survivorguiltrp · 5 years
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Character Challenge
It’s also time for a new challenge to start - a character challenge! The point of this one is to get you starting to think about the characters you’re going to be bringing on-site. That said, don’t worry too much - the introduction challenge is still ongoing! I highly recommend you use that to your advantage as the introduction challenge is the only way to get into the soft opening.
This challenge comes with a different prize: the winners, as judged by both staff, will get the first feature spots on site. We have two of these in the site header and they’re set to change every two weeks. Moving forward from the site’s opening, they’ll be able to be characters, members, or wanted ads as recommended by members and they change on an offset schedule: the first will change only on weeks the second does (e.g., one will change the 23rd, the next will change the 30th). As such, first place in this challenge gets until two weeks after the grand opening (the 30th), while second place gets until one week after (the 23rd). Features come with a special badge for your account as well as some bonus credits for the featured character. This rings true to the challenge as well. Again, moving forward, members who recommend features also get a special credit bonus, as an incentive for participating in the site community.
Additionally, all participants in this challenge will get a badge on-site for the characters they introduce this way (just let us know if the name changes!) and also a small bonus of 100 credits!
Now, what, exactly, do you have to do for this character challenge? It’s easy! We’ve made a little checklist below for you, and you’re welcome to touch on those point in any format and any order you prefer. You can include more information if you want - this list is the minimum only! Just make sure to tag the challenge for #survivorguiltrp so we can find it! If we haven’t reblogged it to here within 24 hours, please contact via message or ask as the tag has been a little wonky on desktop and isn’t showing things (thanks Tumblr).
Also remember that we won’t ding you if any of this information changes later. Character development takes time and we don’t mind! We just want to start getting an idea of who might be making an appearance!
At least one picture of your character
Name (first and last)
Preferred Face Claim
Three fun facts (can be literally anything - some personality traits, key points in their history, relatable lyrics/sayings, pictures of their pets... you name it, it counts!)
This challenge ends January 5, 2020 at 11:59 pm EST (GMT - 5).
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thisantigravity · 5 years
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Emmalina Fawley
25 · she/her · quinterran · barista · alina kovalenko
Huge believer in family and is very close to hers... but has told them nothing about how her life has fallen apart or why.
Wanted to be a professional dancer, but Shit Happened (tm) and is now stuck serving coffee
Makes compulsive bad decisions that she keeps thinking will work out, but they don’t, and it’s a bit of a problem.
First generation surface-dweller; has visited Praxis as a child, but didn’t care for the damp and the dark, so didn’t go back even after her family did.
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seasaltsailor · 5 years
ALIAS: bot ! TIMEZONE: est / utc-5 PRONOUNS: they/them FAVE PLOTS: friends to lovers, enemies to lovers, rivals to lovers, childhood friends, lots of secrets, cursed bloodlines, found family, The Good Shit FAVE CHARACTER TYPES: i don’t ! i like to play a variety of characters, and who i like to play against is dependent on who i think will mesh well with my characters FAVE SITE FEATURES: i’ve never done a jcink rp before so i don’t know! let’s find out together! FUN FACT(S): im 👶
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survivorguiltrp · 5 years
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Would you like us to leak some of the non-playable species before opening? Let us know!
A reminder that participating in community questions can earn you an extra reserve prior to the site opening!
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survivorguiltrp · 5 years
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Development Challenge
One last challenge leading up to our grand opening - a dev challenge! For those characters you introduced, or ones you think you might bring and aren’t sure, we want to see whatever dev stuff you can throw at us. Moodboards, aesthetics, playlists... whatever you want, toss it up, tag #survivorguiltrp and #dev challenge with a character’s name and your alias. You’ll get a special badge and some extra credits on site when you get there. There’s no winners and losers in this one, though - just some fun to keep us pumped and going until grand opening <3
This challenge will close on January 15, 2020 at 11:59 pm EST (GMT - 5), right before open!
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survivorguiltrp · 5 years
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Introduction Challenge
Thinking about joining? Introduce yourself using the form below and tag #survivorguiltrp! If you do that, you'll get yourself a one-way ticket to the soft opening!
This challenge ends January 10, 2020 at 11:59pm.
Alias: what should we call you? we will add this to the submit form and tag you with everything you submit to track your promo credits! Timezone: what timezone are you in? Pronouns: what pronouns would you like us to use for you? Fave Plots: do you have favourite tropes, cliches, plotlines, anything like that? Fave Character Types: do you have a specific character type you like to play? like to play against? Fave Site Features: what do you like to see in a site? what sort of community involvement? what sort of content? we make no promises, but we'll refer back to this often! Fun Fact(s): anything else you want us to know about you? any gifs you want to share? whatever you like!
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thisantigravity · 5 years
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Nikola Tesla
163 · he/him · vampire / gifted · director of isit · jonathon young
Kind of a reckless bastard with no regards for life - especially his own. He can and will forget that not everyone is quite as immortal as he is.
Plays the piano, gardens, and drinks the world out of its supply of wine in his free time (which is practically non-existent, but he digresses).
A little old-fashioned, a little too forward-thinking, all rolled into one messy package.
Vampirism & electricity & magnetism could probably be a deadly combination, if he was so inclined, but he’s altogether a little too busy to return to plotting world domination at this point in time, so you’re all safe (for now).
Look, the gist is, he may be a pain in the ass, but you’ll never be bored when he’s around. You might almost die though. Sorry about that.
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survivorguiltrp · 5 years
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Species Preview [ Day 2, Part 2 / 5 ]
Next up is the Crixorum - a rather powerful humanoid abnormal hailing from Hollow Earth.
Strong telepathic abilities, allowing them to influence thoughts and perceptions
Focus is necessary for the use of telepathic abilities; even something as simple as loud music can disrupt this
None; appear human
Hollow Earth
175 - 200 years (with Praxian technology)
70 - 100 (without Praxian technology)
The Crixorum, although appearing human, are anything but. Even beyond their abilities as exceptionally powerful telepaths, their diet and brain physiology are also different. They are known to dine mostly on a phosphorous bacteria found on lantern fish and to have a special gland in their brain — the iduary gland. Centuries ago, Praxians would surgically remove this gland from Crixorums to neutralize their powers, but this has since stopped. Most live peacefully as members of the city now.
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survivorguiltrp · 5 years
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Species Preview [ Day 1, Part 4 / 6 ]
Next we’ll cover Hyper-accelerated protean lifeforms - or, as you may better know them: shapeshifters!
Hyper-Accelerated Protean Lifeform (HAP)
Shapeshifting, to various extents (dependent on class)
Superhuman sense of smell in both forms
Superhuman sense of hearing and improved night vision when shifted
Tendency to be good at puzzle-solving in various forms (e.g., creating new technology, scientific research, etc)
Empathy and telepathic speech (seen in class tens only)
Low fertility rate, especially in the higher classes
Shapeshifting can be uncontrolled in times of high emotion
Cannot shapeshift while pregnant
Longer gestation period (10.5 months)
When not shifted, there is no way to distinguish them from a human
When shifted, they become more like their animal counterpart; their class dictates how far this shift goes
Can shift towards only one specific animal; this is determined genetically (e.g., a lycanthrope couple can only have a lycanthrope child, not another type of HAP)
Origin: Europe
Habitat: anywhere, but usually rural or feral communities consisting of primarily other HAPs
70 - 100 years
Hyper-accelerated protean lifeforms encompass a rather broad group: animal-based shapeshifters. This includes your classic werewolf, although their shifting is not tied to the lunar cycle in any way. Instead, it is something they learn to control throughout their life. HAPs have multiple classes which dictate the extent to which they are able to shift (detailed below), though most HAPs will fall in the range of class five to class nine based on evolutionary advantages provided. Many HAPs live in pack-like structures in small rural communities or as feral in the wilderness. Feral HAPs are more prone to being higher classes than those in cities, although they are extremely superstitious as compared to their urban counterparts. They are responsible for the sheer lack of class tens, as pack leaders will kill any class ten children that are born, believing them to be a bad omen that marks the pack for death.
Class Ten: full animal shift, though typically larger than average
Class Nine: primarily animalistic, but remain bipedal
Class Eight: many animalistic features, but retain fine motor skills
Class Seven: thinning fur with bald patches, but otherwise similar in form to class eight
Class Six: animalistic facial features are significantly less prominent
Class Five: animalistic facial features are practically non-existent
Class Four: patches of thin fur are outnumbered by bald patches
Class Three: fur is non-existent
Class Two: only claws, teeth, ears, and eyes can shift
Class One: no features are different; increased senses can simply be activated and deactivated
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survivorguiltrp · 5 years
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Species Preview [ Day 1, Part 3 / 6 ]
Herusans, and by extension their surface-dwelling counterparts, are up next.
Herusan / Quinterran
Cat-like grace and agility
Increased metabolism
Increased likelihood of cardiac problems with age 
Heightened effects of intoxicating substances, but the effects last for less time
Feline/leonid features, such as pupils
Two hearts
Origin: Hollow Earth
Habitat: Hollow Earth (herusans); human cities (quinterrans)
80 - 100 years (with Praxian tech)
50 years (without Praxian tech)
The herusan are a species of leonid-humanoids native to Hollow Earth. Thanks to the Praxian technology available in Hollow Earth, herusans are able to extend their otherwise shorter lifespans. Some herusans choose not live in Hollow Earth, and to forego the option of Praxian tech — they’re known as quinterrans and split from Hollow Earth many centuries ago.
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survivorguiltrp · 5 years
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Species Preview [ Day 1, Part 2 / 6 ]
Next on our list is the Gifted; humans with abilities, which we’ve already gotten some questions about in the Discord!
70 - 100 years
“Gifted” includes a variety of humans who have some sort of special ability or power. They are not a subspcies of human, nor are they a humanoid-like creature. Their abilities, weaknesses, distinguishing features can vary depending on their own innate abilities.
Note: Gifted characters will be accepted on a case-by-case basis in terms of abilities. No more than three per character will be accepted and any perks an ability may give a character should be balanced with related limitations and/or weaknesses.
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survivorguiltrp · 5 years
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Site Premise and Timeline
Almost as important as our rules is telling you about what we’re actually based on! Now, we know Sanctuary is a niche sort of show, relatively speaking, and it’s been off television for years - we get it. As such, we’ve provided you with not only the basic premise of where we’re at current-day on Survivor Guilt, but we’ve also provided a timeline of the vital events throughout the show - including alterations made, as this is an alternate universe anyway! A lot of this happened behind the scenes until the parts we added anyway, so extensive knowledge is not required to join. Just give this a skim!
Survivor Guilt is an alternate universe Sanctuary roleplay, designed to be welcoming for both those who have and those who have not watched the show. In this timeline, the Cabal are still very much active and the SCIU attack was far more successful than seen in the show finale. It is now years after the attack and the United States has become a disaster zone. SCIU remains operational, under heavy influence of the Cabal, and its existence has lead to a divide between the United States and the United Nations. American abnormals are left fleeing the situation as best they can, but many are unsuccessful and find themselves trapped in a mandatory registration system. Behind the scenes, their experimentation has expanded back into creating Abnormals from humans as well, encouraging the strife present and making it worse in hopes of igniting a full-scale, global war between humans and abnormals.
700 AD
The Cabalis Nocturnum is founded as a secret society, intent on collecting beings of power and abnormals.
May 1886
Helen Magnus, Montague John Druitt, James Watson, and Nigel Griffin ("The Five") inject themselves with the source blood — pure, untainted vampire blood. Their abilities surface. Nikola becomes a vampire.
April 1898
The Sanctuary is founded in London, England.
September 1898
Helen arrives in the past from 2011.
The Five are enlisted to track and capture or kill Adam Worth.
Helen shoots Adam, who falls from a cliff into the river below. John shows him a kindness and lets him go, believing he will die in the river.
June 1899
Future Helen finds her way to Hollow Earth and begins negotiations to achieve better relations with the surface dwellers.
November 1899
Helen begins working on the Underground Sanctuary. 
May 1914
The Old City Sanctuary is founded.
April 1951
Bigfoot arrives at the Sanctuary and refuses to leave after Helen saves his life.
Early 1960s
Nigel Griffin dies.
Late 1980s
Ashley Magnus is born.
Early 1990s
Henry Foss is found without parents on the moors and is brought back to the Sanctuary to be raised by Helen.
October 2008
Will Zimmerman joins the Sanctuary.
December 2008
Helen finds her father, Gregory Magnus, still alive. He is cryptic about how and, ultimately, leaves without answering her questions.
January 2009
The Cabal completes a dry run of their latest biological agent, drawing the Sanctuary's attention back to them.
Helen, John, Nikola, James, Will, and Nigel's granddaughter, Clara Griffin, retrieve the source blood from Bhalasaam.
James Watson dies.
Ashley and Henry are taken captive by the Cabal. They escape, but Ashley has been genetically altered.
Ashley brings the source blood to the Cabal, allowing them to complete their project: creating mind-controlled super abnormals.
October 2009
The Cabal attacks the Sanctuary Network with their super abnormals. Tokyo, Beijing, New Delhi, and Moscow Sanctuaries are destroyed. The UK Sanctuary is heavily damaged.
The attacks end in Old City when Ashley's mind control slips and she teleports, caught in the electromagnetic shield and ultimately killing herself and the remaining super abnormal.
John and Nikola begin to dismantle the Cabal to the best of their ability; but they miss a few key players.
November 2009
Kate Freelander joins the Sanctuary.
January 2010
Will dies and, in death, visits a chamber containing the personas of various abnormals. He returns to life with a message for Helen from her father who was also present.
November 2010
Helen and Nikola discover the existence of Hollow Earth through examining a holographic map device left behind for Helen by her father.
December 2010
Adam Worth, not actually dead, tricks Helen into jumping through an inter-dimensional rift, thereby poisoning her so that she will be forced to help him find a way back into Hollow Earth.
Helen, Will, Henry, and Kate travel to Hollow Earth and are killed for their efforts. They are revived in order to track and apprehend Adam, who left Hollow Earth on particularly bad terms.
John and Adam attempt a rescue of the Sanctuary crew, but Adam has other plans, leaving John to be killed by co-conspirators.
Adam is found and nearly apprehended, but escapes in a pod. John, still alive, catches up and makes a deal with Adam. Adam is believed to be dead by John's hand.
May 2011
Helen and Nikola investigate an old tomb containing vampires in stasis. They blow up the tomb, believing they have killed all vampires remaining.
June 2011
The Cabal, slowly rebuilding, extract a few undamaged stasis pods from the tomb destroyed by Helen and Nikola. They begin experimenting in-house to develop different delivery methods than injection.
Praxis is attacked. Abnormals from the outlands of Hollow Earth begin breaching the surface. A camp is set up in Old City to provide shelter to these abnormals.
John appears again to inform Helen of what actually happened, having been betrayed by Adam. The two hunt down Adam and discover him in the middle of traveling back in time using the Praxian energy systems. Adam succeeds and Helen follows, finding herself in 1898 again. John is believed dead in an attempt to overload the machine and stop Adam. Praxis is destroyed and much of the city's population is killed.
July 2011
The Department of Homeland Security founds the Specified Counter-Insurgency Unit (SCIU), claiming to be a research-based unit intending to study and protect against abnormal threats. Nikola is placed in charge of the unit, but the advisor through Homeland is a member of the Cabal.
October 2011
The United Nations cuts off the Sanctuary's funding and support.
Helen attempts to find a new financial supporter to keep the Sanctuary running.
November 2011
The Sanctuary team find out about the existence of SCIU. Tesla leaks them information, not particularly pleased with the organization but believing he can be more useful inside.
December 2011
Abnormal insurgents from Hollow Earth intend to attack SCIU and other leaders in a summit in order to retake the surface. The attack is stopped, but it puts surface dwellers on edge.
Nikola is fired by SCIU. They retain his research and fashion it into a weapon.
Using the weapon fashioned from Nikola's research, SCIU attacks the camps of abnormals from Hollow Earth. Helen attempts to garner the assistance of the populace by revealing the existence of abnormals, but this fails. The attacks are successful and all abnormals within the camps are killed. The Old City Sanctuary is destroyed. Helen is believed to be inside and dead in the blast. Death toll is high.
The Sanctuary is believed to be disbanded and surface locations are closed down; operations continue in the Underground Sanctuary, safe from the discrimination of the surface dwellers.
January 2012
SCIU targets Hollow Earth next and manages to eradicate Abnormal life from a large part of the outlands.
February 2012
SCIU falls under scrutiny from the United Nations. Everything quiets down — for now.
Praxis begins to rebuild.
January 2013
SCIU begins expanding operations again, independently funded by the Cabal.
SCIU begins exposing individuals in the general population to source blood, triggering biological changes which produce new abnormals, termed 'chimeras'.
July 2014
The presence of abnormals is confirmed to the public globally, after years of debate and conspiracy theories following Helen's announcement.
The United Nations condemns the actions of SCIU in the Battle for the Surface in 2011 and promises to implement new safeguards for Abnormal safety.
January 2015
The United Nations insists on the disbanding of SCIU. The US government fights this and separated from the United Nations.
To help counter the harmful possibilities of SCIU's continued operation, the United Nations begins developing a team of their own: the International Specialized Investigative Taskforce (ISIT), with global jurisdiction and the intent to serve in place of the Sanctuary. In honor of its predecessor, the first headquarters is built on the ground of the Old City Sanctuary.
March 2015
After a few false starts, the United Nations places Nikola in charge of ISIT much to his reluctance after the SCIU debacle.
July 2017
The American abnormals rebel against the SCIU initiative of abnormal registration. Many die. The remainder are relocated to camps. Those who escape flea to the safety of the Canadian border and are taken in by ISIT.
ISIT expands to feature locations in Hong Kong, the UK, and Mexico City. They attempt to expand into New York, but are blocked by the government.
January 2018
SCIU is almost entirely Cabal agents.
Source blood experiments expand with alterations to the formula to encourage aggression and lack of ability control in the new chimeras.
October 2019
SCIU's abnormal registration is pushed through as law.
Helen returns to the surface, hearing of the strife, to find Nikola taking care of it. Disagreements ensue on how best to handle the situation. No resolution process is decided upon until months later.
January 2020
Ground breaks on the London ISIT facilities, intending to be the biggest facility and eventually the main headquarters of the organization, to allow more space for abnormal refugees in the Old City facilities.
An entrance to the Underground Sanctuary is completed in the United States to provide an escape route for fleeing abnormals. The tunnel is kept protected by ISIT agents.
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survivorguiltrp · 5 years
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Credits System Previews
With the grand opening looming, we figured we’d switch it up a bit - give you some insight to our credits system, particularly as you still have a chance to earn extra credits before then! Below the cut, we’re gonna let you in on things you can do on-site to earn credits and well as what sorts of things you can purchase with them. We’re always looking to expand either list, though, so if you have any ideas, feel free to fire them off!
Earning Credits
Registering an account— 75 credits
Making a new topic— 25 credits
Making a new poll— 5 credits
Posting a reply— 15 credits
Making a feature recommendation— 50 credits per recommendation
Referring a new member— 250 credits
Being on-site for one month— 50 credits
Being on-site for three months— 100 credits
Being on-site for six months— 250 credits
Being on-site for one year— 500 credits
Being on-site for each consecutive year— 500 credits
Reaching 50 posts— 50 credits
Reaching 100 posts— 100 credits
Reaching 250 posts— 250 credits
Reaching 500 posts— 500 credits
Reaching 750 posts— 750 credits
Reaching 1000 posts— 1000 credits
Completing a life event in-thread— 100 credits
Placed in a featured spot— 100 credits
Starting an open comm thread— 100 credits
Snagging an open comm thread— 150 credits
Starting an open thread— 200 credits
Snagging an open thread— 300 credits
Starting an open event thread— 300 credits
Snagging an open event thread— 400 credits
Participating in a group thread— 150 credits
Participating in a special event thread— 150 credits
Completing a comm thread— 250 credits
Completing a rapid-fire thread— 500 credits
Completing a full-length thread— 750 credits
Completing a group thread— 500 credits
Completing a special event thread— 250 credits
Creating a shipper— 400 credits
Initiating a shipper plot— 200 credits
Replying to a shipper plot— 75 credits
Being the first person to post in a shipper— 100 credits
Posting a wanted ad— 100 credits
Filling a wanted ad— 150 credits per ad filled
Using the thread tracker— 200 credits
Using the image-based dev options— 250 credits per, minimum 9 images
Creating a playlist— 150 credits per, minimum 5 songs
Writing a journal entry or one-shot— 300 credits
Adding an image to a dev tab— 25 credits
Adding a song to a playlist— 25 credits
Available Purchases
Personalized - From Lux
Playlist— 250 credits
Set of 5 matching images— 400 credits
One-shot— 750 credits
Custom posting template— 1000 credits
Pin a shipper for 1 week— 500 credits
Pin a shipper for 1 month— 1500 credits
Pin a wanted ad for 1 week— 500 credits
Pin a wanted ad for 1 month— 1500 credits
Activity exemption for 1 character (no away notice) — 2000 credits
Activity exemption for all characters (no away notice) — 15000 credits
Host a special event— 3000 credits
Have a custom in-character forum— 1000 credits
Extend a face reservation— 500 credits per extra week
Custom discord name color— 1000 credits
Custom discord plotting channel— 2000 credits
Custom discord plotting role & channel— 3500 credits
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survivorguiltrp · 5 years
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Character Previews
With some challenges out of the way, it’s time for another character preview! This one is for a canon character on site, and one who’s in a position to interact with just about everyone! Continue below the Read More for a snippet of his application.
One Job
You had never intended to work for the government or any subsidiary of it, such as the United Nations. It rarely ended well for you, and the last time a similar project had been approached, you had merely been placed as a figure head to sooth those who were pro-abnormal among the employees and higher ups. You doubted that this 'ISIT' would be any different and so, at the first offer, you declined. You kept an eye on them, ready to tear them down like you hadn't done quickly enough with SCIU, but they held true to their course.
When Lilian asked a second time, you still said no. She could see you starting to waver, though, and rather than fill the position, she waited you out. Within two weeks, she asked again. No. Two weeks, again, no. The third time should have been the charm, but you were stubborn; it took a fourth request to get you to resign yourself to the position. You expected to be met with a whole host of regulations and checks intended to keep you in your place and keep them in full control, but you did not find it. Instead, you found yourself given more freedom than any employer had ever dared offer someone as bright as you.
You clamped down on the bit and ran with it.
The Taskforce has flourished over the years you've been in charge, and its rather a point of pride if you're to be honest. You are strict with your employees, insisting on being in the interview process for each and every one to ensure they meet your high standards (which, really, are just you trying to ensure they're here for the right reasons; you could care less about their other qualifications). It leads to long days, longer nights, and very little chance for rest, but as much as you complain, you wouldn't have it any other way.
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survivorguiltrp · 5 years
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Character Challenge Closed!
Also closed is our character challenge! Unfortunately we didn’t get many entries - and only staff entries. As such, we’re going to opt to not hand out the first and second place awards, only the participation awards. We want our first features to be character members and want ads on site, if at all possible!
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survivorguiltrp · 5 years
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Introduction Challenge Closed!
Thanks for sending in your introductions; everyone who has posted one will have gotten the link to the site by now. If you still want the link before we officially open on the 16th, though, you can still join our discord and introduce yourself there!
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