#suum ca'nara series
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writerlyhabits · 4 years ago
Din Djarin Masterlist
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Main Masterlist
◍ smut/18+ fics ⌾ angst ◌ pure fluff
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Suum Ca’nara Series: Mando returns to the Razor Crest after a mission to find you waiting for him, exhausted and in need of sleep just like he is. So he decides to try something, which will end up feeding the growing relationship between the two of you.
◌ Suum Ca’nara | Up and Over | ◍ Tensions | Jate Vaar'tur | ◌ Yaim'ol
Shereshoy Series Masterlist: a sister fic written by a friend with the same prompt as one of my fics 👀
“Please come. Bring the Foundling and your companion. We expect your arrival posthaste.” Mando receives a holo message from the Armorer, and brings you with him to a new covert, putting a halt to your search for the Jedi. While there, what happens when you catch the attention of the other Mandalorians?
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⌾ Ration Packs: Din, newest and youngest member of the bounty hunter's guild, hires you as his live-in mechanic to keep up with the repairs of his Razor Crest. As you work together, a friendship starts to bloom as your unspoken understanding of each other works in your favor. But he's got to figure out how to fix things when that unspoken understanding really should have been spoken.
⌾ Courting: You, Din, & the Child are staying with his covert. You've caught the eye of another Mando. You’re pretty, handy, and love the Child; I.e. perfect Mando Riduur material. This Mando is trying to court you, and you're clueless...so when he gifts you a handcrafted knife, you think nothing of it. Din, however, loses his shit ... Have fun.
◌ Namana Fruit: You are OVERWORKED, and Din is here to provide comfort.
⌾ Pregnant: "Din’s partner figures out they’re pregnant, and is terrified. They aren’t married, this is the worst time possible, Din already has so much responsibility on his shoulders. But they have to tell him. Because Din deserves to know. She’s terrified of what his reaction might be... How do you think that scene plays out?"
Shine and Polish: “Din catches you cleaning/polishing his armor for him (something usually only done between courting Mandos) and gets all shy explaining the implications to you send tweet”
◌ Bed Rest: “Reader takes care of a sick Din send tweet”
⌾ Carbonite Sickness: "the reader somehow gets frozen in Carbonite during a fight, then wakes up blind with the Carbonite sickness? I'm a sucker for that kind of hurt/comfort..."
⌾ Insecurities: How would a conversation between Din and Reader go—if Reader felt like there’s no way Din could be interested in them because of their perceived flaws... or that they just don’t feel good enough in general?
⌾ Holo Pad: Din’s crewmate works really hard. They’ll get so in the zone that they will forget to eat, forget to stay hydrated, or will stay awake way later than they should. And Din HATES it.
⌾ Confrontation: reader and Din have been good crewmates for while, and reader has developed feelings for Din. Mando knows and feels the same way, but the moment he asks her about how she feels she gets upset and leaves the conversation.
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Jealousy: Ever wonder how Din would react to Cobb Vanth hitting on you over and over? I spy a jealous Mando...
Not the Prettiest: Din with a non-conventionally attractive reader? A lot of people tend to not get called pretty in real life and would want something they could relate to more? Maybe he comforts reader after someone made fun of their looks?
◌ Sleepless: some of Din's favorite cuddles with you.
The Hunters: "… the reader could be a bounty hunter being trained by Din and they both are in a hunt and the reader fucks up, like lets the bounty escape and din has to solve the problem."
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Reacting to you being cat-called
◌ First kisses with Din
This filthy blurb (& this reply)
⌾ Reacting to your trauma response from past relationships
◌ Braiding your hair
Awkward compliments
◍ “No one I’ve been with has made me finish before”
◌ How Din says "I love you"
◍ When their partner is a virgin
◌ Comforting you when you cry
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twistnet · 3 years ago
suum ca'nara [ boba fett ]
⋯ SUMMARY ; a sweet moment is shared between you and boba
⋯ PROMPT ; caress — for your muse to gently run their hand down my muse’s face
⋯ WARNINGS ; female!reader, mentions of healing + general fluff [ soft!boba + some sweet kissing ]
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boba had settled into the sheets, humming to himself at the comfort it had provided after spending months submerged in a bacta tank. a small plus to the arrangement, was now he was able to hold you in his arms once more. something he had come to miss over the time of his healing.
you had never one complained about the separation, always stating that he needed to heal and if that was want he needed to do so, you would get use to not having him by your side. yet, you always showed him the same amount of love as if he was getting into bed beside you.
and now, he was able to fully experience the affection you so lovingly gave once more as you curled beside him, a bright smile beaming right up at him, “what’s going on in that head of yours, cyare?” he questions deeply, sharing in the smile as he turns to his side to fully face you.
“it’s just... nice to have you back next to me. the bed’s finally warm.” your comment has him chuckling deeply as an arm is thrown around you, pulling you in towards his chest as lips press small, quick kisses across your face. you laugh, turning your face away to avoid his series of kisses as hands tickle your sides to pull more laughs from you.
“riddur, gedet'ye!” you spout in his native tongue, enjoying the surprised, yet soft smile that adorns his lips as his fingers stop their attack, “someone’s been keeping up on their studies.” you nod, catching your breath, “the databases in the palace are surprisingly extensive. never took jabba for a scholar.”
boba snorts at the jab, turning onto his back as he sighs through his nose, “jabba most likely kept them simply for being able to say he did. no one coming in here was ever here for books.” you nod, remembering the few times you had been inside the palace back when it had been under the control of jabba. many were there simply for entertainment and prospects provided by the hutt. though few, like yourself, were there solely for bounty postings and turn ins.
you yawn, the tiredness from the day sweeping over you as you delve deeper under the blankets, snuggling further into the pillow. boba does the same, sparing a glance to look you over as your eyes begin to close. he smiles to himself before reaching out to run his fingers along your cheek, trailing them down toward your jaw and then back up. he sees you smile, heading turning to press a kiss to the rough pads of his fingers, “ni kar'tayl gar darasuum’ he whispers gently into the night, as the lights flick off and he settles into bed for some much needed sleep.
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translations [ mando’a ]
suum ca’nara [ Soom CAH-na-RAH ] -- a state of blissful rest and peace
cyare [ SHAH-ray ] -- beloved
riddur [ REE-door ] -- spouse, partner, husband/wife
gedet'ye [ Geh-DET-yay ] -- please
ni kar'tayl gar darasuum -- i will know you forever/ i love you
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writerlyhabits · 4 years ago
Suum Ca'nara
[Soom CAH-na-RAH]: the state of blissful rest and peace
Pairing: Din Djarin x reader
Words: 1.4k
Summary: Mando returns to the Razor Crest after a mission to find you waiting for him, exhausted and in need of sleep just like he is. So he decides to try something. 
Warnings: super fluffy, cuddle time with Mando, they’re so dumb but it’s cute, slightly suggestive if you squint
AN: I wrote this as the beginning to a different fic idea, and then it became its whole own thing 😅I’ll be working on a kind of part 2 for the original idea that I’m really excited about, so keep an eye out! Thanks @deceiverofgodss for beta reading, I really appreciate it! And I hope you guys enjoy!! 💖
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You jolted in your seat when you heard the ramp of the Crest lower, signaling Mando’s return. You looked at the kid in the seat across from you, stirring slightly in his carrier but remaining asleep. Deciding to leave him to rest, you climbed down from the cockpit into the hull to greet the last of your party. You heard the familiar hiss of the carbonite freezer as you reached the floor. 
“How’d it go?” you asked the tower of Beskar, a sight for sore eyes after having been gone for a few days. You were starting to go stir crazy in the quiet ship with just the kid. You watched as his shoulders relaxed, dropping slightly with exhaustion no doubt. 
“I got him.” He said shortly. 
“Wow, thank you, I hadn’t noticed,” you snarked back with a smile, glancing between him and the freezer. He shook his head slightly in amusement as you took the bag of supplies from him so he could relieve himself of his weapons. 
“Didn’t find him until last night,” he started. “He put up quite a fight, but most of today was just the journey back.” 
“Did you-” 
“A little.” You asked the same question every time he was gone long enough. He couldn’t say he minded though. Your genuine concern for his well-being was refreshing, like a welcome home after a tiring mission. “I stopped for a quick rest the first two nights.” 
“The kid is sleeping in the cockpit, why don’t you get some yourself?” you offered. Mando wanted nothing more than to just collapse onto his cot, and to take you with him. His sleep-deprived brain longed for the warmth of your comforting touch and a good night’s rest, which he figured you hadn’t gotten much of either. 
“How was it back here?” he asked instead, pushing just a little longer to savor the quiet conversation. You rolled your eyes at him, knowing exactly what he was doing. 
“Like always. Quiet, spent most of my time trying to keep the kid away from things he shouldn’t be touching.” Mando gave a quiet chuckle at the thought. “The rest of it was spent cleaning, or sitting by the com in case you needed me,” you admitted quietly. His helmet titled slightly to the side as he looked at you. 
“Did you sleep in the cockpit?” You nodded sheepishly, looking away from him. 
“You know I never realize I do it,” you laughed before he could comment. You stopped yourself from continuing, from admitting that it’s hard to sleep when he’s not there. That you worry about the Mandalorian every time he leaves, knowing he’s more than capable of handling himself. That you want to run and hold him close to you every time he returns. 
But you ignore all of those feelings. Just like he does. Leaving you both in this awkward tension, too stubborn to do anything, waiting to see who’s going to break first. Tonight, it’s Mando. 
“Come with me.” The words come out of his mouth before he can stop himself, and you look back up at him with a confused look. “Come to bed with me, we both need the sleep.” Mando felt like his head was spinning, his heart thumping so hard in his chest it’s almost pounding on the beskar. He wants to pretend he doesn’t see it, but the small smile and rising blush betraying your features makes him smile under the helmet. You glance up at the cockpit, thinking over his offer, before looking back at him, biting your bottom lip in contemplation. 
“I’ll go take care of the kid, why don’t you take your armor off? I’ll join you in a sec,” you manage, buzzing in anticipation. Mando gave you a nod and you hurried up the ladder, his eyes trained on you the whole way. 
Suddenly his body was filled with an energy that wasn’t there before, making quick work of the beskar that covered his skin and removing the flight suit underneath. Leaving him in his trousers, Mando was met with the grime that covered his body from so many days on the hunt. He wanted to hold you so badly, feel you against his chest, but there was no way he was going to touch you when he was so dirty. He had to fix it...
You, on the other hand, had only come down from the cockpit when the Mandalorian was already out of sight. You had to move as slow as you possibly could, scared that any sudden movement would wake the kid and absolutely ruin your night. But you were able to close his pod without a peep, which floated down beside you onto the lower deck, securing the swamp rat away until morning. 
The sounds of water rushing in the fresher told you what you needed to know, but not how much time you had to change into your sleepwear. You frantically stripped down to the basics almost tripping over your own feet taking your boots off. Releasing your bra out from under your shirt, throwing them into a pile with your trousers which left you in nothing but your underwear and a long tunic. It was then that doubt started to creep into your mind, wondering if maybe this was too much, if you should start out more modest...
Those thoughts quickly faded out when the fresher door opened to reveal Mando’s golden skin glowing from the water, clad in only trousers. You froze, eyes looking over each scar that spanned his chest before meeting the familiar visor, which was already looking at you, Mando having to force himself away from the hem of your shirt. 
Remembering how to move, Mando nodded his head towards the small cavity of the ship he slept in, making his way inside before making a spot for you to climb in after him. And while awkward at first, it was almost like muscle memory when the two of you shifted to press against each other in the small bed. Mando’s skin was slightly damp, and warm against your back. He stretched out to reach the control panel, sealing the two of you inside total darkness. 
The soft hiss of Mando removing his helmet made you freeze. He set it on a shelf that remained unseen, and almost instinctively you shut your eyes. The bulk of muscle behind you shook with silent laughter. 
“You can’t even see anything, you don’t have to close them so tightly,” came a foreign voice. It was warm, amused, and so human. It made your heart lurch. You relaxed a little, opening your eyes ever so slightly to test the waters, satisfied to find nothing but the dark. You could feel his hand hovering over your body like he was waiting for something. 
“You can touch me,” you managed, so quietly you almost think he doesn’t hear you when he hesitates. But your words are echoing through Mando’s head, intoxicating him more than they admittedly should. The first thing he heard you say without his helmet was you can touch me?? It practically broke him. Mando barely processed your hand reaching back to lay over his, now painfully aware as you brought his own down to your clothed waist and sliding it over your middle. 
You released a shaky breath. You shouldn’t be this worked up over his hand on you, you felt like a damn lovesick teenager again. He’d touched you plenty of times before… just not like this. Not nearly so personal, so gentle, so intimate. You closed your eyes as you leaned back into his touch, and you regretted your decision. Your body reminded you how tired you were when your eyes had closed again, reveling in the comfort of the Mandalorian around you, who could feel your body’s tired reaction. 
Mando smiled softly though still unseen, not far behind in your pursuit for sleep. Just before he gave in to his body’s cry for unconsciousness, he lifted himself up and found his nose tickling the base of your ear as he whispered a soft “sleep well, cyare.” He had no way of knowing if you’d heard him, and you’d wonder whether you dreamed it or not, but the way your body relaxes into his in your sleepy state makes his heart swell, content to let go and get the rest he desperately needed. 
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writerlyhabits · 4 years ago
Up and Over
Pairing: Din Djarin x reader
Word Count: 1.8K
Summary: After sleeping in his cot, things have changed between you and Mando. Just how much, you’re not entirely sure. That is, until he makes a random stop on Castilon for lodging. 
Warnings: swearing (just a lil), Mando’s bedroom voice, suggestive at the end… I think that’s it?
AN: Yo I actually did research on this one, look at me go learning about planets and species in Star Wars 😂 Technically this is a sequel to Suum Ca’nara, but it can be read on its own. And I lowkey wanna write a ✨spicy✨ part three… so there’s that 😂Thanks again to @deceiverofgodss​ for beta reading, ilysm 💖
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“What are we here for?” you asked Mando as he landed the ship in a patch of forest off the shore. Castilon was covered in water, scattered with small populated islands. It didn’t seem like a logical place for a bounty to hide, there wasn’t a whole lot of room to run. Unless of course, the bounty was amphibious…
“Finding lodging,” he replied, shutting down the ship and turning out of his seat to head down into the hull, tucking the kid in one arm as he swung down with the other
“Is something wrong with the ship?” You asked, more confused than you were before as you followed him down. You watched him set the kid in his pod, only reaching for the blaster he took everywhere. 
“No.” You hadn’t moved from your spot, but he went to lower the ramp and leave the ship. When he realized you hadn’t followed, he turned back to find your confused expression. “Just figured we could stop on the way, stretch our legs.” This was very unlike Mando. Hardly any weapons, detouring from the path, and stopping for proper sleep? But after the few hours you had already spent in hyperspace today, you were more than content to go along with it. He waited for you to sidle up next to him before he closed the ramp, standing close as the three of you made your way into town. 
It was nice. Whatever was happening between you and Mando, it was really nice. Ever since that first night he’d shared his cot with you, the Mandalorian had become so much more open and comfortable with you. In those small moments where he teased you more, where you pushed each other’s buttons with smiles on your faces, where he came closer to you… it felt like he was your Mandalorian. Each night after that you had found each other in the darkness until you knew to just climb into his cot with him, your spare having been forgotten night after night. 
You felt warm and safe cuddled into his chest, his large hands holding you close to him. He’d gotten more comfortable reaching for you in the dark and pressing you into him. It was clear that both of you slept so much deeper, waking up feeling more well-rested than either of you had in a long time. 
And to your pleasant surprise, it was your Mandalorian who accompanied you into the small town, indulging both you and the kid in any shop or table that caught your attention. He put his hand on the small of your back as he leaned over your shoulder to see the goods in front of you, the kid happily snacking on a frog Mando got suckered into getting for him. 
“You should get one,” he said softly, tilting his helmet to the delicate rope necklace in your hand. You turned to look at him over your shoulder with your eyebrows raised. 
“No, I don’t need a necklace,” you retorted. 
“It’s nice, get it.” he pressed. You half laughed and half scoffed at him. 
“Mando, I’m not getting it.” 
“How much?” he asked the older, turtle-looking Chelidae behind the table, completely ignoring you. You tried to wrestle the bad of credits from him with your free hand, which was a useless attempt. 
“Three credits,” the old woman answered with a confused smile. 
“Mando, I swear-” you tried, a smile spreading across your face as he dropped the credits on the table and took the necklace from you. “You’re so fucking stubborn,” you laughed, and you could hear the soft chuckle that came through his helmet as his gloved hands fastened it around your neck. You continued to jab back and forth at each other as you walked towards the small inn, smiling and standing impossibly close, the kid gurgling happily. 
“What made you stop for lodging?” you finally asked him, his easy nature and un-Mando-like behavior being a pleasant though confusing change. His helmet continued to look ahead of him as he thought of an answer. One that wouldn’t flat-out betray him. 
“The cot is in such a small space, I thought it’d be nice to sleep in something bigger,” he reasoned, and it was an answer that you accepted. He was tall, the space was a little cramped, he deserved a night where he could stretch out. And it was really only half an answer, but it’d be too hard to ask why he was being so… him. It would open up the whole discussion of what the two of you were, and you weren’t in any hurry to put so much pressure on the emotions behind all your little moments together. 
Once you were inside the inn, things turned sour pretty quickly. You wondered if maybe seeing a Mandalorian fully clad in beskar armor made the innkeeper greedy to get the rest of Mandos credits, but you were having none of it. 
“Seriously?” Mando replied, his irritation clear in his voice after the owner gave him the price. And it was high, especially for a single room in podunk nowhere. 
“Well we do have to charge extra for making sure you’re undisturbed,” the clerk reminded the two of you with a sly smirk like he knew exactly what he was doing, which made you irrationally angry. 
“You’re seriously going to charge us more for you to do less work?” you argued, raising your voice. Mando put a hand in front of you to try and settle you a bit. “You don’t need more money to tell your droids to lay off.” 
“It’s fine, I’ll pay,” Mando sighed. As he went to reach for his credits you shoved his hand away, managing to fight him away from them this time. 
“No, you’re not, because if it wasn’t for the shell on his back I’d have mistaken him for a slimy Hutt.” You were seething. As soon as the insult left your mouth you cursed yourself, knowing there was no chance of bartering a more reasonable deal out of the Chelidae now. “What kind of travelers do you think you’re getting who are going to pay such a ridiculous price?”
“Stop, let’s go,” Mando tried, now stepping between you and the counter. But you were just as stubborn as he was, and determined to teach this guy a lesson. 
“No, I’m not-” With a squeal, your sentence was finished for you as two strong hands found your waist and launched you over his shoulder, Mando marching out the front door. The kid was absolutely delighted, laughing and looking up at you with a wide grin. You were not as pleased. 
“Mando, put me down!” you yelled at him, propping yourself up on your elbows. 
“I’m not dropping you until you calm down,” came his filtered voice, and you could hear the smile on his face. You wanted to smack it off of him. 
“You calm down,” you snipped back. There were people looking at the three of you, more puzzled than usual. Not only were your companions a Mandalorian and a swamp rat, but the sight now included you slung over the former’s shoulder, pissed off and yelling back snappy retorts. It was definitely a sight. 
“Sweet girl, I will carry you all the way home if I have to,” Mando half laughed as you reached the edge of the small town and approaching the forest, never relenting in your stubbornness. You froze at this statement though. Did he say home? He called the Razor Crest home… your home. 
And the nickname was new. You two had never done those before, and you liked it. Almost too much. 
Mando took your silence to cut in. “What got you so worked up?” You took a moment to think about your actions, and how angry you had gotten. You two had dealt with slimy shopkeeps plenty of times before, and all you usually would do was roll your eyes and walk away to let Mando decide if he was going to deal with it. 
“You just, you’re so selfless,” you started hesitantly. “You do so little for yourself, and you give everything you have to everyone else. So the one time you wanted something for your own benefit . . . I don’t know, it’s just not fair that you got scammed out of it.” 
“I would have paid for it.” 
“I know, but you deserve better,” you admitted, and it struck a chord with Mando, his heart fluttering stupidly. To hear you talk about him so highly was making his body do funny things, his mind running faster than he could keep up with. Eventually, he opened his mouth and some of it poured out. 
“I wasn’t doing it for me.” He felt you turn your head as if you were trying to look at him, prompting him to continue. “I was doing it for you.” Your body shook with silent amusement. 
“Mando, you know I don’t need any of that.” 
“But what if I wanted to give it to you? After cramming you in that tiny compartment every night, I wanted to give you a real bed for once.” This was a new level of stubbornness. And it was possibly even more infuriating, arguing with his sweet confessions. 
“I like sleeping crammed up next to you, that’s why I do it every night, dumbass.” There was a long silent pause this time. No snappy retort, no laughter, no sigh of resignation. Just the sound of Mando’s boots crunching against the ground. You wanted desperately to know what was going on inside that helmet, what he was thinking. After a few moments you heard the ramp of the Crest lowering, and Mando finally spoke up. 
“What’s the kid doing?” he asked quietly. 
“He fell asleep a while ago,” you responded hesitantly. Mando adjusted you in his grip to push a button on his armband, the kid’s pod closing him in, isolating him in his peaceful slumber. The sound of Mando’s boots changed, instead hitting the metal of the ship. The second the ramp was closed in front of you, Mando dropped you back to your feet, but he moved fast. His figure towered over you, pushing you back until you hit the wall of the ship. 
“Why are you so fucking stubborn?” Mando’s voice was lower in register, his voice rough but dripping with unspoken emotion. There was a knot tying itself in the pit of your stomach as you looked up at him, a new feeling for your Mandalorian forming deep inside of you. You watched as his visor ever so subtle dropped to your heaving chest, sliding a hand up your side to mess with the necklace he bought you. 
“I like pushing your buttons… seeing what makes you go crazy...” you admitted, testing the waters. You couldn’t keep your head on straight, and his visor came back up to watch as you licked your lips, holding the bottom one in your teeth. He stepped impossibly closer to you, one hand still playing with your necklace while the other found your body, caressing your side like he did in his sleep. 
“You do, pretty girl.” 
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writerlyhabits · 3 years ago
Pairing: Din Djarin x reader
Word Count: 1.1K
Summary: Yaim'ol [yai-MOHL]: mando’a for return or homecoming.
Final chapter of the Suum Ca’nara series | Ch. 4
Warnings: it’s really just a lot of fluff, i honestly can’t think of anything 😂
AN: It’s been so long since I’ve even touched this series and I am so sorry. I did have other plans I wanted to explore for these two most of it was just straight smut, but it got so hard to find the motivation to do what I wanted. Eventually, I just scraped everything and came up with this sweet little ending, giving them a sort of full-circle moment. This was mostly beta read by @deceiverofgodss but I’m a crackhead and just posted it as soon as I had decided it was done, so…. 🤷‍♀️😂 Thanks for sticking with me on this one, hope you guys enjoy! 💖
Gif from @ne8ula
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You jolted in your seat when you heard the ramp of the Crest lower, signaling Mando’s return. He was back sooner than you’d thought. You looked at the child in his carrier beside you, fast asleep. You quietly climbed down from the cockpit into the hull to greet your bounty hunter, hearing the familiar hiss of the carbonite freezer as you descended down to the floor.
“How’d it go?” You asked, watching the Mandalorian deposit his things on the floor of the Crest. The familiar t-shaped visor rose to look over you, and you fidgeted a little as he looked you up and down, finding you in very little besides the oversized shirt he’d left for you the morning he left.
“I got him,” he shrugged, a smile evident in his voice. You rolled your eyes at him, resisting every urge to run into his arms as he continued unloading his supplies.
“Yeah, I can see that,” you mused, delighted by the chuckle that slipped past the modulator of his helmet. “How’d it go?”
“Surprisingly well. He stayed in one place, for the most part. Made it easier to find him,” he explained as he finished settling in. He strode over to you, gloved hands holding you gently at the waist as he held you close to his armored body. You placed your hands on either side of his neck under the cowl, happy to have him in your arms again.
“Did you get any rest?”
“Not without you,” he whispered, revealing that you weren’t the only one affected by his absence. It wasn’t practical, it wasn’t easy, but you’d found that after getting used to sleeping next to Mando’s large frame, it was hard to go without it.
“You haven’t been sleeping in the cockpit again, have you?” There was a hint of amusement in his voice, and you couldn’t help but smile as you let out a huff of exasperation.
“Well, it’s lonely in the cot… the only sleep I get is when I know I can hear you.”
“Why don’t we fix that?” You smiled bashfully under the gaze of his visor, leaning into his touch as a leather-clad hand came to brush your cheek.
“The kid is in the cockpit,” you informed him softly, debating whether or not he’d be okay left in his pod up there. Though you realized it would probably benefit you not to leave him by himself in the same room as the ship’s controls; there’s no worse way to wake up than scrambling to stop the baby from taking off. “Make yourself comfortable while I go get him?”
“I’ll be here.” You closed your eyes for a moment before parting ways, enjoying his presence after too many days away for your liking. Before you had a chance to open them, you heard the familiar hiss of his helmet and felt soft lips on your forehead, the scruff of the past few days evident on his chin. You felt the lip of his helmet touch the top of your head, having been lifted up just enough to share this moment with you before he gave you a pat to your rear to send you off.
Climbing up into the cockpit you found your little one sound asleep, clutching onto his favorite blanket with his small hands, and completely unaware that the last of your party was finally home. He’d be in for a treat in the morning, that was for sure; you could already hear his excited little noises as he reached for Mando, and it brought a smile to your face.
You reached into the cot to gently scoop the small child into your arms, wrapping him back up in his blanket as you tucked him into the crook of your neck, preparing to make the trip back down into the hull after getting the all-clear from your companion. When your bare feet hit the cool metal of the deck, Mando was already at the base waiting for you, his bare hand slotting to the small of your back as you descended the last rung of the ladder.
He lifted the kid gently from your shoulder and held him in one arm, turning to bring him to the hammock hanging above the small cot, his height giving him a better angle to assure your littlest crew member wouldn’t be woken up. You admired him as he worked quietly, the muscles of his back a welcome view as they moved under his golden skin. He released a soft chuckle as your hands began roaming the expanse of his backside, savoring the warmth as the smell of something so uniquely him filled your senses.
“He missed you,” you started softly as Mando finished settling the kid into his hammock.
“I missed him.” He turned in your arms to face you, his large hands cupping the sides of your face as yours slipped to his waist, looking back at your reflection in his helmet. “I missed you too, mesh’la.” You hummed happily in response to his words.
“You still have to tell me what that one means.” He laughed again under his helmet, shifting his hands to find yours, bringing them up around his neck. He gripped you tightly and hoisted you into his arms, one muscular arm splayed across your back to keep you clinging to him as he began crawling into the small space.
Mando settled you on top of him, your bare legs tangled with his as you rested your head against his chest, hearing his heartbeat beneath you. He reached up to close the door, sealing the three of you in complete darkness, and allowing the beskar helmet to finally be placed on its shelf beside you. You felt his prominent nose brush the top of your head, a calloused hand lifting your chin to bring your face towards his.
“Beautiful…” he whispered reverently, and you took a second to enjoy the sound of his unfiltered voice before you had a chance to wonder what he was talking about. “Mesh’la is mando’a for beautiful.” You hummed a laugh as you felt his hot breath on your skin, and you were finally gifted the feeling of his lips on yours, deprived for far too long of something so sweet.
“Sweet talker,” you teased, earning a deep belly laugh from your Mandalorian as he tried to contain it, not wanting to wake the little one above him. You were quick to bring your lips back to his, smiles on both of your faces as teeth clashed and noses bumped. After a few moments, you settled into a rhythm as he kissed you languidly, breathing into you just how much he missed you, how much he cared for you.
You had been sleeping in the small compartment like this for months now, it shouldn’t have been anything so extraordinarily new. But as you settled into the tight space with your little mismatched family, you felt the space bursting with what had to be love and adoration, and you never felt more at peace as you slipped into a blissful sleep.
Join the Taglist!
Taglist: @deceiverofgodss @janebby @lam-ila @dmward13 @weinersolider @detectivecarisi-1 @michalkal @hypnoash
Din Djarin: @spideysimpossiblegirl @cats-are-a-girls-bestfriend @gracesmusings @stardust-galaxies @torchbearerkyle @mandalorian-dindjarin
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writerlyhabits · 4 years ago
Pairing: Din Djarin x reader
Word Count: 1.8K
Summary: After pushing his buttons on Castilon, Mando shows you just how much it’s affected him, and reveals some pent-up feelings. 
Ch. 1 | Ch. 2 | Ch. 4 
Warnings: 18+ nsfw, female reader, smuuuut that’s all this is, Mando is a fucking smartass, that’s fine cause reader isn’t much different, dominant Mando? (he’s just kinda bossy), they laugh during sexy times i think it’s cute, sorry not sorry, oral (fem receiving), p in v sex (wrap it, this is just a fanfic, stay safe), let’s just decide birth control is a thing in space okay? 
AN: Their entire relationship is built on sarcasm and stubbornness and I stand by that. This happens directly after the last part. I’ve never written smut before, so I hope it’s good! And I did not have this beta read, I just kinda felt like posting it with blind confidence … so I’d love any feedback, just be gentle 😅Enjoy! 💖
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“You do, pretty girl.” Mando’s answer went straight through your body, like a shot of electricity through your core. You watched with bated breath as he removed his gloves, returning them to cup the sides of your face, bringing his hips to meet yours. “Since that first night you told me that I could touch you, it’s gotten harder and harder every time you crawl into that compartment with me not to let my hands keep going…”
You could feel the pool of arousal forming in your lower regions at the thought, imagining Mando’s large hands sliding up under the hem of your shirt, gliding across your bare legs, reaching between them…
“I’d let you,” you breathed, involuntarily rutting your hips up into his. 
“Fuck, sweet girl,” he whispered as he brought his helmet down to rest against your forehead. “You can’t say things like that.” His half-whisper of admittance made you shiver, thinking about what you were doing to him. Being able to feel how the bulge of his trousers had grown more prominent against your hips. 
“Or what?” You shot back with a grin, feeling confident. His visor snapped back up to meet your eyes. 
“Or I’m gonna show you,” he half chuckled, his voice lower than usual. In one swift motion, his hands were on your hips and lifting you up, sliding around your ass to guide your legs around his waist. Your arms instinctively wrapped themselves around his neck, gripping his back through the cape for support. “I’ve got you, cyare,” he reassured as he started walking towards the compartment. 
You recognized the nickname from what you thought was a dream, and you opened your mouth to ask about it, but all that came out was a yelp as your body hit the cot. Your hips sat at the edge of the small bed, a Mandalorian cozied up in the space between your legs. You moved to prop yourself up to look up at him, but Mando’s strong hands pushed you back. 
“Lay back, pretty thing.” He took his time taking his hand from your chest, moving it along your body until his fingers hooked the waistline of your pants. He paused for a moment to give you a chance to push him away, but all you did was lift your hips, making it easier for the fabric to move down your legs. He knelt down in front of you to remove your boots and slide your trousers down your ankles, his hands easily distracted by your bare skin when his task was complete. 
The sweet sound of your giggle pulled him back, his feather-light touches having tickled you as his hands traveled up to your hips, toying with the hem of your underwear. Your body shifted with a hum of approval, the sound making his body stand at attention. 
His hands left your body, your skin cold at the loss of contact. Before you could search for him, the ship was thrown into darkness, his tall armored figure silhouetted by the traces of light peeking into the hull from the starlight outside.  
“Eyes closed, cyare,” he breathed, your body obeying with an excited grin. For a few moments, you only heard sounds of rustling fabric, and the familiar hisses and clangs of his armor coming off. Your body was positively buzzing in anticipation. You shivered as you waited for his touch to return to you, and you swore you heard him laugh at you for it, now free of the modulator. In an attempt to cling to reality, you fought to think of a retort. 
“That word… you’ve called me that before, haven’t you?” was what came out. He gave you a hum in approval as his hands finally returned to your bare legs. 
“I did, just a few minutes ago.” You would have rolled your eyes if they had been open. 
“Thanks smartass, I meant-“ you stopped with a gasp when your underwear was yanked down your legs. 
“You meant?” Mando prompted, like nothing had happened. Like he wasn’t currently kissing up the inner part of your thigh. Like he wasn’t getting so very close to your soaked center. 
You couldn’t formulate words, but he didn’t wait for you to do so before his tongue gently pressed against your folds, swirling around your clit and drawing a groan from within you. 
“You had something to say, baby,” he whispered into you, sucking on your bundle of nerves. 
“You fucker,” you laughed, Mando reciprocating with a chuckle that vibrates through your core. You did your absolute best to focus on the thought in your head and not on the fact that his tongue was now buried inside you, curling in all the right directions and making you squirm. “That first night…” you managed, knowing Mando would understand. He didn’t respond for a moment. Instead, he finished his ministrations inside you, licking back up through your folds before giving one last suck to your clit, releasing it with a wet pop. 
“The first night I held you close to me…” he started. You felt his weight shift to his feet, his hands coming to glide under your shirt, lifting it over your head. Beginning to grow impatient with his wandering hands, you took it upon yourself to unhook your bra. One hand came up near your head to steady himself as he leaned his body over yours, the other hand finding itself at one of your breasts, yours reaching up behind his neck to pull him closer to you. 
“I thought you were asleep that night,” Mando continued softly, leaning up to nudge your ear with his nose. “I whispered it in your ear… just like this.” He proceeded to plant kisses near your earlobe as he twisted your nipple between his fingers, savoring the moan that came out of you. 
“What… what does it mean?” You breathed. He shifted to rest his knee between your legs, holding himself up so his other hand could caress the other breast. His mouth traveled down your neck, across your collarbone, until he was kissing and sucking the skin above your nipple. You reached your hands into his hair, your fingers being met with long curls, and he groaned against you. “Mando…” you reminded, managing to sound half demanding and only half like a moan. The lack of attention to your pussy, his focus on your breasts, and his stubborn lack of an answer was starting to make you crazy. 
“Cyare is Mando’a,” he finally started, lowering his hands to your hips. He nipped at your nipple, and you felt the smile on his lips when you jumped in response. You became aware of his cock standing at attention when it brushed against the inner side of your thigh. He took one of his hands off your body to slide the tip of himself between your dripping folds. “It’s a term of endearment… it means beloved,” he admitted, a whisper just loud enough for you to hear him. Your heart leaped in your chest, the combination of his confession and his teasing made you arch your back up off the cot. 
“Mando…” you whined, this time laced with your urgent need for him. His teasing started to slow, and you felt him settle his tip right at your entrance. You picked your legs up around his hips, hoping to invite him in, but he remained still. “Please, you can’t just drop that on me and not fuck me like you mean it.” The sound that came out of him was almost a growl, a sound that you wanted so badly for him to make again. And, gently enough not to hurt you but helped by the slick of your walls, he drove his cock directly through you. The sound you made was almost inhuman. 
“You’ve got to watch that pretty mouth, cyare.” He had only just started and you were already slipping into a blissful state, lost in his sweet words and thick member splitting you open. “It’s gonna make me go crazy.” 
“If this is what it gets me? I might never stop,” you retorted, unable to contain your giggles. Your Mandalorian laughed above you as he pumped in and out of you, his lips eager to kiss every surface he could reach. 
It was nothing less than heaven. You felt like you were being worshipped, devoured, held up on a pedestal by the esteemed bounty hunter. And neither of you were ready to admit it yet, you couldn’t even comprehend it yourselves, but it felt like love. The duality of Mando’s gentle touches, sweet kisses on your body, and the precision of his cock to just the right spot was lighting your body on fire. You couldn’t decide where to put your hands, roaming from his broad muscular back, to the curls on his head, to cupping his face to bring his lips where you wanted them. 
He pounded into you again, and again, and again, kissing sweet nothings into your skin. Whispered affections, moans of each others’ names, all building the feeling of a tight coil in your lower region, until you couldn’t control yourself any longer. You dug your nails in his back as he sucked on your nipple once again, desperate for some kind of hold on reality as your body began to quiver. 
“Fuck, I’m right there, don’t stop,” you groaned. His thrusts were starting to get erratic, but he didn’t stop. Mando drove his cock inside you with everything he had, deeper and harder, making you see stars. Your body clenched as your walls fluttered around him, your orgasm hitting fast and hard. His hands gripped your hips tight, no doubt leaving delightful bruises, and he rested his forehead against your chest as he fought to keep fucking you through your climax. “Let go, sweetheart, finish with me,” you muttered into his hair. 
Mando let out a cry of pleasure at your words, his cock throbbing as he came hard buried inside you. The two of you were a tangle of soft touches and heavy breathing, Mando holding you impossibly close as you both came down from your highs. After a few minutes, his breathing started to relax, and you noticed soft snores coming from him. 
“Mando… are you asleep?” you asked, trying to keep the smile off of your face. You got a sleepy ‘mhmm’ in response. Your body shook with laughter, feeling the soft smile on his face as he nestled himself into your chest. “Get off of me!” you giggled, trying to shove his shoulders up with no success. 
“I thought you liked being cramped in here with me?” he teased. 
“This is not what I meant and you know it.” He laughed with you as he lifted you, shifting back into the compartment and laying you on his chest while he laid on his back. You heard the door shift close, enclosing the two of you in the familiar darkness. 
“Is that better, princess?” he sassed. 
“I don’t think I like that nickname, asshole.”
Din/Mando Taglist: @spideysimpossiblegirl​ 
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writerlyhabits · 4 years ago
Jate Vaar'tur
Jate Vaar'tur: [JAH-tay vahr-TOOR] good morning
Pairing: Din Djarin x reader
Word Count: 1.4K
Summary: The morning after your intimate night together, you wake up to your Mandalorian getting ready to leave for another hunt. And it looks like it'll be a long one.
Chapter 4 of the Suum Ca’nara series: Series Masterlist | Ch. Three | Ch. Five
Warnings: mentions of sex (it is the morning after), Grogster is eating he’s finally awake in this one, helmetless Din but no broken creed, I gotchu, they’re less snarky in this one bc its so freakin fluffy, but they'll go back to being smartasses soon enough I can't help myself, I think that’s it?
AN: I translated that phrase in mando’a myself, please don’t come for me, I tried 😅This is just some super fluff that I thought was really cute. I made a point to avoid reader’s lips last chapter specifically so I could make this cute moment happen, so here it is 😅 And yes, I know that’s not how the bounty trackers work, but I really ✨do not care✨ it’s such a small detail you can deal with it, lol. Beta read by my love @deceiverofgodss 💖 Enjoy!
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Since the beginning of your little arrangement, mornings had been softer. You would wake up in the arms of the Mandalorian, there would be warm touches and gentle conversation before he would put his helmet on and get up to follow with the rest of his armor. It was nice, comforting, and had weaseled its way into your little routine.
However, this morning it felt empty. The usual warm presence was gone, replaced by empty space, almost cold. And after your… passionate exchange the night before, it was the last thing you had expected to wake up to.
You reached around the bed, making certain he hadn’t just shifted himself away in the tiny space, and started to open your eyes slowly. When you saw that the shelf his helmet sat on was empty, certain you wouldn’t see something you weren’t supposed to, you sat up on your elbows to look around. The compartment door was open to the rest of the ship where you could hear the quiet rustling of movement, the soft breathing of the child as he fidgeted with something, and a long tunic that had been placed where you would usually find your companion.
You slipped the shirt over your bare body, feeling a small smile tug at your lips when you discovered it was not one of your own, and slipped out of the compartment. Not a second after your feet touched the cool metal of the floor did you see Mando whip around to look at you out of your peripherals.
He would have much preferred waking with you in the small cot, but he definitely liked the sight in front of him. You wearing nothing but his shirt, flashes of the night before entering his mind. Your hair was slightly tousled from sleep, your eyes still sleepy as you found him in the ship. He was grinning like a love-sick idiot under his helmet. “Good morning, pretty girl.”
You, on the contrary, did not like what you saw. On one hand, the kid was awake, happily snacking on his breakfast in his pod. But on the other, your Mandalorian was fully clad, cape and all, weapons strapped to his body and his rifle set beside the rest of his gear and supplies. He was going on a hunt, and it looked like it would be another long one. “How long will you be gone?”
Mando’s shoulders fell slightly. He had spent his entire morning trying so hard to delay the inevitable, to let you stay tucked away on the cot so peacefully. He had double and triple checked he had everything he’d need, cleaned all of his weapons –even ones he wasn’t bringing– and had taken care of the kid with undivided attention. It was so much harder to leave you this time, and he wanted nothing more than to cuddle you back into bed and kiss you in the one place he hadn’t the night before.
“I should only be gone for a week,” he answered softly, making his way over to you. Your hands met the beskar of his chest plate, standing on your toes to wrap them around his neck, his hands making themselves at home at your waist to hold you steady.
“I hate when you say it like you think it’ll be longer,” you whined, looking up at him and somehow finding his eyes behind the visor. He gave a soft chuckle at your answer.
“It shouldn’t be longer… just, don’t be worried if it is.” You scoffed at him.
“Well, I worry about you the second that ramp closes and I can’t see you, so…” You made an attempt to shrug your shoulders, and Mando couldn’t help but hold you closer to him.
He doesn’t know how long he holds you, feeling your warm body wrapped against his armored one, your soft breathing a comforting constant he uses to ignore the nagging inside his mind.
“When were you going to wake me up?” You asked quietly, releasing a shaky breath with it.
“I wanted to let you sleep as long as I could before I did.” He pulled himself away so he was looking at your face again. Mando wanted to memorize every feature, bringing his gloved hand up to hold your face, his thumb brushing across your soft cheek. He wanted to live in this moment forever, watching you melt into him. “I really have to go, but... I just want to stay here with you a little while longer.”
“I know… but, the sooner you leave, the sooner you come back, and the sooner you can be with us again,” you whispered softly, trying to be helpful without masking just how much you don’t really want him to leave either. Mando’s heart swells, instinct kicking in as he put his helmet on your forehead in a Keldabe Kiss. But it wasn’t enough, he needed more, needed to show you how he felt.
“Keep your eyes closed, sweet girl,” he finds himself saying.
“Mando, you have to-“
“I know, just for a second, okay? Please cyare...” You could hear the borderline desperation of his voice, and you were putty when he pleaded that nickname. You were almost worried by how much it had an effect on you, having only just understood its meaning a few hours ago.
“Okay…” you whispered, and you felt his helmet leave you. There was a hiss of his helmet being removed and the soft sounds of it being set down, and you moved back to let him do what he needed, your hands going back awkwardly at your sides. Bare hands held either side of your face as he released a soft, unmodulated breath. You think he just sat there and looked at you a few moments, a smile tugging the corners of your lips. You were about to make a snarky comment to tease him when he finally moved.
His soft lips were pressed so gently against yours, foreign but not really... It was different than when he had devoured your skin the night before, eager to kiss just about everywhere he could. This was gentle, it was intimate, it was…. maker it was bliss. He moved his hands so you could wrap yourself around him again, hands carding through his curls and clutching at his cape while he held you tightly at your waist and behind your neck.
It was strange, having known the feeling of his lips on your body, but not to your own. Neither of you knew how long it took you to return to reality, lost in the touches and sounds of the other. Mando got lost in you so easily, it was almost dangerous. But that’s just how he liked things… almost dangerous.
Then there was a beeping. The fucking tracker was going off… his quarry was on the move again.
“Dank farrik, I really have to go,” Mando grumbled, though making no effort to do so, enamored by your lips and having no desire to put his helmet back on. You almost let him get away with it with the fervor in which he was kissing you.
“Mando…” you sighed, making an attempt to pull away from him, and he started leaving chaste kisses across your cheeks to let you talk. “Mando, go. We’ll be here when you get back. I’m not going anywhere… your quarry is.” He just groaned, dropping his head to your meet yours for a second before moving to grab his helmet.
“Why do you have to be right,” he said before he slipped under the familiar visor. He grumpily shoved his gloves back on, snatching up his weapons and his supplies before turning back to you, standing perfectly still with your eyes closed, an amused smile at his comment toying at your soft lips.
He took the last few steps to stand in front of you again, a gloved finger under your chin tilting your head back up for him to see. “Let me see those pretty eyes, mesh’la.” Your eyelids fluttered open, and you smiled brightly back up into his visor.
“You gonna tell me what that one means?”
“I will ... when I get back,” he replied, slinging his bag over his shoulder as you rolled your eyes at him. He was grinning wickedly under the helmet.
“Then you better hurry up,” you mused. He dropped the ramp, making his way down and out onto the planet before you. He paused before he glanced back up at you. “Be careful Mando,” you said softly. He tilted his helmet at you in acknowledgment and started his journey.
You watched him for a long time, waiting until the figure of Beskar had disappeared into its surroundings. You reluctantly closed the hatch, made your way over to the child who had finally finished eating his breakfast, and went to start your day. Your day, your week, of waiting.
Din Djarin Taglist: @spideysimpossiblegirl @cats-are-a-girls-bestfriend
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