it makes me very happy to see someone take interest!
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leiakenobi · 1 year
in the peace of waves that crash no more
Fandom: Worlds Beyond Number Rating: Teen Word Count: 100 words Summary: They found her in the aftermath. A/N: A canon divergence AU, inspired by Aabria's observation from the ep. 14 Fireside Chat: "It's easy for Suvi to kill because it's just as easy for Suvi to die."
Cross-posted to AO3 here! But since it's so short, I'll also tuck the whole thing on Tumblr below the cut.
They found her in the aftermath. Even after they cut her free, it was unclear what happened: whether the Undre struck, or whether they simply overwhelmed her in their haste to reach the shoreline. Regardless, the kudzu grew around Suvi, bursting with the life it had reclaimed from her. At the sight of her – limp, broken, laid out in the governor’s mansion – Ame wept. Eursulon crumbled. And though she was not one to judge others their grieving, Ame saw Steel’s set brow and wondered at the reason why anyone would react to the loss of a near-child with such poise.
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dynasticads · 3 months
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# d y n a s t i c — wanted connection
connection type:  half-sibling
age-range:  33-35
fc suggestions:  prang kannarun, wawwa nicha, yoghurt nattasha, any thai fc
they share the same father. their father cheated on your muse’s mother with suvi’s mother while he was on business trips to london from bangkok. eventually he was caught and in the end your muse’s mother had also been cheating. the divorce happened and your muse ends up moving to london to live with suvi and your new step-mom.
# 𝙙 𝙮 𝙣 𝙖 𝙨 𝙩 𝙞 𝙘 — is a semi-appless roleplay centered around three media conglomerates competing against each other. the ceo of one of the companies has died and the status quo has shaken. the two other companies have used this disruption as an opportunity to destroy the competition and develop.
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sapphim · 2 years
hey! just for shits n giggles
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beedreamscape · 11 months
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You can call me Bee. She/Her. Brazilian. Ao3. Opinion Haver.
I talk excessive amounts about ExU Calamity, CR3, The Locked Tomb, and very occasionally about D20. Currently waiting for Bridgerton S3 and Alecto the Ninth. John Gaius enthusiast, I'm sorry about it but not enough to stop.
Links of my writing and art, currently including:
Critical Role (focus on Laerryn/Loquatius)
The locked Tomb (focused on Jonh, Mercy, Augustine, og16)
I'm thinking of adding my "think pieces" to this, but I have more than 500 written posts and it will be difficult to sort those out.
Pre-canon ExU Calamity Timeline
Evandrin laughs
Quay and Evandrin
L.Q. Bardic Inspiration
Laerryn and Dweomer
L.Q. Post-Blight
L.Q. Lilac Shirt
L.Q. Love Confession
L.Q. Hair Washing I
L.Q. Hair Braiding I
Laerryn's Bed
L.Q. Hair Braiding II
L.Q. Late hours Smut
Scraped idea excerpt
Zerxus Morbid Conversations
TLT Duty
TLT Pre-Res Mercy
Bolo n FCG
Crappy Trad Laerryn
Bloody Bolo and FCG
Loquaerryn 'He wants to order'
Clownish Loquaerryn
Loquaerryn Trad.
Outfit sketch
Loquaerryn party looks
Laerryn n Patia
Divorce Selfie
Uhhh not art just a meme
Suvi's Ritual
You're cringe Griddlehark
9th House ocs
The OG 16 Lyctors and Cavaliers
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cleverrpgnamehere · 1 year
a monument to all of our sins
Fandom: Worlds Beyond Number
Relationships: Ame & Suvi, Ame & Suvi & Eursulon, Suvi & Soft & Stone, Suvi & Steel
Story tags: Worlds Beyond Number Episode 14 SPOILERS, sponge baths, Suvi's relationship to magic, somatic spell mechanics and notations.
Content warnings: Brief mention of nudity within the context of bathing, implied mention of Soft and Stone being deceased.
A/N: Brennan's moment with the reflexive indicative got in my brain and wouldn't go away, so I had to write a fic about it. While I adore Eursulon, this fic doesn't feature much of him but instead focuses on Suvi's relationship with Ame and her relationship with magic.
I am also tagging @quiddie because even though it's not smut, I just needed Aabria to know I have Suvi brain rot now. Can also be read on AO3, but I posted this on mobile so I guess I'll call it the source?
Summary: Once on the airship, Suvi gives Ame a bath and talks with her parents.
Suvi looks at Ame, almost unnaturally still and quiet on the bed. She sees her, and sees Grandmother Wren like this, too, and shakes her head to remove the image from her mind. Ame is not dead. She won’t die, not if Suvi has anything to do with it.
Ame is filthy, and while Suvi could just Prestidigitation the dirt off of her, the thought makes her skin crawl. It’s fine in a pinch, but it’s not the most pleasant of feelings. Plus, she’s pretty sure that Ame would hate being cleaned by magic.
So, she orders supplies and receives them, and tells Eursulon to lift Ame. He does, and Suvi lays towels down before Eursulon lays Ame on top of them before he’s shooed out of the room by Suvi. She’ll take it from here.
She adds soap to a basin of warm water and rolls up her sleeves. Carefully, she undresses Ame, stripping her of her dirtied clothes, which she adds to a pile to be washed. She covers Ame again with a sheet, hoping to keep her as warm as possible throughout this whole thing. She dips a washcloth into the soapy water and starts on Ame’s face, gently moving the cloth in a circular motion. Ame smells like salt and sea and kudzu.
Suvi places the first washcloth in the soapy water again, then grabs a clean one and wets it in the plain water. She rinses Ame’s face, making sure to remove every trace of soap until only the fragrance remains. A quick dry with yet another towel and her face is done. And then Suvi moves to the neck, repeating the process of soapy gently scrubbing, then rinsing. Right arm, left arm, chest, legs–Suvi gets them all. She spares a moment to lament that there’s no way to wash Ame’s hair as she rolls her friend onto her side.
It takes a while, but eventually Ame is clean, washed of any trace of Port Talon and smelling faintly of lotus and sandalwood. Suvi dresses Ame in one of her own nightgowns, pulls the towels out from under her, and settles the blankets around her friend again. Something still stinks, and she knows what it is: the Fox.
Suvi grimaces as she picks him up by the scruff of his neck. He smells like fish guts and she can’t stand it anymore. She dunks his body into the soapy basin, taking up the cloth again to get his face and neck, which she won’t submerge. As Suvi scrubs, she can see the dirt leeching into the soapy water. He’ll be mad when he wakes up, but it will be worth it.
She makes sure to scrub every inch of him, too, before rinsing and drying him off. Suvi wishes Ame were here to cast Gust, but she figures getting the Fox dry is the most important bit, so she uses Prestidigitation to make sure she gets all the water off of his fur. She replaces him under Ame’s right hand, and takes hold of her left.
The feeling of uselessness slowly starts to creep back in now that her task is done. Suvi looks at her friend’s face as she bites her lip. She knows that Ame has been training for this sort of situation and is fighting as hard as she can. She just wishes that she could join Ame in battle, lend her some strength and additional power. Suvi thinks about the battle with the boat captain, how Ame nearly died, crumpling to the ground. Her mind easily supplies her with the image of Ame collapsing in Suvi’s room, convulsing and expelling black bile from her mouth.
She squeezes Ame’s hand. “I should have stopped you,” Suvi whispers. “I know I can’t stop witches or wild ones, but I should have tried, at least. I know Steel would have the resources to help in this situation. I should have made you wait to do it properly. And I’m so, so sorry Ame.” She feels the damn break, and the fear overtakes her. She sobs, her head falling to Ame’s chest, shaking so much she can’t feel Ame’s breathing. Suvi curls around Ame and cries herself out.
When Ame doesn’t need anything, Suvi spends her vigil on the bench under the huge window in her room. Eursulon sleeps on the floor by the hearth, where an arcane fire glows blue behind the grate and keeps the room at a comfortable temperature. Suvi spares a moment to adjust a blanket over her brother as he lightly snores. She spots a small rip in his shirt and Mends it without a thought.
When she sits, she pulls out the book she has from Morrow that used to belong to her parents. Holding it in her hands, gently turning the pages, Suvi is struck by the thought that her mother and father once held the book like she does now. Did Soft’s eyebrow furrow like hers as he worked on a complicated bit of spellcraft? Did Stone’s elegant fingers curl around the pages protectively, guarding the secrets within? Did her parents bend their heads close over this book, whispering secrets of magic like lovers’ poetry?
Suvi pauses for a moment, overwhelmed with her own imagination. She never truly knew her parents, her own memories of them hazy and disjointed. What she actually remembers is stories of memories about them, told to her mainly by Steel. Suvi can’t remember their faces, just their portraits. She’s not sure if she actually remembers dancing with her father, Soft sweeping her off of her feet and twirling her with a laugh. She likes to think that she can recall her mother’s voice telling her “Be strong, Suvi, for there will be worse trials than this” as they both stared at a windstorm that had scared her. But holding this book in her hands, knowing that her parents have done the exact same thing with the exact same object, feels like a tether through time.
Her fingers trace her father’s somatic notes, picturing him in her mind’s eye as he scribbles. There’s a low-level spell in the margins, scrawled hastily as an afterthought. The ambitransitive lexical, future inchoative, passive relative, reflexive indicative with null cleft–
“What?” Suvi whispers out loud. “That doesn’t make any–no, you, you need that. You have to–uh–”
She cuts herself off as she realizes she’s speaking aloud. But Soft is wrong , he has to be, the reflexive indicative is what makes the magic flow in the first place. Suvi decides to prove it, moving through the somatic components of the spell, and she realizes that he’s written down her mother’s Mending spell. The one with the small contraction that makes it a little quicker to cast, cutting out a motion to flow from one casting to the next as if rocking with the tide. How had she never noticed before that the one thing they cut out was the reflexive indicative?
“Oh,” she breathes. “Oh, you’re right. That makes–” Suvi cuts herself off, laughing a little.
“Suvi, who are you talking to?” Eursulon mumbles from the floor.
“My dad.” She doesn’t look away from that small, scribbled note, running her fingers over it again. Suvi understands it now, her mind working with breathtaking swiftness. If Mending doesn’t need a reflexive indicative to work, then what other spells will still work with it removed?
Suvi guesses that this is just the tip of the iceberg. Presumably, if the reflexive indicative is what makes the magic flow and it is unnecessary in a cantrip, she has to assume that all other cantrips don’t need it, either. Is it because they’re just that low-level? She’ll need to do experiments, for sure, but for now, Suvi considers the likely outcomes. One, cutting out the reflexive indicative will work on cantrips and no other spells. Two, cutting it out will work for cantrips and low-level spells, but will eventually hit a threshold where more energy is needed. Or three, cutting it out works for every spell, every time, and is always a stupid flourish at the end of a spell, functioning as a period in the somatic sentence. Four, every spell, every time doesn’t need it, and the reflexive indicative is–what?
If Mending doesn’t need it, why are most wizards in the Citadel taught that it does?
Who gains? she thinks urgently. Who gains what from this simple little note? Suvi bites her lip, hunching over the book. If the Citadel is lying about the function of the reflexive indicative, then they must gain something from it. What is most precious to the Citadel? Information. Information and raw power.
What if this note could be tracked? What if the Citadel could tell what spells were being used by every trained wizard on the planet? And what if those spells pulled some power the Citadel’s way? Suvi feels slightly dizzy at the prospect. Hundreds of thousands of wizards, casting what must be at least a million spells a day. At that scale, tracking everything would be a nightmare. The only reason to teach the reflexive indicative in every spell is if there’s that siphoning of power.
“Oh,” Suvi says again. Her world is tilting as she sits with the book. Why does the Citadel need that much power? Yes, there was a war going on, but the somatic components have been the same for generations, before any war, since humans discovered arcane magic. So what are they hiding?
There’s a knock at her door, and Steel’s voice, muffled through the wood, says, “Suvi? You awake?”
Belatedly, she realizes she’s been crying. She pulls out a handkerchief, wiping her eyes and nose as she answers. “I–uh, yeah, yes. I’m sorry,” Suvi replies, clutching the book to her chest. Her father’s note presses against her heart as she crosses the chamber and answers the door.
Steel’s eyes quickly take her in, assessing and appraising. She doesn’t say anything. She’s never said anything when Suvi has cried.
“We arrive at the Citadel within the hour,” Steel says. She rests a hand on the hilt of her sword, her mouth twisting into a small frown. “Uhm. We should talk.”
“Oh,” Suvi breathes, afraid for a moment that Steel can read her traitorous mind. But no, she needs a crystal ball to do that. “Oh. Yeah.”
She looks back into the room at Eursulon and Ame. Suvi has a sudden and clear fear grab her heart. Did she lead her brother and her friend straight into a trap? Or has she been the trap for the whole time she’s known them?
“It’s–It has been a long time coming, and there has never been what feels like the right moment, but the time has come to speak of Soft and Stone. Of the last night that you saw them. And I need to tell you about Yorrin.”
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fxl3 · 2 years
How long have they been planning world's beyond number?
@quiddie mentioned here:
That she named her dog after her character in the upcoming campaign. Does anybody know how long ago she got and named suvi?
Knowing the people involved it would not surprise me if they've been planning this for a few years in some form. The hype is real.
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